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Carleton University

Department of Systems and Computer Engineering

ECOR 1051 - Fundamentals of Engineering I - Fall 2019

Lab 7 - Code That Make Decisions


● To gain experience developing Python functions and programs that perform different
computations, depending on whether or not a condition is fulfilled.

Learning outcomes: 2, 4, 5; Graduate attributes: 1.3, 5.3 (see the course outline)

Due Date

You don’t have to finish the exercises during your scheduled Lab 7 session on Monday, Tuesday
or Wednesday; however, you should complete any unfinished exercises on your own time before
Lab 8 (Wednesday, Thursday or Friday).You have until Sunday, Oct. 6 at 11:59 pm to submit
your solutions for grading.

Getting Started

Launch Wing 101. When Python starts, it prints a message in the shell window. The first line
should contain “3.7.4”, which indicates that Wing is running Python version 3.7. If another
version is running, ask a TA for help to reconfigure Wing to run Python 3.7.

Exercise 1 ​(Based on an exercise by Cay Horstmann and Rance Necaise)

Step 1:​ Create a new editor window and save it as a file named ​​.

Step 2:​ Calculating the tip when you go to a restaurant is not difficult, but a restaurant wants to
suggest a tip based on the diners' satisfaction with the level of service they receive. ​Use the
function design recipe from Chapter 3 of ​Practical Programming​ to develop a function named
tip​. The function's first argument is the cost of the meal. The second argument is satisfaction
level. (Use these ratings: 1 = Totally satisfied, 2 = Somewhat satisfied, 3 = Dissatisfied). The
function returns the amount of the tip, calculated as follows:

● If the diners are totally satisfied, calculate a 20% tip.

● If the diners are somewhat satisfied, calculate a 15% tip.
● If the diners are dissatisfied, calculate a 5% tip.

Your function definition must have type annotations and a complete docstring. Use the Python
shell to test your function.

Exercise 2​ (Based on an exercise by Cay Horstmann and Rance Necaise)

Step 1:​ Create a new editor window and save it as a file named ​​.

Step 2:​ A supermarket awards coupons depending on how much a customer spends on groceries.
For example, if you spend $50, you'll get a coupon worth 8% of that amount ($4). The following
table shows the percentage used to calculate the coupon awarded for different amounts spent:

Amount Spent Coupon Percentage

Less than $10 No coupon

From $10 to $60 8%

More than $60 to $150 10%

More than $150 to $210 12%

More than $210 14%

Use the ​function design recipe to develop a function named ​coupon​. The function's argument is
the amount spent on groceries. It returns the value of the coupon.

Your function definition must have type annotations and a complete docstring. Use the Python
shell to test your function.

Hint: you need to code the conditions that determine the coupon percentage. If you think
carefully about the order in which the conditions will be executed, you'll see that you don't need
to use the Boolean operators (​and​, ​or​ and ​not​) in the conditions.

Exercise 3 starts on the next page.

Exercise 3

Step 1:​ Create a new editor window and save it as a file named ​​.

Step 2:​ The factorial ​n​! of a positive integer ​n​ is defined as:

n​! ≡ 1 ⨉ 2 ⨉ ... ⨉ (​n​ - 1) ⨉ ​n

Here is an incorrect definition of a function that calculates the factorial of its argument. Don't
worry if you don't understand the function body: it uses Python constructs that have not yet been
covered in class, but that's not a problem, because you won't be correcting the function in this

def factorial(n: int) -> int:

"""Return n! for positive values of n.

>>> factorial(1)
>>> factorial(2)
>>> factorial(3)
>>> factorial(4)
fact = 1
for i in range(2, n + 1):
fact = fact * n

return fact

Type the function definition in the editor window. ​Use the Python shell to test ​factorial​,
using the four examples shown in the docstring. Which tests pass? Which tests fail?

Step 3:​ Calling functions from the shell is a convenient way to do initial confidence testing, but
it's not the best tool for performing rigorous testing. You have to determine manually whether or
not the tests pass by comparing the results displayed by Python to the values you expect the
function to return. If you have numerous test cases, it's easy to skip one when you're typing the
call expressions, one at a time. To improve testing, why not write a program that tests the
function we're developing?

In ​​, after the definition of ​factorial​, write a ​program that calls ​factorial​ four
times, with arguments 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. For each call, it will determine whether the
actual result (that is, the value returned by the implementation of ​factorial​ that you typed in
Step 2) matches the expected result (the value a correct implementation of ​factorial​ should

return). The output produced by the program should look like this:

Testing factorial(1)
Expected result: 1 Actual result: 1
Test passed

Testing factorial(2)
Expected result: 2 Actual result: 2
Test passed

Testing factorial(3)
Expected result: 6 Actual result: 9
Test failed

Testing factorial(4)
Expected result: 24 Actual result: 64
Test failed

2 tests passed
2 tests failed

Important: don't ​hardwire​ the actual result values (1, 2, 9 and 64) into your program.
Instead, it will display the values returned by the four calls to ​factorial​. Also, your program
has to determine if each test passed or failed, and keep track of the number of passing and failing

Hint: By default, ​print​ prints its arguments separated by one space; for example,

>>> print('R', 2, '-', 'D', 2)

R 2 - D 2

If one of the arguments is ​sep = "a_string"​, the values will be separated by​ a_string​. In
this example, three periods are printed between the values:

>>> print('R', 2, '-', 'D', 2, sep ='...')


If ​sep​ is assigned the empty string, ​''​, no spaces are printed between the values:

>>> print('R', 2, '-', 'D', 2, sep ='')


Wrap Up

Login to cuLearn and click the link ​Submit Lab 7 for grading​.

1. Click the ​Add submission​ button.

2. Submit your solutions to by dragging the files ​​, ​​ and ​
to the ​File submissions​ box. Click the ​Save changes​ button. The ​Submissions
status​ page will be displayed. The line labelled ​Submission status​ will indicate ​Draft (not
submitted),​ which means that you can make changes. The line labelled ​File submissions
will list the names of the files you've submitted. ​Verify that the files you've submitted
have the correct names.​ ​File with different names will not be marked.

3. If you want to make changes to your submission, click the ​Edit submission​ button. You
can then delete or replace any of the files. After you've edited your submission, click the
Save changes​ button. The ​Submissions status​ page will be displayed. (If you log out
of cuLearn after submitting a draft of your solutions, the submission status will still be
Draft (not submitted)​ the next time you login before the submission due date.)

4. To finish submitting your lab work, click the ​Submit assignment​ button.

5. When the ​Confirm submission​ page appears, click the ​Continue​ button to submit your
work. The status of your submission will change to ​Submitted for grading.​ If you've
changed your mind, click the​ Cancel​ button. This will return you to the ​Submission
status​ page. ​Completing the submission process is important. You cannot change
the submission status after the due date. Only submissions with status ​Submitted for
grading​ will be graded.

Extra Practice

During the midterm and final exams, you will be expected to draw diagrams similar to those
created by Python Tutor. Use PyTutor to visualize the execution of your exercise solutions.
Remember, PyTutor doesn't have a shell. For Exercises 1 and 2, after copying your function
definitions into the PyTutor editor, you will have to type assignment statements that call the
function and assign the returned values to variables.

Last edited: Sept. 28, 2019

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