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Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712

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Structural reliability of eccentrically-loaded sections in RC columns made of

recycled aggregate concrete
Marco Breccolotti ∗ , Annibale Luigi Materazzi
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, via G. Duranti 93, I-06125 Perugia, Italy

article info abstract

Article history: The results of experimental and theoretical research on the structural use of concrete manufactured
Received 6 May 2010 with recycled aggregates are reported. In particular the statistical properties of concrete compressive
Received in revised form strength have been studied using a sizable number of samples made with different percentages of recycled
23 July 2010
aggregates. On the basis of these experimental results a theoretical investigation has been carried out to
Accepted 9 August 2010
Available online 15 September 2010
evaluate the influence of the quality and quantity of recycled aggregates on the structural reliability of
RC elements. A methodology for the calibration of the partial safety coefficient to be used with these
concretes has been applied, taking as reference the results of Level-2 reliability analysis. The results
Recycled aggregate concrete obtained by means of a parametric experiment allows us to underline that the use of recycled aggregates
Structural reliability in structural concrete can be made – as a rule – even with the complete replacement of the natural
RC elements coarse aggregates but requires more strict design procedures to ensure the same structural reliability
Design methods as conventional concrete.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction concrete. Nevertheless, these standards provide very different

indications, allowing in some cases the complete replacement of
In the last few years much effort has been devoted by natural aggregates to make concrete with compressive strength up
the scientific community to improve the sustainability of civil to 60 N/mm2 and in other cases the use of recycled aggregates only
engineering structures. In this framework the theme of material for specific applications and for strengths lower than 20 N/mm2 .
recycling has gained more and more attention. It is well known that Moreover, very few indications can be found about the methods to
it is possible to use aggregates derived from concrete debris in the be used for designing RC elements manufactured with this type of
partial or total replacement of the natural aggregates for making concrete, as all codes implicitly assume that the same safety level
new concrete. This material has been used for backfilling and in could be achieved using both normal (NAC) and recycled aggregate
road substrates for many years. In several countries the use of concrete (RAC).
recycled aggregates is also allowed for the production of structural From the structural reliability point of view contradictory
concrete. This solution could allow the recycling of the production results can be found in the literature. The first studies indicated
discards from the precast industry and of the rubble produced that the coefficient of variation (CoV) of the compressive strength
during the demolition of reinforced concrete buildings, with of RAC does not differ too much from the established NAC
great advantages from the point of view of environmental issues behavior [1,2] while the use at the same time of different qualities
and the exploitation of natural resources. Several bibliographical of recycled aggregates produces a small increase in the concrete
references deal with this topic, from the first works published strength CoV [20]. On the contrary, in recent studies it has
between the late 70’s and the beginning of the 80’s [1,2] to more been observed that the compressive strength CoV of recycled
recent studies carried out in recent years [3–9]. A landmark for aggregate concrete can be considerably higher than that of
this type of material can be considered the document issued conventional concrete. Etxeberria et al. in 2007 [21] considered
by RILEM in 1994 [10] and updated by Hendriks & Pieterson recycled aggregates obtained by crushing unknown concrete
in 1998 [11]. Based on its provisions, a quite limited number from a waste recycling area. The composition of the recycled
of national and international technical standards ([12–19], see aggregates determined by visual inspection was 92% crushed
Table 1) are allowing the use of recycled aggregates for structural concrete composed of 49% of original aggregates still surrounded
by some mortar and of 43% of original aggregates. The compressive
strength CoV determined on concrete samples varied between 8.8%
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 075 5853900; fax: +39 075 585 3897. for conventional concrete to 16.7% for 100% recycled aggregate
E-mail addresses: (M. Breccolotti), concrete. Rahal in 2007 [22] tested ten mixes of concrete with (A.L. Materazzi). target compressive cube strengths ranging from 20 to 50 MPa
0141-0296/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712 3705

Table 1
Recycled aggregate concretes in national and international standards.
Country Standard Application % recycled coarse % recycled fine fc ,max 100% fc ,max 20%
restrictions aggregates aggregates replacement replacement

RILEM 1998 0–100 Not recommended 60 N/mm2 No limit

Belgium 0–100 With restriction 37 N/mm2 –
Brazil Draft NBR – 0–20 0–20 – 45 N/mm2
China WBTC 12/2002 – 0–20 – – 45 N/mm2
Denmark 0–100 0–20
Germany DIN 4226-100 No prestress 0–45 Not allowed 37 N/mm2
Holland NEN 5950 – 0–100 0–20 45 N/mm2 No limit
Hong Kong Specific use 0–100 Not allowed 20 N/mm2 35 N/mm2
Italy DM 14/01/2008 0–100 Not allowed 10 N/mm2 37 N/mm2
Japan JIS A 5021/3 Specific use 0–100 – 37 N/mm2 –
Spain Draft EHE – 0–20 – 45 N/mm2
UK BS 6543 BRE 433 – 0–20 Not recommended 60 N/mm2 No limit
USA ACI 555R-01 – 0–100 0–100 As per ACI 318

prepared using normal and recycled coarse aggregates. The CoV format have reached a well established state. Comprehensive
for NAC decreased from 4.18% for concrete class 20 MPa to 1.87% information can be found, for instance, in the JCSS Probabilistic
for a 50 MPa concrete, while for RAC the CoV increased with Model Code (PMC) [25] and in its recent updates, where the
strength from 2.61% to 3.17%. Xiao et al. [23] analyzed the statistical standard strength of concrete fco,ij at a particular point i in a given
properties of the compressive strength of normal and recycled structure j is modeled as a random field:
concretes designed to have the same characteristic strength. They fco,ij = exp(Uij Σj + Mj ) (1)
found that the compressive strength CoV varied from 8.27% for NAC
to 9.70% for 50% RAC. It is evident that the mechanical behavior of Mj and Σj being the logarithmic mean and the logarithmic standard
concrete manufactured with recycled aggregates depends on the deviation at job j, respectively, and Uij a standard normal variable
quality and the quantity of the recycled aggregates used in the representing the variability within one structure. The distribution
mixture. As a consequence, the structural design procedure of RAC of xij = ln(fco,ij ) is assumed to be normal provided that its
elements should be suitably modified. parameters Mj and Σj are obtained from an infinite number
On this basis, a theoretical and experimental research program of samples. In general it must be assumed that the concrete
has been carried out at the Department of Civil and Environmental characteristics vary with the production unit, site, construction
Engineering of the University of Perugia, Italy. The primary period, etc. and that the sample sizes are limited. Therefore, the
objective of this study concerns the effects that the quantity and parameters Mj and Σj must also be treated as random variables.
quality of the recycled aggregates have on concrete compressive Then xij follows a t-Student distribution according to:
strength, clarifying the influence of these variables on the  0.5 
ln(x) − m′′

structural reliability of RAC elements. In the experimental part 1
Fx (x) = Ftv′′ 1 + ′′ (2)
of the study a meaningful number of standard specimens of RAC s′′ n
have been manufactured and tested to evaluate the compressive
strength. The analysis of the results allowed us to determine the where Ftv′′ is the Student distribution for v ′′ degrees of freedom.
statistical properties of the mechanical resistance, particularly the fco,ij can be represented as:
value of the mean resistance, the standard deviation and the CoV,   0.5 
for concrete made with different types and percentages of recycled ′′
fco,ij = exp m + tv ′′ s ′′
1 + ′′ . (3)
material. The comparison of these results with those of similar n
tests carried out on NAC confirms that, generally, the mechanical
resistance of the concrete made with recycled aggregates exhibits The values of m′′ , n′′ , s′′ and v ′′ depend on the amount of specific
information. If no specific information is available, PMC suggests
higher scattering. To test the influence of this scattering on the
some basic parameters for different types and different strengths
structural safety of RC elements a reliability analysis has been
of concrete.
performed using the technique of the safety index β . A parametric
Nevertheless, the provisions of the PMC only apply to NAC,
study that considers RC sections under combined bending and
disregarding RAC. Consequently, to carefully evaluate the proba-
normal force with different values of the load eccentricity has
bilistic properties of the compressive strength of RACs, reference
been carried out. The reliability analyses have been performed with
should be made to continuous concrete production and not only
reference to structural members made with concrete containing
to the results of several laboratory tests. This aspect can be fur-
either normal or recycled aggregates. Assuming as the reference
ther clarified looking at Fig. 1 where the probability density func-
value the probability of failure achieved applying the safety
tion (PDF) of the concrete compressive strength, indicated as ftv′′ ,
coefficient suggested by EN 1992-1-1 [24] for normal concrete
for a concrete coming from the precast industry and with a tar-
elements, the value of the safety coefficients that allow us to obtain
get compressive strength of fck = 35 N/mm2 (concrete class
the same reliability for RAC has been determined. In the present
C35/45, m′′ = 3.95, n′′ = 3, s′′ = 0.08 and v ′′ = 10) is
paper the results of this study are presented and some critical
compared with some results of the experimental tests obtained
considerations on the structural use of RAC are made. for recycled aggregate concretes produced with the same target
compressive strength. It is evident that the scatter of the results
2. Probabilistic modelling of the concrete strength obtained in laboratory tests is much lower than that foreseen
by the PMC. Thus, the PDFs cannot be compared directly and
2.1. Properties of concrete compressive strength more and more experimental evidence should be collected prior
to carrying out any comparison. However, the existence of a
The probabilistic properties of concrete compressive strength correlation between the quality and quantity of recycled aggre-
to be used within the framework of an ultimate limit state design gates and the concrete strength scattering has been confirmed by
Author's personal copy

3706 M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712

considered a random variable that depends, all the other param-

eters being kept constant, only on the quality and quantity of the
coarse aggregates. Assuming that the coarse aggregates consist of
a mix of two different materials a1 and a2 and that their compres-
sive strength can be evaluated as a weighted combination of the
compressive strength of these two components, the concrete com-
pressive strength Rc can be written as:

Rc = C + a · Ra = C + a · (1 − X) · Ra1 + X · Ra2
 

with the usual meaning of the symbols (the random variables have
been written with bold characters) and X being the weight fraction
of aggregate a2 . Nevertheless, this linear relationship does not take
into account that the presence of very weak elements can impair
concrete strength more than proportionally. The introduction in
Eq. (8) of some corrective terms, pa1 and pa2 , to be determined
experimentally looks appropriate:

Rc = C + a · Ra = C + a · (1 − X) · pa1 · Ra1 + X · pa2 · Ra2 . (9)

 
Fig. 1. Comparison between probability density functions of concrete compressive
strength provided by the Probabilistic Model Code and experimental tests.
Given a random variable Z = Z (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn ) that is a
several experimental tests and an attempt to evaluate its con- function of other independent random variables X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn the
sequences on the RC elements’ reliability is carried out in this mean E [Z] is expressed as:
E [Z] = Z (E [X1 ], E [X2 ], . . . , E [Xn ]) (10)
2.2. The role of coarse aggregates
while the variance Var[Z] can be approximated, neglecting the
The influence of coarse aggregates on concrete compression higher order derivatives, by the truncated series:
strength can hardly be quantified, since concrete is well known
for being a composite material whose mechanical properties are
∂Z ∂Z
 2  2
influenced by many factors among which are the cement type and Var[Z] = · Var[X1 ] + · Var[X2 ] + · · · (11)
content, the W/C ratio, aggregate properties, the type and quantity ∂ X1 m ∂ X2 m
of additives, the curing conditions, etc.
This topic has been investigated in the past by several authors. where Var[X1 ], Var[X2 ], . . . , are the variances of the random
Wu et al. [4] analyzed the effect of the type of natural coarse variables X1 , X2 , . . . , and the subscripts m indicate that the
aggregates on the mechanical properties of high-performance derivatives are evaluated at the point (E [X1 ], E [X2 ], . . .).
concrete. They observed that for low values of the W/C ratio Considering the relation in Eq. (9), the mean and the variance of
(a condition essential to obtain high performance concrete) a Rc can be calculated as follows:
linear relationship between the compression strength of concrete
Rc and the compression strength of coarse aggregate Ra can be E [Rc ] = C + a · [(1 − E [X]) · pa1 · E [Ra1 ]
established: + E [X] · pa2 · E [Ra2 ]] (12)
Rc = C + a · Ra (4)  2
Var[Rc ] = a · pa1 · E [Ra1 ] − a · pa2 · E [Ra2 ]
· Var[X]
where C and a are suitable constants.  2
+ a · pa1 − a · E [X] · pa1 · Var[Ra1 ]
Similar results have been obtained by Schultz and Hendricks [3]  2
that used coarse aggregates coming from the recycling of masonry + a · E [X] · pa2 · Var[Ra2 ]. (13)
blocks. In this case Eq. (4) becomes:
Some comments have to be made on the random variable
Rc = C + a · Rm (5)
X. During the mixing of the concrete the amount of recycled
C and a being constants and Rm the masonry block’s compression aggregate type a1 or a2 is well defined and can be considered as
strength. The dependency between concrete compression strength a deterministic quantity. Nevertheless, during the pouring of the
and amount of recycled concrete used in the mix design has been concrete into the moulds, it is not possible to guarantee that all the
studied by Topçu and Sengel [6]. The following linear relationships concrete samples contain the same amount of recycled aggregate.
between compression strength and fraction of recycled aggregates Hence the amount of a certain type of coarse aggregate may be
has been established by the authors:
considered a random variable. Its mean value has been taken equal
Rc = −0.0565x + 18.6 MPa (6) to the amount of recycled aggregate type a1 or a2 that has been
Rc = −0.0577x + 21.375 MPa (7) added to the initial concrete batch while the value of its scattering,
which can be intended as a measure of the quality of the mixing
respectively for concrete classes C16 and C20, where Rc is the
process, cannot be measured directly but can be estimated by
concrete compression strength and x is the fraction of recycled
aggregates. analyzing the results coming from the concrete compression test.
Taking into account this probabilistic formulation, it is clear that
the scatter of RAC is – generally – higher than that of conventional
2.3. Concrete compressive strength as a function of random variables
concrete since the scattering of the compressive strength of
Assuming for the strength of coarse aggregates the characteris- concrete, used as coarse aggregate, is higher than that of natural
tic of a random variable, the concrete compressive strength can be rocks [26].
Author's personal copy

M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712 3707

1. RAC1 Recycled aggregate concrete containing normal and RA1

2. RAC2 Recycled aggregate concrete containing normal and RA2
3. RAC3 Recycled aggregate concrete containing RA1 and RA2
4. RAC4 Recycled aggregate concrete containing normal and RA3
The number of samples tested for each mix is shown in Table 3
together with the content of the different recycled aggregates for
the 4 types of RAC. The composition of each mix is reported in
Table 4. The final quantity of water has been calculated taking into
account the humidity of the aggregates, to have the same W/C ratio
(close to 0.41) in each mix. In the case of RAC4 the mixes were
prepared using the same quantity of cement, trying to obtain the
same workability. Nevertheless, because of their higher porosity,
Fig. 2. Determination of the statistical properties of the RA strength by fitting the
theoretical concrete strength to the corresponding experimental data for concrete
the mixes with recycled aggregates needed a greater amount of
type RAC3. water in comparison to normal concrete.
Standard cubes with dimensions 15 × 15 × 15 cm were
3. Experimental evaluation of RAC strength manufactured for the compression tests. The samples were
compacted with a vibrating table and after 1 day were removed
from the moulds and stored in water at a temperature of 20 °C up
3.1. Concrete types considered in the experimental investigation to the moment of the test at an age of 28 days.

In order to investigate the role that the quality and the quantity 3.2. Statistical analysis of the results
of recycled aggregates play in the reliability of structural concrete
elements, 198 concrete samples were tested. Three different types The results of the compression tests on each concrete mix
of recycled aggregates were used in this project: are shown on normal probability paper in Fig. 3. The analysis of
the results allowed the determination of the statistical properties
1. RA1 Recycled aggregates coming from grinding disused railway
of the compressive strength in recycled aggregate concretes. In
particular the mean values, the standard deviations and the CoVs
2. RA2 Recycled aggregates coming from a recycling plant;
were evaluated for the 4 different type of concrete. These 3
3. RA3 Recycled aggregates coming from grinding the production properties are shown in Fig. 4. Different trends in the results of
discards of a precast industry. the compression tests were detected for the different types of
Even if it is not possible to exactly know the mechanical RAC.
properties of these materials, reliable estimates of their strength For concrete type RAC1 the replacement of the normal coarse
can be obtained from the knowledge of the strength design values aggregate with the recycled aggregates progressively enhanced the
of the demolished structures and from the daily compression tests compression strength of the concrete, increasing the mean value
carried out during the production of the precast elements. The from 60.6 to 66.2 N/mm2 and reducing the CoV by 64% from 0.064
strength statistical properties (mean and standard deviation) of the to 0.023. This result can be ascribed to the high quality of the
concretes used as recycled aggregates were further evaluated by recycled aggregate RA1.
In the case of concrete type RAC2 the replacement of the
fitting the provisions of the theoretical model for the strength of
natural coarse aggregate with the recycled aggregate RA2 caused
RAC presented in Section 2.3 to the results of the experimental
the reduction of the mean compression strength from 61.1 to
tests. In more detail the means and standard deviations of RAC
46.1 N/mm2 and an increase of 50% in the CoV from 0.030 to
calculated using Eqs. (12) and (13) have been compared with
the experimental ones. An example of this procedure is reported
The tests on RAC3 concrete samples confirmed the results
in Fig. 2 where the data for the recycled aggregate type RA2
obtained for concretes RAC1 and RAC2 where the coarse aggregates
are shown. In the figure the solid lines indicate the theoretical
have been completely replaced by only one type of RA. An
results while the circles represent the experimental findings.
increase in the mechanical properties of RAC3 samples has been
The assumed mechanical strength and the related statistical
observed as the aggregate type RA2 was progressively replaced
properties are presented in Table 2. Aggregates RA1 are made by the aggregate RA1. The mean compression strength changed
of very high strength concrete, produced with basaltic coarse from 45.7 N/mm2 (100% of RA2) to 64.0 N/mm2 (100% of
aggregates to reach compressive strengths up to 90 MPa. For this RA1) while the CoV decreased by roughly 50% from 0.051 to
type of concrete, the coefficient of variation of the compressive 0.025.
strength can be evaluated as 2.5% due to the stringent quality Different comments can be made on the results of RAC4 tests. In
controls during the production. Aggregates RA2 contain different that case, in fact, the condition of constant workability for the dif-
types of ordinary concrete with characteristic strengths ranging ferent percentages of recycled aggregates required a small increase
from 25 to 35 MPa. In this case the CoV of the compressive in the W/C ratio that further penalized the mechanical properties
strength is expected to be very high and has been evaluated as of the concrete with recycled aggregates. The compression tests
12.0%. The third type of aggregates, RA3, exhibits an intermediate showed a decrease of the mean strength of the concrete as the per-
strength (close to 45 MPa) and medium CoV, evaluated as centage of recycled aggregates increases, from 60.6 N/mm2 in the
7.4%. case of 100% natural coarse aggregates, to 38.1 N/mm2 for 100%
In the experimental campaign four concrete mixes containing recycled aggregates. Similarly, the CoV increased from 0.074 for
different types and amounts of recycled aggregates were prepared the concrete without recycled aggregates to 0.107 for the concrete
and tested: with 100% recycled aggregate. Such results are in good agreement
Author's personal copy

3708 M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712

Table 2
Mechanical properties of recycled aggregates.
Recycled aggregate fck (N/mm2 ) St. dev. (N/mm2 ) CoV Notes

RA1 90.0 2.35 0.025 From RR sleepers

RA2 30.0 4.48 0.12 From recycling plant
RA3 45.0 26.05 0.074 From precast industry

Table 3
Number of concrete samples and type of coarse aggregates used in the RACs.
Concrete type Mix no. Sample no. Natural aggregates (%) Recycled aggregates (%)

RAC1 1 10 100 0 0 0
2 10 70 30 0 0
3 10 50 50 0 0
4 10 0 100 0 0
RAC2 5 10 100 0 0 0
6 10 75 0 25 0
7 10 50 0 50 0
8 10 50 0 75 0
9 10 0 0 100 0
RAC3 10 10 0 0 100 0
11 10 0 25 75 0
12 10 0 50 50 0
13 10 0 75 25 0
14 10 0 100 0 0
RAC4 15 20 100 0 0 0
16 10 70 0 0 30
17 20 50 0 0 50
18 8 0 0 0 100

Table 4
Mixes of the recycled aggregate concretes.
Concrete Mix Cement W/C Sand RA1 RA1 RA2 RA2 RA3 RA3 NA NA Filler Super
type no. (kg) ratio 0/4 4/12 12/25 4/12 12/25 4/12 12/25 8/12 12/18 (kg) plasticizer
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (kg) (L)

RAC1 1 400 0.41 842 0 0 0 0 0 0 446 492 25 4

2 400 0.41 798 121 170 0 0 0 0 312 346 25 4
3 400 0.41 772 202 283 0 0 0 0 223 246 25 4
4 400 0.41 702 404 566 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 4
RAC2 5 400 0.41 842 0 0 0 0 0 0 446 492 25 4
6 400 0.41 747 0 0 111 161 0 0 362 388 25 4
7 400 0.41 747 0 0 191 306 0 0 217 277 25 4
8 400 0.41 747 0 0 302 419 0 0 109 129 25 4
9 400 0.41 711 0 0 397 564 0 0 0 0 25 4
RAC3 10 400 0.41 711 0 0 519 467 0 0 0 0 25 4
11 400 0.41 711 98 147 389 350 0 0 0 0 25 4
12 400 0.41 711 197 295 260 234 0 0 0 0 25 4
13 400 0.41 711 311 426 130 110 0 0 0 0 25 4
14 400 0.41 702 404 566 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 4
RAC4 15 400 0.40 830 0 0 0 0 0 0 830 0 25 3.2
16 400 0.42 830 0 0 0 0 249 249 332 0 25 4
17 400 0.43 747 0 0 0 0 415 415 83 0 25 4
18 400 0.45 0 0 0 0 0 830 830 0 0 25 4

with those reported by Xiao et al. [23] where the authors analyzed applied to RAC’s strength has been evaluated in order to ensure
the statistical properties of the compression strength of normal the same safety level of elements made with NAC of the same
and recycled concrete designed to have the same characteristic characteristic strength fck . This approach corresponds to a typical
strength. problem of calibration of a safety coefficient that is appropriately
increased to neutralize the negative effect of the higher scattering
of the resistance observed for recycled concrete.
4. Use of the experimental results in the design of RC sections

4.2. Case study and base hypotheses

4.1. General considerations
The analyses have been performed with reference to a
The experimental results and the considerations drawn in the rectangular section (Fig. 5) with dimensions b × H = 300 ×
previous section have been used for the design of eccentrically 500 mm, reinforced with 4 + 4φ 20 rebars (A′s = As = 1257 mm2 ).
loaded RC sections made with RAC. The safety coefficient γc to be The concrete cover d′ is equal to 40 mm. The class of concrete used
Author's personal copy

M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712 3709

a b

c d

Fig. 3. Results of the compression tests for the 4 types of RACs: (a) RAC1, (b) RAC2, (c) RAC3, (d) RAC4.

in the analyses is C25/30 (fck = 25 MPa) while the reinforcing (ii) fc · b · [ξ (ϵsup ) · y − ξ (ϵinf ) · (y − H )]
steel has a yielding strength fyk equal to 450 MPa. According to
[ ]
EN 1992-1-1 [24], the partial safety coefficients γc = 1, 5 and + fy · A′s + ϵinf + (0, 0020 − ϵinf ) · · EAs = N
γs = 1, 15 have been used in the preliminary calculation of NAC    4d
sections. The reliability analyses have been performed considering H
fc · b · ξ (ϵsup ) · y · − χ (ϵsup ) · y
3 random variables: the compressive strength of the concrete fc , 2
assumed to follow a lognormal distribution, the tensile resistance  
of the steel fy , also assumed to follow a lognormal distribution, H
and the external load expressed in terms of axial load with fixed − ξ (ϵinf ) · (y − H ) · + χ (ϵinf ) · (y − H ) (15)
eccentricity. For the external load a normal distribution with
CoV equal to 0.30 has been assumed, as reported by [27] in the   
cases of sustained live loads for a mean value of the influence ′
+ As · fy · −d ′
− ϵinf + (0, 0020 − ϵinf )
area. 2
The load bearing capacity has been evaluated within a Level 1 
 
reliability method for 3 different load conditions: H ′
· · EAs · −d = N · ecc
4d 2
1. zero eccentricity: ecc = 0;
(iii) 0.81 · fc · b · y + fy · A′s
2. minimum eccentricity according to EN 1992-1-1: ecc =
max(20 mm, H /30); (d − y)
[ ]
− min ϵy ; 0, 0035 · EAs = N
3. medium eccentricity; ecc = H /4. y
   
Referring to Fig. 5, the limit state equations used for the H H
0.81 · fc · b · y · − 0, 416y + As · fy · ′
−d ′
reliability analyses with reference to the considered load cases 2 2
(d − y)
[ ]  
+ min ϵy ; 0, 0035 · EAs · − d′ = N · ecc
(i) fc · b · H + fy (A′s + As ) = N (14) y 2
Author's personal copy

3710 M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712

a b

Fig. 4. Results of the compression tests for the 4 types of RAC: (a) mean compressive strength, (b) compressive strength standard deviation, (c) compressive strength CoV
(for concrete type RAC3 the percentage of recycled aggregate refers to recycled aggregate type RA1).

where, beside the already mentioned symbols, ξ (ϵ) and χ(ϵ) are (i) an RC section is assigned defining the geometry, the amount
suitable coefficients defining the value and the position of the of the reinforcing steel and the constitutive materials in
concrete compressive force. terms of concrete characteristic resistance fck and steel
The corresponding reliability indexes β are, generally, unusu- characteristic yielding stress fyk ;
ally higher than those assumed by EN 1990 [28]. This is a con- (ii) for an assigned value of the load eccentricity, the maximum
sequence of the small CoV values coming from the experimental value of the design axial load Nd and the corresponding
tests. moment Md that can be withstood by the section are
4.3. Calibration of the safety factor for the concrete (iii) the value of the reliability index βnc is determined for the
analyzed section modeling the applied loads, the resistance
On the basis of the experimental results, the partial safety
of the normal concrete and that of the steel as random
coefficients have been calculated to obtain RC elements that have
the same failure probability of corresponding sections made with
(iv) the value of βnc is assumed as the target value for the
NAC with the same characteristic resistance fck . With reference
to the mentioned sections, a methodology based on a reliability subsequent operations: βt = βnc ;
analysis at Level 2 for the tuning of the partial safety factor for (v) the value of the safety factor of the concrete is arbitrarily
the concrete compressive strength has been established. The β increased: γc∗ = γc + 1γc ;
index is evaluated through the classical procedure proposed by (vi) using Level 1 algorithms the areas of the steel rebars As and
Rackwitz and Fiessler [29], that allows us to take into consideration A′s are updated with the objective of maintaining unchanged
non-normal distributions of the random variables involved in the the carrying capacity of the section (same values of Nd and
problem. The solutions have been obtained using well-known Md );
optimization algorithms [30]. (vii) a recycled concrete with a known percentage of recycled
The methodology used, represented in graphic form in the flow aggregate and with the same characteristic resistance of the
chart of Fig. 6, is organized into the following phases: normal one but different CoV is now considered;
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M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712 3711

Fig. 5. Cross section of the RC member and strains distributions considered for the different values of the axial load eccentricity (ecc).

(viii) with reference to this section and keeping in mind the

statistical properties of the RAC the value of the safety index
βrc is determined;
(ix) check if the safety index of the section made with recycled
concrete is equal to the target value βt . If the control is
positive the procedure ends and γc∗ is the value of the safety
partial coefficient: γc = γc∗ ;
(x) if the control is negative an iterative procedure that involves
the repetition of the procedure from point 5 is followed.
The application of the procedure described in the previous
paragraph to the experimental data coming from each mix leads
to the determination of the partial safety factor shown in Fig. 7.

5. Critical analysis of the obtained results

The examination of the numerical results presented in point

Section 4.3 shows that the concrete partial safety factor γc
is generally greater than that prescribed by EN 1992 for RC
elements (γc = 1.5). Some comments have to be made on the
data represented in Fig. 7(a) whose trend is opposite to that
of Fig. 7(b)–(d). In fact for the concrete made using aggregate
type RA1, whose safety factors are represented in Fig. 7(a),
the substitution of the natural coarse aggregates, composed of
medium strength calcareous gravel, is made with very high
strength recycled concrete. Under this condition the addition
of RA progressively enhances the concrete strength, thus giving
place to progressively decreasing safety factors. Anyway, this type
of replacement can be rarely encountered in real situations. In
the case of an axially-loaded column the concrete partial safety
factor γc can reach values up to 2.1 for the investigated cases. In
particular, it increases with the percentage of recycled aggregate
and decreases with the load eccentricity. Evidently, this behavior
depends on the role played by the resistance of the concrete in
comparison to that of the reinforcing steel in the realization of
the carrying capacity of the section. These findings suggest the
adoption of an appropriate adjustment to the design procedure
when using RAC for structural uses that takes into account their
specific mechanical properties. Higher safety coefficients for the
concrete compressive strength or provisions similar to those Fig. 6. Flow chart for the calibration of the concrete safety coefficient for RAC.
foreseen by ACI 318 [31] for compression-controlled sections could
be adopted when using RAC to mitigate the greater variations in
concrete strength. The literature review allowed us to underline the different
provisions and indications regarding RAC that can be found in
structural codes.
6. Concluding remarks
The experimental investigations, consisting in the determina-
In the present paper a comprehensive literature review of tion of the statistical properties of the compressive strength of nor-
international standards dealing with the structural design of RAC mal and recycled concretes, showed that RACs generally display
and the results of theoretical and experimental research on the higher scattering in the compressive resistance. Nevertheless, if
structural reliability of these materials have been illustrated. the recycled aggregates are produced from high strength concretes,
Author's personal copy

3712 M. Breccolotti, A.L. Materazzi / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 3704–3712

a b

c d

Fig. 7. Concrete safety coefficients for the 4 types of RAC: (a) RAC1, (b) RAC2, (c) RAC3, (d) RAC4.

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