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Monster Pet Evolution

MPE • 神宠进化

Three years ago, the animals and plants on Earth underwent crazy
and unexplainable changes that included transformations,
reversions, and the addition of otherworldly species. And it was the
start of a brand-new type of profession in the new generation of
humanity – Monster Trainers, people who specialized in taming

On his 18th birthday, the protagonist of the story, Gao Peng,

suddenly received the ability of being able to see the attribute data
frame of monsters. With his ability, he aspired to become the
strongest monster trainer that ever lived while looking for a method
to revive his parents!

Author(s): Wine Pool Inebriation, 酒池醉

Year: 2018
Country: China
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, School Life
Tags: Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Monster Tamer, Mutated
Creatures, Pets
Source: WEBNOVEL, Webnovel


UUID: 7f6c77d0-91e0-11e9-aef7-a123507a309a
USER: Regretduke
DATE CREATED: 2019-06-18

More info and chapters:
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Chapter 1: Striped Grey Plate Spider


© Webnovel

(PS: A little note before reading: this book does not reflect reality.
Please do not read it with a realistic worldview. The genre of this
book is fantasy. Fantasy books are unscientific! Unscientific!
Unscientific! I too would like to know how to create fireballs and how
to spew lightning).

Carrying a red school bag, Gao Peng fished out a key card. Ding.

There was a creaking sound from a worn metal gate as Gao Peng
stepped into the building. The building was a little old, with bits of
rubbish piled on the floor. Fortunately, they did not give off any weird

Standing under the dim light, Gao Peng lowered his head and
glanced at the ground. A fierce looking black shadow was cast on the
ground that made pulling and stretching movements continuously.

Gao Peng frowned and looked up. There was a giant spider the size
of a millstone resting by the ceiling light. It had a made a greyish-
white web across the entire ceiling of the stairway, and had visible
blood-red eyes that twinkled in the light.

Gao Peng sighed. "Looks like the little spider raised by

Granny Chen escaped again. This will be the seventh time
this month, I guess."

Used to the sight of this escapee, Gao Peng carried on as though

he saw nothing and went straight up the stairs…

But as he left the scuttling sounds of the spider behind him, Gao
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Peng suddenly stopped as though he thought of something. A little
hesitantly, Gao Peng turned back around and looked at the giant
grey spider scuttling around the ceiling.

"This… looks like a Striped Grey Plate Spider? I recall that

the teacher said this is a relatively gentle creature?"

Gao Peng blinked and hesitated for a moment. Then he put down
his schoolbag, took out a piece of paper, crushed it into a ball, and
took out a lighter from his pocket.

Gao Peng pursed his lips and hesitated again. After all, no matter
how gentle this Striped Grey Plate Spider was, it was still the pet
raised by Granny Chen from upstairs… No! That's not the main point!

No matter how gentle it was, it was still a monster! Before the

change in planet Earth, even a normal tier monster could have
rivaled lions and tigers as apex predators at the top of the food

If Gao Peng angered this monster, in this stairwell with nowhere to

escape, he would be like a lamb waiting for slaughter.

Sighing again, Gao Peng shook his head and turned around,
heading back upstairs.

Suddenly, at lightning speed, Gao Peng lit the paper ball with his
lighter and threw it towards the ceiling behind him. Then, he fled like
a madman up the stairs.

I remember Mr. Zhang saying that these creatures had gentle


Zhi! A shrill and angry squeaking sound suddenly came from

behind. Gao Peng who was running up the stairs stole a glance
behind him as he turned around.

The Striped Grey Plate Spider had fallen to the floor of the
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stairwell. With its eight legs scuttling around in a frenzy, the spider
frantically climbed up to another wall. In the opposite direction that
the spider fled was the flaming paper ball, gradually burning out.

Gao Peng's eyes lit up and his heart pounded. The Striped Grey
Plate Spider really was afraid of fire!

Oh d*mn! The thing that appeared in his mind really wasn't a

figment of his imagination!

At this moment, Gao Peng felt he was one with the wind as he
sprinted up the stairs. Behind him, the Striped Grey Plate Spider was
making extremely angry squeaking sounds.

"Ah, Mr. Zhang lied to me! Who ever said these things were

Currently, Gao Peng's mind was racing but he dared not slow down
his steps. Having this kind of angry monster chasing him was no joke.
If it caught up to him, it could easily crack his skull open or spill his
guts if he wasn't careful.

This was a monster from a different dimension! During the

beginning of Earth's transformation, many humans died at the hands
of these monsters. No matter how gentle they may have seemed
now, it did not change the fact that they were monsters.

As the sounds behind him kept getting closer, Gao Peng could
clearly hear the impact made by the Striped Grey Plate Spider before
it made each leap up the stairwell. It was like steel pipes knocking
against the ground.

One more floor till he reached home!

Almost there!

The Striped Grey Plate Spider with blood-red eyes opened and
closed its ferocious jaws. Its strong, well-formed spider legs were like
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springs, bending downwards and then springing upwards with great
force! Each of these leaps could cover four or five flights of stairs.

It was getting closer and closer to Gao Peng…


An overbearing and angry hiss permeated the thick walls and filled
the entire stairwell. It was a deep and commanding sound.

The Striped Grey Plate Spider's legs that had just started to bend in
preparation to leap momentarily froze. The spider stood still. Its
blood-red eyes stopped twinkling and it began to produce a string of
low squeaking sounds from its mouth.

But the monster that made the sound earlier did not hiss again.

After a moment's hesitation, the spider's blood-red eyes started to

twinkle again. With uncertainty, the spider raised one of its legs to
climb the stairs.

"Sssss!" As if provoked, this hissing sounded even angrier than

the one before.

"Zhizhizhizhi..." retracting its raised leg, the Striped Grey Plate

Spider jumped down the stairs and fled.

Gao Peng let out a breath and wiped the sweat off his brow. Why
did the spider run back downstairs?

Could it all have been a game of tag for the spider? Chasing me for
fun and happily going back down to its web after seeing that I'm
almost home? Thought Gao Peng.

Gao Peng rubbed his chin. Hmmmm… Even he did not believe the
nonsense that he just thought up.

Gao Peng took out his keys and unlocked the door. "Pa, Ma, I'm
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back," he said with a bright smile on his face.

Gao Peng pushed open the door to an empty house. It was so quiet
that it seemed as though he was in a world inhabited only by him.

A gray-brown sofa was placed in the living room. Opposite was a

rather old looking television set. The house was clean on the inside,
with minimal decorations and furnishing. It was easy to see that the
owner was diligent and cleaned the place often.

Adjusting his mood, Gao Peng took a deep breath and opened the
bedroom door. The curtains were drawn, blocking out the glare of the
strong sunlight and giving the room a dim look.

The bed in the room was neat and tidy. Gao Peng's face was lit
with a smile and he happily said, "Pa, Ma, I finally came in first in
class for my exams. You guys must be really happy."

Gao Peng was speaking to a framed black and white photo.

In the photo frame was a picture of a couple. The male looked

elegant and gentle while the female looked dignified and virtuous.
The couple smiled happily, as though through this thin piece of
paper, the people from two different worlds could make eye contact
with each other.

But the two people in the photo did not reply Gao Peng. They
simply smiled with the same unchanging smile on their faces.

Gao Peng forcefully put on a prideful grin. "My school results

have always been bad, and you guys often scolded me for it.
But now, I'm finally first in class and fourth in the grade. You
guys must be so happy, right? You don't have to worry about
my studies anymore," Gao Peng said, as his eyes began to redden.

The thinly clothed teenager simply stood in the middle of the

bedroom, his thoughts wandering in the silence. It was only when the
sky became dark that the teenager came to his senses with a start.
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With an apologetic smile on his face, he said to the couple in the
picture, "Pa, Ma, the school is organizing an excursion tomorrow, so I
probably wouldn't be back for a few days. But don't worry about me!
The school has hired professional bodyguards to assure our safety. I
will make sure to be careful!

"I've heard that this time, the school has hired bodyguards
from the BlueShield Protection Company. According to what
I've heard, BlueShield Protection Agency has lots of Monster
Trainers. If I could become one as well, that would be the
best! At least half of my classmates hope to become Monster
Trainers themselves!"

In a dark and dim room, a thin and fragile-looking teen talked to

himself while facing a photograph. He waved around both his hands
as he spoke, clearly in high spirits. His eyes shone brightly as well,
embodying his yearning for the future and his desire to grow

But no one answered his words. How he wished, at that moment,

that someone could give him a thumbs-up, or some words of
encouragement. Even if the people in the photo were to pop out just
to oppose his plans for the future, it would still be wonderful to him.

But it did not happen. The couple in the photo remained in the
photo, smiling warmly, side by side.

The room quieted down. All that was left was the sound of the
teen's own breathing.

The teen suddenly felt a little cold and rubbed his elbows with both
his hands, looking dejected. But soon enough, the depressing
atmosphere was blown away by a sunny and confident smile on his
face. He returned once again to being the bright and optimistic
teenager that he was.

Leaving the bedroom, Gao Peng carefully closed the bedroom door,
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as though to avoid disturbing the couple in the photo.

Nobody saw it: it might have been a trick of the light. But for a
moment, the smile on the couple's faces in the photo seemed
happier and sweeter.

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Chapter 2: Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed


"Da Zi! Come out quickly! Was it you just now?" Gao Peng
shouted excitedly as he returned to his bedroom.

Hearing its master's voice, "Da Zi," who Gao Peng was calling out
to, simply remained sprawled lazily on the ground for a while. Only
after being urged on by Gao Peng a few more times did Da Zi crawl
out wearily from under the sofa.

A deep purple carapace was revealed which, under the lamplight,

gave off a dark and blurry color. Pale yellow limbs with claws gave off
a crisp sound as they moved across the floor, akin to the sound of
fingers drumming on a table.

This Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede was what Gao Peng

affectionately called "Da Zi" because its body was big, and also
because it had the appearance of a purple coloured centipede…
Alright, it actually was just a giant, blown-up version of a centipede.

But this Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede was the only pet

left behind for him by his parents.

Gao Peng still remembered when his parents brought Da Zi home

three days after the Earth changed. Back then, Da Zi was nowhere
near its current size; it was merely the length of a chopstick. Back
then, Da Zi's carapace was still a light purple, with a little tinge of
pink, making it rather cute to look at.

Gao Peng shook his head and expelled the weird thoughts from his
mind. He bent his head down to look at the current Da Zi.
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With a body length of around two meters, the width of a palm, and
fierce mandibles at its head that were constantly snapping, Da Zi
looked anything but cute. Even bringing it out for a walk in broad
daylight could scare an old granny to tears.

Da Zi's jet black eyeballs were pretty much for show, as Gao Peng
knew that its vision was poor. When moving, Da Zi relied on the
constantly swaying pair of purple antennae on its head to make
sense of its surroundings. This pair of antennae allow Da Zi to smell,
detect vibrations, and even differentiate between sounds.

Although Da Zi had a ferocious appearance, Gao Peng was not

afraid of it in the least. After all, this guy had grown up under his
care, and was his sole companion in this house for three whole years.
Most importantly, it was the last pet that his parents gave him before
they died.

"Da Zi, was it you that scared away that spider earlier on?"
Gao Peng said, as he squatted down and curiously stroked Da Zi's
cold head carapace.

It was icy-cool to the touch, like a cold piece of metal.

Da Zi did not reply to him; the antennae on its head simply swayed
gently. Gao Peng did not mind the lack of reply. Da Zi's intelligence
was not high; it probably only had the thinking ability of a three-year-

Da Zi could not understand more complicated phrases or

sentences, but could understand some simple commands. For
instance, "bite,""play dead," or "twirl three times."

Although Da Zi did not answer him, Gao Peng knew that the furious
hissing sound that he heard earlier was made by Da Zi. After living
with Da Zi for so many years, he was familiar with the sounds it could
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Monsters were extremely territorial. Da Zi may have seemed mild,
but according to what was taught by Gao Peng's teachers, Purple-
Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipedes were extremely fierce and vicious

At the thought of this, Gao Peng tapped his head. Mr. Zhang
couldn't have been lying to me again, right? Gao Peng thought

But Da Zi looked so mild and gentle! Peering down at Da Zi, Gao

Peng gently pulled its purple antennae. They felt elastic, like two long
rubber springs.

Da Zi rolled its jet black eyes upwards to glance at Gao Peng, then
continued to wearily sprawl on the ground, as if saying, "This
master really has nothing better to do."

Looking at how much of a lazy fella Da Zi was, Gao Peng found it

hard to believe that it was a fierce and vicious monster.

Gao Peng hesitated a bit while looking at Da Zi who was by his

feet, then he focused his concentration on Da Zi.

As Gao Peng stared at Da Zi, rows of information than only he

could see appeared before his eyes.

[Monster Name]: Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede

[Monster Level]: Level 5

[Monster Grade]: Normal

[Monster Attribute]: Yin/Poison

[Monster Condition]: Healthy (Happy)

[Monster Weakness]: Electric
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[Requirements for Promotion to Excellent Grade]: Electric
type monster core crystal of above level 10 (not including level 10),
600g of hundred-year lightning-struck wood, 10 stalks of shade grass
(Directions for use:…)

Gao Peng was slightly stunned. In the time since his eighteenth
birthday, he realized that he had mysteriously gained this ability to
see the stats of monsters; for instance, in the form of the table that
appeared in front of his eyes.

Every monster had a different stats table. For instance Granny

Chen's little spider's stats were as such:

[Monster Name]: Striped Grey Plate Spider

[Monster Level]: Level 3

[Monster Grade]: Normal

[Monster Attribute]: Wood

[Monster Condition]: Healthy (Happy)

[Monster Weakness]: Fire

[Requirements for Promotion to Excellent Grade]: …

Gao Peng almost died earlier because it dawned on him that a

burning paper ball should count as a fire-type attack, and therefore
went on to test if his newfound ability gave him accurate information.
He took a risk, for no other reason than he could not hold back his

Wait, monster condition: happy? So that little spider was really

playing tag with me? Looks like it really enjoyed itself, ha! Gao Peng
thought as his face darkened.

As to why Gao Peng did not test his ability on his very own Da Zi:
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firstly, he could not bear to do so. Secondly, it was hard to find
anything that could be used as an electric type attack. He could, of
course, break a few electric cables to try it out, but with some
consideration, he realized that even if Da Zi were not weak against
electricity, those cables would still easily burn it to a crisp…

"Promotion to excellent grade…" muttered Gao Peng to

himself, as his eyes shone with anticipation.

Excellent grade monsters were extremely rare. Even in a group of

a hundred of the same monster, one might not find a single monster
of excellent grade. Excellent grade and normal grade monsters did
not differ in terms of mere strength; even if the monsters were of the
same tier and species, an excellent grade monster could easily take
on two normal grade monsters at the same time without being

After promotion to excellent grade, would it still be possible for a

promotion to perfect grade? The promotion to perfect grade was of
utmost importance, as only perfect grade monsters could break
through the limits to become commander tier monsters!

Gao Peng had only seen monsters of such tiers on the web or on
television. The terrifying might of these monsters was etched in his

Unable to hold back his excitement, Gao Peng pet Da Zi's cool
head carapace and said with determination, "Da Zi, I will definitely
let you promote to be an excellent grade monster!"

In Gao Peng's eyes, Da Zi was more than just a friend; he was a

partner. A partner that had accompanied him for the past three
lonely years of his life, and the sole partner left behind for him by his

Gao Peng secretly clenched his fist. Then he released it as he got

up to go to the kitchen. He opened the freezer and took out a piece
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of frozen meat. The frozen meat was hard and had bits of ice on it.
He took out a mini metal axe from a cupboard and secured the
frozen meat on a specially made wooden chopping board.

Dong, Dong!

Forceful chops from the metal axe sent bits of ice flying all around.

After chopping the meat into six smaller pieces, Gao Peng took out
a large stainless steel bowl. With a gentle sweep of the axe, the
pieces of meat were all swept into the bowl.

Then he took a few carrots from the fridge, washed them, and
chopped them into large chunks before tossing them into the
stainless steel bowl as well.

This was Da Zi's dinner for today. He ate two meals a day, one in
the morning and another in the night.

Da Zi's food was simple and crude, consisting of chunks of raw

meat and carrots, or cooked meat and potatoes, for every meal. Its
diet was greatly varied. Initially, when raising Da Zi, Gao Peng was
highly cautious when deciding what food to give it. After all, before
this, no one had experience in raising monster centipedes.

Through searching the internet for information, Gao Peng later

found out that centipedes are animals that can feed on a wide
variety of things. They typically like to feed on bugs such as
mealworms, crickets, beetles, termites, cicadas, dragonflies, spiders,
flies, and bees, as well as their eggs, larvae, young, etc. At the same
time they can also eat worms, earthworms, snails, and the meat,
innards, blood and cartilage of fish, poultry and livestock. They even
eat food of plant origin like fruit peels, potatoes, carrots, vegetables,
etc. or even milk and bread.

But Gao Peng was a little lazy by nature. Feeding Da Zi with fresh
meat and innards were out, as they came with a bad smell and were
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hard to clean up.

Bugs were an area that Gao Peng explored at first. He used to

catch bugs in the nearby gardens and green spaces within the city to
feed Da Zi. But as Da Zi grew bigger and bigger, he found that this
method would not work out at all. After tiring himself out for half a
day catching bugs, he still would not have caught enough to give Da
Zi a snack. Meat was easier and simpler. Furthermore, it could be
bought in large quantities from the market.

As for buying insects from the market, Gao Peng had to admit that
if he were to buy insects for each of Da Zi's meals, there was no way
he could continue to keep Da Zi as a pet: it was too expensive!

After Gao Peng's parents passed away, he managed to collect a

hefty sum of money from the government as pension. In addition to
the savings that his parents accumulated, Gao Peng had enough
money to securely live a simple life until the end of his years.

But this was only enough to live an ordinary life, being an

absolutely ordinary person.

However, after the death of his parents, Gao Peng could no longer
rest at ease with the identity of an ordinary person while he was
living in an unpredictable world.

Being ordinary meant being mediocre, which meant being

powerless when disaster struck.

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Chapter 3: Monster Trainer


The world underwent a huge cataclysm. It was a completely new


Three years before, Earth went through a drastic change that no

one could have imagined. The sky turned dark and countless black
rifts appeared like vicious claw marks in the sky.

These rifts were like pieces of a broken mirror. Through these

pieces, humanity managed to see a vast and boundless world. A
great mysterious place was beyond each rift.

However, no human or man-made machine was able to make

contact with or enter the worlds within the rifts. Immense spatial
turbulence flooded the surroundings of each one.

Back then a certain country sent out fighter jets to attempt to

enter the rifts. But even the toughest metal alloys were like brittle
building blocks in the face of the spatial turbulence. They were easily
shattered and reduced to smithereens, scattering across the sky
before vanishing without a trace.

No other country dared to go near the rifts after that. Half a day
later, the rifts vanished on their own.

However, the nightmare had only just begun.

One by one, elliptical spatial rifts appeared all across the globe.
Some appeared only temporarily, while others were permanent. Each
of these spatial rifts big or small acted as a gate connecting to one
world to another.

Countless worlds were linked via these gates, and monsters from
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other worlds came through them to Earth. For some unknown
reason—either through contact with the air, with life forms from
other worlds, or simply because God decided to make a fool out of
humans—the animals and plants that originally inhabited Earth grew
at an alarming rate. They all began to transform and evolve.

Only humanity remained unchanged.

But just when humanity thought they had been abandoned by the
world, someone found there was a change that occurred in humans.
A secret potential was hidden deep within the blood and soul of
humanity: the Blood Contract!

With the mutual agreement of both human and monster, both

parties could become partners that trusted each other and
progressed as one. They were known as Monster Trainers.

This discovery brought excitement to humanity, as well as a new

craze. Although they were unable to obtain the powers that these
monsters developed, they could control the monsters!

It was only because of the existence of Monster Trainers that

humans were able to develop an environment they could survive in.
It was getting increasingly difficult to keep such terrifying monsters
at bay through the use of artillery weapons alone.

The most important thing was that it didn't take much to become a
Monster Trainer. In fact, it was very accessible, making Monster
Trainers a common existence.

Anyone could become a Monster Trainer and anyone could have

their own Monster Familiar!

Practically every household reared one or two monsters.

"Monster" was a general term that could refer to those originating
from other worlds or transformed versions of animals and plants that
were indigenous to Earth.
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Some monsters were of a more brutal nature, possessing
extremely aggressive behaviors. Some monsters that were of a
docile nature. Those tamed by humans could effectively follow orders
from their owners, just like pet cats and dogs from the past. There
were even monsters that displayed no aggression at all.

This was a golden age that would influence generations to come; a

turning point in human history where humankind could head into
uncharted territory. Gao Peng naturally would not settle to be a
regular person spending his life doing nothing of note.

There are certain marvelous sights best witnessed with one's own
eyes, after all.

The phrase "the world is so vast" was no longer a mere meme.

Other than Earth, there were now countless other worlds Gao Peng
could discover and explore.

"Perhaps I will be able to find the ability to resurrect my

parents in other worlds," muttered Gao Peng to himself.

This conviction was like a seed planted deep in his heart that was
now sprouting and growing. He believed that among the endless
worlds and across the tens of thousands of planes in existence, there
would definitely be the ability he yearned for.

Gao Peng laid down on the sofa and turned on the television. The
news was on, showing all the usual content: how the world was
becoming more peaceful, how another area had become a safe area
for exploration, how humans found dangerous monsters in certain
areas, and general reminders for everyone to proceed with caution.

It was the usual news but Gao Peng relished every bit of it just the
same, committing everything to memory.

Suddenly, a certain piece of news caught his attention.
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According to the news program, the scaly claw of a gigantic beast
that underwent some form of extreme atavistic evolution was found
outside a spatial rift. The existence of this super beast was
unprecedented. Scientists speculated that this beast was comparable
to gods that existed only in legends. It was possibly a legendary
emperor-tier mythical beast possessing numerous unimaginable

With the end of the news program, the scene changed to one with
a blonde lady in a white dress. She was holding a gene gun roughly
the thickness of a finger, which had a crystalline, semi-translucent
blue liquid flowing through it.

"Introducing the new BluMagic Monster Familiar Gene

Enhancement Serum, by the United Dragons Group! 60%
success rate in promotion to excellent grade for normal tier
monsters, and 20% success rate for elite tier monsters! Using
our product along with the professional care of Monster
Breeders will greatly increase the success rate! This is a
ground-breaking, new era product that you deserve to have!"

Gao Peng turned off the television dumbfounded, but at the same

time burning with anticipation. With the release of this product, he
feared that the Monster Breeder profession would face an
unprecedented challenge. But it could also be an opportunity for
Monster Breeders to increase their relevance in society.

After all, a Monster Familiar and its Trainer were emotionally

linked. Some even viewed their Monster Familiars as their family.
Naturally, they would want their Monster Familiars to be the best
they could be.

All this only made the anticipation that Gao Peng felt in his heart
grow stronger. As technology became more advanced, ideas began
to surface in Gao Peng's mind. Ideas that he never would have dared
to think were possible in the past. Perhaps one day more futuristic
technology would appear, such as resurrection!
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Clenching his fist tightly, Gao Peng decided he would not concede
to being mediocre. Being mediocre meant giving up! If the means to
resurrect people was available someday Gao Peng would not be able
to live with himself if he let the chance slip through his fingers just
because did not work hard enough for it.

After preparing Da Zi's dinner, Gao Peng went to the living room
and knocked the steel bowl against the ground, giving off a loud and
clear peng peng peng sound.

Da Zi already smelled the food with the pair of antennae atop its
head, which swayed left and right nonstop. It heard the sound of the
steel bowl and scuttled over. Using its maxillipeds against the edges
it sent the upper half of its body into the bowl. Its sharp fangs were
like a large pair of scissors, cutting the food into tiny bits before
swallowing them into its belly.

According to the web and the books that Gao Peng read, Purple-
Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipedes possessed a potent venom.
However, he never saw Da Zi use its venom. Of course, being raised
in a home, Da Zi never had any real opportunity to.

Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipedes had venom glands in

their bodies, but the venom was not present throughout the body.
Venom was only released at two body parts: the mandibles and the
first maxillae. The mandibles, naturally, were the large scissor-like
mouthparts in front of the head. The first maxillae were the first pair
of appendages of the centipede.

Because Gao Peng raised it, Da Zi never bit Gao Peng or released
any of its venoms in front of him. The various insect pests in the
house, however, suffered plenty from Da Zi.

At some point since raising Da Zi, the insects in his house seemed
to go extinct. They all fled from the house or were eaten.

Sitting on the sofa, watching Da Zi wolf down its food, Gao Peng
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could not help but smile. Then his thoughts began to drift. He had
verified that the information panel that he could see showed
accurate data. Since that was the case, maybe he could try becoming
a Monster Breeder himself!

Monster Breeding was a profession that specialized in monsters,

with only one motive: improving the monster grade.

Monster Breeding was not limited to beast-type monsters but

included all kinds, no matter what shape, size or type. Because the
field required extensive knowledge of all monsters, the field had an
extremely high barrier for entry. An ordinary individual would have
no chance of becoming a Monster Breeder.

To become a Monster Breeder, one needed to be widely read on all

monster habits and characteristics. Secondly, using this knowledge,
one would need to deduce the requirements needed to promote the
monster's grade, based on type and attributes. This was a profession
that was even more well-respected than Monster Trainer.

This was because the lives of Monster Trainers depended on the

monsters that they controlled, and a sufficiently high monster grade
was a must-have requirement for a monster to advance in level. An
increase in a monster's grade even meant a proportional increase in
the combat strength of a monster!

Monster Breeders were the only ones who could help Monster
Trainers promote their monsters; hence, Monster Breeders held a
special position in society.

It had been a mere three years since the cataclysm that changed
the Earth. The number of monster species was uncountable. With
new monsters being discovered constantly, there was no complete
documentation of all the methods available to advance monster
levels. The world was still in the midst of feeling its way around this
area of development. Gao Peng could not help but feel that he had
gained an amazing ability in being able to see the advancement
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criteria for monsters.

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23 Report

Chapter 4: New World Allied Government


Gao Peng intended to promote Da Zi's monster grade, but after

going through the prices of the materials he needed, he had no
choice but to temporarily give up on this idea. The expenses from the
meat to feed Da Zi everyday already burnt a large hole in his wallet.
He was simply too poor.

Furthermore, the most expensive ingredient required to promote

Da Zi, an electric type monster core crystal above level 10, was
easily worth at least 10 alliance credits.

Alliance credits were a new form of unified, high-class currency

introduced two years prior, when all the countries on Earth came
together and formed a new global alliance. All forms of currency used
in countries before this were scrapped. Everyone began to use the
two forms of currency set by the New World Allied Government:
alliance dollars and alliance credits.

Alliance credits were a form of high-class currency based on the

alliance dollar. 10,000 alliance dollars could be exchanged directly
for one alliance credit.

In the present, everyday citizens practically only used alliance

dollars. The only ones who made use of alliance credits were Monster
Trainers, various large financial corporations, and upper levels of the
Allied Government. According to hearsay, in the eyes of the strongest
and the most powerful people, alliance credits were just numbers.
Those at the top only bartered for the items that they required.

Currently, the world was in the midst of a great new era. Monsters
came with all kinds of strange and wondrous abilities. Furthermore,
the materials that were derived from monsters far exceeded the
24 Report
capabilities of metals and various manmade materials.

The materials that came from the bodies of monsters fetched

exorbitant prices, but obtaining them in the first place was no easy
feat. This was no game, but actual reality. There was no resurrection
or health potion that could be used. Death in the real world was
permanent. In order to obtain materials from monsters, one needed
to delve deep into the wilderness, or even into other worlds, and
engage in mortal combat with these monsters.

If one was just a little careless in the journey into the wilderness,
all kinds of accidents could easily happen because this was no mere
copy of a game! Monsters would not have fixed spawn locations. It
was possible to run into an emperor tier monster in the outskirts of a
normal city; even though the odds of this happening would be similar
to that of winning the lottery consecutively for an entire month.

As of now, one could only make informed guesses based on

collected information and hearsay to deduce the area in which
certain type of monster lived.

Gao Peng recalled a huge incident that shocked the whole world a
year ago. One of Earth's famous high-tech companies spent a fortune
to hire the services of one of the top Monster Trainers at that time.
This Monster Trainer possessed two extremely strong commander
tier Monster Familiars.

All the company wanted was materials from an ordinary

commander tier monster.

Two days after this Monster Trainer led his two Monster Familiars
into a particular jungle, a horrifying roar erupted from the jungle.
Through the video feed captured by an unmanned aerial vehicle, a
terrifying giant beast could be seen rearing its head in the center of
the densely packed jungle. It was a dragon!

Atop its forehead was a single metallic, black, spiraled horn,
25 Report
indicating that this behemoth was not a true dragon. According to
the classifications in ancient Chinese mythology, having a single horn
on its head made this a horned dragon.

Nonetheless, this footage captured by the unmanned aerial vehicle

shocked the world.

A mythical beast from legend had actually descended into our


This incident completely overshadowed all other important news

that was going on at the time. Everyone was talking about it. Some
were terrified, others agitated, and for some, this incident stirred up
ambition. However, the Monster Trainer that went into the jungle that
day never made his way out.

The center of that jungle remained a forbidden area. No one dared

to venture in deep, and even those who had to travel around its
periphery hurried their way past it in fear of the horror that resided at
the center.

That went to show how difficult it was to obtain a monster's core

crystal, which would also explain why the price of monster core
crystals remained so high.

Monster core crystals could be consumed by other monsters to

promote their evolutions. This was a secret that was made known
very early on; hence, no matter how many monster crystals there
were, the supply would be insufficient.

The use of military missiles and artillery to wipe out monsters was
practiced during the initial period after the cataclysm, when humans
were still reliant on artillery to fend off monsters. However, it was
quickly found out that these methods were only able to quickly
eliminate intermediate and low-level monsters. Artillery simply could
not contain truly powerful monsters, and only served to anger them.
26 Report
Furthermore, using artillery to kill monsters usually reduced them
to lumps of meat, destroying most of the usable materials. Only the
toughest substances, as well as the monster core crystal, remained.
Because of this, using artillery as a method to clear out large
numbers of low-level monsters and obtain materials was not feasible.

Of course, it was obtaining of large amounts of core crystals that

allowed humanity's pioneer Monster Trainers and Familiars to quickly
grow in strength, to fend off monsters together and protect
humanity's homeland.

Following the cataclysm, humans also realized that the Earth was
also constantly growing and expanding. Because of the happenings
at the beginning of the cataclysm, all the satellites that were sent
into space were destroyed, preventing humans from observing the
changes to the planet from outer space.

It was only two years after the cataclysm, when the aftereffects of
the spatial turbulences in the sky began to gradually stabilize, that
humanity began to send satellites into space again. Only then did
they realize that the Earth had transformed into something foreign to

The surface area of the Earth had expanded multiple times! In fact,
these numbers were still gradually increasing at a slow and steady

Inhabited areas were largely unaffected by the change. The real

transformations happened in the areas that humans rarely set foot
on after the cataclysm. These were the jungles, rivers, valleys and
uninhabited areas. From outer space, the Earth seemed to have
transformed into a completely green planet.

All kinds of terrains experienced great changes, suddenly

transforming the Earth that humans were familiar with into a foreign
27 Report
Even more terrifying were the various rifts on the planet the led to
other worlds. Although information regarding these other worlds
remained highly classified, known only to the highest echelons of
society, the knowledge of their existence hung like sharp sword
above everyone's head. It reminded humanity that disaster could
befall them at anytime, and that they were never truly safe.

Carrying these unfounded worries in his head, Gao Peng drifted

into sleep on the couch. At this moment, Da Zi's pair of antennae
waved around slightly. It then scuttled its way to the bedroom and,
using its large maxillipeds, painstakingly dragged the blanket from
the bed all the way to the living room. The segments of Da Zi's dark
purple carapace shook and rubbed against each other, making a
crisp metallic creaking sound, like that of a bowstring being tightly

Da Zi shot into an upright position while holding the blanket tightly

within its mouth. Then, with a tossing and pulling motion, it flung the
blanket on top of Gao Peng.

Da Zi's front limbs touched the ground and it promptly retreated

back under the sofa in a swaying motion. Its thousand legs curled up
towards its body as it hid on the cold floor.

Its pair of antennae grew limp and rested lazily on top of its head.
Da Zi's eyes slowly became dull as it fell into sleep.

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28 Report

Chapter 5: The Legendary Ms. Murong


The next day as the sky began to turn bright an alarm clock rang.
Gao Peng who was lying on the sofa awoke with a start.

Eh? When did I cover myself with a blanket? Gao Peng wondered to
himself as he rubbed his head in confusion. Deciding not to think too
much about this, he quickly got up to wash himself.

After a wash-up, Gao Peng speedily wolfed down a sandwich from

his bag that was prepared beforehand and went on to drag Da Zi out
from under the sofa. Da Zi lazily allowed Gao Peng to drag it around,
making no effort to move from its sprawling position on the ground.
Its yellow claws scraped against the floor, making a shaaashaaa

Gao Peng put down his big monster to catch his breath. Nope, this
fella is too heavy, thought Gao Peng. Gotta get this fella to walk on
its own.

He squatted down and patted Da Zi on its hard carapace. It gave

off a crisp dang dang sound. "Da Zi, you have to walk on your
own, you understand?" Gao Peng said.

Da Zi raised its head and gave some sort of reply by waving its pair
of antennae wearily. Then it went back to its sprawling position on
the ground, not moving an inch.

Gao Peng was at a loss for what to do. For some reason, this fella
was getting more and more lazy. He frowned and thought for a
moment. He recalled that Mr. Zhang had mentioned once in class
that controlling Monster Familiars required regular methods and
routines. Although humans called these creatures monsters, they
were basically just another sentient life form that was different from
29 Report

Being sentient they had emotions, and naturally their own

personalities as well. Even monsters of the same species could have
a myriad of different personalities, just like humans.

If a person was of a weak and cowardly disposition, then going

through a few years of rigorous military training could make this
person's personality stronger and more resilient. Using the same
logic, monsters that not suited for battle could go through special
training methods to make them more suitable for being Familiars.

Da Zi was too young to be this lazy. Being stuck in the house for
such a long time might have caused it to develop the temperament
of a couch potato. Gao Peng squatted down again and whispered
enticingly to Da Zi, "Do you want to eat something? Shall we go
out and play? There are lots of yummy bugs out there."

Da Zi's waving antennae suddenly froze and shot upright.

It turned its head, staring straight at Gao Peng. Gao Peng smiled.

Around Da Zi's neck was a leather collar, and attached to the back
was a silvery gray chain that Gao Peng held in his hand.

Gao Peng carried his red schoolbag while walking Da Zi along the
streets as people passed them.

Although the sight of walking centipedes was rather rare, Gao Peng
did not capture that much attention. After all, practically every
household kept a monster as a pet, just how cats and dogs were kept
as pets before the cataclysm.

Furthermore, monsters came in all shapes and sizes. Most people

chose to rear monsters that looked cute or majestic. At the same
time there would always be those with unusual tastes that chose the
strange monsters instead.
30 Report
For instance, just to Gao Peng's left was a fashionable looking
auntie who was holding a chain as thick as an infant's arm to walk
her three-meter tall, six-meter long, medium-sized Snow Lion Dog.

That's right: a dog of this size only counted as a large, medium-

sized dog in this day and age, not a large dog.

Ahead walking hurriedly in Gao Peng's direction was a man in a

suit and tie who looked like an office worker. Perched on his shoulder
was a red and black parrot closing its eyes and napping.

As they passed by the Snow Lion Dog, the parrot opened its eyes,
turned around and coldly spat, "Dumb*ss!"

The Snow Lion Dog stopped and turned to look at the parrot. Its
eyes, as big as lanterns, were filled with curiosity.

"Dumb*ss! What are you looking at?" The parrot had a sharp

"Woof!" barked the Snow Lion Dog happily as it stuck out its own
tongue to lick the parrot.

The parrot cleverly flew away, leaving its owner, who was dressed
nicely in a suit and tie, covered in the Snow Lion Dog's saliva.

The lady quickly to apologize but the man simply smiled wryly and
said, "It's alright. It's my silly parrot's fault for having such a
foul mouth. I'm already used to it. I'll just change when I
reach the office." With that, he opened the briefcase in his left
hand, revealing a fresh set of office wear. He was evidently prepared.

This little episode was just part of everyday life in the streets. In
this new world, lots of people were still in their adjustment phases
with their new pets. Everyone was working hard to adjust to the
arrival of monsters in their lives.

Behind the man in office attire was an old man in his seventies
31 Report
walking a colorful millstone-sized toad. The toad had warts all over its
back the size of ping pong balls. This was probably a Five-Colored
Toad, a non-poisonous species. For some reason, people found this
type of toad cute and reared them. It was a popular pet nowadays.

In contrast, Da Zi looked plain gross at first sight. But after careful

observation, it was rather cute in an ugly sort of way.

There were quite a few people walking along the streets, many of
whom were walking their pets. No matter what kind of monster it
was, they had one thing in common. They were all leashed at some
part of their body, with the leash held in their owner's hand. Most of
these monsters could easily snap the thin ropes that connected them
to their owners. But the leash was not meant to hold these monsters
back, as using the leash was a form of respect for other people.

Gao Peng soon arrived at school. It was not far from his home,
about half an hour's journey on foot. Currently, all schools were
public schools managed by the government. The government also
prohibited the setting up of private schools.

Education had always been important, and it was even more so in

this new world. The minds of children were the most pure and also
the most easily led astray. Childhood was the most crucial period for
one's thoughts and ideas to be shaped and changed.

In the peaceful times of the past, a troublemaking child would

probably grow up to become a troublemaking adult, and at most
cause some minor trouble in society. In the new world, however, it
was almost impossible to tell what a person might amount to in the
future. Should a troublemaker manage to sign a Blood Contract with
a high-level monster, even the most minor trouble could result in
major damage.

Gao Peng studied at the Chang'an Third High School, located in the
suburbs next to the Chang'an City Armed Police Brigade's training
grounds. Just a little further, and one would be able to exit the city.
32 Report
Outside the cities, many areas had already transformed into
primeval jungles. Jungles meant danger and the unknown.

But of course that only applied to the more desolate jungles. The
government had already found out whatever they could about the
jungles around Chang'an City. Dangerous monsters were practically
nonexistent and, even if they appeared, the top Monster Trainers in
Chang'an City would quickly eliminate them.

Military troops were also stationed along the edges of the jungle
totally preventing dangerous monsters from escaping the jungle.
Only a few low-leveled, non-threatening monsters occasionally
wandered in from the outside to the outskirts of the city. But this just
allowed senior students from big schools and the various Monster
Trainers in Chang'an City a chance to practice their skills.

Outside the school gate was a row of school buses. Each bus was
black and red in color with a sturdy metal ring secured around the
chassis. The metal ring even had sharp spikes surrounding it. The
exterior of each bus was triple-plated with metal boards, each the
thickness of a thumb. The wheels of the bus were made with a
special material that was obtained from mutated rubber trees after
the cataclysm. Wheels made from this new form of rubber were
tougher and more resilient, even withstanding gunshots from small
caliber rounds.

Gao Peng could not help but look at the buses a few more times. I
guess any monster excellent grade and below shouldn't pose a threat
to these buses, thought Gao Peng suddenly.

"Year 2 Class 3 students please gather here!" shouted a

voice from the school gate.

In front of one of the buses was a red-haired female, roughly five

feet six inches tall, wearing a black leather jacket and bell-bottomed
jeans. She was holding up a wooden sign that read "Year 2 Class
33 Report
"Good morning, Ms. Murong," Gao Peng ran over and greeted
her politely.

Murong Qiuye who weighed no less than 250 pounds smiled and
nodded. She replied in a gentle voice, "Ah, Gao Peng, you've
arrived. You can go to the school bus first."

Students that were well-liked by teachers usually fell into two

categories: those that scored good grades and mischievous students.

Gao Peng was naturally the former. After all, his results were at the
top of the class and the fourth in the grade. He was also a quiet
student that did not cause trouble, which set his teachers' minds at

Going up in the school bus, Gao Peng could see that some students
had already boarded. Gao Peng generally only got along all right with
the other students and was a normal, unremarkable presence within
the class.

At least, that was what Gao Peng thought. In reality, Gao Peng,
whose grades had improved drastically and who had risen to fourth
in the grade since his parents' death, had become a very special
student in the eyes of his classmates.

Right now, the Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede that Gao

Peng had leashed in his right hand was capturing the attention of
many classmates.

"Wow, it's so cute!"

"What a moe little centipede."

"Wow, that's a Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede,

isn't it? It's one of the highest ranking monsters among
common grade monsters. To think that Gao Peng's family
owned such a powerful Monster Familiar!"
34 Report
"But isn't Gao Peng an orphan? Where could he have gotten
his hands on a Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede? He
must have borrowed it, right?" a voice suddenly spoke in an
inappropriate manner, causing the atmosphere in the school bus to
turn cold.

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35 Report

Chapter 6: Black Raging Kong’s


Gao Peng raised his head, and looked towards the back of the
school bus. In the back row was a boy with a quiff haircut, wearing
skinny jeans and a floral patterned shirt. He even had piercings on
his ears. He was sitting arrogantly with his two arms resting on the
two seats next to his. to him was a hulking back figure that looked
like a dense dark cloud. Even while sitting down, it was a head taller
than him.

This quiff-head's name was Hai Lanyu.

Within the class, he and Gao Peng were polar opposites. While Gao
Peng was quiet and low-key, Hai Lanyu was loud and flashy, and the
most boisterous presence in class.

Most importantly, his results were amongst the worst in class.

Because of this, he had an inexplicable dislike for students with good
grades, to the extent that he could not stand the sight of them.

Hai Lanyu laughed slightly while petting his Black Raging Kong,
who was sitting next to him, with a proud expression on his face.

This was the birthday present that he just gotten from his father
this year! It was, in the true meaning of the word, his first Familiar.
One could only establish a Blood Contract after turning eighteen.
According to the research results published by the Allied
Government, only after the age of eighteen would establishing a
Blood Contract not harm the body in any way. Hence, with this
knowledge, all the various schools were informed to prohibit any
student from establishing Blood Contracts before they turned
36 Report
This year, just after turning eighteen, Hai Lanyu's father had
brought him to the Monster Trade Center within the city center to
buy him this Black Raging Kong.

Although the Black Raging Kong was only a normal grade monster,
it was still one of the highest ranking monsters within the normal
grade. By properly training it and leveling it, there was a high
possibility of it being promoted to an elite tier monster.

Monster tiers were classified as [Normal], [Elite], [Commander],

and so on.

Within each tier, monsters could have different grades, classified

as [Normal], [Excellent], [Perfect], and so on.

Other than the monster's tier, its grade was also a factor that
affected its combat ability.

A monster's tier could be seen as the cultivation of a monster,

whereas the grade could be seen as the difference in combat ability
within monsters of the same species in the same tier. For instance, a
legendary grade OP character could take on thousands of normal
grade creeps of the same tier, or even take on opponents within
higher tiers.

Gao Peng took a look at Hai Lanyu and the Black Raging Kong next
to him and promptly sat down on a random seat.

Hai Lanyu took that as a sign of fear and could not help but laugh
out loud, even whistling in delight.

Gao Peng gently comforted Da Zi who was sitting by his leg. He

held Da Zi's antennae from the base and stroked it all the way up to
the tip, repeating this motion again and again.

Da Zi slowly began to calm down, its eyes squinting and its

mandibles opening and closing. The yellow claws that ran across its
body were also shaking slightly in delight.
37 Report
While seemingly comforting Da Zi in a calm manner, Gao Peng was
actually looking at the data that had appeared in his mind.

[Monster Name]: Black Raging Kong

[Monster Level]: Level 8

[Monster Grade]: Normal

[Monster Attribute]: Strength, Earth

[Monster Condition]: Healthy (Frustrated)

[Monster Weakness]: 1. Poison 2. Spines from the Needle Palm

contain paralyzing toxin that can cause severe scurvy effects in Black
Raging Kongs.

[Requirements for Promotion to Excellent Grade]: …

Gao Peng secretly committed the words "Needle Palm" to his

memory, and at the same time began to think of where he could find
those trees.

Needle Palms were newly evolved plants that appeared after the
cataclysm; they originally belonged to the palm family. The palm
family was a large group of plants that included plants like the hedge
bamboo, Alexandra palm, and the Chinese fan palm.

Needle Palms were not rare. It was not possible to determine what
species of palm the Needle Palm evolved from, but plants from the
palm family had a wide distribution in the south. There were even
some planted in the city, so they were not a rare type of plant.

However, Needle Palms had spines on their leaves, which

contained a bit of paralyzing toxin. This is why all the Needle Palms
within the city had been completely removed. In order to find one,
one had to go out into the wild.
38 Report
During this excursion, they would head into the wilderness, so it
was highly likely they would find some Needle Palms along the way.
Being the top student that he was, Gao Peng continued to think
about which environmental conditions best suited the growth of
Needle Palms and how to collect their leaves…

At the back row, the Black Raging Kong suddenly sneezed for no
reason. It rubbed its nose with one of its thick muscular arms, and
then simply wiped the mucus off onto Hai Lanyu's body.

"A*shole! You…" Hai Lanyu started furiously. He turned to look at

the Black Raging Kong's pale yellow eyes, and then looked at its
arms, which were thicker than his own thighs. Hai Lanyu could only
reluctantly smile and pat his Black Raging Kong on the shoulders,
saying, "Don't do that next time, ok? Be good."

The Black Raging Kong sneezed again in a very human-like

manner, then glanced at Hai Lanyu with a look of disdain.

Hai Lanyu felt a little depressed. He turned his eyes back to the
front of the bus and suddenly seemed to see something that was of
great surprise to him.

"Fatty!" The bus was filled once again with the sound of Hai Lanyu
making a ruckus. This new arrival on the bus was the not too tall,
slightly plump fatty.

"Yup, this is the Familiar that my dad bought for me," said
the fatty. He was one of Hai Lanyu's few good friends in high school.
His name was Chen Hanqiao.

Before the cataclysm, the two were middle school classmates,

sharing a pretty good relationship.

Quietly sitting on the left shoulder of Chen Hanqiao was a tiny pink
baby monster the size of an adult's palm. It looked as though there
were tiny scales embedded right under its skin.
39 Report
Its black eyes were vivid and energetic as it cautiously took in its
surroundings. It even made the occasional gurgling sound.

But that was not all: the most attractive part about this little baby
monster was the constantly crackling electricity, visible around its
body. A juvenile monster that possessed elemental powers would be
commander tier monster at the very least when it reached

A commander tier monster! Hai Lanyu's breath almost stopped. His

family was wealthy, but only just a little wealthy, enough to buy a
single Black Raging Kong as a Familiar. In order to level up his
Familiar, he still needed to find ways to promote his Familiar to
perfect grade before being able to advance it to a commander tier

Finding a way to do so would be ideal. But in reality, a method to

promote his Familiar to a perfect grade, and then advance it to
commander tier, practically did not exist.

Getting one's hands on a juvenile commander tier monster was not

something money alone could buy. There was evidently someone in a
considerable position of power involved.

Gao Peng turned to look at the pink baby monster on top of Chen
Hanqiao's shoulders, and figures began to appear in his mind again.

[Monster Name]: Electric Luster Bear (Juvenile phase)

[Monster Level]: Level 5

[Monster Grade]: Excellent (Current grade; upon maturing and

entering commander tier, grade will drop to normal)

[Monster Attribute]: Electric

[Monster Condition]: Healthy (In a daze)
40 Report
[Monster Weakness]: 1. Consumption of large amounts of water
attribute ingredients during juvenile phase will lead to a probability of
failure in advancing tier to commander tier. 2. During juvenile phase,
the use of…

[Requirements for Promotion to Perfect Grade]: …

Gao Peng withdrew his gaze, with a feeling of shock in his heart.
Not just because of how powerful this juvenile Electric Luster Bear
could become, but because he realized that his own ability was more
terrifying than he thought.

Da Zi was currently only a normal Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed

Centipede. If he were to keep promoting its grade and let it grow
further and further, what kind of evolution would it achieve in the

Gao Peng looked down and gently caressed Da Zi's head, his
thoughts wandering. Many people choose their Familiars with the
utmost care because the potential of their Familiar determined their
own potential.

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41 Report

Chapter 7: Blood Lilyturf


A Monster Trainer's individual strength was not particularly

impressive. Even though it was said that at later stages, Familiars
could greatly increase the survival abilities of its Trainer, it was only
an increase in survival ability. At the end of the day, in order to
actually do battle, Trainers had to rely on their Familiars.

The number of Familiars that a Trainer could establish Blood

Contracts with was determined by the strength of the Trainer's soul.
As a Familiar grew stronger, the Trainer was nourished as well,
causing the Trainer's soul to grow and strengthen, allowing them to
establish contracts with more Familiars.

In other words, everything was relative. Establishing Blood

Contracts required the expenditure of a soul's energy. Even though
the 'blood' was in Blood Contract, the blood was only a medium.
What truly linked human and monster spiritually was actually the

Of course, this link worked in both directions as well. If a Trainer

were to use cruel and violent methods to control a Familiar, the
Familiar would constantly putting up resistance, and this would result
in an increased burden on the Trainer's soul. If the number of
Familiars resisting a Trainer's control increased too much, it could
result in terrifying consequences…

Perhaps I could take in a large number of low-ranking Familiars,

and then continually raise their monster grade… Gao Peng suddenly
thought, as an idea to exploit his ability.

Nope, no can do. This would be too obvious.
42 Report
Gao Peng quickly banished this thought from his mind. He could
not do that. At least not right now. Furthermore, raising Familiars
required a large amount of resources, which he could not afford at
the moment. Gao Peng also had no intention of exposing his ability to
join other powerful groups or organizations. He feared that he would
end up being used by others as a monster-breeding machine.

"Is everyone here? Class monitor, please take attendance,"

said their form teacher Murong Qiuye to class monitor Tan Qianjin as
she boarded the bus.

Tan Qianjin was also a small and plump person who had dimples
when he smiled. He always got along with others in class and also
had a cheerful personality and good grades. It did not take long for
the class to eventually elect him as class monitor.

"Ms. Murong, everyone is already here. I made a tick on the

class register every time someone came in," said Tan Qianjin
with a smile as he handed the class register to Ms. Murong.

Ms. Murong nodded. She then held on to a grab pole, stuck her
head out of the window and shouted, "Director, the students in
our class is all here. We can leave now."

After a moment, Ms. Murong nodded again, then promptly sat on

the driver's seat.

Sitting in the first row, Tan Qianjin's jaw dropped as Ms. Murong
very proficiently adjusted gears, stepped on the gas pedal, and
started up the bus in one smooth motion.

Such an experienced driver…

The bus's exhaust pipes gave a roar and the bus charged forward
like a hulking metal beast.

Behind it were two blue cars following closely behind. The cars
were totally blue except for a white shield drawn on the sides of the
43 Report
car. It was the BlueShield Protection Company.

They travelled at high speed and in only a few minutes, they

reached the edge of a lake within the outskirts of the city.

"Alright, we've arrived. Students, please alight."

With a tsss sound, the front and rear doors of the bus opened at
the same time, allowing bright sunrays to shine into the bus from the

"This… This is so exciting! So this is what the outskirts are

like!" said one of the fat boys in class. He was one of those who
seemed to have trouble acting appropriately at the right situations.
He rubbed his hands together and continued, "It's just… just too
damn exciting, ugh." At this moment, a girl in a ponytail and
glasses viciously hammered him on the head while wearing a blank
expression. "Li Zipang, stop the drama."

Li Zipang angrily responded, "Li Hongdou, don't go too far! If it

weren't for the fact that you were my older sister, I would
never…" A cold gaze that came sweeping over from Li Hongdou
caused Li Zipang to freeze. "I would never dare to raise my voice
at you…" he continued.

As Gao Peng tried to lead Da Zi down the bus, its antennae kept
twirling around anxiously. Da Zi was hesitant about entering a
foreign environment. In the end, Gao Peng had to forcibly throw Da
Zi off the bus.

Being tossed out of the bus, Da Zi frantically circled around Gao

Peng before getting itself upright to try to climb onto Gao Peng. Gao
Peng cold-heartedly refused to let it do so.

This was the first time he saw Da Zi this nervous, and Gao Peng
could not help but laugh.
44 Report
"Roar!" A ferocious roar exploded next to Gao Peng's ear. Gao
Peng's eardrums almost burst from the powerful sound waves. This
angered Da Zi. Its body sprang upright, then suddenly bent behind
Gao Peng's like a giant bow.


Da Zi left a long afterimage as it gave the Black Raging Kong a bite

on the thigh. It was a swift motion, like a dragonfly laying an egg on

The Black Raging Kong frowned in a very human-like manner, and

clutched its thigh, yelping continuously.

Hai Lanyu, who was standing right beside them, had originally
been laughing at Gao Peng's misfortune. The moment he saw that his
Familiar had been bitten, his smile turned to a look of rage. He was
about to act on it when he heard the strict voice of Murong Qiuye
scolding them. "What are you two doing? Don't think I didn't
see what happened. Hai Lanyu, now that you have a Familiar
you are a Monster Trainer! As a Monster Trainer, make sure
you control you familiar properly and not let it scare people
like that. Gao Peng, you too have to make sure your little
centipede doesn't bite people that easily."

Both sides were scolded, but it was clear that Murong Qiuye was
more biased towards Gao Peng, probably because of his good results.

The Black Raging Kong was eventually summoned away by its

master reluctantly. It looked towards Hai Lanyu with eyes filled with
resentment as if to say, You sent me to scare that guy just now, and
in the end you called me back after getting me bitten by that little
centipede. What kind of master are you?"

It unhappily jumped up and down on the spot, making yelping

45 Report
Black Raging Kongs were rather intelligent, and roughly as smart
as seven to eight-year-old children. Its emotions, which it wore
clearly on its face, were there for anyone to see. Right now, its face
was scrunched up and its brows were furrowed; it was clearly putting
on a long face.

Gao Peng looked closely at the Black Raging Kong, and from the
stats table that appeared in his mind, he could see that the
[Monster Condition] had changed from "Healthy (Frustrated)"
to "Mildly hurt (Depressed) [Poisoned]"

The last word, "poisoned," flashed with a red glow which grew
dimmer as time went by. At the same time, the condition in front of it
also eventually changed from "mildly hurt" to "minor injuries."

"Is this a Blood Lilyturf? This is a plant that was evolved

from the dwarf lilyturf during the cataclysm. Even before its
evolution, the dwarf lilyturf had medicinal purposes that
could nourish the lungs and treat coughs. The evolved Blood
Lilyturf has the ability to treat internal injuries, especially
damage to internal organs. Administering a bit of Blood
Lilyturf root can help to replenish blood and aid in the
recovery of such injuries." Gao Peng was in a half-squat position,
obsessing over a blood-red plant next to his leg.

The dwarf lilyturf was also called Yanjiecao, and was a very
common plant before the cataclysm. It could even be seen often in
the streets. In flowerbeds along the roads, there were often plants
that looked like chives lining the bottom. Those were dwarf lilyturf.

Information regarding the Blood Lilyturf could all be found in "The

New Edition Mutant Plant Botany," which was a must read
course for all middle school students after the cataclysm.

No matter when, knowledge would always remain the number one
46 Report
productive force. Even in the current bizarre and fantasy-like world
they were in, knowledge and science had not fallen behind.

Science was not the same thing as technology. Technology was

merely the result of science. Science was a method to sort out one's
own knowledge, a system of collating and searching for information,
and the use of logic and analysis for research. It was something that
could greatly increase the effectiveness of increasing one's
knowledge and making it one's own.

It was something that never fell behind.

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47 Report

Chapter 8: Brown Crag Snake


Gao Peng studied passionately because he hoped to find a method

to resurrect his parents through the knowledge he obtained.

This was how Gao Peng managed to transform from a 'dead fish'
student who had no interest in studying, to a top student in school.

Because he had dreams; because he had ambitions. And those

were to bring his parents back to life.

If he chose to be an ordinary person, then he did not have any

right to chase after his ambitions.

Gao Peng dug up the soil beneath the Blood Lilyturf to reveal the
snow white rhizome of the plant. What looked like miniature carrots
were growing out from under the rhizome. It was hard to imagine
that under such a small plant was such a large mass of underground

Although Gao Peng had read up on Blood Lilyturfs, this was the first
time he saw and touched one in real life.

Da Zi kept circling around Gao Peng curiously, its pair of antennae

flying about constantly. It stared at the Blood Lilyturf root in Gao
Peng's hand, then rested on his elbow and stared at him with pitiful
puppy-dog eyes.

Gao Peng laughed out loud. He was just examining this plant and
had no intention of actually bringing it back with him. But if Da Zi
wanted to eat it, why not? Gao Peng fed Da Zi the piece of root that
he held in his hand. Da Zi's mandibles opened and closed as it ate in
big mouthfuls. A clear liquid flowed out of Da Zi's mouth parts.
48 Report
Centipedes were originally omnivorous creatures, and some even
ate moss. Eating a bit of Blood Lilyturf root should have been no
problem at all.

Afterwards, Gao Peng stepped into what seemed to him a

dreamlike paradise, as he searched the grove next to Mirror Lake for
all sorts of different plants. Various plants that previously only
existed for him in books were right there in front of his very eyes.
There was a Transforming Vajra Osmanthus, a Blue-Winged

This little grove was like a treasure trove to Gao Peng.

Da Zi, who was following Gao Peng about, suddenly stopped, the
pair of antennae on its head shooting upright like two long towers. Its
eyes shone with a cautious light.

The sound of rustling from a bush behind Gao Peng alarmed him.
The dark green bush was shaking constantly. From the frequency of
the shaking and the size of the bush, Gao Peng could determine that
whatever was making the rustling was not too large.

As if sensing Da Zi's presence, whatever was in the bush seemed

to not dare to come near. After hesitating for a moment, the shaking
in the bush stopped. The creature hidden in the bush seemed to be
trying to retreat from the back of the bush.

Da Zi got excited and looked eager to rush into the bush, but was
stopped by Gao Peng. There was no way to be sure that Da Zi would
not fall into a trap after chasing the creature into the bush. The
creature could be trying to lure Da Zi in.

The wisdom that these monsters had was not to be

underestimated. Although most monsters did not have very high
intelligence, it was not the same thing as wisdom.

Intelligence was inborn; but wisdom could be accumulated through
49 Report

Gao Peng pulled Da Zi along with him as he took two big steps
backwards. After taking a careful look at his surroundings to make
sure there were no other threats around, he picked up a rock from
the ground and tossed it a bit in his hand.

Then he sent it flying towards the bush!

Su su–

The bush suddenly shook violently as though something in it was


After a moment, a grey figure suddenly shot out from the bush.
Ssss! It went straight towards Gao Peng.

Gao Peng carefully stepped backwards and at the same time, Da Zi

fiercely leapt at that gray figure. Da Zi's speed was not slow either.

A purple and a grey blur crashed in mid-air at a speed so fast that

Gao Peng could not see each figure clearly with his naked eye. He
only saw purple and gray afterimages entangled with each other in a
complete blur.

Momentarily, probably after finally locking onto each other, the two
images finally landed on the ground with a thud. Da Zi's thousands of
legs were wrapped tightly around the body of a greyish brown

Before the cataclysm this would probably be called a python, but

now in this new era, this was merely a small, ordinary snake.

The grey-brown python was around three meters long, while Da Zi

was only two meters long. Hence, at the rear end of Da Zi, there was
a segment of tail sticking out, occasionally thrashing about.

Looking at the python, a stats table automatically appeared in Gao
50 Report
Peng's mind.

[Monster Name]: Brown Crag Snake [Monster Level]: Level 6

[Monster Grade]: Normal [Monster Attribute]: Earth [Monster
Condition]: Healthy (Panicking) [Monster Weakness]: 1. Wood 2.
Snake Saliva Grass is excellent in repelling Brown Crag Snakes, when
exposed to high amounts, movements of Brown Crag Snakes will be
slowed and their bodies will become stiff. [Requirements for
Promotion to Excellent Grade]: …

Snake Saliva Grass… typically, around the areas that Brown Crag
Snakes inhabited, there would be places where Snake Saliva Grasses
grew. But for him to rush off at this crucial time to find some Snake
Saliva Grass? This was simply too difficult a task. Right now, Da Zi
was in a stalemate with the Brown Crag Snake. If he were to run into
any other monster while searching for Snake Saliva Grass, he would
have no choice but to end his role as the protagonist.

Another reason he wouldn't look for the grass was that the problem
at hand seemed to be manageable. Although Da Zi was a level lower
than the Brown Crag Snake, it was only a level and not a tier
difference; hence there was not much difference in power.

Furthermore, within monsters of a normal grade, the Purple-

Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede was definitely ranked a lot higher
than a Brown Crag Snake. Gao Peng could see that Da Zi had sunk its
mandibles into an area just behind the head of the Brown Crag
Snake. Da Zi's fangs had sunk deep into the snake's flesh. This was
an optimal position for Da Zi, for although the Brown Crag Snake
could still move its head a bit, all it could bite was Da Zi's back

The Brown Crag Snake opened its mouth wide in an effort to bite
the purple carapace. Its lower jaw unhinged, opening almost 180
degrees wide. Then it bit down viciously on the carapace.
51 Report
The fangs did not go through the carapace… The Brown Crag
Snake, in a very human-like manner, looked as though it were
sh*tting bricks. It's eyes were wide and its mouth just froze in that
open, biting position.

At that moment, the Brown Crag Snake was in an extremely

compromising position. Its body was trapped by Da Zi's thousands of
legs which were like nails sinking into its body. No matter how it
thrashed about, it could not get loose. Da Zi's Fangs were also like
two drills stuck into its body, continually injecting large amounts of
venom into it.

In Gao Peng's vision, the condition section of the Brown Crag Snake
kept flashing red. Its status continually worsened as it dropped from
"slightly injured" to "minor injuries," to "medium injuries," to
"serious injuries." The Brown Crag Snake struggled for its life
initially, rolling around the ground and thrashing into trees, leaving
pieces of tree bark all over the ground and making dull thudding

As the injuries worsened, the Brown Crag Snake gave up in the

end. It quietly lay down on the ground and stared blankly ahead with
eyes that looked as though it had given up on life.

The words "serious injuries" flashed rapidly, and by this time, the
words turned into a dark red color. The red color gradually
disappeared like blood being drawn out from the words themselves.
In the end, only the color of black remained as the words changed
into "fatally injured."

After ten minutes, the color of the words "fatally injured" visibly
faded, leaving behind a single greyish-white word: "deceased."

Apparently, snakes had something unique about their nervous

system that allowed them to react immediately when attacked. This
mechanism still remained even after death, as long as the sensory
organs around its head had not been decomposed; meaning that
52 Report
they could still pose a lethal threat. As many snakes possessed
powerful venom, cases of dying from snake bites after a snake was
dead were not that rare.

Even if the Brown Crag Snake were venomous, being bitten by its
sharp fangs would be like having two hooks embedded and stuck in
one's flesh.

Gao Peng picked up a long stick and poked the Brown Crag Snake

The Brown Crag Snake lying motionlessly on the ground suddenly

flipped around and bit down viciously on the stick. No matter how
hard Gao Peng shook the stick, he could not shake off the Brown
Crag Snake. Its eyes however, remained a dull white, without any
signs of life in it. The snake simply maintained its position, biting
onto the stick.

After waiting an hour, Gao Peng finally used the stick to coil the
carcass of the Brown Crag Snake around it. He then took out a nylon
bag and placed the Brown Crag Snake into it. Practically every part of
a monster's carcass was worth something. All he had to do was to
bring this back to certain specialized shop to fetch a good price for
the snake.

Da Zi lifted its upper body up, and flopped onto Gao Peng. Its eyes
were staring at the dead Brown Crag Snake and its saliva was almost
flowing out.

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53 Report

Chapter 9: Crying Like A 400 Pound Kid


Gao Peng found it hard to bear, seeing Da Zi's pleading look. But in
order for Da Zi to evolve and increase its grade, it needed meat and
attributes of precious materials. This Brown Crag Snake carcass was
merely a more-nutritious-than-normal meal to Da Zi. It was more
worthwhile to sell this complete snake carcass and use the money to
buy materials specific for nurturing Da Zi.

Meanwhile, Gao Peng did not notice that on a tree, roughly a

hundred meters behind him, was a man wearing a blue security
uniform watching him closely. "This kid is rather prudent, it
seems. A Brown Crag Snake like that could probably earn him
half an Alliance Credit," said the man to himself.

He was one of the security personnel from Blue Shield Protection

Agency who was in charge of the security of the students. They were
there to make sure the students' lives were not in danger, but not
there to be babysitters. The safety of the students was their
responsibility, but not the safety of their Familiars. If a Familiar died,
then that was it. These students were already high schoolers. In this
new era, those sixteen and above were considered legal adults, and
adults had to be responsible for their own actions.

At the same time, at another location:

Hai Lanyu was running excitedly around the nearby forests with his
Familiar, a Black Raging Kong. The earlier conflict with Gao Peng had
already been tossed to the back of his mind. After all, that was just
some friction between high schoolers; nothing worth bearing a real
grudge over.

The area he chose to explore was a different patch of forest from
54 Report
Gao Peng's. Gao Peng's area was a forest next to the lake that was
exposed to sunlight. It had large trees scattered across the place. Hai
Lanyu, however, was at a forest on the inner side of the lake that was
in between the lake and a mountain. This was an area with low
sunlight, and the plants here were lush.

The Black Raging Kong seemed as though it had not been out in
the wild for a long time, and was evidently very excited as well.

It beat its chest with its two arms, giving off a dull "dong dong
dong" sound.

It raised its head, formed an 'O' with its mouth and made happy
Ao-ao sounds.

The Black Raging Kong happily jumped about. With a flex of its leg
muscles, it became a black afterimage, jumping a few meters high. It
swung around the tree branches in the forest and within moments,
went out of Hai Lanyu's line of sight.

Forget it, I'll just let him go; thought Hai Lanyu.

He had initially wanted to try and control it, but then he thought of
his Black Raging Kong's large, strong build. Even ten of him would
not be able to hold it back from doing anything it really wanted to.

Although it was his own familiar, he did remember the teacher

saying something in class along the lines of… occasionally allowing
the Familiar free to do what it wanted? Hai Lanyu's grades were bad
because he was always absent minded during class, and missed out
on the most crucial details.

Actually, what the teacher meant was to balance work and play.
While training one's familiar, one needed to also remember to take
some time to have fun with it, to promote bonding. With increased
closeness between Trainer and Familiar, certain exclusive abilities
unique to the Trainer and Familiar would be unlocked. These abilities
55 Report
were vital for the survival of the Trainer.

As the day came to a close, a campfire was set up next to the

crystal clear lake. Murong Qiuye took out a bunch of tents from the
storage compartment under the bus and gave a step by step
demonstration on how to set up the tents. Very quickly, all the
students finished pitching their tents. Each tent fit two students of
the same gender.

Sharing the tent with Gao Peng was the class monitor Tan Qianjin.
After finding out about this grouping, Tan Qianjin smiled brightly, his
eyes squinting. He rubbed his head as he stuck out his right hand
and said, "It's a pleasure, top student."

Gao Peng was not used to shaking other people's hands, but it
would have been rude to refuse. Gao Peng gingerly grabbed hold of
Tan Qianjin's hand for a brief handshake.

Entering the tent, Gao Peng took out two tightly sealed packets of
pickled mustard from his school bag. He tossed one to Tan Qianjin
and kept the other in the pocket of his pants.

Tonight's dinner was roasted fish. The fish were wild, fished from
the lake.

Gao Peng knew very well the standard of this cooking; so he had
brought along a few packets of Spring Fish pickled mustard as

Tan Qianjin caught the Spring Fish pickled mustard reflexively,

looking stunned at the packet of pickled mustard in his hands. He
then looked at Gao Peng and smiled while putting the packet of
pickled mustard in his pocket.

He went up and placed a hand on Gao Peng's shoulder. "Let's go,

time for some roasted fish," Tan Qianjin said with a smile,
revealing the dimples on his face.
56 Report
By the edge of the lake was a pile of fish caught from the lake.
Something flew past the lake surface in a blur before flying up in the
sky. With a twist and a dive, it flew straight down and stopped by the
edge of the lake. The blur from before revealed itself to be a giant
silver bird, roughly a meter and a half tall. Its sharp claws, that were
shaped like giant hooks, were holding a fish that was half a meter
long. Putting the fish down, it made its way over, using its long
slender legs, to Murong Qiuye's side. It then rubbed its head on
Murong Qiuye, with a reliant look in its eyes.

This was a Silver Winged Bird, a very commonly raised bird-type

monster. Silver Winged Birds had strong reproductive capabilities, a
large range of foods that it could eat, making it easy to raise, and
moderate strength. Because of this, many who chose to raise bird-
type monsters owned Silver Winged Birds.

According to the books that Gao Peng read, Silver Winged Birds
only grew to be about a meter tall at full maturity. This Silver Winged
Bird was a full meter and a half. Compared to others of its kind, this
bird would be a giant.

[Monster Name]: Silver Winged Bird (Giant variant) [Monster

Grade]: Excellent [Monster Level]: Level 12 …

So, it was an individual that underwent a gigantism mutation.

Mutated variants often had a larger size than their ordinary
counterparts, and were often of a higher grade too. In this part of the
outskirts, excellent grade monsters were apex predators on the top
of the food chain. Being level 12 and of an excellent grade, this giant
Silver Winged Bird would encounter no natural enemies in the vicinity
of the lake.

Bird-type monsters also had a large, efficient range of movement,

allowing them to provide support speedily. This one was probably
arranged by the school as a second layer of protection for the safety
of the students.
57 Report
"Wow, Ms. Murong, you have such a huge bird," said Li
Zigong excitedly.

Everyone around them suddenly fell silent.

"Pa!" Li Hongdou gave Li Zigong a loud slap on the back of his

head. "Do you know how to speak properly?!"

Li Zigong gave his sister a frustrated look. "Sis! Stop hitting me

at the back of my head! I suspect that my IQ is this low
because you keep hitting me there."

"Oh," said Li Hongdou as she glanced at him, while rubbing her

wrist. "I was getting sore from hitting you anyway."

No one had never seen such a large Silver Winged Bird before.
Soon, there was a crowd surrounding the Silver Winged Bird.

If not for the fear of being pecked by the Silver Winged Bird, some
of them would have definitely reached out their hands to pet it.

Murong Qiuye's plump face was all smiles. "Students, please

approach slowly. Ling Que's character isn't very sociable. You
all can look, but please don't touch."

"Hi, Silver Winged Bird; If I call, will you respond?" said Tan
Qianjin while smiling from ear to ear.

The Silver Winged Bird simply turned its head, its eyes filled with a
look of spite.

Tan Qianjin choked back some tears. To think that he would be

despised by a bird.


In the end, seemingly losing its patience, the Silver Winged Bird
flapped its wings and flew off, leaving behind a few silvery feathers
58 Report
which slowly fell to the ground.

"Ms. Murong, my Kong has gone missing! I've tried to

summon it using the Blood Contract but there was no
response; could something have happened to it?" Hai Lanyu
suddenly rushed over from the side. There were tears streaming
down his face; he was crying like a 400 pound kid.

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59 Report

Chapter 10: Devil Mantis


"Where is your Black Raging Kong?" Murong Qiuye asked and

furrowed his eyebrows. Normally these royal animals' safeties were
out of her hands. But as Hai Lanyu burst out in tears like a kid she
became soft-hearted.

"Over there," a Blue Shield security in blue uniform said and

pointed at the grove behind them.

Teardrops were still hanging on his face, but Hai Lanyu gawked at
the man who suddenly appeared by his side. "How do you know?"

"Because I was standing behind you, only 100 meters

away." The Blue-Shield security smiled.

"Then why didn't you get my Black Raging Kong back!" Hai
Lanyu hurled the question at the man in a loud voice. His veins stood
out from his anger.

The security put his forefinger over his lips. "Hush."

Hai Lanyu felt a chill radiate through his body. He lowered his head
as a dark shadow silently shrouded him. The other students

He turned around, and almost knocked into something. He raised

his head and his heart almost jumped out of the chest.

A ferocious trophi opened and closed and emotionless compound

eyes stared at him, a cold-blooded killer looking down at its prey. He
could see hair wriggling in the mouth, and piercing teeth that
gleamed white.
60 Report
Its huge bulk leaned forward, with a pair of sharp arms like
decapitation broadswords, looking like the loneliest sculpture in the

"My baby is irritable, especially when seeing someone

shouting at me," the security smiled at Hai Lanyu. But in Hai
Lanyu's eyes, it was a devil's smile.

"Sir, You scared my students!" Murong Qiuye suddenly


Like a mother lion protecting her cub, Murong Qiuye dragged Hai
Lanyu behind her and blocked him.

"Sorry; I didn't mean to scare this young gentleman.

Besides, he shouted at me first. That was why my pet came
out in such a frightening manner." The security called out his
Devil Mantis. The seven-foot-tall mantis glanced at Murong Qiuye. Its
head rotated 180 degrees, and its strong legs slightly bent. Then it
transformed into a shadow and vanished.

"This should be sufficient to prove that I mean no harm."

The security spread his hands, looking meaningfully at Hai Lanyu
who stood behind Murong Qiuye. He said indifferently, "I just want
to tell you that our job is to protect your individual securities.
As for your Familiars, they are not under our protection. You
probably have reached adult age. If so, as an adult, you
should be responsible for your behavior. Not everyone spoils
you as your parents do."

After he said so, the security guard sneered at the boy, turned
around, and left.

Hai Lanyu's face was livid with anger. His fingers became fists, his
body trembled. But he dared not flare up.

Hai Lanyu clenched his teeth as his chest heaved.
61 Report
Murong Qiuye sighed in her heart. She wanted to comfort him but
wasn't sure what to say. She knew that these half grown-ups were at
the age where their self-esteem was most volatile.

She was a teacher for years before the cataclysm. She protected
Hai Lanyu out of habit this time. Although the current law lowered
the legal adult age to sixteen, in her eyes these students were just a
bunch of kids.

"Let's find it." Murong Qiuye called her Familiar and walked
towards where Black Raging Kong disappeared.

Many students hesitated but finally followed their teacher, carrying

their Familiars with them as they gathered in flocks.

Hai Lanyu sighed with relief and put down his concern. There was
nothing to worry about with so many people going together. Gao
Peng followed; the pets students took with them didn't comfort him

The fact that the Familiars stayed in the city all the time without
seeing even a drop of blood was equivalent to the difference
between a domestic pig and a wild pig. Although domestic pigs
looked bigger than boars, domestic pigs would flee in disorder if a
boar confronted them.

What truly comforted him were the Devil Mantises, who made long
shadows on branches. A Devil Mantis paused on a branch as a stick
of deadwood and swayed to vanish. In the next second, it appeared
on another branch in the same position.

Even Ms. Murong's variant Silver Winged Bird would turn into prey
in front of these Devil Mantises.

He randomly chose a Devil Mantis's data.

[Monster Name]: Devil Mantis [Monster Level]: Level 15 (Elite)
62 Report
[Monster Grade]: Excellent [Monster Attribute]: Wood [Monster
Condition]: Healthy (Calm) [Monster Weakness]: Fire

This was the strongest monster Gao Peng had met so far: Grade
Excellent plus Elite level. Every Blue Shield security agent was
equipped with a Devil Mantis. The level differences among these
mantises were two to three, with slight competence distinctions.

With so many Devil Mantises, they would not be in danger unless

they met any Commander monsters.

They searched along the direction of Black Raging Kong's

disappearance. The mountain behind Mirror Lake was not big, but it
was covered with dense wood.

It didn't take long for them to find the evidence the Black Raging
Kong left, a pool of blood surrounded by thick yellow stinky liquid.

"It should be somewhere around here," Murong Qiuye

instructed calmly. "Be careful my students. Don't go too far and
stay close to your classmates."

The Blue Shield Security agents also ordered their Devil Mantises
to protect students' safety.

A person dressed like a Captain tossed an interesting look in their

direction. It looks like that thing's style, he thought. As he made the
assumption he relaxed, for there was nothing to worry about. If it was
that thing it's no threat and the situation is under control. As for
these young hands… A smile appeared on his face as he mulled it
over. They will probably suffer from nightmares tonight. The blood
seems to extend this way.

Murong Qiuye lowered her head to check for bloodstains. Spots of

blood scattered in the dead leaves all the way to a mossy boulder in
the distance.
63 Report
"Bell Sparrow, check that boulder. Is there any potential
danger?" Murong Qiuye ordered.

Hovering low in the woods, the Silver Winged Bird made a crisp
call, then dove sharply!

As the bird swooped down its silver wings cut branches like a sharp
knife. Finally it landed on a branch behind the boulder, its acuminous
eyes shining with a chilling light. Staring at the bottom of the
boulder, it made a shrill cry.

At the same time, a baby's cry burst out from under the boulder.

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64 Report

Chapter 11: Horrifying Human-Face


A foul smell lingered in the air. As a gust of wind swept the dried
leaves off the ground, and the thick, foul stench surrounded the
jungle in a blink of an eye.

"Ugh…" A few students could not stand the intensity of the smell
and dropped on one knee, vomiting.

A large beast crawled out slowly from behind the huge rock. At a
glance, it looked to be four or five meters long, with thick limbs that
made crunching noises as they stepped on the dried leaves on the

The limbs of the beast were covered in white fur and had twisted,
irregular joints. Its body was covered in a deep green carapace that
looked like a rock covered in seaweed, but what was most horrifying
were the individual severed heads that lined the carapace. Between
the gaps in the carapace was a yellow pus that occasionally oozed
out. Some of it was even half dried, with leaves and dirt stuck in it.

Some of the heads that were attached to its body had probably
been there for a long time and looked like dried, cured meat.

Other heads, however, were fresh and dripping with blood, with
eyes that were large and staring.

Hai Lanyu almost burst into tears. He recognized who that head
belonged to; it was the head of his Black Raging Kong!

He felt a mix of pain and sadness.
65 Report
After all, the Black Raging Kong had cost quite a fortune. It cost as
much as a car did before the cataclysm. It was bought only two days
ago, and now it was dead. His father would surely scold him to death
when he got back home.

Ying, Ying... This horrifying giant centipede was making cries that
sounded like an infant's crying.

Could this be a Horrifying Human-Face Centipede? Gao Peng

thought as he suddenly recalled what the teacher had introduced in
class. It was brought up as a negative example as how monsters
come to be, and the example of the Horrifying Human-Face
Centipede was a meaningful one. It was also a monster that had
easily identifiable features, as it was rare to find a low ranked
monster that was this horrible and disgusting.

According to what was known about it, the Horrifying Human-Face

Centipede was the result of a sudden malignant mutation. It was
originally supposed to be a giant centipede variant. Due to the large
number of deaths during the cataclysm, certain areas were left with
piles of dead bodies that were not taken care of in time.

During the early periods after the cataclysm, these giant

centipedes were thriving, and mutated easily. Because of the large
number of dead bodies available, some giant centipedes mutated
from feeding on dead bodies over a long period of time, and even
developed the gruesome habit of adorning their bodies with the
heads of their prey. Possibly because they fed on human bodies
initially, Horrifying Human-Face Centipedes had a preference for the
heads of primate species.

According to researchers, the behavior of wearing the heads

served to scare away natural predators and other competitors. This
was because other than the venom it originally possessed, the only
other defense that the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede had was its
large body size. Adult ones could grow to a length of five to six
meters, but in the wild, that only counted as a medium sized
66 Report

"Everyone be careful. No matter what, do not go too close

to the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede. It can spit venom
out of its mouth with a range of more than 10 meters. Its
venom has a strong corrosive effect, and it is also very
revolting…" said Murong Qiuye with her brows furrowed. She was
not in the best condition either, as it was the first time she had
encountered such a savage and perverse monster.

"The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede has only one other

method of fighting other than spitting venom: that is to
overwhelm its prey with its relatively large size. Everyone,
we should be fine as long as we do not get too close. The
Horrifying Human-Face Centipede does not move very
quickly. It usually hides under a large rock or in a cave, and
waits for its prey to come close. But just to be safe, we
should all take a few steps back," asserted Gao Peng calmly,
before taking two careful steps backwards.

Mr. Zhang had gone through the weaknesses of the Horrifying

Human-Face Centipede in class before, and it was also written in
their textbooks. But who knew if the Horrifying Human-Face
Centipede had evolved any new abilities, or if there were gaps in the
existing knowledge of it. Gao Peng was not willing to bet the safety of
his life on mere words and pictures on paper.

The retreating of the crowd seemed to allow the Horrifying Human-

Face Centipede to relax quite a bit. After all, on its list of prey,
humans were one of the most delicious…

Just like how a shark would be less cautious of humans after

tasting human flesh, a tiger that had eaten human meat would
naturally place this new organism under its list of prey.

The eyes of the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede lit up as it saw

the oppressive crowd of humans taking two steps back. It took two
67 Report
experimental steps forward before stopping, with its antennae up
high and erect with caution.

Immediately, it saw the crowd of humans take another two steps


This set its mind at ease. It needed not worry anymore.

It began a mad scuttle, stepping on the dried leaves below it and

causing a continuous crunching sound. With each movement of its
body, the human heads and the Black Raging Kong head moved
along. The hollow eyes of the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede
stared straight at the crowd in front of it, as though laughing at them
from the depths of hell.

The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede clambered out from behind

the huge rock, revealing its entire body. It made its way towards the
crowd triumphantly, with swagger, constantly making noises that
sounded like an infant crying. It was moving like a landlord patrolling
his property, as though nothing had a right to stop it.

[Monster Name]: Horrifying Human-Face Centipede [Monster

Level]: Level 12 (Elite) [Monster Grade]: Normal [Monster
Attribute]: Corpse/Poison [Monster Condition]: Minor injuries
(Arrogant) [Monster Weakness]: 1. Light 2. Fire

Light type and Fire type… As Gao Peng focused on these two
words, they suddenly went dim, as though a ripple was going through
them. A new line of words suddenly appeared below them.

[Countering Methods]: 1. Light type attack (capable of dealing

additional damage to the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede) 2. Bright
light (capable of causing strong stun effect on juvenile specimens.
Long-term exposure can lead to a mutant variant) 3. Powdered Light
Mandrake can be used as a powerful repellant which is capable of
causing devastating injuries…
68 Report
There was a lot more below, but this alone was enough to surprise
Gao Peng. A lot of this information was never even mentioned in the
books that he had read. Maybe certain books had selectively picked
out some of the methods here, but most of these were definitely new
pieces of information that Gao Peng had never seen before.

At this moment, without anyone's notice, large mantises started

appearing one by one on the tree branches.

These were the standard Familiars used by the Blue Shield

Protection Agency, the Devil Mantis. Just from the statistics of the
Devil Mantis, every one of them should be able to easily dispatch the
Horrifying Human-Face Centipede.

Right now, the sky was already dark and only a few flecks of light
shone into the forest. Coupled with the flickering lights of the
torches, these Devil Mantises blended in perfectly in the darkness.

"Bell Sparrow!" Murong Qiuye suddenly shouted out.

The Silver Winged Bird that was silently perching in the trees
suddenly dove down in a flash of silver. Before the Horrifying Human-
Face Centipede could react, it had flown past the centipede's back.
One of the heads on its back was cut off and sent flying.

From the rupture on the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede's back,

large amounts of yellow pus started flowing out. The pus got thicker
as it flowed out, turning from a pale yellow to a dark yellow. This
thick fluid covered the entire wound and stoppered it.

The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede let out a mournful shriek

and spat out a viscous black liquid towards the sky. It missed

The liquid that landed on the ground corroded the dried leaves,
letting out a cloud of white smoke.

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Chapter 12: Are You Having A Kinder


The Silver Winged Bird turned into a silver flash rushing through
the woods. The rather heavy Centipede could only be the target.

It opened its giant mouth, roaring to intimidate the silver flash

above its head.

The Silver Winged Bird wasn't affected at all. The silver flash
swooped across the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede, splashing
blood all over the ground.

The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede's wound became more and

more intensive; finally it couldn't stand such violent consumption. It
turned around crying, running towards the bottom of the boulder.

Seeing this, the Silver Winged Bird accelerated attack frequency.

Cunning flashed across the centipede's eyes. It raised its middle

body, and formed a "Π" shape.

When the Silver Winged Bird hawked again, the Horrifying Human-
Face Centipede suddenly jumped up, as if a firm bow was pulled with
a jerk.


The Silver Winged Bird was whipped away by the centipede's tail,
like it was hit by a baseball bat.

Immediately, the centipede's tail fractured, and abundant thick

black and yellow liquids sprayed from the wound onto the Silver
Winged Bird.
71 Report
The Silver Winged Bird was pushed away by the spout. It gave a
plaintive cry, and fell heavily to the ground.

The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede scrambled fast to the bird,

the massive thick liquid still weeping from its tail.

The liquid stained the ground, and looked extremely terrifying.

The Silver Winged Bird wanted to fly, but its feathers were firmly
glued by yellow pus. it could not spread its wings at all. Some
feathers had already been corroded by black liquid.

The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede was on the same level, 12,

as the Silver Winged Bird, which meant that they were about the
same when it came to evolution levels. Besides, the Silver Winged
Bird was graded Excellent, which was one grade higher than the
centipede's normal grade. It was absolutely unexpected that the
Normal Grade Centipede won the battle.

Victory was never decided by grades or tiers; combat experience

and geographic environment were also quite influential. Now Gao
Peng had a better understanding on that.

This centipede was very decisive; at the beginning, when it tried to

fight back, it always failed. So later it just ran away to save effort.

Then, when its enemy slacked a little bit, it promptly decided to

give away a part of its body to make a deadly attack.

Da Zi watched, on the alert for the Horrifying Human-Face

Centipede, which was hissing in provocation.

The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede paused and glimpsed aside

at Da Zi, as well as Gao Peng, who was holding Da Zi in his arms.

Then it turned back, ignored them, and crawled to the Silver

Winged Bird.
72 Report
Murong Qiuye clamped her hand over her mouth, and tears fell
from her face.

The Silver Winged Bird had been following her for two years; she
still remembered the first day she cautiously brought Bell Sparrow
home. It was just a tender squab, chirping in her arms.

In the last two years she always took it out for training; battling in
suburbs, fighting in the field. She watched it grow bit by bit, like it
was her own child.

Silver Winged Bird weakly lay on the ground, turning to Murong

Qiuye. Its eyes were full of emotion.

"Alright; that's enough. It's like watching a soap opera." The

captain shook his head.

As if receiving an order, a branch on the peripheral slightly


A shadow flashed across the air; something hawked through the

woods with a sharp cry.


The Horrifying Human-Face Centipede's body became stiff. Its head

was thrown high into the sky.

The head rotated in the air, then dropped on the ground. There
was a pause; then a massive amount of blood spewed from the
broken neck.

Time was frozen. A slender figure gradually appeared on the

ground in the woods, its arms crossed, its long knife-like arms
gleaming with faint purple light.

[Monster Name]: Variant Devil Mantis
73 Report
[Monster Level]: Level 20 (Elite)

[Monster Grade]: Perfect

Level 20 Elite, perfect quality; it had met all the requirements for
becoming a Commander monster! Upgrading to Commander was just
time issue. One more level, and it could become a Commander

So strong. Most students in the class goggled at this terrifying

Devil Mantis with jealousy. In their eyes, the Silver Winged Bird was
already a strong Familiar, and the Horrifying Human-Face Centipede
who defeated the bird was also formidable.

But even such a powerful centipede was sec-killed by the Devil


"Is this... is this a Commander Familiar?" Some student asked,


"Not really, but very close." Chen Hanqiao looked deeply at this
Variant Devil Mantis.

Glimpsing at Hai Lanyu aside, who lost his wits, Chen Hanqiao
patted his shoulder, saying, "Alas, don't be so sad."

Considering for a while, Chen Hanqiao said, "I will ask my dad to
find a new baby Familiar for you next time he is out for

"Thank you." Hai Lanyu puckered his lips, with tears in his eyes.

"It's nothing. We are brothers!" Chen Hanqiao chuckled.

"Yes, brothers!"

74 Report
Gao Peng turned around in silence. He gave himself a hug, only to
feel that his back was covered with gooseflesh. But in his heart, he
sensed something different.

Brother... What was a brother?

Gap Peng was confused.

After his parents passed away, relatives rarely came to visit. His
beloved grandfather had also disappeared. When the cataclysm
happened, grandfather was on vacation in the overseas island he
bought; it was almost impossible for him to survive.

I don't need any brothers; I have them, that's good enough.

When Gao Peng looked at Da Zi in his arms, a smile involuntarily

came to his face. Da Zi raised its sleepy head, antennas winging in
the air. It lay in Gao Peng's arms languidly, moving inward with

"Don't move… I can barely hold you."

Gao Peng put Da Zi down, breathing heavily. This guy was too
heavy. Although it looked inconspicuous, it was at least two meters
long, and weighed more than one hundred pounds.

After Hai Lanyu's accident, the other students were on alert. They
didn't allow their Familiars to run about.

Gao Peng half-squatted on the ground, patting Da Zi's exoskeleton.

Its cold exoskeleton was tough like iron.

Gao Peng picked up a stone then stood straight, narrowing his eyes
and staring off into the distance. He threw the stone high into the air.
Beside him, feeling connected with Gao Peng, Da Zi rushed out. The
centipede's speed was not slow among monsters of same size. In the
blink of an eye, it was meters away.
75 Report
At the last second, it jumped forward, its body curled tight; then it
suddenly jerked. Its sharp teeth clenched, directing the stone into its

Da Zi quickly ran back and spat the stone into Gao Peng's palm,
shaking its antennas as if it were claiming credit. Gao Peng patted its
head as a reward.

"Are you having a kinder party?" A voice came from a tree next
to him. Gao Peng turned around, realizing that the Blue Shield
Security Team captain was crouching on a branch, looking at him
with great interest.

"Um… No. I'm training Da Zi's speed and accuracy." Gao

Peng raised his eyebrow.


Gao Peng was assured that he heard this snort.

"Excuse me… It's just… Your training method is like playing

house, which is hilarious." The captain patted his face. It was
over-laughed and become stiff.

"To be honest, your training method… is indeed like a kid

playing games; boring, and wasting time." The captain shook
his head, looking deeply at Gao Peng. "You should never train a
real Familiar in this way, especially when your Familiar is a
fierce Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede. You are
wasting its potential."

"Then what should I do?" Gao Peng's eyes suddenly brightened.

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76 Report

Chapter 13: Uncle Liu


"Centipedes have a vicious nature. If you want to train

them, you need to keep allowing them to hunt and kill prey.
Also, you should feed it fresh meat for every meal to
maintain its fierceness. Only then will it be able to unleash
its full capabilities in battle." The security captain tried to jump
off the branch he was standing on after saying this. But after looking
at how high up the branch was, he ended up slowly climbing down
with his four limbs instead.

All the pretense of him being cool suddenly vanished…

"You know how to train centipedes?" Gao Peng asked

suspiciously. This security captain sporting a mutton chop beard did
not look like an expert in training monsters.

"Hey, you brat, don't go around looking down on others. I

trained this Devil Mantis of mine all on my own." The security
captain stretched out his right hand. Out of nowhere, a Devil Mantis
suddenly appeared on his left, half kneeling on the ground, its strong
chest heaving up and down as it breathed in and out.

"But there are specializations in every kind of industry. I

specialize in training mantises, but that does not mean I'm an
expert in training centipedes. If you really want to train this
centipede into a killing machine, you will need to find an
expert in that field. All I can give you are some pointers and
suggestions," said the security captain, pulling a long face.

"Mmm, thank you, sir," Gao Peng said while nodding with
77 Report
"Sir, do you know of any centipede training experts within
Chang'an City?" Gao Peng asked.

The security captain was stunned for a moment. It was the first
time someone had actually called him 'sir.' This way of addressing
him made him feel a little weird.

After a moment's silence, he said, "There are many famous

powerhouses with centipede type Familiars in Chang'an City,
but because their centipede Familiars were strong to begin
with, only one of them is known for becoming that strong
based on his training methods." The security captain gave an
imposing look and said, "The head of the Five Poison Dojo, Cao

"But Cao Jinyan is a known loner; it's hard for most people
to get close to him. Apparently, all of his family tragically
died during the cataclysm. Since then, he's developed an
irritable personality. It's a taboo to mention anything related
to his family in front of him."

"Oh, then forget it. I should just train on my own first I

guess." Gao Peng immediately lost interest. He was not used to
trying to warm up to people who were cold. It would be like using his
own warm cheeks to warm up someone's cold butt cheeks, and even
risking having the other person fart in his face. Most importantly, he
felt a little weird about all of this. This security captain was a bit too

A Familiar's battle experience can only be trained through actual

battle, thought Gao Peng. He knew what he needed to do know.
Furthermore, he had confidence in himself.

The security captain's mouth hung open. This… this was different
from what was agreed upon! This wasn't how it was supposed to go
in the script! Shouldn't the kid be asking him more to find about what
Cao Jinyan likes!?
78 Report
This security captain clearly had some intent behind his actions.
After all, he was acting so proud and aloof before. Those who provide
benefits for nothing are usually up to no good.

Gao Peng turned around and left without hesitation. He did not
intend to get wrapped up in any kind of scheming or drama. He
already had what it takes to become strong. All he needed was to
stick to his plan step by step to get stronger.


The three day excursion quickly came to an end.

Although there were still some monsters out in the outskirts, they
were all of low tiers, mainly common tier. With the addition of the
almost omnipresent Devil Mantises secretly protecting the students,
it would actually be strange if a student met with an accident.

These few days were for the students to actually come into contact
with wild monsters in real life. These monsters were different from
those raised in their homes. Those at home were largely gentle and
rarely got angry whereas those in the wild were feral and hard to
tame. Allowing the students to have real-life experiences with wild
monsters would be greatly beneficial to both their future and current

Sitting back on the bus, Da Zi quietly lay down by Gao Peng's feet
as he watched the surroundings outside the window fade into a blur.
Over the last few days, there was little visible change in Da Zi's outer
appearance. But if one were to take a closer look, Da Zi's eyes
definitely looked a lot fiercer than they had a few days before. Each
individual limb shimmered with a cold light, and lingering around its
fangs was an almost undetectable murderous glint.

Other than routinely training Da Zi's agility and explosive strength,

for the past few days, Da Zi had also constantly battled the wild
monsters in the jungle.
79 Report
The most dangerous encounter they had was when Da Zi was
struck by a Bullet Beetle and almost got its brains blown out. A
centipede's head is its Achilles heel, and is the most fragile part of its

Da Zi's brain was covered by a thick and hard carapace, but under
that was its fragile brain matter.

The wounds that it got almost cost Da Zi its life. In the end, it was
the security captain's variant Devil Mantis Familiar that killed the
Bullet Beetle in one hit, saving Da Zi's life.

Because of this, Gao Peng naturally owed the security captain one.
But strangely enough, the security captain simply waved his hand
and did not need any thanks from Gao Peng. He simply turned and
left after glancing at Gao Peng with a complicated look in his eyes.

Gao Peng gently stroked Da Zi's skull. There was a patch there that
was a different color from its surroundings. It was the lighter and
paler color of a newly grown carapace. That was the area where the
Bullet Beetle had pierced through.

It took a full day for a full recovery, and that alone shocked Gao
Peng greatly. Such a fast recovery speed… this was indeed a
monster. Before the cataclysm, such recovery speed was practically

The bus drove past the school and continued into the city area,
finally allowing everyone to alight together there.

Murong Qiuye rubbed her eyes, opened up a black leather

notebook and said, "After alighting, all of you are to go home
immediately. No going to places like monster amusement
parks, no exploring haunted houses, and definitely no
visiting the Monster Battle Arena! In half an hour's time, I will
be calling all of your parents. If I find that any of you have
secretly went out to play instead of going home on time, you
80 Report
will be copying your textbook ten times."

"Okay… Understood," replied a bunch of adolescent boys and

girls weakly.

After getting off the bus, Tan Qianjin made his way towards Gao
Peng while beaming and patted him on the shoulder. "Wanna go
take a look at the Monster Battle Arena together?"

"Nah, I should get back home on time," Gao Peng refused


"But aren't your…" Tan Qianjin wanted to say something, but

suddenly laughed awkwardly as he remembered, and apologized

"It's alright," said Gao Peng, shaking his head to show that he
was okay. After three years, he was able to accept reality calmly. He
was not a teenager bursting with self-esteem who would easily blow
up with a single touch. He was not the kind who would hate the world
and be jealous of others just because he lost his parents.

Instead, because he had personally experienced such pain, he was

able to better treasure life.

"Ok." Tan Qianjin seemed to have some regrets and seemed to

want to say something. But in front of him, Gao Peng had begun to
turn and leave. Looking at Gao Peng's frail-looking back going further
away from him, Tan Qianjin had no choice but to swallow back the
words that he wanted to say.

Gao Peng gently pursed his lips and, leading Da Zi with him, slowly
vanished into the crowd.

"Little Gao, you're back." Uncle Liu was having a leisurely stroll
in the microdistrict's garden. He greeted Gao Peng as he walked by
with Da Zi.
81 Report
"Uncle Liu," said Gao Peng with a smile and a nod. Uncle Liu was
his neighbor, who moved in two years ago. At that time, Gao Peng
was experiencing the darkest and most painful period in his life. It
was only because of Uncle Liu's guidance that Gao Peng managed to
do away with the morbid mentality that he had initially.

He had heard that Uncle Liu's sons and daughters had all met with
accidents after the cataclysm and died, leaving him all by himself.
Hence, the old man and young man who underwent the same
experience became fast friends despite the age gap. Many things
that Gao Peng would not share with outsiders, he would share with
Uncle Liu.

"Eh? This little centipede seems a lot more energetic since

the last time I saw it a while back. Little Gao, have you taken
it to see blood?" Uncle Liu asked in surprise.

"Yup, we just came back from the Mirror Lake in the

outskirts. We were there for three days," said Gao Peng with a

"Mm, not bad. Things like these centipedes aren't like cat
and dog-type Familiars. It is in the nature of these Familiars
to do battle to survive; so it has to see blood often." Uncle Liu
paused for a moment, then continued, "Although this centipede is
of a pretty good breed, it is still a normal grade monster,
after all. One's first Familiar has to be chosen carefully. If you
don't mind, I can give you two rather good little familiars to
raise." Uncle Liu smiled as he finished.

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82 Report

Chapter 14: The First Familiar


"Uh?" Gao Peng froze, then shook his head. "Thank you for your
kindness, but Da Zi is all I have left of my parents, and he has
been by my side for three years. I have already decided it will
be my first Familiar."

Uncle Liu seemed dazed. Da Zi, who stood by Gao Peng's feet,
seemed to understand Uncle Liu's words. It hissed at Uncle Liu with
annoyance, showing its claws to Uncle Liu.

"Alright, enough," Gao Peng snapped. Da Zi glanced at its

owner, feeling aggrieved. It lay down next to Gao Peng unwillingly
with its back towards Uncle Liu.

After talking to Uncle Liu, Gao Peng took Da Zi back home upstairs.
He swiped his access card at the front door on first floor. The door
opened after the beep.

Looking at Gao Peng's back, then looking at Da Zi, Uncle Liu

sighed. He smacked his lips. Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed
Centipede… So be it. After all, it won't occupy much soul room. Um…
Should I tell Old Jiang now?

Hesitating for a long while, finally Uncle Liu sighed again. Well, that
fuddy-duddy is as stubborn as a bull in some ways. Let me wait until
Peng signs the contract.

When passing he second floor, Gao Peng heard something rubbing

the wall. Then he saw a gray shadow poke its head out of the
staircase window, observing him secretly. Da Zi hissed impatiently,
and the gray shadow vanished at once, as if its butt was on fire.

After entering home, Gao Peng closed the door, put down his
83 Report
school bag, and walked into the kitchen.

When signing a Blood Contract, newbies needed to use a drop of

blood from the left-hand ring finger as a medium. If that person didn't
have a ring finger, than heart blood would have the same effect.

Gao Peng held a bottle of medical alcohol in his left hand, which he
bought on his way back home. He poured all the alcohol into a bowl,
dipped a cotton ball into the alcohol, then wiped a boning knife back
and forth.

Gao Peng didn't stop until the edge of the boning knife became a
silver arc.

As he sharpened the knife on a whetstone, the knife clinked. He

poured some water, and the knife emitted cold light, as if a crescent
were polished. He could even see his face clearly on the knife.

Gao Peng sighed with relief. The reason he took such a long time
for preparation was because he was afraid of pain, as well as tetanus.
The boning knife was used to cut pig legs, and unavoidably
contaminated with bacteria.

He clenched his teeth, then lightly swept his ring finger over the
cutting edge.

A wound finer than a hair gradually emerged, a dark red blood

drop oozing from the wound with gravity.

"Da Zi, come here!" Gao Peng shouted out at once.

Sharp tunk tunk tunk noises came from the living room, like
numerous fingers drumming a steel plate.

Gao Peng closed his eyes and recited the contract, while putting
his ring finger on Da Zi's head. When he closed eyes, it was dark all
around. But when he put his finger on Da Zi, a cold touch rippled
through his heart.
84 Report
In the unseen world, Gao Peng heard some noise. It was clear but
messy, as if thousands of people were murmuring next to him.

"So hungry...

"Why is it not time for dinner yet...

"Stupid master, is he planning to starve me?

"I'm hungry..."

These were all the thoughts he could hear, plain and simple.

Are these—are these Da Zi's thoughts? Am I connected to Da Zi's

mental space?

Da Zi? Gao Peng tried to send his thought.

Um? All noisy ideas were gone immediately, and only a unified
thought was left. Who are you?

No wonder Monster Trainers and their Familiars could connect their

minds, with the trainer being able to instruct Familiars to do complex
actions. This was the reason.

But it was not time for chatting. Gao Peng asked Da Zi hurriedly, I
want to sign a blood contact with you; are you willing to be my

In the black mind space, a blood red parchment scroll rose, going
up in golden flames.

Even the most stupid creature could understand the contract at


Then Gao Peng saw the contract burn, moving slowly toward the
deep void. It indicated they had signed the contract successfully.

Without hesitation, Da Zi totally trusted Gao Peng. It signed the
85 Report
contract directly.

A sense of warmth rose from the bottom of Gao Peng's heart.

He moved his finger and opened his eyes. Soon he heard Da Zi's
voice again in his head: Hungry! Hungry!

Da Zi bared its teeth and showed claws, glaring at Gao Peng. Its
two antennae kept waving in the air.

A warm smile emerged on Gao Peng's cold face. "Alright, let's

have dinner."

Then he turned around, and took out Daiko, apples, and frozen
pork from the refrigerator.

He washed the vegetables and fruit while boiling water on the

oven. He was quite busy in the kitchen.

After a short while, a hotchpotch was ready. It was served in a

steel plate, giving off a pleasant smell.

Completely boiling a piece of frozen pork needed much time; hence

the reason the pork in the steel plate was medium rare. Gao Peng
only heated it up a little bit, just in case the frozen pork made Da Zi
sick. Food at room temperature would be fine.

Yummy, Yummy! Da Zi was enjoying its food. Sometimes it raised

its head, secretly observing Gao Peng.

Gao Peng made some noodle soup for himself. As he sprinkled

some chopped scallion, a delightful smell wafted up from the kitchen.

Suddenly, Da Zi stopped eating. It stared at Gao Peng's noodle

soup surprisingly.

Gao Peng curled his lips, turning around speechlessly, preparing to

eat his noodles. He heard feet crawling on the floor.
86 Report
Then he saw a purple figure lying in front of him, eagerly looking

"Hey, you are a centipede." Gao Peng found it ironi.

Hiss! Da Zi was full of bravado. It waved its claws and bared its
teeth, and kept threatening Gao Peng. Gao Peng's rejection didn't
work at all.

"Alright, alright, here you go. Don't annoy me when you

feel sick," Gao Peng sulked. He put the bowl on the floor.

Da Zi didn't reply at all. It pounced on the noodles and devoured

them like a wolf. Gao Peng felt happiness passed through his body

After making another noodle soup for himself, Gao Peng hesitated
for a while, and began to consider improving Da Zi's grade.

To upgrade from Da Zi's current level to Elite, it required 500g of

Hundred-year lightning-struck wood, Electric Monster core crystal of
above Level 10, and 10 stalks of Shade Grass.

The most expensive of these was the Monster Core Crystal. Level 1
to 10 were normal monsters, while Level 11-20 were Elite monsters.

Besides, the monster needed to be Electric. The most common

attributes were Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, for these were the
five elements were the most essential and commonly seen. But
Electric monsters were hardly found, even in rarer attributes.

The lowest price to buy it was 10 credit points, which was enough
to buy a living Familiar.

Shade Grass was a special herb growing in the area where Yin Qi
gathered with great evil. Usually such evil area attracted strong
monsters who preferred shadowy places; hence it was quite
challenging to pick Shade Grass.
87 Report
Gao Peng inquired about its price; 200 Alliance dollars for one stalk
of grass, and ten stalks for 2000 Alliance dollars. But this price was
obviously too high. Since Shade Grass could be of no use except
serving as a high-value food for Yin, Dark, and Corpse monsters, he
could bargain for the price if he bought ten Shade Grass stalks at a

The cheapest ingredient was the Hundred-year lightning-struck

wood. It didn't require a tree to live for at least a hundred years, but
something that provided similar medical effect as a ginseng, which
had been growing in a normal environment for a hundred years.

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Chapter 15: Registering For Assessment


Back then, after Gao Peng's parents had their mishap, the
government had given a sum of money as compensation. Apparently,
as long as one met with some mishap during the cataclysm, they
would be given a pension of 10 Alliance Credits.

One Alliance Credit was equivalent to 10 thousand Alliance Dollars.

This did not seem like a large number, but taking into account the
huge number of people that encountered mishaps during the initial
periods of the cataclysm, the amount of money spent was absolutely

Initially, the only countries that were willing to give out such
pensions were the Chinese. As such, China became the country with
the lowest crime rates after the cataclysm, and also the country that
responded the most positively to the government's rebuilding of

This stunned many western countries, who quickly began to

emulate the Chinese. The pension of Alliance Credits would not have
let many people live their lives in comfort, but they at least let them
live, and not be driven off the deep end.

Gao Peng had already used most of the 20 Alliance Credits that
were given by the government as compensation. He only had had 11
Alliance Credits left. If he used them sparingly he could probably
cobble together enough to afford the materials needed to raise Da
Zi's grade.

But that was not how the math worked out. If he spent all that
money, what would he use to pay water and electricity bills, as well
as his living expenses? Because of that, Gao Peng did not
89 Report
immediately head off to the market to buy the materials.

But that was Gao Peng's worry before. After the trip to the
outskirts, he could spend the money with a lot more ease.

After battling monsters with Da Zi continually for a few days, they

had hunted down quite a few. On the way back home, he had sold off
the monster carcasses at a shop with good reviews, earning him a
total of two Alliance Credits.

That would be enough to cover living expenses for a good half a


Right now, the most profitable job in the world would be that of a
Monster Trainer. The costs of maintaining the profession were high,
but money came quick and, if one was lucky, it would not be
impossible to become rich overnight by discovering some amazing
treasure in the wild.

The only drawback was that hunting monsters in the wild carried a
large risk. If one had the bad luck of encountering a high-levelled
monster, their survival would be simply up to fate.

But for those who made up their minds to become Monster

Trainers specialized in battle, they would have to face such risks
sooner or later. There was no such thing as a job that allowed one to
get rich and get strong simply by lying in bed.

Sitting on the couch, with Da Zi lying by his side, Gao Peng turned
on the television and absentmindedly scrolled through the different

Currently, there were many programs that had to do with

Familiars. Even those that originally had nothing to do with Familiars
would forcefully add in some elements of things related to Familiars.
Such a huge change in a mere three years was the best testament to
the adaptability of humankind.
90 Report
"Welcome everyone, to the second season of Jiangnan King
of Familiars! I am you host, Zhu Dazhang."

The venue of the programme seemed to be an open-air stage.

There were a couple of tens of contestants, each with a number tag
on their waist.

Opposite each contestant was a metal cage each with a different

kind of monster.

The monsters were all restless. Some were ramming against the
cage and others were making deep growling sounds. The most
ferocious of them all was Familiar that looked like a lion. It looked
wondrous, as though someone had poured liquid silver into a lion-
shaped mould. It was madly attacking the grills of the cage with its
paws, giving out a roar each time that could shake the heavens.

But the cage seemed to be made of some special metal alloy that
did not bend or break no matter how that silver lion attacked it.

What shocked Gao Peng most, however, was not this but the rows
of information that appeared before him.

[Monster Name]: Silver Demon Lion [Monster Level]: Level 22

(Commander tier) [Monster Grade]: Excellent [Monster
Attribute]: Ice [Monster Condition]: Healthy (Maniacal) [Monster
Weakness]: Electric

To think that he could even see monster attributes from a

television screen…

Gao Peng was dumbstruck.

If that were the case, the ways that this skill could be used were a
lot broader.

Turning off the television, Gao Peng rested his jaw on both his
hands and fell into deep thought.
91 Report
Now that Da Zi had become his Familiar, he could more or less
consider himself to have taken the first step to becoming a Monster

But he still had a long way to go from becoming a real Combat

Monster Trainer. There still was no fixed criteria for becoming one,
but it would seem that having an excellent grade Familiar or an elite
tier Familiar would be the bare minimum.

It was also worth noting that after the few crazy days of battle
training at the Mirror Lake, Da Zi's monster level had risen by one,
and it was now a level 7 monster.

Combat was indeed the fastest way for a monster to level-up.

Other than hunting down monsters in the outskirts to cover living

expenses, there was another possible route. That was to become a
Monster Breeder.

Monster Breeding was a new type of profession. The standards for

assessing Monster Breeders were different from place to place. Even
the assessment methods were different based on the region.

If it were a practical assessment that would be alright, but if they

were to assess theory and knowledge… It should be alright, I guess.
Gao Peng was a little unsure.

He checked the internet for previous assessment methods for

Monster Breeders. All kinds of strange methods turned up.

Some simply gave each applicant a monster at the assessment

venue. If the applicant could raise the grade of the monster within
the allocated time, he or she would successfully receive a Monster
Breeder qualification certificate.

This sort of assessment method was known to be the hardest, as

the monsters were allocated randomly. No one had any idea what
kind of strange monster they would get! If one ended up with a type
92 Report
of monster they were not familiar with, they could be at a total loss.
After all, there was no Monster Breeder that could claim to know

These monsters had only appeared within the last three years.
Humankind was still in the process of exploration. Even in the
present, less than 20% of the Earth's surface after the cataclysm
consisted of explored territories. The remaining 80% were all
dangerous, unexplored lands. Even within the explored 20%, there
existed many dangerous areas, prohibited areas, and so on…

The greatest change after the cataclysm occurred to the oceans.

Before the cataclysm, the oceans took up 70% of the Earth's surface,
but that shrank after the cataclysm. They now only took up 60%,
while the land took up 40%.

In other words, this meant that humans had only explored half of
the land area on Earth, while the other half was still unknown. No one
knew what kind of new and unfamiliar monsters were hidden in those
areas. The oceans were even more of an unknown, prohibited area,
with totally new monster species discovered there every day.

For Gao Peng, however, this difficult assessment was the easiest to
pass. In a theory assessment, there was no guarantee that he would
make mistakes as he had not systematically studied everything and
he could very well waste the money he spent on registration fees.

Gao Peng logged onto the Monster Breeder website and chose to
register. The registration fees were expensive, coming up to a total
of 1000 Alliance Dollars. This amount could feed him and Da Zi for a

After registering successfully, he received a notification. According

to his registration location, he had been allocated to Chang'an City
Monster Breeder Division for his assessment, which would happen on
the 15th of the month. The current date was the 14th, which meant
that it would be happening tomorrow.
93 Report
He called his form teacher to inform her of his registering for a
Monster Breeder assessment. Murong Qiuye was pleased. Having
Monster Breeding qualification was like having a golden rice bowl.
She definitely would give her full support for a student that had plans
for his future so early in life.

At once, Murong Qiuye approved Gao Peng's short leave from

school, as Monster Breeding assessments could take varying
amounts of time based on the assessment method. Gao Peng could
always come back and attend school after finishing the assessment.
After all, he had always been an obedient student, which put her
mind at ease.

At the end of the conversation, Murong Qiuye even took the effort
to comfort Gao Peng, saying things such as "failure is the mother
of success,""you are still young, the future will eventually
belong to you," and so on. Gao Peng did not know whether to laugh
or cry when he listened to this kind of chicken soup.

He realized that sometimes, Ms. Murong was actually pretty


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94 Report

Chapter 16: Monster Breeder


After having a day off, early the next morning, Gao Peng washed
up, then knocked out Uncle Liu's door.

The iron door opened. Seeing Gao Peng, Uncle Liu showed a big
smile. "Morning Peng, you are quite early today."

"Sorry to bother you Uncle Liu," Gao Peng said, embarrassed.

"I'm going to have the Monster Breeder Assessment, but

I'm not sure how long will it last. Would it be possible to let
Da Zi live with you for a few days? Don't worry, Uncle Liu, I
promise that Da Zi will be a good boy. It won't run about, or
hiss around. If you think it annoying, I can lock it at home
and give you the key. The only thing you need to do is to feed
it once a day."

"No worries. I will take care of it. It won't be starve," Uncle

Liu promised.

Gao Peng trusted Uncle Liu. He nodded with appreciation, then

went down and left.

He didn't notice that after Da Zi entered into Uncle Liu's room, it

remained in silence, being unnaturally quiet.

After Gao Peng left, Uncle Liu hesitated for a while, and finally
dialed a number. "Old Jiang? Yes, it's me. Calm down, calm down, he
is alright. Your grandson has signed a Familiar. It's a Purple-Backed
Yellow-Clawed Centipede. Looks like a normal grade.
95 Report
"Persuade him how? Your grandson and you are exactly alike; you
two look like you don't care about anything, but actually you are as
stubborn as bulls. Nothing can change your decisions. Plus, this
Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede is what your daughter and
son-in-law left for him.

"Things haven't been handled yet? I say that you kill those
who don't listen, and find some good boys. This world never
lacks talent." Uncle Liu was chatting casually like he was talking
about small family affairs, but his words were terrifying.

"Well, alright, you have your plans… Don't worry about

Peng. He won't be in any trouble with me here."

On the other side of the call, the phone hung up, a curtain opened,
and light came into a dark office, showing a robust figure facing the

Silver cropped hair made the man seem experienced. He was in a

loose black Hanfu (Traditional Chinese kimono) rimmed with gold.
Although the man looked old, his figure conveyed a terrifying
determent, like a dormant volcano which could fire up at any time.

The old man pressed a red button. A slim fairy-like figure came in,
bowing respectfully. "President."

The old man looked out the window calmly, "Give Experimental
Department the ultimatum; I forgive their caprices because I
appreciate their talents, but it doesn't mean that they can
challenge my patience. Work for me, or die. I only give them
five months. Don't disappoint me. As for issues in Qinghai, I
want them to be handled and clean within seven months.
Bring my original words to Li Ye. If they can't make it, I will
deal with it. And they know what will happen then. Don't
waste my time."

Then the old man waved his hand to let the secretary leave.
96 Report
Turning to the window, the old man showed a poker face: no
happiness nor sorrow. Only in the depth of his eyes could one see a
flash of love.

One year: everything should be cleaned up within a year. He hadn't

seen his only relative in the world for too long.

Before everything settled, he dared not to go for his grandson, for

the boy would not have any self-protection without signing the blood
contract. He didn't want to risk the boy's life, nor even chance it.


Monster Breeder Assessments were held in Chang'an City Monster

Breeder branch, which was located in the suburbs.

It took several hours to drive there.

When Gao Peng finally reached the destination, it was about noon.
The assessment time was 2 p.m., in order to leave enough time for
candidates to travel.

Once he got off the car, he saw a huge black and white building
standing on the square. Alongside the square were huge trees.
Sunlight was blocked by the crowns of trees, leaving shadows on the

Until he exited the car, he didn't see how enormous the building
was. It looked like a hill, with ash-colored, ragged bars on the sides,
exposed in the air. Wide steps extended all the way to the gate.

Quite a few people had arrived, crowding the square. People were
everywhere. Shade under trees had already been taken; some people
sat on newspapers or a plastic bags.

Doesn't the assessment begin at 2 p.m.? How early did they

arrive? Gao Peng wiped sweat off his forehead, looking around, but
failed to find any space to sit.
97 Report
Whatever. Gao Peng shook his head, and checked the time on his
watch. It was half past twelve. He turned around, and was about to
find a cafe to eat, when suddenly someone called out, "Gao Peng."

Sounds like someone's calling me.

Normally, when being called, many people habitually turned

around to check who was there. Gao Peng didn't. he was not a
normal person.

He had few friends; his parents passed in the accident. His grandpa
on his mother's side disappeared, and his two grandmas and grandpa
on his father's side died from illness before the cataclysm happened.

Therefore, the guy behind could not be calling him, but someone
else. There were too many people named the same.

"Gao Peng! Hey, curve wrecker." Callings came again.

This time Gao Peng paused, turning around with confusion. Is he

calling me?

Because only one person called Gao Peng curve wrecker.

Not far away under a tree, a group of people gathered together.

Among them was a medium-height, heavy boy waving his hand
excitedly towards him. Standing beside him was a girl wearing a red
dress. The two looked familiar. He thought for a while, and finally
recalled their names: Li Hongdou, Li Zigong.

Oh, my classmates.

These two were Gao Peng's classmates, and they were sister and
brother. The elder sister Li Hongdou was polite and kind, while the
young brother Li Zigong was a chatterbox.

"Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Li." Gao Peng nodded in greeting, then
nodded to Li Hongdou and Li Zigong.
98 Report
"Kid, are you here alone?" Mr. Li looked like he was in his
thirties, dressed in suit and tie. He greeted Gao Peng with a smile.

"Yes," Gao Peng nodded.

"Are you here to watch the Monster Breeder Assessments,

too? Ha-ha, we are here with mom, she is a candidate in
today's assessment. Although she has failed three times, I
believe that she will pass this time!" Li Zigong said without
consideration. By his side, Li Hongdou's face was clouded with anger;
she slapped Li Zigong in the back of his head.

Li Zigong turned around glaring at his sister, "How many times

have I told you, don't slap my head, I suspect my IQ
decreases because..."

"It's not my problem," Li Hongdou replied coldly.

"No, I'm here for the Monster Breeder Assessment," Gao

Peng finally said, hesitating.

"What?" Li Zigong was dazed.

By his side, Li Hongdou also stunned. Mr. And Mrs. Li couldn't help
looking Gao Peng up and down.

Mr. Li paused, then burst out in laughter. He patted Gao Peng's

shoulder and said, "Good job! Young men should have clear
purposes like you do! My boy knows nothing but 'eat;' he is
as lazy as a pig."

Mrs. Li smiled. "You might be one of the youngest candidates

for the Monster Breeder Assessment. Maybe soon we will
have the youngest Monster Breeder in Chang'an today."

"Thank you Mrs. Li. I will try my best, but I'm not 100% sure
about my competence. I'm here to chance my luck," Gao Peng
said sincerely.
99 Report
They chatted for a while. It was half past one. The Monster Breeder
branch's door used to be tightly closed, but it opened innocuously.

Several fully armed security guards holding riot shields in their left
hands, and long black sticks in their right hands, came out to
maintain order.

Candidates entered from the front gate. At this time, Gao Peng
realized that there were not many candidates. Most people remained
outside; they were probably friends and relatives.

"Your ID," a woman dressed in gray suit said without raising her

Gao Peng handed his ID card through the window. The woman
swiped the card on a detector, and a green light went on.

She raised her head to give the card back to Gao Peng. When she
saw Gao Peng was so young, she was stunned for a second; then her
good professional quality calmed her down, and she said, "."

Gao Peg followed the crowd walking along a corridor, and they
entered a lobby. There were rows of tables, with white paper neatly
placed on top. Gao Peng was nervous, for it was likely to be a written

He found his seat and sat down. Soon the examiner walked in the
lobby, put a thermos on the lectern, and cleared his throat. "This
assessment is different from previous ones. This time, the Chang'an
branch decided to use both a paper and practical test.

"The Traditional Chinese Medical System has four ways of

diagnosis: Observing, Listening, Questioning and Feeling the Pulse.
Your paper test requires you to observe a video record first, then
write down the monster's attribute, hobbies, and weakness in detail.
A good Monster Breeder must be able to find out a monster's habits
and characteristics.
100 Report
"In the first test, we will eliminate 90% of candidates, which means
only 50 people will be permitted for the practical part.

"The practical test is easy; I believe you have heard about it

before. Our Monster Breeder branch will offer practical test
participants 50 normal Familiars, as well as all the materials
you will need for the test." As he said this, the examiner gave a
big smile.

"As long as you can upgrade your Familiar within the given
time, the materials you consume will be paid for by our
association. However, if you can't upgrade your Familiar;
sorry, you have to compensate for your materials. Of course,
there is a standard for your cost. If you spend too much, you
will fail as well."

"That's so difficult," A fat man who sat next to Gao Peng wiped
his sweat and murmured. "I have been here four times; this time
is the hardest one."

He turned around and glanced at Gao Peng. "Don't worry, dude.

The registration fee doesn't cost much. You can always come
back for another try."

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101 Report

Chapter 17: Yin-Altered Ape


Above the podium, a projector descended, gradually showing some


"Eh? It's starting so soon?" Some people barely had time to

react. To think that it began so soon.

The visuals showed blue-green waves, rippling across a calm ocean

surface that stretched out to as far as the eye could see. A gentle
wind blew across and suddenly picked up a huge wave.

A creature with a snow-white back broke out of the ocean's surface

for a brief moment, then vanished again.

The scene then followed the creature underwater. The figure of an

enormous body could be roughly seen swimming around in the

The figure noticed the camera and began to circle the camera in

While circling the camera, the appearance of this marine creature

became clear. It looked somewhat like a dolphin. Because there was
nothing in the water that could be used as a reference for its size,
one could only guess how big it was. But from a glance, it looked to
be easily ten to twenty meters long.

It made a frequent qiu~qiu~ sounds before finally poking its entire

head towards the camera. It had a long, sharp bill, making this
movement similar to a thrust from a long staff. With a pala sound,
the screen went black…

The invigilator coughed and spoke. "Alright, that was the first
102 Report
video. All of you have fifteen minutes to think and write down
your answers. Please write down all the characteristics and
features of the monster that you have observed from the

The examinees below all had a dumbfounded look on their faces.

What was this? Where did this monster come from? It had to be a
new species right? What could we possibly observe from this little

For Gao Peng however, a whole different image was appearing

before his eyes…

[Monster Name]: Windstorm Dolphin [Monster's Likes]: 1.

Enjoys soothing, light music 2. Likes sunbathing 3. Likes eating
various types of squid and exploded shrimp [Monster Weakness]
1. Fears dark-type attacks 1. Hates jarring soundwaves. Can cause
serious disturbances to the monster.

The contents were different from normal conditions. It seemed that

the information provided was affected by his subjective

Gao Peng found no reason to feel bad about his advantage. After
all, this was his very own ability and he naturally felt no guilt when
writing down his answers. It may have seemed like a cheat, but since
he was not actually relying on any outside help, he saw no reason to
feel bad.

Following that, another four short clips were shown, all containing
new species that no one there had seen before. These were all new
species recently discovered by scientific research teams.

These examination questions seemed tough, but in fact, with a

deep understanding of the habits and characteristics of monsters, it
was entirely possible to deduce some of the characteristics from the
behaviors of similar monsters.
103 Report
For instance, ape-like monsters would all share certain
characteristics. Even in different types of spiders, there would be
similarities in their behaviors.

The written test that lasted an hour and a half was quickly over
and the exam scripts were collected.

Marking all the scripts took up quite a bit of time. In half an hour,
all 500 scripts were read and marked.

"Now, I shall announce the names of those who have

successfully made it to the second round," the invigilator said,
looking down at the list of names. "Chen Xueqin, Zhang Senlin…
Gao Peng."

The full list of names were announced in no time at all. The fat guy
sitting on Gao Peng's right, who was clamoring about how the exam
was too tough and how he would surely not pass, heaved a sigh of
relief. "Whew, somehow managed to pass," he turned to Gao
Peng on his left and said. "Lil' bro, this test was really too
difficult. I passed this first round by luck. Who knows, maybe
I might get eliminated straightaway in the second round."

"Mm," nodded Gao Peng, "It was lucky that I managed to pass

"Huh?" the fatty was dumbfounded. This kid is pretty lucky, he

thought to comfort himself as he bitterly withdrew all the words of
comfort he intended to say.

While getting up and following the invigilator to the venue for the
second round of examination, Gao Peng noticed that Mrs. Li had also
passed the first round. Well, she was, after all, someone who had
taken the test thrice. She must be an experienced veteran by now,
Gao Peng figured after some thought.

Little did he know that Mrs. Li was even more shocked on the
104 Report
inside. This boy was the classmate of her daughter and only looked
like he just come of age. The fact that someone like him could pass
the first round as well, really made adults like her break out in a cold

Following the invigilator into the compound, they suddenly reached

a bright and spacious area. Above them were rows of metal
scaffolding like a large metal skeleton and below them crude, muddy
ground. There were also various types of plants being grown around
the four corners of the examination hall.

Right in the middle of the hall were many cages, each containing
different types of monsters.

These were all relatively uncommon monsters. Most probably had

low combat ability but were definitely not common. Some were even
monsters that were native to the South. Chang'an was situated in
Northern China.

The most sadistic part about the test was that these monsters
were allocated to examinees randomly. No one had any idea what
kind of monster they would get.

No wonder the internet said that a Monster Breeder certificate was

one of the hardest to obtain. Gao Peng finally understood why. To be
able to emerge at the top from this extremely difficult examination,
one really must have certain capabilities.

"Gao Peng, number 50." The invigilator paused and passed the
identification card to Gao Peng. He looked at Gao Peng hesitantly,
and finally could not resist saying, "If you wish to request for a
change, I can help you fill in the application for free. Then
you can come back next month and enter the second round of

Gao Peng looked suspiciously at the invigilator.
105 Report
The invigilator shrugged his shoulders and said, "The monsters
used for the assessment are all raised by the Monster
Breeder Association ourselves, so the monsters basically do
not display aggressiveness. Number 50 was supposed to be
eliminated, but right now, the association has no other
monsters to spare for you to nurture."

At the back of all the rows of cages, one cage stood out. In it was a
large, deformed looking creature that was quietly lying down. Its
head lay on the ground, breathing feebly. It had thick, strong arms
like two water tanks, but it was lying face-down and totally quiet,
looking as though the entire world had given up on it.

"This is… a Red River Ape?" Gao Peng did not rely on his gift
and deduced its identity just from observation.

"That's right," the invigilator nodded and sighed. He was looking

at the Red River Ape with a complicated emotion in his eyes.

The invigilator was human after all. This Red River Ape had been
experimented on ever since it was caught, and brought here by the

It was hard to say if this Red River Ape was lucky or not. It had an
extremely resilient life force that allowed it to survive every
experiment it underwent. But unfortunately for it, every examinee
that managed to get this Red River Ape did not know what they were

After a full six months, this Red River Ape had undergone six failed
experiments. In that time, other monsters would have either
successfully gone up in grade or become totally useless. Only this
Hongshui Ape still hung on resiliently.

"Because it has been experimented on so many times, lots

of unwanted and conflicting energies have accumulated in its
body. This has far surpassed the usual difficulty level and the
106 Report
possibility of raising its grade is simply too low. It has only
managed to survive until now based on its extremely strong
willpower," the invigilator explained.

"Thank you for your consideration, but I have made up my

mind to use this guy." Gao Peng turned around and met the
Hongshui Ape's gaze through the rows of cages.

There was no way he could wait a month.

Getting a Monster Breeder certificate sooner meant being able to

get a job sooner. Every minute and every second cost money. But
most importantly, he had told Uncle Liu as well as his form teacher
about his participation in this Monster Breeder assessment. Going
back empty-handed was a result that Gao Peng found hard to accept.

"Alright." The invigilator was just doing his duty in informing Gao
Peng. Seeing that this boy did not wish to accept his good intentions,
he found no reason to press any further.

Around the hall were a number of rooms. Each person could

choose a room and enter. Each room had things like beds and
mattresses and all. The time limit for the test was one week.
Increasing the monster's grade within that one week would mean a

The monster cages came with wheels at the bottom and could be
easily pushed into the rooms.

As its cage was being pushed, the Red River Ape looked at Gao

At such a close distance, Gao Peng finally began to observe the

Hongshui Ape carefully.

Its body was twice the size of a normal Red River Ape. Red River
Apes were usually between a meter and a half to two meters tall and
were a type of smaller sized ape monster.
107 Report
The one in the cage however looked to be at least two and a half
meters tall.

Its swollen arms looked a little twisted and deformed and its body
looked like a badly kneaded clay figurine. There were also signs of
edema on its torso and its breathing was heavy, sounding like a worn
out bellow.

[Monster Name]: Red River Ape (Pathologically altered by Yin-


This was the first line of information that appeared before Gao
Peng's eyes. Just from the look of it, one could tell that this Red River
Ape was in a bad shape.

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108 Report

Chapter 18: Distorted Evolution [Skull

Ghoul Ape]

[Monster Name]: Red River Ape (Negative Pathological Changes)

[Monster Level]: Level 10

[Monster Grade]: Normal

[Monster Attribute]: Earth

[Monster Condition]: Diseased (Depraved)

[Monster Weakness]: Yin

[Requirements for Promotion to Excellent Grade]: 1. Normal

evolution: Getting rid of its Yin impurities, then evolve to Excellent
Red River Ape. 2. Distorted evolution with pathological changes:
Absorbing Yin power and completely eliminate Yin weakness. Highly
possible to become a brand new species, monster grade above
Excellent (Including Excellent).


This was the first time Gao Peng saw two options for grade
promotion. It used to be only one way.

Why is that? Gao Peng began to consider.

He suddenly recalled what the examiner said previously. "...The

reason it holds on until now is because of its extraordinary

"Extraordinary willpower." Gao Peng murmured, looking
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carefully at the Red River Ape through the cage for the first time.

Lying in the cage, the Red River Ape weakly raised its head, its
black eyes looking at Gao Peng.

Deep in its gaze, eagerness and prayer were hiding. Its glowing
eyes were filled with strong emotions.

"What are you… insisting on?" Gao Peng talked to the Red
River Ape, then he laughed at himself. "How can it understand
me, it's just a normal monster."

Suddenly the Red River Ape used all its strength to get up, placing
its head to the edge of the cage, its black eyes focusing on Gao Peng
with eagerness. Its hands clenched the fences tight, and with all the
power it had left, it crazily roared. "Oooh!"




The room was sealed off. The Red River Ape's roars kept
resounding in the room, and gradually the sound faded out.

These roars seemed to suck the ape dry. It ran out of energy and
dropped to the floor, but its eyes still looked at Gao Peng with strong

Seeing that Gao Peng didn't respond, the passion in its eyes
gradually burnt out, then eclipsed...

"OK, I will help you evolve; I promise," Gao Peng said, making
the vow. He didn't know why he acted bewitched. Perhaps he never
saw a pair of eyes with such strong feelings, or perhaps he was
ambitious. Maybe… maybe he just didn't want to let these eyes
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Without checking whether the Red River Ape understood him or
not, Gao Peng tiredly closed his eyes.

After all, to get the Monster Breeder Certificate, he needed to

promote this Red River Ape's grade. There was no conflict between
the two things.

After checking the two evolution options again, finally Gao Peng
decided to use the latter method.

Words faded like the moon in the mirror, and a line of new words
came out.

[Distorted Evolution with pathological changes]: Take 250g

Black Candle Grass with meal, three times daily for three days. Then
take one Elite Ghoul Monster Core Crystal for the Red River Ape, and
steep the ape in sulphuric acid solution. Sulphuric acid solution needs
to be specially made according to a certain proportion of
concentrated sulfuric acid and water, while adding 150g Luminous
Powder, 50g Skull Mushroom, 15g Withering Grass...

What would this Red River Ape evolve to? Gao Peng had a bad

These materials don't sound good. Plus, that Ghoul Monster Core
Crystal; that's not a snack. Even if a healthy monster accidentally the
Ghoul Monster Core Crystal, it would feel terribly sick, or worse.

Gao Peng didn't mean to chose the latter one, but he lacked

Materials for the first method were too expensive, and he had
already exceeded the assessment expense limit.

Which would be easier; to continue painting on an ink-stained

canvas, or to remove stains before painting on the canvas? Relatively
speaking, the first one was easier.
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Comparatively, although the second evaluation method still
needed expensive materials, the total cost could be controlled within
the association's free fund limit.

It better work; if I fail, that's going to be a large debt.

After hearing Gao Peng's material requirement, the material

distributor stared at Gao Peng with a strange look. Is this boy going
to kill the Red River Ape…?

Gao Peng ignored the other's curiosity. After gathering all the
things he needed, he went back and locked the Red River Ape as well
as himself in the room.

In the next few days, Gao Peng didn't go out. The room had a
bathroom, and meals were delivered through a small window. It was
unnecessary to go out.

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed. After taking Black
Candle Grass continuously for three days, the Red River Ape became
energetic. Its eyes brightened, its fur took on a sheen, and swelling
was reduced.

Black Candle Grass acted as a stimulant, so after taking uppers for

three days, the Red River Ape's physical and mental conditions
probably reached the top, temporarily.

After taking a deep breath, Gao Peng opened the cage. To be

honest, this behavior was quite dangerous. Although the ape was
gentle and tamed, it was not guaranteed that it could remain
obedient without character distortion, since it had been tortured by
so many unsuccessful experiments. If anything bad happened, in this
closed room, Gao Peng would have nowhere to escape.

The Red River Ape looked at the open cage with blank eyes, then
looked outside. Finally, it cautiously stretched its right leg out of the
cage and tap-touched the floor, in order to sound out Gao Peng's
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intention. Seeing that Gao Peng was not angry, but encouraging it to
come out, the ape smiled, excited. It crawled away from the cage
cheerfully, and gathered Gao Peng in its arms with a strong embrace.

Its big hand patted on Gao Peng's back; then the Red River Ape
loosened its arms and sat in front of Gao Peng obediently.

Gao Peng pointed at the bath beside them, which was filled with
transparent deep blue liquid. "Go lie down there."

Red River Ape resourcefully plucked some hair, then hip-swiveled

to the bath, and threw the hair into the liquid.

Dark red hair floated into the liquid, twisting, shrinking. At last, it

The Red River Ape was astonished, with its mouth wide-open, just
like a human.

It looked at the liquid, then turned to Gao Peng.

Then it crawled to Gao Peng and sat down, staring at Gao Peng

Gao Peng wasn't sure he should cry or laugh.

Perhaps yesterday when he was blending the liquid, his method of

testing Sulfuric acid corrosiveness was observed by this ape.

Who said these monsters were stupid.

Gao Peng was speechless. But to continue his experiment, he had

to trick this Red River Ape into the bath.

"Young boy," Gao Peng said, and put his hand on the ape's

"Ho, ho." The Red River Ape curiously stared at the hand on its
forehead cockeyed.
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"I can give you power, but you only need to offer your
courage," Gao Peng said bizarrely.

Since there was no one else in the room, he was a little bit

Alas, can an ape understand these big words?

Gao Peng wasn't sure whether it got the idea or not. The Red River
Ape hesitated for a while, then gently moved Gao Peng's hand away.
It stood up and headed for the bath.

The Red River Ape turned around to give Gao Peng a glance with a
smile, then flung itself forward into the water with a great splash.

This bath was specially made: two meters high, three meters long
and two meters wide.

Gao Peng immediately moved forward. The bath was see-through,

and everything was clear and easy to observe.

The Red River Ape sank itself completely under water, as it was
such an experienced monster.

As a test subject, it has plenty of experience and jump into the

liquid voluntarily; this is sad but hilarious.

Gao Peng wanted to laugh, but he couldn't. There was a leaden

weight in his heart.

He tried to turn around but failed. His legs somehow were petrified
and couldn't move even one step backward.

He stood there, and watched unfeelingly.

The Red River Ape's fur began to shrink inward like a fluffy ball.

, a large amount of black liquid went spewing out through its hair,
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rising to the surface. It then transformed into a thick haze of acrid
smoke which hung in the air.

The fire alarm suddenly rang ear-piercingly, and red light was
flickering in the room.

Ten seconds later, the door was suddenly pulled open. A group of
people gathered outside, with two firemen holding extinguishers
standing in the front.

They goggled at the bath continuously spewing dark smoke in the

air, as well as the black twisting thing in the liquid.

Where was the fire!

"Uh… sorry to disturb you."

"Ha-ha, there might be something wrong with the fire

alarm," Another staff joked.

At this moment, the Monster Breeder Association's top manager

came. Seeing the crowd outside the room as well as the billowing
smoke, he frowned and asked, "What's going on here?"

Someone explained the situation. After hearing the whole story,

the manager's face was filled with surprise. "You mean, this was
caused by someone fostering a monster?"

The crowd cleared a path for the manager. The man walked closer.
Finally he saw what happened in the room.

There was a bath in the center of the room, which was filled with
dark blue liquid. A vague twisting figure could be seen indistinctly in
the middle of the liquid. That thing was now lying still.

Dark smoke was billowing from the bath.

Then less smoke came out. The dark blue liquid in the bath
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gradually turned into pure black. The bath calmed down, and it
seemed that it was all over.

"Has the experiment failed?" Some other candidates were

startled. They stood outside the door, joking at Gao Peng.

"Oh my, this young boy is really good at making trouble!" A

fat man who sat beside Gao Peng sighed subconsciously. The boy
was definitely not a common person, for normal people rarely made
such a big mess.

Suddenly, great waves emerged at the surface of the liquid. Water

splashed from the bath. It looked as if a terrifying giant monster was
hiding below the dark water.

After a great splash, through the black liquid waves, a part of a

black, hideous bone rose above the water.

"What- what is that!" Someone screamed, stepping backward.

The others were not as panicked as him, but they all goggled at
this scene.

The black skull came out first, with blue, ghostly fire flaming in the
middle of its sunken eye sockets. Fiendish fangs bared outward; no
doubt it had horrible biting force.

The monster put its hands on the edge of the bath, pulling itself
out of the liquid.


It fell heavily to the ground. The room was shaking.

People finally saw the whole monster.

It was two and a half meters tall, with a big black lustrous skeleton.
Its fur, flesh and guts were corroded clean; there were only bones
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left. Dense, sticky red strings connected its joints together, just like
steel wires pulling on a motor shaft.

In its empty eye sockets, only dark blue fires flickered. The "eyes"
looked cold with desperation.

The other candidates were stunned. What is this? Are we in the

same test?

Data flashed in front of Gao Peng: Evolution completed-- Distorted

Evolution: [Skull Ghoul Ape]!

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Chapter 19: Intermediate Monster

Breeder Certificate

The Skull Ghoul Ape looked down at its fleshless hands. It was
impossible to discern its emotions from its hollow eyes.

It then raised its head again and looked at Gao Peng and simply
stood there, staring blankly at him.

[Monster Name]: Skull Ghoul Ape [Monster Level]: Level 11

(Elite tier) [Monster Grade]: Perfect [Monster Attribute]: Ghoul
[Monster Condition]: Weak (Excited) [Monster Weakness]: Light
[Requirements for Promotion to Epic Grade]: …

A perfect grade monster. Once it managed to hit level 20, it could

immediately be elevated to commander tier.

This could be said to be a monster that would definitely become a

commander tier monster. It would be an exaggeration to say that it
was worth a whole city, but that would not be far off. It was definitely
worth a fortune. It was also rare; even more so because ghoul-type
monsters were already rare in the first place. If it were seen by
ghoul-type lovers, they would definitely be willing to spend a fortune
to buy it.

But all this had nothing to do with Gao Peng anymore. This
monster was provided by the Monster Breeder Association. Even the
venue and the materials used were provided by the Monster Breeder
Association. He had no reason to expect to gain possession of the
Skull Ghoul Ape.

This was only a small display of his capabilities anyway. With that
ability of his, as long as he had the materials, monsters of this grade
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could easily be mass produced.

As he turned to leave, the Skull Ghoul Ape suddenly reached his

hand out and grabbed on to the edge of his shirt, gently whimpering.

"C'mon, your grade already went up; is there anything

you're not satisfied with?" Gao Peng smiled and loosened the
Skull Ghoul Ape's grip on his shirt.

The Skull Ghoul Ape stared blankly at Gao Peng once again. It
looked like an abandoned child. Even the flames in its eye sockets
grew dimmer.

"This… this seems like a never-before-seen new species of

monster," a senior member of the association said while clutching
his chest, as though he were seeing a rare treasure of absolute

Then his burning gaze turned to Gao Peng. No, the real treasure
isn't the new monster species, but the one who managed to create
this new monster.

Gao Peng's young age shocked him. A special talent! A genius!

In his head, he had no hesitation whatsoever in giving this child

overwhelming praise.

"Haha, this monster seems pretty attached to you," the

senior member of the association said, laughing out loud. "Since
that's the case, you can have the monster."

"But, director." A member of the staff could not help but butt in.
He seemed unwilling to let the monster go.

The other members of the staff also had complicated expressions

on their faces.

These successfully upgraded monsters were usually awarded to
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members of the staff with the best work ethic. It was a form of
welfare provided by the Monster Breeder Association.

Having suddenly lost such a possible reward naturally made some

of them bitter.

Gao Peng was staring in shock at this man in his thirties who was
apparently the director of the Monster Breeder Association.

"How many times has this Red River Ape been tested on,
huh?! Did you really think I wouldn't know? According to the
association regulations, how many times is a monster
allowed to be experimented on before being eliminated?" The
director's expression turned cold. "It was lucky that this kid has
talent. Anyone else would have definitely failed the test.
Word could have gotten around that the Chang'an Monster
Breeder Association couldn't even afford a healthy monster. I
am here wiping your *sses after you have failed to do your
job properly!"

The various staff members hung their heads and said no more.

Even the contestants who were around the area could not help but
feel awkward as well. Even though that was the truth, there probably
was no need to spell things out so bluntly.

But as for the director, these members of staff were simply his
employees. What he lacked the least was employees. He could
simply holler out in Chang'an City and job applicants would come
lining up all the way to the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda. His employees
could easily be replaced.

Gao Peng however was a different case. This was the first time he
had met someone as talented as Gao Peng.

He had heard of such Monster Breeder geniuses but never had the
luck to meet one. He never thought that he would get a chance to
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meet one in person today.

He was a person that did not believe in luck. The use and
applications of all the materials used by Monster Breeders had to be
extremely precise. Even if the materials used were exactly the same,
any errors in obtaining the correct amounts and ratios of materials
used would result in failure.

"My young friend, if you would not mind, could you explain
your thought process and let Old Chen here learn a few
things?" the director said with a laugh.

This request was phrased in a way that allowed Gao Peng a way

A lot of people in the examination venue were suddenly all ears.

Gao Peng hesitated for a moment and sighed on the inside. Since
he could not keep a low profile, he might as well do the opposite.

After all, there was probably no way he could keep a low profile
after the events today.

Gao Peng's usual casual expression turned serious. He stayed

silent for a while to try to get in the right mood.

"I figured that those examinees who experimented on this

Red River Ape previously had no idea what they were doing,"
Gao Peng began coldly, not mincing his words at all.

"Although there's the word "river" in the Red River Ape's name,
its attribute has nothing to do with water. Its name comes from the
Red River which runs next to the area where these apes are found.

"Some fool thought to feed the Red River Ape large

amounts of water-type and Yin-type ingredients just because
of the word "river" in its name. It would have been alright if
only water-type ingredients were used, but the Red River
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Ape's weakness is actually the Yin-attribute." Gao Peng paused
before continuing. "That kind of thinking was not only limited
to one fool. One or two bad experiments would not have been
enough to cause this Red River Ape to be in the state that it
was in."

"Oh; are you saying that the Red River Ape's weakness is
Yin-type?" Director Chen was a little surprised. "Shouldn't it be

"According to the interactions between the Five Elements,

wood should be part earth right?" Someone who was listening
also voiced out his suspicion.

"For such a simple matter, a simple test would be enough

for us to find out. Hongshui Apes don't exist in large numbers
but they shouldn't be hard to catch either, right?" Gao Peng
said casually.

"A monster's attribute doesn't always follow the

interactions of the Five Elements. It's just that most of them
do. There are still some rarer examples of monsters that
deviate from this norm," Gao Peng continued. This was a point
that Director Chen himself knew as well.

"The water-attribute and Yin-attribute energies had already

run so deep into the Red River Ape's body that it had
permeated the bone marrow. To totally remove them from its
body would have wasted too much time and energy, so I
decided to work in a direction opposite of the usual."

"For the past three days, I gave it Black Candle Grass to

strengthen its soul and its willpower. Afterwards, using the
Yin-attribute as a base, I gave it undead-type and ghoul-type
materials as well as a ghoul-type monster core crystal to
stimulate its evolution." Gao Peng kept this part concise. There
was nothing worth hiding regarding the materials that he used as
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anyone could easily find out if they tried.

The crux of this procedure lay in the amounts and the order of the
materials used.

Gao Peng was no fool. He had not requested for the exact amount
of materials that he needed. For every material, he had asked for just
a little more than was necessary.

If someone tried to do the same experiment with the amounts that

he had ordered, the experiment would surely fail.

Even if someone wanted to deduce the exact ratio and amounts

needed, the amount of energy and resources that had to be
expended would be astronomical.

"Truly a fearsome youth," said Director Chen while nodding his

head. "The most I can give you right now within the limits of
my authority is an intermediate Monster Breeder certificate.
You will have to go to the Yanjing Headquarters and pass the
assessment there in order to obtain an advanced Monster
Breeder certificate. With your abilities, possessing only a
basic Monster Breeder certificate would be an injustice."

"I was just lucky", Gao Peng said humbly.

"This is definitely not as simple as mere luck," Director Chen


Everyone in the crowd was absolutely green with envy. They had
all put in their blood, sweat and tears just for a basic certificate. Over
here, this guy had immediately gotten an intermediate certificate.

But despite being envious, they knew well what their own
standards were and did not foolishly jump to kick up a fuss. If they
had such time and energy to spare, they knew they might as well
focus on getting that basic certificate…
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The spectating examinees quickly dispersed. The events of the day
was a great motivation to them.

In no time at all, with Director Chen's assistance, the Skull Ghoul

Ape's identity card was created. Every Familiar had to be registered
with the government. This was mandatory according to the law.

Without an identity card, a Familiar not considered an illegal

resident. Only with a card could a Familiar be used for participating in
tournaments or competitions.

But all of this was not done for Gao Peng unconditionally. At the
end, Director Chen also brought up a request. He hoped for Gao Peng
to represent Chang'an in next year's World Monster Breeder

Director Chen did not try to rely on the benefits that he had given
Gao Peng to convince him to join, but instead put forth a sincere
request. "There are few talented Breeders among us Monster
Breeders in Chang'an. You are the most talented one I have
met, so I do sincerely hope that you will represent Chang'an
for the World Monster Breeder Tournament."

The World Monster Breeder Tournament had no age limits. As it

was only three years after the cataclysm, be it old people, middle-
aged people, or young people, everyone was basically standing on
the same starting line on the path to be a Monster Breeder.

Initially, Gao Peng was not really interested. He found this matter
too troublesome and he was not the kind that enjoyed the limelight

But Director Chen added, "As long as you enter the top
thousand, you will be able to get a reward. The better your
standing, the better your reward will be. If you make it to the
top ten, you would receive at least 10,000 Alliance Credits…"
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"With great power comes great responsibility. I'll do it,
Director Chen; you need say no more," Gao Peng replied calmly.

Leaving the Monster Breeder Association, Gao Peng looked at the

Skull Ghoul Ape standing next to him. It felt unbelievable somehow,
to end up with an additional Familiar after going for the assessment.

Of course, as Gao Peng's soul capacity was not sufficient; he could

not establish a Blood Contract with the Skull Ghoul Ape yet. To be
more accurate, it still was not his Familiar yet.

But the difference was not big. He was just missing a Blood

Establishing a Blood Contract required mutual agreement between

both monster and human, so Gao Peng had no fear of anyone taking
this silly ape away from him.

Thank goodness it was a ghoul-type and did not need to eat food,
or else food expenditures for his household would increase again.
With this thankful thought in mind, Gao Peng walked out of the
Monster Breeder Association entrance with his Skull Ghoul Ape, which
had a 100% rate of causing people's heads to turn.

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Chapter 20: Overnutrition


With an Intermediate Monster Breeder Certificate in his bag, Gao

Peng felt his heart warm.

People say this certificate means an extra 30 points for my College

Entrance Exam, he thought.

The square was cold and cheerless. No one was waiting there.
Friends and family had gone home. After all, the practical test lasted
a whole week.

At the bus station, the Skull Ghoul Ape stood beside Gao Peng. It
was quiet as long as no one talked to it. It could stand still for a whole
day without moving and felt no pain or tactile sensation.

A bus came from afar, braking at the station. The driver turned
around and glanced at Gao Peng, calmly turning his head back to the
front. Then he immediately turned his head again with his eyes wide
open. A Skull Ghoul Ape! he thought.

Something was wrong.

The old driver turned around again and goggled at the Skull Ghoul

"Sir, this monster has an identity. Look, here is its ID card."

Gao Peng showed the ID to the driver. The card was made with
President Chen's help.

The driver took the card and checked, then looked at the Skull
Ghoul Ape. On the card the Skull Ghoul Ape was staring at the
camera with a stupid face.
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"That's going to be three peoples' fare," the driver told Gao

Monsters also needed to pay a bus fare. According to monsters'

figures, fares varied.

After getting off the bus and walking on the street the Skull Ghoul
Ape followed Gao Peng. Its unique appearance attracted everyone's

"Hey man, where did you get this Familiar, it's f**king
cool!" a young man with dyed yellow hair asked excitedly.

Gao Peng glanced at him but didn't answer. What could he say?
That he created it through experimentation?

Seeing that Gao Peng ignored him, the yellow-hair was unhappy.
He had a ferocious face.

The extremely quiet Skull Ghoul Ape suddenly stepped forward,

fire blazing in its empty sockets. It roared deeply.

The yellow-haired boy shuddered, jumping two steps backward and

squeezing out a smile. "Hey dude, calm down. I meant no harm,
I just think this Familiar is cool and want to buy the same
one. If you are unwilling to tell me, it's no big deal. We are
civilized, let's not get into a fight. Please."

"Dumby," Gao Peng said and looked over to scold the Skull Ghoul

Dumby: this was the name Gao Peng gave it, for it always looked
dumb when it was alone.

The Skull Ghoul Ape turned around and looked at its owner. Dumby
lowered its head, stepped backward and stood behind Gao Peng
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After returning to the community, Gao Peng became a star again.
wherever he went, he caught people's attention. A big group of
naughty kids followed Gao Peng, looking at the Skull Ghoul Ape up
and down cautiously. Some brave kid even threw stones at the ape.
"Hey, let's hit this evil monster!"

Gao Peng felt helpless. I'd better make a black gown for Dumby, he
thought. Otherwise it is too eye-catching.

Ghoul Familiars were rare in the Chang'an area. There were also no
suitable habitats for them, so few people had ever met a Ghoul
Familiar. That was the reason for the phenomenon.

But people said that in Xiangxi, Ghoul and Undead Familiars


Walking upstairs, all was quiet. Those little annoying neighborhood

monsters were mute today. Gao Peng found it interesting and
glanced at Dumby behind him.

"Uncle Liu, I'm back." Gao Peng knocked at Uncle Liu's door.

Before the door opened, Da Zi hissed with excitement. Uncle Liu's

exasperated voice followed. "You ungrateful brat, I have served
you for days, I gave you good food and drink, and see how
you repay me! Your owner just came back for a second, and
look how excited you are!"

After Da Zi's continuous requests Gao Peng finally saw a fat purple
figure struggling to squeeze itself through the door crack.

Gao Peng lowered his head to look at Da Zi, who was stuck in the
crack, dumbfounded.

What the hell is this three-sizes-too-big thing! Gao Peng thought.

If the Status Bar didn't show Da Zi was in healthy condition, Gao

Peng would have suspected that his Da Zi had received crueler
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torture than Dumby!

Its glowing dark-purple exoskeleton was shimmering with oil; even

its long sharp yellow feet had turned into stubby yellow triangular

If Da Zi's previous figure was a long chopstick, now it was a clumsy

purple skateboard.

The corner of Gao Peng's mouth twitched into a smile. "Uncle Liu,
be honest. What did you feed it?"

Uncle Liu pushed back his presbyopic glasses and explained slowly,
"Your Da Zi ate too little, that was why it looked skinny. I
gave it something nutritious. The more food it has, the
stronger it will grow. A strong figure means power."


Uncle Liu's words made sense but no matter how hard he tried to
convince himself, Gao Peng still couldn't build any connection from
Da Zi's current condition to a strong monster's.

"It needs to gain weight first so it can develop muscle and

be stronger! Without fat, how can it be strong! No fat means
no power!" As Uncle Liu finished his speech, he happened to see
Dumby, who stood quietly behind Gao Peng.

Uncle Liu cleared his throat and shifted his sight elsewhere,
pretending that he didn't see Dumby at all.

In Gao Peng's database, Da Zi's status bar was revised with an

extra two words: Extreme Overnutrition.

Alright, Uncle Liu meant well. But he believed that Uncle Liu
definitely fed it more than "something nutritious."

"Sorry to bother you these days. Thank you so much for
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your kindness," Gao Peng said and paused to smile. "I got my
Monster Breeder Certificate."

"Really?" Uncle Liu was surprised but happy.

"Excellent; that's a good job, my boy!" Uncle Liu nodded,

gratified. "You are just 18, aren't you? It's really cool to get a
Monster Breeder Certificate at your age."

Gao Peng was just about to tell Uncle Liu that what he really got
was an intermediate certificate when he heard Da Zi's angry cry from

He looked back and saw Da Zi lying between him and Dumby,

making a semi-circle around his legs to protect him. Da Zi was
glaring and roaring while Dumby stared at Da Zi but didn't budge.

"Well well, what is this?" Uncle Liu pretended to notice Dumby

for the first time and was surprised.

"This is Dumby." Gao Peng briefly explained the whole story at

the Monster Breeder Association to Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu looked at Gao Peng differently.

He used to think that Gao Peng just had some talent for breeding
monsters, but now it looked like things would not so simple

Old Ji would be satisfied.

But it was not good to expose talent so early. The tallest tree in a
forest would be destroyed earliest by the wind. Especially when new
world orders were being built dirty deals happened a lot, without a

Remaining silent for a while, Uncle Liu said: "Peng, do you know
why Monster Trainers have such high status? You know no
matter how strong our Familiars are, they are nonego. A
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sniper, a bullet, can easily threaten us."

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131 Report

Chapter 21: Pie In The Sky

Source: Webnovel

"I've heard that when Monster Trainers reach a certain

level, they are able to develop certain techniques that can
ensure their survival," said Gao Peng after furrowing his brows in
thought for a moment.

"That's right, but a Trainer's survival isn't just limited to

one type of technique. It is also not necessarily true that one
must attain a certain level before being able to use such a
technique," Uncle Liu said, evidently hinting at something.

After saying that, Uncle Liu simply stood where he was, as though
he had some reservation in continuing on with the topic.

C'mon and ask, ask me how to obtain such a technique.

"Mm, thank you for enlightening me." With that, Gao Peng
gave a slight nod and turned to leave.


Uncle Liu cleared his throat and said, "Wait. Actually, I have a
Monster Trainer survival technique that is suitable for you
right now."

Gao Peng gave Uncle Liu a careful look. If he still had not realised
by now that there was more to Uncle Liu than met the eye, he might
as well have bashed his head into a wall. But since Uncle Liu did not
seem to have any intention of explicitly revealing his identity, Gao
Peng found no reason to purposely expose him either.

Everyone had some secrets of their own. If he were to try to get to

the bottom of everything, he might just lose a friend.
132 Report
Uncle Liu looked at his surroundings then nodded his head. Gao
Peng suddenly felt a change in the space around him, but he could
not be sure if he simply imagined it.

Uncle Liu spoke in a serious tone. "The secret technique I am

about to tell you must never be revealed to anyone, or else it
will bring you a lot of trouble."

"I understand," Gao Peng nodded.

In Gao Peng's mind, he imagined that Uncle Liu would place a

finger on his forehead and the knowledge would flood into his mind.

But in reality, Uncle Liu simply took out a piece of paper and began
scribbling on it with a pen.

After he was done writing, he passed it to Gao Peng. "Memorize

this, then burn the paper."

Gao Peng took the note in his hands and began to read carefully.
His memory had always been rather good, otherwise he would not
have been able to get such good grades. After all, a lot of knowledge
had to be memorized.

After a moment, Gao Peng nodded his head. He found some

matches in Uncle Liu's home and burned the note to ashes.

Uncle Liu did not ask if Gao Peng had memorized it all properly but
reminded him once again to never reveal what he learned today. At
least not before he had become powerful enough to protect himself.

After seeing Gao Peng go back home, Uncle Liu secretly took out
his phone to call Old Ji. That old fogey. He's clearly misses his
grandson to bits but he still refuses to visit him. But Old Ji does
indeed have his own reasons. The old fogey should be delighted to
hear that Peng has become an intermediate level Monster Breeder.

Uncle Liu leaned back and out of nowhere, a six-meter long
133 Report
chameleon slowly became visible behind him. It was lying on the
ground lazily. He unreservedly planted his bottom on the
chameleon's body. Its back was soft and fluffy, just like a sofa.

Familiar Secret Technique – Shifting Constellations. Gao Peng was

thinking about the contents of the piece of paper.

He let out a deep breath. This is evidently a method of transferring

damage. It allows all the damage taken to be transferred to the body
of one's Familiar.

But it has a flaw. Although it is able to transfer every bit of damage

sustained to one's Familiar, it is only effective within a limited range.
Beyond a certain distance apart from the Familiar the damage
cannot be transferred. Also, this effect cannot be triggered by the
Trainer alone and requires the Familiar to consciously initiate the

Even if that were the case, a Familiar's defensive power was way
beyond a human's. Furthermore, as a Familiar got stronger, its
defensive power and life force would only grow stronger.

Gao Peng shut his eyes and quietly recited the secret technique
and communicated with the Blood Contract in his consciousness. In
his mental sea, a black and gold contract appeared, before slowly
disappearing again.

Suddenly, Gao Peng felt the existence of a new special connection

being established between him and Da Zi.

Gao Peng looked over at Da Zi who was crawling by his feet. It had
a thick expression on its face. Gao Peng jokingly scolded, "Look at
how fat you've become! You're like a little purple fat pig."

"Hiss!" Da Zi made an unhappy noise.
134 Report
"Oho, talking back now, are you? You don't have any self-
awareness do you? Have you any idea how fat you are?"

"Hiss!" Da Zi was furious.

"Come, come, come. Dumby, come carry Da Zi over here."

At first, Da Zi seemed to be struggling for dear life. But after

Dumby managed to bring it in front of the mirror, it stiffened up in
alarm after taking a good look at the fat centipede in the mirror.

After that, Da Zi stopped struggling.

It just lay still in Dumby's arms as though it had given up on life,

staring blankly at itself in the mirror.

"Hey," Gao Peng said while patting Da Zi's head.

Da Zi did not move, maintaining its blank look.

"Stop playing dead and get up quickly. Get plenty of

exercise in these next few days to lose that flab. Once you've
lost weight, I'll increase your grade," said Gao Peng snappily.
With how fat Da Zi was currently, he did not dare to simply raise its
grade. If Da Zi evolved and got stuck in that fat state, he would not
know what to do.

A flying fat centipede?

Just the thought of it hurt his eyes.

Right now it was noon. There was no need for Gao Peng to rush
back to school today. He could work on finding a part-time job first.

There were two simple ways to find part-time work as a Monster

Breeder. The first was to open his own office or shop front. After
making a name for himself, customers would naturally keep coming
135 Report
to find out more. Unfortunately, such a method was draining and
would take up a lot of time. Gao Peng did not plan to become a top
Monster Breeder in the future. This was just a means to support his
expenses and would at the most be just a part-time job.

The other method was to join a large corporation or powerful

organization. With his abilities, he should have been able to come to
the fore in no time at all.

But this was something that Gao Peng did not like to do.

Joining a large corporation would involve dealing with politics and

human relations in order to climb the corporate ladder. This was too
tiring to Gao Peng.

So he decided to choose a method that was a compromise

between both of the above methods: to join some small Monster
Breeder agency or store. He would not have to worry much about
getting customers as that job would naturally fall to the boss. He also
would not have to worry about fighting hard for benefits or
recognition since there will not be many employees in a small store.
If the work did not suit him, he could simply leave.

Furthermore, these small Monster Breeder agencies and stores

employed people easily. All that was needed was a Monster Breeder
certificate. Resignation would also be convenient and fast.

Once he put his mind to it, he would go ahead and do it. As Gao
Peng was putting on his clothes to prepare to go out to look for work,
he suddenly remembered about Uncle Liu next door.

Uncle Liu knew a lot and had good connections…

Gao Peng was a little hesitant in troubling Uncle Liu for such a
small matter, but he thought of how he had been spending every day
in school for the past few years. Although he was well-acquainted
with all the changes to everyday life that had occurred in recent
136 Report
years, he still had very little idea about where and what kinds of
Monster Breeder agencies can be found in Chang'an City. He
naturally had even less of an idea of which agencies were well
acclaimed and which were not.

With this thought in mind, Gao Peng decided to knock on Uncle

Liu's door in the end.

The door opened almost immediately the moment he knocked.

Uncle Liu saw him and smiled. He hurriedly pulled Gao Peng by his
elbows into the house. "Peng, I have something I have to
trouble you with."

Gao Peng very politely replied, "If there's anything at all, just
give the word. I still feel bad for leaving Da Zi in your house
under your care for so long. Please do not hesitate if you
need anything of me."

Uncle Liu heaved a sigh of relief. "I'll get straight to the point
then. ly, I had worked together with a partner to open a small
Monster Breeder Agency. I even put quite some money into
it. But just a while ago, that partner of mine up and left,
taking all the money and even all the Monster Breeders in
the agency with him. Well, seeing that you've got an
intermediate Monster Breeder certificate now, I was hoping
you could help out uncle here. Do you mind helping out in the
agency for a bit? Don't worry, regarding the pay, I will give
you the best prices within the trade, and also 20% of the
company free shares. This will not affect your studies either.
You only need to go down to the agency every weekend. The
job of a Monster Breeder is actually quite relaxed."

The more Gao Peng listened, the more he felt that something fishy
was going on. He had a strange expression on his face. This was akin
to someone gifting him a pillow the moment he felt like sleeping. It
was as though the pie in the sky had fallen down.
137 Report

Chapter 22: Flying Roc Studio

Source: Webnovel

In order to prove that he was not boasting, Uncle Liu took Gao
Peng downtown. Uncle Liu's studio was in central downtown, in the
busiest section. Right beside the studio was a shopping mall, and the
city government was not far.

"Well, my studio is right there," Uncle Liu said and pointed at

the third floor of Tianmao Tower. There was a brand new signboard
hanging on the wall: Flying Roc Monster Breeding Studio.

Gao Peng was confused.

Uncle Liu cleared his throat and said, "We can change the name
if you don't like it, you know."

Gao Peng was speechless. You are the boss, you can call it
whatever you like.

"Um, you think this studio is nicely located? My studio used

to do well, but pitifully, after my Monster Breeders left, my
business suffered a disastrous decline."

"There are so many Monster Breeders on the market, you

could randomly choose two to meet the urgent need." Gao
Peng found it nonsense.

"No, the fewer the better. I'd rather have no business at all
than destroy my fame," Uncle Liu said seriously.

"Alright," Gao Peng nodded. You are the boss, you can do
whatever you want.

"Uncle Liu, let's forget about the share thing. You can pay
138 Report
me with the highest wage amongst my colleagues." Gao Peng
paused, then said, "You have been taking good care of me for
years, I can do nothing to pay you back. This is the only thing
I can do."

If it was some other person's stock, he would have accepted it

comfortably; because he believed that his competence deserved
such value, and the future profit he could create was far more than
this amount of share.

But this studio belonged to Uncle Liu, who had been helping him a
lot directly and indirectly.

There were some things that he discovered later; he didn't talk to

Uncle Liu about those things for he was not willing to embarrass
Uncle Liu. There must be some reason for Uncle Liu to do them.

Otherwise, as an orphan, how could he live a steady life till now?

No gangster was able to give him trouble twice on the next day, and
he was admitted to Changan's best public secondary school.

Some kindness should never be forgotten!

He always discriminated between love and hate. He gave kindness

for kindness, and hatred for hatred!

Three years of orphan life brought him through social upheavals

and hardships, he had seen through human nature.

Therefore, he treasured goodness, while showing no mercy to evil.

"No worries, just accept it. One day you will understand
that this amount of share is far from enough for you," Uncle
Liu smiled gratifyingly. "Alright then, no more arguing. I have
transferred the share to you through procedures, it doesn't
matter whether you agree or not. I'm just informing you
about this."
139 Report
As he said this, Uncle Liu took out a contract as if by magic, and
handed it to Gao Peng.

Staring at black words on the white paper, Gao Peng was stunned
and said, "But I haven't signed it yet."

"Now you know what power is." Uncle Liu patted Gao Peng's
shoulder with a meaningful look. "OK, now let's continue our trip
to the studio. Today your job is to get familiar with your
working environment and future tasks. You can start your
work today if you want. Feel free to tell me your
dissatisfactions, I will make them change."

They walked in Tianmao Tower. The tiles were clean and shiny like
it was newly decorated. An elevator opened, and a group of people in
suits and ties came out of it one after another.

Amongst those people, there was a young man with a black-and-

red parrot standing on his shoulder. The parrot turned around and
stared at Gao Peng coldly and said, "Idiot."

Then it turned back, looking forward arrogantly.

The young man looked awkward, and kept apologizing to Gao


[Monster Name]: Black Light Parrot [Monster Weakness]: 1.

Wind type monsters. 2. Qianxin Herb's smell makes Black Light
Parrot vomit or causes diarrhea. If it eats Qianxin Herb, Black Light
Parrot will faint. 3. Thunderbolt Macaw Fruit is a particular hatred of
Black Light Parrot, to the bird; Thunderbolt Macaw Fruit tastes like

"It's OK. Your bird is a Black Light Parrot, isn't it? You can
buy some Thunderbolt Macaw Fruit for it, people say that
Black Light Parrots love this. Your parrot looks small and
skinny, it must lack nutrition," Gao Peng said with a significant
140 Report

"Wow, thank you!" The young man appreciated. "I have been
wondering what it likes. It is a picky bird, and always eats
little, I will buy some for it later."

The Black Light Parrot had no idea what Thunderbolt Macaw Fruit
was, it just somehow felt the hairs on the back of its neck stand up.

Its claws were holding tighter, and its head raised higher. The
parrot stood on the young man's shoulders, looking around, like a
prince inspecting his territory. These stupid human beings, they look

Gao Peng and Uncle Liu want to the third floor. The whole floor was
rented by the studio. Two pots of half-a-person-high black bamboo
stood on both sides of the gate.

A light aroma came from black bamboo and perfumed the whole

At the front desk stood a girl in light-blue fitted suit. She wore her
hair in a bob and and had simple make-up.

Seeing Uncle Liu came in, the girl looked dazed and then
immediately greeted them. "Good afternoon, sir." Meanwhile, she
snuck a look at Gao Peng, who was standing by Uncle Liu's side. Gao
Peng looked young; he might be the new boss's grandson.

This new boss's identity was unclear, but he was probably rich. A
few days ago he came here and bought the whole studio directly, as
well as fired the original Monster Breeders. At first she was worrying
about losing her job, but soon she was relieved. The new boss only
fired the Monster Breeders, but kept all the other workers. The only
thing that confused her was the new boss's requirements: that no
one was allowed to tell the upcoming Monster Breeder this studio
was recently transferred, or that he even colluded with them.
141 Report
For the sake of extra 1,000 Alliance dollars per month, workers all
shamelessly surrendered to the vicious capitalist.

But sometime they signed secretly; why were these capitalists rich
but weird?

"Go assemble everyone," Uncle Liu said calmly with a frowning

face, looking dignified.

"Yes," The girl nodded.

At this moment, Gao Peng finally realized how serious Uncle Liu
could be when he was talking.

Soon all the workers in Flying Roc Studio assembled in the lobby.

There were only ten people in total, including two female cleaners.

"From now on, this person will be our chief Monster

Breeder in Flying Roc Studio. He is also one of our
shareholders," Uncle Liu said and pointed at Gao Peng, who stood
behind him.


The crowd was shocked. Isn't this boy too young?

Looking at a group of workers waiting for his speech like kids in a

class listening to their teacher, Gao Peng was anxious. His face was
taut. "I'm Gao Peng. We will work together as a team, and
hope we can get along well."

"Peng is an intermediate Monster Breeder, as well as the

youngest intermediate Monster Breeder in Chang'an City. He
just broke the record." Uncle Liu cleared his throat, then guided
Gao Peng to the rest of the floor.

"Such a young Monster Breeder."
142 Report
"He is an intermediate Monster Breeder. Look at him, he is
so young and adorable." Some single female workers were
excited, and looked at Gao Peng up and down straightforwardly with
bright eyes.

The office didn't occupy much space, only one tenth of the floor,
for there were only ten people.

The rest included a fitness center, yoga room, guest center, lobby,
bar, etc, among which was an eye-catching huge empty room, which
took one third of the floor. The room's inner walls were decorated
with black sound-absorbing plastic boards. It was for Familiars. Some
guests brought their familiars there for training and cultivation.

"So, how do you feel? Are you getting used to it? Don't
worry, you have a share in hand, so to some degree this is
your own studio," Uncle Liu smiled.

Gao Peng nodded, "My classes start tomorrow, I can start

work this afternoon. There is nothing I can do at home."

"OK then, it's up to you. You can get off work whenever you
want. I will go back home now, home is the most comfortable
place for an old man." Uncle Liu waved his hand to stop Gao Peng
from sending him out.

Staring at Uncle Liu's back, Gao Peng remained silent for a while.
Finally he said, "Thank you."

"It's not me you should thank," Uncle Liu chuckled.

Then who? Gao Peng frowned. He was confused.
143 Report

Chapter 23: Making A Big Loss

Source: Webnovel

Gao Peng had not eaten anything since morning and was feeling

He rubbed his belly. He would have liked to head downstairs to buy

some bread to eat but he was afraid that a customer might come in
the moment he decided to leave the studio.

While trying to decide whether or not to leave the studio, half an

hour gradually passed, but no customer came.

Suddenly, Gao Peng sniffed the air. A pleasant fragrance had

suddenly wafted in.

Following the source of the fragrance, Gao Peng noticed that the
receptionist girl had a strange expression on her face. Her eyes were
darting around and she seemed to be struggling to stand still.

Gao Peng walked over and she smiled sweetly and said, "Good
morning, boss." Gao Peng, being a shareholder himself, was
naturally viewed by the employees here as their boss.

Gao Peng pointed at the corner of her mouth. "You missed a few
bread crumbs. And the bread that you're hiding under your
desk is sticking out."

"Ah! I woke up a little later today, boss. I didn't have time

to prepare breakfast so I bought some bread. Please don't
dock my pay for this." The receptionist girl frantically wiped her
mouth in panic and attempted to act cute to gain some pity.

"Just take note and be more careful in future. Actually, I

just wanted to ask if there were any bread stores nearby,"
144 Report
asked Gao Peng.

"Ah…" the receptionist girl blinked a few times before continuing,

"if you head down the elevator, turn left and walk about 100
meters you will reach an overhead bridge. Cross that bridge
and walk another 50 meters and you will see a Treasure
Garden Bakery. The bread there is the best! Their almond
chocolate bread and freshly squeezed banana juice popsicles
are exceptionally tasty."

"Mm," Gao Peng nodded. He took note of the name tag the
receptionist girl wore on her chest. Xun Quanquan.

The receptionist Xun Quanquan's Treasure Garden Bakery was

easy enough to find. Gao Peng found that they had plenty of
customers the moment he entered.

Sometimes, to know how good an eatery's food was, there was no

need to search for reviews online or to ask for other people's
opinions. Seeing how many customers they had was very telling.

Typically, if there were a lot of people buying the food, the taste
would not be bad. At the very least, the specialty sold there would
most likely not disappoint.

Gao Peng was carrying a bag full of waffle cookies in his left hand
and munching on a piece of bread in his right hand as he returned
and entered the elevator.

As the elevator doors were about to close, he heard running

footsteps from outside. "Sorry about that," said a bespectacled
man in his thirties, dressed smartly in a suit and tie who smiled
apologetically at Gao Peng. His left hand was holding on to the hand
of a little girl in a red dress. He was about to press the lift button only
to find that the third floor button had already been pressed. He
turned curiously to look at Gao Peng.
145 Report
Seeing Gao Peng turn to look at him as well, the man smiled

In the lift, the little girl tilted her head to look up at Gao Peng and
at the bread that he was holding in his hands. She sniffled a little and
unconsciously pursed her little lips. With much effort, she turned her
head away so as to not look at the bread in Gao Peng's hands.

But after a few seconds, she could not resist stealing a glance at
the bread again.

Gao Peng could not help but laugh. He opened up the bag in his
left hand and handed a waffle cookie to the little child.

"No!" replied the little girl sharply. She hugged the man's arm
tightly and looked at Gao Peng with a cautious look in her eyes.

Ding. They finally reached the third floor, saving Gao Peng from the
awkward situation.

The bespectacled man and the little girl were there to find a
Monster Breeder to promote the grade of their Familiar. When they
saw how young Gao Peng looked, they gave a look of suspicion at
first. But Gao Peng calmly proceeded to show them his intermediate
Monster Breeder certificate.

"A talented youth, a talented youth indeed." The

bespectacled man clasped his hands together in a show of respect.

"Have you brought your Familiar? Usually it would be best

for me to personally look at your Familiar in order to better
give you my suggestions."

"Da Bai is just downstairs. The lift couldn't fit it, that's why
we did not bring it up," said the bespectacled man. "Oh right, I
forgot to introduce myself. I am Xu Chang and this is my
146 Report
daughter Doudou."

"The lift building was designed initially for humans so,

naturally, it wouldn't be able to fit your Familiar. But we have
our own special passageway." Gao Peng stood up and brought Xu
Chang and Xu Doudou to the biggest room in the studio. As he
brought them over some of the employees followed along.

They took out a remote control, pointed it at the ceiling and

pressed the button.

Puchiii –

There was the sound of steam escaping as the wall with the
windows suddenly opened outwards. Sunlight streamed in from the
opening in the wall.

The spot of light that shone on the floor grew bigger and bigger
until the whole room was bathed in sunlight. The wall where the
windows were had already become parallel to the floor, becoming a
structure similar to that of a drawbridge.

The drawbridge was lowered at a very slow speed. Pedestrians

below either avoided the area hurriedly or stopped in their tracks.

"You can tell your Familiar to come up," said Gao Peng.

Xu Chang hurriedly called at Da Bai who was sprawled on the

streets, sitting in a daze. Da Bai looked up. Only then did Gao Peng
get a good look at what this Familiar looked light. It was a dog-type
Familiar similar to the Great Pyrenees breed that existed before the
cataclysm; it was a Great White Pyrenees.

Before the cataclysm, the Great Pyrenees was an extremely large

dog breed. Unfortunately, when it was evolving during the initial
periods of the cataclysm, there was little change in the body size. It
did not keep up with the growth of other dog breeds, hence it only
147 Report
counted as a small or medium-sized dog currently.

The Great White Pyrenees was brought up using the drawbridge. It

was overjoyed to see its master and leapt onto Xu Chang, knocking
him to the ground, licking his face while panting.

"This Great Pyrenees must have been living together with

you since before the cataclysm right?" Gao Peng could not resist
asking after observing Great Pyrenees' characteristics and behavior.

"That's right," said Xu Chang emotionally. "Da Bai has been

with us for six years already, it's even a year older than
Doudou. I hope that it can continue living with our family."

After the cataclysm, the energy of planet Earth was invigorated,

and the lifespan of monsters was shortened as a result. Dogs before
the cataclysm that would have normally taken a year and a half or
two years to reach maturity only required around one year now.

"Since your Great White Pyrenees is of an excellent grade, I

am guessing that you are hoping to promote its grade to
perfect, and have it advance into a commander tier
monster?" Gao Peng could easily see the Great White Pyrenees'
data with a simple glance.

This surprised Xu Chang. He did not think that Gao Peng would be
able to determine that his Da Bai was of an excellent grade in such a
short time using nothing but his naked eye. He had certain
reservations about Gao Peng's abilities initially but he was utterly
convinced that Gao Peng was the real deal now. "That's right," he

"Mm," muttered Gao Peng. He was different from other Monster

Breeders. As long as his instructions were followed, any monster
under his care practically had a hundred percent rate of success in
grade promotion.
148 Report
Although he still did not know if there were failure rates involved in
the methods provided by his ability, no indication of it was shown
yet. Which likely meant that, when working on monsters of this
stage, failure rates did not exist.

Since that was the case, there was no way that he could use the
same standards as other Monster Breeders when charging for his
services. That would be too cheap to do himself justice.

It would be an insult to knowledge, and to his remarkable ability.

The pay the Uncle Liu had agreed to give him was minimum salary,
plus a share of the earnings.

That would be a monthly salary of five Alliance Credits plus 90% of

Gao Peng's consultation fees.

Usually, consultation fees were split 50-50 between the studio and
the Monster Breeder, but Uncle Liu chose to split the earnings nine to
one, with him receiving 10% and Gao Peng receiving 90%. Gao Peng
had no idea how Uncle Liu intended to make a profit this way.

Uncle Liu had simply replied as such when asked: "I opened this
studio only in the hopes of keeping it running. Don't really
intend to make money out of it. If you wish to help me, then
work hard at making a name for this studio."

The main source of income for the studio was consultation fees.

So for now, Gao Peng decided on charging three times the normal
fees of an intermediate level Monster Breeder.

Since this father and daughter was his first pair of customers, he
decided to only charge them twice the normal amount.

Gao Peng thought that his offer would be a very amiable gesture.
He would definitely be making a big loss.
149 Report
Gao Peng made up his mind and told Xu Chang and his daughter
his charges. Xu Chang could not believe his ears. Gao Peng looked
like a decent young man. Little did he know that he was such a rip-

Xu Chang simply shook his head and proceeded to leave with


"Wait, how about this? If the promotion fails, I will not

charge any fees," Gao Peng added.

Xu Chang stopped and turned around. His bespectacled eyes

revealed a hint of slyness. "That's still not fair. How about this
instead? If the promotion fails, you compensate us at the full
price that you charge."
150 Report

Chapter 24: Conflicting Variation

Source: Webnovel


Gao Peng was quite sure that he wouldn't fail but win for sure. To
compensate according to the set price was no big deal; even
compensating ten times or a hundred of times its original price was
nothing to be afraid of.


Gao Peng suddenly felt mad.

He knew he should not do this by over-ranking himself. No one else

knew about his true abilities except himself. There were no big
problems in Xu Chang's words, it was just a normal philistine

Gao Peng wasn't sure about the other intermediate Monster

Breeders' success rates of evaluating an Excellent monster to a
Perfect one, but what he did know was the rate wasn't high.

Therefore, to Xu Chang, this debt was quite profitable.

He would either spend double the consulting fee to get a Perfect

monster, or to win double-consulting-fee compensation for free.

Receiving no reply from Gao Peng, Xu Chang smiled. "Well, it's

OK, I understand. After all, there is no 100% success rate in
this world. Doudou, come on, let's go."

Xu Chang took Doudou's hand and left, walking steadily, neither

fast nor slow. Finally, he paused in front of the elevator, but didn't
wait for Gao Peng's detainment. He was a little upset, but he had
151 Report
predicted this would happen. At last, he opened the elevator and
stepped in.

The door gradually closed...

On the other side, a worker lowered Da Bai through the lift shaft.

Gao Peng was speechless; his first business ever in life ended up in
this way.

When the other workers in the studio heard about this, they looked
at Gao Peng differently.

This new-comer little boss is arrogant.

In their eyes, Gao Peng was arrogant and thought too highly of
himself, all because of his success at such a young age.

But they only dared to discuss Gao Peng secretly. They dared not
to say anything wrong directly in the office. After all, they worked
under Gao Peng, no one was brave enough to talk about his boss in
public. Didn't he want the job any more?

Gao Peng felt helpless, too.

But he didn't want to decrease his consulting fee at all; on the

contrary, he even wanted to raise the price on impulse.

Fortunately, at last, good sense triumphed over unreasoning


To be honest and face the reality, to consider from the other's side,
to be understanding and sympathetic... Gao Peng knew the truth, but
he couldn't take it.

As the saying went, it was easier to decrease a price than increase

it. If he lowered the consulting fee now, it would be hard to raise the
price later. He understood his customers didn't know he wouldn't
152 Report
always follow their wishes. They had their thoughts, but he had his
own stubbornness.

As long as his fame spread out, customers would come constantly

for sure. Gao Peng couldn't believe that there was nobody who knew
about his goodness (or was brave enough to) in the whole of
Chang'an City.

An afternoon passed quickly. Three more customers came, but

none of them could accept Gao Peng's price.

"Boss, we have a new customer," Gou Quanquan called to Gao

Peng's office. She was exhausted. Why couldn't the young boss lower
his price? He could earn less at a time, but as quantity went up, total
profit would increase simultaneously!

I can't understand rich people's ideas.

In Gou Quanquan's eyes, her boss was a hidden rich man.

"Are you the Monster Breeder here?" A figure pushed the door
and came in, sized Gao Peng up with suspect.

"Yes, I am," Gao Peng nodded. "Let me make this clear first:
my price is three times higher than the other intermediate
Monster Breeders."

"I don't care how much it costs. As long as you help my

Familiar evolve, I can give you ten times as much as the
regular price!" The young man in jeans put his hands on the table
and leaned forward, his eyes bloodshot.

"Ten times! As long as you succeed, I will give you ten

times the price the other breeders have!" The young man said
rapidly, looking anxious and impatient.

"That's forthright!" Gao Peng sighed. "Where is your

Familiar? Let me take a look before I give you a more
153 Report
accurate answer."

"Here." The young man in jeans unfastened his neck band, and
carefully took out a baby's-palm sized purple rat from his inner
pocket. However, at this moment, this purple rat was covered with
dense blood lines, like there was a ferocious blood python crawling
on its skin. The purple rat was at the gate of death, and lightly
squeaked from time to time.

"One word, yes or no!" The Young man stared at Gao Peng,
breathing hurriedly.

Gao Peng glanced at the purple rat in the young man's hand,
squinted his eyes, and said, "What did it eat? I'm a Monster
Breeder, not a vet." As he said this, he leaned on the chair slackly.

In Gao Peng's eyes, this rat's status bar showed its status as a
conflicting variation.

"I fed it a Blood Jade Ganoderma; I was hoping to help it

evolve. Who knew that it would become like this!" The young
man's face flushed. "Its evolution is conflicted; if you know how
to help, help it, please."

Therefore, studying is really important. It is an Electric monster,

but you gave it a Blood value herb; do you think you are buying
lottery tickets? Gao Peng felt speechless.

"Alright, I will take care of it. But you know Monster

Breeders' rules, don't you? We offer plans, you pay for

"Yes I do, just tell me what you need." The young man was
now a drowning man clutching at a straw, for there were only two
advanced Monster Breeders in Chang'an City. One of them was the
president of Chang'an Monster Breeder Association, and the other
also had a high status. Time was limited; how could he meet with
154 Report
such big men?

[Monster Name]: Purple Electric Rat (conflicting variation)

[Monster Level]: Level 19 (Elite)

[Monster Grade]: Excellent

[Monster Attribute]: Electric

[Monster Condition]: Mild injury (suffering)

[Monster Weakness]: 1. Mud…

[Requirements for Promotion to Excellent Grade]: 1. Normal

evolution. 2. Variation evolution...

After checking, Gao Peng realized that the most suitable way for
the Purple Electric Mouse to proceed was with a variation evolution,
for it was currently in the evolution process, just suffering from the
conflict between Blood and Electric power.

[Variation Evolution]: Put five Shadow Fruit, 5g Scarlet Maple Pit,

and 50g Golden Lightening Leaves together into millstone, mill them,
then boil the powder. Add one (Elite level) Blood Bat monster core
crystal into the portion, then...

"Go get five Shadow Fruit, 5g Scarlet Maple Pit, and 50g
Golden Lightening Leaves, as well as one Blood Bat monster
core," Gao Peng instructed the young man.

The young man nodded without hesitation, and immediately called

his men to bring those materials. No matter how much he did or
didn't trust Gao Peng, since he had chosen Gao Peng, he had no
other way to go.

What if this boy failed… Coldness flashed across the young man's
eyes at the possibility. He, Ma Jian, was someone with fame in this
155 Report
city. He would make this boy pay for his loss.

Luckily, these materials were not rare. They were collected and
sent to Gao Peng within half an hour.

At this time, the Purple Electric Mouse was lying on the table. It
didn't even have the effort to mumble; only its chest going slightly up
and down, indicating that it was still alive.

Gao Peng milled the Shadow Fruit, Scarlet Maple Pit and Golden
Lightening leaves according to the order, then poured the mixed
powder into a boiling pot. He put on the cover, waited for half a
minute, then threw smashed Blood Bat monster core crystal into the

Ten minutes later, Gao Peng moved the cover. Then in front of Ma
Jiang's astonished face, he picked up the Purple Electric Mouse and
threw it into the pot, then covered it...
156 Report

Chapter 25: Purple Electric Blood Mouse

Source: Webnovel

When he saw his precious mouse being tossed into the pot, Ma Jian
almost fainted. Are you trying to make a stew? You just dumped
everything in!

He rushed over and tried to grab Gao Peng's collar, only to have
Gao Peng calmly look him in the eye and say, "How fragrant.
Would you like a taste of mouse soup? It nourishes Yin
energy and replenishes Yang energy."


"It was just a joke. To lighten the mood." After half a day, Gao
Peng had lost the nervousness he had at the start and was beginning
to get used to this new job.

Ma Jian stopped what he was trying to do, his hands trembling. He

felt like crying but no tears came out. "You're really not trying
cook my mouse and eat it?"

"Relax," said Gao Peng as he removed the pot lid. Using a pair of
chopsticks, he stirred the pot and even flipped the Purple Electric
Mouse around while he was at it.

The Purple Electric Mouse's white belly was flipped face up. Its
belly was round and it was making gurgling sounds as bubbles came
out of its mouth.

"Stir it evenly…" Gao Peng mumbled to himself. "Relax, I am

making sure all the medicine is mixed evenly, so that it can
be absorbed more effectively."

Ma Jian stared fixedly at Gao Peng and struggled to resist his
157 Report
violent impulses. I must stay calm, I must stay calm…

Gao Peng was not worried about Ma Jian secretly learning his
Monster Breeding techniques. Having a Purple Electric Mouse absorb
a Blood Jade Ganoderma and entering a state of conflicting variation
was a rare occurrence, after all. Under most circumstances, the
monster would have simply died from the conflicting energies in its
body and would not have lasted long enough to be treated.

Furthermore, every Purple Electric Mouse has its individual

differences, and would require different amounts of material. This
Purple Electric Mouse required five Shadow Fruits, but another Purple
Electric Mouse under the same conditions might have required six.

After half an hour, Ma Jian asked shakily, "Is it done yet?" He was
staring hard at the Purple Electric Mouse in the pot. It was in the pot
for so long, its bones might have just been boiled to mush…

Tears were beginning to well up in Ma Jian's eyes.

Gao Peng maintained a calm expression on his face, but in actual

fact, fears were creeping into his mind. He would not end up actually
making mouse soup, would he?

"It's alright, Heaven is about to confer a great office onto

this mouse, it must be boiled a little further," Gao Peng calmly
said as he patted Ma Jian's shoulder.

Chii chiii-

The Purple Electric Mouse that was lying in the pot all this time
suddenly opened its eyes wide and began squeaking maniacally. It
spewed out the black medicinal liquid from its mouth and began to
convulse like crazy.


With a display of strength that no one thought such a small-sized
158 Report
Purple Electric Mouse could possess, it lashed out its tail in a blur,
sending the pot lid flying.

It darted and leapt around the room madly, like a purple lightning

"You will have to pay for the damages to my office," Gao

Peng told Ma Jian in a serious tone.

Ma Jian's attention was currently fixed on mouse that was suddenly

full of vim and vigour. "No problem," he said.

Looking at his Purple Electric Mouse, the worries in his heart were
finally eased.

It took a few minutes before the Purple Electric Mouse got tired and
finally came to a stop on the table. It's long thin, pale purple tail was
swaying gently and its ruby-red eyes were bright and sparkling.

[Monster Name]: Purple Electric Blood Mouse [Monster Level]:

20 (Elite tier) [Monster Grade]: Perfect [Monster Attribute]:

"You've hit the jackpot. Perfect grade, dual attributes, and

all you have to do is train it a bit more so it can directly
advance into a Commander tier Familiar," said Gao Peng with a
yawn. In an offhand manner, he also passed Ma Jian the booklet in his
hand. "Listed here are the damages to my office and the
consultation fees. You can go through it and see if you have
any questions."

"No need, there's no problem." Ma Jian was no longer

concerned about these things at the moment. He was absolutely
transfixed by his familiar.

Normally the average intermediate Monster Breeder would charge

a consultation fee of 40 Alliance Credits per visit for Elite tier
159 Report
monsters. That would be 400,000 when converted to Alliance Dollars.

The base consultation fees for intermediate Monster Breeders was

10 Alliance Credits. A promotion in grade would double the total fees,
and an advancement in tier would mean doubling the fees again.

For Commander tier and Perfect grade Familiars, it was a whole

different set of prices all together.

With this one deal completed today, Gao Peng received 400
Alliance Credits. As for the payment for the damages to the office,
Gao Peng did not pocket a single cent, and had it all spent on repair

What was his he would take, but he would not take a single cent of
anything that did not belong to him.

"Please come again," Gao Peng said with a smile. Such forthright
customers were his favorite.

"Alright. I will be back again tomorrow, I have another Familiar that

I would like to place under your care. After today, Ma Jian really had
to hand it to Gao Peng! This guy, he really is the real deal!

"Umm…" Gao Peng only said those words to be polite. He had to

go to school tomorrow, there would be no time to meet Ma Jian.
"Let's set the appointment to this weekend, shall we? I still
have to attend classed tomorrow and I will not be available."

Ma Jian was stunned. He wondered if his ears were alright. "What

classes are you attending? A Monster Breeder training

"Regular senior high, third year classes. If that's all, I'll

have to leave work and go home to finish my homework." Gao
Peng calmly waved Ma Jian goodbye.

"If there are any questions afterwards regarding your
160 Report
Purple Electric Mouse, you can call and look for me. You can
note down my number from reception. If you wish to rest for
a while you can do so in our studio. We have basic
entertainment facilities here. Have a pleasant afternoon."

With that, under Ma Jian's stunned gaze, Gao Peng pushed open
the door and left.

Are all high schoolers nowadays this terrifying?

Leaving the studio, Gao Peng headed to the mall to buy the
materials needed for Da Zi's evolution, and also bought some
materials that a Skull Ghoul Ape would need.

At first, after successfully evolving his Skull Ghoul Ape, Gao Peng
had thought that he could directly evolve it again. Unfortunately, he
found out that he could not immediately proceed with another
evolution. It was as though he had increased the water capacity of a
pond, but the amount of water remained unchanged. He had to make
efforts to fill it up with water again.

The Familiars he had worked on before had already accumulated a

lot of levels over time, hence they could be evolved straightaway.

Gao Peng spent less than fifteen Alliance Credits on the materials.

Because of the large amount of money that Gao Peng spent, the
shop even provided a free delivery service. Gao Peng used this
opportunity to hitch a free ride home.

After reaching home, Gao Peng could see that Da Zi's body size
had slimmed down quite a bit. He opened up Da Zi's attribute tables
and frowned.

[Monster Name]: Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede

(Evolving) [Monster Grade]: Normal [Monster Level]: 8
(Consumed large amounts of Thunder Titan Centipede core crystal
161 Report
and large amounts of Thunder Titan Centipede meat. Materials
belong to a centipede-type monster and meet the requirements for
the path of evolution of a Purple-Backed Yellow-Clawed Centipede.
Currently evolving…)

What's going on here?

There were no other evolution methods in the evolution column.

What was recommended there was made according to his views and
opinions. Furthermore, the names of the materials needed were all
names that Gao Peng understood or recognized.

There was one method that was the fastest and most convenient
way to allow a monster to evolve, and that was to feed it the meat
and core crystal of a stronger monster of a similar type.

No matter how Gao Peng thought about this matter, he felt that it
must have had something to do with Uncle Liu. Who knew what kinds
of things he fed Da Zi in those few days.

One hour before all this…

Uncle Liu heaved a sigh of relief after he hurried back home. He did
not think that Peng would actually be back home this soon. Wasn't
the assessment supposed to last for a whole week? What a
miscalculation. He still had not had the time to feed the little
centipede the most important thing.

A giant chameleon with constantly changing skin color squeezed

out of Uncle Liu's front door and made its way to the edge of the
window of Gao Peng's home.

Da Zi, as though feeling something amiss, displayed irritable

behavior and began scuttling around on the spot.

The chameleon blended in perfectly with its surroundings. No one
162 Report
in the entire neighborhood noticed such a giant monster climbing the

Only a few sensitive monsters in the area felt something, either

displaying their unease, or laying down silently while trembling.

The invisible chameleon squinted as it looked at Da Zi in the room.

It opened its mouth wide and an invisible tongue shot into the room
from a half-opened window.

The invisible chameleon then slowly crawled back to Uncle Liu's


Gao Peng's house became peacefully quiet again. In the living

room, a purple monster core crystal shimmering with a ghostly light
lay on the ground. Da Zi seemed to have sensed something. Its
antennae waved about as it crawled out carefully from under the
163 Report

Chapter 26: Evolution· Purple-Backed

Thunder Centipede
Source: Webnovel

This time no mistake was made during evolution. Gao Peng had
been monitoring all the time.

Uncle Liu gave Da Zi materials directly without his permission. Gao

Peng was annoyed but also found it hilarious.

It was like when eating at home, there would always be someone

picking food for you, again and again, ignoring the fact that you were
already stuffed.

His intention was good, so was his consideration.

Even though they were kind but clueless, how could we blame


Gao Peng crouched down and stroke Da Zi on its head, saying,

"Glutton! Don't eat anything you see! Understood?"

Why it's me taking the bag?

Da Zi was shocked, it raised head goggling at its owner with great

astonishment, seeming to blame him. How come you are such a
partial owner, you know this has nothing to do with me!

But it was still evolving. Soon it was exhausted, lying weakly on the

Da Zi's evolution didn't stop until eleven p.m. It's length increased
dozens of centimeters, looked well-proportioned.
164 Report
Its exoskeleton shifted color from dark purple to bright purple. If
one was observing closely, they could see there were tiny thunder
patterns on the edge of its exoskeleton. Its antennas drooped limply
on the ground.

[Monster Name]: Purple-Backed Thunder Centipede [Monster

Level]: Level 9 [Monster Grade]: Excellent [Monster Attribute]:
Thunder/Poison [Requirements for Promotion to Excellent
Grade]: Mill Silverleaf into powder, mixed with water, drink the
portion for a week; one Commander Thunder monster core crystal.

Not only it was upgraded to Excellent, its breed also changed. Its
attribute transferred from Yin/Poison to Thunder/Poison.

Finally it was all set. Gao Peng glanced at Da Zi. It was lying lazily
on the ground, white smoke enshrouding it. Insects did not sweat;
they had spiracles, which opened and let vapor come out.

Lying on the ground, Da Zi looked like an overheated engine

gradually cooling as vapor came out from spiracles.

After taking care of Da Zi, there was a dumb ape waiting to be


Gao Peng opened the black bag he brought home. Plenty of white
ice cubes were piling in the bag, with some having melted into water,
gathering at the bottom.

On the top of the ice cubes, bundles of pine needles were stacked.

Pine needles were silver gray, each as thick as a pen refill, around
ten centimeters long, covered with silver light spots, just like
twinkling stars.

This was Yin Cedar, which was mutated from cedar before the
cataclysm. This kind of cedar preferred Yin and cold circumstances,
and grew in Huaxia region. Only the World Roof in the Himalayas had
165 Report
this tree. Later on, Yin Cedar was widely grown along the country; it
was no longer rare.

After the cataclysm, cedars mutated in different directions, among

them a valuable one, Yin Cedar. Its pine needle was a high-nutritional
food to Ice, Yin, Ghoul and Dark monsters.

Gao Peng bought sixteen pounds of Yin Cedar needles, which was
a month's food for Dumby.

Dumby was currently at Perfect grade. If it upgraded again, it

would be of legendary Epic grade. Gao Peng had never met any Epic
monsters before, he only heard about them on TV or in books.

However, Dumby just evolved; it needed to be nourished for a

while before its next evolution.

Gao Peng took half pound pine needles out from the bag, then put
them into an steel bowl, which was used by Da Zi, for Dumby. Dumby
turned around, and deep in its eye sockets, dark blue flames danced
for a few seconds. Then Dumby lowered its head to look at the Yin
Cedar needles, hesitated for a while, and finally realized what those
thin leaves were. It stretched its big fingers and picked several
needles out from the bowl. Then put it them into its mouth.

As its sharp teeth were chewing the pine needles, silver and black
mist raised from them, then drifted away in its skull. It looked like a
skeleton smoking a pipe.

Mist was completely absorbed by soul flame, and as absorption

went on, the flame grew bigger, as if it was in extreme excitement.

As the pine needles were chewed, its light spots all disappeared.
Grayish brown dry debris fell off from Dumby's jaw holes.

He stiffly repeated the same action, picking and chewing Yin Cedar
166 Report
"Wait." Gao Peng observed for half a minute, then stopped
Dumby's further action. Dumby was dazed, turned around and looked
at Gao Peng. Gao Peng took out a broom to sweep the debris first,
then put a trash can right below Dumby's jaw.

"OK, continue," said Gao Peng.

Dumby followed Gao Peng's instructions. It kept chewing while

debris kept falling out from its jaw. But this time, it didn't fall on the
floor, but into the trash can instead.

"Clever me!" Gao Peng gave himself a thumbs-up.

He glimpsed at the clock on the wall, it was about twelve o'clock.

He stretched himself. It's still early, let me read some pages before
I sleep.

Late at night, stars were twinkling in the sky. In the couch, a boy
hugged a book in arms and fell asleep. Under starlight, the boy's face
looked soft and gentle.

Da Zi glanced at Gao Peng, stood up and crawled into the

bedroom. Later it came out with a quilt, then chucked it over Gao

After that, it lied down lazily on the floor next Gao Peng, and didn't
move anymore.

Dumby had finished the Yin Cedar needles; its finger rubbed on the
bottom of the steel bowl, the bowl rattled. It leaned its head,
goggling at the bowl, wondering why the bowl was empty. Its head
remained tilting to one side, and the flames in eye sockets gradually
calmed down. At last they shrank into tiny light-blue light spots
floating deep in its eyes. Dumby fell asleep.

The next morning, Gao Peng walked to school.
167 Report
Unlike in streets where Familiars were everywhere, there were
none at school. Familiars were not allowed to be in schools.

"I disagree, I would never say yes! The school is the last
peaceful land for children, how can these monsters be
permitted to enter!" in the president's office, dressing in gray
Chinese tunic suit, the school president argued strongly.

Standing in front of his desk was the director of Chang'an City

Education Bureau.

The director looked at the president with a complicated expression,

and smiled bitterly. "Mr. President, it's not me who made the
decision. Upper levels gave us this order just a few days ago;
every high school around the world must follow this new

No.3 Middle School president used to be his headmaster, and had

taken good care of him. That was why he came to persuade the
president himself.

The president looked straight into the director's eyes. After a while,
he took a long sigh, and at this moment he seemed to be ten years
older than before.

"I'm not a fuddy-duddy, my wife has a Familiar, too. It looks

like a pet, but is more dangerous than a pet. Have those
decision-makers thought of its potential threat?"

"They mentioned a way to solve this problem. They will separate

junior high schools from senior high schools. In the city bureau, they
just had a meeting this morning, and decided to merge No.7 and
No.3 senior high schools into one; so did their junior high schools.
No.3 school will continue to be a senior high school teaching area,
while No.7 will be the junior high area. Meanwhile, senior high
freshmen will move to No.7 middle school. Basically students will not
reach their 18s until they're sophomores.
168 Report
"By the way, this method also eradicated acceleration." the
director said in a tough joke.

"Um… well, sounds like a deal." The president looked tired and
worried, but finally he accepted this.

"Yeah. And there will be instructors from military to take

care of new courses."

The president was shocked with his brows furrowed. He smelled

something different. "Is the situation so tense right now?"

"Although we human beings have been developing

techniques, as well as cultivating Monster Breeders, the
speed is… still too slow." the director sounded very down. "In
the real wild, numerous monsters have been reproducing and
killing in a crazy way. Their evolution speed is way faster
than Familiars in cities. As time goes by, one day when our
technique can not treat them anymore, it will be too late. Our
students are still kids in peacetime, but in ancient wartime
they were already grown-ups and could join in armies."

"Protecting our country is not just empty talk," the director

said seriously, then smiled. "But don't tell these things to kids.
At present the frontline situation is OK. My little girl was
super happy when she heard the news, she thought that she
could bring her Familiar to school for fun."

"OK. Then I will only tell teachers later," the president



High school courses were easy. Gao Peng had self-studied all
senior high courses, and had been self-studying college courses.
Sometimes when he had spare time, he read extracurricular books.
169 Report
It was why Murong Qiuye easily permitted Gao Peng's leave. To be
honest, if Gao Peng took the College Entrance Exam right now, there
would not be any problems.

The reason that Gao Peng was ranked No.4 in his grade rather than
No.1 was he just barely passed his PE test...

The total grade of PE test was 100 points. In the new era PE grade
had been increased. The World Coalition Government appealed that
kids in this new era should make all-around development, not only to
do well in academics, but in physical conditions as well.

As he entered the class, Gao Peng immediately caught everyone's

attention. He didn't feel very comfortable, and walked directly to his
seat and put down his bag.

Soon Murong Qiuye showed up in class, monitoring students to do

morning study. However, in the middle of process, Ms. Murong was
called by grade headmaster to have a grade meeting.

Ms. Murong left the class hurriedly. Seeing the teacher left, the
quiet class suddenly became buzzing, as if it was switched on.

Students discussed, playing around.

"Gao Peng." Tan Qianjin sat right in front of Gao Peng. He turned
around and put one arm on Gao Peng's desk and said, "I heard that
you got an intermediate Monster Breeder certificate?"

"Eh?" Gao Peng was astonished. How does he know that?

"You don't know? You are on the newspaper now, the

youngest intermediate Monster Breeder in Chang'an City, and
according to Chang'an's Monster Breeder Association, you
break its the Youngest Monster Breeder record," Tan Qianjin
said with admiration. "Besides, Li Zigong told me that his
mother was present, she told him the whole story, and
regretted that he was not as good as you. His mother has
170 Report
been pushing him to read various kinds of monster breeding
books. He has suffered a lot since then."
171 Report

Chapter 27: Silver Moon Wolf

Source: Webnovel

"Oh, I'm really sorry." Gao Peng shook his head. He never
thought that he would actually cause Li Zigong that much trouble.

"Umm… Gao Peng, I have a presumptuous request to ask of

you," Tan Qianjin began awkwardly.

"Then it's best that you don't say it." Gao Peng made the
unpleasant decision to refuse him bluntly.

"…" Tan Qianjin choked on his words.

"Since you said yourself that it was a presumptuous

request, it would be better left unsaid. Or else it might just
make the both of us uncomfortable." Gao Peng lowered his head
and began to flip through his textbook.

"Alright." Tan Qianjin rolled his eyes and turned his back to Gao

"Ahem, ahem!" A tall and large figure walked in from the door
and stood at the podium.

All those who were chatting happily suddenly went quiet.

All the noise came to a sudden stop.

"Just now, the principal called for an emergency level

meeting. From tomorrow onwards, throughout the whole
world, all schools will have to undergo certain urgent
reforms." Murong Qiuye looked at the young faces that stood before
172 Report
her. She found it hard to break the news to them.

"Our school's junior high section as well as the senior high juniors
will be moved to Chang'an Seventh High School premises. On the
other hand, Seventh High's senior high sophomores and seniors will
be moving to our premises. Of course, class will not change and all of
you will be sticking to your original classes.

From today onwards, senior high sophomores will have to take an

additional Familiar class. There will also be a new category of special
admissions: Monster Trainer cadet. If you wish to become one, sign
up with me after class. This decision has been passed jointly by the
Alliance Education Department and the Alliance Armed Forces.
Cadets with exceptional results will be granted direct admissions to
the top colleges or military schools."

There was silence initially, then the class exploded, like water
suddenly coming to a boil. The students with poorer results were
especially excited. This seemed to be a chance for their comeback.

Those students who already had plans to become combat Monster

Trainers were also exhilarated. In no time at all, the class next door
also erupted cheers.

Murong Qiuye did not stop her students from making noise, giving
them the time to celebrate. Only after a few minutes did she finally
bang on the table.


The classroom became silent.

"Do you all think that you all won't need to study language,
mathematics and politics after you become cadets? Studying
is for you to learn right from wrong, so that you can learn the
right values and not simply follow the crowd. You will still
have to study all the things that need to be learned. Do not
173 Report
simply neglect your studies after applying to be a cadet." Just
from the looks for the students in her class, it was clear that many of
them still did not agree with what she just said. Murong Qiuye smiled
to herself in resignation.

"Alright, I figure that nothing will go on if you all were to

study right now. You all can take a break for now, but don't
make too much noise. If you disrupt the class next door, I'll
have you all go back to studying."

"Gao Peng, come to my office for a while," Murong Qiuye said

as she left the classroom.

"Ms. Murong," greeted Gao Peng as he entered the office.

Currently, other than Ms. Murong, there was no one else in the office.

"Mm." Murong Qiuye opened the spectacle box on her desk and
put on her spectacles.

"You have done really well this time. You've even managed
to get a intermediate Monster Breeder certificate. The
principal brought up your name and praised your
performance during the meeting." Murong Qiuye looked at Gao
Peng with a face full of approval.

"Tomorrow morning, when Seventh High students come

over, the school hopes that you can represent the school to
address the new students," Ms. Murong began discussing with
Gao Peng.

Gao Peng was stunned. To think that they would want him to be a
student representative.

"No, no." Gao Peng shook his head profusely.

Gao Peng thought that such things were too high profile for him.
He did not enjoy being high profile.
174 Report
Murong Qiuye did not expect Gao Peng to actually refuse. This was
totally unexpected. Weren't boys of this age especially fond of being
at the center of attention?

The unexpected refusal made her feel slightly awkward and she
did not know how to continue to convince Gao Peng otherwise.

In the end, after trying to encourage Gao Peng a little more, she
decided to let him return to the classroom.

Gao Peng did not leave immediately. He hesitated for a moment

before saying, "Ms. Murong, I wish to apply to be a Monster
Trainer cadet."

Murong Qiuye raised her head in alarm. "You wish to apply to

be a Monster Trainer cadet?!"

Her brows were furrowed. "I think you should seriously consider
this. Being a Monster Trainer cadet is a decent path to take, but it
isn't especially beneficial to you.

Your grades are exceptional. As long as you continue to do well,

and with your Monster Breeder certificate, getting into any top
college within Huaxia should not be difficult at all. Even overseas
colleges should not be much of a problem for you."

She paused. "Even if you do intend to be a combat Monster

Trainer, you could use your results from the literary
examinations to enter military schools and apply for the
specialties that you are interested in. The outcome will be
the same."

"Ms. Murong, I think you are mistaken. I do not intend to

give up on the literary exam. It's just that I've pretty much
learned everything in the senior high syllabus. I'm hoping to
learn more of the things that interest me by applying to be a
Monster Trainer cadet," Gao Peng said apologetically.
175 Report
Murong Qiuye was speechless. In the end, she simply shook her
head and laughed.

Gao Peng's exceptional results were evident to all. If her students

had their own ambitions, there was no way she could stop them,
anyway. "Since you have already thought this through, I will
not stop you."

"Thank you, Ms. Murong." Gao Peng bowed and left the office.

The teacher from the next class was carrying a stack of scripts into
the office as he saw Gao Peng walk out. "That was Gao Peng from
your class right?" the teacher sighed. "So much better than my
little rascal at home! Obtaining an intermediate Monster
Breeder certificate at such a young age."

That afternoon, loud rumbling noises could be heard outside the

classrooms as a large number of trucks drove into the school.
Afterwards, the fence on the outer side of the school's sports field
was taken down. Beyond that was a large empty patch of land. There
were plans to develop the land and expand Third High before the
cataclysm, but there were delays for various reasons and the land
was never developed.

Large troops of soldiers came down from the trucks one by one.
Very quickly they began pouring cement over the plot of land. Loud
noises from the heavy machinery filled the entire school compound.
Many of the students simply lost the ability to concentrate in class
and the teachers felt helpless about the situation.

When school ended, Gao Peng glanced at the construction site as

he left the school. The groundworks were beginning to take shape in
the large open field. He had long heard that Huaxia construction was
famed to be the fastest and the most effective in the world. They
lived up to their name indeed.

The next morning, when Gao Peng arrived at school, the
176 Report
foundations of what was being built could already be seen. It was a
large, flat concrete surface. There were even patches that were still
not dry yet.

Today in school, there were fewer students, but many fresh faces
as well.

These should be the students from Seventh High.

Below the mathematics building were three rows of uniformed

soldiers, all wearing stern expressions on their faces, giving a very
serious atmosphere.

What attracted the most attention however were the three rows of
giant silver wolves that stood behind these soldiers. Their fur looked
like it was made out of liquid silver and glistened under the light.
Each of them looked steadily ahead, with their forelimbs straight as
poles. Each individual wolf did not seem all that powerful, being only
of Elite tier. But with such large numbers gathered together, even a
Commander tier monster would be forced to temporarily retreat.

Such awe-inspiring giant wolves lined up in straight rows was

extremely eye-catching. Many students simply stopped to look at
these giant wolves.

Gao Peng himself could not help but take a few more looks.

[Monster Name]: Silver Moon Wolf [Monster Grade]: Normal

[Monster Level]: 19 (Elite tier)

Each wolf differed only in level, and each of them reached around
level 18 - 20.
177 Report

Chapter 28: Grouping

Source: Webnovel

After taking a quick look, Gao Peng went upstairs. Since the army
brought these Familiars here, they were definitely not taking a walk
here. There must be other chances later.

During the first class, Murong Qiuye went into the classroom
through the front door. She smiled to Mr. Zhang as an apology, then
knocked at the door. "All student Monster Trainers come out."

Chairs were moving away with a big noise.

Almost half of the class stood up...

Standing on the platform, Mr. Zhang joked, "Seems that many

students would like to be Monster Trainers. Well, well, this
new career has a bright future; you have a nice dream to
chase after."

Students burst out laughter.

"Wait, Gao Peng, when did you register to be a Monster

Trainer special student?" Tan Qianjin was surprised. He asked Gao
Peng in a low voice, "Aren't you a Monster Breeder? Moreover,
you have good grades."

"You have good grades, too. Why did you register?" Gao
Peng replied.

"Hey, that's for my childhood, you know. I have always

liked pets. Since I was a little boy, I have kept cats and dogs
at home. Besides, my favorite childhood animation is
Pokemon, the monsters are super cool!" Tan Qianjin was excited
with an animated expression. "I won't miss this for anything.
178 Report
After all, I intend to be a man who will become the strongest
Trainer." Hearing Tan Qianjin's words, Gao Peng smiled

Who didn't have Fourteen Sickness?

Who didn't dream a sparkling daydream?

Who didn't want to be a hero in his own story?

He believed that Tan Qianjin's words reflected many student

Trainers' thoughts. At this age, young and hot blooded, everyone had
a big dream.  

"You intend to be a man? Are you not one yet?" Gao Peng

Tan Qianjin was dazed, then immediately understood. He replied,

"Argh, I meant 'I intend to be THE man who will become the
strongest Trainer.' Don't pick on my words!"

From one joke to another, they soon went downstairs. There were
at least hundreds of people standing on the ground, and the amount
was still increasing.

All students gathered together and formed a huge phalanx.

Murong Qiuye turned to her students and said, "You get into the
phalanx first, then follow the commander's instruction."

Gao Peng and the other students nodded, then walked into the
phalanx. Like a drop of water falling into the sea, no wave was made.

After all the students assembled downstairs, a colonel who was

wearing an army cap strode out from the soldier phalanx, looking
around at the crowd. "I'm your chief instructor, my family name
is Chen, you can call me Instructor Chen."
179 Report
He only heard a scatter of reply in return.

Instructor Chen's black eyebrows frowned together, like dark

clouds getting low. He commanded, "Say it louder, you got it?
Answer me!"

His voice was like a clap of thunder. Some timid students trembled,
and raised their heads fearfully.

"Look at yourself, losers! How is it possible that you can

become Monster Trainers? Go back to your mommies!" the
Instructor roared, pacing back and forth, like a fierce tiger inspecting
its territory.

"You know what a Monster Trainer is? Do you think a so-

called blood contract can transform you into Monster
Trainers? That's bullsh*t!" Instructor Chen roared in a low voice.
"No strong belief, no iron will. You will p*ss in your pants
when there is a bird monster! Your legs will tremble like
spaghetti, you can't even run away! People like you are not
Monster Trainers, but some chickens!"

He didn't show any sympathy. His straightforward rudeness

discomforted many students, and some murmured in the crowd.

"You. Come out." Instructor Chen suddenly pointed at a student.

"Uh?" the student was astonished.

"Uh what, get the hell out right now. What did you say?"
Instructor clasped his hands behind him, pacing forward.

"No, nothing." The student was not tall, only around 5'5 tall, with
pale skin and a pair of black frame glasses; he looked like a common
high school student.

"You think me deaf? If you were my man, I would kick your

*ss!" Instructor Chen narrowed his eyes. "You coward! Get the
180 Report
hell back."

The poor boy's courage was half-vanished when he was pulled out
from the crowd; now he had run out of energy to argue back or to
display sham courage.

"All of you, stand in a square, follow the person in front of

you. Hurry up," ordered Instructor Chen.

Soon they were all set, the total amount of them were checked.
There were 2,316 people.

"Final chance for you to quit; if you miss this chance, you
won't be able to quit later," Instructor Chen said carelessly.

The crowd looked at each other, hesitating.

After a while, one student walked out from the team shyly.

He was followed by another student.

At last, 36 people stood out.

Instructor Chen didn't say anything bad, nor did he scorn. He

nodded in silence, stepped forward, and patted one student on his
shoulder, saying, "Be a good student, studying for your future
is also a wise choice."

That student was surprised. It seemed that he didn't expect to hear

such sweet words from this mean Instructor.

"Alright, get the hell out of here," Instructor Chen said, then
turned around to the phalanx. "They are not deserters, they just
made their final choice to leave, while you chose to stay.
From now on, if any of you give up during training, you will
be real deserters! Don't let me hear your names." Instructor
Chen put on a cold face. "Start from the first row. Every 38
people from a group, 60 groups in total. I give you ten
181 Report

Gao Peng was in Group Ten.

His group instructor, like the other instructors, was a dark-skinned,

tall, lean sergeant; not like a muscular man, nor like a pretty woman.

"Attention! This is not a military training, but I want your

attitude! Remember your group number, don't go wrong
tomorrow!" The sergeant's family name was Zhang, a common
surname. His full name was Zhang Renbai, and had been in the army
for five years. He joined the army before cataclysm.

Then he instructed for about ten minutes, and gave the group
general information of schedule and procedures. Then the team was

The high efficiency was impressive.

Students went back to classes, until the whole day's lessons


Gao Peng didn't need to do night study at school; this was his
privilege of being a straight-A student, he was permitted to study at

On his way back home, Gao Peng was considering Instructor

Chen's so called bad news: "Students enlisted less enthusiastically
than I imagined; this is a good thing, but also a bad thing.

"Our maximum amount of student Monster Trainers is

1,200, which means, after one month, only 1,200 will be
permitted to stay for further training. The others, who are
not able to reach the standard, go back to your damn
textbooks. If you wanna stay here, show me your abilities,
show me your faith! Get your *sses out of your comfort zones
and fight!"
182 Report

Chapter 29: Thunder Fig

Source: Webnovel

When Gao Peng got back home, he found that Dumby's soul flames
seemed to be burning stronger after eating Yin cedar needles for the
past two days.

He opened the drawer of the refrigerator. Eh?

Where are all the Yin cedar needles?

The refrigerator drawer that was originally stuffed full with Yin
cedar needles was now empty.

Gao Peng turned the fridge drawer inside out to search for the Yin
cedar needles. In the end, all he found was half a needle stuck to the
side of the drawer.

What was going on?

Gao Peng frowned. Could there have been a thief? Was his first

Looking at the Skull Ghoul Ape innocently standing in a corner and

the Purple-Backed Thunder Centipede quietly lying under the sofa, it
did not seem like a thief had come in.

The only conclusion was that this was an inside job.

"Dumby, come over here."

Dumby turned its head and walked over stiffly.

"Did you eat all of these?" Gao Peng pointed at the empty
183 Report
Dumby lowered its head, saw the half-needle stuck at the side of
the drawer, walked over and put it in its mouth.

While chewing, it walked over to the dustbin and stuck out its
head, positioning its jaw cavities right above the dustbin. The chewed
dregs of the Yin cedar needles fell nicely in to the bin. After eating, it
went back to staring at nothing dumbly, maintaining its position with
its head stuck outwards.

Gao Peng went over to look. The dustbin was filled with Yin cedar

The culprit was caught. Dumby began to panic under Gao Peng's
fierce glare. With stiff steps, it slowly retreated until it reached a wall
and finally turned around to face the wall as though reflecting on its

Da Zi saw an opportunity and crawled out from under the sofa. It

climbed onto Gao Peng's leg and raised its head up high.

"He ate it! He ate it!" Da Zi's voice rang in Gao Peng's head.

"Yes, yes, I know that." Gao Peng patted Da Zi's head.

"He didn't let me eat!" Da Zi took the chance to tattle-tale.


You weren't upset because of this reason were you? Gao Peng

Gao Peng was not actually angry with Dumby eating all the Yin
cedar needles, since they were meant for it to eat anyway. It was just
that eating without permission was a bad habit, so Gao Peng decided
that he had to properly educate this guy.

" time you want to eat more, just tell me, do you
understand?" Gao Peng said while patting Dumby's skull.
184 Report
There was no indication that Dumby actually understood any of
that. It just continued staring dumbly at the wall.

The sky was not dark yet, so Gao Peng decided to make a phone
call. The boss of the store that sold him all the materials the last time
had given him their number. He had promised that anything that Gao
Peng bought from them would be delivered straight to his doorstep.

Over the phone, when the boss heard that Gao Peng wanted
another 30 catties of Yin cedar needles and 10 catties of thunder fig,
he immediately sent an employee to deliver the goods over to Gao

The delivery boy was a tall and skinny young man. Seeing that it
would have been tough for him to make a specialized trip here, Gao
Peng poured him a glass of water. After drinking the water, the
delivery boy nodded in appreciation, "Thank you."

"It's nothing. It's been tough for you too," Gao Peng replied
with a smile.

Gao Peng received the items, paid for them, then closed the door.
He patted Dumby on the shoulders and said, "OK, this will be your
food for the next two days."

Dumby smelled the aroma of the food and turned to look at the
black plastic bag.

"Two days," Gao Peng stuck out two fingers, "Eat half each day,

Dumby nodded its head, the flames in its eyes burning brightly.
Gao Peng had not established a Blood Contract with Dumby, so he
could not communicate with it via the soul.

Gao Peng was not afraid that he could not afford to maintain
Dumby's diet. He could still afford these Yin cedar needles that were
priced at 1000 Alliance Dollars per catty. Dumby ate 15 catties a day,
185 Report
so that would only be 1.5 Alliance credits. Being able to eat more was
a good thing anyway. The more nutritional materials it absorbed, the
closer it would get to its next evolution.

From Dumby's attributes table, Gao Peng could see that it needed
to take in roughly 600 catties of Yin cedar needle to meet the
requirements for the first step of its evolution.

Evolving into epic grade was no easy task. Just the expenditure on
the materials would amount to at least a few million Alliance Dollars.
That was the amount needed for Dumby at elite tier. At higher tiers,
the materials needed would be more precious, and naturally cost
even more money. Some of these precious materials would probably
also be in short supply.

No matter what grade a monster was at, as long as it advanced in

any tier beyond the elite tier, its grade would drop by one.

For instance, a perfect grade, elite tier monster after advancing to

commander tier would become an excellent grade, commander tier
monster; an epic grade, elite tier monster after advancement to
commander tier would become a perfect grade, commander tier

This was because a monster's evolutionary process was one that

expended its potential. It was only natural to lose something after
gaining something.

But of course, as long as a Trainer put in the effort to raise the

Familiar, there was no need to fear dropping in grade after advancing
in tier. The grade could be slowly raised again through effort and

After talking to Dumby, Gao Peng opened another red-colored

plastic bag. In it was roughly ten catties of pale purple figs. Their
outer appearance looked exactly like figs, except that the color was
changed to purple. From the cracks on the fruit, deep purple seeds
186 Report
could roughly be seen.

Smelling the fruits, Da Zi was evidently excited, saying, "I wanna

eat! I wanna eat!" To promote Da Zi to a perfect grade, it needed
200 catties of thunder fig to consolidate a strong foundation of
internal energy. Thunder figs were cheaper than Yin cedar needles,
and cost only 200 Alliance Dollars a catty. They had a crisp and
numbing flavor and were often used in accompaniment with high-
grade food ingredients.

Gao Peng poured the thunder figs in to a metal basin. Looking at

the fresh thunder figs, Da Zi's eyes sparkled. But without its master's
word, Da Zi did not dare to begin eating and just raised its head to
look at its master. After Gao Peng gave it permission, Da Zi's two
maxillae were propped on the edges of the metal basin as it chewed
up the thunder figs in large mouthfuls. Da Zi ate up everything, even
the skin and the seeds.

Da Zi only ate about a third of the amount in the basin before

stopping, as though having eaten its fill. It lazily lay on the ground
nearby and curled into ball.

Thunder figs had a long shelf life, so even leaving them out
exposed to the air should have been no problem. Gao Peng picked up
the food basin and placed it next to the sofa.

The next day, at the request of the new instructor, all the students
that had established Blood Contracts had to bring their Familiars to
school. Gao Peng put a leash on Da Zi before leading it out of the

As he entered the school, Da Zi almost thought it had entered

some theme park for pets. All sorts of Familiars were standing or
lying about the school. The entire school compound seemed to be
filled with Familiars.
187 Report
Monster roars and screeches combined together in a cacophony of
monster sounds, making it extremely noisy.

There were really large and really small Familiars, but the most
ridiculous of all was a fully white Familiar that had the appearance of
a domesticated pig. It stood at a height of three meters, and was five
meters long, looking like a large fleshy mountain. With each step it
made, the fat on its body rippled like waves on the sea.

to it was a delicate and pretty young lady. Her face was red and
burning with embarrassment.

Things were not like this when she bought her Familiar at first…

What she saw initially at the Familiar store was such a cute little
white piglet, with a pink ribbon on its head. She fell in love with this
cute piglet at first sight. Little did she know that it would become like
this in just about a year. Its body size grew bigger and bigger each
day, along with its appetite.

After a taking a glance at its master, the white giant pig lazily lied
down in front of the school gate and began sunbathing. There was no
pretense in its relaxed and satisfied expression. It acted as though it
were relaxing in its own backyard.
188 Report

Chapter 30: Five Types

Source: Webnovel

"Eh… Sorry Miss, your Familiar is blocking the way," The

security guard persuaded dutifully.

The girl nodded; she was not an unreasonable person, it was just
that no matter how hard she tried to urge this white pig, it didn't
move at all, and even started to snore.

"Come on. Get up," The girl instructed with annoyance.

The Big White Pig's eyes were tightly closed, it didn't move even a
little bit. One could never wake up a pig who was pretending to be

Unless… the butcher showed up.

"What's going on here?" A sergeant in military uniform noticed

the noise and came to check. A Silver Moon Wolf followed him.

The sergeant glanced at the "sleeping" pig as well as the anxious

girl, and understood the general situation. He couldn't help shaking
his head. "You are a Monster Trainer, this is your Familiar.
Aren't you ashamed of failing to control your Familiar?"

He lowered his head looking at the lying pig, and scolded, "Get
up! Don't sleep here!"

The Big White Pig didn't move, but fanned its fan-like ears, curled
its lip.

The Pig was not stupid; rather, pigs were one of the smartest
animals in the world. They somehow fooled humans by their dumb
189 Report
"You understand me, don't you?" The sergeant laughed in his

As he stepped backward, the Silver Moon Wolf paced forward from

behind. Its arrogant eyes coldly glimpsed at the lying pig, and its
teeth snagged murderously.

It gradually approached the white pig, creeping forward. Although

it was on flat ground, it looked like a silver wolf quietly approaching
its prey under moonlight in a big forest.

"Hum, hum!" The Big White Pig suddenly jumped up, grunting
and shaking its huge body to the roadside in a slackened pace.

"See, you understand our language. I thought you didn't,"

The sergeant said coldly.

The Big White Pig grunted unsatisfyingly, shaking a way out from
the human and the ferocious dog. Can't I just take a peaceful nap?

All the Familiars were kept on the playground, gathered into

groups. Being two and a half meter longs, the dreadful purple Da Zi
was quite eye-catching.

In the morning, students studied in class. After lunch, they

assembled on the playground at one p.m.

The previous half-built square was completed. The whole square

was made of concrete, occupying thousands of acres. In the square
there were some simple constructions, such as stone platform, stone
stelae, etc.

Sergeants arrived, checked their group members, then started

training directly.

Gao Peng surprisingly found that the previous "gate block" Big
White Pig was also in Group Ten. It took up two Familiars' space;
what an overbearing monster.
190 Report
"According to different monster types, training methods
vary. Familiars' functions are definitely distinct from each
other. They could be aggressive, defensive, assisted,
therapeutic and field-controlling: five types in total. Some
Familiars can have several functions at a time; for example,
Green Devil Vine can be both defensive and field-controlling,
and some particular training talents can train it to be
aggressive," said the sergeant. "This has much to do with training
methods and focuses.

"Say you want to develop your Familiar as defensive type.

You have to focus on enhancing its patience and endurance,
and so on and so forth," said the sergeant. "Of course, these are
too early for you. There is one thing I'd like to remind you of: we are
doing beginning level training now, but we will regroup you after we
select 1,200 people during the kick-off audition. Then, based on your
are of interest, we put you into five different groups, Attackers,
Facilitators, Defenders, Therapists and Controllers. We will also
subcategorize each group.

"I know that many of you want to contract more Familiars

and form teams by yourselves. But what I'm going to tell you
is, that's not gonna happen right now! The TV shows said
Familiars reflect and enhance the strength of your soul, and
based on that you would be able to sign more Familiars,
which is correct. However, they didn't tell you what
conditions you needed to follow. The reflections and
enhancements of soul strength are based on you Familiar's
power. The stronger your Familiar grows after signing the
blood contract, the more reflection it provides. This is also a
part of the blood contract. Otherwise, who would give you its
soul power for free? They are not stupid monsters. "

Hearing these words, many people's faces went cloudy. They did
plan to do so at the beginning: sign quite a few Familiars, including
aggressive, defensive, assisted, therapeutic and field-controlling
191 Report
types. That would have been cool.

Then the instructor took out 38 white rubber balls from a black box
behind him, and handed them to everybody. "Today, let's start
with your command capability. This is a vital and essential
part of training. No matter how strong your Familiar is, if it
doesn't follow your command, it's nothing." The instructor
glanced the girl in white dress as well as the Big White Pig next to
her. This is the wrong example.

The Big White Pig grunted annoyingly, rubbing the girl with its
head, demonstrating against the instructor.

Standing behind the instructor, the Silver Moon Wolf snorted,

staring at the pig coldly.

The Big White Pig was afraid when it glanced at the wolf. Then it
seemed to think about something happy. It smiled, rubbing its owner
with joy.

"To train your Familiar, you must know its habits and
hobbies. Then you can build up a well-directed relationship
with it. Take my Silver Moon Wolf, for instance. It was
arrogant and unwilling to be talked to or touched, so I bought
a Black Armoured Pig specially for it, and fed it all by myself.
I spent every spare moment playing with it, sleeping with it.
One month later, it relied much more on me, and was willing
to follow my instructions." As he said this, Zhang Renbai patted
Silver Moon Wolf's head. The wolf squinted its eyes into a seam.

Seeing this, the Big White Pig laughed and puffed.

"I don't care what method you use; you can try by
yourselves this afternoon, and find a suitable way out. This is
more about practice than talk. You have to figure this out on
your own," said the instructor. "I will check your progress after
an hour. People who are able to let your Familiars pick the
192 Report
white ball voluntarily pass the assessment. Otherwise, stay
and practice until you pass. Now you are dismissed."

The crowd spread around.

Gao Peng lowered his head, looking at Da Zi, while Da Zi looked up

at him.

"Roll on the ground."

Without hesitation, Da Zi rolled continuously, its hard armor and

feet rustling on the ground.

Zero difficulty. Da Zi had been relying on him all the time; this task
was a piece of cake.
193 Report

Chapter 31: Specialized Training

Source: Webnovel

An hour's time passed by quickly. Most students basically managed

to achieve the objective. Only a small handful of students were still
locked in a bitter struggle with their Familiars.

Like the short plump boy in the next group. His Familiar was a
Golden Husky, a mutant variant of the husky. It was even of excellent

But being of excellent grade became an increase to the boy's

burden instead. Around him, most students had achieved the
objective and were cuddling together with their Familiars. His
familiar, on the other hand, was enjoying its freedom and was
unrestrainedly running across the open field while going, "Aooo~
Aooo~ Aooo… Woof!"

Running without a care, no one could stop its desire for freedom as
it stretched out its legs freely while running.

"Come back! You come back here now!" the short plump boy
shouted his lungs out.

The Golden Husky looked over at its master and seemed to be very
happy to see the expression on his face. It ran even faster.

Others began to sympathize with this boy. Some even went over to
give him a pat on the shoulder.

"Bro, of all things to raise, you had to choose a Golden

Husky. These monsters would sometimes even team up with
enemy Familiars to bully you."

Suddenly, the Golden Husky came to a halt mid-run. Its brows were
194 Report
raised high and it stared idly ahead of it. In front of it was a mighty-
looking giant silver wolf.

Its silver fur was like liquid, and a stare from its eyes could send
chills down one's spine. It was making a deep guttural growling

"Woof, woof… woof aooo?" the Golden Husky tried to imitate its
foe. The Silver Moon Wolf slowly walked forward and raised its paw. It
brought the paw down with unreasonable amount of force onto the
Golden Husky's head, stepping its head to the ground.

The Golden Husky made no effort to resist and remained on the

ground with a pitiful look.

In group 10, only three people failed to complete this training.

Three of them were taken aside by the instructor to begin individual
training. The remaining 35 of them proceeded on to the second step
of training.

Before the training began, instructor Zhang Renbai took a red brick
and placed it on the stone platform.

Then, he motioned for his Silver Moon Wolf to launch an attack on

the brick.

The Silver Moon Wolf glanced at the instructor and casually took a
few steps backwards. Lowering its body in preparation, it suddenly
charged forward, leaving a silver afterimage!

Right before it reached the stone platform, it suddenly leapt into

the air and twisted its body, loading up like a large, powerful spring.
It's silver-grey tail suddenly lashed out from behind it like a metal
whip, making a sound as it cut through the air.


The tail collided with the brick, which spontaneously blew into
195 Report
pieces upon being struck, making a loud noise.

Shattered pieces of brick floated through the air before landing

more than ten meters away. Carried by the momentum of its charge,
the Silver Moon Wolf travelled a few more meters before coming to a
complete stop. Its sharp claws left deep, white claw marks in the
concrete ground.

"A well-trained special forces soldier under unarmed conditions can

easily take down numerous untrained adults. Relying on
advantageous terrain, such a soldier could even kill more than ten
untrained adults. Monsters are the same! There are huge differences
between those that have undergone special training and those who
have not.

"At the beginning, this was also just an ordinary Silver

Moon Wolf pup when I took it under my wing," Zhang Renbai
stroked the head of his Silver Moon Wolf as he spoke. Its eyes
squinted in enjoyment. "A Silver Moon Wolf's strength does not
lie in its tail, but after long arduous months of training, its
tail gradually became tougher. Its tail movements also
became faster and more accurate! This allowed it to have
another method of attack other than using its teeth and
claws. This training strategy of mine has aimed to increase
attack options for a more diversified offense. Other than
that, there is also the strategy of improving the strengths of
the monster."

After saying this Zhang Renbai turned to the group instructor of a

nearby group and said with a grin, "Li, have your Silver Moon
Wolf show us its expertise, will you?"

Over there was another lean soldier with tanned skin. He looked at
Zhang Renbai and simply nodded his head before looking toward his
Familiar. He produced a piece of cobblestone out of nowhere like
magic, and tossed it high in the air.
196 Report
The silver wolf next to him got up lazily and locked its eyes onto
the cobblestone above its head. With a slight bend in its legs, it leapt
up into the air.

With a swish of the head and the snap of the jaw, a crisp crunching
sound filled the air. It opened its mouth when it landed. Shattered
pieces of cobblestone and debris fell to the ground.

What terrifying bite strength!

Gao Peng's pupils shrank. This was cobblestone, and not any
ordinary rock. Cobblestone was far harder than a regular piece of
rock. To be able to easily shatter cobblestone meant that a bite from
this wolf could easy bite a human into two.

Such a terrifying bite strength was unbelievably strong.

"That's it for our demonstrations. What's next would be

your own training," Zhang Bairen began, "but before you begin,
I would suggest using easier materials. For instance, for
training bite strength, you can choose wood blocks to start
off with, before slowly increasing the hardness of the
materials used. You should also prepare large amounts of
food and medicinal ingredients, which will greatly increase
the effectiveness of the training."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen pointed towards a large truck in a

camouflage coat. On the truck, soldiers were commanding Familiars
to bring down large sealed wooden crates.

Carrying the crates were monkey-like Familiars with reddish-brown

fur. Their fur on their heads were bright red and complicated patterns
ran across their faces. These monkeys looked to be around five feet
tall, but were incredibly strong. They carried the wooden crates
around with apparent ease.

"In those crates are your training materials. I need a few
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members of group ten to bring our training materials over."

A few boys enthusiastically raised up their hands, as though this

was the most glorious job they could be tasked with.

Gao Peng was however focusing his attention on the Familiars that
were carrying the crates atop the camouflage coated trucks. After
carrying the crates off the truck, a few soldiers took out a few Devil
Chilies to reward the monkeys. The monkeys excitedly took the
chilies and began munching on them.

As expected of the Devil Chilies that appeared after the cataclysm,

the monkeys' faces turned a burning red that was as red as their
bottoms. Their mouths were open wide and the bright red fur on their
heads seemed to be standing on its ends. They looked as though
there was a bright flame lit on their heads.

Gao Peng looked back down at Da Zi. What areas of Da Zi needed

to be strengthened?

Speed? A centipede's speed was not slow to begin with. He could

choose to increase Da Zi's speed, making speed its specialty, but
speed would most probably be the trait that was hardest to train.

Offense? That could work as well. Da Zi's mandibles were sharp

like a tiger's fangs and its bite strength was not weak either. Any
prey that was caught in its jaws rarely managed to escape. Or, he
could train the penetrating power of Da Zi's clawed limbs and use
this to increase Da Zi's lethality. But this seemed to be an
unnecessary move. After evolution, Da Zi had developed an electric
attribute. Once it advanced to a commander tier monster, it would
gain the ability to release its attribute externally. Other than
electricity, Da Zi also possessed the poison attribute. Its current
lethal weapon was not its knife-like clawed feet, nor its scissor-like
mandibles, but its deadly venom. Increasing the potency of its venom
would indeed be an excellent choice, but the thing about venom
potency is that Gao Peng had no idea how to work on improving it.
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Defense? Possessing a hard carapace, defense was not Da Zi's
weak point either. Scaled monsters usually possessed a stronger
defence than beast monsters.

Gao Peng felt a little troubled, not knowing where to begin.
199 Report

Chapter 32: Devil Training

Source: Webnovel

If I'm thinking in this way, my Familiar seems to be perfect, no

defects at all.

Gao Peng thought seriously.

Pitifully, he was just thinking. When he considered Da Zi's defects

seriously, he realized that Da Zi was not perfect.

First of all, it couldn't fly, nor did it have sky-control ability. Once
its opponent could fly or do ranged attacks, it would become the

, it could not fight in water. When in water, its flexibility and speed
would largely reduce; it could even drown.

Lastly, although Gao Peng said that his Familiar didn't have
defects, he meant that Da Zi was not weak, rather than being strong.
When compared with Familiars who were good at certain aspects, it
became nothing.

The key task at present is to increase its defensiveness, thought

Gao Peng.

Increasing self-defensiveness was the vital role. Since they signed

the blood contract, whatever injury Gao Peng suffered would be
transferred to Da Zi. Without high defensiveness, once he transferred
attacks to Da Zi, it wouldn't stand long.

Da Zi's head was its weakness. Gao Peng had watched some battle
records, and one had impressed him a lot. It was a centipede-like
Familiar fighting against a scorpion Familiar.
200 Report
The two Familiars had similar levels and grades. When in battle,
with high flexibility, the centipede teased the scorpion, and gave the
scorpion the final attack from the side. At that second, scorpion
waved its claw with lightning speed, and clamped centipede's head

With a crack, thick white and red liquid went all over the ground.
The headless centipede twitched on the ground.

This video had impressed Gao Peng. It was a big scale Familiar-in-
cage battle, neither side could escape unless one killed the other.
Finally the scorpion gained a complete victory.

A scorpion also had hard armor; in addition, it had severe toxicity

and high immunity to most poisons. When challenging a scorpion,
most centipede attacks were in vain.

On the contrary, the scorpion's heavy claws could destroy its

opponent's most defence.

In similar battles, centipedes sometimes won. But most of their

victories were due to their well-protected heads. No matter how hard
their bodies were attacked, as long as the heads were fine, a
centipede's major fighting capacity remained.

But… how do I improve defensiveness?

Gao Peng muttered to himself.

He suddenly recalled a monster called Boxing Ape, which was a

hairless mutant ape. This kind of ape was bellicose and aggressive.

But its thinning hair couldn't offer much defensiveness for itself.
Therefore, soon after it was born, the Boxing Ape was trained by its
parents, to use its body to insanely hit trees. At the very beginning
its delicate skin broke with wounds; but then the ape would eat a
large amount of food to simulate the wounds to close up.
201 Report
The cured skin became tougher. The Boxing Ape continued this
action again and again. Later when hitting trees could no longer hurt
them, they hit rocks or cliffs instead.

After a Boxing Ape grew up, its thick muscle and scars integrated
into an armor-like shield. Then they wouldn't get any injury even
when they hit a cliff.

Hence they went for enemies or prey, to fight against strong

monsters, and strengthen themselves through attacks.

Once in a primordial forest a science team witnessed a battle

between a Boxing Ape and a Commander monster. The Boxing Ape
was more than six meters high, its hair mutated to gray. It smashed
the Commander monster into meat paste. At last the Boxing Ape
noticed the science team, but it ignored them, for human beings
were too weak. This news made a stir at that time, which impressed
Gao Peng, too.

The monster's high healing power meant they cured themselves

quickly during their hard training, and prompted them to be stronger.

Feeling its owner's eyes, Da Zi suddenly felt something was wrong.

It was slipping away.

"Stay," Gao Peng sighed, patted Da Zi's head. "I'm doing this for
you. It's better to suffer for several minutes than suffer for the rest of
your life.

"Sweat now and you won't bleed in the future," Gao Peng

Da Zi raised its head. These words were too complicated for it.
Things like sweat and blood were not in its word bank.

It stared at the owner with blank eyes. Two antennae swung on its
202 Report
There was a wooden hammer in the wooden box. Gao Peng held
the hammer and weighed it in his hand, then was tempted to hit Da
Zi's exoskeleton.

They heard a clunk.

The wooden hammer bounced. Da Zi vigilantly raised its head.

Gao Peng squeezed a smile. "Good boy; I will be gentle."

Bang, another hammer attack.

Da Zi suddenly bowed its back, running away in dejection.

The owner looks not himself today, did he eat anything wrong?


Da Zi lay on the ground, bitter-faced...

"Hum," Gao Peng took a long breath. This is exhausting, my arm is

about to dislocate. Am I training my Familiar or myself?

He felt that, after one month's training, he was not sure whether
Da Zi would be stronger or not, but he could guarantee that he would
be stronger with a pair of iron kirin arms.

Being hammered for a whole afternoon, Da Zi felt quite dizzy; it

couldn't even walk straight. Gao Peng's hands were numb and

After he returned home, Gao Peng surprisingly found out that

Dumby's level went one level up, now it was at level 12. Taking Yin
Cedar needles for a long time could increase levels; that was

In fact, that was his narrow view. Level was the objectification of a
monster's current evolution status. When a monster became stronger
203 Report
on its original basis, its level naturally increased.

Just like a wolfling started at level one, as it kept growing, it would

finally turn into a level 20 adult wolf. This was a natural process,
while offering nutritious food could shorten the time it cost for
growing up.

As for evolution breaking through, it was like a level 20 adult wolf

transforming into a level 21 baby dinosaur, which would naturally
grow up as a level 40 dinosaur.

This was only an example, but the situations were alike.

Gao Peng came home with sore arms, threw himself into the bed
and immediately fell asleep.


In the blink of an eye, a week quickly passed, and soon it was the

Days of training were not enough to see any obvious change, but
being "tortured" everyday, Da Zi increased its appetite. It seemed
that daily training stimulated its digestion.

As its appetite grew, Da Zi became one size bigger, and tens of

centimeters longer than before.

Its level also went one level up; now it was at level 10, which was
at the top of Normal level. One more level and it would become an
Elite Familiar.
204 Report

Chapter 33: Monster Breeder Consultant

Source: Webnovel

These few days were tiring, so Gao Peng decided to take a proper
rest. He curled up in bed and wrapped his blanket around him,
becoming like a huge furry ball.

In the early morning, the sounds of hawkers peddling their wares

could be heard from the window.

Quite a number of them had already started their day's work,

adding a bit of liveliness to the world.

Ding ding dong dong… The jarring sound of an alarm came from
beside the pillow. Along with the sound, vibrations were also felt from
the pillow.

A hand reached out from under the blankets and accurately

grabbed the phone. With a click, the alarm sound went off.

Only after a few minutes of silence did Gao Peng get out of the
blanket. He sat up and yawned. His hair was messy like a bird's nest.

"Ah this won't do. If I don't work I won't be able to afford

feeding those two heavy eaters." Gao Peng rubbed away the
crusty stuff from his eyes.

Then he got out of bed, got dressed, washed up and prepared


Clang, clang, clang-

Rhythmic knocking sounds came from the living room.

Gao Peng turned around to look while frying his egg. The corners of
205 Report
his mouth twitched.

In the living room, Da Zi had its food basin in its mouth and was
staring expectantly at him. Its two maxillae were like a pair of
chopsticks, hitting against the edge of the basin, making loud
clanging sounds.

The food basin was empty, with nothing inside.

"Wait a while," Gao Peng motioned Da Zi to keep still.

With a flip of the pan, the egg flipped over and sizzled. A fragrant
aroma filled the air.

Quickly, Gao Peng removed the lid from the pot on another stove.
His radish and spare rib soup was boiling inside. He turned off the fire
and sprinkled some chopped green onions on top.

The green onion fragrance and meat aroma mixed wonderfully

together. Gao Peng motioned Da Zi over with his hand, "Come

Da Zi tottered over with its food basin and stared with wide eyes as
its master put all the radishes and spare ribs into the basin.

Gao Peng looked at the leftover soup in the pot. He would make a
bowl of delicious pork rib soup noodles with this.

"Boss." Xun Quanquan was already at the reception when Gao

Peng arrived.

Gao Peng nodded his head in reply and went into his office.

Slightly past 10am, Gao Peng suddenly received a call from an

unknown number.

"Hello?" Gao Peng was a little suspicious. There were few people
206 Report
who knew his number.

"Little boss, it's me, Ma Jian."

Gao Peng finally realized what was going on. It was the rich Mr. Ma.

The bold and forthright manner in which Ma Jian parted with his
money during his last visit left a deep impression on Gao Peng. Ma
Jian did not even think twice about paying ten times the normal
consultation fees.

"Little boss, I said before that I have another Familiar that I

hoped you could help me with right? Do you have time for me

"Yes, I do have free time. Please come over," Gao Peng said,
nodding his head.

"Alright!" Ma Jian happily put down the phone.

After putting down the phone, Gao Peng saved Ma Jian's number.
The contact read: Big Money Ma.

Gao Peng's office was relatively large. His office desk was placed
along the side of a floor-to-ceiling window, allowing the sunlight to
shine onto the desk, outlining Gao Peng's shadow.

Knock-knock-knock. The sound of door knocking came from outside

his office.

That's quick, Gao Peng thought with surprise. He had only put
down the phone less than ten minutes ago. Did that guy live within
the city center?

"Come in," said Gao Peng.

"Hello," said a middle-aged man in a simple grey suit and gold-

rimmed glasses as he stepped into the office.
207 Report
The middle-aged man was surprised to see that Gao Peng was
such a young man at first. But almost immediately after, his good
upbringing prevented him from showing any inappropriate
expressions on his face.

"You are Mr. Gao, I presume? I am the general manager of

BlueShield Protection Company. My name is Liu Senlin."

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Liu," replied Gao Peng with a nod.

"We have heard of your renown, Mr. Gao. You are Chang'an
City's youngest Monster Breeder, and even more
impressively, our youngest intermediate level Monster
Breeder as well. As such, we would like to invite you to be
our company's Monster Breeder consultant." Liu Senlin gave
Gao Peng a polite and formal smile.

"Monster Breeder consultant? What is that?" Gao Peng did

not simply agree straightaway.

"Right, I forgot to explain," Liu Senlin said apologetically.

"Our company mainly provides security personnel for our

clients, hence, fast and lethal Familiars would be the best
choice. For our Familiars, our company has chosen the Devil
Mantises bred by the Southern Sky Group."

Gao Peng was momentarily stunned when he heard the words

"Southern Sky Group." His maternal grandfather was once the
helmsman of the Southern Sky Group, but he had suddenly vanished
during the cataclysm. The upper echelons were in turmoil because of
his grandfather's disappearance. Things only regained stability within
the last two years.

"Right now, our company's first batch of Devil Mantises are

slowly reaching the brink of evolution; hence we are hoping
to hire a Monster Breeder consultant. This Monster Breeder
208 Report
consultant will be our company's distinguished Monster
Breeder, and will be tasked with evolving our Devil

"This position will not affect your current work. We will only
trouble you when our company's Familiars need to be
evolved," Liu Senlin finally added.

Gao Peng's brows furrowed, "Why look for me? Chang'an City
should have other intermediate Monster Breeders. Also, if I
recall correctly, we have a few advanced Monster Breeders
too. Their standards should be much higher than mine."

Liu Senlin shook his head. "Mr. Gao, having achieved an

intermediate level at such a young age, we believe you must
definitely possess some impressive skills. Also, you might not
be aware, but although it is true that there are two advanced
Monster Breeders in Chang'an, we are simply not in the
position to hire their services," smiled Liu Senlin bitterly. "One
of them is Director Chen of the Monster Breeder Association.
His hands are full just from running the association alone.
Where would he find the time to be the consultant of such a
small company like ours?"

"The other is Mr. Gu Xianlin," said Liu Senlin with a hint of

admiration in his voice. "Mr. Gu Xianlin holds the title of
Chang'an's number one Monster Breeder and holds a position
in the government as a full-time Monster Breeder consultant.
I certainly do not have the power to request his services."

"As for other intermediate Monster Breeders, honestly

speaking, how big a difference can there be between
yourself, Mr. Gao, and other intermediate Monster Breeders?
Rather than those other Monster Breeders, I would rather put
my trust in the young and promising Mr. Gao."

Whether or not Liu Senlin's words were meant to flatter him, Gao
209 Report
Peng could not help but feel rather happy to hear them…

He was, after all still in his teens, and lacking in experience and

But being happy from hearing praise was one thing and following
his principles was another thing altogether. "We can discuss the
matter of the fees later, but I would first like to bring up a few

"Firstly, I have to attend school from Monday to Friday,

except in the case of an emergency. Please do not disturb me
during these times. Secondly, I am alright with being a
Monster Breeder consultant, but not a full-time Monster
Breeder consultant for you company. I can only promise not
to work under your competitors. If you agree with these
conditions, we can continue discussions. If not, I hope this
will not affect our working relationship." With that, Gao Peng
sat back and sipped on his cup of tea. He was prepared to be
rejected. In all honesty, he was only working here to earn some
money for his living expenses. He had no actual plans to pursue this
as a career.

"Monster Breeder Consultant" might sound mighty and

important, but it was just a job in the end. Gao Peng was a little too
lazy to take up this proposition.

Liu Senlin could not help but frown. His lips twitched as though he
wanted to say something, but those words never came out in the

He stared straight at Gao Peng and said, "Alright, I agree."

"EH?" Gao Peng was dumbfounded. You would even agree to such

After expressing his agreement, Liu Senlin took out a contract from
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his briefcase. He passed a copy of the contract to Gao Peng.

Gao Peng took the contract in his hands and speedily read through
it. Its contents were simple, but just to be safe, he called for one of
his employees who was in charge of contracts to check it for him.

"There's no problem." This contract was not complicated and

many of its clauses were clear and simple. The employee nodded his
head with certainty only after a quick look at the contract, reaffirming
that it was alright.

But Gao Peng was still a little suspicious. This was not consistent
with the way such companies worked. Such a simple and clear
contract… seemed as though it was meant to bring him benefits.

There were no mandatory requirements, and an annual salary of

500 Alliance Credits plus commission.

The commission was 50 Alliance Credits for every one of the

company's Devil Mantises that Gao Peng manages to evolve.

This Blue Shield Company… did the boss himself open the

Gao Peng was not entirely familiar with the market rates, but the
offer definitely felt too low, at only 500 Alliance Credits a year and a
50 Credit commission. Just a few days ago, he had earned 400
Credits from promoting the grade of just one Familiar. Although Ma
Jian's wealth had to play a part, Gao Peng's "normal" rate alone was
already at 120 Credits.

There were other Monster Breeder consultant jobs that offered a

higher pay in the market, but those were usually buyout contracts
that required the consultants to work full-time. This meant that after
signing the contract, these Monster Breeders would no longer be
allowed to work for other companies as consultants and could at
most only take on private jobs.
211 Report
After the contract was signed, Liu Senlin stood up and forced a
formal, polite smile again. "Thank you for your trouble."

As he was going down the elevator, Liu Senlin took out his phone.
He hesitated for a moment before deciding to make a call.

"Uncle… The contract has been signed, yes, Mr. Gao chose
the non-full-time contract. Uncle, there are so many
intermediate Monster Breeders in Chang'an, why must we…"
Something was said over the other side of the phone then. Liu Senlin
wore a complex and confused expression on his face. In the end, he
simply sighed in resignation.

As the lift doors opened on the first floor, Ma Jian was there
carrying a flowerpot, waiting for the lift to come.

He frowned a little as he saw the middle-aged man exit the lift.

This person looked familiar somehow.

He thought for a moment then suddenly slapped his forehead. He

remembered. That was the general manager of the Blue Shield
Protection Company. He also acted as the person-in-charge for the
Blue Shield Protection Company.

He seemed to have come from the third floor, which meant that he
could have came to look for Mr. Gao too.

What would he be looking for Mr. Gao for? Ma Jian thought for a
while until his head hurt. He decided to think about it no more. Ma
Jian merrily entered the lift, carrying his flowerpot. He did not care if
that man had looked for Mr. Gao. Whatever matter that was, he was
determined this time to claim the title of Chang'an Flower King.
212 Report

Chapter 34: Flora Familiar

Source: Webnovel

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao, I'm back." Ma Jian came in with a flowerpot.

Today Ma Jian dressed casually. The flowerpot in his hand was as

big as a basketball, with an attractively bright-colored flower in it.

The flowerpot was put on the table. The plant looked pretty: the
straight, meaty, hairless stem, looked bright and clean. Its serrated
leaves were asymmetric with burgundy patterns, releasing a light

Pinkish red petals danced without breeze, tinging the air with its
faint scent. Gao Peng felt himself awakened.

He frowned, stepped back and immediately turned on the


He recognized the plant's origin, which was a Begonia

Semperflorens before the cataclysm. What he saw in front of him was
its mutant.

In his eyes, a property box suddenly appeared.

[Monster Name]: Begonia Semperflorens Sprite [Monster

Level]: Level 3 [Monster Grade]: Normal [Monster Attribute]:
Wood [Monster Condition]: Healthy (Happy) [Monster
Weakness]: Fire/Electric [Requirements for Promotion to
Excellent Grade]: one Hundred-Year Wood Essence, 100 drops of
Flower Dew.

"Is this a Flora Familiar?" Gao Peng asked, surprised.

Flora Familiars were rarely seen. Although the cataclysm caused a
213 Report
worldwide mutation on flora and animals, only a few plants
transformed into sapiential flora Familiars.

This type was as rare as Ghoul monsters.

But Flora were more popular than Ghoul monsters, for most of
Flora monsters were Facilitators; many of them were Therapists as

A thing was valued if it was rare. The rarer it was, the more popular
it became.

"You wanna evolve this Sprite?" asked Gao Peng.

"Yeah, half a month later there will be a Flower King

contest. I'm going to fight for the crown," Ma Jian said seriously.

"Flower King..." Gao Peng was speechless. Is it OK for you, a

man, to compete for Flower King?

"I trust myself." Ma Jian looked at the Begonia Semperflorens

Sprite earnestly. At this moment, Gao Peng saw rare earnest on his

"This is my second Familiar, I hope to give it a nice start."

Ma Jian stretched his finger on a branch of the flower. It gently
unfolded its leaves, hooking Ma Jian's pinky like a girl's finger.

The flower quietly lowered its head, leaning close to his palm.

Golden sunshine came from the window, gilding the palm and
petals. Everything looked harmonious.

"I know your rules. Triple charge; here are 30 Credit

points." Ma Jian immediately paid by card.

"Two Hundred-Year Tree Essence, 150 drops of Flower Dew,

one leaf from Psionic Flower, 5g Fructus Toosendan, 500g
214 Report
Boat-Fruited Sterculia seed, and one Black Wind Grass."
These materials were not expensive, except the necessities Hundred-
Year Tree Essence and Flower Dew. The others were for confusing
people with schemes.

Unlike the previous Purple Electric Mouse, this Begonia

Semperflorens Sprite was just Normal grade, which meant that this
species was not rare. The normal Familiar evolving method was more
valuable than the others, for it could be wide-spread.

As for the leaf from Psionic Flower, Fructus Toosendan, Boat-

Fruited Sterculia seed, and Black Wind Grass, those were just
ingredients. Gao Peng heard that there was a nutritious recipe, and
planned to buy an old female duck to make a healthy duck soup.

After all the materials arrived, Gao Peng asked Ma Jian to wait
outside. Ma Jian nodded agreement. This was the unwritten rule
among monster breeders. He forgot to obey it last time, for he
worried too much about his mouse.

Waiting until the door closed, Gao Peng turned his back to the
Begonia Semperflorens Sprite and concocted his portion.

He followed special procedures to extract the Hundred-Year Tree

Essence, then blended it into Flower Dew, stirred them well, then
poured them into an injector.

Then he put the rest materials into a black plastic bag, and locked
them in a drawer.

He held the injector approaching the flower. As he moved closer,

the flower slightly trembled, the stem "shortened" two inches, and
its leaves covered the flower like a thin armor.

"Relax; just one sting, I'm not going to hurt you," Gao Peng
persuaded gently.

The sprite was not convinced. Its leaves opened a slight seam,
215 Report
measuring Gao Peng vigilantly.

"Be a good girl, open your leaves, it's not going to hurt you,
I promise." Gao Peng convinced the sprite to uncover itself.

Without cooperation it was hard to inject the sprite. This flower

sprite looked gentle and fragile, but actually its defensiveness was
quite strong. Its thin petals and leaves could be as tough as a pile of
cardboard, a normal needle could not sting through them.

Besides, the edges of leaves had sharp sawteeth, just like a saw. If
he didn't concentrate, his skin would be torn to shreds and bleed.

Finally, after ten minutes of persuasion, the flower sprite

reluctantly loosened its cover, and presented its tender stem.

Gao Peng didn't lose attention. He put on gloves to protect his

hands from being cut.

The injector stung the stem, the flower sprite trembled for a few
seconds. But as the light green liquid gradually went into the stem,
the sprite calmed down.

After all liquids went into the stem, the Begonia Semperflorens
Sprite shrank together, and strips of green silk came out and covered
it as a green silk ball.

Gao Peng opened the door, and Ma Jian asked nervously, "Mr.
Gao, did it work?"

"Yes, it works. Your Familiar is evolving right now, be

careful, don't bother it." as he said this, Gao Peng took off his
plastic gloves.

Ma Jian stayed by the Begonia Semperflorens Sprite's side, waiting

nervously for half an hour. Finally something happened.

The green silk ball finally opened, and a bright green stem raised.
216 Report
On the top of it, a bud appeared, getting bigger, and bloomed. It was
no longer pinkish red, but bright rose red instead.

Looked like the sprite transferred from an active girl to a mature

modest woman.

Monster Name]: Begonia Semperflorens Sprite [Monster Level]:

Level 4 [Monster Grade]: Excellent [Monster Attribute]: Wood

[Monster Condition]: Healthy (Happy) [Monster Weakness]:

Fire/Electric [Requirements for Promotion to Excellent Grade]:

The name remained unchanged, which indicated that the Familiar

didn't change its type, only increased its grade.

Feeling the his Familiar now had a totally different but more noble
quality, Ma Jian was extremely excited. He held Gao Peng's hands
tightly and said, "Thank you Master Gao, thank you so much. I
have made a decision. From now on, all my Familiars will be
under your care. Not only mine, but my friends and relatives'
Familiars too; I will recommend you to them."

Flora Familiars were too rare to have models or samples.

Therefore, intermediate monster breeding specialists on Flora
Familiars were quite uncommon.

Ma Jian was trying his luck on Mr. Gao, but to his surprise, Mr. Gao
even knew about Flora Familiars. He was indeed a young talent!

Now Ma Jian was completely convinced. To have such a high

success rate, Gao Peng's competence was unmeasurable.
217 Report

Chapter 35: Iron Rhinoceros

Source: Webnovel

For the next two days, Gao Peng stayed in his office, but customers
were scarce. Maybe his reputation for charging exorbitant fees was
spreading. Whatever it was, he only managed complete one job in
those two days. That job was to help a customer promote a level 7
Giant Pasteur Rat from excellent grade to perfect grade. Gao Peng
had spent a total of two days in order to successfully evolve the
Giant Pasteur Rat.

No one was born wise or learned. Such people only existed in

stories or fairy tales. Gao Peng was an ordinary person. What set him
apart from others was that he would work extremely hard. Every time
he did something he would make the effort to be even more prudent.
Although he could have finished that job in just two hours, he chose
to be more low-key about his abilities.

His customer was still satisfied overall by the success of the job;
just that the paying of Gao Peng's fees pained him quite a bit.

After the two days, it was back to regular school life. From the
previous week of training, Da Zi had gotten stronger. Its body length
reached a total of nine feet, and its girth had increased too. Because
of the tough training every day, Da Zi's appetite also increased
substantially. Its carapace had also turned a deeper color with an
increase in its defense. Its limbs were also thicker and stronger.

The busy classes practically filled up all of the students' time. Even
after school, they had to put in extra hours of training in order to
catch up with the progress of the lessons. Within the last few days,
citizens of Chang'an City noticed that there were suddenly many
more 17 to 18 year old teenagers training their Familiars around their
neighborhoods and within secluded open areas.
218 Report
"Say, what are we actually working our butts off for? Even
if we do pass the test, we might not make it into a top school
anyway. After we graduate we would probably end up doing a
nine-to-five job all the same. Actually, who knows if we could
even find a job then, let alone become Monster Trainers,"
someone secretly said to a person beside him during training.

That person agreed. "You're right. Why don't we ask the

instructor if we call pull out?"

"… Didn't the instructor say before? If we leave now, he'll

treat us like deserters. Why don't we just slack off for this
month. After all, they said they would only be choosing 1,200
people. After a month, we can go back to studying for the
literary exam. We can just treat this one month as a holiday,"
The first person smiled while replying.

"Mmhmm, that makes sense."

There were many amongst the students that thought that way.
These few days of boring and repetitive training made many of them
want to quit.

This was a natural thing and also an embodiment of laziness in

human nature.

Monster Trainer cadet classes were not as easy as they thought,

and definitely not as fun as they thought. Many of the students were
beginning to give up. After all, there was still the literary exam that
could be taken. They did not need to work that hard and get so tired
every day.

As the saying goes, even if the sky falls down, there will be people
taller than you to withstand it first. Being a combat Monster Trainer
meant braving the wilderness. It was hard to say that whether or not
they could simply die a horrible death in the wild.
219 Report
When one decides to give up, there will be thousands of reasons
one can think of to do so.

All of these behaviours were all clearly seen by the instructor, who
had no intention to give the students any reminders. He simply stood
at the side observing the students train, without trying to interrupt
them to convince them otherwise. He only spoke when the students
themselves approached him for questions.

Even if there were students hiding in a corner, skiving off, he would

turn a blind eye to them.

Gao Peng was working hard at the side, enjoying the tough
training. Training was naturally boring, but as long as he had an
ambition to work towards, even the most boring tasks could be
transformed into motivation to carry on.

Gao Peng was holding a timer in his left hand. Before him, Da Zi
was racing its way through a row of stone pillars with extreme agility.
Gao Peng stopped the timer the moment Da Zi made its way through
all of the pillars. "7.47 seconds. 0.4 seconds faster than the last
time," said Gao Peng while wiping the beads of sweat off his brow.
The temperature had risen these few days and it was rather hot
standing under the sun for long.

Completing the shuttle run, Da Zi scuttled over with his many little
legs for a reward. Gao Peng patted its head, then took out a few
giant mealworms from a box he kept on him and fed them to Da Zi.

Da Zi gobbled them up with saliva flowing everywhere. It was

eating them like noodles.

Petting Da Zi's ice-cool head, Gao Peng's mood also gradually

cooled down.

Mealworms were Da Zi's favorite type of worms. They were rich in

nutrition and proteins.
220 Report
Especially these giant mealworms that were mutated after the
cataclysm. They were as long as chopsticks and their bodies were
filled with nutrients. They were also fat and juicy, making them

"Gao Peng, you seem to have trained your Familiar well,"

said a voice that sounded like barbells.

Yup, the voice was masculine and strong. Barbells was the right
word to describe it.

Gao Peng turned around and all he saw was black, as though the
sky had suddenly turned dark.

He took two steps back in order to get a better look. Standing in

front of him was a girl in a ponytail who was a full two meters tall,
wearing grey sports attire. She had an angular nose, wide eyes and
thick eyebrows. If all these features were on a boy, it would definitely
make him look like really manly.

With such a tall frame, just standing there alone brought an

immense feeling of pressure to anyone around her.

"Thank you for your praise," Gao Peng nodded. Beside him, Da
Zi noticed that a stranger was talking to its master, so it lay down on
the ground obediently without moving.

Given the girl's striking appearance, there was no way Gao Peng
would not have heard of her before.

This was Mu Tieying. She was Seventh High's bell curve wrecker,
who was constantly among the top three students in the level in
terms of results. After the two schools merged, she had chosen to be
a Monster Trainer.

In the eyes of many, she was a weird person along with the likes of
Gao Peng.
221 Report
This was because among the students that scored as well as her
and Gao Peng within the two schools, only she and Gao Peng chose
to apply to be Monster Trainer cadets. They already had a bright
future ahead of them with their results but they chose to walk such
an uncertain path instead.

A lot of people did not understand their actions. Would it not be

just as feasible to get into a good college before developing as a
Monster Trainer? Why choose to be a Monster Trainer cadet now?

"I am here because I wish to form a group with you," said Mu

Tieying in a forthright manner.

"Forming a group?" Gao Peng was a little surprised. But he also

recalled that the instructor had brought this up before. After choosing
1,200 students, they would be split into groups with two members
each. Each member needed to have a different type of Familiar, in
order for them to train their cooperative skills.

Towards the end of the training program, battles would be carried

out between these small groups. Their scores will also be given
based on group performance.

"Why look for me?" Gao Peng was a little perplexed. After all, he
did not know her at all.

"Because the rest of them are all plebs when it comes to

studies. I have no common language between them,"
answered Mu Tieying with brutal honesty.

This Mu Tieying… really has a way with words! Gao Peng sighed.

"Where's your Familiar?" Gao Peng saw Mu Tieying standing

alone without her Familiar around and asked out of curiosity.

"Lotus Seed!" Mu Tieying turned around and made a whistle.

In the distance, a small hill that was silently standing there
222 Report
suddenly came to life. Bright eyes looked over in their direction and
two little ears popped up. Then with its thick and strong limbs, it ran
over in a mad rush. The cement ground that it passed shook under
its movements as though a tank was cruising across the open plain!

The 6'5 tall Mu Tieying looked petite next to it.

Snort –

It made a loud snorting sound.

Mu Tieying gently rubbed the Iron Rhinoceros' head. This

behemoth seemed to enjoy it a lot. It gently closed its eyes and
rubbed its head on Mu Tieying's body.

[Monster Name]: Iron Rhinoceros [Monster Level]: 12 (Elite tier)

[Monster Grade]: Perfect [Monster Attribute]: Metal [Monster
Condition]: Healthy (Happy)
223 Report

Chapter 36: A Gentle Big Guy

Source: Webnovel

"Your Iron Rhinoceros hasn't grown up yet, has it?" Gao

Peng looked the Iron Rhinoceros up and down. This big monster
should be in its growth period; otherwise an adult rhinoceros would
not be only this big.

The Adult Rhinoceros was regarded as one of the strongest

Familiars in the Commander tier.

Its tough and thick skin was as strong as iron board, its huge body
could smash every enemy in front of it, and as for its terrifying horn
on its head, that thing was definitely not a decoration.

"Yes, Lotus Seed is one year old. It's hard to count

monsters' adult ages after the cataclysm happened. But
compared with other monsters, she is equivalent to a
human's 12 years old." As she said this, Mu Tieying patted the Iron
Rhinoceros's skin.

"One year old," Gao Peng nodded.

Da Zi heard the conversation. It immediately stood up and leaned

on Gao Peng's shoulder, talking in Gao Peng's mind. "I'm three
years old! I'm three years old!"

Hearing its words, Gao Peng smiled. He patted Da Zi's head

backhanded. "Yes, I know you are three years old."

Da Zi leaned on its owner's shoulder, looking at this big rhinoceros

curiously. This Iron Rhinoceros's big size threatened it. Gao Peng
could feel its panic. He gently pinched its antennae to relax it.

He glanced at the Iron Rhinoceros. This big guy could be
224 Report
determined as an Attacker or a Defender; it all depended on how Mu
Tieying planned to train it. Or she could do both.

"What type do you expect it to be?"

"A Defender, I think." Mu Tieying gently patted the Iron

Rhinoceros's horn. "Lotus Seed is always shy and timid. She
used to make way for monsters which were dozens of times
smaller than it."

It is so timid. Gao Peng couldn't help but size up this Iron

Rhinoceros. Don't judge a rhinoceros by its look.

Being measured unscrupulously by Gao Peng, the Iron Rhinoceros

turned, embarrassed. It lowered its head, pushing Mu Tieying lightly.

"Here is my condition. If you think it's not doable, then let's

forget about it," Mu Tieying told Gao Peng earnestly.

Gao Peng thought for a while, then asked, "It is gentle now, but
what if it is pissed off? Have you ever tried to irritate it to
check its aggressivity?"

Mu Tieying looked dazed, thinking for a while. Then apologized

with a smile, saying, "Sorry, since my family and I like it a lot, it
has never suffered from any severe injury. I'm not sure
whether it would be aggressive when angry."

"But she is OK to be a defender now. Perhaps due to the

fact that she is slow in sensing pain, she has strong tolerance
of pain." Mu Tieying's confidence was gone. Whenever people met
her Familiar, they would sigh at how "big and strong" the Iron
Rhinoceros was. But only she knew that her Lotus Seed was not
suitable to be an Attacker at all. This is not fair to Gao Peng. Mu
Tieying sighed, planning to leave.

Standing next to her, Lotus Seed seemed to have sensed its
225 Report
owner's depression. It sobbed gently, and wanted to comfort the
owner, but didn't know how. So it could only rub the owner with its
big head.

Mu Tieying was amused by its stupid-cute look. She pushed its big
head away. "Go play by yourself."

"You said you wanted to be my teammate? Sure; I agree

that it's exhausting to communicate with slackers," Gao Peng
said behind her.

"What?" Mu Tieying was shocked. This answer was unexpected.

She turned around and looked at Gao Peng. Gao Peng shrugged. "It's
OK to be gentle. Skills are acquired through training." It's just
hard to find gifted Familiars, Gao Peng told himself in his mind.

There were quite a few Familiars at present, but 99% of them were
Normal monsters.

There were only a few dozens of Excellent Familiars, while only two
of them were at Perfect grade. One was his classmate Chen
Hanqiao's Electric Luster Bear, the other was this Iron Rhinoceros.

It was not easy to detect a Familiar's grade. First of all, trainers

needed a large amount of samples on this Familiar, then needed to
compare that data with the same type of monster samples. Only Gao
Peng found it simple, for he only needed to glance at the monster.

Therefore, a lot of new species grades remained undetermined. At

the very beginning, when Dumby was born, Director Chen probably
labeled it as an ordinary Excellent Familiar.

People might think that monster breeders dealt with rare or high-
grade Familiars all the time, but actually this was not true. These
Familiars were not common, it was only because of their special
identities that they met these Familiars more easily.
226 Report
"Your Familiar is gifted; you'd better work hard with it.
Don't waste its talent." Gao Peng glanced at the Iron Rhinoceros,
walked closer.

Seeing a stranger approaching, Lotus Seed shook its head


Gao Peng paused, staying two steps away from Lotus Seed. Lotus
Seed was a little bit nervous. Then it opened its eyes, looking at Gao
Peng curiously, but also timidly.

"Hey, big guy," Gao Peng greeted Lotus Seed.

"Huh~" Lotus Seed moved two steps backward with

embarrassment. It had a shrill voice, like a baby acting pettishly. It
glanced at Gao Peng, then suddenly turned around and ran away.

"It is too timid, you need to train it hard. I know that you
are not willing to see it suffer from any hard work, since you
watched it grow. But if you really want it to be an Attacker,
spoiling it will only ruin its future, and yours." Gao Peng shook
his head. After all, this was not his Familiar, so he should not
interfere other people's training. He was offering his advice. Since
they were going to be teammates, he was taking his own


When he came home from school, Gao Peng went to the market to
get some materials. Every material was sold in different shops, so it
took him a long time to got everything ready and head home.

After he arrived, he first put extra materials aside, then sorted the
rest into order.

Da Zi was about to upgrade to Perfect level. It had been two weeks

after its last evolution to Excellent grade.
227 Report
To Da Zi, upgrading to Perfect level meant being a Commander
was not a tough job; it only needed to follow regular training.

Gao Peng was really careful when dealing with the materials. There
were some highly toxic materials; if he distracted even for a second,
he would be in big trouble.

He went to the bedroom to put on a white type of disinfectant suit.

Da Zi thought the owner's suit was hilarious, and it circled around
Gao Peng for a while, like it was going to pounce upon him. Gao Peng
stopped it hurriedly. "Stop, you naughty boy. Don't you want to
evolve anymore?"

Gao Peng dealt with each material separately, then boiled them
with a large fire for two hours.

At last, he uncovered the pot. A black smoke raised from the pot,
then went into the ventilator.

Gao Peng frowned. This dark smoke was not very poisonous, it
didn't took long for it to disperse in the air. But later on, when he
concocted more toxic portions, he couldn't be as casual as this. It
seemed that he would need a special laboratory. But it would cost
much to build one. He felt a headache for a moment.

The pot was dried. Only a layer of semi-soft black colloid was left at
the bottom.

After boiling these materials, this pot could not be used anymore,
without a doubt. Gao Peng moved the pot to the ground, then hit its
edge with a chopstick. "Time for dinner."
228 Report

Chapter 37: Horrifying Savage Spiders

Source: Webnovel

The clanging sound of chopsticks made Da Zi raise its head. After

finding the direction of the noise it began to crawl over. Da Zi looked
at the black goo within the pot. Its antennae swayed around a bit but
it did not begin eating.

It sniffed the goo a bit then stealthily removed its maxillae from
the edges of the pot. It turned away with a look of disgust. "It's
poisonous, it's poisonous…"

Gao Peng did not know what to say. He thought to himself, This
whole pot of stuff was made with poisonous materials. Of course it is
poisonous. But you're telling me that you're afraid of poison? You
must be a disgrace to all poison-type Familiars.

"Come back and eat it all. You have to eat it in order to

evolve. If you don't eat, how will you get stronger?" said Gao
Peng in a strict tone.

After Da Zi ate everything without leaving a single drop, Gao Peng

gave a relieved smile. Da Zi seemed a bit sluggish. It quietly found a
corner to lie down in, curling into a ball.

Beside the Dark Ember Forest was a quiet valley. There, in a dark
cave, a few gray-colored giant spiders slowly crept from the depths
of the cave. Their eyes were a shimmering blood red, and they
sniffed the surrounding air.

Nearby in a dense thicket emerged a Golden Pangolin, its scales

glittering under the sunlight. A spider opened up its mouth and shot
large amounts of greyish-white viscous liquid. The viscous liquid
229 Report
sprayed everywhere on the leaves, branches, and grass.

Upon contact with the air, the greyish white substance quickly
solidified, losing its stickiness but becoming resilient and tough
instead. The Golden Pangolin struggled to break away from the
substance forming long sticky white threads, like damp chewing gum
being stretched apart.

The Golden Pangolin made a low growl and raised its golden
scales, transforming them into countless sharp blades. It curled its
body, transforming into ball form.

By curling up, hugging itself and rotating, its sharp scales became
a formation of whirling blades.

The spider silk could withstand blunt force, but against a sharp
edge, it offered little resistance. As the threads of spider silk were
cut, the Golden Pangolin thought it could finally escape. However,
another wave of greyish-white, viscous fluid came raining from the
sky again.

The sticky fluid kept increasing, gradually covering up the Golden

Pangolin. The group of spiders surrounded the Golden Pangolin like a
bunch of rogues, continually spitting white spider silk at it.

Finally, a large white cocoon began to form.

No matter how the Golden Pangolin struggled, it could not break

free of the unending amounts of spider silk. Its whole body was
secured firmly to the ground. It finally lay unmoving on the ground
after expending all its energy, looking in despair at the group of
slowly approaching spiders.

From that cave, an endless number of spiders poured out. It must

have been their nest.
230 Report
"Old Chen, give me the usual. 30 pounds of Yin cedar
needles," Gao Peng said as he walked into the shop. It was
Saturday, and he had just left his studio. He was too lazy to trouble
others to deliver to his door, so he decided to pass by the store and
buy what he needed.

"30 pounds?" the man Gao Peng called Old Chen replied. He was
a tall, thin, and tanned youth, but he had the look of a matured older
man. Many of the regular customers were used to addressing him as
Old Chen.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gao, we only have ten pounds of Yin cedar
needles left in our store today," Lao Chen said apologetically.
"As you can see here…"

Gao Peng was surprised, but he waved his hand and said, "If ten
pounds is all there is I'll have all ten. Pack them all up for

Gao Peng went to a number of stores nearby, only to find that Yin
cedar needles had been out of stock for a few days already. From
what he remembered, Yin cedar needles were not extremely
common, but they were not rare either.

If these stores were all out of stock it probably meant that there
were hardly any Yin cedar needles left in Chang'an, as the stores in
the city center had the most variety of wares.

Because Gao Peng's studio was nearby, the stores were quite
familiar with him.

One of the store owners kindly told him, "It's not just Yin cedar
needles; quite a few materials have been out of stock

"Oh? What happened?" Gao Peng was curious.
231 Report
Although there was more than one method of promoting Dumby to
epic grade, it had already eaten over 200 pounds of Yin cedar
needles. Changing to an alternate method would be troublesome.

"Our store gets Yin cedar needles and a whole bunch of

other materials from privately-owned grounds near the
outskirts of Chang'an city. Because the goods are cheap and
plentiful, many of Chang'an City's shops get their materials
from that patch of land."

The store owner paused to take a breath of smoke before

continuing to share his troubles. "Maybe news of the area being
sealed off has not spread yet, but that patch of land is
located near the Dark Ember Forest. About a week ago, a
bunch of Scoundrel Spiders came out of nowhere and not
only ate up most of the Yin attribute plants in the patch of
land but also the other monsters in the surrounding forests.
According to the owner, if they hadn't escaped his whole
family would have become food for the Scoundrel Spiders.
The whole area around that patch of land has been sealed off
by the military. I'm afraid you won't be able to purchase any
Yin cedar needles for the time being."

"Scoundrel Spiders…" Gao Peng wracked his brains to think if he

could recall any monsters called Scoundrel Spiders.

"Scoundrel Spiders are just a nickname we use. The

authorities have given them their own scientific name.
They're called Brutal Grey Devil Spiders or something." The
store owner took a deep puff and finished the cigarette in his hand
before stepping on the cigarette butt. A few new customers entered
the store and the store owner smiled apologetically before going to
entertain them. "If there's anything else you need you can
simply take a look around the store."

Gao Peng looked at the store owner who was introducing

ingredients to the customers and then turned towards the crowded
232 Report
streets. It was the off-work peak hour. Traffic was jammed and he
could see drivers playing with their Familiars while waiting to move.

Cheerful sounds came from the car windows. In this concrete

jungle, man and Familiar came together and painted a picture of

Gao Peng exhaled and left the shop carrying his shopping bag. He
needed to hurry up and finish his business he could go home and
check if Da Zi had finished its evolution.

Yin cedar needles were in rather high demand because they were
high-grade feed for Yin-attributed monsters. Gao Peng did not dare to
relax once he heard the news and hurriedly went around the various
stores in the city where there was still time in order to buy up all the
remaining Yin cedar needles. In the end, he managed to purchase
over 100 pounds of Yin cedar needles. But that meant there would
hardly be any left within the city.

After that, he went to the Monster Hunting Association to put up a

short-term assignment request for 300 pounds of Yin cedar needles
which he would pay for at 1,100 Alliance Dollars per pound.

There were also Yin cedar needles in the wilderness, but they were
unevenly distributed and rare. To gather them would take up a lot of
time and energy.

But if he could accomplish such a task with money then there was
no need to make the risky trip to the wilderness.

Back home, Gao Peng went online to search the news for "Brutal
Grey Devil Spiders."

Entering these four keywords gave a whole row of news articles.

"Shocking! Extremely brutal, horrifying giant spiders are

233 Report
"City resident Mr. Zhang recounts: The most horrifying
night I almost became food for the spiders."

"A new species of spider monsters have appeared in

Chang'an City's Dark Ember Forest which is now completely
off-limits! Government issues strict warning to citizens
against entering the Dark Ember Forest."
234 Report

Chapter 38: I Only Need Three Days

Source: Webnovel

Gao Peng skipped those titles and clicked the third link.

This news was published by Chang'an City news press, and was
written officially. But this kind of news wouldn't carry too much

Gao Peng scanned the content seriously. The general idea of it was
that a threatening species suddenly appeared in the Dark Ember
Forest, that it had awesome destructive power, and liked to store

Unlike pythons which didn't move around after eating, the new
coming Brutal Gray Devil Spider spent a large amount of time
hunting for food, then tied prey up by cocooning it, and took it home.
Therefore, its threat was way higher than the other monsters.
Luckily, the government evacuated forest neighborhoods on time, so
this species didn't cause many human injuries...

The news also briefly mentioned that the massive emergence of

Brutal Gray Devil Spider caused much property loss. Now the
Chang'an government had been actively detecting Brutal Gray Devil
Spiders' active regions and habits, and figuring out methods to
handle the situation. Meanwhile the government suggested that
citizens stay away from the Dark Ember Forest and wait for further

At last was the evaluation of the threat level: three stars.

This was not a low level. Last year when a Commander monster
approached Chang'an downtown, its threat was ranked four stars.

It seemed like he could not buy Yin Cedar needles in downtown
235 Report
recently. This also reminded Gao Peng, if he needed to buy materials
in the future, he'd better make only one purchase, otherwise, once
an accident happened, he would be in trouble.

ly, Gao Peng thought that if he bought too much at a time, it would
be hard to keep materials fresh. His refrigerator was a small one, so
it would be fine to store dozens of pounds, but definitely not enough
for hundreds of pounds.

Gao Peng left his bedroom. In the living room, Dumby was still
working hard on its pine needles. If he could make a photo-
comparison, it would obvious to see that Dumby was one size bigger
than two weeks ago. Its gray bones now had a silver gray shine, and
it looked tougher.

Da Zi was still cuddling up in a heap at the corner. Gao Peng

looked at it for a while, making sure that it was fine. Then he went
into the kitchen.

"Let's have kelp rib soup tonight." Gao Peng planned to show
himself up. He was really good at this.

Soon the kitchen was filled with tantalizing aroma. The smell
spread out into the living room.

Lying on the ground, Da Zi's limp antennae suddenly trembled. Its

eyes were still closed, but the body crawled to the kitchen


When Da Zi walked in with its eyes closed, it hit on a table leg. It

opened its sleepy eyes, detoured around the table, then kept
heading to the kitchen.

Dense legs held its long, shaking body all the way to the kitchen. It
raised its head, looking at its owner, who was busy cooking.
236 Report
Hiss! "I'm hungry!"

Two different sounds rang in Gao Peng's brain.

"Soon, just give me a second," Gao Peng replied habitually.

Suddenly he realized, Is this guy finished evolving?

He turned around. Da Zi's data frame finally showed its grade had
changed from Excellent to Perfect.

Nevertheless, Da Zi's appearance didn't change much. Gao Peng

looked closer; nothing else changed except extra golden patterns on
its antennas.

After dinner, Gao Peng received a phone call from Blue Shield
Protection Company's manager Liu Senlin. "Sorry to bother you so
late at night, Mr. Gao," Liu Senlin kept apologizing in the phone.

"It's OK, I'm not in bed. No worries." Gao Peng muted the TV
and asked, "Manager Liu, is there an emergency?"

"Yes. I wonder whether Mr. Gao has time tonight." Liu Senlin
tried to control his emotions, but Gao Peng still felt his anxiety.

Gao Peng raised head and glanced at the clock on the wall; it was
only eight o'clock. "Yes I do." He took money from them, then
helped them solve problems. It was fair.

"That would be great. Thank you so much." Liu Senlin

sounded relieved.

Gao Peng didn't wait long before a black commercial vehicle came
to pick him up. Liu Senlin was in the car.

"Eh? Why did Manager Liu come so quick?" Gao Peng asked

"Mr. Gao, have you heard about the newly found Brutal
237 Report
Gray Devil Spiders in the Dark Ember Forest?"

"Yes, I have heard something about them," Gao Peng nodded.

"Then I'm not going to re-explain the story. The

government has called many protection companies together,
as well as private organizations, to discover the Brutal Gray
Devil Spiders' habits and weaknesses. Our company received
a new task this morning, and is about to leave in three days.
Therefore, we want to ask you to take care of our Devil
Mantises beforehand. It would be great to upgrade some
Devil Mantises before we started our mission, for stronger
Devil Mantises can increase our probability of winning. Of
course, it is fine if they are not able to evolve. No matter
what the result, please help us," Liu Senlin said earnestly.

"If I'm right, I remember that the government didn't allow

private organizations or protection companies to touch these
missions in the past." Gao Peng was surprised. The government
used to keep missions secret and didn't allow organizations or
protection companies to participate for social security reasons. These
missions used to be done by armies and government-owned

"The coalition government held a meeting days ago. They

have made some reformations, as well as abolishments," Liu
Senlin sighed. "From now on, the coalition will go on a different
path. It used to suppress organizations, companies and all
the unofficial forces' growth. But in recent years, rapid
monster evolution has been bothering the government so
much that they finally realized they were not able to fight
alone. Therefore, this time, they opened up many of the

As the manager of a protection company, Liu Senlin was willing to

see this happen.
238 Report
Soon the car stopped in front of a building. They got of the car and
walked into the building. On both sides of the gate, two security
guards in blue uniforms were guarding vigilantly. to them stood two
Devil Mantises, like two sculptures.

The big square behind the building was also under protection.
Three tall walls surrounded the square, which were covered by
electrified wire netting.

Gao Peng glanced over; there gathered hundreds of Devil Mantises

in the square. The atmosphere was tense.

"These are all the Devil Mantises we have," Liu Senlin


Gao Peng stepped forward. He looked at the mantises, and only

saw dense data frames. He finally selected 10 Devil Mantises.

"Let's try these ten mantises."

"Nice choice, Mr. Gao!" Liu Senlin thumbed up. These ten were
exactly the best Devil Mantises in the company.

"I will write down the materials on a piece of paper; you go

find them as soon as possible. If everything goes well, three
days will be enough," Gao Peng said emotionlessly.

"Roger that."

After a short while, Gao Peng handed Liu Snelin a note with
materials on it. Liu Senlin glanced at the note, and, daring not to
waste time, immediately sent people out for purchasing. He ordered
them to got everything prepared with an hour, no matter how much
it cost.

Being in Chang'an City for such a long time, Liu Senlin had built his
own networks. Everyone was sent out. It didn't take long to collect all
the materials.
239 Report
"Mr. Gao, materials are ready." Liu Senlin was dripping with
sweat. He was anxious and worried.

Gao Peng didn't look back. He carefully put on his gloves and

In front of him, a big pot was boiling, and heat blew ino his face.
240 Report

Chapter 39: Four-Winged Jade Devil

Source: Webnovel

If Ma Jian were there, he would have found the scene extremely


There was a boiling pot of water, and a table next to it lined with
chopped materials that looked like ingredients for cooking…

Water hydrates, hence it is able to nourish wood. The materials on

the table consisted mostly of wood-type materials, with a few water-
type materials mixed within. Devil Mantises had wood-type

Gao Peng picked up what looked to be a fish's swim bladder in his

hands. It was about the size of a fist and transparent. In this air
bladder, there was a bit of greyish white liquid.

He took a silver needle and carefully poked a small hole in the air
bladder. He drained the liquid out until, finally, a seed came out as

This was a Fish Bubble, a type of material that grew from trees. It
was extremely resilient, could withstand high temperatures, and was
waterproof as well.

Gao Peng blended the other chopped materials together and

placed it into the Fish Bubble. Gently flipping the Fish Bubble around,
it became a little pocket, wrapping all the materials together. After
tying up the opening on the Fish Bubble with a dead knot, the
materials were all properly contained within the Fish Bubble.

He repeated these steps until he had filled 10 Fish Bubbles, before
241 Report
putting them all in the boiling water.

This step was really troublesome. He needed to cook the materials

in boiling water, but at the same time, he had to prevent the
materials from being contaminated by the steam or else the
medicinal properties of the wood-attribute materials would be

Ten minutes later, he fished out all the Fish Bubbles and placed
them on a wooden board. Because metal overcomes wood, the
medicinal materials could not be allowed to come into contact with
metal or else contamination would occur then as well.

Using a glass knife, he gently cut open the fish bubbles. The
medicinal materials were stuck together after being cut, blended and
cooked. He rolled them into balls before feeding them to the Devil

After eating them, the Devil Mantises began to tremble before

suddenly collapsing. They lay on the floor with their wings twitching

The first step was now completed. Only two more steps left. Gao
Peng worked without stopping, preparing the next batch of medicinal

At night, the laboratory lights remained bright.

Gao Peng was the only one in the lab, so all the steps needed to be
completed by him alone. All the materials were weighed using high-
precision electronic scales to the accuracy of 0.01 grams.

The experiment continued all the way until next morning before
finally coming to completion. In the lab were ten Devil Mantises that
had fallen into deep comas.

Gao Peng tidied up all the excess materials and tossed them into
concentrated sulfuric acid before taking of his mask and gloves.
242 Report
He opened the laboratory doors. Outside, Liu Senlin, who had
waited for a whole night, was awakened by the door opening. He got
up from his chair and hurriedly went up to Gao Peng. "Mr. Gao, the
results of the experiment…"

"It should have been successful. They should be able to

wake up in the afternoon." Gao Peng was a little fatigued after
working through the night. Right now, all he wanted was to have a
good rest.

"That's great, thank you Mr. Gao," Liu Senlin nodded

repeatedly. "Our company has already arranged for a room. If
Mr. Gao requires it, you can head to the room to rest. If you
would like to head home instead, we also have a car specially
prepared to send you home."

Gao Peng thought for a moment. "Please send me directly to

my studio then. Sorry for the trouble."

Entering his studio, Gao Peng lowered the backrest of his chair and
adjusted it to a comfortable position for sleeping. Since there were
few customers anyway, he could probably sleep with peace of mind.

Gao Peng slept into the afternoon before waking up on his own. As
expected, there were no customers throughout the whole morning.

He saw the thank-you text sent by Liu Senlin after he woke up. It
said that some of the Devil Mantises had begun to evolve. Gao Peng
was not surprised because the Mantises that he had chosen were the
best among the lot, and were the most suitable for evolution. Each of
them was at level 20. Just a promotion in grade would fulfil the
requirements for evolution. It would be surprising if they had not

At the other side, Liu Senlin's heart was beating fast. A Devil
Mantis was beginning to evolve right in front of his eyes. Its body was
slowly increasing in length. On its back, its wings raised high. A
243 Report
tearing sound came from its skin as a new, stronger-looking pair of
wings emerged from under the skin.


With a gentle shake, the fluid that was stuck on the wings was
blown off.

A mere flutter of its wings sent the dust on the ground flying and
made a mess out of Liu Senlin's hair.

Its body bent forward and its bladed forelimbs sunk into the
cement floor.

Blurry-looking balls of light surrounded the Devil Mantis, and were

rushing into its body one by one. With each ball of light, its body
grew in size.

The evolution process took around fifteen minutes before coming

to an end.

The Devil Mantis before Liu Senlin had changed completely. Its
height was one and a half times its original size, and its body had
ballooned to three times of what it originally was.

The number of wings it had behind its back had doubled, such that
it had two pairs now. Its sleek, emerald-bladed limbs were thrust into
the cement floor, cutting through it as easily as cutting a block of

Its color had also turned into a jade green, as though the monster
was carved out of the highest quality jade.

The surrounding Devil Mantises took a glance at it and cautiously

backed away from it. Mantises were not social animals. When facing
a stronger member of their species they would not choose to submit
to it, but to run or hide instead.
244 Report
"Commander tier, Four-Winged Jade Devil Mantis…"
muttered Liu Senlin as he pushed up his spectacles. He felt as though
he were looking at a distinguished work of art.

Before this Devil Mantis evolved, his entire company only had a
total of four commander tier Devil Mantises. With this one, it would
bring the total number to five. With its evolution, it proved that it had
successfully promoted to a perfect grade.

In the past, Liu Senlin had approached other intermediate level

Monster Breeders before. But because Devil Mantises were rather
niche Familiars, they found little success in promoting them. His only
alternative was to approach the Experiment Division of the Southern
Sky Group, where he had bought the Devil Mantises from, as these
mantises were created by the Experiment Division themselves. In the
past, each successfully promoted Devil Mantis came at the price of
spending huge amounts of money.

This Gao Peng was really his lucky star.

At the thought of Gao Peng, Liu Senlin felt a burning wave of relief
in his heart. Hiring Gao Peng to be the company's Monster Breeder
consultant was definitely the wisest decision he had ever made.

Back then, he had only agreed to sign a contract with Gao Peng at
the request of his uncle. But right now, he truly admired this young
man from the bottom of his heart.

It was not clear what Gao Peng's actual identity was, but his uncle
had specifically reminded him not to give him too much slack, nor to
offend him.

But even excluding his mysterious identity, Gao Peng's abilities

alone were worth paying plenty of attention to.
245 Report
Three days later, along the perimeter of the Dark Ember Forest, a
large amount of soldiers had already sealed off the area inside and
cleared out a large open area outside the perimeter.

In the rear, numerous artillery vehicles were at the ready, like cold,
hulking metal beasts. There seemed to be traces of cannon fire along
the edges of the forest.

"We are glad to have all of you here," the military

representative addressed his large audience.

There were a few groups of people in front of him, each clearly

separate from each other, and each divided into a few teams of their

Within this group of people, those from the Blue Shield Protection
Company were the most eye-catching.

Within their ranks were eight jade-green giant mantises that were
much larger that the surrounding Devil Mantises. They caught plenty
of attention from the surrounding groups.

A regular Devil Mantis was two meters tall, but these Four-Winged
Jade Devil Mantises reached a height of almost three meters. Their
presence brought an immense feeling of pressure to everyone
around them.

Eight commander tier Familiars!

Each of the organizations around them sent only three to four

commander tier Familiars. After all, there was no way they could
have sent their full strength on a single mission.

"According to the experiments we have performed on a few

live samples that were captured, we have found that the
Brutal Grey Devil Spider's weakness is fire. They clearly react
in terror towards flames."
246 Report

Chapter 40: Lord Of The Dark Ember!

Source: Webnovel

Hearing the Brutal Gray Devil Spider was afraid of fire, many
people present looked at the western team.

This was a women's team. They all wore white fighting suits with
ponytails or bobs. They were guided by a tall woman.

to them quietly stood their Fire Familiars.

Besides companies and organizations, some combat squads also

came to hunt. These squads usually formed by friends or families.
Some had clear individual functions, while some teams followed a
certain person's Familiars.

One years ago, official Monster Hunting Alliance was set up. They
not only offered individual registration, but group registration as well.

This further guaranteed these combat squads' legality.

People said that in southeastern Huaxia, hundred-people large

combat squads already existed.

"Seems that this time, Captain Song is going to win," Liu

Senlin smiled submissively.

"You flatter me. Your Devil Mantis is regarded as Forest

Killer; I say you will complete this mission first-"

"I believe that you all read the data yesterday. Brutal Gray
Devil Spiders hunt a large amount of prey and bring them
back to their lair, probably to provide sufficient food for the
matrix. Once their matrix has acquired enough food, it will
reproduce a tremendous spider tide," a government official
247 Report

"This is a vital mission. I hope everybody tries their best

and cooperates well. As long as the mission is completed
successfully, you will be rewarded." The official convinced them.
The government was afraid that these voluntary organizations fought
with each other for mission rewards. They didn't want to see these
teams had wasted their energy before the mission was done.

At the edge of the Dark Ember Forest, through gaps among trees,
gray spider legs peeped up. But it was had to tell exactly how many
spiders there were.

Army's rear fire formation changed direction, aiming at the forest.

A military senior official with a service cap said seriously, "Wish

you luck!"

Then he turned to the forest and looked far into it, commanding
out loud, "Fire!"

Flames of rage burst forth from cannons all together.

Boom boom boom!

Booms were everywhere. Bombs fired with anger. They flew into
the forest, leaving shadows behind.

Brutal Gray Devil Spiders' faint panic screaming spread. It was too
late for those monsters to retreat.

As bombs fell to the ground, fierce shock waves and flames

engulfed the woods. Scorching air and continuous booming filled the
woods. There was screaming and floundering as Brutal Gray Devil
Spiders were burned into ashes.

After a round of fire attack, a breach was made at the edge of the
Dark Ember Forest, as if the woods were bitten by a giant monster.
248 Report
The remnant fire burned broken trees. Black dead bodies were
lying on the dumpy ground. Miles of forest was destroyed into
nothing. Only few surviving spiders were wailing in fear.

This was the power of modern weaponry, that used to be the force
for humans ruling the Earth.

"Grrrrr!" An angry shout rented the air like a thunderbolt. Deep in

the forest, woods began to shake, trees were broken one after
another, and black hair could be vaguely seen in the dark.

The snarl came closer. An invisible pressure threatened everybody.

Even the air was frozen!

A car-sized fist suddenly broke the forest's edge, stretching into a

ferocious shadow.


The fist pounded on the ground, and people felt the earth shake.

A four-floor-tall Black King Kong craned forward from the forest.

Faint semi-concrete golden halos spread from its feet.

Lord Halo! It was a Lord Monster!

There was deathly silence.

Present Familiars which were below Commander level all threw

themselves down on the ground and trembled, cowards too scared to
pee. Commander Familiars looked a little bit calmer. They barely
stood still, and dared not to make any noise.

"This is the Lord of the Dark Ember Forest." Liu Senlin tasted
bitterness. How come they disturbed the Lord of this forest?

Bang, bang...

Strong arms propped it up on the ground as the monster slowly
249 Report
approached them, every step it made bringing great pressure.

Its giant body was like a monster from the times of great antiquity,
and its face, cloudy and as black as the bottom of a pan, frowned

It was the first time many people present to met this legendary
Lord of the Dark Ember.

No one ever expected that this Lord of the Dark Ember would come
out from the deep forest. It was said that the Lord rarely came out
from its territory.

Some people began to think of an escape route. Facing a Lord

monster, they had no chance to fight back. Even though there were
dozens of Commander monsters, plus guns and cannons, they didn't
even have a tiny probability of winning. Cannons could not threaten a
Lord monster at all.


A bird's screech rang above their heads. The sun was suddenly
covered as an enormous shadow appeared. Someone looked above
in the sky, seeing a giant golden eagle gleaming in the sky.

"It's Golden Deity!" People were excited. They would be saved.

It was the strongest protector of Huaxia Chang'an military region:

the Golden Deity.

The biggest reason for Chang'an to be well protected was the

Golden Deity. People said that the Golden Deity was a mutant golden
eagle, which was raised and cultivated under good care. After the
cataclysm, it fought at the front line, defending mutant monsters.

The Golden Deity's appearance was a big threat to Lord of the Dark
Ember. The black King Kong stepped back, roaring with anger,
pointing at the messy forest, as if it were hurling a question.
250 Report
The Golden Deity spiraled in the air, crying coldly.

The Lord of the Dark Ember seemed not willing to reconcile. It

stood up and punched its chest, making heavy noises.

The Golden Deity glanced at it with scorn, cried, then flew away.

Lord of the Dark Ember breathed heavily. It glared at the humans

with hatred, stamped and roared with rage. At last, it pointed at the
Dark Ember Forest, turned around, and disappeared in the woods.

"There are some things we can't help. You have to do it

quick, and remember, do not over-destroy the forest.
Otherwise, if Lord of the Dark Ember gets pissed off again,
you will be in great trouble." The military brass hat narrowed his
eyes, watching the Lord leave.

Those present, except for the military, were specialists in

Chang'an. They came here with confidence and pride.

But they first went through Lord of the Dark Ember, then met the
Golden Deity. Either of them could wipe humans out with a snap.
Such experience tore their arrogance apart.

To catch up with the world's top, they still had a long way to go.

Staring at these people's backs, the military bass hat frowned,

"We can solve this by ourselves; why let them do it?"

The government officer shook his head. "Long ago, countries in

the world detected the upcoming world change, so they
prepared in advance. But the world changed in an
unexpected, fierce way. We are only one step before them.
As time goes by, the gap between the government and non-
governmental organizations gets smaller and smaller. What
we need to do right now is prepare for our future."
251 Report

Chapter 41: Brood Mother

Source: Webnovel

Nothing could be seen in the pitch black darkness of the cave.

Energy lamps were needed to light up the way.

Scuttling sounds came from the depths of the caves. Under the
illumination of the lamp, many Brutal Gray Devil Spiders could be
seen eyeing them from all directions; on the ceiling and stone walls
of the cave, and even from the various pits all over the cave.

Within the unit, a gigantic Firestorm Tiger opened its mouth wide.
A swirl of red-hot flames began to gather in its mouth, forming a
rapidly-rotating fireball.


The fireball shot out and scored a direct hit on a Brutal Gray Devil
Spider that failed to escape in time. It only managed to make a cry of
despair before being engulfed by the flames.

An elite tier monster was immediately eradicated by the fireball

without even having the chance to fight back.

"No, this won't do; we're wasting too much energy," said a
woman in the unit, with a frown. She had neat shoulder-length hair
and was wearing a white combat suit.

Although they could easily kill these elite tier monsters in one
blow, there were simply too many of them. If every single one of
these critters needed one fireball to be eliminated, their Familiars
would soon expend all the energy within their bodies.

"We shall stick to close combat for now and avoid long-
range attacks. Defense-type Familiars form the frontlines,
252 Report
support-type Familiars in the center of the formation, and
offense-type Familiars take the flanks. Maintain the
formation and advance. We must not let other groups get
there first," said Captain Song from the backlines. The others
nodded their heads and very quickly arranged themselves in the new
formation. These were all veterans who worked well with each other.

Lying quietly on Captain Song's shoulder was a fiery-red mouse

with a long, graying beard. Its two little forelimbs were resting on her
shoulders and its eyes were darting about, observing the

Right at the front of the formation was a Red-Shelled Armor Hound,

a mutant variant that had extremely high defense and a partial fire

As they advanced, the spiders would often spit a sticky fluid to

prevent the Red-Shelled Armor Hound from moving. A Thorny Flower
Demon from the center of the formation activated its ability, covering
the Armor Hound with an additional layer of thorny armor. The thorns
criss crossed over each other, forming an effective protection against
the incoming spider silk.

The Flame Mouse on Captain Song's shoulder spat out a fire ball,
igniting the thorn armor.

The thorn armor burst into flames, suddenly become a makeshift

flaming armor.

Any of the white fluid that came into contact with it was burnt to
nothing, becoming fuel for the flames instead. The air became filled
with a pungent, foul smell.

The flames were extremely effective in negating the effects of the

white, sticky fluid. Upon contact with the flames, they immediately
caught fire, losing their stickiness and resilience.
253 Report
The Flame Mouse was not yet at the Lord tier, hence it was not
able to establish a "whitelist". But it did not matter anyway since
the Red-Shelled Armor Hound was extremely resistant to flames and
had a high fire defense. This was a battle technique that Captain
Song and her team came up with.

The cave was filled with complex twists and turns. It was a very
deep natural cave.

The faint sounds of battle suddenly could be heard ahead of them.

Sound travelled far in these caves, which meant that they were still a
distance away from their destination. The expression on Captain
Song's face changed. Someone else got there first!

They hurriedly picked up the pace. Ablaze while wearing the

makeshift flaming armor, the Red-Shelled Armor Hound charged
through the caves. In no time, their surroundings suddenly
brightened. A large cavern, many times larger than any cavern they
had run into before, appeared before their eyes.

In the deepest part of the cavern, a gigantic brood mother could be

seen lying on the ground. It looked extremely swollen and its body
was covered with a large amount of white sticky substance, as
though it were wrapped in a white bubble.

Only its thick spider legs stuck out from the bubble, revealing a
scaled claw at the end of each leg and sharp hairs that hooked

In the cave, many Familiars were already surrounding and

attacking the brood mother. Flames, frost, and wind blades flew
through the air, but all the attacks landed on the white bubble and
vanished like a rock being dropped into the deep sea, simply
disappearing out of sight. Nothing seemed to have any effect.

Looking at the incoming attacks, the brood mother simply lay

motionless without making a sound. Its dark, yellow eyes were cold
254 Report
and indifferent. Only when an attack was about to land near its eyes
or face did it react by producing a crystal film from its eyeballs to
protect its eyes.

Captain Song felt that the look in its eyes was somewhat familiar,
as though she had seen it somewhere before.

"The brood mother doesn't have much attack power. Don't

be fooled by its large size. That is for it to produce young. Its
actual combat strength is the weakest among those of its
tier!" shouted someone, calling for everyone to put in their all to kill
the spider.

"As long as we all work together, we can definitely kill the

brood mother! When we've killed it, we shall split the spoils
based on the level of damage that was done to it," Liu Senlin
spoke up.

"Alright!" Hearing this, many of them ordered their Familiars to

increase the pace of attack.

The brood mother did not strike back. It was in a strange condition,
most likely preparing to give birth to its young. But that did not
matter. They would take the opportunity to strike it at its weakest.

The intervals between attacks grew shorter and shorter and the
white foam covering the brood mother gradually got blown away. A
few attacks managed to land on its body, causing gaping wounds
that leaked a dark, yellow fluid.

Seeing the brood mother hurt, the groups of people there got
excited, ordering their Familiars to continue attacking. They
themselves retreated, avoiding the battlefield.

A Four-Winged Jade Devil Mantis charged forward, leaving behind

an afterimage. It drew its two bladed limbs inwards, forming the
figure of a cross.
255 Report

Even after raising the crystal film to protect its eyes, they were
easily slashed apart by the jade green blades.

Shattered pieces of the crystal film scattered into the air and
rained down from above.


The brood mother lost its calm demeanor. Its dark yellow eyes
suddenly lit up, glaring at the humans with a golden piercing gaze.
Its sharp screech reverberated across the cave.

Some Monster Trainers fell to their knees, painfully clutching their

ears. Blood seeped out from between their fingers.


The sound of roaring wind could be heard as one of the thick spider
legs suddenly pulled from the ground.

In mid-air, the Four-Winged Jade Devil Mantis desperately flapped

its wings and twisted its body, barely dodging the spider leg that
stabbed at it like a giant spear. The spider leg effortlessly pierced
through layers of rock, as though it were cutting butter.

A deep breathing sound echoed throughout the cavern. The brood

mother that was lying in a bubble of foam all along slowly got up and
stretched its limbs.

Each of its limbs was over ten meters long, like long spears that
stuck into the ground, causing the ground to crack and split.

The gray spider legs were also densely covered with sharp hairs
that hooked upwards. Its mouthparts were as large as a table, and
looked like a blooming chrysanthemum flower. They opened and
closed, releasing a foul smell into the air.
256 Report
Its hulking size along with is ferocious appearance gave it the look
of a lethal predator.

Who said the brood mother had little combat strength?

Everyone in the cavern was silently cursing.

We've been had! This mission was a huge set-up, and we've all
been had!

Captain Song finally remembered why the look in the brood

mother's eyes were so familiar. They were the same eyes that the
Lord of the Dark Ember had. The eyes of one being high above all
else, looking down on all the low levelled Familiars!

At the bottom of the brood mother, a deformed and incomplete

halo was slowly rotating. Compared to the halo of the Lord of the
Dark Ember, the one that the brood mother had was only a tenth of
the Lord of the Dark Ember's, and was extremely deformed.

This was a monster at the peak of the commander tier, that was in
the midst of evolution!

It was evident to them that they had disrupted the evolution

process of this monster. Even a fool would be able to expect the
ferocity of the wrath that they had incurred.

"Run!" Liu Senlin very decisively came to such a conclusion. He

immediately called for his Four-Winged Jade Devil Mantis. He rode
atop his Familiar's back and fled.
257 Report

Chapter 42: Elite Purple-Backed Thunder

Source: Webnovel

As for staying to save people for friendship; that was bullsh*t. No

one had spare effort to take care of other people. Running faster
than the others was the vital goal.

The female spider slowly crawled forward. Although she looked

slow, her speed was actually quite fast.

It was like Whack-A-Mole; every time her legs raised high then fell
down hard, gray shadows flashed in the air.

Familiars under her, embarrassed, avoided her attacks. Some

unlucky Familiars were stung through, hanging on the giant spider
legs like strings of candied hawthorne.


Outside the Dark Ember Forest, a green shadow flew from afar.

"The mission was completed quicker than I thought," The

government officer smiled.

But the military bass hat by his side showed a totally different look.
He frowned tight, staring at the coming Four-Winged Jade Devil
Mantis. Then he suddenly realized something and immediately
changed expression.

He waved his arm forward, and commanded out loud, "On your
positions, prepare to fight!"

Riding on the Four-Winged Jade Devil Mantis, Liu Senlin saw

cannons were aiming at him and felt his heart was about to jump out.
258 Report
He immediately raised hands over his head, shouting, "Don't shoot,
Don't shoot, I'm on your side!"

The cold cannons held fire. The Four-Winged Jade Devil Mantis
landed from the sky in front of the crowd. Liu Senlin's legs were still
trembling; he didn't know whether he was scared of the female
spider, the cannons, or both.

"That thing in the lair is not a female spider; no, the female
spider is evolving. It is completely a female attacker!" Liu
Senlin talked incoherently. He was too anxious.

"Take your time. Have some water first." The bass hat came
and handed Liu Senlin a bottle of water.

Liu Senlin swigged from the bottle, finally recovered from the
shock and calmed down a little bit. Then he explained the whole

After hearing Liu Senlin's account, those present showed different


The bass hat glanced at the government officer coldly and said,
"This is your research conclusion from your governmental lab;
a female spider with 'low fighting capacity.'"

The government officer looked awkward, and didn't know how to

reply. This accident was indeed on the government's hands.

"Does your government know that we were sent here to

die? He said in a low voice. "The information was completely
wrong!" His heart was bleeding. It's going to be a big loss, I don't
know how many of my men can make it. Pension and loss will be an
astronomical figure.

Only he escaped; how many else could survive, too?

"There they are, we have some people back." A soldier
259 Report
pointed at the forest, where some shadows were flying to them.

"Where is the Spider King?" The bass hat looked behind them.
He didn't see the Spider King.

"No idea. Seems that it has chased after the others. We

took different escape routes after getting out," someone
replied, still in great shock. His words conveyed some rejoicing, but
later he realized such tone was not proper, so he remained silent.

"Did they walk towards our direction?"


People fell into silence again. They were ready to have a tough
fight, but the Spider King didn't come to them. They were not sure
whether to celebrate or mourn.

If I could know beforehand that this Spider King is evolving to

Commander... The bass hat pursed his lips without saying anything.
He was regretful.

He would definitely not bring only this amount of people.

After all, a Commander Familiar could greatly enhance the

Chang'an Military force!

"No need to worry about the rest. Lord of the Dark Ember
will never let it go. Two tigers could never get along well in
the same mountain, unless they had different genders. The
Spider King and the Black King Kong are not even the same
species. If it was a Commander monster, it would be another
story. But this Spider King is only a semi-Commander; it will
probably be eaten by Lord of the Dark Ember in the end."

His words were somewhat regrettable.

If he could bring the Spider King back to military region, it would be
260 Report
an excellent force.

However, this Spider King's evolution was interrupted, or rather

say, it failed. So it became valueless.


"Smash!" The wood pile in front of them blew up with debris flying
everywhere. Da Zi's upper body tightly caught the ground, while its
lower body swiped like a sharp knife.

The wood pile was full of bumps and hollows, and covered with

Gao Peng encouraged: "Well done. Here is your reward." He

handed Da Zi some bread worms.

He patted Da Zi's head, thinking about something else. It is not

difficult to upgrade from Normal to Elite.

As long as the monster itself is not untalented, with hard work, it

will become an Elite monster sooner or later.

1 to 10 levels belonged to Normal grade, while 11 to 20 levels were


Instructor Chen walked around the playground and checked

randomly. Seeing him approaching, lazy students immediately woke
up, pretending to be concentrating.

Actually, Instructor Chen knew about students' behaviors, whether

they were focusing on training or not. Training required the Familiar
trainer and the Familiar working together, in order to stimulate the
Familiar and enhance the effect.

Some people didn't have even one drop of sweat on their forehead,
for they only activated their Familiars when the instructor passed by.
Their Familiars were stunned, knowing nothing about what was going
261 Report

They didn't have enough time to react.

What happened?

What is my owner doing?

Didn't you allow me to play?!

Ow---wow! The Golden Husky gnashed its teeth in anger. It glared

at the man in front of it. How dare you tell on me!

Every time it disobeyed this man's order, he would let those bad
wolves to bully it!

Feeling flustered and exasperated, the Golden Husky couldn't

stand it anymore.


"Damn it, you bastard! Wait, don't bite me!"

When passing by Gao Peng, a glimmer of approval raised from the

bottom of Instructor Chen's eyes. Few people worked as hard as this
young man did.


Another tail-swipe.

This time it sounded like something exploded, like firecrackers

were spluttering.

Da Zi's sharp feet rotated and cut at high speed. The swipe came
fast with fury, the bowl-wide wood pile breaking. If looking at the
fracture, there were only irregular sharp edges. During the swipe, Da
Zi's feet were just like a spinning electric saw.
262 Report
Gao Peng came up with this idea when he saw Da Zi's sharp feet.
These feet looked just like the sharp edge of a saw.

"Go on!"

On the training ground, Gao Peng looked at Da Zi seriously.

Da Zi raised its head, looked at its owner, then returned to its hard
training. Gao Peng didn't sit aside watching, but practiced with Da Zi.

For example, when Da Zi was running, Gao Peng ran with it, and
gave instructions.

Only when trainer and Familiar shared happiness and suffering

together did the Familiar become more obedient.

Finally, after three hours, although Da Zi's appearance didn't

change much, Gao Peng saw clearly that its grade eventually shifted
from Level 10 to Level 11!
263 Report

Chapter 43: Confirming Their Choice

Source: Webnovel

In a blink of an eye, a few weeks passed by quickly. They were

quick but at the same time rather eventful as well.

Within this period of time, Gao Peng had made many more trips to
the Blue Shield Protection Company. Ever since Liu Senlin came back
from accepting the government assignment, he had become quiet
and sullen. Gao Peng also noticed that the atmosphere of the
company had become gloomier as well.

But he was an outsider after all. And some things were better left

However, when he and Liu Senlin met in private later on, he had
told Gao Peng the happenings of that fateful day.

Lord tier.

Who would have thought that just by accepting that one

government assignment, Liu Senlin would have met with a total of
two lord tier monsters and one that was halfway to reaching the Lord
tier. Liu Senlin was the only person he knew who had such luck.

Gao Peng had wanted to say some words of comfort, but he did not
know how to begin. He ended up simply stuffing his mouth with food

In these weeks, under Gao Peng's care, the number of commander

tier Four-Winged Jade Devil Mantises owned by the Blue Shield
Protection Company increased by another four. This finally made up
for the losses that Liu Senlin incurred during the assignment.

Liu Senlin had also tried to pass Gao Peng a large red packet in
264 Report
private, but Gao Peng refused it. "Sow nothing, reap nothing. I
have just been doing what I'm supposed to do. It won't be
good if you give me red packets in private again."

Liu Senlin also had his reasons for giving Gao Peng a red packet.
He hoped to work with Gao Peng long-term. As per Gao Peng's
request previously, the contract they had signed only lasted one

Liu Senlin had actually thought that that would be to his

advantage, and agreed to Gao Peng's request then and there.

But now, he could not avoid trying to pave the way for a long-term
partnership with Gao Peng. If he did not establish good relations with
Gao Peng, what would he do if Gao Peng really quit after a year?

He had no idea, however, that Gao Peng had no plans to work long-
term for any company. He was merely working to build up savings for
the first step in his plans.

A normal tier monster carcass could fetch a price of up to a few

Alliance Credits, whereas an elite tier monster carcass could fetch a
price from a few Alliance Credits to a few tens of Alliance Credits. If a
rare elite tier monster could be caught alive, it could even fetch a
price of more than a hundred Alliance Credits. A commander tier
monster would naturally fetch an even higher price.

Hence, Gao Peng planned to train Da Zi and Dumby until they

reached commander tier and bring them into the wilderness to hunt
down or catch monsters. By that time, he should have made enough
of a name for himself as a Monster Breeder, so he planned to head
over to Yanjing City to complete the advanced Monster Breeder
assessment. The former would be his main job, and the latter would
be there for support. This was the path that Gao Peng had planned
for himself. As long as he kept to this route, he would definitely keep
getting stronger.
265 Report
Other than all these, Ma Jian had also managed to get second
place in the Chang'an Flower King Tournament. Being a prideful boy,
this hurt his self-esteem badly and he refused to leave his home to
meet anyone for a full week.

Gao Peng later found out that the Flower King Tournament was
won by an elite tier Daffodil Flower Demon.

There was indeed nothing much that could have been done. Ma
Jian's Begonia Semperflorens Sprite was only a normal tier monster,
and lost out to the first place monster by a full tier.

Finally, within these few weeks, Da Zi's level had risen to 13,
whereas Dumby had broken through to level 14. Sadly, the job
request that Gao Peng had posted at the Monster Hunting
Association was never completed by anyone. The Yin cedar needles
at home were quickly finished by Dumby.

Living up to its name, Dumby simply held vigil by the refrigerator

every day, dumbly staring at the refrigerator.

"All students gather around! We will stop the individual

training for now," shouted Instructor Zhang Bairen.

Everyone already knew what was happening today. Some skipped

forward excitedly while others wore a look of worry on their faces,
evidently not as confident of their chances. A last group of them,
however, simply heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that the end of
these boring days of training was near.

The first thing Instructor Zhang Bairen did was something no one
expected. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"I will first announce the names on this list," Zhang Bairen
lowered his head and read out, loudly, "Liu Keshou, disqualified!
266 Report
Xie Jiangyi, disqualified! Hu Latang, disqualified…"

A few students were stunned, others could not resist and began to
question the instructor.

Zhang Bairen appeared to have expected this. Without raising his

head, he simply said, "Those with any objections, don't get
impatient. Voice them after I'm done reading."

He quickly went through the entire name list. Within group ten
itself, six out of a total of 38 people were disqualified straight away,
without being given the right to participate in the selection test.

"I know that some of you might be unhappy about this, but I will
only say one thing: In these few weeks, I have clearly seen how each
and every one of you have performed. Whether or not you have
skived off, you should well know. I would not wrong any student.

"I also know that some of you might have something to say
about our decision as well. But if you could not even
persevere throughout these few weeks and had to skive off
even for the most basic training, then there is no point in you
carrying on with the training. Xie Jiangyi, did you have fun
playing with your mobile phone? Hu Latang, from tomorrow
onwards you can go back to the classroom to continue
sleeping, the training grounds are not a comfortable place to
nap," he said, randomly pointing out two names.

Everyone else immediately had no more to say. What they thought

in their heads no one would know.

"The rest of you shall begin your test. We shall start with
testing speed…"

The test went on for two hours, and did not take up too much time.

Each of the Familiar's test scores were recorded by an electronic
267 Report
device and sent straight to a computer.

The scores were processed using a formula that took into account
the Familiar's species, potential, and other important factors. Within
half an hour, the results were out.

"Chief Instructor Chen, this is the name list. A total of 1,320

people meet the requirements," one of the subordinates handed
a list of names to Chen Yuan.

"Mm, wait a moment." Chen Yuan took the name list in his
hands and placed it on the table next to him without even glancing at
it. In front of him, a Silver Moon Alpha was darting through a maze of
lasers. It was like watching a nimble silver snake make its way across
the room.

After ten minutes, the training finally ended. The Silver Moon Alpha
stepped out of the room, shook its silver fur, and casually lay down in
a ground-level bunk located at the side.

Only then did Chen Yuan turn around reply, "Then 1,320 it will
be. The extra hundred and twenty all passed as well. Since
they possess the potential, we should not waste it. I will
speak to the headquarters to suggest expanding the training
grounds. Go inform the rest."

"Yes, sir." The subordinate quickly nodded his head and replied.
As always, Chief Inspector Chen was cold on the outside and warm
on the inside.

In the end the number of people who passed were 1,320, a total of
a 120 people more than originally expected.

"Now that you have passed, hurry and register to choose a

position for you Familiars. From now on, the training won't
be like the kind of fun and games you've been having. When
you choose the position for your Familiars, remember to take
268 Report
into consideration whether or not your Familiar can take up
such a role, or else your subsequent training will only be half
as efficient," reminded Zhang Bairen.

"Offense-type." That was the position that Gao Peng chose for Da
Zi. There was nothing worth hesitating about in making this choice.
Offense definitely was Da Zi's strength.

In the end, those who chose offense-type were the most numerous,
with a total of over 700 people. Of the remaining, more than 500
chose defense-type. Those who chose support, healer and control-
types numbered less than 100.
269 Report

Chapter 44: Training In Cage

Source: Webnovel

"Alright, after you make your decisions, you have to be

responsible for your Familiars. I hope you persist in your

On the first day of training, a military instructor came to pass on

his experiences.

The instructor looked young and energetic in his dark-green

military uniform. He walked fast, with a bag in his hand.

He put the bag on a table, then took out several wooden


"Today I'm going to demonstrate how to maximize power,"

the Instructor said concisely.

"Different Familiars have different ways of attack, but

generally they are similar. For example, many of them use
teeth, tail, legs or horns to attack."

As he said this, the instructor suddenly stretched his right hand,

and his four fingers closed together like a knife.


His hand split the wooden sculpture!

Students were shocked; why did this teacher perform without


The instructor calmly took back his right hand, then opened a
Powerpoint in his laptop. "That is an example. I attacked from
270 Report
the right angle with a good timing; that's how I broke a
wooden sculpture with my hand."

"Sir, did you break this wooden sculpture when it was

distracted?" Tan Qianjin asked subconsciously.

Students waited in silence. The instructor raised his dark eyebrow.

"Yes, I hit it when it was distracted. You can also let your
Familiars attack enemies secretly; all is fair is war."

Then the instructor continued his demonstration. He did have

something: breaking wooden sculptures with a bare hand was as
easy as hitting firebricks empty-handed.

The Powerpoint contained much information, which covered the

majority of battle knowledge. It demonstrated dos and don'ts for
attacks, how to defend an enemy's attacks, as well as maximizing a
Familiar's attack force.

The only problem was he conveyed too much knowledge at one

time; students needed a while to truly obtain these things.

Gao Peng sat enthralled during the lesson. There were a lot of
things he could never seen from textbooks. He also realized some
problems he currently had. This lesson gave him some new insights.

After class, Mu Tieying came in with Lotus Seed.

Lotus Seed followed closely after Mu Tieying. Its head shook from
left to right, but it was not as shy as before. At least it could look at
people with its head up.

"Hey, this is for you," Mu Tieying said and handed Gao Peng a
thick notebook. He exchanged it with a blue-cover notebook.

He opened the notebook and looked through the notes, glancing

over the key points.
271 Report
To defense-type Familiars, unless your Familiar was one of the
strongest defenders in the world, iron will was always the more
important thing than physical defense...

The notes also introduced some examples of how to defend, by

defense-type Familiars' advantages.

Gao Peng was satisfied. He thanked Mu Tieying, saying, "Thank

you so much."

"You are welcome. We are helping each other," Mu Tieying

waved the blue notebook in her hand.

In the afternoon, it was practical training time. Goggling at trucks

of monsters, Gao Peng sighed in his heart. This is going to cost a lot.

He didn't know how much money and effort would it cost to take
care of these monsters.

Monsters were taken down, then locked in special-made steel wire

cages. The average steel wire cage was 50 meters wide, 50 meters
long and 50 meters high.

There were around 200 cages like this on the training field; each
had a monster inside. These monsters remained untamed, and kept
walking back and forth in their cages anxiously, often roaring in low
tone and glaring at creatures outside the cage.

"Are these monsters going to fight with our Familiars?" A

plump tall guy who stood not far from Gao Peng was excited and
eager to fight. He confidently glanced at his Three-Tailed Poodle.
"My Poodle is the strongest, it can smash these monsters
without a doubt."

"Your Poodle only looks threatening. Once it is in the

battlefield, it will tremble with fear. My Yellow-Tailed
Scorpion King is a real fighter." A man was also proud of his
272 Report
Familiar. He patted gently at his yellow-crusted scorpion, which had a
three-foot body and a six-and-a-half foot tail.

"Bullshit. This is just a normal Yellow-Tailed Scorpion. You

titled it King yourself, didn't you?" the previous guy scorned.

"I didn't title it myself! How can you predict a Familiar's

evolution? My scorpion will become a Yellow-Tailed Scorpion
King for sure!"

Seeing limb-tied and mouth-muzzled monsters moved off from

trucks, students chatted excitedly. The training field was bustling.

"Five people to a group. Your practical training will start

soon." At this time, the instructor's voice came.

After being re-grouped, the instructor who was in charge of Gao

Peng's group was Zhang Renbai. He also took care of the other cages

"Any volunteer?" Asked Zhang Renbai.

When the battle time truly came, students suddenly became

muted. Nobody dared to praise their Familiar like they used to.

"I hope you can actively participate. After all, the first
battle brings the best practice. After several battles, the
monsters in the cages will not be in the same good condition
as they are right now, and the effect will be greatly reduced.
I hope you catch the chance."

It did make sense. But goggling at the Steel Spiny Boar, which was
six-and-a-half feet high, 10 feet long, and colliding right and left like
a tank; no one dared to send their Familiars to their deaths.

The Steel Spiny Boar crashed the cage insanely, making louder
273 Report
Its bloodshot eyes filled with ferocity, puffing hard.

It kept crashing the cage as if it would never be tired. Black spines

stood out in spikes like iron needles.

"Sir, can we change monsters?" a student hesitated, pointing

at another cage next to him. In that cage stood a blood-red hyena,
looking like its skin was peeled, its strong bare muscles exposed in
the air.

It might as well have escaped from a zoo.

Although it looked scary, its size was not very big, only six-and-a-
half feet long and three feet tall. Compared with many Familiars, it
didn't have may advantages, except a threatening appearance.

[Monster Name]: Steel Spiny Boar

[Monster Level]: Level 9 [Monster Grade]: Normal [Monster

Condition]: Mildly Injured (threatened)


[Monster Name]: Hairless Blood Hyena

[Monster Level]: Level 10 [Monster Grade]: Excellent

[Monster Condition]: Moderately Injured (Alert)

Unexpectedly, that ugly hyena was an Excellent monster.

In addition, it was an injured fierce beast.

Unlike the Steel Spiny Boar, the Hairless Blood Hyena lay in the
center of the cage quietly, licking its wounds.
274 Report

Chapter 45: No, You Can’t! (Happy April

Source: Webnovel

The Hairless Blood Hyena quietly lay on the ground. On its left hind
leg was a large puncture wound. It was almost deep enough that the
bone was visible.

With such a bad leg injury, the others naturally saw the Hairless
Blood Hyena as a soft persimmon. One naturally picks soft
persimmons to pinch.

But Gao Peng saw it differently. As the saying goes, a dog that
bites does not bark.

This Blood Hyena had suffered such a severe injury but was
making no sound at all. There was no telling how maniacal and
desperate it was on the inside. Furthermore, it was also of epic
grade. If it really fought with its life on the line, it would not be any
weaker than the Steel Bristled Boar.

Most importantly, the Hairless Blood Hyena also possessed a

certain level of poison resistance.

"Let me be the first to take up the challenge then," Gao

Peng stepped forward and said. He was actually afraid that the
instructor would be convinced by this bunch to let them challenge
the Hairless Blood Hyena.

The steel cage opened with a clanging sound. The Steel Bristled
Boar that had been madly crashing against the steel wires suddenly
stopped. Its breathing was rough as its tiny blood-red eyes stared at
the opening cage door, and at Da Zi who was entering the cage.
275 Report
The Steel Bristled Boar was already in a state of panic after being
captured by humans. Right now, they had even introduced such a
deadly monster into its small cage. This caused all its senses to be on
high alert, and finally triggered a violent rage.

Snort~ Roar! It let out a deep roar from its throat. Its four limbs
trampled on the ground as it charged towards Da Zi in a mad rush.

It was like a meat tank, with sharp bristles sticking out of it like
blades on a war chariot.

Its speed was extremely quick as well. As it charged, it created a

nasty wind, sending a strong, foul smell into the air.

Just as it was about to trample Da Zi's back, Da Zi suddenly pulled

itself backwards, arching like a bow and avoiding the incoming hoof
by mere millimeters.

Da Zi's many limbs bent inwards and suddenly sprang out, sending
it 10 feet high in the blink of an eye. Da Zi landed on the Steel
Bristled Boar's back and latched on, sinking its sharp, hook-like legs
deep into the Steel Bristled Boar's fat.

The Steel Bristled Boar could not shake off Da Zi, no matter how
hard it struggled.

Da Zi simply grabbed on harder and harder. Its pair of antennae

swayed about and created sparks when they accidentally touched
each other.

Hiss! Da Zi bit down hard on the area behind the Steel Bristled
Boar's head. Its sharp mandibles pierced through the hide on the
boar's back and sunk deep into its flesh. Venom was then injected
into the boar through its fangs.

Grunt~ snort! The Steel Bristled Boar sensed the danger that it
was in and began frantically jumping on the spot. Luckily for it, it
made the decision to slam its back against the steel wire with Da Zi
276 Report
on its back.

After being knocked a few times, Da Zi let go dizzily and took the
chance to escape from the Steel Bristled Boar's back. Da Zi nimbly
climbed up the steel wire to a place that the Steel Bristled Boar's
attack could not reach.

In Gao Peng's vision, the Steel Bristled Boar's status went from
"mildly injured", to "light injuries," to "medium injuries," then
to "serious injuries…"

In the end, its status stopped changing after reaching "serious

injuries." At the same time, the "poisoned" status next to its name

By then, the Steel Bristled Boar was like a tired old person after
expending all its energy. It was crawling on the ground with its
tongue sticking out, and had eyes that looked as though it had given
up on living.

Da Zi saw that its prey had finally lost the ability to fight back, and
slowly climbed down the steel wires. Its many legs made a crisp
sound on the cement floor.

It was like a grim reaper, walking towards its prey to reap its soul.

"Alright, you have passed today's training," said Instructor

Zhang Bairen with a tone of resignation. He was not sure what to say.
This monster was supposed to be used to train five students, but it
had been incapacitated after just one battle.

Even if that were the case, he still could not help adding in some
praise. "This centipede of yours has a powerful venom. Its sense for
battle is not bad either.

"But if you wish to train you Familiar's combat abilities, its

best that you limit its use of its venom during training, or
else it will be hard to improve its combat strength during
277 Report
training. If you happen to encounter a foe that is immune to
venom, it will also lose a large portion of its combat
strength," Zhang Bairen kindly reminded Gao Peng.

Gao Peng humbly nodded his head, indicating that he heard him.

The other four students' jaws were slack. The Steel Bristled Boar
that was charging around the cage like a tyrant was taken down just
like that?

Right now, the Steel Bristled Boar in the cage looked extremely
feeble. There was even some white foam bubbling from the corner of
its mouth.

It seemed as though… they could beat up a drowning pig?

The group of them wore excited looks on their faces.

"I'll go next. I think my Familiar can handle the second

round of battle," said the owner of the Yellow-tailed Scorpion.

"Huh; you only have what it takes to beat up a drowning


"That's right, I only know how to beat up your drowning


The two of them seemed to be at odds with each other and could
not stop quarrelling.

The cage was opened again. The Yellow-Tailed Scorpion cautiously

crept into the cage. It experimentally prodded Steel Bristled Boar
only to find that it gave no reaction. The sharp stinger at the end of
its tail waved about, experimentally provoking the boar a few more
times before it could relax; this boar was of no threat to it.

It began to viciously attack with its large claws!
278 Report
The saying "set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the
devil" could not be truer.

In the end, the Steel Bristled Boar was poisoned to death by the
Yellow-Tailed Scorpion.

The Yellow-Tailed Scorpion went forward and savagely ripped off a

chunk of the boar's flesh and began eating.

And then…

It became poisoned.

There were still traces of Da Zi's venom inside the body of the
Steel Bristled Boar.

Within the chunk of flesh was a mix of Da Zi's venom and its own
venom. After just one bite, the Yellow-Tailed Scorpion became dizzy
and began circling around the spot as though it was practicing Tai

Its owner hid his face in embarrassment.

The Yellow-Tailed Scorpion's tail was stuck between the cages. One
of its giant claws was covering its own head and it was hissing loudly,
like a little kid that refused to accept a loss.

"Hahahaha, this is killing me," the owner of the Three-Tailed

Poodle laughed while clutching his belly. "Look at how powerful
your Yellow-Tailed Scorpion is, getting poisoned after eating
a piece of meat."

Listening to its owner's laughter, the Three-Tailed Poodle tilted its

head and looked towards its owner. Then it turned around to look at
the Steel Bristled Boar carcass. Its eyes began to shine…

"Wait, oh d*mn! What are you doing!" the Three-Tailed

Poodle's owner shouted angrily in surprise.
279 Report
"No, you can't, not that! You really can't eat that!"

Zhang Bairen suddenly felt really tired. He looked at the teams of

other instructors, and then back at his own.

To deal with situations such as today's, in order to create and

maintain a positive situation, Zhang Bairen closed his eyes, and
thought of an idea…
280 Report

Chapter 46: Sir, May I Have Some Water

Source: Webnovel

After school, Gao Peng went back home and cooked dinner. After
his meal, he received a phone call from the Monster Hunting
Association. The phone number was 010101.

He picked up the phone. "Dear user, your mission in Monster

Hunting Association numbered 001348721 is accomplished.
Please check your reward at Monster Hunting Association
before acceptance." A mechanical female sound came from the
other side of the phone, repeated three times, then hung up

Finally, somebody completed the mission. Gao Peng was relieved.

If the mission remained unfinished, he was going to switch evolution
methods for Da Zi.

The mission reward for Monster Hunter, in the form of credits, was
given to the Monster Association in advance. Then, after a Monster
Hunter mercenary completed a mission, he would give the required
object directly to the Monster Hunting Association, and the
Association gave the commission to the mercenary.

During this process, the Monster Hunter Association acted as an


Before he left home, Gao Peng glanced at Dumby in the living

room, who stood still in front of the refrigerator. It opened the door
clumsily, looking for some food, and when it realized that there was
nothing in the refrigerator, it closed the door. Waiting for a while, it
opened the door again...
281 Report
As if by doing so, food would jump out magically. What a stupid-
cute Dumby.

Gao Peng walked downstairs and headed to the Monster Hunting

Association directly for his reward.

He didn't notice that 500 meters away across the street, there
were three people observing every individual walking out from the
Monster Hunting Association. Among them was a slender Black Gold
Dachshund, which narrowed its eyes, sniffing something.

The youngest man in the team asked nervously, "Bro, will we be


Fear flashed across the eldest man's eyes. But he immediately

thought about something, gritted his teeth hard, and said, "Dad's
rare disease can be cured only by Blood Marrow Leech. If we
kept being Monster Hunting mercenaries, how long would it
take us to afford a Blood Marrow Leech? Don't you want Dad
to recover?"

By their side, a green-haired youth snorted, "Don't worry, the

big fish eat up the small ones. As long as we are careful
enough not to leave any evidence, we will be fine. My little
brother, you are too timid."

"Of course I want Dad to recover. But, bro, you know,

normal families can't afford Yin Cedar needles. How are we
gonna do this?" The youngest boy rubbed his hands worriedly.

"You fool. We don't have to get this done right now. We'll
just go case the bank, OK? If we can't take the bank, we can
reset our goal." The young man stared as people of the Monster
Hunting Association came in and out with churning emotions. He was
nervous, too. Even though he was in prison for two years before the
cataclysm, he was there on larceny. Burglary was more dramatic
than larceny.
282 Report
"OK, hey, Black Gold's moving." The Black Gold Dachshund had
been lying quietly, but it suddenly jumped up, staring at somewhere
with a radiant eye, about to bark.

The young man immediately clamped Black Gold's mouth, and

crouched down to comfort Black Gold.

At the same time, he ordered the Black Gold Dachshund to follow

the odor, and they tailed after silently.

They followed Gao Peng all the way back to a community. Seeing
the old-fashioned buildings, the three were stunned. Such a
"distinctive" community...

was no better than the place they lived in!

A person who lived in this place could afford high-priced materials

like Yin Cedar? They felt it incredible, as if they just found a person
who ate in high-end western restaurants everyday, but lived in a one-
story brick house.

The only reason for Yin Cedar needles to be sold in markets was
that Yin Cedar was a high-nutritious food for some specific Familiars.
Therefore, people who bought this material were either rich or
dignitaries, for this material could do nothing else except offer

"Bro?" The green-hair asked his eldest brother; apparently he was

asking whether they should act now or not.

The young man considered silently for a while, and then waved his
hand. "Hold on, let's wait 'til tonight."

"Uh, bro, are we indeed..." The youngest brother was anxious

and timid. It was his first time doing this. No doubt he was nervous.

"This boy might have just won a lottery. Calm down." The
eldest man tried to make his face malevolent.
283 Report
"Come on, it's OK. Are you going to shrink back at this
point? Don't disappoint me." The green-hair put his right arm on
his youngest brother's shoulder.

At midnight, three people together with three Familiars began to

climb the staircase cautiously.

The dark staircase looked like a ferocious giant monster, its mouth
open wide, as if it was going to swallow everyone in the next second.

"Hush." The young man took out two iron wires, made a cross,
then let it go through the key hole.

In the room, Da Zi was suddenly awakened from a dream, its

antennas raised high.

Dumby was standing in the living room sleeping, but now its eyes
burst with soul flame again, silently. It turned to the door...

Click. The unlocking sound rang in the quiet staircase.

"Hey bro, good job! No wonder you are the King of Locks in
Baqiao District," the green-hair praised.

The eldest brother was frozen. Sweat fell from his forehead. "No,
not me, I haven't unlocked the door yet."

Then where did the sound come from?

"You guys, it's bedtime, what are you doing here?" Uncle Liu
in his pajamas looked out from the door behind them. He was
rubbing his eyes.

What? Why? How? The youngest brother was stunned there, totally
at a loss.

A murderous gleam flashed across the green-hair's eyes. He

secretly stretched his right hand to his belly, where he hid a dagger
284 Report
behind his coat.

The young man slowed down his actions, cleared his throat, and
replied embarrassingly. "Sorry to bother you, we just realized
that we are at the wrong apartment."

"I see. You are in the wrong place," Uncle Liu nodded, and was
about to close the door.

Suddenly a hand came out from the dark, stopping the closing

A strange look appeared on the young man's face. He asked in a

low voice, "Sir, we are thirsty, would it be possible to give us
something to drink?"

"Sure. Come in." Uncle Liu looked deeply at the three people,
and invited them as well as their Familiars to his room.

The green-hair was the last one to walk in. He closed the door,
then locked it.

"Young man, why do you lock the door?" Uncle Liu was

"Ha-ha." The green-hair showed a foxy smile. "We don't want to

bother any other neighbors."

"That's fine, no worries. My walls are made from special

deadening insulation, neighbors wouldn't be bothered even if
I did disco dancing at home." Uncle Liu showed a meaningful

"Oh, really?" the green-hair's face changed into a ferocious look.

"That would be great."

The eldest brother sensed something unusual. He was about to say

something, but it was too late.
285 Report
A semi-transparent tongue stretched from the wall behind them
and rolled. The Black Gold Dachshund was swept away at once.
286 Report

Chapter 47: Angry Lotus Seed

Source: Webnovel

Munch, crunch –

It was as though chewing the chameleon was pickled vegetables;

crispy and delicious.

The teenager grunted. His Familiar had just been eaten, causing
damage to his soul.

A giant, semi-transparent chameleon appeared on the wall. It was

squinting at them as it swayed forward, backward, left, right…

In some ways, all these monsters had a twisted sense of humor,

some of which they inherited as well.

Without hesitation, the green-haired youth planted his left foot

solidly on the ground, flipped around the dagger in his hand and
viciously thrust it towards Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu calmly retreated a step, sliding his left foot backwards.
Then he grabbed out with his right hand like a python striking its
prey. Green-hair felt as though a python had wrapped itself around
his right arm so tightly that his arm would break. He let out a scream
of pain and dropped the dagger as he fell to his knees.

At the same time, the chameleon's tongue shot out again. This
time, a porcupine-like Familiar was swallowed up. The third brother
wailed in pain, suffering severe damage from the death of his

"Bullet Rat, kill him!" shouted Green-hair viciously, with tears

and mucus flowing from his eyes and nose.
287 Report
On the ground beside them was a grey rat the size of a football. Its
eyes turned red as it squeaked and the row of dense rat-hairs on its
back clumped together, forming a sharp needle!


All that could be seen was a grey blur zooming across the room as
the hair on the back of the rat came off and flew forward. They grey
rat-hair needle landed on Uncle Liu's shoulder, piercing a hole
through his shirt.

A small ripple appeared on the back of the chameleon who was

quietly perched on the wall. A dent appeared on the surface of its
skin. But within a blink of an eye, its skin was restored back to

Uncle Liu shrugged his shoulders. A few strands of rat hair were
shaken off.

"That bald rat of yours was sneaky," Uncle Liu laughed while
shaking his head.

There were bald patches on the Bullet Rat's back. Performing such
an ability evidently was harmful to its hair, as plenty of it had already
come off. Although it had mutated to grow back its hair quickly, the
rate of regrowth naturally could not keep up with the pace of a

"How are you not injured?" Green-hair could not believe his
eyes as he stared at the rat-hairs that Uncle Liu shrugged off.

He had tested out this ability before. The rat-hairs could penetrate
solid wood at least a centimeter thick, there was no way this guy's
skin could be tougher than a wooden board!

Unless he was wearing a bulletproof vest?

That would be crazy! Who would be wearing a bulletproof vest in
288 Report
the middle of the night?!

"Alright, alright," Uncle Liu waved his hand and said, "After
going to hell, please help me keep this secret. You must not
tell anyone that I killed you guys, ok?"

The moment he finished speaking, the quiet and unmoving

chameleon on the wall suddenly leapt out like a vicious green dragon
from the woods leaping out at its prey.

The previous night, after bringing back the Yin cedar needles, Gao
Peng secretly placed them into the refrigerator drawer without
Dumby noticing.

Dumby habitually opened the refrigerator drawer. The moment

Dumby opened it, Dumby saw rows and rows of neatly packed Yin
cedar needles…

The refrigerator really did produce food!

Dumby was extremely excited.

It placed the Yin cedar needles in a metal bowl, then positioned a

trash bin under its jaw and began happily eating, just like it was
chewing on sugarcane. The dregs came out from the holes in
Dumby's jaw and fell nicely into the trash bin.

During practical training classes in the afternoon, Instructor Zhang

Bairen calmly pointed to a little thing in the cage. "This will be the
monster you all will be challenging today."

[Monster Name]: Mutant Waterbear [Monster Level]: 12 (Elite

tier) [Monster Grade]: Normal [Monster Condition]: Healthy
(Lazy) [Special Characteristic]: Cryptobiosis (After entering
cryptobiosis the Mutant Water Bear's metabolic rate will fall to
extremely low levels and will curl up on the spot, remaining
289 Report
motionless. At the same time, all resistances will be increased
greatly) Monster Weakness]: 1. Fire 2. Rapid loss of water leading to
death via dehydration 3. Being cut into pieces will result in death

Quietly lying in the cage was a greyish brown monster that looked
extremely strange. It looked as though it was covered by a bodysuit
of leather, and it had no eyes on its head, just a long, thin
mouthpiece. It was happily rolling around in the center of the cage.

This was the first time Gao Peng had seen a monster with a
"Special Characteristic" stat.

It seems that not all life forms had special characteristics; only
rare, special monsters possessed them.

Gao Peng had heard of water bears before. They already existed
before the cataclysm and were known to be the most resilient form
of life on earth. Even a cockroach's life force could not be compared
to that of a water bear.

After all, water bears were extremely resilient and have been
known to survive outer space, radiation, temperatures of below 200
degrees Celsius, microwaves, and all sorts of other extreme

After the cataclysm, the resilience of their life force rose to another

Gao Peng was slightly swayed by the resilience of the Mutant

Water Bear's life force. It even possessed extremely high resistance
to various kinds of rare attributes.

But this special characteristic also had a large drawback, because

it became immobile upon activation of cryptobiosis. This was
something that could easily be exploited by enemies.

During the training session, the five Familiars took turns attacking
290 Report
the Mutant Water Bear. But no matter what they did, it still remained
unscathed. It was practically immune to Da Zi's venom and its thick,
heavy body covering was highly resistant to any form of physical

Gao Peng wondered if he should try to contract a Mutant Water


But after a bit of thought, he decided against it. If a Mutant Water

Bear were to encounter a type of attack specific to its weakness, it
would suddenly become extremely weak. Gao Peng had to,
regrettably, reject the notion of contracting a Mutant Water Bear

Gao Peng already had a rough idea of what he wanted for his third
Familiar. He would either choose a Familiar capable of long-range
attacks to make up for what his existing team lacked; a Familiar with
high defensive capabilities; or a flying Familiar. If he could find a
suitable healing-type Familiar, that would not be a bad choice either.

For the next few days, the instructor found them all sorts of
different monsters to battle, but they all had one thing in common:
high poison resistance.

Gao Peng did not know what to say. You're really putting in a lot of
effort to train the close combat capabilities of my Da Zi...

The practical training that went on every afternoon was much

more enriching than simply training on their own. There was also
practically no chance of any fatal injury occurring, because the
instructor always brought along his Silver Moon Wolf and kept a
watchful eye on the whole process.

That day, after finishing Da Zi's training, a low angry roar rang
throughout the entire training ground. The roar was filled with
unprecedented rage.
291 Report
It sounded like Lotus Seed.

Gao Peng got up and looked over. There were already the
surprised sounds of students screaming coming from that direction.

Many people had gathered to look.

Boom –

Boom –

The metal cage gave off a dull booming sound and looked to be

rocking with every hit.

A six-and-a-half foot long Hairless Blood Hyena was being pinned

to the top edge of the cage by Lotus Seed. Its single, sharp horn was
like a long spear, piercing through the insides of the hyena.

Dong dong dong dong.

The Hairless Blood Hyena's bones were practically being shattered.

Its flesh was being stripped off. Blood and pieces of flesh were
flying about.

It desperately bit onto Lotus Seed's face, leaving bloody scratch


Lotus Seed's roars were getting louder and wilder.

With a final ram, a huge sound erupted as one side of the cage was
forcefully battered down!

Lotus Seed flung its head upwards, flinging the Hairless Blood
Hyena high into the air like a rag doll.

Lotus Seed raised its two front hooves, which were as huge as two
pillars, and sent them crashing down!
292 Report
It was like a landslide.


The Hairless Blood Hyena was stomped on, bursting in to pieces!

In the training grounds, all that could be heard was the sound of
Lotus Seed's heavy breathing. It was as though a powerful engine
had just stopped running, releasing waves of heat outwards…
293 Report

Chapter 48: Application

Source: Webnovel

Gao Peng was stunned. He had no idea what made Lotus Seed so

According to his experience, Lotus Seed was a good-tempered girl.

The Hairless Blood Hyena's body pieces were everywhere, and

dark red blood permeated through cement floor, leaving a large
pinky-gray spot on the ground.

Lotus Seed was walking back and forth anxiously. Tiny scratches
were found on its face, where scabs had formed.

Many onlookers stepped back. What happened just now was too
threatening, and they were scared by the big guy's cruel actions.

It would be too bad to be hurt by mistake. Lotus Seed's huge body

was dreadful in the crowd's eyes.

"Lotus Seed." Mu Tieying walked close, worriedly.

to them, the instructor was about to warn her. Mu Tieying waved

her hand with a smile, letting him know not to worry about her.

Seeing the master come, Lotus Seed immediately came to Mu

Tieying. Its big head gently pushed her, grunting adorably.

"It's alright, don't worry." Mu Tieting patted Lotus Seed's head,

feeling sorry for her Familiar.

Gao Peng came close at this moment. Seeing a stranger come

close, Lotus Seed watched that person, alerted; then it seemed to
recognize Gao Peng, so it relaxed vigilance a little bit, wrinkled its
294 Report
nose twice, and ignored Gao Peng.

"Would you like me to contact a veterinarian? I know some

good private veterinarians." Gao Peng glanced at Lotus Seed. He
couldn't see any scars on its skin, and didn't know what made it so

Gang Peng was quite sensible. He didn't ask where exactly Lotus
Seed was hurt. Anyway, it must have been a terrible injury, otherwise
this well-behaved good-tempered Familiar would not have been
driven mad like this.

"No, thank you. My relative is a veterinarian." Mu Tieying

shook her head and thanked Gao Peng. Her family had a high social
status, and knew some private doctors. Otherwise she couldn't afford
a big eater like Lotus Seed.

"Good," Gao Peng nodded. Due to his studio, he did business with
some private veterinarians, and after several times of cooperation,
he was familiar with them.

There were still some onlookers surrounding the spot. The

instructor shouted out loud, "What the hell are you looking at!
Have you finished today's training and Familiar Challenge?
Stop poking your noses into everything, and get your *sses
out of here! Back to your training!"

In the afternoon after training was completed, most Monster

Trainer cadets went back home. Only a few were left on the training
field for extra practice.

Familiars were led by their masters, they left school the gate one
after another. It was spectacular to see that every student was
followed by a Familiar. Those monsters had various appearances, but
all walked quietly. After all, they had been training for a whole
afternoon, and at present they were all exhausted...
295 Report
The old doorman was used to this. No matter how many Familiars
walked by him, he would not be swayed at all.

Those were just Familiars the old doorman had seen numerous

A booty-shaking Big White Pig passed by the old doorman. Right

when it passed the guardroom, it licked the old man hard on his face
with its huge tongue. The licking sound was clear and loud. The big
red tongue went across the old man's face. Sticky semi-transparent
liquid slowly dropped off from his face...

The Big White Pig took back its tongue, leaving the school gate
with its hips shaking leisurely.

The old doorman came back to the guardroom without saying

anything. He wiped off the "unidentified" liquid, then closed the
door and window and locked himself in the guardroom, enjoying tea
alone in silence.

On the other side of school, Gao Peng led Da Zi to the academic

building, then tied it on a tree next to the building.

It was still class time; the walkway was quiet, only some sounds
came from nearby classrooms.

"How many times have I explained this? How many times?

Why is someone still making mistakes! What is in your head,

"Close your textbooks and take out your dictation books.

Don't cheat! You are not cheating me, you are cheating
yourselves! In the College Entrance Exams, you can not cheat
those monitors..."

Familiar sounds came into Gao Peng's ears.

Knock knock knock.
296 Report
"Come in."

Murong Qiuye was checking students' homework. She raised her

head, and was a little astonished by seeing Gao Peng in front of her.
"Your afternoon training is finished, isn't it?"

"Yes, I just finished my training, and came to you right

after that," Gao Peng smiled.

"OK. What are you here for?" Murong Qiuye knew well about
Gao Peng. He wouldn't come to her if there were nothing important.

"Ms. Murong, I want to apply for this year's college

entrance exam." Gao Peng came right to the point.

Murong Qiuye frowned. "You've got to be kidding!"

Her first thought was that Gao Peng was joking.

Gao Peng showed an apologetic look. "Ms. Murong, I'm only at

Senior Two. I will take this exam as a warming-up practice,
and get to know the exam beforehand. If I get a good grade, I
will graduate this year, but if not, I will stay down for one
more year, no big deal."

Murong Qiuye thought in silence. She was not an old fogey, but
according to her teaching experience, only few students participated
in college entrance exams at Senior Two, and those students were
usually freshmen that skipped to Senior Three.

But Gao Peng was an exception. He had really good grades. The
only thing that he needed to be concerned about was this year's
Monster Trainer Cadet Evaluation.

Then Murong Qiuye realized that the Monster Trainer Cadet

Evaluation was a newborn policy, which was set this year. There was
no similar policy in the past. Therefore, actually there should be no
big gap between cadets at Senior Two and Senior Three.
297 Report
And, just as Gao Peng mentioned, if he wasn't able to pass the
exam, he could stay down for another year.

Gao Peng would never know how many thoughts flashed across his
headmaster's head within such a short time. In his eyes, she was just
sitting behind the table in silence...

"Are you sure?" Murng Qiuye raised her head and asked

"Yes, I'm pretty sure," Gao Peng nodded.

There was nothing worth learning in high school. Besides, he had

few friends there. It would be tough for him to stay there for one
more year.

Since he lost his parents, Gao Peng was more mature than his
peers. It was a good and a bad thing.

The situation in college might be no better than high-school life,

but since only three years had past since the Cataclysm, people were
still seeking a way out. No perfect system had been established yet.
It would be possible to find that a student's Familiar was stronger
than a teacher's.

But what really attracted Gao Peng was the open, free atmosphere
in college.

After all, to a high school student, college life was bright and

Murong Qiuye didn't reply Gao Peng at once. She pondered for a
long while, and finally nodded slowly. "I will report this to our
grade director. We need to report to school about specific
implementations, but there should be no big problem."

"Thank you so much, Ms. Murong." Gao Peng appreciated her

298 Report
"Well, how about you go back first. Class will be over soon,
so don't bother the other students. They still have night
study." Murong Qiuye waved her hand and let Gao Peng leave as
quickly as possible.
299 Report

Chapter 49: Mint Cat

Source: Webnovel

"Mr. Gao, are you free today?" Gao Peng received a call from
Liu Senlin right after he left school.

"What is it?" Gao Peng stopped.

"I would like to invite you to a meal. I have a few other

friends who will be attending as well. I hope you can grace us
with your presence and allow me to introduce them to you." A
hint of flattery could be heard from Liu Senlin's end of the line.

But it was hard to blame him for that. After all, the survival of his
company rested largely in the hands of Gao Peng.

Gao Peng thought for a bit. There was still quite a bit of food in the
refrigerator, so he did not need to worry about Dumby starving at

"Alright, I am free today, I'll be there-" before Gao Peng could

finish, a black sedan in front of the school gate slowly drove over and
stopped in front of him.

The car windows wound down. Liu Senlin was sitting inside, all

"Sorry for troubling you." Gao Peng put Da Zi in the trunk then
took a seat in front. It was only then that he noticed that there was a
17-18 year old girl sitting in the back seat. She had neat, shoulder-
length hair.

"It's no trouble at all. It's on the way, actually," replied Liu

Senlin with a laugh. "My daughter coincidentally also studies at
your school. I'm here to fetch her today."
300 Report
"This is the second time you've been to my school this year.
The first time was on the first day of school," muttered Liu
Zhaoyu from the backseat quietly.

Liu Senlin kept silent.

Mao. At this moment, the sound of a cat's meow came from the

This cat's meowing was a little unorthodox. Instead of the usual

"meow," it went "mao."

Liu Zhaoyu gently stroked the chin of a white, long-tailed cat

sitting in her lap. The cat's eyes squinted happily and it lazily lied on
its owner's lap without moving at all. She looked curiously at Gao
Peng, who was sitting in front.

This person was from the same school and looked around her age,
but he could actually make her father personally drive over to their

Gao Peng leaned back on his seat and began to nod off, but Liu
Senlin suddenly spoke from the driver's seat. "Mr. Gao, if you have
the time, do you think you could help Zhaoyu and take a look
at her Familiar?"

Liu Zhaoyu was surprised. How did she get suddenly involved in

"I'll be in my studio this Saturday and Sunday. She can

come find me at my studio this weekend," replied Gao Peng.

"Mm." Liu Senlin kept quiet afterwards, concentrating on his

driving. The atmosphere in the car turned silent.

After a short while, the sedan stopped at the entrance of a

neighborhood. Liu Senlin turned around and spoke to Liu Zhaoyu.
"Go home first, ok? I still have some stuff to do with Uncle
301 Report

Through the car windows, Gao Peng managed to see the Familiar
that Liu Zhaoyu was carrying in her arms. It was a large, long-tailed
white cat that was around a foot and a half long. Its eyes were
squinting as it lay in Liu Zhaoyu's arms, but they were crystal clear,
like green-colored amber.

[Monster Name]: Mint Cat [Monster Level]: 12 [Monster

Grade]: Normal [Monster Attribute]: Wood [Monster Weakness]:
Water [Requirements for Promotion to Excellent Grade]: …

A cat Familiar. That was a rare sight.

After the cataclysm, many cat species underwent mutations, but

almost all of them became uncontrollable.

It should be known that cats are said to be insane animals, and

that it is not possible to know what goes on in their minds. Especially
after they went through mutations and gained greater intelligence;
they simply became more insane.

After the cataclysm, many cat monsters fled the human-inhabited

cities, making cat Familiars a rare sight.

The sedan left the neighborhood and headed towards the outskirts
of the city.

"Who are these friends of yours?" Gao Peng asked curiously.

"You will find out when you arrive, Mr. Gao," replied Liu
Senlin with a nod.

Finally, they stopped in front of an antique-looking traditional

Chinese mansion.

They alighted and went into the mansion. Only then did Gao Peng
realize that this was a mountain villa transformed into a high-class
302 Report
restaurant. It had been refurbished to include a landscape garden.
There was even a small footbridge and flowing waters that gave a
Jiangnan feel.

This would be the work of a master designer that was proficient in

both Northern and Southern classical Chinese garden designs.

Walking through the courtyard, they entered a first grade patio.

There were already around a dozen people seated inside, both male
and female. When they saw Gao Peng, they all looked at him as
though they were sizing him up. Although they did not seem to be
looking down on him, there was still a look of scrutiny in their eyes.

Gao Peng knit his brows. Being stared at with this kind of look
made him feel very uncomfortable. If not for Liu Senlin, he would
have simply turned around and left.

Before Gao Peng could ask anything, Liu Senlin enthusiastically

introduced them to him. "This is Captain Song Si of the Firefly
Hunter Team, this is Captain Jiang Gu of the Heavenly Star
Hunter Team..."

In one breath, he introduced everyone seated there to Gao Peng.

Hunter Team was short for Monster Hunter Alliance Team.

Gao Peng's eyes narrowed. When Liu Senlin talked about meeting
his friends, he thought he would simply be meeting with Liu Senlin's
close friends in his everyday life. But right now, every single one of
them seated here were representatives of Monster Hunter Teams.
This was definitely no mere coincidence.

If they wanted him to raise some of their Familiars, Gao Peng

would definitely not reject them. After all, no matter which of them
chose to work with him, it would mean having more business.

But if they went through Liu Senlin to get his services, that would
be unethical. Liu Senlin could very well have used his connection with
303 Report
Gao Peng to get some benefits from them, and the thought of that
made Gao Peng very unhappy.

Gao Peng did not like to involve business and other complicated
matters in his friendships with others.

Furthermore, if he really wanted to be calculative about things, he

and Liu Senlin's relationship was purely that of a work partnership. In
this relationship, it was Liu Senlin that owed him, instead of the other
way around. The number of commander tier Familiars that he had
raised for Liu Senlin was definitely worth much more than the pay
that he received.

Gao Peng simply nodded in response to Liu Senlin and sat down
with a neutral expression on his face.

At the center of the patio was a small fountain. Surrounding it was

a stone table that was shaped like a ring. The ring-shaped stone
table even had some delicate pulley mechanism that allowed the
table to rotate.

Waiters came forward and placed various delicacies on the stone

table. The dishes had everything: color, fragrance, taste. They were
extremely appetizing.

While they were eating, Gao Peng would often be asked about
Monster Breeding. From their tone of voice, Gao Peng could easily tell
that they were testing him, or insinuating what they thought of his

One of the captains was even downright aggressive in his manner

of speech. "How are you so sure that this must be the right
method of training? I consulted Mr. Zhang before, and Mr.
Zhang is an experienced intermediate level Monster Breeder.
He said that my Familiar can't eat pumpkins and durians."
This was an example of the kind of questioning Gao Peng received.
304 Report
Gao Peng restrained himself and replied all these questions
politely. The moment something else was mentioned, he would take
the opportunity and attempt to change the topic.

He did not behave like the typical overpowered web novel

protagonist, flying into rage and flipping the table the moment he felt
unhappy. Doing so would definitely feel good, but only for a moment.
There would definitely be many repercussions for such behavior.

In the real world, no one would give you 30 years to get stronger.
They would simply nip any potential threats in the bud.

Gao Peng definitely wished that he had what it took to simply tell
all these people he did not wish to talk to to get lost. But he did not
have the ability to do so yet. For now, he could only obediently play
by their rules.

After eating, Gao Peng let out a sigh and said, "My apologies, I
am new to this field and my skills are mediocre. Besides, you
all here are representatives of the top teams amongst
Monster Hunters; such an important role is too heavy a
burden for a high schooler such as myself to bear. I would
not know how to bear the responsibility, should any
accidents happen." With that, Gao Peng refused Liu Senlin's offer
to drive him home with thanks, and headed home after calling for a

"This kid doesn't know what's good for him. Hmph," said
Heavenly Star Hunter Team's Captain Jiang Gu coldly. He was a little
annoyed. In his eyes, Gao Peng should have felt honored to be
allowed to raise his Familiars. He was, after all, a big name in
Chang'an. Working with him, Gao Peng could easily receive a lot of
benefits, and gain a good deal of fame as well.

All the captains present had multiple decades of experience in

their fields. They could easily tell that Gao Peng was unhappy and
305 Report
In their eyes, this was just the stubbornness of a child.

"Forget it, he's just a child. Captain Jiang, you surely won't
hold it against a little boy, right?" Song Si smiled gently. She did
not take Gao Peng's childishness to heart at all.

"Hmph, of course I won't be so calculative with a child," said

Jiang Gu as he picked up a piece of sliced beef with his chopsticks.

"Alright, alright, let's continue eating then. It's nothing

much, just a small matter. Manager Liu meant well by
inviting us all here anyway," said one of the captains to lighten
the mood.

The little conflict during the meal ended like this.

The various Hunter Team captains did not think too much of the
matter. Although Gao Peng did leave them with a bad impression, no
one did anything like going out of the way to make trouble for him.
After all, everyone there was an adult and they were busy with their
own lives.

As everyone left, Liu Senlin sighed. This time he had failed to get
into the good books of both parties, and offended both sides instead.
306 Report

Chapter 50: Fighting For Epic

Source: Webnovel

Seeing Liu Senlin get stuck in a dilemma, many people present

came to comfort him.

Then the crowd sat together chitchatting. Actually, these "strong

hunters" in others' eyes were not as tough and cold as people
thought. They were also common people with feelings. The difference
might be that, they were able to solve some "big and challenging"
things within a meal through minutes of chatting.

When the gathering came to the end, some people left early for
other activities.

Some female hunters stayed together discussing something on

their way out of the villa.

At last, there was only Liu Senlin and Tianxing Hunting Team
captain, Jiang Gu.

ly during the meal, the person whose comments were the most
trenchant were his.

"He is just a kid, why bother?" Jiang Gu was confused. He owed

Liu Senlin before, this time he was doing Liu Senlin a favor as
payback. Liu Senlin asked him to object to Gao Peng a bit; better piss
Gao Peng off.

Liu Senlin replied with a smile, "Well, next time we can have
dinner and some nice conversations together with him. You
can ask him to take a look at your Familiars."

Jiang Gu frowned, stepped back and said in a cold tone, "No, don't
bother. I did so for returning the favor. Don't worry; I won't
307 Report
say a word about today. You helped me once, and I just paid
you back. Now we are quits. Bye."

He turned around and walked away directly. He had no more words

with this astute old fox.

He was unwilling to work with him. It was too exhausting to deal

with a person like Liu Senlin. Watching Jiang Gu leave, Liu Senlin

He paid the bill, then left the garden club.

Sitting in the car, he took out his phone and called Gao Peng.

Gao Peng had just arrived home. Da Zi was excited to come back.
It crawled around the house, sometimes slightly raising its antennae,
shaking from left to right. Everything looked new to it.

The phone rang at the same time. As Gao Peng took out his phone,
Liu Senlin's name appeared on the screen.

He was not going to answer the call, and pretended not to hear it.

But he thought for a second, and felt that ignoring the call was
childish, so he finally answered it.

From the other side of the phone came Liu Senlin's apology. "I'm
so sorry, Mr. Gao. What happened today was all on me. I
should have told you their identities beforehand. I never
thought that they would behave so rudely today."

"Don't worry. It won't drive me mad," Gao Peng replied


"Trust me, Mr. Gao; since they dared to offend you, they
offended me, too. From now on I..."

"Du, du, du..." the busy signal came into Liu Senlin's ear. He
308 Report
slowly put down the phone, looking confused. Then he felt that Gao
Peng was behaving childishly.

Humans know ghosts' horrors; ghosts know humans' viciousness...

Gao Peng gave a deep look, and curled his lip with a faint smile.

In his status bar, he observed not only a monsters' status, but a

human's as well. Humans' statuses were alike, and not worth

At the time that Gao Peng was blamed by the others, he had
noticed that Liu Senlin's status was healthy (secretly pleased).

On the contrary was Jiang Gu, the harshest; his status was healthy

What was Liu pleased with? What was Jiang feeling guilty about?

Gao Peng smiled faintly. To be honest, sometimes he'd rather not

to see the others' statuses.

For the more he read, the more tired he felt.

But sometimes it was fun to read the status bar, for monsters had
simple emotions, while only humans had varied feelings.

He hung up the phone, and put it on the tea table.

He threw this aside quickly. Humans in this world could not be

simply divided as "black" and "white."

There was no absolute "white," nor absolute "black."

The most common thing was "gray," the combination.

Gao Peng huddled himself up, cuddling a pillow, and turned on the

It was eight p.m., and most channels were displaying Coalition
309 Report

A big event, which was related to the whole coalition, was on the

"United Dragons Group's BlueMagic Monster Familiar Gene

Enhancement Serum was exposed to have strong side effects. Many
malignant mutations are found in Japan after Familiars take
BlueMagic Monster Familiar Gene Enhancement Serum. United
Dragons Group announced that it will recall BlueMagic Monster
Familiar Gene Enhancement Serum worldwide. Meanwhile, customers
who have bought this product can return it in United Dragons
Franchise House and get a full refund back without service charge.

"At present, scientists from many countries declare that

this gene enhancement is uncontrollable, and the public
should face this gene enhancement serum positively and
actively. Coalition News reported."

In the screen, a ten-meter long Taupe Rock Python was rolling on

the ground, showering in blood, while new wounds broke here and

It gradually slowed down, and finally it lay on the ground quietly.

In Gao Peng's eyes, its status had changed to Medium Injured

(Blood Deterioration).

The picture shifted into another piece of news.

"The first Yangcheng City Dog King Competence contest

closed successfully yesterday. Participants in this
competition came from Yangcheng, Rongcheng and
Pengcheng. Twenty-one year old genius Monster Breeder Han
Ning won the championship as the first Yangcheng Dog King.
As reported, Hang Ning is still a college student, he is
currently a junior student in Yangcheng Institute of
310 Report

On the screen, a young man in a black and white combat suit was
standing on the podium, cold faced. Lying next to him was a 32-foot
long, 16-foot tall silver large breed dog, its hair glistening like a silver
waterfall, its huge body offering great pressure.

[Monster Name]: Starry-Fall Dog

[Monster Level] Level 39 (Commander)

[Monster Grade]: Perfect


He was 21 years old, which meant that he was probably one of the
first Monster Trainers who signed the Blood Contract.

Within only three years, he had trained his Familiar to Commander

level, as well as Perfect in grade. He must be one of the top monster

Gao Peng looked at the triumphant Starry-Fall Dog, then turned to

his Da Zi and Dumby.

He still had a long, tough way to go. But, it wouldn't take too long.

Deep in Gao Peng's heart, emotion was surging fervently, like

boiling water. Weekend, studio, cultivation room. It was a special
day, for Dumby was going to upgrade to Epic grade.

Gao Peng held a black Ghoul Elite Monster Core Crystal in hand.
Dumby stood in front of him, flames burning ragingly in its eyes. It
was eager to eat this Monster Core Crystal. But without the master's
order, it dared not to step forward. So it stood still like a spire, flames
blazing more heavily in its eyes.

It stared at its master grinding the Monster Core Crystal into the
311 Report
grinder, then pouring out the powder into the ready-made potion.

Guru guru--

As ground black core crystal went into the potion, a large number
of bubbles rose to the surface...

Outside the studio, the elevator opened, and several people

walked out. The one walking in front was Liu Zhaoyu in a floral plaid
skirt. A Mint Cat followed her.

Behind her were two girls her age, looking around curiously.
312 Report

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