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Journal of Neuro-Oncology 33: 19–26, 1997.

 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Early history of development of boron neutron capture therapy of tumors

William H. Sweet
Neurosurgical Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114, USA

Key words: history, neutron capture treatment, boron, lithium, glioma, melanoma


The stable isotope 10B has a peculiarly marked avidity to capture slow neutrons whereupon it disintegrates
into a lithium and a helium atom. These give up the 2.4MeV of disintegration energy which they share within 5
and 9µm of the 10B atom respectively. This means that the cell closest to the 10B atom bears the brunt of its
atomic explosion. The objective of the tumor therapist is to find a carrier molecule for the boron atom which
will concentrate in the tumor. Although a number of investigators saw the peculiar advantage of this selective
tactic to achieve destruction of a species of unwanted cells, no success in animal studies was achieved until
1950. Sweet and colleagues found that the capillary blood-brain barrier keeps many substances out of the
normal brain but that the gliomas had much less of such a barrier. He, Brownell, Soloway and Hatanaka in
Boston together with Farr, Godwin, Robertson, Stickley, Konikowski and others at the Brookhaven National
Laboratory worked partially in collaboration and partly independently. We irradiated at 3 nuclear reactors
several series of glioma patients with no long-term remission, much less a cure being achieved. Hatanaka on
his return to Japan kept BNCT alive by treating a total of 140 patients with various brain tumors. Beginning in
1972, Mishima and colleagues have achieved useful concentrations of 10B-borono-phenylalanine, an analogue
of the melanin precursor tyrosine, for BNCT of melanomas.

My historical account of the evaluation of the earli- ing with Chadwick [5], Taylor [6] and Burcham [7]
er thinking and the observations on neutron cap- showed that slow-neutron bombardment of specific
ture therapy follows recent comprehensive contri- stable isotopes of boron, lithium and nitrogen yield-
butions by Slatkin [1] and Hawthorne [2]. For my ed charged-particle tracks in photographic plates.
brief study I shall concentrate first on the earliest The tracks from boron disintegration were short
stages of biological knowledge pertinent to neutron and straight, consistent with formation of 2 particles
capture therapy with brief reference to many mea- travelling in opposite trajectories. Their average
gerly explored alleys trod by investigators. distance of travel in this photographic gelatin was
An electrically neutral elementary particle, the approximately 7.6µm. Subsequently the complete
neutron, with a mass 0.782 MeV, more than that of reaction was shown to be:
the proton, was first identified in 1932 by Chadwick
at Cambridge University’s Cavendish Laboratory 10
B + 1nth ➙ [11B] ➙ 7Li + 4He + 0.48 MeV + 2.31 MeV 94%
[3]. The fast neutrons produced by bombarding ber- ➘ 7Li + 4He + 2.79 MeV. 6%
yllium with alpha particles had energies up to
4.5MeV. Fermi discovered that neutrons react most By 1936 Locher had published a comprehensive
efficiently with a number of elements after they are theoretical account of biological effects and ther-
slowed by passage through a hydrogen-rich sub- apeutic possibilities of these particles [8]. It makes
stance such as paraffin [4]. Goldhaber, collaborat- fascinating reading, decades later, to see what facts

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relevant to biological studies needed to be known if mary carcinoma and a lymphoma. Tumor speci-
one were to embark on such studies. Locher point- mens were removed and the size of these that con-
ed out that the first requirement, a source of ade- sistently produced regrowth upon transplantation
quate flux of neutrons, would be difficult to achieve. was established. Boric acid was injected into many
Unlike alpha particles, which are emitted spontane- tumor specimens before reimplantation. Controls
ously by 23 radionuclides, as far as he knew, neu- included specimens injected with the boron but not
trons were ‘not spontaneously emitted by any radiated before reimplantation. Slow neutron dos-
known element’. He went on to say ‘If neutron- es to the reimplanted tumors containing H3BO3
emitting radioactive elements ever existed in the were established as being much lower to prevent tu-
earth’s crust, they must have decayed and had no mor regrowth than were required for X-rays or fast
long-lived progenitors’. Unknown to Locher in neutrons.
1936 were nuclear reactors and ultra-long-lived ura- Zahl, Cooper and Dunning carried the studies a
nium and thorium isotopes. step further by developing a transplantable mouse
However, Locher gave a detailed description of sarcoma that grew consistently to kill the animal in
the many biological effects expected from irradia- 3 to 4 weeks after implantation in the mouse’s axilla
tion by neutrons. In the field of medical research he [10]. By direct injection into and around the tumor
cited ‘‘the possibility of destroying or weakening of various preparations of boron or lithium fol-
cancerous cells, by the general or selective absorp- lowed by many hours of irradiation with their feeble
tion of neutrons by these cells. In particular there neutron source, they did not succeed in achieving a
exist the possibilities of introducing small quantities sufficiently homogenous distribution of the boron
of neutron absorbers into the regions where it is de- or lithium within the tumor to destroy it without
sired to liberate ionizing energy. A simple illustra- killing the mouse. A year later Zahl and Cooper re-
tion would be the injection of a soluble non-toxic ported on their efforts to modify acid dyes which, on
compound of boron, lithium, gadolinium or gold in- i.v. injection, would concentrate in tumors [11].
to a superficial cancer, followed by bombardment They substituted lithium for sodium in the dye mol-
with slow neutrons’’. He gave 4 pages of suggestions ecule. They found lithium carmine did dye most
on how to generate an adequate flux of slow neu- heavily the peripheral zones of both rat and murine
trons, an objective achieved only recently. The need sarcoma. They pointed out that this zone is assumed
for exact quantification of all relevant physical par- to contain the most frequently dividing malignant
ameters may be illustrated by the capture cross sec- cells and hence is the most advantageous position
tion values in barns (1 barn = 10−24 cm2) for slow neu- for the lithium dye. However, they found that, once
trons of the naturally occurring mixture of stable injected, the lithium and the dye moiety separated.
isotopes of boron (atomic weight 10.82) being 760 Within 24 hours after injection of Li-carmine, lithi-
instead of 3838 for purified 10B. um was no longer detectable spectroscopically in
Kruger and Goldhaber began experiments with the animal, whereas the dye’s color persisted in the
mouse tumors in 1938. 9 They noted that the massive tissue for many days. Many years later, 15 vital dyes
energies of fission of 0.8 MeV for the 7Li and were screened in tumor-bearing mice at Brook-
1.4MeV for the alpha particle are dissipated in ap- haven by Sinex et al. in 1953 [12].
proximately 5 and 9 microns respectively in a single McClintock and Friedman described the use of
linear path in tissue. They emphasized that these antibodies to localize uranium to a specific tissue
parameters yield a far more intense ionization than [13]. McClintock’s untimely death precluded publi-
occurs by a proton recoiling from a collision with a cation of the method. Knock at first continued the
fast neutron. They recognized the major advantage, use of a bentonite-uranium [14] complex, and then
in confining nearly all of the radiation to the site of the antibody approach of McClintock. She succeed-
the boron atoms, is the potential that this system ed in depositing over 5mg/ml of uranium in an ani-
offered in protecting nearby normal tissues. Kruger mal’s calf by perfusing uranium-antibody complex-
worked with 3 murine tumors: a sarcoma, a mam- es through the femoral artery and vein in the groin.

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Although she described many persisting problems by trying to get a useful concentration of a boron-
and her proposed solution, the work was not contin- containing agent into the brain tumor. Only subse-
ued. quently would the second component, namely the
In 1948 Tobias and others pointed out that the use thermal neutrons, be in order to generate a cytotox-
of atomic fission in vivo had potential applications ic effect. The principle we have sought to apply is
in radiation therapy if fissionable elements could be valid only for the normal CNS whose blood-brain
incorporated into compounds that localize at spe- barrier (BBB) is characterized by the tight junc-
cific sites in the body [15]. They studied the distribu- tions of the endothelial cells of its capillaries. The
tion of uranium in various murine tissues after in- objective was for the intact BBB to prevent normal
travenous injection and assessed acute lethal effects areas of the brain from taking up the neutron cap-
in an experiment designed to evaluate the biolog- turing isotope, in much the same way that it has re-
ical effectiveness of uranium fission. This compre- stricted the entry of other specific isotopes.
hensive effort involved 7 different animal groups In 1949 Selverstone, Solomon, Robinson and I re-
together with appropriate controls. A variety of ported using Geiger-Müller counters incorporated
toxic effects of the uranium were carefully delineat- into metal tubes 2 or 3mm in diameter to detect the
ed. Most startling was the energy liberated per atom beta radiation from 32PO4 [19, 20] in tumor present
of 235U at disintegration, 159 MeV, which makes bo- in human brain. The phosphate ion given intrave-
ron fission look feeble by comparision. The 235U val- nously concentrated to a spectacular degree in all 8
ue includes the radioactivity of the fission products tumor types that we studied, including the relatively
[16]. Our group, 10 years later, undertook the study slow growing types: astrocytoma, ependymoma,
of uranium in man. These studies were carried out, and oligodendroglioma. Of 14 glioblastomas, 7 had
not only with a view to assessing the potential use of tumor:normal brain ratios of 5.8 to 9.7 and in the
uranium in brain tumor therapy, but also to provide remaining 7, the values ranged from 10.8 to 73.4.
data on human toxicology of uranium, thereby de- The median ratio in the glioblastoma cases with the
lineating tolerance levels for uranium workers [17, highest concentrations was 22.6. Moreover, these
18]. This was necessary because of the extreme vari- ratios tended to persist for more than 24 hours. The
ation between animal species, e.g. for its weight, the fact that normal brain controls so rigorously exclud-
mouse tolerates 100 to 200 times more uranium than ed the entry into itself of such an important ion for
the rabbit. The renal toxicity of hexavalent uranium energy production and DNA repair was astounding
given intravenously in man is demonstrated by the to us! The capacity of the brain to keep out phos-
appearance of catalasuria and albuminuria. The phate and of the brain tumor to actively accrete and
minimal dose necessary to produce this effect is of retain it provides a meaningful example that our
the order of 0.1mg of hexavalent uranium/kg body quest for the best boron carrier still remains to be
weight. Two substantial articles, Struxness et al. [17] achieved.
and Luessenhop et al. [18], combined the work at The thought of using the electrons from the same
Oak Ridge National Laboratory with that of the phosphorus radioisotope to kill the tumor cells was
neurosurgical service at the Massachusetts General negated by the high uptake of the phosphate in rap-
Hospital. Their results demonstrated that uranium, idly metabolizing normal tissues such as gastroin-
in the forms used, was too toxic for human use in testinal mucosa, bone marrow, and especially liver,
neutron capture therapy. which takes up much more 32P than does glioblasto-
The foregoing work established the special vir- ma [21, 22]. The closed junction capillary endothe-
tues of boron and lithium for neutron capture ther- lial barrier between the blood stream and normal
apy of tumors. However, it did not establish any tissue exists only for the central nervous system.
general principle or criteria by which the boron or There is no capillary barrier that protects other nor-
lithium moieties would be taken up selectively by mal tissues from too rapid an exchange between it
the tumor cell. Our approach to a therapeutic trial and the blood stream. The 32PO4 behavior clearly
of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) began pointed to the requirement for a bipartite mecha-

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nism: (1) the need for a relatively innocuous sub- jor investigative device was its 20 megawatt nuclear
stance that avidly binds to many rapidly metaboliz- research reactor commissioned in 1950 and capable
ing tissues but especially malignant brain tumor of easily providing a useful thermal neutron beam.
cells. This must be followed by (2) an agent or beam We presented our data to Dr. Lee Farr, the Chair-
directed only at the brain that converts that innoc- man of the Brookhaven Medical Department, and
uous substance to a cytocidal entity or entities capa- found that he was already searching for a suitable
ble of destroying the tumor. carrier for a capture element. So we happily joined
The 1950 paper of Conger and Giles at Oak Ridge forces. Critically aided by the massive resources
reported that the trace amounts of boron normally and eager physicists at Brookhaven, we treated 10
present in lily bulbs were responsible for most of the glioblastoma patients who had had a grossly total
radiation changes in the plants following exposure resection of their tumors at the Massachusetts Gen-
to slow neutrons [23]. This enunciated the biolog- eral Hospital. Verbal consent was on behalf of each
ical facts clearly and simply and led directly to our patient prior to their participation in these early in-
conclusion, namely, to see if the normal brain would vestigational trials using BNCT to treat their termi-
exclude enough of a boron compound so that it nal disease.
would withstand a dose of slow neutrons while the A portion of the shielding atop the reactor was
more readily permeable tumor cells would suc- removed to permit placing the lateral aspect of the
cumb. patient’s intact scalp and skull at the specially de-
In collaboration with Brownell [24] we computed signed portal. To prevent scalp damage, we tied off
to a first approximation the radiation dosage arising the external carotid arteries and covered the entire
from neutron capture of all of the isotopes in nor- scalp with tight elastic bandages in an attempt to
mal and neoplastic brain according to the following prevent boron-containing blood from entering the
simple formula: scalp. These tactics however, did not prevent the de-
velopment of several large radiation erosions of the
Radiation Dose = F × N × a × E × A scalp. Five patients received a single radiation dose,
F = Flux = number of thermal neutrons/cm2/sec and the remaining 5 were given the treatment in 2 to
N = Number of atoms of an isotope/unit volume 4 fractions. Although there were no life-threatening
σa = Capture or absorption cross section for ther- complications of the therapy, all of the patients died
mal neutrons from 6 to 21 weeks after the first session of neutron
E = Energy in MeV generated by fission at the capture therapy, which was usually the case during
time of capture reaction the 1950s for glioblastoma patients treated by any
A = Fraction of this energy absorbed in tissue means [25]. Post mortem studies done in 6 of the
patients showed abundant viable tumor [26, 27].
The computations revealed that if we had a concen- Their painful scalp lesions together with the inade-
tration of 10B in tumor of 50 µg/g while the normal quacy of the radiation dose led us to attempt to de-
gray matter achieved only 15 µg (concentration ra- liver the thermal neutron beam directly to the
tio 3.33), the tumor would receive 3 times the radi- grossly normal but microscopically, tumor-infiltrat-
ation dosage as the normal brain. At these concen- ed brain. The Rockefeller Foundation made this ap-
tration levels, 10B largely determines the radiation proach possible with a $500,000 gift to the Massa-
effect. With the first compound studied, borax chusetts Institute of Technology to provide addi-
(Na2B4O7⋅1OH2O), 15–20 µg of boron/g of brain was tional features to a nuclear reactor that was then be-
not toxic. Tumor:brain boron ratios of 3 to 28 were ing constructed. Included was a surgical operating
obtained but the duration of this ratio was only for room immediately beneath the reactor core. This
short time intervals. We decided we were ready to permitted us to turn down again the scalp, bone and
use the nuclear reactor as our source of the second dural flaps used in the prior removal of gross tumor.
relatively innocuous factor, the thermal neutrons. At reopening, the cerebrospinal fluid replacing tu-
The Brookhaven National Laboratory’s first ma- mor was also drained away to give maximally un-

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impeded access of the thermal neutrons through tailed studies of the 14 post mortem brains have
sterile air to the tumor-infiltrated brain. been published [31]. In every patient the cause of
At the Massachusetts General Hospital a contin- death was cerebral. Extensive radiation necrosis of
uing systematic effort to find a suitable non-toxic the brain was induced in 9 cases, in 2 cases, only re-
chemical containing adequate boron was mounted current tumor was seen and in one patient, there
in the 1950’s by Soloway and his colleagues [28–30]. was extensive radiation necrosis and tumor. In only
He maintained a steady stream of improved boron 1 of the 11 glioblastoma patients were islands of glio-
compounds beginning in 1958 with a study of the blastoma no longer seen. In this patient the total
features a molecule should have in order to be re- neutron fluence at the surface of the brain was only
stricted in entering normal brain and/or accelerated 1.1× 1013/cm2; this was 1/3 of the highest dose given in
in entering brain tumor from the blood stream. He this series. The radiation time of 45min was less
studied a series of mainly monosubstituted deriv- than 1/2 the longest time and the dose of 25mg/kg of
atives of phenylboronic acid to learn the ratio of tu- B was slightly less than the 30mg/kg given to 8 of
mor:brain content of each. This ratio was compared the patients. We could only conclude that this tumor
to the partition ratio of the compound between the was less radioresistant than most of the series. The
lipid solvent, benzene, and water; the penetration of crucial data of boron levels in blood, normal brain
the brain by a drug being a function of its lipid solu- and tumor were not measured.
bility. He showed with numerous examples that the The radiation necrosis in nearly all of the patients
higher the tumor : brain concentration ratio the was characterized by thickening of the blood vessel
higher the partition coefficient in the aqueous rath- walls due to proliferation and enlargement of all of
er than in the benzene phase. Conversely, increased their cells resulting in vascular occlusion. A ‘coag-
entry into normal brain is associated with toxicity ulation necrosis’ of the devitalized tissue rather
and a higher partition coefficient in the benzene than the usual liquefactive chain of events took
phase. Among the monosubstituted examples of place with especially striking blood vessel affliction.
phenylboronic acid that he studied, the one show- The inference was that the fissioning boron in the
ing the highest tumor : brain ratio, was p-carboxy- blood stream induced the vascular changes. The ar-
phenylboronic acid. After the intraperitoneal injec- eas of the brain showing coagulative necrosis ap-
tion of this compound into mice with subcutaneous- pear not to be invaded by any tumor but are ren-
ly-transplanted gliomas, their glioma-brain ratios dered ischemic by the proliferative reaction of the
varied from 2.5 to 9 when measured from 1/4 hr to various components of the blood vessels due to fis-
3 hr after injection. This compound was used as the sion products. From these results, it is clear that the
B carrier for 16 of the 18 patients treated by BNCT dosimetry must include the boron in the blood ves-
at the MIT reactor. Subsequently, sodium perhy- sels both those in completely normal brain and
drodecaborate (Na2B10H10) proved to be the most those invaded to various degrees by tumor. Sophis-
soluble, chemically stable and biologically inert of ticated attention has been given to this problem by
all of the boron carriers that Soloway had tested at Kitao [32] of the National Institute of Radiological
that juncture. It turned out to be equally non-toxic Sciences in Japan who was stimulated to do this by
when injected into the carotid artery. This site of in- Hatanaka and by Rydin, Deutsch and Murray at
jection yielded a higher level of compound in the MIT [33]. Using different methods, the 2 centers
brain tumor than did the i.v. route. Hence the compared relative boron doses to a 9µm diameter
Na2B10H10 was chosen as the boron carrier for the cylinder and a 12.5 µm diameter sphere. The MIT
last 2 patients and the carotid, the site of its injec- group calculated 0.67 and 0.70 respectively; Kitao’s
tion. Prior to their involvement in this clinical results were 0.67 and 0.66. A rule of thumb [34] is
BNCT trial, verbal consent was obtained on behalf that the radiation dose to the blood vessel wall is
of each patient. comprised of 1/3rd from the intraluminal concen-
The 18 patients treated at MIT died in from 10 tration of boron and 2/3rds from the extravascular
days to 11 1/2 months after radiation and the de- boron level. More recently, Slatkin [1] used this rule

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to estimate the radiation doses to capillary endo- moiety that could attach somewhere to a tumor cell
thelium in normal brain in 17 patients treated by and achieve tumor:blood differentials that were
Farr, Yamamoto et al. at Brookhaven from 1959 greater than one [36]. The sulfhydryl group cova-
through 1961 using 10B-enriched sodium pentabo- lently bound in the anion B12H11SH2− as the sodium
rate as the capture agent. salt was the first compound to demonstrate such
During this entire period our quantitative deter- properties. Tumor:blood boron ratios ranged from
minations of boron by colorimetry required 3–4 1.4 to 20.0 (the higher values related to the initial
hours. Consequently, we determined the concen- material provided by E.I. DuPont and contained
tration levels after a modest dose of the boron carri- oxidized components). Often the boron concentra-
er at the time of the first craniotomy for tumor re- tion ini the normal murine brain was immeasurable
moval. Then we waited at least 3 weeks for reconsti- even if the entire brain was the sample. The
tution of the BBB before giving the treatment dose B12H11SH2− anion (BSH) or its metabolic products
of the boron and the neutron radiation. We as- were found at least partially to be covalently bound
sumed that we could extrapolate from the curve at to blood serum albumin. Conceivably, plasmaphe-
the lower dose to calculate the probable blood level resis may be used to reduce the level of boron in the
at the higher dose at the relevant time. In our last blood stream. BSH is sufficiently toxic so that rapid
patient, the de facto concentration as measured intravenous injections even of isotonic solutions
hours later from the blood sample drawn at the can be hazardous. However, slow i.v. injection of
treatment time was for the first time much higher 240mg of boron/kg over 5 days, at a rate of 40mg/
than our initial calculation. This led to cerebral ede- kg/day, exerted no toxic effects. BSH per se, how-
ma and death 10 days after the treatment. We decid- ever, is unstable and readily oxidizes to more toxic
ed that we could conduct no further clinical trials substances. The chemists at Shionogi in Japan as
until we had boron compounds, which not only at- well as Tolpin, Wellum and Berley at the Massachu-
tained suitable tumor:brain concentration differen- setts General Hospital [37] succeeded in producing
tials but whose boron blood levels at the time of ir- a stable form of BSH for human use. Improvements
radiation would not generate vascular radiation ne- in the purification and stabilization of the BSH
crosis. Thus, one requirement was to assay blood were achieved by Hatanaka and his colleagues at
levels of boron within a few minutes of taking the Shionogi permitting use of this compound as the bo-
specimen. ron carrier for the series of 140 patients [38].
For this latter prerequisite, we had to wait 24 After 3 years at the Massachusetts General Hos-
years until Ralph Fairchild and his colleagues at pital, Hatanaka returned in 1967 to the neurosurgi-
Brookhaven came up with an essentially perfect so- cal service at Tokyo University. Its chief, Professor
lution to the problem [35]. They measured the con- Keiji Sano, provided Dr. Hatanaka with the neces-
centration of fissionable 10B, which is only about sary support to overcome many obstacles and treat
20% of the naturally occurring mixture of 10B and his first brain tumor patient in Japan by August
B. The method utilizes the 478 keV gamma ray that 1968. In his preface to the second of Hatanaka’s
arises in 94% of the disintegrations of 10B, occurring books, Sano notes that of Hatanaka’s 90 cases of
immediately from the capture reaction. The ther- malignant gliomas, 40 were treated by BNCT and
mal neutrons needed to run such determinations the other 50 by a multimodality combination of
are of course obtainable directly from the reactor fractionated photon-radiotherapy and chemother-
used for therapy. apy [39]. The BNCT group, although 10 years older,
The disappointing results of our MIT series also had a 5-year survival rate, 4 times that of his multi-
spurred Soloway and Hatanaka to intensify their ef- modality group. This achievement occurred despite
forts. By 1967 they had screened more than 150 bo- the availability to him of only 100kW reactors, in
ron compounds via their murine subcutaneously contrast with the multi-megawatt reactors at
transplanted ependymoblastoma and had found Brookhaven and MIT. From the beginning it was
that chemical inertness was less desirable than a clear to Hatanaka that tumors with components

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deeper than 6cm probably would receive an inade- the possibility of using BNCT in the treatment of
quate dose of thermal neutrons due to the beam’s other neoplasms for which tumor control remains
limited tissue penetration. Hence, he was happy to an unachieved objective. For the present however,
find a 5-year survival rate of 58% for patients with the emphasis must be focused on malignant brain
glioblastoma multiforme having relatively superfi- tumors in view of the dismal prognosis for patients
cial tumors. This value is strikingly better than the with glioblastoma multiforme and the need to
4.7% 5 year survival figure recorded by Charles prove unequivocally, whether or not BNCT has a
Wilson in 1991 for his 449 patients with a diagnosis useful role to play in its treatment.
of glioblastoma at the first operation. They were
treated by radical surgery plus radiation and che-
motherapy [40]. It is a tribute to Hatanaka that he Acknowledgements
finally had many clinicians examining BNCT as a
potential modality for the treatment of malignant The author wishes to express his appreciation to the
brain tumors. Neuroresearch Foundation for its support during
Yutaka Mishima and collaborators began in 1972 the preparation of this manuscript.
the clinical development of Snyder et al.’s [41] con-
cept involving the tyrosine analogue, boronophe-
nylalanine, as a boron carrier for neutron capture
therapy. This compound was initially screened by us
in brain tumor-baring animals [29]. Mishima stated, 1. Slatkin DN: A history of boron neutron capture therapy of
‘‘Since 1972, I have developed the idea to selectively brain tumors. Brain 114: 1609–1629, 1991
kill melanoma (Mm) cells by coupling the high en- 2. Hawthorne MH: The role of chemistry in the development
ergy releasing system, 10B (n, α) 7Li reaction, with of boron neutron capture therapy of cancer. Angew Chem
Int Ed Engl 32: 950–984, 1993
the 10B-dopa (melanin substrate) analogue 10B1-L-p-
3. Chadwick J: The existence of a neutron. Proc Roy Soc Lon-
boronophenylalanine (10B1-BPA). After the synthe- don 136: 692–708, 1932
sis of 10B1-L-BPA fructose complex, exhaustive in 4. Fermi E: Artificial radioactivity produced by neutron bom-
vitro and in vivo radiological studies on its en- bardment. In: Holberg MA (ed) Les Prix Nobel in 1939.
hanced killing effect were done to develop optimal Norstedt and Söner, Stockholm, 1939
5. Chadwick J, Goldhaber M: Disintegration by slow neutrons.
Mm NCT, and we have successfully treated 16 hu-
Nature 135: 65, 1935
man Mm cases to date.’’ [42]. 6. Taylor JH, Goldhaber M: Detection of nuclear disintegra-
Fairchild, Glass, Coderre and Joel have pursued tion in a photographic emulsion. Nature 135: 34, 1935
BNCT studies at Brookhaven National Laboratory 7. Burcham WE, Goldhaber M: The disintegration of nitrogen
with BPA, showing that this compound accumulat- by slow neutrons. Proc Cambridge Philosophical Society 32:
632–636, 1936
ed in non-melanotic tumors such as a rat gliosarco-
8. Locher GL: Biological effects and therapeutic possibilities
ma. Building on the expertise of the Japanese chem- of neutrons. Am J Roentgenol 36: 1–13, 1936
ists, who discovered how to solubilize BPA using 9. Kruger PG: Some biological effects of nuclear disintegra-
fructose, a team of investigators from Brookhaven tion products on neoplastic tissues. Proc Nat Acad Sci 26:
and the Beth Israel Hospital in New York under- 181–192, 1940
10. Zahl PA, Cooper FS, Dunning JR: Some in vivo effects of
took a clinical BNCT trial for treating glioblasto-
localized nuclear disintegration products on a transplanta-
mas using BPA as the capture agent, beginning in ble mouse sarcoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci 26: 589–598, 1940
September 1994. Their results are still being await- 11. Zahl PA, Cooper FS: Physical and biological considerations
ed but in contrast with the earlier trials in the Unit- in the use of slow neutrons for cancer therapy. Radiology 37:
ed States, there is no evidence now of any radiation 673–682, 1941
12. Sinex FM, Farr LE, Robertson JS: Dye carriers of boron for
morbidity or mortality stemming from the proce-
neutron capture therapy. In: Quarterly Progress Report,
dure. April 1–June 30. Brookhaven Library, Upton, NY, BNL 243
In the future, we can anticipate better neutron (S-18): 49, 1953
beams, more effective tumor targeting agents and 13. McClintock LA, Friedman MM: Utilization of antibody for

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the localization of metals and dyes in the tissues. Prelimina- 29. Soloway AH, Wright RL, Messer JR: Evaluation of boron-
ry report. Am J Roentgenol 54: 704–706, 1945 compounds for use in neutron capture therapy of brain tu-
14. Knock FE: Perfusion of uranium-antibody complexes mors. I. Animal investigations. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 134:
forthe neutron capture therapy of tumors. Surg Gynec OB 117–122, 1961
109: 445–449, 1959 30. Sweet WH, Soloway AH, Wright RL: Evaluation of boron
15. Tobias CA, Weumouth PP, Wasserman LR, Stapleton GE: compounds for use in neutron capture therapy of brain tu-
Some biological effects due to nuclear fission. Science 107: mors. II. Studies in man. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 137: 263–
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