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The Worshippers Foundation

Truth does not grow old

Truth does not have descendants

Truth cannot be modernized. Truth is Truth

Divine Patterns are eternal, past present or future. They are truths that come from the realm of
eternity which is the realm of Yahweh’s time revealed to a generation on the human timeline and
can travel through generations because each generation is equally born from the realm of

What changes is not the pattern but the tool used to project the pattern.

We desire worship to be powerful yet we create our own patterns and try to fit Yahweh into it.
We must abandon our patterns and fit ourselves in His own patterns. Many say Yahweh has no
patterns that we should be led of the Spirit. If you want to produce Divine results, you must
follow Divine patterns.

We wish to see even just a glimpse of what happened in the Old Testament, let us look into the
patterns they followed and tap into the spiritual mysteries of those patterns.

What does Yahweh want us to do in worship? We want to give Him the glory but we want to do
it our way not His way. If you are doing it your way then you are giving yourself the glory.

If you must do His will and get it right, you must do it His way.

… I do what I see my Father doing

All our designs have we seen any?

If Yahweh Himself should come down to design worship, what will it look like?

The church has grown to the place of theological arguments and not the place of results but
scripture and spirituality is not about talk and defense of revelation. What defends revelation is
result and not the talk.
The worship pattern in scripture was not given from a theological point of view or speculation. It
was a pattern revealed from the realm of eternity to that generation so that pattern could be
transferred to the next generation. This patterned was given by Yahweh Himself and established
it amongst His people.

If we must come back to the foundation, if we must please Yahweh in our worship, we must ask,
was there a time Yahweh had revealed the kind of worship that was pleasing to Him?

Why go back to the Old Testament pattern? Did Yeshua not say worship now in spirit and in

What does it mean?

The main time that Yahweh dictated revelation word for word was in the passages of the Old
Testament, how He wanted worship tp be conducted, how the Tabernacle should be designed and
constructed, detailed descriptions for the making of ephod and priestly garments etc. why will
Yahweh take such pain in detailed descriptions and instructions to be very specific about the
form of worship in Israel?


Worship of Idols


Latria – worship

This refers to a particular kind of service that people rendered with a view of gaining some kind
of reward or compensation. It referred to a specific step by step process and not just a
spontaneous thing. Latria is the practical process of worship in Israel.

The 3 basic components of Latria in Israel included

- Offering of Praise to Yahweh

- Offering of Prayer to Yahweh
- Offering of Sacrifices to Yahweh

The most crucial of these 3 is the offering of sacrifices. In the Old Testament even praise and
prayer were all sacrifices.

- We bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord

- The altar of incense where the prayers of the saints were offered up to Yahweh as

As New Covenant saints, we don’t go all the processes of the ritual because Christ had offered
Himself as the greatest sacrifice to Yahweh on our behalf. So for us to fully understand the
mystery of what Christ did for us and tap into those dimensions, we should look at those
procedures in the sacrifices.

Lets go to the beginning of offering of sacrifice even before the Tabernacle was raised.

Can and Abel – Gen. 4

Cain is first born, more honorable

Abel is second born, taking care of sheep

Yahweh accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s not because Abel offered an animal but
because of the posture and attitude with which Abel made the sacrifice. The issue was not in the
what was offered but in the how it was offered.

Cain being a first born trusted in His own strength but Abel did not.

Heb. 11:4 – by faith

As at the time of the sacrifice, there was already a promise that the seed of the woman was going
to crush the head of the serpent. This sacrifice was tied to the hope of redemption.


- Trusting in his position

- Strength
- Skill
- In his own faith


- Servant
- Shepherd
- Unable to save Himself so must trust in the coming redemption, trusting the promise

The attitude of Abel is seen in the life of David who becomes the greatest worshiper of all times
and till today, The Throne of Yeshua is called the throne of David.

Ps. 51:16-17
Worship in spirit and in truth. Yahweh looks at the spiritual attitude of the worshiper first.


Is there any danger of worshiping and praising when its not sincere? How will you know you are
not sincere.

We want to do things for the glory of Yahweh but we must do it our way and not His way. No
matter the energy, prayers etc you put, if you don’t do His way, then it is not sincere. Sincerity in
doing it your own way is not sincerity.

The heart of worship is the business of expressing from the depths of our spirits. Abel honored
Yahweh sincerely from His heart but Cain was not interested in honouring Yahweh. You can
have all the desire to honour Yahweh but it is possible to have an insincere honour in worship to

Just like Yeshua told the woman at the well, genuine worship is spiritual and it is true. If that was
what Yahweh wanted yesterday, it has not changed today and will not change tomorrow.

Rom. 12:1

Ps. 51:16-17

In the Tabernacle, there were majorly two altars

- The altar of sacrifice and the altar of incense

Ex. 30:1-9

Incense is the prayer of the saints rising up to The Throne of Yahweh (Rev. 5:8, 8:3-4).

Yahweh required constant prayers, His people must draw close to Him in an attitude of prayer.

So a life offered to Yahweh and a prayer life should be a lifestyle of the worshipper. We have
left prayers for what we call intercessors but its not so.
It is in the place of prayers that you the worshiper let yourself go and let Him.

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