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TITLE OF READING Ending the epidemic of HIV/AIDS by 2030:

Will there be an endgame to HIV, or an
endemic HIV requiring an integrated health
systems response in many counties?

PUBLISHED DATE September 4, 2020


Project 2030 includes the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-

3) which targets to end the epidemic of HIV/AIDS by 2030. This goal will
be considered achieved when the number of new HIV infections and
related deaths decline by 90% between 2010 and 2030. The number of
AIDS-related deaths have subsided, yet the rate of HIV infections is off
track to achieve Project 2030. But despite its achievement, HIV would still
be considered as an endemic health problem so efforts that go to its
prevention and control should continue. Thus, the study suggested that a
paradigm shift from a vertical and exceptional response should be changed
to an integrated and normalized healthy systems response in order to
provide the services according to the disease burden and the needs of the
population. This requires many factors including political commitment and
increased and sustainable funding from both political and global sources
directed towards health systems strengthening.


HIV and AIDS have been a problem that the world continues to face
to this day. Although great efforts have been taken towards the possibility
of ending it as a public health threat, its rates are not necessarily always
on track, especially in other countries. Considering how relevant the
HIV/AIDS problem is in the Philippines, I see how important this
sustainable developmental goal is. However, I feel as if I do not actively
see the efforts of our local government in the prevention and education
about HIV and AIDS. In my opinion, more efforts could be put to solve this
problem, considering how alarming the rates of HIV/AIDS is in the country.
Education, being one of the most important methods of prevention, should
be stressed more in schools and in the community. Once people are more
informed regarding how serious it is and are taught on how to prevent it, it
could make a big effect. I also feel as though education should also
emphasize how a negative stigma should not be associated with HIV/AIDS
in order for the victims not to feel isolated and for more people to be
empowered to get tested for their safety without the fear of prejudice.

Assefa, Y., & Gilks, C. F. (2020). Ending the epidemic of HIV/AIDS by 2030: Will there be
an endgame to HIV, or an endemic HIV requiring an integrated health systems response

in many countries? International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 100, 273–277.

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