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Good health and Well-being 1

Good Health and Well-being (SDG #3)

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Good health and Well-being 2


The purpose of essay to examine different challenges and problems that SDG#3 Good Health
and Well-being aims to resolve. Perhaps, the goal of the SDG#3 is to ensure provision of healthy
lives among the people while also promoting the well-being for all at all ages which is essential
for the sustainable development. Perhaps, provision of health lives helps to reduce various health
problems facing the world such increased cases of HIV/AIDS, water borne diseases, neglected
tropical diseases and combat hepatitis and also malaria among others[ CITATION Fed20 \l 1033 ].
However, to achieve the sustainable development in health related issues, there is need for the
active participation of all sectors in the society and different stakeholders to ensure that all the
people at all ages get quality health. Some of the stakeholders involved in the SDG#3 includes
non-governmental organizations, government agencies, Business and Industry as well as
Workers and Trade Unions among others[ CITATION Moh18 \l 1033 ]. For instance, non-
governmental organizations helps to provide humanitarian relieve aids to the people facing
health constraints. On the other hand, workers and trade unions helps to protect the workers from
adverse working conductions that expose them to health contracts while business and industry
unions helps to provide medical cover for the workers which in turn ensures that they receive
health medical services. Lack of universal health coverage including sexual and reproductive
health services as well as reducing the harm to the people who inject drugs restricts the access to
the HIV prevention and treatment. This essay therefore focus on the challenges facing SDG#3 to
reduce spread of HIV and AIDs.

Description of the challenge using the Ingenuity process questions (who is affected, where
does the problem occur, what are the consequences and why does the problem exist)

This section aims to adopt the ingenuity process questions to explore the problem of the study.
The adoption of the ingenuity process questions will help to understand who are affected by the
lack of HIV universal coverage, where does the problem occur, what are the consequences as
well as the determining why the problem exist.

Who is affected?

It is prudent to note that across the globe, there has been increased number of HIV/AIDs
recorded which in turn has posed a great threat to the medical fraternity. The recent statistics
Good health and Well-being 3

from UNAIDS shows that the number of people with HIV were approximately 38 million across
the globe in 2019 with 36.2 million being adults and 1.8 million beings children under 15 years
old[ CITATION Par19 \l 1033 ]. Lack of universal health coverage including sexual and reproductive
health services as well as reducing the harm to the people who inject drugs restricts the access to
the HIV prevention and treatment. Most of the people acquire HIV through sexual transmission,
transmission from other to child during breastfeeding or child birth among others. The provision
of HIV universal health coverage can be effective for promoting health equity.

The people affected by lack of universal health coverage for HIV aids are children who gets
AIDS through child to mother delivery or breastfeeding. This is because these are vulnerable
people who has low immune system and if they are not provided with a quality health services
can die while they are young[ CITATION Mag19 \l 1033 ] . Also, sex workers has also been facing a
great risk of getting HIV due to the nature of their work. This implies that there is need for the
sex workers to have a medical coverage to provide medical cover in case they contact HIV
during their workplace. Other people who are likely to be affected by HIV/AIDS are the
breastfeeding mothers and old age people who are living with aids. This may affect their
wellbeing due to their low body immunity and hence there is need to reinforce their diet as well
as offering high quality medical services to them.

Where does the problem occur?

The need to have universal health coverage and special diet for HIV/AIDS victims originated
from Africa and particularly south Africa and Nigeria which are the leading country which has
the largest number of people living with aids across the world respectively. The spread of HIV in
Africa has been spread very fast as compared to any other continent. However, Africa is
perceived to be the poorly developed continent in which many people are living below the
poverty line. Due to increased number of deaths from aids in South Africa due to poor living
conditions, lack of medical cover among the victims and poor diet ignited the need to take action
among different stakeholders to provide equity medical services to the people living with
AIDS[ CITATION Mbi17 \l 1033 ]. There has been great concern by the World health Organization
(WHO) on the speared of HIV in African countries after the increased number of infections and
death in South Africa. This implies that the need to offer universal medical cover and health diet
originated from South Africa.
Good health and Well-being 4

What are the consequences?

It is prudent to note that the wide spread of HIV/AIDS has had many consequences and
challenges across the globe which has resulted from lack of universal health coverage for the
people living with aids. One of the main consequence of this is increased number of deaths
which in turn increases the number of orphans and lack of parental care among the
children[ CITATION Ram19 \l 1033 ] . Due to the lack of quality medical care and poor diet, many
people has died while leaving behind small children which in turn subjects them to poor living
conditions and other social constraints such as child labor, drug abuse and sexual assault among

The research has shown that there are more than 17 million children who has lost one or both
parents due to HIV and AIDS. However, 90% of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa which
there is prevalence of poverty and poor living conditions [ CITATION Hla19 \l 1033 ] . The number of
increased orphans has resulted from the lack of universal medical coverage, quality medical
services as well as poor diet among others. Therefore, it can be noted that lack of these aspects
increased the number of deaths and hence increased number of orphans.

Why does the problem exist?

The challenge of SDG#3 to reduce spread of HIV/AIDs has resulted from lack of universal
health coverage and poor diet among many victims. The reluctance of government agencies and
other non-governmental agencies to provide universal health coverage has led to the increased
death of people living with HIV/AIDs[ CITATION Has17 \l 1033 ]. Lack of government support and
other humanitarian support from non-governmental organizations has been another challenge
among the victims due to their poor living conditions among the victims. These factors has
necessitated prevalence of HIV among many people.

Discuss your proposed solution highlighting potential demand, innovativeness of the idea,
feasibility and attractiveness and how these contribute to entrepreneurial success or failure

The proposed solution for the increased deaths of HIV and AIDS is to offer universal medical
health cover which can be the best solution and opportunity for many people to acquire medical
Good health and Well-being 5

services which in turn can help them to survive. The idea of developing medical cover for the
people living with AIDS can be one of the best innovation which is likely to attract many people
due to increased number of people living with the virus. This idea can be justified using the
DIFA model which examines the demand (customer segmentation), Innovation (types and
degree), Feasibility (resources) and Attractiveness (benefits). Due to increased number of HIV
infections and deaths across the world, developing a medical cover for the HIV can attract many
potential customers and hence increasing penetration of product to the market [ CITATION Dye19 \l
1033 ]. The product will target more than 38 million across the globe living with aids.

The development of the universal medical cover for people with aids can be developed based on
the new technologies and innovations. The best approach is to develop the product that people
can use using their mobile phones and templates. The use of compute language programming can
be helpful to develop the model which allows people to fill in their details and their HIV status
while and pay the premiums using the mobile money transfer. In case of health constraints
associated with aids, customers can seek medical attention to the nearby hospitals and the
respective insurance company covers for the medical bills.

The resources required to implement this product is financial resources that can be helpful for the
government to develop and launch the product to the market. Since developing a new product
can be costly, there is need for the governments to allocate enough money to cater for the
project. Experts of implementing the product is another resources which provides technical
support and ensuring that the product is working universally. Based on the attractiveness, the
product is likely to be beneficial to the customers since it helps to cover for the medical bills
among the people living with aids. This in turn ensures provision and access of free and
universal medial services in each country and hence reducing the cases of deaths among the

The solution to the problem

It has been noted that the primary solution for the increased number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS
can be development of the universal medical cover in which all the people across the world can
access medical services. This can be necessitated by development of holder’s card with the
details of the customers such as their names, their age, and HIV status as well as health
conditions among others[ CITATION Gla18 \l 1033 ]. This card can help the holders to access
Good health and Well-being 6

medical services in all public and private hospitals. The medical bills can be paid by the
government after the customer has been treated. This in turn ensures that the victims receives
quality and equity medical cover and hence reducing the number of deaths due to AIDS.

Another solution of improving the health conditions among the people living with aids is
providing health diets to the people through the use of humanitarian agencies and non-
governmental organizations. This includes offering relief food, clothing and medicines which
can help to improve health status of the victims and hence enhancing the sustainability of their
lives[ CITATION Gil18 \l 1033 ]. Based on this concepts, it can be noted that different stakeholders
can play an essential role in proving medical services and other basic needs such as food, shelter
and medicines which can help to reduce the number of deaths while also improving their
sustainability so that they can live longer.

How to decide which is the best solution

Among the solutions provided above, offering universal medical cover can be the best solution.
The criteria for selecting the best solution can be based on the efficiency of the solution and the
coverage of the solution. For instance, provision of universal medical coverage can cover large
number of people since it’s a universal product. On the other hand, provision of health diet by
humanitarian agencies can have a limited scope since different organizations may not reach all
the people. In addition, the provision of universal medical coverage can be the most effective and
efficient approach since the victims of AIDs can acquire medical services in all health care
centers as long as they have the medical card.


It has been noted that the goal of the SDG#3 is to ensure provision of healthy lives among the
people while also promoting the well-being for all at all ages which is essential for the
sustainable development. Perhaps, lack of universal health coverage including sexual and
reproductive health services as well as reducing the harm to the people who inject drugs restricts
the access to the HIV prevention and treatment. The primary solution for the increased number
of deaths due to HIV/AIDS can be development of the universal medical cover in which all the
people across the world can access medical services. Another solution of improving the health
conditions among the people living with aids is providing health diets to the people through the
Good health and Well-being 7

use of humanitarian agencies and non-governmental organizations. However, provision of

universal medical coverage can cover large number of people since it’s a universal product.

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