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Name: Paula Fernanda Mongui Rincón

Identification card: 1020797433

1. Watch the following video and answer the questions: THE MEMORY BOX

a) What do these boxes represent?

- The memory boxes represent the special things for people, which can have
private things inside, every time you look at the box you have a beautiful memory
- The memory boxes represent the work of many people who are dedicated to
make every detail which have to make a wonderful boxes, and who work for a
long time as cabinetmakers, polishers, upholsterers, designers
- Memory boxes can create everlasting memories

b) How much do these boxes cost?

- Memory boxes have a cost from five hundred pounds to hundreds of thousands
of pounds

c) How long does it take to create a box?

- The memory boxes have many details, some take five weeks to do, but they can
always put more things, so it is not known in exact time, for example a memory
boxer takes two years to be almost finished

d) What can people do with these boxes with their families?

- The memory boxes can be passed from parents to children, and they can always
put more things and details, they can become real things that are very important
for the family
2. My Memory boxes


a. Travel to
with my

b. Travel with
my daddy

c. Day in
Ubate with
my family
d. Travel to
with my

e. My degree
3. There are some movies or books that hace had an impact on us, Think of
one and write a review of it.


The main idea of the book are the moments that Professor Robert Landgon lives in
Florence, where he wakes up without remembering anything from before days, the
professor meets a beautiful doctor, her name is Sienna Brooks who will be his adventure
companion and also meets a nurse her name is Vayentha, she is very sexy and her mission
is assassinate the professor.

The professor in the middle of his amnesia

finds a projectile with Dante's painting,
which have many clues about Mr. Zobrist's
plan, which he does not know yet.

Throughout his days traying to stop a

catastrophe that he does not know, he meets
the director the OMS, she will give many
problems to the professor, who continues
with his amnesia and without know what is
the purpose of the plan but still stands to
find out

He finally discovers that his enemy number

one is Sienna and his friend and the best ally
is Dr. Elizabeth Sinskey the director OMS,
but in the end Zobrist's plan comes true
because the professor cannot stop, Zobrist
modification is generated in everyone's AND to cause sterility in the people and save
the world from overpopulation.

I heartily recommed the book, it is an enveloping and captivating story for all types of
readers, you will get to know Florence if you read the book and you will be captivated
by various paintings of general culture.

When I reading the book I looked for paintings on the internet and various places
where the book is developed to understand it better.

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