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The SOP for assignment in meeting 20

Solving problems on dinner table plan

You have some neighbors who like bickering and arguing so you have decided to invite them all to
dinner to hopefully sort the problems out in amicable way. They have all accepted your invitation,
and are coming later today. But there is a small problem: where is everybody going to sit? You need
to discuss seating arrangements with your partner, and remember it could cause big problem if you
get it wrong. Write notes if necessary.

After completing the following seating plan,

- present the ideas that you discussed with your partner.

- Video taped your presentation with your partner.
- If meeting in person among group is impossible, video-taped conference through any
platforms (Such as: zoom, skype, WA video call, etc.) is acceptable.
- Submit your presentation video to the assignment page.

Dinner table seating plan

You and your partner should sit at opposite ends of the table – places A and B. Consider the
following explanation on arranging the seating for everyone.

 Amy Eliot and Collin Smith are in Love

 Jennifer Harvey, a colleague of Collin Smith, can tell funny stories but some people, including
Mr Simons, are often offended by them.
 Margaret Eliot is very polite but boring.
 Andy Masters is very good listener with good people skills.
 Neil Amstrong is a loud and rude man.
 Mr Simons doesn’t have any problem with someone but he hate jokes.
 Mr Chasuble is a golf enthusiast who talk about nothing else.
 Mrs Chasuble has poor table manners and is always complaining, she hates Andy Masters
because they always argue about car parking.
 Sarah Smith is angry with her son Colin for not marrying the woman she wanted him to. She
has some life problems right now and needs somebody to talk to.
 Alan Topple is a young politician. He isn’t a bad guy but many people are offended by his
views, and he is always ready to argue with them. He doesn’t get on with Margaret Eliot
because she ran over his cat.
 Mrs Smith is open-minded but she can’t sit near Neil Amstrong because Neil smokes and
Mrs Smith is allergic to cigarette smoke.
 Jackson Pollock is an old man who still wants to get merried. Keep him away from any single
 Claire Kitkat is a widow who would like to get merried again.

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