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Kowther Elqutob Elqutob 1

Developmental Psych -3310

Professor Austin
11 April 2020
Activity #6
Chapter 12 and Chapter 13
1. Ways to protect yourself from STI’s is by knowing your STI status as well as your
partner’s STI status, acquiring medical examinations, having protected sex, and not
having multiple sexual relationships. (Santrock, 2017, p. 400)

2. This is false because sexual remarks are also considered a form of sexual harassment.
(Santrock, 2017, p. 402)

3. Three contraceptives are condoms, birth control pills, and a vasectomy. The only
conceptive that would protect you from an STI is a condom. (Santrock, 2017, p. 406)

Middle Adult Changes in Sexual Functioning

-Testosterone -Perimenopause
production -Little
declines -Menopause
-Erectile decline -Estrogen Drop

-slow decline in
sperm count

Male Female

(Santrock, 2017, p. 410-412)

5. Religion contributes to health by reducing lifestyle issues, such as lower drug use, social
networks are linked to well-connected individuals having lesser health issues, and offers
an individual a way to cope with stress. (Santrock, 2017, p. 446)
6. A)

i. This is a great organization for Osumare to learn and understand more

about her brother’s condition. This website also includes a podcast, which
could provide a deeper understanding of the syndrome as well as a way to
cope with someone who does have it.
i. I picked this organization for Rika so she can learn how to be able to
control her anger a little better. This organization also includes online seminars and an
anger management home study.
i. I chose this organization for Astor because I believe the source of his
shyness is a lack of self-esteem. This organization provides online activities to
help boost Astor’s confidence.
i. I picked this organization for Morrigan because it will give her the opportunity
utilize her computer science skills outside of school. This will allow her to be able to reduce the
amount of time she spends on her phone at school and will allow her to fix her grades in her
other classes.

7. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Some girls have this condition, which is brought about
by a hereditary defect. their adrenal glands broaden, bringing about anomalous significant
levels of androgens. Although CAH girls are XX females, they fluctuate in how much
their genitals look like male or female genitals . Their genitals might be surgically
changed to look increasingly like those of an ordinary. Even though CAH girls ordinarily
grow up to consider themselves as girls and women, they are less substance with being a
female and how a more grounded enthusiasm for being a male than non-CAH girls. They
like sports and appreciate playing with boys and boys’ toys. CAH girls for the most part
don't care for ordinary girl activities, for example, playing with dolls and wearing
Androgen-insensitive males: As a result of a hereditary error, few XY males don't have
androgen cells in their bodies. Their bodies look female, they build up a female sex
identity, and they usually are sexually attracted to guys.
(Santrock, 2017, p. 380)

8. According to Tannen, women appreciate affinity talk more than report talk, and men's
absence of enthusiasm for compatibility talk disturbs many women. Conversely, men
want to take part in report talk. They figure out how to utilize talk to get and keep
attention. The distinction among rapport and report talk is that rapport talk is the
language of discussion, and report talk is utilized to give information. (Santrock, 2017, p.

9. According Gilligan, Kohlberg's hypothesis depends on a male standard that places

theoretical standards above relationships and worry for other people and considers the to
be as remaining solitary and independent on moral choices. It puts equity at the core of
profound quality. Conversely with Kohlberg's justice perspective, the care perspective is
an ethical viewpoint that views individuals as far as their connectedness with others and
emphasizes relational correspondence, associations with others, and worry for others.
(Santrock, 2017, p. 423)

10. The procedures of reinforcement, punishment, and imitation have been conjured to
clarify how people become familiar with specific reactions and why their reactions vary
from one another's. At the point when people are reinforced for behavior that is consistent
with laws and social conventions, they are probably going to rehash that behavior. Also,
when people are punished for corrupt practices, those practices can be disposed of, yet to
the detriment of authorizing discipline by its very use and of causing emotional
symptoms for the person. Furthermore, when given models who carry on ethically,
people are probably going to adopt their actions. (Santrock, 2017, p. 423-424)

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