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“Development is about transforming the lives of people, not just transforming economies”

- Joseph Stiglity

I chose this quote because it speaks about growth of our own personality, of our own
way of living. We also need to give attention first of our own values and trait before we can
be called a successful human being. Success does not always mean wealth, rather of what we
became as a person, and as a follower of God. An economist or even us ordinary people we
have influence on each other, an economist would think that it is in need to build
infrastructures but all of us must have one goal for the good of the people.

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without
doing anything”

- Albert Einstein

We are all connected and have obligations to do something for our economy and not
ignore what is going on. We can speak up for our own rights and for others. We can help the
economy by making right decisions in life. We must be aware and alert for all the evil doing
in our surroundings.

“The economy is the start and end of everything”

- David Cameron

Economy can be start of a new beginning. There are two meanings of “end” the first is that
economy could destroyed our lives if we are not led by the right people and if we do not take
actions for our responsibilities. The second one is that end as a result of our will or means, this
define as that if we have good aim not just for ourselves but also for other’s sake we can all
grow as we work for the better.

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