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CaM Oe er a RS ae ee ee eee Dr ee ee en mn renee Eee Ce ere Rt ne ret Nae industries. Basic electrical fundamentals, detailed descriptions of protective element eee ne ee eee ae ene ner cones relay testing situation. A wide variety of relay manufacturers and models are used in the cxamples to help you realize that once you conquer the sometimes confusing and frustrating man-machine interfaces created by the different manufacturers, all digital relays use the same basic fundamentals and most relays can be tested by applying these fundamentals, Nea rhe ee See ears te ana eT Rc mee aco use test procedures and philosophies that are based on previous generations of relays and their limitations. Moder relays have very different characteristics which require a different testing philosophy to ensure they will operate when required. This edition of The Relay Testing Handbook Series outlines a step-by-step procedure that will allow the reader to create and implement a protective relay test plan. The procedure follows a logical progression that can be applied to nearly every application and ensures accurate and efficient relay testing that includes the following steps. ee ee ec eee men Sree eC ee eae ee eTocs a Establish communication with descriptions of the most common settings and apply the supplied setting How to properly connect your relay test set Create the test plan and decide what elements to test and in which order Verify your conuections and perform relay acceptance tests to verily relay operation Implement your test plan. Reroute eee eee eae eed Return equipment ta service. enue rere iee ce rs BU Mee eee Chris Werstiuk is a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Technology program from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), a Journeyman Power System Electrician, and a Professional Oe aN a an ee ee eee a ee ea Se ee ane eee and nearly evervthing in between. He has authored several articles in NETA World and presented several papers at the annual International Electrical Testing Association (NETA) conferences. oe nL aa ge Coan eae ee Re dea who need custom test leads, test sheets templates, step-by-step testing guides, or an online forum to exchange ideas andl information. Doe ec es Senate Oey eC xPEr Ce ten en Valence Electrical Training Services Rr Neat

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