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Cycle: 50 sessions

It begins with more of a strength focus and finishes with a Bulgarian-style classic lift focus
(heavy singles or 1RM sessions). The average session, including warm-up, lasts 60-90 minutes.

The rest period between sets in a lift should be no longer than 120 seconds. Normally the Clean
& Jerk, Front and Back Squats are 120 seconds; snatch has a 90s rest period. If a set is at 80%
or higher, add 30 seconds to the rest period.

ME:​Max Effort. This means that you do as many repetitions as you can w/o rest.

Singles:​You are to perform the required number of repetitions inside the prescribed range. You
may warm up with lighter loads but the quota must be performed inside the given range.
Technique under heavy loads is the emphasis in these sets. If you miss because technique was
faulty, you may attempt again ​once​. Your last rep must be the heaviest in the set.

Vest:​This refers to a 20-30lbs vest. Some exercises require you to wear a vest or some sort of
weight (chains) on you. If you do not add a load to your body, the rep total must be doubled.

Blocks:​This refers to pulling blocks. They can be used for heavy hang cleans or heavy hang

Deficit Push-up:​ Rest hands on a surface (use parallettes or concrete blocks, 6”-12” high) and
perform the push-up. At the bottom position the chest finishes below the hands. Rest feet on a
platform to add more difficulty.

Dynamic Push-up:​ Same set-up as the ​Deficit​​Push-up​. Place hands on the floor; perform a
push-up and at the top of the movement land your hands on the surface. Repeat. Rest feet on a
platform to add more difficulty.

Wallball Shot​: Throw a medicine ball at a 10’ target. This can be replaced with a squat thruster
holding dumbells in hands.

RDL:​Romanian Deadlift. Each rep has the lifter hold the bar at the mid hang or low hang
position for 5 seconds before returning to the high hang position. This movement is performed
using a ​Clean grip​ or ​Snatch grip​.

Low Hang​: Bar starts just below knees. Shoulders are in front of the bar.

Mid Hang​: Bar starts just above knees. Shoulders are in front of the bar.

High Hang​: Bar starts just above the thighs (“power position”). Shoulders are slightly behind the

● Barbell, bumper plates, collars.
● Plyo box or some platform. Height must be at least 20”.
● Vest or chains. Chains can be bought at a hardware store. Chains are cheaper but
bulky. Weight needs to be at least 20lbs.
● Pulling blocks. These are optional but are very helpful. Solid concrete blocks work
coupled with ¾” thick wood (birchwood) on top. HomeDepot store sells both items.
● Jump rope. If you’re doing double-under, you need a speed rope.
● Rower. This is optional equipment.
● Pull-up bar.
● Olympic Rings. This is optional.
● Kettlebell. It can be from 35 to 55lbs. Dumbbell can also be used.
● Weightlifting shoes. This is optional but highly recommended.
● Gym chalk. This is optional but highly recommended.
● Wrist straps. This is optional but highly recommended if lifter has wrist issues.
● Lifting straps. This is optional.
● Lifting belt. This is optional but highly recommended if lifter has back issues.
● Medicine ball. This is optional. Weight is 20 or 14lbs.
● Stopwatch. You need this!

The lift’s total sets is given last and the reps per set is given first: “Lift x 4r x 5”. This means that
the lift is to be performed 4 times per set and for a total of 5 sets.


All snatch exercises (snatch pull, snatch deadlift, snatch balance, power snatch) derive their
percentages from 1-RM snatch.

All clean exercises (clean pull, clean deadlift, Romanian deadlift, power clean, jerk (any), press
(any) derive their percentages from 1-RM clean & jerk.

Back Squat
All back exercises derive their percentages from 1-RM back squat. Half of the sessions must
include a back squat exercise.

Front Squat
All front exercises derive their percentages from 1-RM front squat. Half of the sessions must
include a front squat exercise.

Percentage Zones
Auxiliary exercises are used to improve speed or specific areas of strength. The following zones
need to be followed in order to augment the main lifts (snatch and clean & jerk).

65% - 75%
This zone is used to develop speed. Power clean, power snatch, high clean, and high snatch fall
into this zone. High hangs are sometimes performed at higher percentages but speed is still the
main objective.

80% - 110%
This zone is used to develop strength. Pulls, deadlifts, jerk drives, and partial squats fall into this

Heavy Sessions
Sessions that go beyond 85% are considered heavy days. Sometimes the lifter will be asked to
“​Attempt single@#%​” Where “#” is a percentage value. This means that the lifter is to attempt
the lift at that percentage ​only​ if the last attempt was successful.


The following progression can be used for a beginner who is just starting to lift.

1. Overhead squat
2. Snatch balance
3. Shrugs or pulls from the hips (mid hang or high hang positions)
4. High hang power snatch
5. Mid hang power snatch
6. Low hang power snatch
7. Power snatch
8. Snatch

The following progression can be used for a beginner who is just starting to lift.

1. Front squat
2. Shrugs or pulls from the hips (mid hang or high hang positions)
3. High hang power clean
4. Mid hang power clean
5. Low hang power clean
6. Power clean
7. Clean

The following progression can be used for a beginner who is just starting to lift.

1. Push or strict press

2. Push press (bar starts behind neck w/clean grip)
3. Push jerk
4. Split jerk (bar starts behind neck w/clean grip)
5. Split jerk


- ​Snatch High Pull​- 60%-70% x 5r x 5

- Snatch - 75% x 3r x 5
- Back Squat - 65% x10r x 3

- 2 ​Snatch High Pull​* + Hang Snatch - 65% x 1r x 5. Add weight after each set. Keep pulls
chest high.
- 2 Clean & Jerk - 80% x 1r x 5. Add weight on last set.
- Back Squat - 75% x 5r x 5
*Pulls are 10-20#s heavier than Snatch​: ​do the pulls, remove excess load, perform Hang

- Front Squat - 65% x 10r x 3

- ​Clean Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 3r x 5. (Go higher than 110%)
- Clean + Push Press + Jerk - 75% x 1r x 4. Add weight until PP or J fails.

- 2 Press + 1 Jerk - 70% x 1r x 5 (add weight after each set)
- 2 ​Clean High Pull​* + Clean - 65% x 1r x 5. Add weight after each set. Keep pulls above belly
- Front Squat - 75% x 5r x 5
*Pulls are 10-20#s higher than Clean​; ​do the pulls, remove excess load, perform Clean.​

- Snatch - ​1RM session

- Clean + Push Press + Jerk - 80% x 1r x 5
- Back Squat - 80% x 3r x 6

- Clean & Jerk - ​1RM session​.

- Mid Hang Snatch - 75% x 2r x 5
- Back Squat - 80% x 5r x 5


- Mid Hang Snatch - doubles, total of 8r, (80%-85%) range. Attempt single@90%
- Front Squat - 80% x 3r x 6
- ​Clean Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 3r x 5. (go higher than 110%).

- Front Squat - 80% x 5r x 5

- Clean & Jerk - 75% x 2r x 5

- (3 ​Snatch High Pull​* + 1 Hang Snatch) x 3, 65%. Keep pulls chest high.
- (3 ​Clean High Pull​* + 1 Clean) x 5, 70%. Keep pulls above belly button.
- Back Squat - 85% x 3r x 6
*Pulls are 10-20#s heavier than Snatch/Clean.

- ​Snatch Shoulder Pull​- 3r x 5, 110% (go higher than 110%)

- Back Squat - 70% x 10r x 3 (increase load on last set if possible)

- Clean & Jerk - singles, total of 5r (90%-95%) range. Attempt single@100% if reps feel solid.
- Snatch - 75% x 2r x 5
- Front Squat - 85% x 3r x 6

- ​Clean Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 3r x 5 (go higher than 110%)

- Clean + Push Press + Jerk - x 5 (70%-80%).

- ​Snatch Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 5r x 5 (go higher than 110%)

- Clean & Jerk - 75% x 2r x 5
- Front Squat - 70% x 10r x 3 (increase load on last set if possible)

- Push Press - doubles, total of 8r (80%-90%). Attempt single@95%
- Back Squat, 83% x 5r x 5 (increase load on last set if possible)
- ​Snatch Balance​ - 60% x 3r x 4.
- Snatch - doubles or singles, total of 6r, (80%-90%) range. Attempt single@95%.
- Clean & Jerk - doubles or singles, total of 6r, (80%-90%) range. Attempt single@95%.
- Snatch - 75% x 2r x 5
- Clean & Jerk - 75% x 2r x 5
- Back Squat - 85% x 3r x 6 (increase load on last set if possible)

- Front Squat - 83% x 5r x 5 (increase load on last set if possible)

- Mid Hang Snatch - 80% x 2r x 5
- Clean & Jerk - 75% x 3r x 5

- Snatch - 80% x 2r x 5
- Mid Hang Clean & jerk - 75% x 2r x 5
- Front Squat - 85% x 3r x 6 (increase load on last set if possible)

- 2 ​Snatch High Pull​* + 1 Snatch - 70% x 5. Keep pulls chest high.

- ​Clean Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 3r x 5. (go higher than 110%)
- Front Squat - 50% x 2r x 3 (work on a quick bounce)
*Pulls are 10-20#s heavier than Snatch.

- Snatch - ​1RM session

- Back Squat - 50% x 2r x 3 (work on quick bounce)

- Clean & Jerk - ​1RM session

- ​Snatch Shoulder Pull​ - 110%. x 5r x 5. (go higher than 110%)


- Clean + 2 Push Press - (75%-85%) x 1r x 5

- Snatch - singles, total of 4r, (90%-95%) range. Attempt single@100% if reps feel solid.
- Front Squat - ​1RM session
- Back Squat - ​1RM session
- ​Clean Shoulder Pull​- 110% x 2r x 5. (go higher than 110%)
- Clean & Jerk - 80% x 2r x 5

- ​Snatch Balance​, 75% x 3r x 4.
- High Hang Snatch - 70% x 2r x 5
- Back Squat - 65% x10r x 3
- Snatch - 85% x 2r x 5
- Mid Hang Clean & jerk - 80% x 2r x 5
- Back Squat - 75% x 5r x 5
- ​Snatch Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 3r x 5. (go higher than 110%).
- High Hang Snatch - 75% x 2r x 5
- Clean + 2 Jerk - (80%-85%) x 1r x 5.
- Front Squat - 65% x 10r x 3
- Mid Hang Snatch - (75%-80%) x 2r x 5.
- Mid Hang Clean & Jerk - (75%-80%) x 2r x 5.
- Front Squat - 75% x 5r x 5

- High Hang Snatch - 70% x 3r x 4
- Mid Hang Clean + Push Jerk - 70% x 3r x 4
- Back Squat - 80% x 3r x 4
- 3 ​Snatch High Pull​* + 2 Snatch- 75% x 1r x 5. Keep pulls chest high.
- Clean & Jerk - 85% x 2r x 5
- Back Squat - 80% x 5r x 5
*Pulls are 10-20#s heavier than Snatch.
- Snatch - (85%-95%) x 1r x 5. Attempt single@100% if reps feel solid.
- Clean & Jerk - 75% x 3r x 5
- Front Squat - 80% x 3r x 4
- Mid Hang Snatch - (70%-80%) x2r x 8. Attempt single@90%.
- Mid Hang Clean - (70%-80%) x 2r x 8. Attempt single@90%.
- Front Squat - 85% x 5r x 4
- Mid-Hang Snatch - 75% x 2r x 4
- Mid-Hang Clean & Jerk - 75% x 2r x 4
- Back Squat - 85% x 3r x 4
- Snatch - (85%-90%) x 1r x 6. Attempt single@100% if reps feel solid.
- Clean & jerk - (85%-90%) x 1r x 6. Attempt single@100% if reps feel solid.
- 3 ​Snatch High Pull​* + Hang Snatch - 65% x 1r x 5. Keep pulls chest high.
- Clean + Push Press + Jerk - 80% x 1r x 5
*Pulls are 10-20#s heavier than Snatch.
- Snatch - 85% x 2r x 5
- Clean & Jerk - 85% x 2r x 5
- Back Squat - 75% x 10r x 3 (increase load on last set if possible)

- Snatch - 80% x 2r x 5
- Clean & Jerk - 80% x 2r x 5
- Front Squat - 85% x 3r x 5

- ​Clean Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 3r x 4. (go higher than 110%)

- Clean + 2 Jerk - 80% x 1r x 4
- Front Squat - 75% x 10r x 3 (increase load on last set if possible)
- Snatch - 85% x 2r x 4
- 2 Clean + 1 Jerk - 85% x 1r x 4
- Back Squat, 83% x 5r x 5 (increase load on last set if possible)
- Snatch - 80% x 2r x 5
- Clean & Jerk - 80% x 2r x 5
- Back Squat - 85% x 3r x 5 (increase load on last set if possible)

- Snatch - (90%-95%) x 1r x 4. Attempt single@100% if reps feel solid.

- Clean & Jerk - (90%-95%) x 1r x 4. Attempt single@100% if reps feel solid.
- Snatch with 5s pause at knee- 70% x 2r x 4. Increase weight until failure.
- Clean (5s pause at knees) & Jerk - 70% x 2r x 4. Increase weight until failure.
- Front Squat, 83% x 5r x 5 (increase load on last set if possible)
- 3 ​Clean High Pull​* + Clean - 65% x 1r x 5. Increase load after a set. Keep pulls above belly
- 3 ​Snatch High Pull​* + Snatch - 65% x 1r x 5. Incrase load after a set.
- Front Squat - 85% x 3r x 6 (increase load on last set if possible)
*Pulls are 10-20lbs heavier than Clean/Snatch: do pulls, remove excess load, perform

- 4 BTN Snatch Press + 1 O. Squat - 85% x 1r x 5. Add weight till failure.
- ​Snatch Shoulder Pull​ - 110% x 3r x 5. (go higher than 110%).
- Clean + Push Press + Jerk - 65% x 1r x 5. Add weight after each set.
- ​Clean Shoulder Pull​- 110% x 4r x 5. (go higher than 110%)
- ​Snatch Shoulder Pull​-110% x 4r x 5. (go higher than 110%)
- ​Snatch Balance​ - 60% x 3r x 5. Add weight if drops feel fast.
- Snatch - (90%-95%) x 1r x 4. Attempt single@100%.
- Clean & Jerk - (90%-95%) x 1r x 4. Attempt single@100%.
- Snatch - 85% x 2r x 4
- Clean & Jerk - 85% x 2r x 4
- Back Squat - 50% x 2r x 3 (work on a quick bounce)

- Snatch - 75% x 3r x 5
- Clean & Jerk - 75% x 3r x 5
- Front Squat - 50% x 2r x 3 (work on a quick bounce)
- Snatch - ​1RM session
- Front Squat - ​1RM session

- Clean & jerk - ​1RM session.
- Back squat - ​1RM session


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