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The workout always starts with back hyperextensions 3 sets / 8 reps

The workout always ends with back hyperextensions 3 sets / 8 reps : Pullups 3 sets / 6 reps : Abs 3 sets / 20 reps

Add weight on these exercises accordingly.


Muscle snatch + behind the neck snatch push press 50-55% 4/2+1+2

Snatch 60.00% 2/2

70.00% 2/2
75-85% 5/1

Clean & Jerk 60.00% 2/1+2

70.00% 2/1+2
75-80% 4/1+1

Snatch Pull 80.00% 2/3

90.00% 3/2

Back Squats 60.00% 2/3

70.00% 2/3
75-85% 5/2


Muscle snatch + behind the neck snatch push press 50-55% 4/2+1+2

Snatch + hang snatch below knee + 60.00% 1/1+1+1

hang snatch from knee 70-75% 1/1+1+1

Clean & Jerk 60.00% 2/2+2

70.00% 2/2+2
75-80% 3/2+2

Clean pulls from boxes 80.00% 2/3

90.00% 3/2

Front Squats 60.00% 2/3

70.00% 2/3
75-80% 4/2+1+2


Muscle snatch + behind the neck snatch push press 50-55% 4/2+1+2

Snatch from boxes 60.00% 2/3

70.00% 2/2
75-80% 4/2+1+2

Squat + Jerk from rack 60.00% 2/2+3

70.00% 2/1+2
75-80% 4/1+1

Snatch pulls with 3s pauses from: 60.00% 2/2

1 inch off floor + at knees + at belt area 75-80% 3/1
+ fully extended pull and shrug on tiptoes

Back Squats 60.00% 2/4

70.00% 2/4
75-80% 2/4

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