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November 19, 2019 is our first day in Taguig City University for our work immersion, Mrs.

De leon
assign us in the office of the President (OPRES), We feel so nervous and excited at the same time.
Nervous because we can't say if we satisfy their expectations on us, and also we don't know a lot of
things but we always tell to ourselves that we will do our best to every task that they will give to us.
We are Excited of course cause we know that in this immersion we will learn a lot of things, and also to
socialize with new people because we're not really good at socializing and to experience the work
environment. In our office, today we did a lot of things, it's our first time to use xerox machine by
ourselves and to photocopy a two books in our first time was really an experience , my superior ask us to
run some errands so it was quite a day! It was tiring but I know that it will be worth it, because this is the
first step to more more experience in the future, first step to learn new things. This will be the first step
of our long journey. November 20, 2019 Second day of our work immersion, This morning tcu held a
mass for the opening of the foundation week, our department is assign to prepare the food for the
visitors, it really felt good to serve the priest, and choir to see the smile after they eat the food that we
serve, and they feel grateful as they thank us. Our Advisors are really busy preparing the foundation
week, so there are no paperworks at the moment in the afternoon, but even though we didn't do
anything so much we always help them and ask them Everytime that we finish the task that they give, if
they have anything to order we always initiate to ask first so that we are always can help to them
anytime. And be really a helping hand to them. November 21, 2019 Our third day in OPRES, In this day
we felt te excitement and nervous vibe in the office because today is the Employee's night and one of
our boss Maam Monalisa is one of the candidates, we prepare a banner to support to her tonight, in the
afternoon we do the usual work in the office, organizing the documents area by area. Dr. Birion has a
Program to attend so Ms. Jereign send us to personally assist the President we are super nervous at
that time because we don't know what to do it was our first time, but Ms. Jereign said that we can do it
and just go wherever Dr. Birion go. Later in evening were happy that we are invited to the Employee's
night, we are all excited, but to my surprise as we go to the venue. The auditorium was full of faculty
members which is more likely the Professors and dean in every department and there are no student, it
is not what i expected, so we are really lucky to invited that night and experience it. Even though we are
just a OJT ( students). And also there's a buffet hahahahah! We got home at 8pm, and write it to our
time card. It was a memorable day! Of course we got a parent consent that we will be home at night.
November 22, 2019 is our 4th day here in OPRES, another day to be busy hahahaha. Today Dr. Birion has
no meeting so more time for us to sort documents, actually it is what we always do here sorting files
department by department. Form area 1 to 10. Until now we got confuse to where to put the files, but
Ma'am Jereign said that it is okay because we are just starting and we will be familiar as the day goes by.
November 25, 2019 Our Fifth day here in OPRES, and our first monday, So after the foundation week,
today things will back to normal, according to Ms. Jereign so more work for us. In the morning we help
them to deliver files and documents. and in the afternoon Dr. Birion started doing the Presentation for
Alcucoa, and we started sorting documents again. November 26, 2019 Our sixth day in the office, This
day our supervisors tell us that they will arrived late in the office and Dr. Birion did not come to the
office because he attend meeting in cavite so we didn't do anything today aside from photocopying
documents. We can't sort the files (area's) because only Dr. Birion know how to sort it. So we just clean
the office. We got home at 5 pm. November 27, 2019 Our Seventh day in the TCU
This day our office held a meeting which is The alcucoa Meeting, we got really busy because there's a lot
of papers to photocopy, so we can distribute it by college department. But the xerox machine was not in
the mood hahahaha, so we go to another office to photocopy the papers. Today we ate lunch super late
because of the meeting, also we extend our time, because we have a lot of things to arrange here in the
office. November 28, 2019Our eight day here in the office, One of our supervisor Ms. De leon has a
seminar for her students which is the "Attitude 101" so she ask us to attend and support her on her
seminar because she will be the speaker on that seminar. As we go to the seminar her students are
really prepared they are wearing formal attire, they are the students from Psychology department,
CHTM and also from Computer Science Department. The Seminar was really good, it tackles about the
attitude, and personality of individual. November 29, 2019 Today is our 9th day in the office, This day
we did a lot of printing, we print the program in the meeting, also the program that will be using in the
party. We also distribute those program department by department. After that we sort files again, back
to normal. December 2, 2019Our last day here in OPRES In this day we did what we always do here in
Opres which is sorting files and photocopying papers, binding documents that needed to be bind, We
kinda feel bad that its our last day here in the office, even though we're always tired running errands
here, going home late, we know that we're gonna miss this. So we give are best to all the things that
we're doing, actually we always gives our best, but this day we want them to feel that we are thankful to
be here, and we are lucky because we learn a lot in this office, physically yes, mentally yes. We learn
that no matter how far or higher we go, we should always be humble always feet on the ground, and
always be thankful for the things that we have.

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