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Curriculum Overview
Mission Statement
The mission of the high school health education program, in New London Public Schools, is to provide the skills and experiences needed for students
to value the components of health education for a healthy lifestyle, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction for a lifetime.

Secondary: 9-12 Teaching Model.

Comprehensive school health and safety education is a sequence of learning experiences that may enable children and youth to become healthy,
effective and productive citizens. Health and safety education curriculum should align to national and state health and safety education standards. The
curriculum should include clear health and safety-related goals, behavioral outcomes for all students, and developmentally- and culturally-
appropriate units, lessons, and instructional materials to support the delivery of comprehensive health and safety education. Access to culturally and
developmentally appropriate learning experiences provided through comprehensive school health and safety education is essential to providing 21st
century learners with the skills and functional knowledge needed to shape attitudes, influence behaviors, and enhance lifetime learning outcomes.

The structure of the CSDE Health and Safety Education Standards Curriculum Framework represents an integrated approach and alignment to key
components of the health and safety education curriculum and includes the following four components:
1. National Health Education Standards (NHES)
2. Grade level performance indicators
3. Social emotional learning (SEL) competencies:
 self-awareness;
 self-management;
 social awareness;
 relationship skills; and
 responsible decision-making (CASEL, 2019)
4. Essential core content.

When delivered using in a planned, ongoing and systematic approach, the health and safety education program can provide TIER 1
education and skill development opportunities for all students. The synergy between the application of academic standards, indicators
and the SEL competencies into everyday instruction supports the optimal development of students.

CASEL Five Core Competencies

1. Self-awareness: Know your strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”

2. Self-management: Effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate yourself to set and achieve goals.

3. Social awareness: Understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

4. Relationship skills: Communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict
constructively, and seek and offer help when needed.

5. Responsible decision-making: Make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety, and
social norms”.

(CASEL, 2019,

Why does health education play an important role in the development of high school aged students? 
Research shows that the health and well-being of students significantly influences learning and academic achievement (Basch, 2011).
Comprehensive school health and safety education positively affects student achievement by increasing health knowledge, improving
health skills and behaviors, and decreasing risky behaviors (Michael, Merlo, Basch, Wentzel & Wechsler, 2015). Comprehensive
school health and safety education addresses these behaviors, promotes the development of protective factors, and supports healthy
outcomes through developmentally appropriate Grade PK-12 curriculum and instruction.
National Standards for Health Education

Health Education Skills Based Standards:

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health

Standard 3: Accessing Information Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and
avoid or reduce health risks.

Standard 5: Decision Making Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health

Standard 7: Goal Setting Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

Standard 8: Advocacy Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
Connecticut State Department of Education Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework: Health and Safety Education
Connecticut Health Education High School Content Standards
Grades 9-12 Outcomes:

Standard 1: Basic Health Concepts and Functional Health Knowledge - Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health. By the end of Grade 12, the learner will:

 BHCHK 1.1.12. Predict how healthy behaviors can affect health status.
 BHCHK 1.2.12. Describe the interrelationships of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social health.
 BHCHK 1.3.12. Analyze how the environment and personal health are interrelated.
 BHCHK 1.4.12. Analyze how genetics and family history can impact personal health.
 BHCHK 1.5.12. Propose ways to reduce or prevent injuries and health problems.
 BHCHK 1.6.12. Analyze the relationship between access to health care and health status.
 BHCHK 1.7.12. Compare and contrast the benefits of and barriers to practicing a variety of healthy behaviors.
 BHCHK 1.8.12. Analyze personal susceptibility to injury, illness, or death if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
 BHCHK 1.9.12. Analyze the potential severity of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences - Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health

 INF 2.1.12. Analyze how peers and perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
 INF 2.2.12. Analyze how personal attitudes, values, and beliefs influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
 INF 2.3.12. Analyze how some health risk behaviors influence the likelihood of engaging in other unhealthy behaviors.
 INF 2.4.12. Analyze how laws, rules, and regulations influence health promotion and disease prevention.
 INF 2.5.12. Analyze the effect of media and technology on personal, family, and community health.
 INF 2.6.12. Analyze the factors that influence opportunities to obtain safe, accessible, equitable, and affordable products and services that
support health practices and behaviors for oneself and others.

Standard 3: Accessing Information - Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health.

 AI 3.1.12. Evaluate the validity and reliability of health information, products, and services.
 AI 3.2.12. Determine the accessibility of valid and reliable health products and services.
 AI 3.3.12. Determine when professional health services may be required.
 AI 3.4.12. Use resources that provide valid and reliable health information, products, and services.
Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication - Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and
avoid or reduce health risks.

 IC 4.1.12. Demonstrate how to manage personal information in electronic communications and when using social media (e.g., chat groups, e-
mail, texting, websites, phone, and tablet applications) to protect the personal health and safety of oneself and others.
 IC 4.2.12. Demonstrate effective peer resistance (refusal skills), negotiation, and collaboration skills to avoid engaging in unhealthy
 IC 4.3.12. Demonstrate effective communication strategies to prevent, manage, or resolve interpersonal conflicts.
 IC 4.4.12. Demonstrate how to effectively ask for assistance to improve personal health.
 IC 4.5.12. Demonstrate how to effectively offer assistance to improve the health of others.

Standard 5: Decision Making - Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

 DM 5.1.12. Examine barriers to healthy decision making.

 DM 5.2.12. Analyze how family, culture, media, peers, and personal beliefs affect a health-related decision.
 DM 5.3.12. Generate alternatives when making a health-related decision.
 DM 5.4.12. Predict potential short- and long-term consequences of alternatives to health-related decisions.
 DM 5.5.12. Choose a healthy alternative when making a health-related decision.
 DM 5.6.12. Evaluate the effectiveness of health-related decisions.

Standard 6: Goal Setting - Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

 GS 6.1.12. Assess personal health practices and behaviors.

 GS 6.2.12. Set a realistic personal health goal.
 GS 6.3.12. Assess the barriers to achieving a personal health goal.
 GS 6.4.12. Develop a plan to attain a personal health goal.
 GS 6.5.12. Implement strategies, including self-monitoring, to achieve a personal health goal.
 GS 6.6.12. Use strategies to overcome barriers to achieve a personal health goal.
 GS 6.7.12. Formulate an effective long-term plan to achieve a health goal.

Standard 7: Health Enhancing Behaviors - Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health

 HB 6.1.12. Analyze the role of individual responsibility in enhancing personal health.

 HB 6.2.12. Evaluate and assess personal practices and behaviors that reduce or prevent health risks.
 HB 6.3.12. Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors to improve the health of oneself and others.
 HB 6.4.12. Make a commitment to practice healthy behaviors.

Standard 8: Advocacy - Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

 AV 8.1.12. Use peer and societal norms, based on accurate health information, to formulate health-enhancing messages.
 AV 8.2.12. Persuade and support others to make positive health choices.
 AV 8.3.12. Collaborate with others to advocate for improving personal, family and community health.
 AV 8.4.12. Adapt health messages and communication techniques for a specific target audience.
 AV 8.5.12. Persuade community leaders about the importance of ensuring there are safe, accessible, equitable, and affordable opportunities,
products, and services to improve the health of oneself and others.

Social Emotional Learning Competencies

Self-Awareness: The ability to accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior. The ability to
accurately assess one’s strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”
 Identifying emotions
 Accurate self-perception
 Recognizing strengths
 Self-confidence
 Self-efficacy

Social Awareness: The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures. The
ability to understand social and ethical norms for behavior and to recognize family, school, and community resources and support.
 Perspective-taking
 Empathy
 Appreciating diversity
 Respect for others
Relationship Skills: The ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. The ability to
communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict constructively, and seek and offer help
when needed.
 Communication
 Social engagement
 Relationship-building
 Teamwork

Responsible Decision Making: The ability to make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards,
safety concerns, and social norms. The realistic evaluation of the consequences of various actions, and a consideration of the well-being of oneself
and others.
 Identifying problems
 Analyzing situations
 Solving problems
 Evaluating
 Reflecting
 Ethical responsibility

Self-Management: The ability to successfully regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations — effectively managing stress,
controlling impulses, and motivating oneself. The ability to set and work toward personal and academic goals.
 Impulse control
 Stress management
 Self-discipline
 Self-motivation
 Goal setting
 Organizational skills
Health and Safety Education Core Content
(Refer to Appendices A & B for Connecticut Health and Safety Education requirements)

Alcohol, Nicotine, Other Drugs (ANOD)

 ANOD 1.1.12. Differentiate between proper use and abuse of over-the counter (OTC) and prescription medicines.
 ANOD 1.2.12. Analyze situations that could lead to the use of alcohol and other drugs.
 ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills that empower people to remain alcohol- and drug-free.
 ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules, school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine, vaping, and other drug-use.
 ANOD 1.5.12. Analyze the relationship between ANOD use and other risks, such as unintentional injuries, violence, suicide, sexual risk
behaviors, decreased school and job performance, school and job absenteeism, and job loss.
 ANOD 1.6.12. Analyze the dangers of driving and/or riding with a driver while under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.
 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.
 ANOD 1.8.12. Evaluate the financial costs of nicotine use to the individual and society.

Healthy Relationships/Violence Prevention

 HR 1.1.12. Describe personal characteristics that make people unique and the benefits of living in a diverse society.
 HR 1.2.12. Analyze characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships (communication, trust, boundaries, respect).
 HR 1.3.12. Analyze how power and control differences in relationships can contribute to aggression and violence.
 HR 1.4.12. Analyze the effects of viewing pornography, sexting, etc. on healthy relationships.
 HR 1.5.12. Differentiate between respectful (healthy) and disrespectful (unhealthy) relationships including active consent.
 HR 1.6.12. Evaluate effective strategies for handling challenges in relationships (e.g., family members, peers, and significant others).
 HR 1.7.12. Evaluate the legal and social consequences of sending sexually explicit pictures or messages by e-mail or cell phone or posting
sexually explicit pictures on social media sites (e.g., chat groups, e-mail, texting, websites, cell phone, tablet applications and use of other
social media).
 HR 1.8.12. Summarize the benefits of respecting individual differences in aspects of sexuality (such as sexual activity, sexual abstinence,
sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity), growth and development, and physical appearance.
 HR 1.9.12. Analyze the consequences of prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism, and hate crimes.
 HR 1.10.12. Identify and analyze signs and symptoms of adolescent relationship abuse.
 HR 1.11.12. Identify and analyze signs and symptoms of intimate partner violence.
 HR 1.12.12. Identify, summarize, and analyze Connecticut consent laws.
Violence Prevention

 VP 1.1.12. Analyze why prosocial behaviors can help prevent violence.

 VP 1.2.12. Analyze the negative consequences of violence to perpetrators, victims, and bystanders.
 VP 1.3.12. Explain how bystanders can help prevent violence by reporting dangerous situations or actions.
 VP 1.4.12. Summarize why the presence of weapons increases the likelihood of violent injury.
 VP 1.5.12. Analyze how gang involvement can contribute to violence.
 VP 1.6.12. Describe actions to take if weapons are seen or suspected in school or outside the supervision of a parent or guardian.
 VP 1.7.12. Describe federal, state, and local laws intended to prevent violence.

Healthy Eating and Physical Activity

 HEPA 1.1.12. Describe the recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and explain how they are useful in planning a
healthy diet.
 HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.
 HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship between diet, physical activity and disease prevention or chronic diseases such as heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.
 HEPA 1.4.12. Describe the effects of hydration and dehydration on physical performance and health.
 HEPA 1.5.12. Define and describe the benefits of a holistic diet (increasing the amount of whole foods that one eats and decreasing the
amount of processed foods).
 HEPA 1.6.12. Distinguish food sources that provide key nutrients.
 HEPA 1.7.12. Describe the importance of eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet nutrient requirements that align with individual needs
(caloric output)
 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight.
 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.
 HEPA 1.10.12. Summarize how to make healthy food selections when choices are available.
 HEPA 1.11.12. Describe the benefits of limiting the consumption of high sugar including soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and sports
 HEPA 1.12.12. Analyze factors that influence food choices (e.g., food availability, portion sizes, cost, taste vs. nutrition, celebrations, etc.)
HEPA 1.13.12. Analyze the difference between consuming food as fuel vs. food as emotional comfort.
 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky approaches to weight management.
 HEPA 1.15.12. Analyze the physical and psychological effects of life-threatening food allergies.

Sexual Health and HIV

 SH 1.1.12. Summarize the use of contraceptives and their relationship to the process of fertilization and conception.
 SH 1.2.12. Explain the importance of and ability to access contraceptive, STD and HIV counseling and services if sexually active.
 SH 1.3.12. Accessing reproductive health resources as it relates to state laws and the rights of minors.
 SH 1.4.12. Explain the effects of alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy.
 SH 1.5.12. Analyze the factors that protect one against engaging in sexual risk behaviors (e.g., values clarification, planning ahead, being
prepared, communicating and respecting boundaries).
 SH 1.6.12. Summarize ways to reduce the risk of pregnancy, HIV, and other STD’s (e.g., abstinence, avoiding alcohol and other drugs,
limiting sexual partners, using protection).
 SH 1.7.12. Justify why abstinence from sex and drugs are the safest, most effective risk avoidance methods of protection from HIV, other
STDs, and pregnancy.
 SH 1.8.12. Analyze the effectiveness of typical use of condoms and other barrier methods in reducing the risk of pregnancy, HIV, and other
infection by STDs, including HPV (Human Papillomavirus).
 SH 1.9.12. Analyze the effectiveness of typical use of a variety of contraceptives in preventing pregnancy, HIV and STD’s.
 SH 1.10.12. Summarize the short- and long-term consequences, including symptoms and treatment costs, of common STDs and HIV and the
problems associated with asymptomatic STDs and HIV.
 SH 1.11.12. Explain why it is important to know the STD/HIV status of oneself and of a potential sexual partner.
 SH 1.12.12. Discuss the implication of the Safe Haven Law.
 SH 1.13.12. Analyze the emotional, social, physical, and financial effects of being a teen parent.

Optimal Wellness and Disease Prevention

 OWDP 1.1.12. Summarize important health screenings, immunizations, checkups, examinations, and health screenings necessary to maintain
good health including breast and testicular self-exams.
 OWDP 1.2.12. Analyze the wellness continuum (i.e., absence of sickness does not indicate optimal wellness).
 OWDP 1.3.12. Analyze the controllable factors that contribute to optimal wellness and chronic diseases (i.e., heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
hypertension, and osteoporosis).
○ Intake (food, air, water, substances)
○ Output (physical activity and movement; elimination of waste)
○ Sleep
○ Stress Management
 OWDP 1.4.12. Discuss using family history, gender, and age to make informed health related decisions.
 OWDP 1.5.12. Differentiate between Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases.
 OWDP 1.6.12. Justify why it is important to seek help and treatment for common infectious diseases and chronic diseases.

Sexual Assault/Abuse Education and Prevention

 SAAP 1.1.12. Explain why it is wrong to trick, threaten, or coerce another person into having sex.
 SAAP 1.2.12. Explain why a person who has been sexually mistreated, groomed, harassed, abused, assaulted, or exploited is not at fault and
should not be blamed.
 SAAP 1.3.12. Demonstrate strategies for avoiding and dealing with sexual health situations that involve personal risk or danger (e.g., sexual
mistreatment, grooming, harassment, abuse, assault, exploitation, or trafficking)
 SAAP 1.4.12. Differentiate between respectful (healthy) and disrespectful (unhealthy) relationships including active consent.
 SAAP 1.5.12. Explain why rape and sexual assault should be reported to a trusted adult.
 SAAP 1.6.12. Demonstrate the ability to access reliable school and community service providers and resources for health care services
related to sexual health & violence prevention (e.g., counseling, testing, school-based health centers, pediatrician, reproductive health
community centers).
 SAAP 1.7.12. Explain why it is an individual’s responsibility to verify that all sexual contact is consensual.
 SAAP 1.8.12. Analyze laws and policies related to sexual mistreatment, grooming, harassment, abuse, assault, exploitation, & trafficking
which are designed to protect young people.
 SAAP 1.9.12. Training in the prevention and identification of, and response to:
o Child sexual abuse and assault
o Human trafficking
o Commercial sexual exploitation
o Sexual harassment and assault
 SAAP 1.10.12. Skills to recognize:
o child sexual abuse and assault;
o boundary violations and unwanted forms of touching and contact; and
o ways offenders groom or desensitize victims.
 SAAP 1.11.12 Strategies to:
o promote disclosure;
o reduce self-blame; and
o mobilize bystanders
 SAAP 1.12.12. Training in actions that child victims of sexual abuse and assault may take to obtain assistance.
 SAAP 1.13.12. Consent. Explain why people have the right to refuse sexual contact.

Mental and Emotional Health

 MEH 1.1.12. Analyze characteristics of a mentally and emotionally healthy person.

 MEH 1.2.12. Analyze how mental and emotional health can affect health-related behaviors.
 MEH 1.3.12. Determine when to seek help for mental and emotional health problems and the barriers to doing so, including stigma.
 MEH 1.4.12. Analyze the causes, symptoms, and effects of depression, stress, and anxiety, including physical and psychological response.
 MEH 1.5.12. Analyze strategies for mitigating the effects of chronic stress and trauma on mental health and learning.
 MEH 1.6.12. Summarize why it is important to tell an adult if there are people who are in danger of hurting themselves or others (suicide
prevention awareness)
 MEH 1.7.12. Summarize personal stressors at home, in school, and with friends.
 MEH 1.8.12. Evaluate effective strategies for dealing with stress. (e.g., avoidance, active problem solving, emotion focused (reframing
problem), self-care).
 MEH 1.9.12. Summarize strategies for coping with loss and grief.
 MEH 1.10.12. Analyze the negative, neutral, and positive effects of technology and social media on mental and emotional health.
 MEH 1.11.12. Explain the impact of a variety of mental health disorders on behavior (e.g., mood, anxiety, psychotic, and eating disorders)
 MEH 1.12.12. Differentiate between positive and negative body image.
 MEH 1.13.12. Summarize impulsive behaviors that can lead to violence and strategies for controlling them.
 MEH 1.14.12. Identify trusted adults and resources for assistance.

Safety and Injury Prevention

 SIP 1.1.12. Safe Driving (Texting, seat belt).

 SIP 1.2.12. Summarize ways to reduce the risk of injuries while riding in or driving a motor vehicle.
 SIP 1.3.12. Summarize the necessary protective gear for biking, motorcycling, snowmobiling, inline skating, riding a scooter, and/or
 SIP 1.4.12. Explain ways to reduce the risk of injuries (e.g., at work, using tools or machinery, playing sports, around water, poisoning, etc.)
 SIP 1.5.12. Prioritize actions to take to prevent injuries during severe weather.
 SIP 1.6.12. Summarize ways to reduce the risk of injuries from firearms.
 SIP 1.7.12. Summarize ways to reduce safety hazards in the home, school or in the community.
 SIP 1.8.12. Describe actions to take in case of mass trauma.
 SIP 1.9.12. Explain accepted procedures for basic emergency care and lifesaving.
 SIP 1.10.12. Summarize personal strategies for reducing hearing damage due to exposure to loud sounds.
 SIP 1.11.12. Demonstrate how to provide basic first aid and CPR in a variety of emergency situations and emergencies.
 SIP 1.12.12. Summarize ways to reduce the risk of Life-threatening food allergies.
 SIP 1.13.12. Describe digital wellness.
 SIP 1.14.12. Describe personal actions to take for accident prevention.
Health Grade 9-12 Unit Layout

Unit # Name of Unit Minimum # of Lessons Approximate Dates

I Foundations of Health 5 Weeks 1 - 2
II Alcohol 5 Weeks 3 –5
III Nicotine/Tobacco 5 Weeks 6-8
IV Drugs 6 Weeks 9-11
V Nutrition 6 Weeks 11-13
Health & Wellness B Below
VI Physical Fitness 5 Weeks 1-3
VII Sexually Transmitted Infections and Reproduction 6 Weeks 3-6
VIII Infectious/Non-Infectious Diseases 5 Weeks 7-8
IX Mental Health 5 Weeks 8-9
X Social Media 5 Weeks 9-11
XI Healthy Relationships 5 Weeks 11-13
Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness A
Semester: 1
Instructional Days: 4 (beginning week 1)


UNIT I: Foundations of Health Assessments

Standard 2: Analyzing Influences Students will  GS 6.1.12. Assess personal health practices Formative Assessments:
analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, and behaviors.  Exit Slips
technology, and other factors on health behaviors.  Teacher Observation
 GS 6.2.12. Set a realistic personal health  Health Triangle
Standard 5: Decision Making Students will goal. Questionnaire
demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills
to enhance health.  GS 6.3.12. Assess the barriers to achieving a Summative Assessments:
personal health goal.  Timeline Project
Standard 7: Goal Setting Students will demonstrate
the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.  GS 6.4.12. Develop a plan to attain a
personal health goal.

 GS 6.7.12. Formulate an effective long-term

plan to achieve a health goal.


GS 6.1.12. Assess personal health practices and behaviors.

GS 6.2.12. Set a realistic personal health goal.

GS 6.3.12. Assess the barriers to achieving a personal health goal.

GS 6.4.12. Develop a plan to attain a personal health goal.

GS 6.7.12. Formulate an effective long-term plan to achieve a health goal.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify the difference between a wish and a goal.  Health Triangle Questionnaire
 SMART Goal Setting
 Identify the components of a SMART Goal.  Timeline Project
 Wish vs. Goal
 Create a SMART goal.
 Glencoe Health Textbook Activity
 Analyze a SMART goal to create steps needed to reach the

 Analyze potential obstacles to prevent reaching the goal.

 Create a timeline project with 10 SMART goals over the next

10+ years.

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness A
Semester: 1
Instructional Days: 6 (beginning week 3)


UNIT II: Alcohol Assessments

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts  ANOD 1.2.12. Analyze situations that could Formative Assessments:
related to health promotion and disease prevention to lead to the use of alcohol and other drugs.  Exit Slips
enhance health.  Teacher Observation
 ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences Students will that empower people to remain alcohol- and  Unit Pre-Test
analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, drug-free.  BAL Calculator
technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
 ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules, Summative Assessments:
Standard 5: Decision Making Students will school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine,  Unit Post-Test
demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills vaping, and other drug-use.  The Great Debate
to enhance health.
 ANOD 1.5.12. Analyze the relationship
Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors Students will between ANOD use and other risks, such as
demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing unintentional injuries, violence, suicide,
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. sexual risk behaviors, decreased school and
job performance, school and job absenteeism,
Standard 8: Advocacy Students will demonstrate the and job loss.
ability to advocate for personal, family, and
community health.  ANOD 1.6.12. Analyze the dangers of
driving and/or riding with a driver while
under the influence of alcohol and other

 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for

addiction to ANOD.


ANOD 1.2.12. Analyze situations that could lead to the use of alcohol and other drugs.

ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills that empower people to remain alcohol- and drug-free.

ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules, school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine, vaping, and other drug-use.

ANOD 1.5.12. Analyze the relationship between ANOD use and other risks, such as unintentional injuries, violence, suicide, sexual risk behaviors,
decreased school and job performance, school and job absenteeism, and job loss.

ANOD 1.6.12. Analyze the dangers of driving and/or riding with a driver while under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.

ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Alcohol Pre-Test
 Analyze the connection between binge drinking and short- and  Harmful Effects of Alcohol Use
long-term consequences.
 Alcohol, The Individual, & Society
 Analyze the connection between alcohol use and risky  Analyzing Drinking Situations
behavior.  Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) Wheel
 Alcohol Information PowerPoint
 Analyze the connection between alcohol and the impact on the
central nervous system.
 The Great Debate
 “The Making of a Hangover”
 Glencoe Health Textbook

ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules, school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine, vaping, and other drug-use.

ANOD 1.5.12. Analyze the relationship between ANOD use and other risks, such as unintentional injuries, violence, suicide, sexual risk behaviors,
decreased school and job performance, school and job absenteeism, and job loss.

ANOD 1.6.12. Analyze the dangers of driving and/or riding with a driver while under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.

ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Alcohol Pre-Test
 Identify the long-term effects of alcohol on the body.  Harmful Effects of Alcohol Use
 Alcohol, The Individual, & Society
 Evaluate the dangers to teens of experimenting with  Analyzing Drinking Situations
 Blood Alcohol Level (BAL) Wheel
 Identify the short-term effects of alcohol on the body.  Alcohol Information PowerPoint
 Physical Effects of Alcohol Use
 “The Making of a Hangover”
 Glencoe Health Textbook Activity

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness A
Semester: 1
Instructional Days: 6 (beginning week 6)


UNIT III: Nicotine Assessments

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts  ANOD 1.2.12. Analyze situations that could Formative Assessments:
related to health promotion and disease prevention to lead to the use of alcohol and other drugs.  Exit Slips
enhance health.  Teacher Observation
 ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills  Unit Pre-Test
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences Students will that empower people to remain alcohol- and  COPD Article
analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, drug-free.  Physical Effects of
technology, and other factors on health behaviors. Tobacco
 ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules,
Standard 5: Decision Making Students will school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine, Summative Assessments:
demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills vaping, and other drug-use.  Unit Post-Test
to enhance health.  VAPE Research Project
 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for
Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors Students will addiction to ANOD.
demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.  ANOD 1.8.12. Evaluate the financial costs of
nicotine use to the individual and society.
Standard 8: Advocacy Students will demonstrate the
ability to advocate for personal, family, and
community health.


 ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills that empower people to remain alcohol- and drug-free.

 ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules, school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine, vaping, and other drug-use.

 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.

 ANOD 1.8.12. Evaluate the financial costs of nicotine use to the individual and society.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify different forms of nicotine use.  Pre-Test
 Post-Test
 Identify what body systems are affected based on forms of  Tobacco Vocabulary & Secondhand Smoke
use.  COPD Article & Video
 Vaping Video Clip/What is vaping?
 Identify short term effects on the Central Nervous System.  Smokeless Tobacco, Cancer, Emphysema
 Physical Effects of Tobacco
 Analyze the potential long-term effects of nicotine use.  Tar Explained
 Compare and Contrast the impact that traditional nicotine  Tobacco/Nicotine Information PowerPoint
use and vaping nicotine use has on the body.  Glencoe Health Textbook

 ANOD 1.2.12. Analyze situations that could lead to the use of alcohol and other drugs.

 ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills that empower people to remain alcohol- and drug-free.

 ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules, school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine, vaping, and other drug-use.

 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.

 ANOD 1.8.12. Evaluate the financial costs of nicotine use to the individual and society.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify the different forms of media that tobacco is  Tobacco in the Media
advertised on.  Vaping Video Clip/What is vaping?

 Analyze anti-tobacco advertisements, their effectiveness

and strategies utilized to prevent teens from using.

 Understand how tobacco is advertised and the impact is

having on teens and adults.

 ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills that empower people to remain alcohol- and drug-free.

 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.

 ANOD 1.8.12. Evaluate the financial costs of nicotine use to the individual and society.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify the long-term effects of nicotine on the body.  Pre-Test
 Post-Test
 Identify the warning signs and effects of nicotine addiction.  Tobacco Vocabulary & Secondhand Smoke
 COPD Article & Video
 Understand the potential health risks of secondhand smoke and
what role it plays in a non-smoker's overall health.  Vaping Video Clip/What is vaping?
 Smokeless Tobacco, Cancer, Emphysema
 Physical Effects of Tobacco
 Tar Explained
 Tobacco/Nicotine Information PowerPoint
 Glencoe Health Textbook

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness A
Semester: 1
Instructional Days:7 (beginning week 9)


UNIT IV: Drugs Assessments

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts  ANOD 1.1.12. Differentiate between proper Formative Assessments:
related to health promotion and disease prevention to use and abuse of over-the counter (OTC) and  Exit Slips
enhance health. prescription medicines.  Teacher Observation
 Drug Project
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences Students will  ANOD 1.2.12. Analyze situations that could  Opioid Q&A
analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, lead to the use of alcohol and other drugs.
technology, and other factors on health behaviors. Summative Assessments:
 ANOD 1.3.12. Analyze the resiliency skills  Unit Post-Test
Standard 3: Accessing Information Students will that empower people to remain alcohol- and  Drug Chart
demonstrate the ability to access valid information, drug-free.
products, and services to enhance health.
 ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules,
Standard 5: Decision Making Students will school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine,
demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills vaping, and other drug-use.
to enhance health.
 ANOD 1.5.12. Analyze the relationship
Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors Students will between ANOD use and other risks, such as
demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing unintentional injuries, violence, suicide,
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. sexual risk behaviors, decreased school and
job performance, school and job absenteeism,
Standard 8: Advocacy Students will demonstrate the and job loss.
ability to advocate for personal, family, and
community health.  ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for
addiction to ANOD.


 ANOD 1.1.12. Differentiate between proper use and abuse of over-the counter (OTC) and prescription medicines.
 ANOD 1.4.12. Summarize family rules, school rules, and laws about alcohol, nicotine, vaping, and other drug-use.

 ANOD 1.5.12. Analyze the relationship between ANOD use and other risks, such as unintentional injuries, violence, suicide, sexual risk
behaviors, decreased school and job performance, school and job absenteeism, and job loss.

 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify the 5 categories of drugs.  Psychoactive Drugs Intro Reading
 Drug Information PowerPoint
 Identify the long-term effects of various drugs on the body.  Drug Chart
 Opioid Video Clips
 Identify the warning signs and effects of drug addiction.
 Drug Project
 Understand the difference between legalization and  Opioid Q&A and Discussion
decriminalization.  Marijuana Presentation
 Marijuana Discussion/Debate

 ANOD 1.1.12. Differentiate between proper use and abuse of over-the counter (OTC) and prescription medicines.
 ANOD 1.2.12. Analyze situations that could lead to the use of alcohol and other drugs.

 ANOD 1.5.12. Analyze the relationship between ANOD use and other risks, such as unintentional injuries, violence, suicide, sexual risk
behaviors, decreased school and job performance, school and job absenteeism, and job loss.

 ANOD 1.7.12. Identify treatments for addiction to ANOD.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify different forms of drug use.  “Unguarded” Documentary
 Drug Information PowerPoint
 Identify what body systems are affected based on forms of  Drug Chart
 Opioid Video Clips
 Identify short term effects on the Central Nervous System  Drug Project
 Opioid Q&A and Discussion
 Analyze the potential long-term effects from continued  Non-Physical Effects of Drug Use
drug use.  Physical Effects of Drug Use

 Compare and Contrast the impact that each type of drug

has on the body.

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness A
Semester: 1
Instructional Days: 6 (beginning week 11)


UNIT V: Nutrition Assessments

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts  HEPA 1.1.12. Describe the recommendations Formative Assessments:
related to health promotion and disease prevention to of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans  Exit Slips
enhance health. and explain how they are useful in planning a  Teacher Observation
healthy diet.  Food Journals
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences Students will  Healthy Meals
analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media,  HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship  Nutrition Scavenger
technology, and other factors on health behaviors. between nutrition, physical activity, and Hunt
overall health.
Standard 3: Accessing Information Students will Summative Assessments:
demonstrate the ability to access valid information,  HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship  Label Poster
products, and services to enhance health. between diet, physical activity and disease  Pre/Post Assessment
prevention or chronic diseases such as heart
Standard 5: Decision Making Students will disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and
demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills osteoporosis.
to enhance health.
 HEPA 1.5.12. Define and describe the
Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors Students will benefits of a holistic diet (increasing the
demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing amount of whole foods that one eats and
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. decreasing the amount of processed foods).

Standard 7: Goal Setting Students will demonstrate  HEPA 1.6.12. Distinguish food sources that
the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. provide key nutrients.

Standard 8: Advocacy Students will demonstrate the  HEPA 1.7.12. Describe the importance of
ability to advocate for personal, family, and eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet
community health. nutrient requirements that align with
individual needs (caloric output)

 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of

healthy eating and physical activity in
maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical,

mental, social, and academic benefits of
healthful eating habits and physical activity.

 HEPA 1.10.12. Summarize how to make

healthy food selections when choices are

 HEPA 1.11.12. Describe the benefits of

limiting the consumption of high sugar
including soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit
juices, and sports drinks.

 HEPA 1.12.12. Analyze factors that

influence food choices (e.g., food availability,
portion sizes, cost, taste vs. nutrition,
celebrations, etc.)

 HEPA 1.13.12. Analyze the difference

between consuming food as fuel vs. food as
emotional comfort.

 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky

approaches to weight management.


 HEPA 1.1.12. Describe the recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and explain how they are useful in planning a
healthy diet.

 HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.

 HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship between diet, physical activity and disease prevention or chronic diseases such as heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

 HEPA 1.7.12. Describe the importance of eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet nutrient requirements that align with individual needs
(caloric output).

 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.

 HEPA 1.11.12. Describe the benefits of limiting the consumption of high sugar including soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and sports

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Analyze the connection between the food you eat and the long-  Pre-Assessment
term effect on body function and disease prevention.  “Supersize Me”
 “Fed Up”
 Analyze the positive connection between diet and well-being.
 Healthy Meal Building
 Food Journals
 “Rising Sugar” Type 2 Diabetes

 HEPA 1.1.12. Describe the recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and explain how they are useful in planning a
healthy diet.

 HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.

 HEPA 1.6.12. Distinguish food sources that provide key nutrients.

 HEPA 1.7.12. Describe the importance of eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet nutrient requirements that align with individual needs
(caloric output)

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.

 HEPA 1.10.12. Summarize how to make healthy food selections when choices are available.

 HEPA 1.11.12. Describe the benefits of limiting the consumption of high sugar including soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and sports

 HEPA 1.12.12. Analyze factors that influence food choices (e.g., food availability, portion sizes, cost, taste vs. nutrition, celebrations, etc.)

 HEPA 1.13.12. Analyze the difference between consuming food as fuel vs. food as emotional comfort.

 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky approaches to weight management.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Analyze how genetics impact personal and nutritional  Pre-Assessment
health.  “Supersize Me”
 “Fed Up”
 Analyze different cultures and the value they place on  Nutrition Scavenger Hunt
certain nutrients and what effect there is on overall health.  Healthy Meal Building
 “Rising Sugar” Type 2 Diabetes
 Post Assessment

 HEPA 1.1.12. Describe the recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and explain how they are useful in planning a
healthy diet.

 HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship between diet, physical activity and disease prevention or chronic diseases such as heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

 HEPA 1.5.12. Define and describe the benefits of a holistic diet (increasing the amount of whole foods that one eats and decreasing the
amount of processed foods).
 HEPA 1.7.12. Describe the importance of eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet nutrient requirements that align with individual needs
(caloric output)

 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.

 HEPA 1.10.12. Summarize how to make healthy food selections when choices are available.

 HEPA 1.12.12. Analyze factors that influence food choices (e.g., food availability, portion sizes, cost, taste vs. nutrition, celebrations, etc.)

 HEPA 1.13.12. Analyze the difference between consuming food as fuel vs. food as emotional comfort.

 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky approaches to weight management.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify personal factors that can affect nutritional needs.  Pre-Assessment
 Fast Food Poster
 Analyze personal health status and the relationship  Nutrition Scavenger Hunt
between nutritional needs.  Healthy Meal Building
 Food Journals
 “Rising Sugar” Type 2 Diabetes
 Post Assessment

 HEPA 1.1.12. Describe the recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and explain how they are useful in planning a
healthy diet.

 HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.

 HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship between diet, physical activity and disease prevention or chronic diseases such as heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

 HEPA 1.6.12. Distinguish food sources that provide key nutrients.

 HEPA 1.7.12. Describe the importance of eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet nutrient requirements that align with individual needs
(caloric output)
 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.

 HEPA 1.11.12. Describe the benefits of limiting the consumption of high sugar including soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices, and sports

 HEPA 1.13.12. Analyze the difference between consuming food as fuel vs. food as emotional comfort.

 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky approaches to weight management.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify the positive and negative effects of nutrition on  Pre-Assessment
the body’s systems.  Food Label Packet
 Fast Food Poster
 Analyzing daily nutrient intake and how moderation is  “Supersize Me”
key to a healthy diet.  “Fed Up”
 Nutrition Scavenger Hunt
 Healthy Meal Building
 Food Journals
 “Rising Sugar” Type 2 Diabetes
 Post Assessment

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness B
Semester: 2
Instructional Days: 5 (beginning week 1)


UNIT NAME: VI: Physical Fitness Assessments

Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts  HEPA 1.1.12. Describe the recommendations Formative Assessments:
related to health promotion and disease prevention to of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans  Exit Slips
enhance health. and explain how they are useful in planning a  Teacher Observation
healthy diet.  Cardio Analysis
Standard 3: Accessing Information Students will  BMI Analysis
demonstrate the ability to access valid information,  Body Comp. Analysis
products, and services to enhance health.  HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship
between nutrition, physical activity, and
Summative Assessments:
Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors Students will overall health.
 Post-Assessment
demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing  Workout Routine
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.  HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship
between diet, physical activity and disease
Standard 7: Goal Setting Students will demonstrate prevention or chronic diseases such as heart
the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health. disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and

 HEPA 1.4.12. Describe the effects of

hydration and dehydration on physical
performance and health.

 HEPA 1.5.12. Define and describe the

benefits of a holistic diet (increasing the
amount of whole foods that one eats and
decreasing the amount of processed foods).

 HEPA 1.6.12. Distinguish food sources that

provide key nutrients.

 HEPA 1.7.12. Describe the importance of

eating a variety of appropriate foods to meet
nutrient requirements that align with
individual needs (caloric output)

 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of

healthy eating and physical activity in
maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical,

mental, social, and academic benefits of
healthful eating habits and physical activity.
 HEPA 1.10.12. Summarize how to make
healthy food selections when choices are

 HEPA 1.11.12. Describe the benefits of

limiting the consumption of high sugar
including soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit
juices, and sports drinks.

 HEPA 1.12.12. Analyze factors that

influence food choices (e.g., food availability,
portion sizes, cost, taste vs. nutrition,
celebrations, etc.) HEPA 1.13.12. Analyze
the difference between consuming food as
fuel vs. food as emotional comfort.

 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky

approaches to weight management.

 HEPA 1.15.12. Analyze the physical and

psychological effects of life-threatening food


 HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.

 HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship between diet, physical activity and disease prevention or chronic diseases such as heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.

 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky approaches to weight management.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify the components of Fitness.  Fitness Article
 Components of Fitness
 Identify different training concepts and their benefits.  Resting/Target/Max Heart Rate
 Principles of Training
 Identify the major muscle groups in the body.  Major Muscle Groups
 Cardio Analysis
 Analyze the relationship between fitness levels and  BMI Analysis
overall health.  Body Comp. Analysis

 HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.

 HEPA 1.4.12. Describe the effects of hydration and dehydration on physical performance and health.

 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.

 HEPA 1.14.12. Analyze healthy and risky approaches to weight management.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify personal goals and areas of  Resting/Target/Max Heart Rate
improvement/maintenance.  Principles of Training
 Workout Routine Development
 Analyze the benefits of different training concepts and be  Cardio Analysis
able to pick out which concepts apply to personal needs.  BMI Analysis
 Body Comp. Analysis
 Create a personal fitness plan of improvement or

 HEPA 1.2.12. Describe the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and overall health.

 HEPA 1.3.12. Describe the relationship between diet, physical activity and disease prevention or chronic diseases such as heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.

 HEPA 1.4.12. Describe the effects of hydration and dehydration on physical performance and health.
 HEPA 1.8.12. Summarize the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in maintaining a healthy weight.

 HEPA 1.9.12. Summarize the physical, mental, social, and academic benefits of healthful eating habits and physical activity.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify exercises to benefit each component of fitness.  Principles of Training
 Major Muscle Groups
 Apply knowledge about muscle groups to improve  Workout Routine Development
specific movement patterns.  Cardio Analysis
 BMI Analysis
 Analyze the relationship between physical fitness and the  Body Comp. Analysis
physiological effects that happen in your body as a result
of training.

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness B
Semester: 2
Instructional Days: 7 (beginning week 3)


UNIT VII: STI’s & Human Reproduction Assessments
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts  SH 1.1.12. Summarize the use of Formative Assessments:
related to health promotion and disease prevention to contraceptives and their relationship to the  Exit Slips
enhance health. process of fertilization and conception.  Teacher Observation
 Birth Control Chart
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences Students will  SH 1.2.12. Explain the importance of and  Reproduction Process
analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, ability to access contraceptive, STD and HIV
technology, and other factors on health behaviors. counseling and services if sexually active. Summative Assessments:
 Research Project
Standard 3: Accessing Information Students will  SH 1.3.12. Accessing reproductive health  Post-Assessment
demonstrate the ability to access valid information, resources as it relates to state laws and the
products, and services to enhance health. rights of minors.

Standard 4: Interpersonal Communication Students  SH 1.5.12. Analyze the factors that protect
will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal one against engaging in sexual risk behaviors
communication skills to enhance health and avoid or (e.g., values clarification, planning ahead,
reduce health risks. being prepared, communicating and
respecting boundaries).
Standard 5: Decision Making Students will
demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills  SH 1.6.12. Summarize ways to reduce the
to enhance health. risk of pregnancy, HIV, and other STD’s
(e.g., abstinence, avoiding alcohol and other
Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors Students will drugs, limiting sexual partners, using
demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing protection).
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
 SH 1.7.12. Justify why abstinence from sex
Standard 8: Advocacy Students will demonstrate the and drugs are the safest, most effective risk
ability to advocate for personal, family, and avoidance methods of protection from HIV,
community health. other STDs, and pregnancy.

 SH 1.8.12. Analyze the effectiveness of

typical use of condoms and other barrier
methods in reducing the risk of pregnancy,
HIV, and other infection by STDs, including
HPV (Human Papillomavirus).

 SH 1.9.12. Analyze the effectiveness of

typical use of a variety of contraceptives in
preventing pregnancy, HIV and STD’s.

 SH 1.10.12. Summarize the short- and long-

term consequences, including symptoms and
treatment costs, of common STDs and HIV
and the problems associated with
asymptomatic STDs and HIV.

 SH 1.11.12. Explain why it is important to

know the STD/HIV status of oneself and of a
potential sexual partner.

 SAAP 1.1.12. Explain why it is wrong to

trick, threaten, or coerce another person into
having sex.

 SAAP 1.2.12. Explain why a person who has

been sexually mistreated, groomed, harassed,
abused, assaulted, or exploited is not at fault
and should not be blamed.

 SAAP 1.3.12. Demonstrate strategies for

avoiding and dealing with sexual health
situations that involve personal risk or danger
(e.g., sexual mistreatment, grooming,
harassment, abuse, assault, exploitation, or

 SAAP 1.6.12. Demonstrate the ability to

access reliable school and community service
providers and resources for health care
services related to sexual health & violence
prevention (e.g., counseling, testing, school-
based health centers, pediatrician,
reproductive health community centers).

 SAAP 1.7.12. Explain why it is an

individual’s responsibility to verify that all
sexual contact is consensual.

 SAAP 1.13.12. Consent. Explain why people

have the right to refuse sexual contact.


 SH 1.2.12. Explain the importance of and ability to access contraceptive, STD and HIV counseling and services if sexually active.

 SH 1.3.12. Accessing reproductive health resources as it relates to state laws and the rights of minors.

 SH 1.5.12. Analyze the factors that protect one against engaging in sexual risk behaviors (e.g., values clarification, planning ahead, being
prepared, communicating and respecting boundaries).
 SH 1.6.12. Summarize ways to reduce the risk of pregnancy, HIV, and other STD’s (e.g., abstinence, avoiding alcohol and other drugs,
limiting sexual partners, using protection).

 SH 1.7.12. Justify why abstinence from sex and drugs are the safest, most effective risk avoidance methods of protection from HIV, other
STDs, and pregnancy.

 SH 1.10.12. Summarize the short- and long-term consequences, including symptoms and treatment costs, of common STDs and HIV and the
problems associated with asymptomatic STDs and HIV.

 SH 1.11.12. Explain why it is important to know the STD/HIV status of oneself and of a potential sexual partner.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify resources available to gather information on  Pre-Assessment
STD’s and prevention.  STI Article
 STI Instructional PowerPoint
 Compare and contrast information I receive from multiple  Birth Control Methods & Effectiveness
sources to make informed personal health decisions.  Reproduction Process
 STI Research Project
 Male vs. Female Reproduction
 Pregnancy
 Post-Assessment

 SH 1.1.12. Summarize the use of contraceptives and their relationship to the process of fertilization and conception.

 SH 1.2.12. Explain the importance of and ability to access contraceptive, STD and HIV counseling and services if sexually active.

 SH 1.3.12. Accessing reproductive health resources as it relates to state laws and the rights of minors.

 SH 1.5.12. Analyze the factors that protect one against engaging in sexual risk behaviors (e.g., values clarification, planning ahead, being
prepared, communicating and respecting boundaries).

 SH 1.6.12. Summarize ways to reduce the risk of pregnancy, HIV, and other STD’s (e.g., abstinence, avoiding alcohol and other drugs,
limiting sexual partners, using protection).

 SH 1.7.12. Justify why abstinence from sex and drugs are the safest, most effective risk avoidance methods of protection from HIV, other
STDs, and pregnancy.
 SH 1.8.12. Analyze the effectiveness of typical use of condoms and other barrier methods in reducing the risk of pregnancy, HIV, and other
infection by STDs, including HPV (Human Papillomavirus).

 SH 1.9.12. Analyze the effectiveness of typical use of a variety of contraceptives in preventing pregnancy, HIV and STD’s.

 SAAP 1.1.12. Explain why it is wrong to trick, threaten, or coerce another person into having sex.

 SAAP 1.6.12. Demonstrate the ability to access reliable school and community service providers and resources for health care services
related to sexual health & violence prevention (e.g., counseling, testing, school-based health centers, pediatrician, reproductive health
community centers).

 SAAP 1.7.12. Explain why it is an individual’s responsibility to verify that all sexual contact is consensual.

 SAAP 1.13.12. Consent. Explain why people have the right to refuse sexual contact.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify different forms of contraception and what they  Pre-Assessment
prevent.  STI Article
 STI Instructional PowerPoint
 Identify sexually transmitted diseases and how they are  Birth Control Methods & Effectiveness
contracted.  Reproduction Process
 STI Research Project
 Analyze the effectiveness levels of contraceptives and  Male vs. Female Reproduction
factors that impact how effective a contraceptive can be.
 Pregnancy
 Post-Assessment

 SH 1.3.12. Accessing reproductive health resources as it relates to state laws and the rights of minors.

 SH 1.9.12. Analyze the effectiveness of typical use of a variety of contraceptives in preventing pregnancy, HIV and STD’s.

 SH 1.11.12. Explain why it is important to know the STD/HIV status of oneself and of a potential sexual partner.

 SAAP 1.1.12. Explain why it is wrong to trick, threaten, or coerce another person into having sex.

 SAAP 1.2.12. Explain why a person who has been sexually mistreated, groomed, harassed, abused, assaulted, or exploited is not at fault and
should not be blamed.
 SAAP 1.3.12. Demonstrate strategies for avoiding and dealing with sexual health situations that involve personal risk or danger (e.g., sexual
mistreatment, grooming, harassment, abuse, assault, exploitation, or trafficking)

 SAAP 1.7.12. Explain why it is an individual’s responsibility to verify that all sexual contact is consensual.

 SAAP 1.13.12. Consent. Explain why people have the right to refuse sexual contact.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify male and female reproductive anatomical  Pre-Assessment
systems.  STI Article
 STI Instructional PowerPoint
 Identify each step of the process for human reproduction.  Birth Control Methods & Effectiveness
 Reproduction Process
 Analyze sexual encounter scenarios and determine their  STI Research Project
level of risk.  Male vs. Female Reproduction
 Pregnancy
 Post-Assessment

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness B
Semester: 2
Instructional Days: 5 (beginning week 7)


UNIT VIII: Non-Infectious Diseases Assessments

Standard 1: Students will comprehend  OWDP 1.1.12. Summarize important Formative Assessments:
concepts related to health promotion and health screenings, immunizations,  Exit Slips
disease prevention to enhance health. checkups, examinations, and health  Teacher Observation
screenings necessary to maintain good  Types of Doctors
Standard 6: Health Enhancing Behaviors health including breast and testicular  Non-Infectious Disease Chart
Students will demonstrate the ability to self-exams.
practice health enhancing behaviors and Summative Assessments:
avoid or reduce health risks.  OWDP 1.2.12. Analyze the wellness  Students Self-Assessment
continuum (i.e., absence of sickness does  Peer Assessment
Standard 8: Advocacy Students will not indicate optimal wellness).  Video Analysis
demonstrate the ability to advocate for  Standardized Performance Rubric
personal, family, and community health.  OWDP 1.3.12. Analyze the controllable
factors that contribute to optimal
wellness and chronic diseases (i.e., heart
disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension,
and osteoporosis).
○ Intake (food, air, water,
○ Output (physical activity and
movement; elimination of waste)
○ Sleep
○ Stress Management

 OWDP 1.4.12. Discuss using family

history, gender, and age to make
informed health related decisions.

 OWDP 1.5.12. Differentiate between

Communicable and Non-Communicable

 OWDP 1.6.12. Justify why it is

important to seek help and treatment for
common infectious diseases and chronic


 OWDP 1.1.12. Summarize important health screenings, immunizations, checkups, examinations, and health screenings necessary to maintain
good health including breast and testicular self-exams.

 OWDP 1.4.12. Discuss using family history, gender, and age to make informed health related decisions.

 OWDP 1.5.12. Differentiate between Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases.

 OWDP 1.6.12. Justify why it is important to seek help and treatment for common infectious diseases and chronic diseases.
Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Understand the difference between infectious and non-  Disease Code
infectious diseases.  Types of Doctors
 Disease Informational PowerPoint
 Identify various diseases and their risks.  Non-Infectious Disease Chart
 Types of Cancer
 Understand genetic/hereditary health risks.  Hereditary/Genetic Diseases
 Post-Assessment
 Identify different types of doctors and their specialties.

 OWDP 1.1.12. Summarize important health screenings, immunizations, checkups, examinations, and health screenings necessary to maintain
good health including breast and testicular self-exams.

 OWDP 1.2.12. Analyze the wellness continuum (i.e., absence of sickness does not indicate optimal wellness).

 OWDP 1.3.12. Analyze the controllable factors that contribute to optimal wellness and chronic diseases (i.e., heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
hypertension, and osteoporosis).
○ Intake (food, air, water, substances)
○ Output (physical activity and movement; elimination of waste)
○ Sleep
○ Stress Management

 OWDP 1.5.12. Differentiate between Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Understand the spread of disease in the community.  “Outbreak” or “Contagion”
 Disease Informational PowerPoint
 Differentiate between an Epidemic and Pandemic.  Non-Infectious Disease Chart
 Post-Assessment
 Analyze situations of how to limit disease spreading.

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness B
Semester: 2
Instructional Days: 5 (beginning week 8)


UNIT IX: Mental Health Assessments
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences  MEH 1.1.12. Analyze characteristics of a mentally Formative Assessments:
Students will analyze the influence of and emotionally healthy person. 1. Exit Slips
family, peers, culture, media, 2. Teacher Observation
technology, and other factors on  MEH 1.2.12. Analyze how mental and emotional
health behaviors. health can affect health-related behaviors. Summative Assessments:
1. Students Self-Assessment
Standard 3: Accessing Information  MEH 1.3.12. Determine when to seek help for mental 2. Peer Assessment
Students will demonstrate the ability and emotional health problems and the barriers to 3. Video Analysis
to access valid information, products, doing so, including stigma. 4. Standardized Performance Rubric
and services to enhance health.
 MEH 1.4.12. Analyze the causes, symptoms, and
Standard 4: Interpersonal effects of depression, stress, and anxiety, including
Communication Students will physical and psychological response.
demonstrate the ability to use
interpersonal communication skills to  MEH 1.5.12. Analyze strategies for mitigating the
enhance health and avoid or reduce effects of chronic stress and trauma on mental health
health risks. and learning.
Standard 5: Decision Making  MEH 1.6.12. Summarize why it is important to tell an
Students will demonstrate the ability adult if there are people who are in danger of hurting
to use decision-making skills to themselves or others (suicide prevention awareness).
enhance health.
 MEH 1.7.12. Summarize personal stressors at home,
Standard 6: Health Enhancing
in school, and with friends.
Behaviors Students will demonstrate
the ability to practice health
 MEH 1.8.12. Evaluate effective strategies for dealing
enhancing behaviors and avoid or
with stress. (e.g., avoidance, active problem solving,
reduce health risks.
emotion focused (reframing problem), self-care).

 MEH 1.9.12. Summarize strategies for coping with

loss and grief.

 MEH 1.10.12. Analyze the negative, neutral, and

positive effects of technology and social media on
mental and emotional health.

 MEH 1.11.12. Explain the impact of a variety of

mental health disorders on behavior (e.g., mood,
anxiety, psychotic, and eating disorders).

 MEH 1.12.12. Differentiate between positive and

negative body image.

 MEH 1.13.12. Summarize impulsive behaviors that

can lead to violence and strategies for controlling

 MEH 1.14.12. Identify trusted adults and resources

for assistance.


 MEH 1.1.12. Analyze characteristics of a mentally and emotionally healthy person.

 MEH 1.2.12. Analyze how mental and emotional health can affect health-related behaviors.

 MEH 1.3.12. Determine when to seek help for mental and emotional health problems and the barriers to doing so, including stigma.

 MEH 1.4.12. Analyze the causes, symptoms, and effects of depression, stress, and anxiety, including physical and psychological response.

 MEH 1.5.12. Analyze strategies for mitigating the effects of chronic stress and trauma on mental health and learning.

 MEH 1.6.12. Summarize why it is important to tell an adult if there are people who are in danger of hurting themselves or others (suicide
prevention awareness).

 MEH 1.7.12. Summarize personal stressors at home, in school, and with friends.

 MEH 1.8.12. Evaluate effective strategies for dealing with stress. (e.g., avoidance, active problem solving, emotion focused (reframing
problem), self-care).
 MEH 1.9.12. Summarize strategies for coping with loss and grief.

 MEH 1.10.12. Analyze the negative, neutral, and positive effects of technology and social media on mental and emotional health.

 MEH 1.11.12. Explain the impact of a variety of mental health disorders on behavior (e.g., mood, anxiety, psychotic, and eating disorders).

 MEH 1.12.12. Differentiate between positive and negative body image.

 MEH 1.13.12. Summarize impulsive behaviors that can lead to violence and strategies for controlling them.

 MEH 1.14.12. Identify trusted adults and resources for assistance.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 

 MEH 1.1.12. Analyze characteristics of a mentally and emotionally healthy person.

 MEH 1.2.12. Analyze how mental and emotional health can affect health-related behaviors.

 MEH 1.3.12. Determine when to seek help for mental and emotional health problems and the barriers to doing so, including stigma.

 MEH 1.4.12. Analyze the causes, symptoms, and effects of depression, stress, and anxiety, including physical and psychological response.

 MEH 1.5.12. Analyze strategies for mitigating the effects of chronic stress and trauma on mental health and learning.

 MEH 1.6.12. Summarize why it is important to tell an adult if there are people who are in danger of hurting themselves or others (suicide
prevention awareness).

 MEH 1.7.12. Summarize personal stressors at home, in school, and with friends.

 MEH 1.8.12. Evaluate effective strategies for dealing with stress. (e.g., avoidance, active problem solving, emotion focused (reframing
problem), self-care).

 MEH 1.9.12. Summarize strategies for coping with loss and grief.

 MEH 1.10.12. Analyze the negative, neutral, and positive effects of technology and social media on mental and emotional health.

 MEH 1.11.12. Explain the impact of a variety of mental health disorders on behavior (e.g., mood, anxiety, psychotic, and eating disorders).
 MEH 1.12.12. Differentiate between positive and negative body image.

 MEH 1.13.12. Summarize impulsive behaviors that can lead to violence and strategies for controlling them.

 MEH 1.14.12. Identify trusted adults and resources for assistance.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness B
Semester: 2
Instructional Days: 4 (beginning week 9)


UNIT X: Social Media Assessments
Standard 1: Students will  SIP 1.13.12. Describe digital wellness. Formative Assessments:
comprehend concepts related to 1. Exit Slips
health promotion and disease  SIP 1.1.12. Safe Driving (Texting, seat belt). 2. Teacher Observation
prevention to enhance health. 3. Social Media Analysis
 MEH 1.4.12. Analyze the causes, symptoms, and
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences effects of depression, stress, and anxiety, including Summative Assessments:
Students will analyze the influence of physical and psychological response. 1. Students Self-Assessment
family, peers, culture, media, 2. Peer Assessment
technology, and other factors on  MEH 1.10.12. Analyze the negative, neutral, and 3. Video Analysis
health behaviors. positive effects of technology and social media on 4. Standardized Performance Rubric
mental and emotional health.
Standard 3: Accessing Information
Students will demonstrate the ability  HR 1.7.12. Evaluate the legal and social
to access valid information, products, consequences of sending sexually explicit pictures or
and services to enhance health. messages by e-mail or cell phone or posting sexually
explicit pictures on social media sites (e.g., chat
Standard 4: Interpersonal groups, e-mail, texting, websites, cell phone, tablet
Communication Students will applications and use of other social media).
demonstrate the ability to use
interpersonal communication skills to  HR 1.4.12. Analyze the effects of viewing
enhance health and avoid or reduce pornography, sexting, etc. on healthy relationships.
health risks.

Standard 5: Decision Making

Students will demonstrate the ability
to use decision-making skills to
enhance health.

Standard 6: Health Enhancing

Behaviors Students will demonstrate
the ability to practice health
enhancing behaviors and avoid or
reduce health risks.


 SIP 1.13.12. Describe digital wellness.

 SIP 1.1.12. Safe Driving (Texting, seat belt).

 MEH 1.4.12. Analyze the causes, symptoms, and effects of depression, stress, and anxiety, including physical and psychological response.

 MEH 1.10.12. Analyze the negative, neutral, and positive effects of technology and social media on mental and emotional health.

 HR 1.7.12. Evaluate the legal and social consequences of sending sexually explicit pictures or messages by e-mail or cell phone or posting
sexually explicit pictures on social media sites (e.g., chat groups, e-mail, texting, websites, cell phone, tablet applications and use of other
social media).

 HR 1.4.12. Analyze the effects of viewing pornography, sexting, etc. on healthy relationships.

Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Analyze the pros and cons of social media use.  Social Media Analysis
 “The Social Dilemma” or “The Social Network”
 Understand the importance of limiting “screen time.”
 Dangers of Social Media
 Identify and analyze instances of cyberbullying.  Advertising Analysis
 Analyze the physical and psychological effects of social media
on teens.

Grade: 9-12
Subject: Health and Wellness B
Semester: 2
Instructional Days: 5 (beginning week 11)


UNIT XI: Healthy Relationships Assessments
Standard 2: Analyzing Influences  SAAP 1.4.12. Differentiate between respectful Formative Assessments:
Students will analyze the influence of (healthy) and disrespectful (unhealthy) relationships 1. Exit Slips
family, peers, culture, media, including active consent. 2. Teacher Observation
technology, and other factors on 3. Power, Control, & Equity
health behaviors.  SAAP 1.5.12. Explain why rape and sexual assault
should be reported to a trusted adult. Summative Assessments:
Standard 3: Accessing Information 1. Students Self-Assessment
Students will demonstrate the ability  SAAP 1.8.12. Analyze laws and policies related to 2. Peer Assessment
to access valid information, products, sexual mistreatment, grooming, harassment, abuse, 3. Video Analysis
and services to enhance health. assault, exploitation, & trafficking which are designed
to protect young people.
Standard 4: Interpersonal
Communication Students will  SAAP 1.9.12. Training in the prevention and
demonstrate the ability to use identification of, and response to:
interpersonal communication skills to o Child sexual abuse and assault
enhance health and avoid or reduce o Human trafficking
health risks. o Commercial sexual exploitation
o Sexual harassment and assault
Standard 5: Decision Making
Students will demonstrate the ability  SAAP 1.10.12. Skills to recognize:
to use decision-making skills to o child sexual abuse and assault;
enhance health. o boundary violations and unwanted
Standard 6: Health Enhancing forms of touching and contact; and
Behaviors Students will demonstrate o ways offenders groom or desensitize
the ability to practice health victims.
enhancing behaviors and avoid or
reduce health risks.  SAAP 1.11.12 Strategies to:
o promote disclosure;
Standard 8: Advocacy Students will o reduce self-blame; and
demonstrate the ability to advocate o mobilize bystanders
for personal, family, and community
health.  SAAP 1.12.12. Training in actions that child victims
of sexual abuse and assault may take to obtain


 SAAP 1.4.12. Differentiate between respectful (healthy) and disrespectful (unhealthy) relationships including active consent.

 SAAP 1.5.12. Explain why rape and sexual assault should be reported to a trusted adult.

 SAAP 1.8.12. Analyze laws and policies related to sexual mistreatment, grooming, harassment, abuse, assault, exploitation, & trafficking
which are designed to protect young people.

 SAAP 1.9.12. Training in the prevention and identification of, and response to:
o Child sexual abuse and assault
o Human trafficking
o Commercial sexual exploitation
o Sexual harassment and assault

 SAAP 1.10.12. Skills to recognize:

o child sexual abuse and assault;
o boundary violations and unwanted
forms of touching and contact; and
o ways offenders groom or desensitize

 SAAP 1.11.12 Strategies to:

o promote disclosure;
o reduce self-blame; and
o mobilize bystanders

 SAAP 1.12.12. Training in actions that child victims of sexual abuse and assault may take to obtain assistance.
Primary Activities/Materials/Texts
 Identify resources to help youth who are struggling in a  Sexual Aggression
relationship  SAFE Futures
 Power, Control & Equality
 Understand the signs and differences between sexual  Relationship Goals
harassment and sexual assault.  “Mean Girls”

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