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The Corporation are the latest addition CREDITS
to the Warpath range of Sci-fi miniatures Artwork: Jonas, Springborg, Roberto Cirillo
from Mantic Games and this Dossier Photography: Warwick Kinrade
– exclusive to the Mantic Games Writers: Guy Haley, Jonathan Peace
Newsletter - is your go-to guide for the Painters: Tommy Soule
Corporation, containing background, a
short story, unit descriptions, a colour- All rights in the design, texts, graphics and other
material in this document and its selection or
photo gallery of the new models and
arrangement is copyright of Mantic Entertainment Ltd
even a 1000 point sample army list! and has been granted for use by other third parties.
This includes images, text, graphics, corporate logos
We are very excited to be bringing you and emblems.
this booklet and finally getting to show-
- Mantic Entertainment, Mantic House, Greasley
off what has been a fantastic effort by Street, Bulwell, Nottingham, NG6 8NG
our design team. - 0115 933 8448

We hope you enjoy the read!

The galaxy is burning. The malevolent Offered membership “as equal partners”
human Corporation is expanding its in the Great Galactic Co-prosperity
sphere of influence, annexing more Sphere, these new worlds will at first be
and more star systems to its territories, optimistic and proud of their status, but
bringing every alien civilization it can over time they discover the truth. Their
under its control. Or, if this proves societies undergo massive, traumatic
impossible, exterminating them. change, overthrowing whatever customs
and governance they once possessed in
The Corporation’s strategy is to make return for the bland, pan-galactic culture
contact with alien civilizations and of the Corporation.
dazzle them with humanity’s superior
technology [Note: Only 27 species have Worse, what is initially offered free in
so far been encountered that possess the spirit of common sentient interest
higher understanding of the sciences does not remain so for long. Soon the
than the Corporation]. Appearing as incorporated culture will be dependent
benefactors, Corporation diplomats will on Corporation goods and services, and
offer massive technological help to these bled dry to pay for them.
planets: new forms of power, transit,
communication and all the benefits a Turned into little better than puppet
thousand year old technological society states, these slave-societies are drugged
can bring. by the cheap, get-rich-quick attitudes
of Corporation culture, and will gladly
Very few peoples turn this down. devote all of their planets’ resources
to enriching the Corporation and the A system that has been cleared of
few local bureaucrats that run the hostile indigenous aliens is ripe for re-
business for it, while the majority of colonization by the humans that form
the population plummet into a state of the largest part of the Corporation’s
poverty and servitude. population. More often than not they
too are oppressed as they strip the place
This form of cultural imperialism of its natural resources.
takes time, and it does not always
work. Sometimes the most primitive From its ancient beginnings on the Solar
culture can see through the baubles System, the Corporation has spread like
the Corporation offers to the truth. a malignant cancer across the galaxy,
Other times, a civilisation may be too covering entire sectors in its tyrannical
savage, too advanced or just too damn rule and suffocating any attempt to live
alien to risk bringing in to man’s great free of its clutches. Their expansion
galactic family. In these cases, the continues, but the galaxy is a big place.
Corporation will deploy its considerable The Corporation is not the monolithic
military might. Full-scale invasion and entity many think it to be, and suffers
subjugation has been the fate of many, tensions between the great Houses
even complete annihilation if a race and Companies that comprise it. And
proves too troublesome. all those pampered, rich men who
debate and bicker in the sterile halls of
Well trained and equipped with the Corporation Central share one, deep-
best in military technology, Corporation seated fear: that sooner or later the
Troopers are worth scores of the Corporation will meet its match in the
warriors of less advanced cultures. The unexplored expanses of deep space…
Troopers’ armour is often invulnerable
to the natives’ weapons, leaving them
free to mercilessly mow down scores
of the enemies with pulses from their
laser weaponry. Indeed, a great many
Corporation recruitment videos glory
in human troops slaughtering spear-
waving “savages” for the betterment of
the cosmos. If they encounter heavier
resistance, the Troopers can bring the
awesome firepower of their tanks
and powered exoskeletons to bear. In
dire circumstances an expeditionary
commander may petition Corporation
Central to unleash their most specialised
force who will quickly dispatch even the
most stubborn of foes.
The armies of the Corporation are led
into battle by seasoned commanders
hardened from a thousand battles
across hundreds of star systems.

When Corporation Central decides on a

new commercial campaign of aggressive
expansion, it is upon their Commanders
shoulders that the responsibility lies; and
they take their responsibilities seriously.
Barking orders and Corporation dogma
that none dare ignore, the Commander
is an imposing, yet inspirational sight on
the battlefield.

When the diplomats fail, the military arm The enemies cover is quickly destroyed
of the Corporation is sent in to eradicate while enemy formations are swept aside
all hostile opposition. A Corporation by the Heavy Weapons Teams. Then the
Expeditionary Force is a sight that chills Marines go in.
the blood of all who stand before it.
Taking out what opposition remains and
Corporation Commanders launch their backed up by Veterans armed with fire
battle-plans, first sending out Ranger suppression units, any uprising is soon
Teams to seize important battlefield stamped out and brought under control
objectives or take out enemy leaders of the Co-Prosperity Sphere Corporation
with well placed precision shooting. once more.
“Where the diplomats fail, the Marine

Taken from the citizens of a thousand

worlds, trained to follow orders without
question and kill without thought, the
Corporation Marine is the hammer that
beats the Co-Prosperity Sphere message
home. Armed with the latest tactical
laser weaponry and wearing resilient
battlefield armour, an invasion by these
deadly warriors means another world
will soon fall under Corporation control.

Having survived several campaigns, a Marine is rewarded by being trained in the
use of even more powerful weapons.

Numbed to the horrors of battle, these Veterans are taught greater battlefield tactics
using weapons that can punch through a tank. Other specialist Veterans learn to
use fire- suppression units while others are equipped with powerful close combat
technology so devastating they can kill even the biggest foe.
Utilising their years of experience, the
Corporation Rangers strike ahead of the
main force, their stealth-suits keeping
them hidden from the enemy until they
are ready to attack.

Some missions require them to lay

down rivers of firepower upon the
enemy, suppressing them until the main
force arrives to mop up the remains.
Other missions see these elite troops
taking out enemy commanders, seizing
objectives and capturing enemy troops
for information retrieval.

As the main forces of the Corporation
steadily advance, these disciplined
teams provide devastating cover

Rapid fire lasers strafe the enemy

positions, ripping apart troops in a
blistering hail of laser fire while the
more powerful cannons blast defensive
structures into dust.
by Jonathan Peace
The firefight was intense. Criss-crossing bank. He reached out in desperation,
beams of energy sang through the air, hoping to find something to grab hold of
superheating it until it seemed they were and stop his slide into oblivion, but all his
fighting on the deserts of Halkari Prime fingers found was the arming device.
rather than on the dark red mud of On the bridge a Marauder climbed onto
Hadax. Another stanchion of the bridge the stanchion and waved for those
exploded but still the damned thing behind to come across. Zimmer could
wouldn’t fall. see dark shapes, thousands of them,
Two hundred Marauders ran towards the moving towards the bridge. The acid-
bridge, their weapons growling in their stream was up to his waist now, the
giant paws while frenzied drool ran from surface stained a dark crimson with his
their tusks. They were eager for battle blood. It frothed as it slowly ate away his
and ready to die. body, but just as he slipped beneath its
Corporal Zimmer of the 23rd Section surface, Zimmer closed his hand on the
would gladly grant their wish, but first trigger.
he had a job to do. He fastened another The bridge and several hundred
magnetic charge to the stanchion while Marauders, exploded in a giant blast of
around him his fire team opened up on light and sound...
the charging brutes. x
“Last one!” Zimmer shouted. Whether
or not they heard him, he didn’t care. He “The Marauders are running,” the
just needed to fasten this charge in place TEO said. A cheer ran round the room.
and then... Commander Reid let it continue for a
The shot took him in the side, blasting moment and then held his hand up.
through the single place he wore no Silence fell like a knife.
armour. He grunted and fell, landing “Of course they are. Nothing but animals
in the mud before rolling down the and what does an animal do when its
embankment. His feet fell into the river cornered... puts its tail between its legs
and immediately began to smoke as the and runs for home.”
acid-stream ate away at his boots. He “If they make it back to their territories,
screamed but there was no one to help we’re going to have a hard time burning
him. On the bridge, the Maruaders cut them out,” an 3rd Class Technician said.
down the last of the fire team and set “Then we better do something about
about butchering them for war trophies. that, hadn’t we?” Reid opened the
Zimmer began to slide further into the commline. “Little Blue, have you been
stream, his cries now a bubbling groan listening?”
as his legs now began to dissolve as he “Sir.”
slipped further and further down the “Operation Hammerfall is go!”
The forces of the Corporation can bring a great deal of firepower and infantry support
to the battlefield. On the tabletop, a 1000 point army can be built from as little as two
army sets, a hero and an extra box of marines.

Below is a sample Force List showing how you can build such an army!


1 Corporation Major-General 50pts

With Duster

2 Corporation Rangers Sections 440pts

Heavy Laser Rifles, Tactical Flamer

3 Corporation Marine Platoons 225pts

1 Corporation Veterans Platoon 235pts

Light Laser Cannon

2 Heavy Weapons Sections 50pts

You can purchase this list as a great value 1000 point Army Deal on our website!


The Corporation are released in March and there are more model previews
artwork and background to come.

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