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No Game Master Required

Play the basic adventures without a Gamemaster!

These rules are 100% compatible with all expansions.
To make it quick, after reading the quest introduction, you play your own hero & all Men-at-Arms
you have, then each monster is activated with the help of a specific matrix very simple.
When you open a door or a secret door or simply when you walk on a square giving a line-of-sight
into a unexplored areas, roll 2D6 and check the results against the tables of exploration on the
following pages to know what needs to be placed on the board.

Get ready?
Since there's no Gamemaster, each player takes their hero then their henchmen, their spells and
checks their gear etc. Choose a Quest, read the introduction. For each Quest you have a listing of
the number of doors, secret doors, traps, monsters & furniture.
Take the appropriate monster tokens and mix them into a cup.
Let’s play!

One turn
As always, you play your character and their Men-at-Arms.
At the end of the last player’s turn, move the monsters and have them attack.
Do this with the help of the matrices at the end of this booklet.
While you, or a monster are exploring a new place, roll 2D6 and check the results against the
tables of exploration, furniture, traps & monsters.
In fact, you don't need to roll for every table; only one 2D6 roll will give you everything you need.
Only one check against the tables and your dungeon becomes alive without a Gamemaster!
About the traps… there a simple rule on how to handle them will be explained below.
Secret door rules you must apply:
A → When you search for a secret door and discover one, place it immediately on the board and
open it. Place the new area’s furniture & monsters.
B → If you have a toolkit and you search & discover a secret door, roll a combat die:
→ A Skull : the secret door opens itself : refer to A above.
→ A Black Shield : reroll the die
→ White Shield : the door is discovered but unopened. Place it where you want & can.
Since the Dwarf doesn't need a toolkit, the Dwarf player rolls the die as if he had one.
Table : Generation of the areas
When you open a door, secret door, or enter into a new area, roll 2D6 and refer to the chart :

What you have to put in place

(within the limit of the number of doors available for the quest)
2 Nothing at all

3 Place (if possible) one or several walls to close the passage to its extremities.

4 Place (if possible) one or several walls to close the passage to its extremities.
Place 1 door on a wall leading to a new area & place (if possible) 1 wall to close the passage
5 at one of its extremities.
Place 2 doors on walls leading to new areas & place (if possible) 1 wall to close the passage
6 at one of its extremities.
Place 3 doors on walls leading to new areas & place (if possible) 1 wall to close the passage
7 at one of its extremities.
Place 1 door on each wall leading to a new area & place (if possible) walls to close the
8 passage at all its extremities.
Place 1 door on a wall leading to a new area & place (if possible) one wall to close the
9 passage to one of its extremities.
Place 2 doors walls leading to a new area & place (if possible) one wall to close the passage
10 to one of its extremities.
Place 3 doors walls leading to a new area & place (if possible) one wall to close the passage
11 to one of its extremities.
Place 1 door on each wall leading to a new area & place (if possible) one wall to close the
12 passage to its extremities.

→ When you roll the dice and get a 5, 7, or 9, you must replace at least one door for a secret door
within the limit available for the quest you're playing. (check the listing)
Also, you must place this secret door as far as you can into the corridor if you are exploring a
→ The ''objective room'' of the Quest will always be the last door you open leading to a room.
This room cannot be a small room. (Excludes the 2 tiny rooms of the 6 squares in size)
A precise listing of the furniture, monsters & treasure is also given.
→ If you don't have enough doors, use the secret doors that are available.
If none are left, only place what you can.

Blocked ? It can happen when you don't configure the board in an optimal way when generating the
dungeon. You may become blocked by dead ends or become unable to access the objective room.
In this case, place one additional door or a secret door onto an already explored area leading to a
new area to resolve the situation.
Still using the same dice result, check the following table to know how many monsters you must
place. Retrieve the number of monster tokens required for this area.
Place them using the rules following the matrices at the end of this booklet.
Now turn them over to discover what monsters inhabit this area. Replace the tokens with the figures.
Table : Generation of the monsters

Résult 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tokens 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 8

Each Quest will give you the complete listing of monster tokens available.
You will put those tokens into a cup and will pick up the needed ones.
If you don't have enough monster tokens, place into what you can in the new area.
If you don't have enough spaces to place the monster tokens in the new area, then place the
maximum that you can and place the others in the beginning area!
You must place all monster tokens, one token in one square.
If you have arrived at the ''objective room'' and there are monster tokens left, place them all in the
objective room.
If there aren't enough spaces, place what you can and add the others to the beginning area.

Table : Generation of the furniture

Using the same 2D6 result, check the next table to know if there are some pieces of furniture to
place into the new room you explore:

Résult 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
no no no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no no

Use the second line of the result the 2nd time you explore, then reuse the first line on the third
exploration and the second on the forth, switching between them for each new exploration.
Beware! Each Quest will give you a furniture listing for the ''objective room''.
Separate them from the other furniture available.
Now check the second furniture table to see what exactly is placed in the room.
It's always the same 2D6 result used for all tables!
Result Furniture to be placed
2 1 Table
3 Tomb
4 Torture rack
5 Alchemist's bench
6 Cupboard
7 1 Bookcase
8 Weapons rack
9 Sorcerer's table
10 Fireplace
11 Throne
12 1 treasure chest

Keep the following rules in mind:

→ The treasure chests are always placed in a corner of the room.
→ The bookcases, weapon rack, fireplace and the cupboards are always placed against a wall and
will never block a secret or regular door.
→ Other furniture pieces can be placed where you want in the room but never block a door or a
secret door.
→ If the result of the dice indicate furniture that is not available, or reserved for the ''objective
room'', then skip the line and choose the next piece in the chart, or skip to the first if you’ve
reached the end.

And now for the traps!

Each Quest gives you the listing of available traps, and their own table should any exist.
Each time you miss an attack, defence, spell launch, get 2 on the movement roll, pull a
Trap!/Hazard!/Wandering Monster from the treasure deck; take a trap token!
When you have collected 3 trap tokens, you fall victim to a trap!
Roll a D6 to know what type of trap you spring. (Check the trap table for the Quest)
If your character survives a Quest, you increase this total by one.
Example, a character who succeeded 6 Quests will spring a trap if they collect 8 trap tokens!
8 trap tokens is the maximum a character may have, unless they are the Dwarf who may collect 10.
Your character may still disarm traps using the normal rules.
Note: Falling Block tiles are now traps not represented on the board since you may need all wall
tiles when you explore.
Monster matrices

→ If the Goblin is adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away with a
maximum of 10 squares, trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Goblin can reach a Hero or Man-at-Arms to attack, then it moves a maximum of 10
squares to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Goblin moves a maximum of 10 squares toward the closet Hero or Man-at-Arms
trying to end its turn hidden from view.

→ If the Orc is adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away with a maximum
of 8 squares trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Orc can reach a Hero or a Man-at-Arms to attack, then it moves a maximum of 8 squares
to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Orc moves a maximum of 8 squares toward the closet Hero or Man-at-Arms
trying to ends its turn hidden from view.

→ If the Fimir is adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away with a
maximum of 6 squares trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Fimir can reach a Hero or a Man-at-Arms to attack him, then it moves a maximum of 6
squares to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Fimir moves a maximum of 6 squares toward the closet Hero or Man-at-Arms
trying to end its turn hidden from view.

Chaos Warrior
→ If the Chaos Warrior is adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away of a
maximum of 6 squares trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Chaos Warrior can reach a Hero or a Man-at-Arms to attack him, then it moves a
maximum of 8 squares to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Chaos Warrior moves a maximum of 6 squares toward the closet Hero or men
at arm trying to end its turn hidden from view.
Monster matrices

→ If the Skeleton is adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away of
a maximum of 6 squares trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Skeleton can reach a Hero or a Man-at-Arms to attack him, then it moves a maximum of
8 squares to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Skeleton moves a maximum of 6 squares toward the closet Hero or Man-at-Arms
trying to end its turn hidden from view.

→ If the Zombie is adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away of a maximum
of 5 squares trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Zombie can reach a Hero or a Man-at-Arms to attack him, then it moves a maximum of 5
squares to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Zombie moves a maximum of 5 squares toward the closet Hero or Man-at-Arms
trying to end its turn hidden from view.

→ If the Mummy is adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away of a
maximum of 4 squares trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Mummy can reach a Hero or a Man-at-Arms to attack him, then it moves a maximum
of 4 squares to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Mummy moves a maximum of 4 squares toward the closet Hero or Man-at-Arms
trying to end its turn hidden from view.

→ If the Gargoyle adjacent to a Hero or a Man-at-Arms, it attacks then moves away of a maximum
of 6 squares trying to end its turn hidden from view.
→ If the Gargoyle can reach a Hero or a Man-at-Arms to attack him, then it moves a maximum of
6 squares to be adjacent and attacks.
→ Otherwise the Gargoyle moves a maximum of 6 squares toward the closet Hero or
Man-at-Arms to end its turn hidden from view.
Some important notes about the behaviour of Monsters:
→ When there's only one Hero or a Man-at-Arms in an area, all monsters will try to block the exit
and won't try to escape or be hidden from spell launches/ranged attacks.
→ When you place monster tokens in new areas there's a rule to be aware of:
→ In a room, place all monsters far away of the Heroes’ entrance if possible, one monster in each
corner of the room.
→ In a passage, always place the monster the most far away possible.
→ When we say ''a monster tries to ends its turn hidden from view'', a monster can open a door or
a secret door. In this case, roll the 2D6 and generate the new area!

Printing Monster tokens:

Print the next page and carefully cut the monster tokens. Pasting a monster icon on the reverse side.

Printing Trap Tokens:

Print the next page and carefully cut the trap tokens.
monster !

Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap !

Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap !

Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap !

Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap ! Trap !

The First Quest

Read the introduction text of the original booklet.

Place the stairs in a room (not the central one) & one door where you want on any wall.

- 1 secret door
- 11 normal doors (includes the first door of the starting room)

Monster Tokens:
- No Monster!
- 2 Mummies
- 2 Zombies
- 4 Skeletons
- 4 Chaos Warriors
- 2 Fimir
- 6 Goblins
- 7 Orcs
- 1 Gargoyle

The ''Objective Room'':

Monsters: the Gargoyle, 2 Chaos Warriors & 1 Orc. (Set aside these monster tokens)
Furniture: fireplace, 1 table, 1 treasure chest and the throne. (Set these aside)
The chest contains 120 golden coins.

Listing of the furniture to use:

- 3 treasure chests
- 2 tables
- 1 tomb
- 1 sorcerer's table
- 1 bookcase
- 1 cupboard
- 1 fireplace
- 1 throne
- 1 weapon rack
- 1 alchemist's bench
- 1 torture rack

- No trap for this quest!

Notes: the tomb contains 84 golden pieces.

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