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Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models for a Class of

Optimization Problems
Vipul Jain, Ignacio E. Grossmann,

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Vipul Jain, Ignacio E. Grossmann, (2001) Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models for a Class of Optimization Problems. INFORMS
Journal on Computing 13(4):258-276.

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Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models
for a Class of Optimization Problems
Vipul Jain • Ignacio E. Grossmann
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Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15213, USA •

T he goal of this paper is to develop models and methods that use complementary
strengths of Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and Constraint Programming
(CP) techniques to solve problems that are otherwise intractable if solved using either of
the two methods. The class of problems considered in this paper have the characteristic
that only a subset of the binary variables have non-zero objective function coefficients if
modeled as an MILP. This class of problems is formulated as a hybrid MILP/CP model
that involves some of the MILP constraints, a reduced set of the CP constraints, and equiv-
alence relations between the MILP and the CP variables. An MILP/CP based decomposi-
tion method and an LP/CP-based branch-and-bound algorithm are proposed to solve these
hybrid models. Both these algorithms rely on the same relaxed MILP and feasibility CP
problems. An application example is considered in which the least-cost schedule has to be
derived for processing a set of orders with release and due dates using a set of dissim-
ilar parallel machines. It is shown that this problem can be modeled as an MILP, a CP,
a combined MILP-CP OPL model (Van Hentenryck 1999), and a hybrid MILP/CP model.
The computational performance of these models for several sets shows that the hybrid
MILP/CP model can achieve two to three orders of magnitude reduction in CPU time.
(Integer Programming; Benders-Decomposition; Constraint Programming; MILP/CP Hybrid
Algorithms; Parallel Machine Scheduling )

1. Introduction and feasibility problems for scheduling, configura-

Recently, there has been a significant interest in devel- tion, and resource allocation. The main objective of
oping models and methods that combine Mixed Inte- developing integrated models and methods is to use
ger Linear Programming (MILP) (Nemhauser and the complementary strengths of MILP and CP for
Wolsey 1988) and Constraint Programming (CP) solving problems that are otherwise intractable using
(Marriot and Stuckey 1998) to solve combinatorial either of these two methods alone. In this paper we
optimization problems. The primary reason for this propose algorithms that use complementary MILP
interest is that even though these methodologies and CP models to achieve this goal for a certain class
can solve similar problems, they have proved to of optimization problems.
be successful in solving complementary classes of This paper is structured as follows. In the next
problems. MILP methods have been successfully section, we present a brief background on MILP
applied to solve diverse problems, such as network and CP for solving optimization problems. It is fol-
synthesis, crew scheduling, planning, and capital lowed by a literature review on integration of these
budgeting, that can be modeled as optimization prob- techniques. We then describe a class of problems in
lems. CP methods have proved to be successful which only a subset of the binary variables appears
in solving highly constrained discrete optimization in the objective function of the MILP formulation.

INFORMS Journal on Computing © 2001 INFORMS 0899-1499/01/1304/0258$5.00

Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 pp. 258–276 1526-5528 electronic ISSN
Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

We formulate this class of problems as hybrid or the LP subproblem is infeasible. Branching is per-
MILP/CP models that involve some of the MILP con- formed whenever the solution obtained by solving
straints, a reduced set of the CP constraints, and the LP relaxation does not satisfy all the constraints
the equivalence relations between the MILP and the in the original problem. If the relaxed solution sat-
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CP variables. We then propose decomposition and isfies all the constraints in the original problem and
branch-and-bound algorithms to solve these hybrid is better than the best feasible solution found so far,
models. Both of these algorithms rely on relaxed then the best feasible solution is updated. The search
MILP and feasibility CP problems. The aim of these terminates when it is proved that no better solution
methods is to combine the strength of MILP for prov- exists than the best feasible solution found.
ing optimality by using the LP relaxations, and the The effectiveness of MILP methods depends on
power of CP for finding feasible solutions by using the size of the linear-programming subproblems, and
the specialized propagation algorithms. As an exam- more importantly, on the gap between the objective
ple, we consider a scheduling problem that involves for the best feasible solution (optimum) and the objec-
finding a least-cost schedule to process a set of orders tive function value obtained from the initial LP sub-
using dissimilar parallel machines subject to release problem. There are a number of more sophisticated
and due-date constraints. It is shown that this prob- algorithms that focus on these aspects and use differ-
lem can be modeled as an MILP, CP, or a combined ent ways of generating LP subproblems, like Branch
MILP-CP OPL model (Van Hentenryck 1999). We then and Cut (Padberg and Rinaldi 1991, Balas et al. 1996),
investigate the computational performance of these and Branch and Price (Barnhart et al. 1998). These
alternative models for a number of data sets and algorithms make use of valid inequalities to improve
highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these the performance of the solution algorithms.
approaches. This problem is then modeled as a hybrid CP, on the other hand, uses constraint propaga-
MILP/CP model and is solved using the proposed tion as the inference engine. At each node, con-
decomposition algorithm. Computational results are straint propagation is used to reduce the domains of
presented and finally some conclusions are drawn. all the variables. The domain of a variable can be
continuous, discrete, boolean etc. Constraint propa-
gation can result in empty domains in which case
2. Background a node is fathomed. Branching is performed when-
MILP-based methods were developed over the last ever the domain of a variable consists of more than
four decades by the Operations Research commu- one element (discrete and boolean domains) or the
nity (Nemhauser and Wolsey 1988). CP-based meth- bounds are not within a certain tolerance (continuous
ods, on the other hand, are the result of research domains). CP was originally developed to solve fea-
by the Artificial Intelligence community in the area sibility problems. It has now been extended to solve
of Logic Programming and Constraint Satisfaction optimization problems. This is achieved by solving a
(Colmerauer 1985, Van Hentenryck 1989, Tsang 1993). feasibility problem in which the objective function of
Both these frameworks rely on branching to explore the problem is rewritten as a constraint that forces
the search space. The primary difference lies in the it to be equal to a new variable. The domain of this
way inference is performed at each node. Linear new variable gives upper and lower bounds on the
Programming (LP)-based branch-and-bound meth- objective-function values. Whenever a feasible solu-
ods for MILP involve solving LP subproblems that tion is obtained during the search, additional con-
are generated by dropping some of the constraints straints that restrict the objective-function values are
(integrality constraints) to obtain bounds on the imposed throughout the search tree. The search ter-
objective-function values and to prove that a set of minates when all the nodes have been fathomed. The
constraints is inconsistent. A node is fathomed either effectiveness of the CP methods depends primarily on
when the objective-function value of the LP relaxation the constraint-propagation algorithms that are used to
is worse than the best integer solution obtained so far, reduce the domain of a variable.

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 259

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

MILP has the advantage that the effect of all the (Proll and Smith 1998), the progressive party prob-
constraints is evaluated simultaneously and it has a lem (Smith et al. 1997), and the change problem
“Global Perspective” on all the constraints (Rodosek (Heipcke 1999a). Properties of a number of different
et al. 1999). CP, on the other hand, evaluates the effect
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problems were considered by Darby-Dowman and

of constraints sequentially by communicating through Little (1998), and their effect on the performance of
domains of the variables. When problems are loosely CP and MILP approaches were presented. As dis-
constrained, finding the optimal solution with CP cussed earlier, these papers showed that MILP is very
may prove to be very difficult. However, since MILP efficient when the relaxation is tight and the mod-
requires solving an LP subproblem at each node of the els have a structure that can be effectively exploited.
search tree, all the constraints must be linear equali- CP works better for highly constrained discrete opti-
ties or inequalities. This imposes a severe restriction mization problems where expressiveness of MILP is a
on the expressiveness of MILP as a modeling lan- major limitation.
guage because for some problems, for example the Most of the recent attempts (Rodosek et al. 1999,
progressive party problem (Smith et al. 1997), mod- Heipcke 1999b) to integrate CP and MILP use con-
eling may require a very large number of variables straint propagation along with linear programming in
and constraints. Since CP uses constraint propagation a single search tree to obtain bounds on the objec-
instead, it imposes no such restriction. Commercial tive and to reduce the domains of the variables.
CP software packages like the ILOG Solver (ILOG In these approaches a complete CP model and at
1999d), CHIP (Dincbas et al. 1988), ECLiPSe (Wallace the least a corresponding partial MILP model are
et al. 1997), and Prolog IV allow a number of dif- required. This is because CP is a richer modeling
ferent constructs over and above algebraic constructs tool and not all CP constraints may be easily refor-
(+ − ∗ = ≤ ≥) that can be used to write constraints mulated as MILP constraints. These approaches in
in a compact manner. However, caution and sound
some sense perform redundant computations because
judgment should be used when exploiting the advan-
a constraint-propagation problem and a simplex prob-
tage of having more constructs with which to model
lem are solved at every node. For some problems
the problem. This is because the success of the CP
this may be justified because they are intractable for
solution approach is highly dependent on the prop-
either of the two methods. Rodosek et al. (1999) pre-
agation mechanism behind constraints written using
sented a systematic approach for transforming a CP
these constructs (Heipcke 1999b). Even though more
model into a corresponding MILP model. However,
constructs are available, not all of them have efficient
automatic translation from a CP model to an MILP
constraint-propagation engines. For some applica-
model may result in a poor model involving numer-
tions like sequencing and scheduling, such constraints
ous big-M constraints (poor LP relaxations). In this
have proved to be very efficient because strong prop-
case, the advantage of performing “Global Reason-
agation algorithms are available. It is interesting to
ing” using LP relaxation is essentially lost. If auto-
point out that for constraints that use only alge-
braic constructs and use variables with continuous matic translation is not used, then the user has to
and finite domains, linear programming is sometimes model the problems for both approaches.
used as the constraint-propagation engine in CP. Recently, Hooker et al. (1999) argued that a new
modeling paradigm may be required to perform effi-
cient integration of MILP- and CP-based approaches.
3. Literature Review The modeling framework is motivated by the Mixed
Recently, a number of papers have compared the per- Logic/Linear modeling framework that was proposed
formance of CP- and MILP-based approaches for solv- by Hooker and Osorio (1999). Ottosson et al. (2001)
ing a number of different problems, for example the presented algorithms for solving such models. For a
modified generalized assignment problem (Darby- production-planning problem, they showed that the
Dowman et al. 1997), the template design problem computational performance of the proposed method

260 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

vis-a-vis pure MILP and CP approaches was signif- approaches. For example, probing and integer pre-
icantly better. Bockmayr and Kasper (1998) did an processing in MILP is in some ways similar to con-
interesting analysis of CP and MILP approaches, and straint propagation. Chandru and Hooker (1999) give
presented a unifying framework, Branch and Infer, that an interesting operations-research perspective on con-
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can be used to develop various integration strate- sistency methods and logical inference. Also, Hooker
gies. They divide constraints for both MILP and (2000) deals with the subject of MILP and CP integra-
CP into two different categories, primitive and non- tion in detail.
primitive. Primitive constraints are those for which
there exists a polynomial-time solution algorithm, and
non-primitive constraints are those for which this is 4. Theory
not true. The interesting aspect about this classifica- The algorithms proposed in this section have been
tion is that some of the primitive constraints in CP motivated by the work of Bockmayr and Kasper
are non-primitive in MILP and vice versa. They also (1998). These algorithms are based on the premise that
discussed how non-primitive constraints can be used combinatorial problems may sometimes have some
to infer primitive constraints and the use of symbolic characteristics that are better suited for MILP and oth-
constraints for MILPs. Raman and Grossmann (1993, ers that are better handled by CP. For these problems,
1994) earlier modeled discrete/continuous optimiza- pure MILP- and pure CP-based approaches may not
tion problems with disjunctions and symbolic con- perform well. As discussed earlier, most of the prior
straints in the form of logic propositions. This model, work on integrating the two approaches use at least
which they denoted as a Generalized Disjunctive Pro- one of the models in complete form (usually CP). In
gram (GDP), can be converted all or in part into the algorithms that we present the problem is solved
an MILP. They presented the idea of w-MIP repre- using relaxed MILP and CP feasibility models.
sentability, which is similar to the idea of primitive Consider a problem, which when modeled as an
constraints. They showed that it is computationally MILP, has the following structure,
efficient to transform w-MIP representable disjunc-
tions into linear constraints, and proposed a hybrid (M1): min c T x (1)
branch-and-bound algorithm that handles the non st Ax + By + Cv ≤ a (2)
w-MIP representable disjunctions directly.
From the work that has been performed, it is A  x + B y + C  v ≤ a  (3)
not clear whether a general integration strategy will n m
x ∈ 0 1  y ∈ 0 1  v ∈  p
always perform better than either a CP or an MILP
approach by itself. This is especially true for the This is an optimization problem that has both con-
cases where one of these methods is a very good tinuous (v) and binary (x and y) variables, and
tool to solve the problem at hand. However, it is only some of the binary variables (x) have non-zero
usually possible to enhance the performance of one objective-function coefficients. The constraint set can
approach by borrowing some ideas from the other. be divided into two subsets. The first set of con-
For example, Raman and Grossmann (1993) used straints (2) models some aspects of the problem that
logic cuts that were written as logic propositions to can be represented efficiently in the MILP framework
improve the performance of MILP models. Ideas on (e.g. assignment constraints) and has a significant
edge-finding (Carlier and Pinson 1989, Applegate and impact on the LP relaxation. The second set of con-
Cook 1991) that were used for guiding the search in straints (3), on the other hand, is assumed not to affect
MILPs to solve jobshop problems, were exploited by the LP relaxation significantly, and is sometimes large
Caseau and Laburthe (1994, 1996) and Le Pape (1994) in number because of the limited expressive power of
to develop efficient inference engines for scheduling MILP methods.
algorithms in CP. Furthermore, there are a number of The same problem can also be modeled as a
similarities in some of the underlying ideas of both CP. Note that more constructs are available in the

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 261

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

CP framework to model the problem (e.g. logical The hybrid model involves MILP constraints, CP
constraints, disjunctions, all-different operator etc; constraints, and equivalence relations. The objective
Marriot and Stuckey 1998). For this reason, the MILP function in the hybrid model (M3) is the same as in
and CP models of the same problem may have dif- the MILP model (M1). The constraints for this prob-
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ferent variable definitions and constraint structures. lem include MILP constraints (2), equivalence rela-
However, an equivalence can be established between tions that relate MILP variables x to CP variables x̄,
the constraints and a complete labeling of variables and a reduced set of CP constraints that are derived
can be derived in one framework from the values of from the CP constraint set (6) by assuming that the
variables in the other one. Let us assume that the set of CP variables x̄ is fixed.
equivalent CP model is

(M2): min f x̄ (5) (M3): min c T x (8)

st Gx̄ ȳ v̄ ≤ 0 (6) st Ax + By + Cv ≤ a (9)
x̄ ȳ v̄ ∈  (7) x ⇔ x̄ (10)
where x̄, ȳ, and v̄ are the CP variables. The domain x̄ ȳ v̄ ≤ 0
G (11)
of these variables () can be continuous, discrete,
x ∈ 0 1 n  y ∈ 0 1 m  v ∈ p (12)
or boolean. Generally, these variables do not have a
one-to-one correspondence with the MILP variables x̄ ȳ v̄ ∈  (13)
(x y v), although a mapping between the sets of vari-
ables x and x̄ can be established. This is because these It should be noted that the hybrid model (M3)
variables are needed to calculate the objective func- requires at least some variables (x) of the MILP
tion. It may or may not be the case for the variables model (M1) and all the variables (x̄ ȳ v̄) of the CP
(y,v) and (ȳ,v̄). Usually, equivalence can also be estab- model (M2). The values of the CP variables obtained
lished between the sets of constraints. Let us con- using the model (M3) will always satisfy all the con-
sider a class of problems with the above mentioned straints of the CP model (M2). Furthermore, the opti-
MILP and CP model structures. Let us assume that it mal solution for the problem at hand is given by the
is difficult to solve this problem as an MILP because values of the CP variables (x̄ ȳ v̄) obtained by solv-
there are a large number of constraints in the con- ing the hybrid model (M3) to optimality. It should
straint set (3) and finding feasible solutions for them be noted that the values of the MILP variables (y,v)
is hard. Let us assume that the broader expressive obtained from the model (M3) may not be valid for
power of CP results in the smaller constraint set (6). the Model (M1) because the model (M3) does not
Even though the constraint set in CP is much smaller, include the MILP constraint set (3).
it may still not be efficient to solve the problem using An integrated approach is proposed in this work
CP because finding an optimal solution and prov- to solve the hybrid MILP/CP model (M3). The basis
ing optimality can be difficult for CP (lack of linear- for this integrated approach are a relaxed MILP prob-
programming relaxations). Ideally, we would like to lem and a CP feasibility problem (which can in prin-
combine the strength of MILP to handle the optimiza- ciple be also solved with alternative methods), both
tion aspect of the problem by using LP relaxation and of which can be solved efficiently. The relaxed MILP
the power of CP to find feasible solutions by using model is used to obtain a solution that satisfies the
better constraint formulations. To achieve this goal we constraint sets (9) and (12) and optimizes the objec-
present a hybrid model for this class of problems that tive function (8). The solution obtained for the relaxed
can be solved using either a decomposition algorithm MILP is used to derive a partial CP solution by using
or a branch-and-bound algorithm. The main advan- the equivalence relation (10). A CP feasibility model
tage of the proposed methods is that smaller LP and then verifies whether this solution can be extended to
CP subproblems are solved. a full-space solution that satisfies the constraints (11)

262 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

and (13) of the model. If the partial solution from the models and play a very important role in the success
MILP can be extended, then the full-space solution of these methods. The entire procedure is repeated
obtained will also have the same value of the objec- until the solution obtained using the relaxed MILP
tive function. In this paper we present two methods to model can be extended to a full feasible solution, or
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search the solution space and obtain the optimal solu- the relaxed MILP problem becomes infeasible.
tion. Both of these ideas are essentially the same and Assuming that the general “no good” cuts (14)
use the same relaxed MILP and CP feasibility models. are used we can establish the following convergence
However, the difference lies in the order in which the proof for the MILP/CP-based decomposition method.
CP subproblems are solved.
Theorem 1. If the MILP/CP decomposition method is
applied to solve problem (M3) with the cuts in (14), then
4.1. MILP/CP-Based Decomposition Method
the method converges to the optimal solution or proves
This algorithm has some similarities to Generalized
infeasibility in a finite number of iterations.
Benders Decomposition (Geoffrion 1972). The algo-
rithm is summarized in Figure 1. In this method a Proof. The problem (M3) is not unbounded
relaxed MILP model of the problem, with (8) as the because the domain of the variable x is bounded. So
objective and (9 and 12) as constraints, is solved to the problem can either be fesible or infeasible. Let us
optimality. Note that integrality constraints on the consider each of the cases individually.
variable y can be dropped if that makes the relaxed Case 1: Problem (M3) is feasible
MILP problem easier to solve. If there is no solution, The relaxed MILP master problem with cuts in (14)
then the original problem is infeasible. Otherwise, val- after iteration K is given by
ues of x are used to determine values of the equiva-
(RMK ) min z = c T x
lent CP variables x̄. A CP feasibility problem then tries
to extend this partial solution to a complete solution st Ax +By +Cv ≤ a
(x̄ ȳ v̄) that satisfies the constraints (11) and (13). If  
xi − xi ≤ B k −1 ∀k ∈ 12K −1
there exists a feasible solution, then this solution is i∈T k i∈F k
the optimal solution of the problem and the search
T k = i xik = 1 F k = i xik = 0 B k = T k
is terminated. Otherwise the causes for infeasibility
are inferred as cuts and added to the relaxed MILP ∀k ∈ 12K −1
model of the problem. These cuts could be general
x ∈ 01 n y ∈ 01 m v ∈ p
“no good” cuts (Hooker et al. 1999). In the context of
the model (M3) these cuts have the following form
for iteration k, Let xK be the optimal solution for this relaxed
  MILP master problem. The corresponding CP feasi-
xi − xi ≤ B k − 1T k = i xik = 1  (14)
bility subproblem is given by,
i∈T k i∈F k

F k = i xik = 0  B k = T k (CPK ) Find ȳ v̄

Here, xk = x1k  x2k     represents the optimal values st Ḡx̄K  ȳ v̄ ≤ 0
of x in iteration k. These general “no good” cuts may ȳ v̄ ∈ 
be rather weak. For this reason, whenever possible
stronger cuts (Qk x ≤ q k ) that exploit the special struc- where (xK ⇔ x̄K ). Note that for all iterations k < K,
ture of the problem should be used. The problem- the relaxed MILP master problems (RMk ) are feasible
specific cuts should not only cut off the current partial and the (CPk ) subproblems are infeasible. If either of
solution, but also eliminate partial solutions with sim- the two conditions are not satisfied the algorithm ter-
ilar characteristics. Cuts are a means of communi- minates before reaching iteration K. Since the master
cation between the relaxed MILP and CP feasibility problem for the first iteration is a relaxation of the

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 263

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

Solve iteration K relaxed MILP No Solution ✲

problem (RMK ) to optimality Infeasible
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min c T x

st Ax + By + Cv ≤ a
Qk x ≤ q k ∀k ∈ 1 2  K − 1
x ∈ 0 1n  y ∈ 0 1m  v ∈ p

Feasible Infer causes for infeasibility

and generate cuts.
Partial optimal QK x ≤ q K
solution (x K ) Set K = K + 1.

Determine equivalent x̄ K
and then try extending this partial
solution using CP feasibility
problem for fixed x̄=x̄ K
Find ȳ  v̄
st Ḡx̄ K  ȳ  v̄  ≤ 0
ȳ  v̄ ∈ 


Optimal Solution Found

Figure 1 MILP/CP Decomposition Method

original problem, the MILP problem (RMK ) is also a 2n elements) and is non empty for problem (M3), it
relaxation of the problem (M3). This because the “no implies that the algorithm will reach a step where the
good” cuts that have been added until iteration K do (CPk ) subproblem is feasible. Assume that at iteration
not exclude any feasible solution from the original K, the subproblem (CPK ) yields a feasible solution
problem (M3). Furthermore, the domain of successive (x̄K  ȳ v̄). This solution is optimal for problem (M3)
relaxation is strictly smaller than the previous one. as it belongs to the domain of (M3) and the objective-
Since the domain of x is finite (in the worst case has function value for this solution equals the optimum

264 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

objective-function value (c T xK ) obtained for a relax- xpLB ≤ x ≤ xpUB

ation of problem (M3). Hence, if there is a feasible
ypLB ≤ y ≤ ypUB
solution to problem (M3), the algorithm will converge
to an optimal solution in a finite number of iterations. x ∈ n  y ∈ m  v ∈ p
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Case 2: Problem (M3) is infeasible

xpLB  xpUB  ypLB  ypUB ∈ 0 1
If the problem is infeasible the subproblem (CPk )
will never result in a feasible solution. Furthermore, The difference in various LP subproblems is only in
the domain of x is finite and with each successive the upper and lower bounds for all the integer vari-
iteration it shrinks by one integer point. Hence, after ables. Also, the set of cuts is updated as the search
a finite number of steps the master problem becomes progresses. The objective-function value for any feasi-
infeasible, proving infeasibility in a finite number of ble solution of the problem in the full space provides
steps.  an upper bound (UB) of the objective function. Let
There are two ways in which this method can be P denote the set of LP subproblems to be solved.
implemented. The easier, but less efficient approach The LP/CP B&B Method can be summarized as
that was used in this paper, is to solve the relaxed follows:
MILP model from scratch whenever the cuts are 1. Initialization. UB = , P = p0 . LP subproblem
updated. A more efficient approach will be to store 0
p is generated by using the same lower and upper
the branch-and-bound tree for the relaxed MILP prob- bounds on the integer variables as the original prob-
lem and update it whenever cuts are added (e.g. see lem, and it does not include any cuts.
Quesada and Grossmann 1992). 2. Check if there are any more problems to be
solved. If P =  then go to step 5; else go to 3.
4.2. LP/CP-Based Branch-and-Bound Method 3. Fathom a Node. Select and remove an LP sub-
This algorithm extends the basic branch-and-bound problem p from the set P. The criterion for select-
(B&B) algorithm for mixed integer problems to solve ing an LP is also called a node selection rule. There
problems that are represented using the hybrid are many different rules for selecting an LP, and they
MILP/CP model (M3). The idea is in principle play a key role in the efficiency of the B&B algorithm
straightforward, although it may be difficult to imple- (Nemhauser and Wolsey 1988).
ment. In the B&B algorithm, the current best inte- Solve LP subproblem p.
ger solution is updated whenever an integer solution • If the LP is infeasible or the optimal value of the
with an even better objective-function value is found. objective function (lower bound) is greater than UB
In the proposed algorithm an additional CP feasibil- then go to step 2.
ity problem is solved to ensure that the integer solu- • If any one of the integer variables does not have
tion obtained for the relaxed MILP problem can be integral values then go to step 4.
extended in the full space. It is only in this case that • If the solution has integral values for all the inte-
the current best integer solution for the relaxed MILP ger variables then determine the CP variables x̄ using
problem is updated. If it cannot be extended, then the the values of LP variables x. For fixed x̄ solve the fol-
best current integer solution is not updated and cuts lowing CP feasibility problem that tries to extend this
are added to the current and all other open nodes. partial solution.
The proposed B&B method involves solving a series
of LP subproblems obtained by branching on the inte- Find v̄ ȳ
ger variables. An LP subproblem p for the proposed x̄ ȳ v̄ ≤ 0
st G
algorithm has the form
ȳ v̄ ∈ 
min c T x
If the CP problem is feasible then update UB; other-
st Ax + By + Cv ≤ a
wise, add the cuts in (14) or infer the causes for infea-
Qx ≤ q Cuts sibility to generate tighter cuts and add them to all

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 265

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

the LP subproblems belonging to set P by updating partial solution will then involve both binary and con-
the set (Q q). Go to step 2. tinuous variables and the CP problem will extend this
4. Branch on a Variable. Of all the variables that partial solution in the full space. However, in such a
have been assigned non-integral values, select one case the biggest challenge is to derive effective cuts
Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

according to some prespecified branching variable selec- that exclude partial solutions that are feasible for the
tion rule (Nemhauser and Wolsey 1988). Let us denote master problem but can not be extended in the full
this integer variable by zp . Generate two LP subprob- space.
lems p1 and p2 and add them to set P. The subproblem
p1 is generated by specifying the floor of the optimal
value of zp as the upper bound for zp , and the sub-
5. Scheduling Problem
We consider a specific scheduling problem that falls
problem p2 is generated by specifying the ceiling of
into the class of problems considered in this paper
the optimal value of zp as the lower bound of zp . Go
and that is similar to the one considered by Hooker
to step 2.
et al. (1999). This scheduling problem involves find-
5. Termination. If UB = , then the problem does
ing a least-cost schedule to process a set of orders I
not have a feasible solution or it is unbounded. Other-
using a set of dissimilar parallel machines M. Pro-
wise, the optimal solution corresponds to the current
cessing of an order i ∈ I can only begin after the
value UB.
release date ri and must be completed at the latest by
For the proposed decomposition and B&B meth-
the due date di . Order i can be processed on any of
ods to be successful, it is of course very important to
the machines. The processing cost and the processing
choose suitable relaxed MILP and CP feasibility mod-
time of order i ∈ I on machine m ∈ M are Cim and pim ,
els. Furthermore, rather than using the cuts in (14)
respectively. In this section, we consider three alter-
inferring strong cuts, Qx ≤ q, as causes for infeasibil-
native strategies to model and solve this particular
ity of CP feasibility models can significantly reduce
the number of problems to be solved. These cuts,
however, are non-trivial and should be derived when-
5.1. MILP Model
ever possible for each class of problems at hand. It is
The scheduling problem described above can be mod-
also worth emphasizing that the proposed algorithms
eled as an MILP. The main decisions involved in
do not impose any restriction on the structure of the
this scheduling problem are assignment of orders on
equivalence relation in (10). It can even be procedu-
machines, sequence of orders on each machine, and
ral. It should be noted that hybrid models similar to
start time for all the orders. The binary variable xim is
the ones presented in this section can also be solved
an assignment variable, and it is equal to one when
using OPL (Van Hentenryck 1999). In OPL, the solu-
order i is assigned to machine m. Binary variable yii
tion algorithm for the hybrid model solves an LP sub-
is the sequencing variable, and it is equal to one when
problem involving all the linear constraints, as well as
both i and i are assigned to the same machine and
a constraint-propagation subproblem involving all the
order i is processed after order i. The continuous vari-
constraints at every node of the search tree. Usually,
able tsi denotes the start time of order i. Using these
all the original CP constraints (6) are needed in the
variables the MILP model for this problem can be
hybrid MILP-CP OPL model. Furthermore, the equiv-
written as
alence relations (10) must be written in closed form

as equations, inequalities, or symbolic relations. min Cim xim (15)
Even though the algorithms presented in this i∈I m∈M

section are limited to the MILP models that have only s.t. tsi ≥ ri ∀i ∈ I (16)
a subset of binary variables with non-zero coefficients 
tsi ≤ di − pim xim ∀i ∈ I (17)
in the objective function, they can in principle be gen- m∈M
eralized for MILP models that have both binary and 
xim = 1 ∀i ∈ I (18)
continuous variables in the objective function. The m∈M

266 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

xim pim ≤ max di − min ri ∀m ∈ M (19) model, is highly dependent on the CP package used
i i
i∈I to model the problem because of the differences in
yii + yi i ≥ xim + xi m − 1 constructs available in various modeling languages.
In this paper we use ILOG’s OPL modeling lan-
Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

∀i i ∈ I i > i m ∈ M (20)

 guage (Van Hentenryck 1999). OPL has a set of con-
tsi ≥ tsi + pim xim − U 1 − yii 
structs especially designed for scheduling problems
∀i i ∈ I i = i (21) that can be used to develop a compact CP model
for the scheduling problem at hand. We will not go
yii + yi i ≤ 1 ∀i i ∈ I i > i (22) into the details of the modeling language, but will
yii + yi i + xim + xi m ≤ 2 describe the constructs that have been used to model
∀i i ∈ I i > i m m ∈ M m = m (23) our scheduling problem. The basic OPL modeling
framework involves a set of orders that need to be
tsi ≥ 0 (24) completed using a certain set of resources. A num-
xim ∈ 0 1 ∀i ∈ I m ∈ M (25) ber of different resource types are available to capture
yii ∈ 0 1  
∀i i ∈ I i = i (26) the nature of the problem. For our scheduling prob-
lem the parallel machines are the resources, and they
Objective (15) of this problem is to minimize the pro- can be modeled as unary resources in OPL. The defin-
cessing cost of all the orders. Constraints (16) and (17) ing attribute of a unary resource is that it can process
ensure that processing of an order i starts after the only one order at any instance. Each order is associ-
release date and is completed before the due date. ated with a start date and duration. Using this basic
An order needs exactly one machine for processing
framework a CP model using OPL constructs can be
and this is enforced using assignment constraint (18).
written as follows:
Inequality (19) is a valid cut, and it tightens the LP

relaxation of the problem. It is based on the fact that min Cizi (27)
the total processing time of all the orders that are i∈I

assigned on the same machine should be less than s.t. istart ≥ ri ∀i ∈ I (28)
the difference of the latest due date and the earli- istart ≤ di − pzi ∀i ∈ I (29)
est release date. Constraint (20) is a logical relation-
iduration = pzi ∀i ∈ I (30)
ship between assignment and sequencing variables.
The underlying logic behind this constraint is that i requires T ∀i ∈ I (31)
if order i and i are assigned to machine m then activityHasSelectedResourcei T  tm 
they must be processed one after the other. Con-
⇔ zi = m ∀i ∈ I m ∈ M (32)
straint (21) is the sequencing constraint in which

U = i∈I maxm∈M pim . It ensures that if the sequenc- zi ∈ M ∀i ∈ I (33)
ing variable yii is one, then order i is processed after istart ∈  ∀i ∈ I (34)
order i. Constraints (22) and (23) are logical cuts. The
iduration ∈  ∀i ∈ I (35)
former is based on the logic that either i is processed
before i or vice versa. The latter ensures that sequenc- Here zi is a variable subscript and represents the
ing variables are zero if i and i are assigned to dif-
machine selected to process order i. Variable sub-
ferent machines. Adding both of these constraints
scripts are powerful modeling constructs and avail-
reduces the computational time needed to solve the
able in most CP software packages. The variable
MILP very significantly. Other logic cuts were also
subscript zi has been used in the objective func-
tried, but they were not as effective as (22) and (23).
tion (27) to calculate the cost of order i (Cizi ) directly.
5.2. CP Model Constraints (28) and (29) ensure that processing of
The same scheduling problem can also be modeled order i begins after release date ri and is completed
using CP. The CP model, in contrast to an MILP before the due date di . The start time of the order is

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 267

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

given by “istart”. The duration of an order depends 5.3. Combined MILP-CP OPL Model
on the machine used to process it. This is enforced in Instead of developing pure MILP and CP models, it is
constraint (30), which uses the variable subscript zi to also possible to write a combined model. OPL allows
Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

calculate processing time of order i. Constraint (31) modeling of a problem using a combined MILP-CP
uses a special OPL construct “requires”. It enforces model in which constraints are expressed in both
that order i needs a unary resource from the set of forms. Even though the size of the integrated model
unary resources T . Note that this constraint enforces is larger, it may still perform better in some cases
the assignment of an order to a specific machine because fewer nodes may have to be explored. The
as well as the sequencing of orders that have been solution algorithm for the integrated model primarily
assigned to the same machine. Constraint (32) uses uses the CP solver. However, at each CP node an extra
another OPL-specific boolean function “activityHas- LP relaxation, consisting of all the linear constraints
SelectedResource()” that returns a value of true or in the combined model, is solved to obtain bounds
false. In the context of our scheduling problem this for the objective function (Van Hentenryck 1999). The
function returns a value of “true” if order i is pro- combined MILP-CP OPL model for the scheduling
cessed using the unary resource corresponding to problem at hand can be written as:
the machine m (tm ∈ T ), and false otherwise. Con- 
min Cim xim (36)
straint (32) ensures that if order i is processed using i∈I m∈M
the unary resource tm , then the subscript variable zi is s.t.
equal to m. It links the decisions made by the infer- 
tsi ≥ ri ∀i∈ I 

ence engine behind the construct “requires” and other 

tsi ≤ di − pim xim ∀i ∈ I 

constraints in the model. 

m∈M 


It can be clearly seen that variable and constraint
xim = 1 ∀i ∈ I MILP (37)
definitions in the CP model for the scheduling prob- 
m∈M 

lem at hand are very different from the MILP model.  

xim pim ≤ max di − min ri 

This is primarily because specialized CP constructs i i 

i∈I 

were used to model the problem at hand. However, ∀m ∈ M
there exists a close resemblance in the two model- 
istart ≥ ri ∀i ∈ I 

ing frameworks. The subscript variable zi in the CP 

istart ≤ di − pzi ∀i ∈ I 

model is equivalent to the binary variable xim in the 

iduration = pzi ∀i ∈ I
MILP model. The start time of order i has the same CP (38)
i requires T ∀i ∈ I 

definition in the two models. The sequencing variable activityHasSelectedResourcei T  tm  

yii in the MILP model has no equivalent variable in 
⇔ zi = m ∀i ∈ I m ∈ M
CP model. However, the value of this variable can be 
xizi = 1 ∀i ∈ I 

obtained from the solution of the CP model. Equiv- 

istart= tsi ∀i ∈ I 
alence can also be drawn between the constraints in (39)

Ci = Cim xim ∀i ∈ I  Linking
the two frameworks. Constraints (28) and (29) are 
 Constraints
m∈M 

equivalent to (16) and (17), respectively. The set of i = Ciz ∀i ∈ I
C i
constraints (30) to (32) play the same role as the tsi ≥ 0 (40)
set of constraints (18), (20), and (21). One major dif-
ference between the two models is that the MILP xim ∈ 0 1 ∀i ∈ I m ∈ M (41)
model is a continuous-time scheduling model. The CP zi ∈ M ∀i ∈ I (42)
model, on the other hand, is a discrete-time schedul-
istart ∈  ∀i ∈ I (43)
ing model (start time is an integer variable in the OPL
framework). iduration ∈  ∀i ∈ I (44)

268 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

Table 1 Number of Orders and Machines in Each Problem

This model is a combination of the pure MILP
and pure CP models that were presented earlier. The Problem Number of Orders Number of Machines
objective function (36) of the problem is the same as in 1 3 2
Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

the MILP model. Constraint set (37) includes all of the 2 7 3

MILP constraints except for constraints (20) to (23). 3 12 3
There is no theoretical restriction for excluding con- 4 15 5
5 20 5
straints (20) to (23) per se. The only reason that these
constraints were dropped is that they are large in
number and do not significantly tighten the LP relax- data sets each, are presented in the Online Supple-
ation of the problem. Constraint set (38) includes all ment to this paper (available in the electronic format
the constraints from the CP model. Finally, constraint at the INFORMS Journal on Computing website at
set (39) links MILP variables and CP variables. The
first constraint in (39) links the assignment variables, The only distinguishing characteristic of the two
the second constraint links the start times, and the data sets for each problem is that the processing times
rest are extra constraints that make the propagation in the first data set are longer. For this reason, the
stronger. problems corresponding to this data set have fewer
feasible schedules and the total cost of processing all
the tasks is higher. The computational results for solv-
5.4. Computational Results
ing these problems using the MILP model and the CP
The scheduling problem can be solved using any
model are presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. It
one of the three different optimization models that
can be clearly seen that for this class of problems the
were presented in the previous section. All the three
CP models are smaller in size than the MILP models.
models can be implemented in ILOG OPL Studio 2.1
Furthermore, the size of the MILP model increases
(ILOG 1999b). It uses CPLEX 6.5 (ILOG 1999a) to
much more rapidly in comparison to the CP model.
solve an MILP, ILOG Solver 4.4 (ILOG 1999d) and
For all the problem sizes, the first data set is more dif-
ILOG Scheduler 4.4 (ILOG 1999c) to solve a CP, and
ficult to solve for both the MILP and the CP methods.
all of them to solve a combined MILP-CP OPL model. Also, it took less time to solve the problems using
To study the behavior and characteristics of the the CP model in comparison to the MILP model.
three models, we consider several numerical example However, the computational effort increases rapidly
problems. in both cases. The problem corresponding to the first
In this section, we consider instances of varying
complexity from the class of scheduling problems Table 2 Computational Results for the MILP Model
presented in the previous section. The size of the Problem Set Constraints Variables Nodes Timea Objective
optimization models for these problems depends on
1 1 32 18 0 001 26
the number of orders and the number of parallel
1 2 32 18 0 003 18
machines. We consider problems of five different sizes 2 1 276 77 38 047 60
in terms of the number of orders and the number of 2 2 276 77 54 049 44
parallel machines, as shown in Table 1. The param- 3 1 831 192 29446 22001 101
eters for these problems are processing costs (Cim ), 3 2 831 192 180 177 83
4 1 2990 315 8891 18041 115
release dates (ri ), due dates (di ), and processing times
4 2 2990 315 3855 6182 102
(pim ). For each problem size, we consider two sets of 5 1 5385 520 80000 20000b 171c
data. The objective is to demonstrate that the diffi- 5 2 5385 520 2114 10628 140
culty of solving such a scheduling problem can vary a
Using CPLEX 6.5 single processor version on a dual processor SUN Ultra
significantly with data. Therefore, we have a total 60 workstation
of ten instances of the scheduling problem. Details b
Search terminated because the tree size exceeded 300 MB
of these ten problems, five different sizes with two c
Suboptimal solution; lower bound at termination = 156.011019

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 269

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

Table 3 Computational Results for the CP Model

Problem Set Constraints Variables Failures Choice Points Timea Objective

1 1 15 33 3 3 000 26
Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

1 2 15 33 15 19 002 18
2 1 42 77 12 12 004 60
2 2 42 77 172 185 014 44
3 1 72 132 4743 4748 384 101
3 2 72 132 583 606 038 83
4 1 120 165 469918 469938 55354 115
4 2 120 165 5435 5467 928 102
5 1 160 220 55529196 55529254 6885349b 165c
5 2 160 220 1307486 1307532 267387 140
Using ILOG Scheduler 4.4 and ILOG Solver 4.4 single processor versions on a dual processor SUN Ultra 60
Computational time for finding the suboptimal solution
Suboptimal Solution

data set of the biggest example (Problem 5) could not the possible ways is to use the combined MILP-
be solved to optimality using any of the two meth- CP OPL model that was presented in the previous
ods in reasonable computational time. It should be section. The computational results for solving the set
noted that computational times for MILP model may of ten example problems using the MILP-CP OPL
be possibly reduced further by using more sophis- model are presented in Table 4. Clearly, the MILP-CP
ticated schemes like branch and cut. Similarly, com- OPL model for all the problems is larger than the cor-
putational times for the CP model may be possibly responding CP model. However, it is still smaller than
reduced by developing special branching schemes for the corresponding MILP model because the sequenc-
this example. These strategies are outside the scope of ing variables and constraints were not included in the
this paper. combined MILP-CP OPL model. It can be clearly seen
The advantage of the MILP model is that the val- that all the problems could be solved faster using the
ues of the assignment variables obtained from the combined model. Furthermore, the first data set of the
LP relaxations direct the branch-and-bound search to fifth example problem that was intractable for both
obtain the least-cost assignments. However, schedul- the MILP and CP methods alone could now be solved
ing the orders on each machine is a more daunting to optimality using the combined method.
task. This is because the sequencing constraint (21)
has a big-M form and results in a poor relaxation.
6. MILP/CP Hybrid Model
Furthermore, the sequencing variables do not directly
The scheduling problem at hand can be posed in the
contribute to the objective-function value and the
proposed hybrid MILP/CP modeling framework as
LP relaxation may or may not direct these variables follows,
towards feasibility. On the other hand, the CP meth- 
ods use effective constraint-propagation algorithms min Cim xim (45)
i∈I m∈M
for scheduling that are based on the ideas of edge
finding and task intervals (Caseau and Laburthe 1994, s.t. tsi ≥ ri ∀i ∈ I (46)
1996). However, an assignment is chosen using a pre- 
tsi ≤ di − pim xim ∀i ∈ I (47)
defined enumeration strategy by excluding the infea- m∈M
sible schedules. 
xim = 1 ∀i ∈ I (48)
Clearly, there are complementary strengths of the m∈M
MILP and the CP methods that may possibly be 
xim pim ≤ max di − min ri ∀m ∈ M (49)
combined to tackle more difficult problems. One of i∈I
i i

270 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

Table 4 Computational Results for the Combined MILP-CP OPL Model

Problem Set Constraints Variables Failures Choice Points Timea Objective

1 1 38 49 3 3 004 26
Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

1 2 38 49 15 19 005 18
2 1 94 120 13 13 010 60
2 2 94 120 175 188 027 44
3 1 159 205 1939 1944 421 101
3 2 159 205 693 716 112 83
4 1 230 286 43882 43902 9159 115
4 2 230 286 3057 3090 558 102
5 1 305 381 4929656 4929686 1373606 158
5 2 305 381 80290 80337 17095 140
Using CPLEX 6.5, ILOG Scheduler 4.4, and ILOG Solver 4.4 single processor versions on a dual processor SUN
Ultra 60 workstation

if xim = 1 then zi = m ∀i ∈ I m ∈ M (50) the unary resource corresponding to the machine to
which it has been assigned. These constraints are
istart ≥ ri ∀i ∈ I (51)
equivalent to constraint set (11) of model (M3).
istart ≤ di − pzi ∀i ∈ I (52) Any one of the two proposed algorithms can be
iduration = pzi ∀i ∈ I (53) used to solve this hybrid MILP/CP model for the
scheduling problem at hand. In this section, we use
i requires tzi ∀i ∈ I (54) the decomposition algorithm that was presented in
tsi ≥ 0 (55) Figure 1 for solving the hybrid MILP/CP model.
The reason for choosing this method is that it is
xim ∈ 0 1 ∀i ∈ I m ∈ M (56)
easy to implement and is sufficient to test the poten-
zi ∈ M ∀i ∈ I (57) tial usefulness of the proposed methodology. Details
of the decomposition algorithm in the context of
istart ∈  ∀i ∈ I (58)
the proposed hybrid MILP/CP scheduling model are
iduration ∈  ∀i ∈ I (59) presented in Figure 2. In this algorithm, the relaxed
MILP problem assigns a machine to every order. The
The objective function (45) for the hybrid model
CP feasibility problem then attempts to find a feasi-
is the same as the objective function (15). Con-
ble schedule for this assignment. If a feasible schedule
straints (46) through (49) are the MILP constraints (16)
through (19). These constraints are equivalent to con- can be obtained, then it is the optimal solution. Oth-
straint set (9) of model (M3). Constraint (50) estab- erwise, causes of infeasibilities are inferred as integer
lishes the equivalence between the MILP variable xim cuts to exclude assignments with similar characteris-
and the CP variable zi , and it is represented by (10) in tics. The relaxed MILP problem is resolved to obtain
model (M3). It should be noted that there is no need another assignment. If no other assignment is possi-
to write the equivalence relation in closed form as ble, then the scheduling problem is infeasible.
equations or inequalities. This is in sharp contrast to Integer cuts used in the decomposition algorithm
the set of equivalence relations (39) used in the MILP- are very critical to its efficiency. Instead of using the
CP OPL model. Finally, constraints (51) through (54) integer cuts in (14), the cuts used for the scheduling
are the reduced set of CP constraints derived from the problem at hand are based on the idea that if a set of
original CP constraints (28) through (32) by assuming orders cannot be scheduled on a particular machine,
that the assignment of orders to machines has already then it will not be possible to find a feasible sched-
been made. Note that the CP constraint (32) is no ule for any assignment in which all those orders are
longer needed, and in constraint (54) order i requires assigned to that machine. Note that a cut is generated

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 271

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

Solve relaxed MILP problem (K )

Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

min Cim xim
i∈I m∈M No Solution ✲ Infeasible
s.t. (46) to (49), (55) to (56)

xim ≤ Bkm − 1 ✛

Imk = i xim
= 1 Bkm = Imk
∀m ∈ M k = 1 2  K − 1

Identify machines for which a

Feasible feasible schedule could not be
obtained. Add an integer cut
Partial optimal for each of these machines to
solution (xim ) exclude this assignment from
❄ the feasible set (K = K + 1)

Determine zi using (50) and
extend this partial solution
using a CP feasibility problem
for fixed zi

Find istart iduration

st (51) to (54),(58) to (59)


Optimal Solution Found

Figure 2 MILP/CP Decomposition Method for the Scheduling Problem

272 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

for each machine that could not be scheduled suc- In this table, the size of the CP subproblems has
cessfully. The integer cuts for iteration k, which are not been reported as it varies from one iteration
stronger than equation (14), have the following gen- to another, and only the initial size of the relaxed
eral form, MILP problems has been reported. However, the final
Downloaded from by [] on 07 June 2015, at 20:49 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

 number of constraints in the relaxed problem can be

xim ≤ Bmk − 1 ∀m ∈ M (60)
obtained by adding the number of cuts to the ini-
tial number of constraints. The computational time
Imk = i xim
= 1  Bmk = Imk for solving all the relaxed MILP problems is reported
k in the seventh column. Note that the computational
Here xim is the optimal value of xim in iteration k. As
time reported for solving the CP-feasibility problems
an example consider a case where orders 1, 2, and 3
is only for the ones that were feasible. This is because
were assigned to machine A but could not be sched-
in the current implementation of the OPL scripting
uled. The corresponding integer cut is
language it is not possible to obtain the computa-
x1A + x2A + x3A ≤ 2 tional time if the CP-feasibility problem is infeasible.
In our experience the computational time for solv-
This cut in essence states that any assignment in ing an infeasible CP subproblem was of the same
which orders 1, 2, and 3 are all assigned to Machine order of magnitude as solving a feasible CP sub-
A is not allowed. It is worth emphasizing once again problem. The number of CP-feasibility subproblems
that these constraints cut off more that one possible solved for a problem is equal to the product of the
overall assignment. Furthermore, it should be noted number of machines and the number of major iter-
that in this scheduling problem parallel machines ations required. Recall that a cut is added for every
do not interact. Therefore, once the assignment has infeasible CP subproblem. Hence, the number of CP
been specified, a schedule for order processing can subproblems for which the computational time was
be derived for each machine individually. This means not included is equal to the total number of cuts.
that a CP feasibility problem for M parallel machines It can be clearly seen that all the instances of the
can be decomposed into M CP feasibility prob- scheduling problem at hand can be solved very effi-
lems for a single machine each. The advantage of ciently using the proposed decomposition algorithm.
decomposing the problem in such a manner is that it For the larger instances of this scheduling problem the
becomes very easy to identify machines for which a computational times were significantly lower com-
feasible schedule could not be obtained. pared to any of the three methods that were presented
The proposed decomposition algorithm was imple- in the previous section. Recall that the first data set of
mented using the scripting language in OPL all the five problems was more difficult to solve. This
Studio 2.1 (ILOG 1999b). In our implementation, the
is because fewer assignments lead to a feasible sched-
relaxed MILP is solved from scratch whenever cuts
ule. Therefore, more iterations are needed and more
are added to it. One major iteration of the decom-
integer cuts had to be added. Based on these com-
position algorithm involves solving a relaxed MILP
putational results we can conclude that the proposed
problem and M CP feasibility problems. The size of
MILP and CP integration strategy can tackle this
the relaxed MILP problem increases as the search pro-
scheduling problem much better than either MILP or
gresses. The size of the CP feasibility problem for each
CP, and even the MILP-CP OPL solution approach.
machine depends on the number of orders assigned
Further numerical results for this problem with dif-
to that machine, and it varies from one major iter-
ferent data are reported in Harjunkoski et al. (2000).
ation to another. All ten instances of the scheduling
problem at hand that were presented in the earlier
section can be solved using the decomposition algo- 7. Conclusions
rithm. The computational results for them are sum- The objective of this paper has been to develop mod-
marized in Table 5. els and methods that use complementary strengths of

INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001 273

Algorithms for Hybrid MILP/CP Models

Table 5 Computational Results for Hybrid MILP-CP Model

Problem Set Constraints Variables Iterations Cuts Timea Timeb Objective
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1 1 11 9 2 1 002 000 26
1 2 11 9 1 0 001 000 18
2 1 24 28 13 16 047 005 60
2 2 24 28 1 0 001 001 44
3 1 39 48 31 43 401 017 101
3 2 39 48 1 0 002 000 83
4 1 50 90 18 26 201 024 115
4 2 50 90 1 0 002 002 102
5 1 65 120 31 60 1369 044 158
5 2 65 120 6 6 029 012 140
Using CPLEX 6.5 single processor version on a dual processor SUN Ultra 60 workstation
Using ILOG Scheduler 4.4 and ILOG Solver 4.4 single processor versions on a dual processor SUN Ultra 60

MILP and CP to solve problems that are otherwise fewer constraints as compared to the MILP model.
intractable if solved using either of the two meth- However, the computational effort required to solve
ods alone. The class of problems considered in this the problems using any of the two models increases
paper has the characteristic that only a subset of the rapidly with problem size. The MILP-CP OPL model
binary variables have a non zero objective function was larger in size than the CP model but was smaller
coefficients if modeled as an MILP. This class of prob- compared to the MILP model. The combined OPL
lems can be formulated as a hybrid MILP/CP model model could solve most of the problems faster rel-
that involves some of the MILP constraints, a reduced
ative to the MILP and CP models. The scheduling
set of CP constraints, and the equivalence relations
problem was then modeled as a hybrid MILP/CP
between the MILP and the CP variables. To solve
model and solved using the proposed decomposition
this hybrid model, an MILP/CP based decomposition
method and an LP/CP based branch-and-bound algo- algorithm. Computational results indicate that for the
rithm were proposed. Both of these algorithms rely larger instances of the example scheduling problem,
on the same relaxed MILP and feasibility CP prob- the computational times were significantly smaller
lems. The aim of these methods is to combine the compared to MILP, CP, or combined MILP-CP OPL
strength of MILP for proving optimality by using the methods. The example problem demonstrates that the
LP relaxations, and the power of CP for finding fea- proposed methods can be computationally efficient
sible solutions for hard discrete optimization prob- for solving certain problems. It is acknowledged that
lems by using the specialized propagation algorithms. even if a problem falls into the class of problems
It should be noted that the algorithms presented are considered in this paper, the computational efficiency
fairly general and, if needed, alternative methods for of the proposed algorithms depends strongly on the
solving feasibility problems may also be used. nature of the relaxed MILP problem, the feasibility CP
As an application example, a scheduling problem problem, and the cuts that are used in the algorithm.
was considered. The aim of this problem was to find a
least-cost schedule to process a set of orders using dis-
similar parallel machines subject to release and due-
The authors would like to thank Greger Ottosson and Erlendur
date constraints. It was shown that this problem can S. Thorsteinsson for interesting discussions about Constraint Pro-
be modeled as an MILP, CP, or a combined MILP- gramming and Iiro Harjunkoski for his help in revising the paper.
CP OPL model (Van Hentenryck 1999). The compu- Financial support from the National Science Foundation under
tational results indicate that the CP model requires Grant CTS-9810182 is gratefully acknowledged.

274 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

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Accepted by John N. Hooker; received October 1999; revised July 2000, Februray 2001; accepted March 2001.

276 INFORMS Journal on Computing/Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 2001

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