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Maintenance Scheduling Of Generating Units In

Electric Power System

Dr M.F.Kotb, Lecturer of Electrical Engineering Department- College of Engineering-Al Mansoura University

Abstract--New method for solving the Maintenance Schedule reliability or least-cost rather than for his own profitability [5].
(MS) problem is proposed. Comparative study has been Much interest has not been shown from the standpoint of each
introduced between the proposed method and the other heuristic Genco seeking only to maximize his profit.
methods for MS) for electric generation units. The study was
The MS problem received considerable attention in the past.
implemented and tested on a model for MS problem. The new
model introduces the ratio between cost per reserve power as an Dopazo and Merril formulated the problem as a mixed integer
index to maximize the system’s net reserve with minimum cost. programming model (MIPM) . They used Galas’s implicit
Also, maximizing the net reserve , maximizing the system's net enumeration algorithm to obtain the optimal solution.
reserve rate and minimizing the system's risk methods were Escudero et al., also formulated the MS problem as MIPM but
implemented and compared with the proposed method. All they considered a different objective function . They utilized a
methods are subjected to the following constraints: generator
combination of the implicit enumeration and branch-and-
unit maintenance duration, time constraint, crew availability,
lower reserve limit and lower reserve rate limit. bound techniques. Yamayee reviewed the literature and
concluded that the existing methods made a number of
Keywords-Maintenance Scheduling ( MS ) , Optimization assumptions and, in general, they solved only relatively small
,Levelized Reserve Capacity ( LRC ) , Levelized Reserve Rate ( problems. Yellen and Al-Khamis et al., demonstrated the use
LRR ) , Levelized Reserve Risk ( LRK ) and levelized Reserve of the decomposition approach for solving the MS problem.
Capacity Cost ( LRCC ). Krady and Rayakovic, formulated a multi-objective mixed
integer programming model and used the branch-and-bound
1. INTRODUCTION approach for solving the model. In order to solve large
problems, Satoh and Nara, formulated the MS problem as a
In practice, the MS of power generating units attracts great
mixed integer programming model and used the simulated
attention in planning, design of power systems and operation
annealing approach . The above review reveals that the MS
problem is adequately formulated as an MIPM with different
The Maintenance Scheduling (MS) problem is to determine
or multiple objectives. The combinatorial nature of the MIPM
the period for which generating units of an electric power
model makes it hard to solve using exact methods, such as
utility should be taken off line for planned preventive
branch-and-bound, cutting planes or implicit enumeration. In
maintenance over the course of a one or two year planning
order to solve large-scale problems a heuristic approach seems
horizon in order to minimize the total operating cost while
as a viable [6].
system energy, reliability and a number of other constraints
are satisfied. Generating unit maintenance schedule should
consider generating unit and transmission forced and planned
outages. When network constraints are included, the problem The MS problem is a minimization one that has two types of
becomes considerably more complex and will be referred to as decision variables; one is continuous and the other is integer.
the network constrained maintenance scheduling problem. In The continuous variables are the generator output, while the
the network constrained MS problem, the objective is to integer variables are the maintenance scheduling variables that
minimize the total operating cost over the operational planning define the maintenance starting dates and the maintenance
period, subject to unit maintenance and operational duration for each unit. Solving an optimization problem that
constraints [1]. contains such variables makes it extremely difficult if not
Currently, the problems regarding mid-term operation and impossible to reach the global or the near global optimum
planning, for example, generating unit maintenance especially when the problem involves a number of
scheduling, are becoming the subject of importance [2,3]. uncertainties. The maintenance scheduling problem has
Conventional generating unit maintenance scheduling is an uncertainties associated with it that include load forcast, fuel
optimization problem deciding the maintenance time of price and labors fees, maintenance crew, amount of reserve
individual generating units under several constraints over a and purchased power from neighboring utilities, available
given maintenance horizon. Numerous approaches have been resources and maintenance crew availability [7]. Solving the
suggested for the past decades. Until the early 1990’s, model of the MS problem by the existing techniques (8-12)
reliability evaluation of maintenance scheduling and least-cost may give the solution for specified conditions of the power
optimization algorithms had been one of the main interests to system. If the system condition is changed, for example the
the researchers. Since then, optimal scheduling algorithms system load is increased, the optimal solution may become
using mathematical models have been proposed . Recently, unsuitable or inapplicable. To remedy this problem, the MS
several approaches for integrated maintenance scheduling model should incorporate the mentioned uncertainties. The
considering transmission network, fuel, and emission most used heuristic methods for MS optimization are the
constraints have been suggested [4]. In most of the previous Levelized Reserve method , Levelized Reserve Rate method
works, each generating unit is taken off-line for system-wide

978-1-4244-1933-3/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 543
and Levelized Risk method. This paper introduces a new The indicated objective function is a deterministic reliability
method in addition to the three mentioned methods. A function which maximizes the system’s net reserve
comparison between all these methods was introduced. For 4.2. Levelized Reserve Rate ( LRR ) Objective
each of the three heuristic methods, the time sequence of a Function
preventive maintenance schedule for a given set of units over
The LRC method ignores that the required reserve capacity for
one year will be generated such that the selected objective
function should be satisfied against many of the operating maintaining certain reliability should not be the same in the
constraints using Visual Basic Program low load subinterval as in high load subinterval. The Levelized
Reserve Rate (LRR) method uses the ratio of the net reserve
capacity in each subinterval “ ∆Pt “ over the maximum load in
the same subinterval “ Lt “ which is called (∆P *) .
The MS problem is subjected to some constraints as
∆Pi*=∆Pj * i ε t , j ε t, t= 1,2,…,T (2)
1-Time Constraint : Some generators can not be maintained The (LRR) method is considered to overcome this problem
during certain time interval such as times of agricultural and achieve the objective function.
irrigation and abundant rainfall 4.3. Levelized Reserve Risk ( LRK ) Objective
2- Maintenance Completion Constraint : This ensures that Function
once a generator unit is removed from the system for Where previous objective functions neglect the randomness of
maintenance, it completes the maintenance continuously the available generating unit’s capacity, random objective
without interruption and within the planned horizon. function is formulated to include generating unit’s random
3- Crew constraint: It depends on the maintenance manpower Forced Outages into account using Levelized Risk ( LRK )
that is available and they specify that no two units can be method .
simultaneously maintained by the same crew The objective that the risk is made more or less the same
4- Number Of Maintenance Periods : If maintenance periods throughout the period under study is realized through
of all generator units are equal or varied. maintenance scheduling optimization. The Loss Of Load
5-Minimum Reserve constraint : The required minimum Probability “ LOLP” probability reliability index is used to
reserve to achieve adequate reliability evaluate the system risk :
LOLP i = LOLP j i ε t , j ε t , t= 1,2,……..,T (3)
LRK method has two main characteristics. The first is that the
SCHEDULING influence of the random outages on the system’s reliability is
considered when dealing with generating unit maintenance.
The implementation of the heuristic algorithms of
The other is that the daily variations of load are considered
maintenance scheduling for electric generators is described in
when dealing with the representative load in every
this section. Reliability deterministic , random and economic maintenance stage. The power generating unit’s effective load
objective functions are formulated individually for each carrying capacity “Ce” and the equivalent load “Le” are
method as following: calculated as following :
4.1. Levelized Reserve Capacity ( LRC) Objective Ce= C - m ln ( p + q е (C/m) ) (4)
Function Le = Lm + m ln( ∑ е (Lj- Lm) / m Tp (5)
The Levelized Reserve Capacity (LRC) method is a very
direct and intuitive method which draws up a maintenance 5. PROPOSED LEVELIZED RESERVE
schedule by equalizing as far as possible the system net CAPACITY COST ( LRCC ) ALGORITHM
reserve in the whole year, taking into account the generating This method is proposed to maximize the reserve power in
unit’s maintenance outages. The system’s net reserve when addition to minimize the total cost . To achieve these goals a
unit maintenance outages are considered , is equal to system’s cost per unit reserve power index was introduced "∆Pt**"
installed capacity minus the maximum load and the when generating unit is planned for maintenance.
maintenance capacity during the period under examination.
5.1. Cost / Reserve Power Index
The period of maintenance scheduling is considered one year.
The procedure is first of all to arrange the generating units of For each period the reserve power and its total operating
maintenance in a certain order. Then starting from the lowest cost are calculated taking into consideration the generation
load on the load curve ( maximum system net reserve), the outage units. The minimum ratio between the cost and the
corresponding determined reserve power is taken as an
capacity of the equipment is sequentially added on the
index to obtain the minimum cost and maximum reserve
predetermined load curve until all the equipment for
after maintaining the specified unit.
maintenance has been scheduled. The objective function is as
following : 5.2. Objective Function
∆Pi = ∆Pj iεt, j ε t , t= 1,2,……..,T (1) Where objective function would include the cost per reserve
power, the cost and system reserve should be determined The
system reserve is calculated as in LRC method (equals to
∆Pt :System’s net capacity reserve in any stage “t”
system’s installed capacity minus the maximum load and the
maintenance capacity during the period under

examination).The cost can be determined according to its cost
function. It includes fixed and variable costs. The variable cost Table ( 1 ) Generator units to be maintained
depends on the operation and maintenance cost. The cost
Unit Capacity Maint.
function can be expressed in two parts. The first part Number MW
a b C v
represents the sum of energy cost due to fuel during the
planning horizon “weeks”. The second is the sum of variable 1 400 0.04 6 130 7.5 0.0045 0.3
cost for each unit per MWh. The cost function can be 2 300 0.03 5 110 7.65 0.00465 0.4
expressed for a planning horizon “T in weeks”, number of 3 200 0.02 5 80 7.8 0.00462 0.2
units “I” considering each period one week (168 Hr’s) as
4 100 0.02 4 60 8.5 0.006 0.5
following :
∑168(a+biPit+citPit2)(1-Xit)+∑∑168PitVit(1-Xit) (12) 5 100 0.02 4 65 8.3 0.0061 0.5

While the economic Objective Function is as following:

∆Pi **=∆Pj** I ε t,jεt, t=1,2,….,T (13) Table ( 2 ) Load Data
∆Pt** :System cost per reserve power "System Index" Duration Max. Load Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit
Week ”MW” 1 2 3 4 5
Pit :Generator output ( MW ) of unit “i” in period “t”. 1 2000
a, b, c :Fuel cost coefficients 2 1920 N/A
I :Number of generating units 3 1800 N/A
Vi :Variable operation and maintenance cost. 4 1740
5 1640
Economic objective function is formulated to minimize the 6 1500 N/A
total generation operating cost over the operational planning 7 1580 N/A
period. The minimum value of the calculated Index would 8 1620
guarantee minimum cost for maximum possible reserve power. 9 1800 N/A
10 1900 N/A
The period of maintenance scheduling is considered one year. 11 1700
The procedure is to arrange the generating units of 12 1740 N/A
maintenance in a certain order. Then starting from the 13 1640 N/A
minimum cost per reserve power unit, the capacity of the 14 1600
15 1580
equipment is sequentially added on the predetermined load 16 1680
curve until all the equipment for maintenance has been 17 2100
scheduled. The flow diagram of the LRCC method is 18 1940 N/A
illustrated in Figure (1). 19 1700 N/A
20 1740 N/A
21 1690 N/A
6. APPLICATION 22 1480
The proposed LRCC method and the conventional methods 23 1520 N/A
(LRC, LRR and LRK) are tested to solve Maintenance 24 1620 N/A
25 1980
Scheduling problem for power system, 26 1900
6.1. Test System 27 2000
28 1720
The test system has installed capacity 2500 MW ,the planning 29 1660
horizon supposed 52 weeks in the presence of five generating 30 1600
31 1500 N/A
units which should be scheduled for maintenance. The data for 32 1620 N/A
the generating units to be scheduled for maintenance and the 33 1880
weekly peak load for the 52 weeks are listed in table 1 and 2 34 1910
respectively . Table 2 indicates the not applicable time (when 35 1660
36 1800
considered) for maintaining generators. 37 1640 N/A N/A
All methods were subjected to maintenance completion 38 1620 N/A N/A
constraint, 400 MW reserve power constraint, available time 39 1550 N/A
constraint, equal period constraint and time & equal period 40 1680 N/A
41 2050
constraint against the same peak loads (except LRK method 42 1940
which uses the corresponding effective load carrying capacity 43 1700 N/A
and the equivalent load) in 20 cases. The maintenance 44 1740 N/A
completion constraint is a common one in addition to the 45 1790
46 1430 N/A
mentioned constraints in all cases. Another three cases were 47 1550 N/A
introduced to indicate the effect of crew constraint, crew & 48 1620
time constraint and crew & equal period constraint on the 49 2100 N/A
proposed method LRCC for the same peak load for the 52 50 1960 N/A N/A
51 1680 N/A
weeks. 52 1790

6.2.Results Cases for this method ( 1.8% than Case 1 , 2.4 % than Case 3,
4.7 % than Case 4 and 5.2 % than Case 5).
The detailed results are illustrated in attached Tables ( 3,4 ).
The tables includes the four methods in rows against the Levlized reserve rate ( LRR ) method application :
subjected constraints in columns. The intersection between 1. The selected maintenance periods in Cases 14 (completion
these rows and columns indicates the minimum reserve rate, constraint ) and 16 (completion & minimum reserve
total cost and the resulting maintenance schedule for the constraint) are nearly the same but unit 1 can not be
planning horizon. maintained in Case 15 in which the reserve requirement
6.2.1. Constraints effect on all methods individually could not be satisfied because of the minimum reserve
constraint. Also the cost in Case 15 will be increased than
The effect of all constraint against each method can be
Case 14 by 2.1%.
obtained going through each method horizontally.
2. The reserve is deteriorated in Case 16 than Cases 14 and 15
because of the time limits in addition to completion The Proposed levlized reserve capacity cost constraints. The worst reserve value is in period 49 in which
( LRCC ) method application has no reserve. Also there would be an overlap in periods
1. Case 6 has nearly the same result as case 10 and an overlap from “ 28 to 32 “ which requires two crews to perform the
maintenance periods was selected which would requires two maintenance.
maintenance groups at the same period. No great effect 3. Case 17 (equal periods & completion constraint) has a
occurred in Case 10 which has longer maintenance time maintenance overlap that requires two crews during periods
than Case 6 but its cost is less than Case 6 by 2.7%. "19 to 24 " and its cost will be lower than Cases 14 and 15.
2. To ensure that one maintenance crew is required at any 4. Applying the time and equal period’s constraints “Case 18“,
period, the Crew constraints were applied for Cases 6,10 as it will lead to nearly to the same schedule as in Case 16 but
in Cases 7 , 11. It is found that no maintenance overlap was with lower cost by 0.5 % where the number of maintenance
selected at any period but the minimum reserve rate for Case periods are increased.
7 became less than Case 6 as in periods from 37 to 41 which Levlized reserve risk ( LRK ) method
will lead to system risk but its cost is less than Case 6 by application :
0.16%. 1. The selected maintenance periods in Cases 19 (completion
3. Case 11 got some improvement than Case 10 where no constraint) and 27 (completion & minimum reserve
maintenance overlap while the minimum reserve rate has constraints) nearly are the same. Case 23 has higher
not changed but the cost is slightly decreased by 0.02% . minimum reserve rate (2.1% ) and higher cost (0.03 % )
Also Case 11 got lower cost than Case 6 by 2.8%. It can be than Case 19.
concluded that the equal maintenance periods with crew 2. Most maintenance periods of Case 20 (time & completion
constraint (Case 11) is the best solution between Cases constraint) is the same as Case 21 (time & completion &
6,7,10,11 for LRCC method. equal period constraints) with the same reserve rate but its
4. Also it can be observed that Case 8 and 12 is nearly the cost is higher by 2.4%. Also it can be observed that the
same results but cost of Case 12 with time and equal reserve rate of both Cases 20 and 21 is less than Case 19 by
maintenance periods is lower than the cost of Case 8 with 6.5 % and Case 23 by 8.6 %. Case 21 has overlap periods
time constraint by 2.7%. Both has an overlap maintenance which needs two maintenance crews.
periods and the reserve rate is deteriorated specially at 3. Case 22 (equal period & completion constraints) has the
period 49. The time constraint is the main cause of this largest reserve rate of all cases applied to this method and its
deterioration. cost has the lower cost than Cases 19,23 and 20 but it has an
5. Applying the crew constraint as in Case 9, the overlapping overlap periods which needs two maintenance crews.
problem is solved but still the reserve rate problem exists. 4. It can be concluded that Case 21 with available time, equal
6. Applying the minimum reserve constraint with 400 MW periods and completion constraint has the lower cost but
value as in Case 13, it is found that generator unit 1 can not with the lower minimum reserve rate between all constraints
be maintained while there will be an overlap maintenance applied to LRK method.
period and the cost is the highest of Cases 6 to 13 which
were applied to LRCC method. Reserve should be less than 6.2.2. Comparison Between All Methods
400 MW The effect of each constraint on all methods can be obtained
going through each constraint vertically. Levelized reserve capacity ( LRC ) method
1. Applying the completion constraint Cases 1,6, 14 and 19, it
application :
can be found that LRK method has the higher reserve rate(2
1. Observing Cases 1, 3, 4 and 5, it can be noticed that some % higher than LRC, LRR and LRCC), the lower risk in
of maintenance periods were selected while it has large loads addition to lower cost ( 1.3 % less than LRC , 1 % less than
than which were not selected. The worst Case were Case 3 LRR and 1.04 % less than LRCC ) than all methods.
( period 17 ) and Case 5 ( period 49 ) where the system was 2. Applying the time constraint in Cases 3 , 8 , 16 and 20 , it
constrained by time availability which leads to low reserve can be observed that LRC , LRCC and LRR methods have
rate and high system risk . lower reserve rate values ( the reserve is zero in one period
2. To solve this problem reserve power constraint was for the three methods ) while it is higher in LRK. So the
implemented as in Case 2 but, it can be observed that risk is lower in LRK method and its cost is the lower value
generator unit 1 can not be maintained if minimum reserve ( 0.9 % lower than LRC , 1 % lower than LRR and LRCC ).
power limit is 400 MW and its cost will be increased than all

3. Applying the equal maintenance constraint in Cases 4 , 10 , network constraints”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
17 and 22 , it can be found that LRK method has the higher 13 (3) (1998) 1063.
reserve rate (0.9 % higher than LRC and LRR and 3.3 % [9] M.K.C. Marwali, “Transmission and generation
higher than LRCC), the lower risk in addition to lower cost maintenance scheduling with different time scales in power
( nearly 0.5 % lower than LRC, LRR and LRCC ). systems”, Illinois Institute of Technology,1997.
4. Applying the minimum reserve constraint in Cases 2, 13, 15 [10] M.Y. El-Sharkh, R. Yasser, A.A. El-Keib, ”Optimal
and 23, it can be observed that minimum reserve should be maintenance scheduling for power generation systems”, a
less than 400 MW to enable maintaining unit 1.Also, LRK literature review Maintenance and Reliability Conference.
method has the higher reserve rate (2.4 % higher than LRC Proceedings MARCON ’98, vol. 1, 1998,pp. 20.01_/20.10.
and LRR and LRCC), the lower risk in addition to lower [11] C.E. Lin, C.J. Huang, C.L. Huang, S.Y. Lee, ” An
cost( nearly 3 % lower than LRC, LRR and 2.2 % LRCC ). optimal generator maintenance approach using fuzzy dynamic
5. Although the minimum reserve rate for the three methods programming”, IEEE PES Summer Meeting, 92 SM 401-0
LRC, LRR and LRCC are the same in most Cases but the PWRS, Seattle, July 1992.
reserve rate is slightly improved along the maintenance [12] S.J. Huang, “Maintenance scheduling of generating units
periods in LRCC method than LRC and LRR methods by genetic-enhanced fuzzy systems”, International
Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power
7. CONCLUSION System, Seoul, 1997, pp. 541_/545

A new search algorithm “ LRCC “ has been developed for

scheduling electrical generating units maintenance. The
algorithm was implemented and tested on power system
problem . Comparison between the proposed and the other
heuristic methods for MS for electric generation units has been
introduced. It was found that the reserve rate is slightly
improved by this method than LRC and LRR but LRK method
has the best reserve improvement (lowest Risk ) in addition to
the lowest cost. The reserve rate and risk would be
deteriorated if there are time limits. If minimum reserve value
is required under the time limitation, one unit can not be

[1] M.K.C. Marwali, S.M. Shahidehpour, “A probabilistic
approach to generation maintenance scheduler with network
constraints”, Electrical Power &Energy Systems, accepted 11
May 1999,.
[2] Leou RC. “A flexible unit maintenance scheduling
considering uncertainties”. IEEE Trans Power Syst 2001;
16(3): 552-9
[3] Shahidehpour M , Marwali M. “maintenance scheduling in
restructured power systems”, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
Publishers; 2000.
[4] Marwali MKC, Shahidehpour SM. ”Long–term
transmission and generation maintenance scheduling with
network fuel and emission constraints”, IEEE Trans Power
Syst 1999; 14(3):1160-5.
[5] Jin-Ho Kima, Jong-Bae Parkb, Jong-Keun Parkc, Yeung-
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[6] Ibrahim El-Amin, Salih Duffuaa, Mohammed Abbas, ”A
Tabu search algorithm for maintenance scheduling of
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[7] M.Y. El-Sharkh a, A.A. El-Keib b,*, H. Chen, “ A fuzzy
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Electric Power System Research 67 (2003) page 67-72
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generation and transmission maintenance scheduling with

Levelized Reserve Capacity Cost

Read Generators rating “ Pj “, Max. Load per stage “ PL “, Installed

Capacity “P”, Number of total stages under study, Number of maintenance
stages for each generator .

Arrange Generators units to be maintained

according to highest rating

Compute the total Generation cost of the system at each stage during the planned period if gen unit is maintained
∑ ∑ 168 ( ai + bi Pit + cit Pit ) ( I - Xit ) + ∑ ∑ 168 Pit Vit ( 1 – Xit )

Calculate the reserve for each generator at each stage during the planned period if gen unit is
maintained. Reserve = P- { ( Pj + PL ) +P outage }

Compute the cost per each reserve power for each generator at
each stage if gen unit is maintained.

Start with Gen Unit J=1

Stage number I=1

Select the minimum cost / reserve power and take it as

Index to define the maintenance stage

Apply Constraints

I=I+ is I < Number
of stages


J= is J < Number
of Gen. Units


Print all maintenance stages for all Gen. units


Figure ( 1 ) Levelized Reserve Capacity Cost (LRCC) method

Table (3 ) – System Generation Scheduling Results Using all Methods

The Constraints Completion Min. Reserve Available Equal Periods Time &
The Item of & Completion Time & & Completion Equal Periods
Method Comparison Completion & Completion
Case No. Case 6 Case 13 Case 8 Case 10 Case 12
Min. Reserve rate 17.3 % 19 % 0% 17.3 % 0%
Proposed Cost (unit cost) 1,216,375,015 1,231,436,631 1,214,230,773 1,183,164,107 1,181,019,864
Unit 1 43-44-45-46-47-48 Can not be maintained 46-47-48-49-50-51 43-44-45-46-47-48 46-47-48-49-50-51
Method- Maint. Unit 2 20-21-22-23-24 43-44-45-46-47 20-21-22-23-24 19-20-21-22-23-24 19-20-21-22-23-24
LRCC Schedule Unit 3 4-5-6-7-8 20-21-22-23-24 4-5-6-7-8 3-4-5-6-7-8 3-4-5-6-7-8
Periods Unit 4 5-6-7-8 21-22-23-24 5-6-7-8 4-5-6-7-8-9 3-4-5-6-7-8
Unit 5 29-30-31-32 45-46-47-48 29-30-31-32 28-29-30-31-32-33 28-29-30-31-32-33
Case No. Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5
Min. Reserve rate 17.3 % 19 % 0% 17.3 % 0%
Cost (unit cost) 1,219,891,396 1,241,392,954 1,212,216,940 1,182,851,598 1,177,278,780
LRC Unit 1 43-44-45-46-47-48 Can not be maintained 12-13-14-15-16-17 43-44-45-46-47-48 46-47-48-49-50-51
Maint. Unit 2 20-21-22-23-24 44-45-46-47-48 44-45-46-47-48 19-20-21-22-23-24 19-20-21-22-23-24
Schedule Unit 3 4-5-6-7-8 20-21-22-23-24 22-23-24-25-26 3-4-5-6-7-8 3-4-5-6-7-8
Periods Unit 4 29-30-31-32 5-6-7-8 5-6-7-8 28-29-30-31-32-33 28-29-30-31-32-33
Unit 5 37-38-39-40 29-30-31-32 29-30-31-32 35-36-37-38-39-40 14-15-16-17-18-19
Case No. Case 14 Case 15 Case 16 Case 17 Case 18
Min. Reserve Rate 17.3 % 19 % 0% 14.9 % 0%
Cost (unit cost) 1,215,663,722 1,241,392,954 1,214,039,656 1,183,671,877 1,180,511,026
Unit 1 43-44-45-46-47-48 Can not be maintained 46-47-48-49-50-51 43-44-45-46-47-48 46-47-48-49-50-51
LRR Maint. Unit 2 20-21-22-23-24 44-45-46-47-48 20-21-22-23-24 19-20-21-22-23-24 19-20-21-22-23-24
Schedule Unit 3 4-5-6-7-8 20-21-22-23-24 4-5-6-7-8 19-20-21-22-23-24 3-4-5-6-7-8
Periods Unit 4 29-30-31-32 5-6-7-8 29-30-31-32 4-5-6-7-8-9 28-29-30-31-32-33
Unit 5 37-38-39-40 29-30-31-32 29-30-31-32 28-29-30-31-32-33 28-29-30-31-32-33`
Case No. Case 19 Case 23 Case 20 Case 22 Case 21
Min. Reserve Rate 19.3 % 21.4 % 12.8 % 18.2 % 12.8 %
Cost 1,203,651,779 1,204,038,980 1,201,695,334 1,177,857,845 1,173,875,335
LRK Unit 1 21-22-23-24-25-26 21-22-23-24-25-26 25-26-27-28-29-30 21-22-23-24-25-26 25-26-27-28-29-30
Maint. Unit 2 6-7-8-9-10 6-7-8-9-10 31-32-33-34-35 5-6-7-8-9-10 31-32-33-34-35-36
Schedule Unit 3 30-31-32-33-34 30-31-32-33-34 6-7-8-9-10 5-6-7-8-9-10 5-6-7-8-9-10
Periods Unit 4 2-3-4-5 2-3-4-5 2-3-4-5 30-31-32-33-34-35 2-3-4-5-6-7
Unit 5 39-40-41-42 42-43-44-45 18-19-20-21 18-19-20-21-22-23 18-19-20-21-22-23

Table( 4)-System Generation Scheduling Results Using LRCC Method Under special constraints

The Constraints Crew Crew and Time Crew and Equal

The Method Item of Comparison Period
Case No. Case 7 Case 9 Case 11
Min. Reserve Rate 12.2 % 0% 17. 3 %
Cost 1,214,474,306 1,209,744,568 1,182,850,115
Proposed Method- Unit 1 43-44-45-46-47-48 46-47-48-49-50-51 43-44-45-46-47-48
LRCC Maint. Unit 2 20-21-22-23-24 20-21-22-23-24 19-20-21-22-23-24
Schedule Unit 3 37-38-39-40-41 4-5-6-7-8 3-4-5-6-7-8
Periods Unit 4 29-30-31-32 39-40-41-42 35-36-38-39-40
Unit 5 5-6-7-8 29-30-31-32 28-29-30-31-32-33


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