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I. Explain the difference in meaning between each pair of sentences.
1. a) She decided to take the first train that stopped in Strasbourg. -> chỉ chọ n tà u dừ ng ở Strasbourg
b) She decided to take the first train, which stopped in Strasbourg. -> dừ ng ở đâ u cũ ng đượ c
2. a) The people, who hadn’t seen the weather forecast, were caught unawares by: khô ng hề biết the hurricane. – tấ t cả
mọ i ngườ i đều khô ng biết
b) The people who hadn't seen the weather forecast were caught unawares by the hurricane. -> chỉ nhữ ng ai mà
chưa xem dự bá o thờ i tiết mớ i khô ng biết
3. a) We couldn’t eat the food, which was bad. -> tấ t cả thứ c ă n đều khô ng ă n
b) We couldn’t eat the food that was bad.-> chỉ khô ng ă n nhữ ng thứ khô ng ngon, ngon là ă n
4. a) I was hoping to visit my cousins, who live in New Zealand. -> muố n thă m tấ t cả anh chị họ
b) I was hoping to visit my cousins who live in New Zealand. -> chỉ muố n thăm ng ở NZ
5. a) They picked all the fruit that had ripened. -> chỉ quả nà o chín mớ i chọ n
b) They picked all the fruit, which had ripened. -> chọ n tấ t cả
II. Combine the sentences to make one new sentence. Make any necessary changes, and omit the relative
pronoun if possible.
1. The bus goes up Edward Avenue. It doesn’t stop at the railway station.
The bus which doesn’t … goes up E.A.
2. The debate went on all night. The backbenchers (thà nh viên quố c hộ i – cấ p bậ c thấ p) had demanded it.
The debate (that/which) the backbenchers had demanded went on all night.
3. The escaped convicts stashed away (giấu đi) the gold bars. They had stolen the gold in an earlier bank raid.
The escaped … gold bars (which/that) they had stolen in an earlier….
4. It was her dream cottage! She had always wanted one like that.
It was her dream cottage (which/that) she had always wanted.
5. They booked into the hotel. They had stayed there on their honeymoon.
They booked into the hotel where they had stayed on their honeymoon.
6. The bodyguards were flanking (đứ ng bên sườ n) the King. They had revolvers concealed inside their jackets.
The bodyguards who had revolvers concealed inside their jackets were flanking…
7. It wasn’t their dog. No, I was taking care of their cat.
It wasn’t their dog (which/that) I was taking care of but their cat.
8. The tree had died. They cut it down.
The tree (which/that) they cut down had died.
9. That’s the cruise. I’ve always wanted to go on that one.
That’s the cruise (which) I’ve always wanted to go on.
10. I think it was the manager. I was speaking to him.
I think it was the manager (who/that) I was speaking to.
III. Combine the sentences to make one new sentence, including a relative clause.
1. She had invited a hundred guests. I didn't know any of them.
She had invited a hundred guests, not any of whom I knew.
2. Growling in the corner were two big dogs. They both looked extremely dangerous.
…dogs, which both…
3. The manager called in my new colleagues. I had met one or two of them already.
The … colleagues, one or two of whom I had met already.
4. There were several large hotels in the road. Three of them had to be repaired urgently.
There were several large hotels, three of which had … urgently, in the road.
5. There were some vegetables left over. I was able to use a few of them in some soup for supper.
There were some vegetables left over, a few of which I was able to use in ….
6. The talk was attended by over two hundred delegates. Most of them took notes.
The talk was attended by…delegates, most of whom took notes.
7. The researchers reported back on the questionnaires. The most interesting ones showed a marked change in leisure
habits among older people.
The researchers…questionnaires, the most interesting of which showed a marked…
8. He comes from a large family. All of them now live in Australia.
He comes from a large family, all of whom now live in Australia.
IV. Rewrite the sentences using the noun clauses
1. It’s disappointing that Tom cannot come.
That Tom cannot come is disappointing.
2. I don’t care whether she comes or not.
Whether she comes or not is not/none of my business/ concern.
3. He spoke English so well, which surprised me.
What surprised me was that he spoke English so well.
4. Rumor has it that we are having a holiday tomorrow. It is not true.
The rumor that we are having…tomorrow is not true.


I. Merge a verb with its appropriate particle to form a phrasal verb
PART A. angle – cry - fall – glaze - go – rot - stand – see - set - about – after - against – apart – away - back - by – for -
tell - turn over - out - through

1. After the divorce he tried to TURN the children AGAINST their mother.
2. She still STANDS BY every word she said.
3. The twins were so identical that it was impossible to TELL them APART .
4. It would be far better to admit the problem openly and SET ABOUT tackling it.
5. Are you planning to GO AFTER Paul's job when he leaves?
6. The infantry FELL BACK in disarray.
7. It's a shame to see such a grand old house go unused and ROT(TEN) AWAY like that.
8. I can SEE THROUGH him—he only cares about himself, really.
9. Your eyes have GLAZED OVER —did you work another 18-hour shift today?
10. What exactly are you ANGLING FOR? If it's a pay raise, you can just forget about it.
11. The country is CRYING OUT for a change in leadership.
PART B. blow - bring – butter - come – do - die – fall – get – pry – about – apart – away - by – in – into - out – over –
rake - well through – up x2

1. How can he GET BY on so little money?

2. He BROUGHT ABOUT his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
3. I picked up the book and it CAME APART in my hands.
4. Don't worry, the storm will BLOW OVER eventually.
5. The sound of his footsteps gradually DIED AWAY. Then, he appeared right in front of us.
6. Pensioners HAVE BEEN/ WERE DONE OUT of millions of pounds as a result of the changes in the last 2 months.
7. Oh, we're not going away next week after all—our vacation plans FELL THROUGH.
8. I tried to BUTTER UP my father by mowing the lawn before I asked to borrow the car.
9. Ever since his app became a worldwide sensation, Bill has been RAKING IN the cash!
10. I wish you would stop PRYING INTO my business affairs.
11. The blood WELLED/ WELLS UP from the wound.
PART C. bargain – bask - blind – come x2 – go x 2 – mull – pull – put across - away - by – down - for – in - out – over x 2 –
- while through - with

1. I need some time to MULL OVER the options before I pick one.
2. The postal workers have COME OUT in support of their pay claim.
3. As you plan your talk, be careful not to BLIND the audience WITH science.
4. They BARGAINED FOR an easy flight but faced a lot of turbulence instead.
5. Ugh, time GOES BY so slowly when I'm in math class.
6. Did I COME ACROSS as confident when I made my speech?
7. I think you've got a flat tire. You'd better PULL OVER.
8. Don't just WHILE AWAY the time this summer—set goals for yourself and try to do something constructive.
9. You'll need to speak to the sales department about that issue. Would you like me to PUT you THROUGH ?
10. I don't think my business proposal WENT DOWN too well with the board members yesterday.
11. He BASKED IN his moment of glory, holding the trophy up to the crowd.
II. Complete each blank to make an idiom
1. By ALL accounts he is a pretty nice guy.
2. A lot of small businesses sprang into BEING/EXISTENCE during the 1980s.
3. He has come into his OWN in the last ten years as one of the most successful advisers in the art world.
4. His voice was alert, not the least BIT sleepy
5. He was regularly seen attending nightclubs and discos, and was generally THE LIFE and soul of the party.
6. I would give my right ARM to meet the president.
7. He really got off on the right FOOT with my mother. 
8. I want the best car you’ve got. Money is no OBJECT.
9. Ge's the hardest bargainer in the business, present company EXCEPTED of course
10. A: "Have you finished checking the inventory?" B: "Yes sir, all present and CORRECT ."
11. Promises made in the heat of an election campaign all too often create HOSTAGES to fortune.
12. That dusty old painting on the wall could be worth a small FORTUNE.
13. He seemed to be a responsible person, so I left him to his own DEVICES.
14. The way he's obsessing over one doorknob when we're renovating the entire house makes me think that he can't see the
forest for THE TREES.
15. I'm as free as A BIRD this Friday! Do you want to meet for dinner?
16. You're making a mountain out of A MOLEHILL. You wrote one bad essay - it doesn't mean you're going to fail.
17. I threw caution to the WIND(S) and bought the most expensive one.
18. Mind if I take a rain CHECK on that drink? I have to work late tonight.
19. I really think you're making a storm in a TEACUP over this. It's just a tiny scratch on the car!
20. I don't mean to rain on your PARADE, but I have some bad news.
21. We finally have the full group assembled, so let's make HAY while the sun shines and get this thing done.
22. I know you want to buy a new TV with your bonus, but you should really save that money for a RAINY day.
23. The long and the SHORT of it is that they are willing to start the work in January.
24. Oh, you can't believe a word that guy says—he's full of HOT air.
25. I think I'll see which way the wind BLOWS before I vote at the board meeting.
26. The detective was told he was chasing RAINBOWS by pursuing such an unlikely suspect.
27. He runs six miles every morning, COME rain or shine
28. Every cloud has a silver LINING, so we must ask who benefits from the demise of post offices, small newsagents and high
street chemists.
29. He left under something of a CLOUD, accused of misappropriating funds
30. The team not only lost the game but three of its best players were injured. It never RAINS but it POURS.
31. The whole deal was put on ICE/ THE ROCKS when the stock market fell sharply.
32. I don't want my colleagues to get WIND of the fact that I'm leaving.
33. We got our WIRES crossed for a minute there—I thought you were asking me something else.
34. Andrea was a TOWER of strength to me when I was ill.
35. It's no skin off my NOSE/TEETH if you don't take my advice.
36. Cycling is potentially very dangerous in the city - you have to keep your WITS about you.
37. She looked confused for a moment, then suddenly the penny DROPPED.
38. I just took it as READ that anyone who applied for the course would have the necessary qualifications.
39. In this business, you have to learn to take the ROUGH with the smooth.
40. Have you gone SOFT in the head?
41. I find driving a real CHORE, especially after the introduction of “Auto Pilot”
42. A: "I'm a little nervous about learning how to drive." B: "Don't worry. After some lessons and a bit of practice, it's as easy as
43. After our son committed suicide, we were left to pick up the PIECES in a silent home.
44. All of my relatives are doctors—medical prowess is just in our BLOOD.
45. These waterproof jeans are the best thing since SLICED BREAD. I don't have to worry about getting soaked!
46. Having all of you here for my birthday has really been wonderful. This gift is (THE) ICING on the cake.
47. Kevin was in such a foul mood at dinner that I left early and just let him STEW IN his own juice.
48. I'm an artist on the weekends, but being a tutor is my bread and BUTTER.
49. That meeting really gave me food for THOUGHT might invest in their company after all.
50. He fell hook, line, and SINKER for this year's April Fool joke.
51. There are laws to protect the mentally ill, but now and then someone does SLIP through the net.
52. They offered a good salary, but I didn't RISE to the bait.
53. Companies are CASTING their nets wide in search of young, talented employees.
54. In school he was a big fish in a SMALL POND. Once he moved to the city, he was just a struggling actor.
55. I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month - it was a real BAPTISM of fire.
56. I think you really burned your BRIDGES/BOATS when you announced you were quitting and proceeded to insult your boss in
front of the whole staff.
57. You're playing with FIRE if you try to cheat on the test.
58. The situation changes daily, so you need to keep your finger on the PULSE.
59. She'd invested extensively in stocks and got her fingers BURNED when the market collapsed.
60. The spoiled little brat has completely TWISTED his parents around his little finger.
61. As Jake is their only child, his parents give him the red CARPET treatment whenever he returns home from college.
62. He always lived his life in the fast LANE, and he ended up dying at a very young age.
63. I do want to get married, but down the ROAD, not any time soon.
64. After earning my degree, I'm at a CROSSROADS. I need to figure out which direction my life should take.
65. I've been firmly in the SLOW lane after having kids. I just don't have the time or energy to do the things I used to.
66. This tax stuff is about to drive me (a)round the BEND.
67. I just need a rough summary of the numbers for the report—don't make a MEAL out of it.
68. You think I can't get an A in this class, but I'll make you eat your WORDS when we get our report cards!
69. The way they conducted the interview left a bad TASTE in my mouth. I don't think I'd accept the job even if they offered it.
70. There will be no second bite at THE CHERRY if we screw this up—it's our only chance.
71. It's hard to take Jeff at face VALUE when he's been caught lying in the past.
III. Choose the correct word form
1. The men were using INFLAMMATORY remarks about the other team's supporters. (FLAME)
2. By the end of the week, there was a tremendous feeling of TOGETHERNESS in the group. (TOGETHER)
3. Painting originated in PREHISTORIC times. (HISTORY)
4. These accounts are utterly INCOMPREHENSIBLE. Can you explain them to me? (COMPREHEND)
5. We were ENTRANCED by their singing in glorious harmony, accompanied by guitar music. (TRANCE)
6. There’s no point in rushing – she’s INVARIABLY late. (VARY)
7. The new rules will SUBSTANTIALLY change how we do things. (SUBSTANCE)
8. She returned to work after a PROLONGED illness. (LONG)
9. All fire exits were well marked and UNOBSTRUCTED . (OBSTRUCT)
10. I'm not very PHOTOGENIC although I am good-looking in real life. (PHOTO)
11. A FAIR-WEATHER friend is somebody who stops being a friend when you are in trouble. (WEATHER)
12. All human beings are FALLIBLE. (FALL)
13. Repetitive work can become SOUL-DESTROYING after a while. (SOUL)
14. Cattle farming is the MAINSTAY of the country's economy. (STAY)
15. It's PIECEWORK, so how much you earn depends on how fast you can work. (WORK)
16. Many clubs fall by the WAYSIDE for financial reasons. (WAY)
17. The first mechanical clocks were large and rather UNWIELDY . (WIELD)
18. Comics tend to PERPETUATE the myth that ‘boys don't cry’. (PERPETUAL)
19. He is poorly REMUNERATED for all the work he does. (NUMBER)
20. The blood had left an INDELIBLE mark on her shirt. (DELETE)
21. Aggression is often taken as SYNONYMOUS with violence. (SYNONYM)
22. He ROMANTICIZED/ROMANTICIZES the life of a spy, not knowing how boring and lonely it can be. (ROMANCE)
23. Trillin’s REMEMBRANCE of his childhood are still vivid. (REMEMBER)
24. Our fashion editor gives you the LOWDOWN on winter coats for this season. (LOW)
25. A LANDSLIDE victory is an election result in which the victorious candidate or party wins by an overwhelming margin. (LAND)
26. The authorities are not expecting a LET-UP in delays (= are not expecting delays to stop) for the rest of the summer. (LET)

Topic: However, ->Although

Intro paragraph:
We are -> overgeneralization
Be interested in -> be intent on pursuing/acquiring
Higher/third level/ tertiary edu = GD DH
Deep/ comprehensive/ profound/ in-depth/ thorough/ detailed understanding
Subject area -> majors
Specialists and professors
Disadvantages of

Body paragraph:
Topic sentence: vague
Developed country = a country of mature/industrialized/ developed/ advanced economy
Awear -> aware
Education system
Be of a lower quality -> be inferior to
That characterizes -> characterized by
Free thinking style -> heuristic style: phương phá p nhấ n mạ nh việc tự họ c, tự tìm tò i
Critical thinking
Good teaching methods => practical/reliable/tried-and-tested/tried-and-true teaching methods
Take a lot of inspiration -> derive/draw a source of inspiration

Body 2: makes … need -> requires … to recruit competent employees/alumni from top/leading/prestigious schools.
Oversees -> overseas

KL: irrelevant

HW: - làm 6 trang tiếp

- nghe + nhắ c lại

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