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Internet – a boon or curse for teenagers?

The theory is that Internet only bring out the goodness of modern life, but is it the whole truth? Scores
of teenagers advocate in favour of this sentiment while the others assert that it is indeed a mixed

To begin with, as far as I am concerned, internet makes our lives more convenient. There is not an iota
of doubt that this technological platform has revolutionised our lives, making even the burdensome
tasks like shopping much easier. Ultimately, we can save more time and spend it more productively
such as learning a new language. Indubitably, Internet has made life more hassle-free.

However, recent research show that Internet leads teenagers to a socially awkward lifestyle. It is
crystal clear that when people stay indoors in a ‘virtual confinement’, they have minimised reaction
with the ‘real’ world. For example, teenagers who spends a good proportion of their time playing video
games on the internet are bound to have less friends. As a result, this seclusion from the community
might lead young adults to stress, triggering chronic diseases like depression. Internet, indeed, makes
our social lives disastrously untoward.

In a nutshell, it is my unwavering contention that it is high time we stopped blaming Internet for the
shambles in our social lives, underlying the fact that these cons can be nullified by limiting its usage
and internet surely helps in enhancing our social circle.

Written by Nafha Mohamed Hamdhee (Grade 10, Bilehdhoo School)

© eslmojo 2019
Task 1

a) There are several errors in subject verb agreement throughout the article. Fix all SVA errors.
b) Is this a balanced or one-sided article? Which sentence / wordings in the first paragraph help
you understand this?
c) What is the main idea in paragraph 2?
d) What is the example provided in the second paragraph to support the argument? List two
other examples that can replace the given example.
e) How is the ‘bottom-bun’ in the second paragraph an effective one?
f) Why do you think that the writer opted to put ‘virtual confinement’ and ‘real’ in inverted
commas in paragraph 3?
g) The word ‘reaction’ in paragraph 3 does not fit in the context. Can you suggest a more fitting
word to that context?
h) What is the error with quantifiers in paragraph 3?
i) The word ‘indeed’ has been repeated in this article. Repetition of modifiers and ‘big’ words
must be avoided. Can you suggest a word/modifier that can replace ‘indeed’ in paragraph 3?
j) What is the suggestion phrase used in the conclusion?
k) How else could have the conclusion been improved?
l) What is the purpose of the final sentence of this article? Did the writer use it effectively?
m) Overall, do you find this article convincing enough? Why? What changes would you bring to

Task 1

a) There are several errors in subject verb agreement throughout the article. Fix the SVA
Internet only brings
recent research shows
teenagers who spend
b) Is this a balanced or one-sided article? Which wordings in the first paragraph help you
understand this?
mixed blessing
c) What is the main idea in paragraph 2?
internet makes our lives more convenient
d) What is the example provided in the second paragraph to support the argument? List two
other examples that can replace the given example.
Learning new information / travelling (using GPS)
e) How is the ‘bottom-bun’ in the second paragraph an effective one?
It is very brief and on point. It reiterates the main idea (more convenient) with almost
similar idea (hassle-free)
f) Why do you think that the writer opted to put ‘virtual confinement’ and ‘real’ in inverted
commas in paragraph 3?
(answers may vary) The writer wants to associate special contextual meanings to those
words to emphasise the idea conveyed
g) The word ‘reaction’ in paragraph 3 does not fit in the context. Can you suggest a more fitting
word to that context?
h) What is the error with quantifiers in paragraph 3? What should it be substituted with?
Less (friends)
Few (friends)
i) The word ‘indeed’ has been repeated in this article. Repetition of modifiers and ‘big’ words
must be avoided. Can you suggest a word/modifier that can replace ‘indeed’ in paragraph 3?
Certainly / surely / most assuredly (answers may vary)
j) What is the suggestion phrase used in the conclusion?
It is high time (+ past tense)
k) How else could have the conclusion been improved?
Making a reference to both arguments
Including a rhetorical question at the end (answers may vary)
l) What is the purpose of the final sentence of this article? Did the writer use it effectively?
To nullify the other argument. It is important to finish off convincingly because this is a
balanced article.
Yes, it neutralizes the other point of view
m) Overall, do you find this article convincing enough? Why? What changes would you bring to
Different answers possible

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