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Uvod u americke studije – 04.09.2012.

1. When Columbus discovered the New World, he believed he had reached India, whereas it was
most likely the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas.
2. The idea of a union of the American colonies was first put forward in the course of a meeting
known as the Albany Congress, based on a proposal drafted by Benjamin Franklin.
3. The Religious Society of Friends is otherwise known as Quakers, because they trembled when
the Lord spoke to them.
4. No tea was actually drunk in the course of the Boston Tea Party. TRUE
5. The first political parties in the Western world were Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton and
Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson.
6. Trail of Tears – The Indian removal from their territories of western North Carolina and Georgia
to Oklahoma.
7. The U.S. bought the territory of Alaska from Russia for 7 000 000 dollars.
8. The Second War of Independence was fought in New Orleans 1812-1815.
9. President Woodrow Wilson won re-election in 1916 on the strength of the slogan He kept us out
of war.
10. In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt , New Deal.
11. Two different musical styles by Bob Dylan: rock, folk
12. The freedom of the press in the U.S. is guaranteed by the First Amendment. TRUE
13. Radio adaption of H. G. Wells’s novel The War of the Worlds performed by Orson Welles.
14. Three major US papers: USA today, Wall Street Journal, NY times
15. Muckracking – digging out the dirt and exposing it to the public
16. The purpose of introducing obligatory literacy tests in the Southern states in the 19 th century
was to contribute to the education of the black and poor whites. FALSE
17. Significance of Rosa Parks to the civil rights movement – boycott of buses, bus segregation
ended. (vi to lepo prosirite)
18. What do Arthur Clarke’s words I remember Babylon imply concerning the future of the US? The
uncertainty of American future, jer sui h napadali teroristi bla bla.
19. Why was USA Patriot Act criticized for? For weakening protections of civil liberties (upadali su im
u kuce bez naloga itd)
20. The existence of a link between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein was proved after the defeat of
the Iraqi Army. FALSE
21. The most notorious anti-communist warrior was Senator Joseph R. McCarthy a Republican from
22. Bill Clinton’s campaign rhetoric echoed that of Richard Nixon. FALSE
23. The legislative branch of the US federal government is bicameral, it consists of two houses the
Senate and the House of the Representatives.
24. Kada potpredsednik postaje predsednik? Incapacitation, death, resignation
25. The number of presidential electors is equal to the number of Senators and Representatives.
26. Once they are appointed, Supreme Court justices hold office for life. TRUE
27. What are US courts guided by in their daily practice? By state and federal laws
28. What does it take to convict the defendant in a criminal case? Determination of guilt beyond a
reasonable doubt.
29. US district courts have original jurisdiction in federal civil and criminal cases.
30. The losing party in a civil case can be imprisoned. FALSE
31. The Northwest Ordinance passed in 1787, provided for one square mile of land in each township
to be reserved for public schools.
32. In the US education is a national concern, a state responsibility abd local function.
33. Electices – optional courses
34. Depending on the state, elementary school in the US ends after grade six or eight. TRUE
35. Three commodities in the triangular trade – molasses, slaves, local rum
36. At the time of the American revolution 95% of the population was engaged in farming, today
less than 2%.
37. Why is US referred to as post-industrial? Service industry dominates nowadays.
38. In the 1920s farm prices increased sharply. FALSE
39. Two American-born writers who were claimed by both BE and AE literature – T.S. Eliot, Henry
40. Where did American country and western music orginate and when it developed? From
England, Scotland and Ireland, developed in the 1920s.

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