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Physical Examination

Chest & Lungs

There is symmetrical chest expansion without any deformity, lesions, tenderness, and crepitus.
Presence of normal tactile fremitus, lungs are resonant with clear breath sounds. No noted
crackles, wheezes, rhonchi.
Breast & Axilla
Bilateral breasts are symmetrical, without suspicious masses, skin changes and nipple
discharges. No axillary lymphadenopathy is noted on exam and no tenderness palpated.
Presents with adynamic precordium, with normal rate and regular rhythm. There are no palpable
thrills or heaves, and friction rub. PMI is at 5th ICS left midclavicular line. Heart sounds are
normal and without S3, S4, and murmur.
The abdomen is nondistended without discoloration, visible pulsations, scars, and lesions.
There is normoactive bowel sounds and is tympanic. There is no tenderness or any palpable
masses or hepatosplenomegaly

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