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Circular Saw
Today we are going to go over the basics of one of the most versatile power tools around the circular saw
if you want to get started with woodworking, are on a budget, are patient, and can build just about
anything. with one of these incredibly useful tools
A circular saw is capable of making almost any straight cut where ripping, cross cutting, mitering, beveling
and even dicing are possible with a circular saw, all you need is the patience to set up the saw correctly,
They are a great way to break up blade products like plywood without having to run a huge blade through
a table saw and are also incredibly portable so you can easily make any of these cuts on a job site, let's
take a look at The parts of the tool that a circular saw should have two handles.
At the front and rear of the saw, the rear handle has the safety switch, trigger and front grips for stability
when cutting the shoe or the base plate will rest on the wood, it is cutting and also used to set the depth
and the angle of your cut around the blade guard.This will protect the blade if you leave the tool on the
ground and protect it from the blade when you are rotating the blade guard will automatically retract when
making a cut.
You can manually retract the guard with this lever which is useful when making plunge cuts the shoe has a
number of markings, the most important of which is this notch that indicates the location of the blade this
additional notch shows the location of the blade When the shoe is set to make bevel cuts I use this lever to
set the depth of cut you only want your blade to extend a small amount below the depth of cut.
Cutting too much material is not only dangerous, it makes the saw difficult. Use this lever to adjust the
angle of the blade in m.
On most saws there are positive stops for 90 degree and 45 degree cuts if your shoe has stamped marks
on metal like mine you can paint over the markets with white paint and then wipe off excess paint sheets in
the areas recessed, this will make They are easily legible even when things start to get dusty, as with any
power tool you should wear safety glasses for each cut if you are making a lot of cuts to protect ourselves
and our ears is a very good idea and although the sawdust of a circular saw is not as fine as other tools, it
is still a good idea to use a dust mask to make a cut, just rest the soft floor shoe on the wood you want to
cut with the blade free of the wood, pull the trigger and let the blade rotate at full speed push the blade
gently through the material using the notch to guide your saw along the cut line do not push the s Closes
too fast, just let the blade do the work when the cut is finished. Push the blade in all the way to remove the
material. Release the trigger and wait for the blade to come to a complete stop. It is important that you
allow the cut to fall freely. Both sides, if so, the wood can pinch the blade as you make the cut and the saw
will start to come out. I was lucky with this cut, but it couldn't easily result in a kickback if that happens
release the trigger, raise the saw, and reposition the wood before continuing. If there are some additional
tools that will help you get more out of your circular saw, a square is invaluable in helping you make cross
cuts, you can clamp the square to your material and press the shoe against the square to help guide the
saw. A long clamp tear material at the beam level can also help guide the saw for straighter and more
precise rips.You can also use a circular saw to make notch cuts, mark the area you want to clean, set the
depth of the blade and then make a series of cuts to clean the wood, then you can remove any remaining
material with a chisel, it's nice to have a few different blades for your saw, this 18 tooth one, but it leaves a
really rough finish on any cross cut or plywood, this 40 tooth cross cut blade leaves the best edge for your
cut, but will jam on longer cuts. Making precise cuts with a circular saw takes time and practice, but
despite its portability and versatility, it is an invaluable tool and a great way to start woodworking.Write full
name: Henry Chaiña Flores

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