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Resistor 330 ohm

× 3

Resistor 4.75k ohm

× 2

Breadboard (generic)

× 3
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)

× 1


× 1

LED (generic)

× 2

MFRC-522 × 1
MLX90614 × 1
Jumper wires (generic)

× 1

Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32D Development Board × 1

Google Sheets
Arduino IDE


What is the COVID-19 Temp Scanner?
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, businesses, schools, restaurants, etc had to shut down. Many
people were furloughed while some were outright terminated. Recently, the trends show a
decline in cases, but businesses and universities are aiming to reopen. It is crucial to ensure that
history doesn't repeat itself. We must put safeguards into place, that are both preventative, and
adaptive to potential new cases. Enter, the COVID-19 Temp Scanner. This tool essentially
allows offices and schools to track their employee’s and students' temperature on a daily basis. A
few features include:

 contactless temperature reading

 database analysis
 cloud-based storage
 student/employee identification
 fever tracking
By analyzing the temperatures of individuals in a given area, The data analysis can help with
isolating potential COVID-19 risks and quarantine them. Additionally, combining the data on a
larger scale can help identify temperature spikes as a community. Our Temp Scanner is user
friendly. An employee, student, or person is assigned an identification tag. For schools and
employees, it would be their id, while for others a simple RFID card such as a hotel card would
suffice. Then after a certain amount of time period (hours, days, weeks), the employee would use
their id, scan into the temp scanner, then record their temperature using the inbuilt touch-less
temperature sensor. This temperature would then be recorded into a google sheet where the
source can analyze trends on a global scale as well automatically id red flags, i.e spikes in
temperatures. If there is a spike in temperature, the id card would be able to detect the employee,
and preventative measures will be incorporated.

What are the benefits of the COVID-19 Temp

When creating this temperature scanner, we had many benefits in mind that would help society
as a whole. The primary reason we created this device was due to the pandemic affecting the
closure of our school, WPI. As we spent more time at home, the more we aspired to go back on
campus. The COVID-19 Temp Scanner gave us the opportunity to help our school along with
other schools to finally allow students to slowly go back to college life. A way for colleges to
monitor the students and keep in check of their health. We saw that the students' education was
dramatically affected due to this pandemic. Given the lack of resources alongside the stress of
the virus itself, students found it difficult to focus without the university atmosphere. Taking all
this into account, we wanted to play our role in fighting the virus and continuing education for
students worldwide.
Cost-effectiveness was a key aspect when taking into consideration the creation and development
of our project. With this in mind, an RFID scanner, a buzzer, LED’s, temperature sensor, and a
distance sensor can help create a complex detection tool that would still be within budget. That
way colleges can easily afford them and implement them in their dorms or buildings.
As mentioned previously, this project would allow colleagues to monitor students' health more
closely and provide proper safety and caution to the campus, with the ability to collect data on
students' temperature, schools can make better decisions about COVID-19 and the process of
reopening. They can observe to see if there is a commonality regarding temperature spikes in
specific areas of campus. More importantly, it allows the student itself to check on their health
and make sure they are as healthy as they should be. Taking certain precautions is definitely the
first step we have to take in opening colleges and offices and we believe our project will help
take those steps.

How does it work?

The COVID-19 Temp Scanner follows a pretty straightforward process where the input that is
received by the device, and then transfers that data to an online database (Google Sheets in this
case) through WiFi. Creating this device is done through four major steps: setting up the
hardware, setting up the google sheets, uploading the code, and testing it out.
Step 1: Setting Up the Hardware
the full schematic of the electronic components all hooked up to the ESP32 is shown below in
the schematic section. For more detailed specifications of pin configuration:
tables of the sensor pin configuration to the ESP32

tables of the sensor pin configuration to the ESP32

tables of the sensor pin configuration to the ESP32

tables of the sensor pin configuration to the ESP32

tables of the sensor pin configuration to the ESP32

 1
 2
 3
 4
 5

Snapshot of inside the RFID


Snapshot of outside the

RFID module.
 1
 2

Snapshot of inside
the temperature/rangefinder module.

Snapshot of outside
the temperature/rangefinder module.
 1
 2

Step 2: Setting Up Google Sheets

 Login into to google drive and create a new google sheet
 Rename the sheet to any name desired
 Under Tools, go to Script Editor
 Rename the file and upload code shown below:
function doGet(e){
Logger.log("--- doGet ---");

var tag = "",

value = "";

try {

// this helps during debugging

if (e == null){e={}; e.parameters = {tag:"test",value:"-1"};}
Logger.log("It is using debugging values");

tag = e.parameters.tag;
value = e.parameters.value;

// save the data to spreadsheet

save_data(tag, value);

return ContentService.createTextOutput("Wrote:\n tag: " + tag + "\n

value: " + value);

} catch(error) {
return ContentService.createTextOutput("oops...." + error.message
+ "\n" + new Date()
+ "\ntag: " + tag +
+ "\nvalue: " + value);
Logger.log("an error has occured in doGet function");

// Method to save given data to a sheet

function save_data(tag, value){
Logger.log("--- save_data ---");

try {
var dateTime = new Date();

// Paste the URL of the Google Sheets starting from https thru /edit
// For e.g.:
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl("insert link here");
var dataLoggerSheet = ss.getSheetByName("insert sheet name here");
// Get last edited row from DataLogger sheet
var row = dataLoggerSheet.getLastRow() + 1;
Logger.log("recieves last edited row");

// Start Populating the data

dataLoggerSheet.getRange("A" + row).setValue(row -1); // ID
dataLoggerSheet.getRange("B" + row).setValue(dateTime); // dateTime
dataLoggerSheet.getRange("C" + row).setValue(tag); // tag
dataLoggerSheet.getRange("D" + row).setValue(value); // value
Logger.log("inputs data into spreadsheet");

// Update summary sheet

//summarySheet.getRange("B1").setValue(dateTime); // Last modified date
// summarySheet.getRange("B2").setValue(row - 1); // Count

catch(error) {
Logger.log("Error has occured in save_data function");

Logger.log("--- save_data end---");

 In line 44 var ss = SpreadSheetApp.openByUrl(“***”), replace *** with google
sheet url until /edit
 In line 45 var DataLoggerSheet = ss.getSheetByName(“****”) replace *** with
sheet name
 Go to Publish and deploy as Web App
 Change the access to the app as anyone, even anonymous
Note: If a permissions page pops up as this is your first time doing google scripts:
 Click on review permission
 Sign in to your google account
 When the “this app isn't verified” page comes up, click on advanced
 Click on go to “Your script name” (unsafe)
 Click on allow.
This will allow your script to finally gain access to deploy the app

 Copy the “Current web page url” and paste it somewhere safe, as it will be later used in
the Arduino code
Step 3: Uploading Arduino Code
 Code files for this project can be accessed from the github link in the code section. Make
sure that Arduino IDE is installed on your computer before uploading the code
 Before uploading the code to the ESP32:
 Modify wiring.h file if using different pins
 Add wifi name and wifi password within the quotes in WifiSetup.cpp
 Add GScriptID (This is the random numbers and letters seen from the current web page
url) in Data.cpp
Additionally for this code to work, the appropriate libraries would need to be download. The
libraries involved are:

 ESP32: (go
to preferences under file and add url in additional boards manager url)
 Wifi: WiFi library by Arduino
 MLX90614: MLX90614 library by Adafruit
 MFRC522: MFRC522 library by GithubCommunity
Step 4: Test it Out!
Once everything is set up and the code is uploaded, test and debug the device to make sure it
works the way it should.
prototype casing
The final prototype which includes the electronic
components added inside the cardboard cases.
Before fully installing the electronic components, we
created a mock case with household items.
 1
 2

Future Progress
For future edits on this project:

 Create a CAD file for encasing the electronic components, to make the station into a
more clean and sleek manner.
 Have a more calibrated sensor through field testing
To increase automation:
 The temperature reading could potentially be done through an infrared camera, which can
read people’s body temperature at a more accurate level, and identify regions of high
temperature within the body.
 A servo motor at the top module could be added, to allow for the module to move based
on the person’s height.
 A creation of a mobile app as an add-on for the stations could allow students and
employees to track their own temperature history.
COVID-19 Temp Scanner Code
This github link provides the code needed for the project

ishan190425 / TempData2.0
1 0
No description — Read More
Latest commit to the master branch on 6-11-2020
Download as zip
COVID-19 Temp Scanner Schematic

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