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the PHILOSOPHE Oke ioe Jane az, 2005 + Volume three, No. ‘bn natramen of TONE and RESONANCE roving forum for original chopra "th The oe ofthe Coe of (Chirp Pp and oust the wuts altel of Chirp. CY CLE S cepresent the dynamic shape ofvitalism. Within this, scientific and sacred geometric form, lies the depth of chiropractic profundity. Cycles and the study of cycles have always been intrinsic to the study of chiropractic and chiropractic philosophy. From the philosophically abstract to the physically concrete, they rule and define our very being, Our own individual and personal innate cycles revolve and collide within the larger universal cycle of life, Hearts pound blood and lungs lift breath in spherical revolutions through fragile bodies of touch and taste, beneath a cyclic cosmos of sun and moon and planetary orbit. The rise and fall of the ‘ocean tides and cycles of love and loss cannot escape the sphere of cyclic influence, bbur the good Chiropractor is knowledgeable and appreciates the cause of things ‘The profundity of the founding fathers of Chiropractic is exhibited in the study and explanation of physical and vitalistic cycles. Their revolutionary vision, to see things clearly and tell them plainly in the search for the cause of life and health, set them aheed of their compecrs of the early 20th century. From the beautiful simplicity of the safety pin cycle to the depth of the Normal Complete Cycle, chiropractic is articulately and profoundly explained. "Normal Complete’ and “Abnormal Com- plete, give explanation to cycles of ease and dis-ease within the chiropractic para dig of life and health. R.W. Stephenson stated it best in article number 36 in his Chiropractic Textbook when he wrote, “The simple cycle is the briefest story from cause to effect and from ‘effect to cause. It names six important processes: Efferently: Creation > Transmission > Expression. Afferently: Impression > Transmission > Interpretation” Dr. Stephenson devoted six articles, from 34 to 40, in the freshman section of his text to the chiropractic explanation of cycles. One of the most profound and rudi- mentary to the complete understanding of the depth of Chiropractic, is Article number 35 which states, “Chiropractic Cycles, The course of mental impulse from brain to tissue and back again and the consecutive places and operations in that course.” Most relevant and maybe not apparent to the untrained eye in this statement is the use of the word, ‘mental impulse” and not “nerve impulse” which is a com- pletely different thing. This as a concept alone is strong enough to be the discussion for the next edition of the Philosopher's Quill. Welcome aboard this vitaistic ship, intrepid explorer, lend hands to unfutl these Jofty sails, ler us cast off the lines of linear contemplation and set course for our new expedition, the circumnavigation of this cycle of chiropractic thought, s0 revolution- ary, beneath the solstice sun of this our longest day. Checking our philosophical posture “Let us speak today of cycles and their relationship to Chiropractic. ° Aesthetics KATHLEEN CARTEN DC, LCP A’: to ashes, dust ro dust. Winter, spring, summer, fall. Is not all of life but a cycle? Just as surely as the sun will rise to carry in all of the possibilities fora new day, only to set once again that evening in a blaze of glory as ifin cetemonial tuibute to that days achievements. And then under a veil of secrecy the nocturnal events play themselves out as we recycle ourselves in preparation for another spin at the wheel of life. tis easy to appreciate the beauty in so many of lifes cycles and Chiropractic is no exception. [fwe examine closely one cycle, any eycle, we can applaud the intricate complexity of what we perceive is happening, but can we really fathom the vastness of what is actually occurring even just at that very moment in time. To put that one very isolated event into context of all the other cycles happening simultancously is mind boggling, Cycles within cycles, betwixt cycles, intertwined with one another, con top of each other; layered over and over, infinitesimal and infinite all at once. ‘What about the playing out of these cycles over the course of one minute, one day, ‘one yeat or aeons of time that have already passed or have yet to come? Yet many deny the presence of a Universal Intelligence that continually organizes the charac tetistics of these cycles so that they ean even exist at all. Our mere mortal educated intelligence is dwarfed in trying to comprehend the wondets of just one simple cycle. From creation, transmission and expression of Universal Intelligence to the impres- sion, transmission and interpretation of this highly selective data as it coordinates our very being. Chiropractic cycles allow us to form an understanding of the essence of life ina confined, encapsulated mode, bic by bt, forun by forun. ‘The normal complete cycle allows for the cadence of mental impulses flawlessly, seamlessly, perfectly every single time. Conversely, the abnormal complete cycle is the depiction of the imperfect wherein the vertebral subluxation prohibits the proper transmission of Innate Intelligence every single time thereby disseminating flawed ‘information from source to periphery and back to source again “The preponderance of cycles can be seen in all aspects of life. It matters not if viewed under the most sophisticated microscope or from the farthest vantage point possible in the distant reaches of our universe. History repeats. Cycles repeat whether ‘good or bad, significant or insignificant until a force strong enough enters to change the equation and alter the course. Chiropractic isa philosophy, science and art of things natural and bestows us with a deductive rationale to gutde our understanding of the mysteries of life. Above down inside out, above down inside out. Politics JAMES MILLIRON, DC, LCP "KRONOS (SATURN) FROM THE FIRST RACE OF GODS, THE THANS WAS ABOUT ‘TO SLAY HIS OWN FATHER: IT WAS PROPHESIED THAT THIS SON WOULD IN TURN SOMEDAY BE DEPOSED BY A SON. To KEEP THIS FROM FULFILLMENT, KRONOS SWALLOWED HIS CHILDREN AS THEY WERE BORN” Reluctant to Eat Our Children—a commentary Drea Sear tee sina professor at Portland State University has theorized the condition Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PISS). Simply, the situation for African Americans has been passed down through the generations and to this day has ongoing ill affects on the black community like Da Costas Syndrome of the United States Civil War, shellshock and battle fatique of the World Wars, now recognized as Post‘Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the post Viet Nam era Molefi Kete Asante refers to “Afrocenticity: The Theory of Social Change” clearly in how “we view our identity”. She states, “Europeans occupy all ofthe intellectual and artistic seats and leave no room for others” All cultures must be respected is fundamental but there is a contradiction between history and perspective which produces incongruity called decenteredness. Chiropractic much the same suffers from a severe cultural identity crises which, leaves her far removed from her humble beginnings and has allowed much like African Americans, others to define who she is creating her own cultural slavery ‘Chiropractic must remove the medical hegemony like western Europeans to African ‘Americans and stand up to those especially within the profession ie, NBCE, FCLB and CCE who drive a stake into the heart of the meaning of separate and distinct and ‘want us to be accepted as “Real Doctors” at the risk of slaying the chiropractic student and those who are newly licensed to practice by hands only the art of chiropractic. ‘To avoid this cataclysmic ingestation of progeny like Kronos, we chiropractors ‘must nurture the youth of the profession by living the chiropractic lifestyle, teach the ‘meaning of our philosophy and be there at their beck and call to aid them in their ‘times of greatest need, This applies to patients as well to educate to the vitalistic cause of ‘rusting the philosophy to correct not only subluxation but the issue of centeredness. “*Afrocentricity is not the reverse of Eurocentricity” Chiropractic is nor the oppo site of medicine. Each is their own identity, their own culture, Culturally for chiro- practic to survive on her own, she must return to her historical definition and like Rosa Parks sit up front and stop beating up on herself as second class healing arts citizens mimicking so many freed slaves who were more injurious to one another stated Malcolm X, in reference to the condition of “Slave Mentality” after president Lincoln's Emanicipation Proclamation. ur students are taught fear of malpractice in their classrooms. Our students are tested in national boards about subjects, which are not relevant to or within scopes of Continued o back page Ethics Cemsstteth ELAN, TA, LE A Season for Every Activity Under Heaven thics which is derivative from the word ethas arrived intact from the Greek Jexicon, meaning; an underlying philosophical value system. Ethics can be \ considered a normative science, the study of norms and standards. The importance of ethics lies in what we ought todo, As each one of us wake afresh to greet the new day sun, we have completed another cycle, 2 mean solar day. Cognizant of itor not we al partiipate in the occurrence of cycles, we are the materialization of cycles. Gordon : Sumner wrote; inside every turning leafis the pattern of an older tree, the shape of ‘our future, the shape of ll our history” Cycles. Stephenson, in his seminal Text lists over 20 different “cycles” to be identified, studied, applied and understood by the chiropractor. There is not one cycle more important than another, they all contribute or derive in some way from the Simple Cycle which isthe primary cycle that explicates cause and effect. Most may recog- nize the more popular name as the Safety-Pin Cycle. No matter what ilk of philoso- phy you represent, one cantt quarrel that for every cause there isan effect and for every effect, there isa cause. The most basic ethos for our philosophy starts with a Universal Intelligence, the primordial cause, the cause of all things, Principle #1. In 1949 BJ wrote; "We chiropractors work with the subtle substance of the soul We release the prisoned impulse, the tiny rivulet of force that emanates from the mind and flows over the nerves to the cells and stirs them into life." Was he writing with Normal Complete Cycle in mind, the cycle that characterizes the expression of Innate Intelligence in our bodies? Could he have in mind the Abnormal Complete le that exemplifies the presence of the subluxation and the interference to rransmission of the "life-force’? “Through eons of time it finned the fish and winged the bird and fanged the beast. With tireless energy it blows the bubble of each individual life and then silently, telentlessly dissolves the form, and absorbs the spirit into itself again." The Universal yee at its best! JH Craven summed it up most expressively when he wrote; ... that is the object ‘of our study of cycles; o consider the physical manifestation of this immateriality which we are unable to define, or properly comprehend with our finite mind: that is Life» King Solomon wisely stated; "There is a time for everything and season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born anda time to die" Cycles. Blessed be the philosophic forefathers for their faith and assurance which has enabled us to believe and practice this philosophy, science and art even whena faction of our kindred contradict these teachings. Itis easy for us to toss these words ! about, but much more difficulr to feel the meaning of their ethos. 1, Sommer 6° Wis Brought Te My Somes’ Mercury Falling 1996 2. Paleer BT inner Power Specs! Vol XT, 194 5 Craven JH "Bria Cal VV 2956 4) Holy Bible NIV, New York tntermationl ibe Soiey 1978 4 Epistemology vestry MutiE Te DG. 16? [its oft ate by no means shallow or unsophisticated. They offera ‘course of passage from abstract unblemished perfection to provisionary certainty expressed in the observation of natural phenomena. The overture of most biologic cycles offers a predictable mechanical pattern; uniquely we, as chiropractors, identify an abstract transitory catalyst ‘Contemplation on the relationships ofthe abstract and the transition to concrete seems to offer the suggestion that there may be simultaneous cycles which spin on the reaction of one with the other. The simple safety pin cycle, Brain cell to Tissue cell relationship, is concrete. The presentation of conceptual ideas with transitional interludes spins the cycle to envision the expression of life. Cellular communication, brain, nerve, tissue, represents superficial, perfunctory, undeniable tract which satisfies inductive science and subjective outcomes. This aptly accounts for the mechanical comprehension of homeostasis. We who have studied the chiropractic perspective have come to appreciate a greater essence intrinsic o nature. The proficiency of cycles offers a unique language for the expression of the complexi- ties of any prevalent developments in the maturing body of knowledge. The validity of knowledge continues to reveal objective realism and authenticity in the manageable patterns of the models developed by chiropractic. Here we arrive at a comprehension ‘of how the body thinks and responds for the greater good ofthe organism. The normal cycle model places the brain cell, limited matter perhaps even the unused, between creation and transformation. We can indeed follow the positive trail from switch to switch. We utilize the basic postulates and build upon the inner abstract conversion and conveyance of intent within the tangible material maps and adequately predict the adaptation and continuity expected or the result of neurological insult. We do necessar ily understand the limits of matter are significant. Circumstances result in the intelli gence underlying the intent by the most efficient means, adapting to provide and coordinate as stable an environment as possible. Chiropractic is unique in the percep- tion and deductive reasoning that purposeful conveyance yields are constructive. Consider the cycle within the complex neurological chains. The abstract properties and transitions, the momentous positive and negative notations, and the dependence of the mechanics upon the subtle validity of concepts like reception - personification leads to perfect expression. Mental interpretation, sensation and ideation, influences a dependence on what pethaps may be considered higher order of abstracts within the parameters ofthe big idea, Difference of opinion is substantial, yet only the truly dogmatic ‘would refuse to look beyond the mechanics of function, Science is too often satistied with the simplicity of shallow answers. Philosophy demands deeper thought,and will continue to encourage both the art and science into deeper discussions of the absolute, The abstracts support and enhance the developing complexities in our knowledge of matter. ‘The relationship of the rivulet of life force to matter, abstract to concrete, supports and enhances our comprehension of life’ fullest expression. There isa purity in what wwe believe and an assuredness in the keen observation of cycles. “With a knowledge of cycles you will be able to convince your patients ofthe truth of chiropractic, its reasonableness, simplicity, efficiency in fact it places you on a better foundation” 1-Craten Vol 5.94 5 Metaphysics Jor Docksny, D.C, £€P iving in the late 20th and early 21st centuries is proving to be quite exciting Between Einstein’ theories of relativity and the discovery of a quantum realty, swhar once was considered metaphysical is now becoming the physical. Modem physics has exposed how viewing our world simply via our rudimentary perceptions denies awareness of the layers of realty lying just beneath the surface of our everyday world Galileo, Descartes, and Isaac Newton, leaders in classical reality, laid down 2 beauti- ful form by discovering universal cycles and, thus, making the cosmos understand- able, and revealing its predictable nature. Through careful reasoning and mathemati cal analysis we could now understand the pest and predict the future, making increasingly clear the concept of onder to the comings and goings of our world and phenomena. This view was quite pleasing as the cyclical phenomena aligned tightly swith how our senses perceived the world. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, etc. etc., ete, Newton concluded that space and time were rigid and inflexible structures/conceprs Then Albert Einstein comes along and theorizes that space and time are part of a unified whole that warp and curve, are flexible and dynamic, and not ata rigid ‘Wow, can you imagine the cycles that will be revealed to us that once would have been laughed atin the recent past? The shaman, with no formal knowledge of physics, now does not appear so crazy as he taps out his rhythmic pattern (cycle) on the frame drum and “rides” the vibration, traveling to another realm, where he convinces. fled spirit to return to the body of the human who has fallen ill and seeks healing, The shaman does not consider this metaphysical at all, but an actual physical occurrence, ‘As philosophers of chiropractic we can rest assured that advances in physics only strengthens our inductive conclusion that “there is a Universal Intelligence in all matter.” Yes, there certainly is order in this universe, with recent discoveries show- ing it to be more impressive every day. ‘These advances in physies only reinforce the idea that, while we do “own' out beliefs, as philosophers, by definition, we need to be open-minded. While physicists experi ment with theories and analyze past conclusions, we chiropractic philosophers need to critically analyze our own principles, in order to present our philosophy in a convine- ing manner. We need to see how these principles stand up to the rigors of critical reasoning. We need not fear our conclusions, as chiropractic has stood the test of time. But fine-tuning our philosophy will only help in our delivery of this great art. avid Kach has already proposed a re-arrangement of the 33 principles ro coincide better with true deductive reasoning, and Curt Rexroth has made convincing and exciting comparisons between BJ. and Aristotle, As members of the Legion of Chiropractic Philosophers I believe itis our right to advance our philosophy via critical review: Virgil Strang wrote, “DD. Palmer, BJ. Palmer, ... did not manufacture chiro- practic. They simply recognized the existence of it and spent their lives trying to better understand it” In the spirit of Aristotle, BJ and Virgil Strang, let's be an active philosophical organization, Pick up the Quill ‘This month Brandon Schultz, BS, a thie trimester student at Cleveland Chiropractic College, Kansas City, MO, picks up the quill and writes Chiropractic Cycles: Ave We Ignoring Thoughts? think all Chiropractors have been exposed to the safety pin cycle. (Warina bet? Ed) Tissue is stimulated, afferent signal goes tothe brain, Innate figures out response, efferent signal goes to tissue, tissue adapts appropriately Ill is well, chere is perfect adaptation, growth and health. What causes this perfect system to run amuck? Nerve interference caused by the good of three T's: Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts. Trauma is accidents, falls, terrible posture and more. We are very well known i this category and do a wonderful job educating people about the dangers of this" ‘Toxins may be a tersible dier, exposure to poisons, fluoride in the water and others. We do a good job of elling people to eat right as well. Infact, were some of the first people to put an emphasis on a nutritious diet in relation to overall health. This “T” is well covered ‘Thoughts. Thoughts? How well do we educate someone about their thinking? How does what a person thinks contaminate this cycle of life? Ifa person constantly hhas fearful, angry, depressed, frustrated, resentful, threatened, frightened and many other negative emotions going through their educated intelligence, proper nervous system function will not occur. Innate will respond to the image produced by the educated mind like its really there, even though most of the time the threat pre- sented by the educated mind is not currently areal physical threat! Imagine your body's sympathetic nervous system firing like there is a bear in the room, only, there is no bear. Not exactly desitable or appropriate for healthy adaptation and growth. So asa Chiropractor, do you need to also be psychological therapist? Absolutely not! But ‘we must educate our patients about the importance of what they think and how it can, adversely affect their health. Thope from this article a new perspective was seen as to the importance of what a person thinks, afterall, its the only thing they consciously do 24 hours a day, 7 days ‘week. In order to fully remove or at least reduce dis-ease caused by nerve interfer- cence, all three “Ts” must be accounted for. Il leave you all with this quote by Dr. F Ratledge: “You cannot considera human and not consider their mind, Ithas an effect upon him that we do not fully appreciate, yer, ifat all”

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