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California State University, Northridge

Mike Curb College of Arts, Media and Communicaton

Department of Theatre



Part 1: Millennium Approaches

by Tony Kushner
Directed bv

Michaela Escarcega Fatimd Said Eric White

Artistic Director

Larry Biederman

Set Designer Costume Designer

Adam Hunter Paula Higgins

Sound Designer Lighting Designer

ChristopherMoscatiello |ohnEckert
Voice/Text/DialectDirector' StageManager

Christine Menzies Ethan Hollander

Experimental Theatre

Valley Performing Arts Center

April28 - Muy 7,2017

7:30 pm, excePt SundaY at 2:00 Pm

Tickets: (818) 677 -2488


This production includes: strobe effects, nudity, and mature content.

Parking on campus is by permit only. Permit machines available in parking lot B-1 and others.
The videotaping or other video or audio recording ofthis production is strictly prohibited.

MILLENNIUM APPROACHES was first performed in a workshop production

presented by Center Theatre Group/Mark Taper Forum, May 1990

The world premiere was presented by The Eureka Theatre Company, May 1991

Opened in London at the Royal National Theatre of Great Britain' January 1992
^ Opened in New York at the Walter Kerr Theatre in April 1993
rherirstproduct',?:,Tilf t"lilT,Axt#!l;Partsoneandrwo

It has been 26 years since Ansels in America: Part t had its world Roy Cohn ..........i.........
......... Company
premiere in San FranciSco, where it p"roved itself to be much more than
play written in response to the 198b's AIDS crisis. As the vears went Prior Walter (Man in Park, Homeless Woman)
................. Edward Michels
on, Tony Kushner's beautiful and sroundbreakins piece of iheatre settled Louis Ironson (Sister Ella Chapter)
Tyler Menjivar
into its llace amonq the seminal #orks of our tirfiti and the sreat work Harper Pitt (Martin HeLIer, Prior 2)
Cynthia Johnson
began. Since then it-has become a historic landmark of Ame"rican theatre,
its"importance timeless but its relevance a snapshot of its era. Or so we Ioe Pitt (Prior 1, Eskimo)
Skyler |. Keck
thought. Hannah Pitt (Rabii, Henry, Emily, Ethel Rosenberg) .............. fuliana Nassr

Belize (Mr. Lies) Josiah Cross-Wiggins

It was then a diffcult and unwelcome surprise when its present-day Ange1.......... ..... Company

relevance became clear in the past year oi so. The electitin and the bvents
that followed shook this counfry n6 matter where you stood. Feelings of I PLACE and TIME

disillusionment and bewildermbnt filled this camp'us, and there are many NewYorkCity, 1985.

who now feel unsafe.

In a20l interview given to the Seattle Times, Kushner explains while *o

writing Angels, "theivorld I was born into was_receding and something ^',fsKiij#ff#i&'*llffi
by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NyC
new aid ra'iher terrifyins was takins its placel' I thinkit soes without" www.broadwa;
sayrng we feel the same. Whlle navifating the aftershock"of November 8,
2Ol6,"our professors encouraged us"to usi our art as our resnonse. Each'
day as theatre stPdents, when"we speaks a phrase, spike a chiair, stage
an entrance or shine a light, we are- qiven the chanc'e to create our own
theatrical expression, to?iscover wEat the word "theatrical" means to 'ltt/e *at't tc hzall /N* Wl
us. As students of the Advanced Directing ciass, this a question we ask Please fiil out our short survey outside after the show

ourselves constantly. When the three of u"s started, we dere charsed with
creatinq a unifyine'vision while keepins our own individual senie of or by scanning this QR Code. Thank you!

"theatricalityl' Forlunatelv, Kushner's r.r,iitins has a sublime theatricalifv

within itself It has been ciur job to mull ovei how he wrote this story, ahd
eventually conjure the interpretation you are about to experience.

While at times we felt out of our depth, the three of us found wavs to
push beyond our limits and to create a world in which Iines between
ieality ahd fantasy are blurred and imasination fills in the blanks. Earlv in SPECIAL THANKS

this process, our Artistic Director realiTed that convincinslv castins ttie Dean Dan Hosken and the Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and

cential role of Roy Cohn with our pool of student actors #ds an unTikelv Communication, CSUN Arts Council, and th; CSLIN Instructionally

-evidenced As this'man was the primary mentor to our current President,

prospect. Related Activities Board, whose funding helps make this production

by their behavior, values, arid temperament, the role is too I possible.

important to compromise. Our solution: the entire ensemble embodies

the'role qf Boy, bdt also The Angel. Our way of suggesting that the light I
and the dark exist in us all.
Angels in America gives a voice to all the voiceless whose differences make fhe Kennedv Crnter
them feel unfit andunwanted in this countv. It is for them that we do MnM F wwqffi ffi .*1* oa*ro***a*"
this work. It is our hope to breathe new life'into the uncomfortable and
demand a response. Now is the time 10 expose, now is the time to rise; We are a proud partlcrpant
participant in
rn the Kennedy Center

now is the time to create. "The great work-beginsJ' Again. American Collese Theatre Festival.

-Eric White For more information:

Facebooh Instagram and Twitter: @theatreCSUN


Denartment Chair/Producer ...............

.."" """""G^arryLennon

Connor Clarke

-f;;u1tn S."nic
M;"tor for sc?nic 1"s;gn.........""""' Efren Delgadils';L
i" tt,i"i iftiiii" go ; g".'

A;;il;i CSrto*". Designer Barragan

"""' MatthewKesner
Leal ,
Assistant Stage lvlanagei?.-......--'-M"tcela
iffi ty M;?;; f; si"g. Management ..........." "': " " " ""' Matthew )ackson

il;. 6il; S;;";;' ... """"""' Brian Hashimoto

5;;;; Sii;'p Asiiitant....... """"""""" KarolAlcaraz

5;;;it-uipenter ...........
' Glgn Howes
Arnstein' Ashan Silva

Proo Mastert .........'...:'....:-:........'............"' fessamyn

i,;i#ffi o";;;il:........ . .. ......'.....:...PaulaHissins
"'Steua Lee

Set Dressers """"""":"" Edgirr Ortiz
StaseCrew """"""""Darian Ramirez
ffi?;D;;; Ci,,*'r-i."a Ben Birmingham
i;"?;i;;i5";"a's"p"'"itor .........'.....' Michael Zllig\r
;i?'d;ilei5;"iia eili.t"nt ..............'. c-o-nnor clarke

Elliot Mavnes
;;"#idp;;;;;:: 'NatashaNix
Supervisor................ .......... Amanda Cleveland

c;ffi ;;Sr'oiAiii't""t'...'...','.-..u;ilM;;i;;;i*Y,lJg,T^[ii#it
Costume Crew .......... ..........nicttuid Qqjka, ChristiTa Freitas'
Marlen lVlartinez, Fatima Nieto'
Costume Crew Lead Samantha Mjlil
Makeup Crew...........
"""' Taylor Ford
F;fi;iM;;i;; i;; M;6;p Design Elizabeth A' cox
Theatre Manager .........'..i..:..i" """""""Kat Carrido

li"rf."ii"g e.iiitu"t.'......:.:............. Elizabeth Hernandez, Shyhiem Parker

House Minaser """' Stephan Nieman

iidt*r;;h;?.................... .................:....KenjiKang

Aa;fii#"ti""e""iyrt.... .............Alicialawrence

n."a"-iCedvisor -....-..-...-.'...... DavidDelMundo

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