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Do Guys Think

Like Girls?
There are obvious physical differences between guys and girls,
but it’s less clear whether or not there are also psychological
different between the sexes. If there are, do they come from
how guys and girls are treated, or do their brains work in
different ways?
- Gender stereotype - Eleanor E. Maccoby Research
- Masculine VS. Faminine - Brain Differences Between Men And
- Baby X Experiment
Warm Up!
Write a personal experience that you
were expected by society’s expectations
related to gender.
Activities, Colors, Professions
What makes us to think
like a boy or girl
Gender Conformity
Activity 1
A simple ideas about a large group of people
that is true, but it is not true for everybody.
Kids Meet a Gender Non-Conforming Person

X Gender who is not boy and girl

The kid were forced by their

“That’s a stereotype!”.
—Playing a Game
This is a stereotype or not ?

Girls like to wear dresses.

This is a stereotype or not ?

All of the boys like to play

with trucks.
This is a stereotype or not ?

Teachers are all girls.

This is a stereotype or not ?

Some girls like to play with

Any time you grouping races or individuals together and
make a judgment about them without knowing them, this is
an example of a stereotype. Racial remarks, sexual
remarks, and gender remarks are the biggest stereotypes.
❏ Men are strong and do all the work.
❏ Men are the "backbone."
❏ Women aren't as smart as a man.
❏ Women can't do as good of a job as a man.
❏ Girls are not good at sports.
❏ Guys are messy and unclean.
The terms masculinity and femininity refer to
traits or characteristics typically associated with
being male or female.
The rise of feminism in the 1950s and 1960
prompted an interest in the psychological
differences between the sexes.

Simone de Beauvoir argued that although we may

be born either male or female, society’s idea of
masculine or feminine forced upon us

Since most society are male-dominated,

femininity is seen as submissive and emotional

Many feminists agreed so they made a distinction

between sex and gender
Intellectual Level
No differences VS. Differences
Male and Female Brain
Eleanor E. Maccoby Research
The most influential
psychological scientist

Famous for her research on

gender development and
intellectual progress

Write a landmark book called “The

Psychology of Sex Differences”
The Psychology of Sex Differences
➢ The stereotypical behavior
➢ Social settings tend to
between a group of boys
make sex differences
(roughhousing) and a
appear larger
group of girls (talking) is
○ Boys play with boys
and girls play girls
○ The belief affects
how 2 sexes interact
into adulthood
“Just because men and women think
differently, this does not affect
intellectual performance”
Richard Haier
Q : Why do girls consistently did better at school than guys?
A : Difference was not abilities but teenage
girls are more disciplined than guys and put
more effort into academic studied.
Difference between Male and Female Brain

It is impossible to identify a
person by looking only at a

Difference ≄ Good/Bad
Do you think like a
man or a woman ?

Gender difference created by the

way we treat boys vs girls

Gender-Stereotype children in
the toys

Adult Volunteers’ attitudes were

influenced by which sex they
believed it was

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