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What is awaiting you, have already been in practice:

China uses an intrusive surveillance app to track its Muslim minority, with technology that could be
exported to the rest of the world. Here's how it works.

Officials in Xinjiang, China's most oppressed region, use an intrusive, all-seeing smartphone app to
monitor, track, and flag citizens for investigation or punishment.

A new report gives a glimpse into how it works, and allows the Chinese state a vast array of deeply
personal information on its oppressed citizens, like their blood type, how much gas they use, and
whether they are on birth control.

Xinjiang has in recent years come under an unprecedented amount of scrutiny because of the country's
crackdown on the Uighurs, a majority-Muslim ethnic minority concentrated there. Uighurs often refers to
the region as East Turkestan.

Officials in the region have installed hundreds of thousands of facial recognition cameras, forced Uighurs
to download software that would crawl their phones, and held at least 1 million Muslims in prison-like
detention centers.

Authorities are also required to use a mobile app to log citizens' personal data, track citizens' activity,
and flag "dangerous" individuals for investigation or punishment, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a
report published last week.

The app is connected to the Integrated oint Operations Platform (IJOP) — a centralized data system that
stores data about all of Xinjiang's residents. HRW researchers were able to crack into it by reverse-
engineering its source code.


The EVIL and GOOD are the SAME THING.

They support each other.

MATRIX is the game of polarities.

As written in Wes Penre's Sixth 'Level of Learning:

In the darkness of ignorance, Zoë Sophia moved back and forth in the water, and she saw how
Yaldabaoth, in his perpetual creation, created a large number of demons, in addition to the twelve Chief
Archons, and he elevated himself above them. Not all of them were evil because Yaldabaoth created
from the Spirit he inhabited from his Mother, but at the same time, he also created out of ignorance, i.e.
the lack of Spirit, which belonged to Pistis Sophia’s consort, who was not part of Pistis Sophia’s Creation.
Everything was therefore a half-creation. What is created out of ignorance is evil because it’s created
without Knowledge and without understanding. Therefore, it is not the Truth but a distortion of the

In the Kenoma, demons and angels are the same thing—they are just two sides of the same coin.
Sometimes, they can pass themselves as more benevolent, and sometimes they can act as being very
evil—it’s the duality of this universe, where everything needs to have a catalyst. When there is a
feminine energy, there needs to be countercharge, for this is a universe of energy—anode and cathode.

In what had now become Yaldabaoth’s construct—the Seven Heavens—he saw himself as God, thinking
he was the only one who existed, apart from his Mother. He used his Mother’s Spirit to create this
dichotomy of good and evil, and when Sophia noticed what her son was doing, she could see where this
was heading, so she repented.


app asks Xinjiang authorities to grill citizens and log via their phones an array of information, including
their height, blood type, and vehicle registration number.

It also asks officials to glean intrusive personal information from citizens, including political views,
whether they communicate with relatives abroad, and even their use of birth control...

This is the singularity in its best expression, real concentration camp led by AI.


esus has his own paradise?

One of the criminals hanging beside him scoffed, “So you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving
yourself—and us, too, while you’re at it!”

40 But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? 41
We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” 42 Then he said, “Jesus,
remember me when you come into your Kingdom.”

43 And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Now, let's look into Wes Penre's Sixth Level:

Now, when Adam of light wanted to enter his light, that is, the eighth heaven, he was unable because of
the poverty that had mixed with his light. Then he created a great eternal realm for himself; in that
eternal realm he created six realms and their worlds, six in number, which are seven times better than
the heavens of chaos and their worlds. But all these realms and their worlds exist within the infinite
region that is between the eighth and chaos beneath it, and they are reckoned with the world that
belongs to the poverty. At this point, the Light of Christ had been mixed with Sophia’s Spirit, so
Adam/Christ could not completely withdraw to the Eighth Heaven yet. Instead, he created six realms and
different worlds (what we refer to as planets and perhaps stars, but they are and look different in these
lofty realms)[4]. He created all this in a region between the Eighth and Seventh Heavens. One of these
worlds was Tiamaat, the planet that was later destroyed, being discussed at length in the WPP and in
Greek mythology. The asteroid belt is just another mimic/copy of the original, much lower in dimension
and density. The original Tiamaat was not solid the way we mean by solid.

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