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Cognitive Demand

The discussion happened on the video includes tasks that utilizes the student’s way of
analyzing. As per the activity given by teacher wherein, she used or integrate the
situation to the T-Table for her students to understand more or analyze more the lesson
that she is trying to instruct.

Depth of Knowledge and Student Understanding

The fact that the teacher let the students work as group they conduct a brainstorming
for them to easily understand the given situation then match it to the data on the T-
Table. Meaning, analyzing was highly seen on the video presented. Also, the teacher let
the students explained their reasoning by asking them question in regards to the lesson.

Mathematical Discourse & Communication

As I have observed the students were divided into groups and they work as a team. The
teacher used collaborative approach. Meaning to say there will be a discourse between
the students on each circle. They share their ideas towards the lesson.

Power and Participation

Since the discussion was student centered learning, where they did an activity by group
or in collaboration. That means that mathematical contribution was elicited. Just like the
moment where the teacher interferes to the discussion that her 2 students were
currently doing and asked them to at least explain their discussion to their 2 other
members for them to understand and share their knowledge as well about the lesson.

Academic Language Support for ELLs

The teacher used oral, written and physical clues to support the English Language
Learners. She also let them used their native language for them to communicate easily.
She helped the students on their language demands. There were moments where the
students told the teacher that they can’t understand the lesson because it is on past
tense then what the teacher did was, she explained the meaning of the past tense
words on the given situation. The teacher also stated that allowing the students to
speak their primary language was very beneficial because they can easily produce the
math. She was able to hear the conversations that were happening and she observed
the students were really learning and they were engaged.

Funds of Knowledge/Culture/Community
The activity given to the students allows them to relate the situation to their everyday
lives. As what the teacher stated on the video presented, she said that they want to
make a lot of connections with real life situations by using a lot of examples. Her
example was about how much money you will spent paying your phone bill for six
months and she integrate it on a T-Table.

USE of Critical Knowledge/Social Justice Support

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