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Until recently, the Arctic Circle was considered a frozen, barren wilderness, but that is changing due
to global warming. As the ice melts at a record pace, access to new sea-lanes and precious natural
resources has opened. Suddenly, this former wasteland has become the hot spot of the world as
superpowers compete for rights to drill for oil and gas which until now have been out of reach.

Scientists started using satellite tracking in the 1970s and found that the sea ice in the Arctic had
receded about 50 percent. In the last five years, due to global warming, Arctic temperatures have
risen to twice as much as the worldwide average, causing sea ice to recede by 75 percent. The
causes for this heat are greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, which get trapped in the earth’s
atmosphere and therefore warm up the global climate. Most scientific predictions say that if the planet
continues to heat up at the current rate, the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free by as early as 2037. Many
believe it will be even sooner.

The problem is that instead of limiting greenhouse gases, various governments are fighting for control
of the gas and oil in the Arctic Circle. Despite the fact that the process of extracting these reserves is
expensive, many countries bordering the Arctic want a piece of the action. This new industry would
mean a booming population in the area, coupled with a rise in the average standard of living.
Consequently, there would be more pollution, more cars and more fumes in the Arctic Circle.

The proposed Arctic industries will not appear overnight since there are serious natural obstacles to
overcome: sea ice, 24-hour winter darkness and severe regional storms. Although experts estimate
that it will take at least 10 years to set up the various industries, the governments involved are patient
because of the guaranteed profits. No matter how long this takes, climate scientist edward Morris
warns that the cost will be grave. The unique eco-systems and species of the Arctic Circle, as well as
those of the planet as a whole, are in danger.
1. What is explained about the Arctic Circle in paragraph 1?


(i) Who is developing it.

(ii) What has caused the change there.

(iii) Why it has always been so popular.

(iv) What its environment is like.

(v) Who has won the rights to drill for oil and gas.

(vi) Which sea-lanes have opened.

2. What is the effect of high Arctic temperatures?


(i) Arctic temperatures are much higher.

(ii) As a result, more sea ice ______________________________________________

(iii) Scientists claim that greenhouse gases are responsible for

(iv) Scientists predict that by the year 2037 _________________________________________

3. What can we understand from paragraph 3?


Governments are more interested in making a profit than in _________________________________

4. What does “a piece of the action” in paragraph 3 refer to?

ANSWER: _______________________________________________________
5. What negative results would the new industry have? (paragraph 3)

Give TWO examples.

(1) ______________________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________________

6. Why will it take so long to establish the proposed Arctic industries? (paragraph 4)

ANSWER: ___________________________________________________________

7. The purpose of this text is to (-).

(i) promote investment in the Arctic

(ii) warn against the destruction of the Arctic environment

(iii) describe the present development of the Arctic

(iv) encourage travel to the Arctic

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