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DAT! 519-93 BORING NO, 1 DONALD B. KOWALEWSKY ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOLOG! GEOLOGY BORING LOG ects Sheet 1 of 2 Job Description: Valdez Road Landslide ee Job No. 93C589F1.002 Logged By: DBK/CJS Client: City of Calabasas Elevation: 125! Boring Location: see map Drilled By: Tri-valley Rig: 24" Bucket sampling Equip. split tube o u/ crowds bulk x LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 0-28" LANDSLIDE DEBRIS (Qs) - Moderate- to dark-brown, clayey silt with sand; soft; saturated; locally with blocks of sandstone. @S’ Grades more clay, oss silt; lighter brown; abundant pods of carbonate; slightly more DEPTH |LOG fc: @1.5* Minor seepage on east wall from below fragment of sandstone ° E @8" Layer of isolated clasts of yellow sandstone ranging from t - 7* Is, si @10" 18" sandstone boulder; minor seepage below [- @I5.5" Many roots just sbove zone of soft wet clay; numerous open fractures in overlying L material; probable slide plane; seepage just rapid enough to flow on side of drilhole Bs bap ls @18’ color changes to medium- to dark-grey; stronger seepage. @I9° _N62W 43SW: Planar surface with organics above highly fractured mudstone, N4OW SSNE: Fracture in mudstone, TT @21" Heavy seepage and minor caving @22’ N4OW 14NE: 1” bed of highly sheared laminated sandstone, mudstone and clay; separates fractured sandstone above from black mudstone, @23" Sandstone; highly fractured; locally sheared ox] 20 @27 —Mudstone grades considerably softer. @28' Well-defined, striated clay layer. NISE 40SE_ N20W 30NE - Striations Downdip a] 28-48 BEDROCK - TOPANGA FORMATION (T#) - Blue-grey mudstone with! interbeds of pale blue-grey sandstone; hard; moist to wet. [=] @s0" NSW 32ND: Bedding in blue-grey mudstone, CS ttl a DATE: 5-19-93 LOGGED BY DBK/CJS Sheet 2 of 2 Boring No. 1 JOB #93C589F1,002 LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION DEPTH |LOG oie [|Z] 39 f, Fractured clam fossils, © /35-—7-27) total Depth 48 Ft. 1,71] Groundwater Stabilized at ~5 8. [| 2) Minor Caving fe 4 : o [40 2 o fas} | Ee 50 IE 55 60 65 Ss TTT eee DATE: 5-20-93 BORING NO. 2 DONALD B. KOWALEWSKY ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY GEOLOGY BORING L0G Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets Job Description: Valdez Road Landslide Job No. 93C589F1.002 Logged By: CJS Client: city of calabasas Elevation: 145! Boring Location: see map Drilled By: Tri-Valley Rig: 24 Bucket split tube o w/ crowds bulk x LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 0-5 LANDSLIDE DEBRIS (Qls).- Silty sand to silty clay; moderate orange-brown; ‘loose to moderately dense; locally with clasts of pale yellow-brown sandstone. @2’ Class of pate-yellow, coarse-grained sandstone; maximum dimension 2 - 12", DEPTH |LoG| @3" Grades clayey; motted olive and moderate yellow-brown. @S' _N83E 15SE: 8* zone of highly sheared sand, clay and silt above hard sandstone; atitude| reflects orientation of overall zone; no single, clear, continuous slip surface, 6-50" BEDROCK - TOPANGA FORMATION (T#) - Blue-grey mudstone olive to moderate yellow-brown where weathered) with interbeds of pale bluc-grey sandstone; hard; moist to wet; bedding vague; carbonate common in weathered section, @8' ~—_N2W-33SW: Thin sandstone interbed; truncated by fracture (NSSW S8NE) filled with| ‘carbonate and moderate-brown silly sand. @10" N70E 28NW: Dark yellow—orange, medium-grained sandstone; fractured; numerous| fractures open 1/8 - 1/4"; lower 6° hard (cherty?), @15' _N70W 32NE: Thin interbed of sandstone; srong iron staining; minor seepage; overall color of mudstone grades to moderate: fo dark-brown, @I8" Color grades bluish-black with streaks of pale blue-grey clay; very tight. @27" _NSOE SSNW: BI @28" _N7OW 38NE: 1/2" bed of black clay; tiger-striping less prominent. @30"_N76W 45NE: ish-black mudstone with "tiger-striping” of pale blue-grey clay. prey to black mudstone, Dat! 5-20-93 Boring No. 2 LOGGED BY CJS Bheet 2 of 2 JOB #93C589F1.002 LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION DEPTH 35 TT 40 TTTT 45 rele] 50 Piet 55 60 65 ‘Total Depth 50 Ft, Cannot log below 34 feet due to accumulated water. Groundwater Stabilized at ~15 f. Converted to piezometer No Significant Caving DATE: 5-21-93 BORING NO. 3 DONALD B, KOWALEWSKY ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY GEOLOGY BORING L0G Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets Job Description: Valdez Road Landslide Job No. 93C589F1.002 Logged By: CJS Client: city of Calabasas Elevation: 128! Boring Location: see map Deitted By: Tri-Valley Rig: 24" Bucket Sampling Equip. split tube 1 w/ crowds bulk x LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 0- 10° LANDSLIDE DEBRIS (Qls) - Silty sand to silty clay; moderate orange-brown; Jose to moderstely dense; locally with casts of pale yellow-browm sandstone. @5" Debris flow deposits consisting of fragments of pale-yellow sandstone and orange-brown| voleanies in matrix of silly sand. @1.5* N2SW 13SW: center. N7OE 10NW: Polished clay surface; no clear str @9.5" NOW 20SW: 1/16 - 1/8" thick band of olive grey clay below 1 - 2" thick bed of pale| green sand; very continuous and planar; faint striations near-parallel to strike S35E., * thick zone of sheared sand and clay; thin band of olive clay near] 5 10-33" BEDROCK TOPANGA FORMATION (T). - Biue-grey mudstono olive to moderate yellow-brown where weathered) with interbeds of pale blue-grey Ls sandstone; hard; moist to wet; bedding vague; carbonate common in weathered 6 pe section, ‘0-410 @I4,5" NIOE 46SE; N28W 6SSW; NSE 40SE; Multiple clay-lined shears; locally undulatory @16’ _N3OW 43SW: Overall fabric of mott 1g in claystone TTTT @I7’ Color grades to bluish-black over 6-f intervs seepage, @I8' SSE 84NW: fracture in bedrock @21" _N2LW 90; NIOW 325W; NISW 60E: numerous shears @2' _NASE GANW: Well-defined, undulstory, striated surface (Downdip). ; numerous fractures and shears; minor 20 eld @2S' Numerous clamshell fragments ° - @28' NSW, AINE: Thin (1/4*) discontinuous interbed of dark-grey clay; minor seepage. as|_ @28.5° NGSE 65NW:"tiger-striping” of pale blue-grey sandstone; below this point, rock is! typically very tight; rare clam fragments; locally fractured; fractures are tight, however, I rock immediately adjacent (1/2 - 1") is commonly soft. <2] 29" N6SEE BANW: fracture in bedrock a EW l DATE: 5-21-93 Boring No. 3 LOGGED BY CUS Sheet 2 of 2 JOB #93C589F1.002 LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Groundwater Stabilized at ~21 ft. Converted to piezometer No Significant Caving DATE: 5-24-93 BORING NO. 4 DONALD B. KOWALEWSKY ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY GEOLOGY BORING 0G sheet 1 of 2 sheets Job Description: Valdez Road Landslide Job No. 93C589F1.002 Logged By: CJS Client: city of Calabasas Blevation: 113! Boring Location: see map Drilled By: Tri-Yotley Rig: 24" Bucket Sampling Equip. split tube 9 w/ crowds bulk x LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION DEPTH 06.5" ARTIFICIAL FILL (af) - Moderate brown, sill - dense; many large roots; lower contact planar and distinct Ss 6.5'-? SOIL/SLOPEWASH - Moderate- to dark-brown, silty sand with clay; damp; 2 ll root-holes and carbonate stringers; upper contact with abundant small fragments of charcoal; small asperities suggest no movement along this contect; I lower contact not seen, [Es @B A. grades sandy é\a0[— @I10 ft. small nodules of weathered volcanics (debris flow?) @I1 A, Abundant carbonate stringers @13 ft. Major caving Diill-hole cased between 13 and 29.5 feet; heavy flow of walter through this interval. LE 2. SO'BEDROCK - TOPANGA FORMATION (Tf) - Bluc-grey mudstone with interbeds of 25 pale blue-grey sandstone; hard; moist to wet EE 029.5" N4GW 4SNE; NSOW GENE: Tnterbeds of sandsone in dak blisbgrey to black - ‘mudstone. ° & s.s1_@0"_N7SW 50-SSNE: Thin interhed of pal mmectte(?) clay: boudinaged: offset 1% | DATE: 5-25-93 BORING NO. 5 DONALD B. KOWALEWSKY ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY GEOLOGY BORING LOG Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets Job Description: Valdez Road Landslide Job No. 93C589F1.002 Logged By: CJS Client: city of Calabasas Blevation: 83! Boring Location: see map Drilled By: Tri-valley Rig: 24" Bucket Sampling Equip. split tube o w/ crowds bulk x LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ASPHALT AND STREET BASE 0 - | &. 1-40" BEDROCK - TOPANGA FORMATION (T) - Moderate yellow-brown (where weateel) to Uuegrey (here unoxidized) miso and pal yellow to dark yellow prepa |Lo¢ orange sandstone; hard; moist fo wel; upper six fet may be affected by landslide, @I’ — Moderate yellow-brown silty ck turated; soft to firm; abundant earbonate. @2.5° Grades sandy with clasts of yellow and red sandstone up to 12°} minor seepage; no] ‘carbonate; contact is irregular, overall orientation near horizontal. @4.75° N7OW 11SW: Mottled olive-grey, orange-brown and dark yellowish-orange mudstone; ‘damp; stiff; locally chaotic; attitude on upper contact. @6' —_NGTW 43N; N72W 2SN: shear surfaces in 12° zone of sheared mudstone; shear surfaces commonly undulatory; but generally continuous around hole; zone appears to truncate sandstone on south side of hole. @T’ North side of hole is bluish-grey to black siltstone with thin interbeds of pale grey and| moderate yellow sandstone ‘South side of hole is fractured, moderate- fo dark-yellow-orange sandstone; very hard, @8’ —_N82W 30NE clear fabric defined by network of pale-greenish-grey clay stringers; no| clear slip surface. Note: Definite, undisturbed bedrock below this point, @IL Bedding: N8GW Vertical; Joint: N4SW 25 NE: Pale yellow sandstone with dark’ yellow-orange staining; Pale grey sandstone and pale greenist-grey clay along contact; thin carbonate-lined joint extends around 1/2 of hole and is truncated against vertical bedding; numerous sib-paralll(( fracture) features Goints, weathering stains ete.) form an overall fabric at top of unit. @I1S' _N8SE 87SE (overturned): Contact between units described at 7” @\s!__NBSE Vertical: Contact between unite described af Td DBDeeeR HE HREHEHEHEEHESEEHRHE HEB / DATE: 5-25-93 Boring No. 5 LOGGED BY CJS Sheet 2 of 2 JOB #93C589F1.002 LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 45 50 Tad TITT 55 60 TT 65 ‘Total Depth 40 feet Cannot downhole log below 15 feet due to presence of groundwater. Groundwater Stabilized at ~1 f. Converted to piezometer No Major Caving

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