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Jeremy, Kevin

Reflection on Online Classes

Online classes have been surprisingly effective for me. I can manage my time better,
study more comfortably, and finish all the assignments on time. Voice lessons were challenging
at first since my teacher, Ms. Molina and I had only had face-to-face lesson in the past. But we
got used to it and we adapted to the new normal.
Gratefully I have less subjects in my graduating year. I have no problem on passing
requirements. But still I prefer doing voice exams and auditions live. Singing in front of a camera
can be frustrating. If I make even one minor mistake, I have to repeat all over again. The
recording felt like forever.
However, I have decided not to give up as this is my final year in this school. Thank you
to the teachers and all the offices who have made this school year possible through online

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