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(also Tohjaya)
Not long after the marriage of Ken Arok and Dedes (yes, he married her when she was
pregnant and he left his other spouse who’s also pregnant, but more on that later)
*the bedroom was dark and Ken Dedes grunting over and over again (is it too similar to
Ezio’s birth from Assassin’s Creed 2? Meh, nevermind)
Medic: IT’S A BOY!!
Infant: *crying
Medic: What is the name for this cute newborn?
Ken Dedes: How about….. Bhatara Anusapati?
Ken Arok: Yeah, that sounds neat.
16 years later (In the castle)
Bhatara: Mother, have you seen Panji?
Ken Dedes: I haven’t. He is probably still sleeping in his room.
Ken Dedes: ……..
Ken Dedes: Speaking of room,
Ken Dedes: Son, please come to my room if you have the time.
Bhatara: Of course, mother. Everything’s for you and Father.
Ken Dedes: Thank you.
(Objective Updated: Go to Ken Dedes’s room in the upper floor)
(After reaching the front door of Ken Dedes’s room)
Bhatara: *knock *knock, I’ll enter.
(He then opened the door)
Ken Dedes: Come sit here.
Bhatara: *sits right in front of her
Ken Dedes: Since this is your 16th birthday, I believe you can handle the truth.
Bhatara: And what is this ‘truth’ you’re talking about?
Ken Dedes: You see, Ken Arok is not your real or biological father.
Ken Dedes: And also, your dad was the previous leader of Tumapel, Tunggul Ametung
who was killed by Kebo Ijo. But there’s something off with it.
Bhatara: What do you mean there’s something off with it?
Ken Dedes: Not long before the attendants find the body of your father, Kebo Ijo filed a
report about his missing weapon that turned out to be the murder weapon. And also…
Bhatara: What?...
Bhatara: “AND ALSO” WHAT?!!
Ken Dedes: The murder weapon was a gift from your adoptive father.
Now let’s fast forward to The Great Ganter War (The map’s a broad flat out huge green-
coloured grasses field, and it’s also raining)
Bhatara, now a leader of the squad of the army were commanded by Ken Arok to
eliminate as many enemies from the Kediri Kingdom. But still suspecting about his
father’s death, he searched Ken Arok’s tracks for answers.
(Objective Updated: Search for Ken Arok’s location by raiding enemy bases with your
party (1/5))
(After raiding all 5 bases)
Purna: Location obtained, sir! Our king is near the graveyard… with their king as well!
Bhatara: This won’t end well.
(All of the Bhatara’s party went to the area)
*Ken Arok has joined your party
(If you kicked Panji Tohjaya from your party to replace him with Ken Arok, he’ll have
an ego boost and left the field)
*Commencing battle against King Kertajaya’s party
*What is his weakness? That’s your job, find it yourself
(After losing the battle)
*Game Over screen, written with “Thine fate hath been determined” with people doing
the Reog Ponorogo dance
(After winning the battle)
Ken Arok: So, how long has it been since the last time we met?
Kertajaya (While trying to stand on his feet): I’m starting to forget, probably years.
Ken Arok (While smirks): Heh, guess both of us have become old men, we’re
supposedly young back then.
Kertajaya: Speaking of the past, I heard you kill the blacksmith. Why would you do
that? You make my effort obsolete.
Ken Arok: My patience ran out, and I was pretty much in a bad mood back then.
Kertajaya (While trying to have a grip on Ken Arok’s shoulders): How…. Dare….
Ken Arok (Brandishing his weapon to Kertajaya’s neck): You know, you would be
missed, both to your kingdom and mine.
(You could already guess what happen, moving on)
(Back to Singasari)
Villager #1: The king has returned!!!
Villager #1: They must have won the battle!!!
Villager #2: TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!
Then the kingdom held a festival, in regards of Ken Arok’s victory and
Days Later (You can use this to grind and complete quests to level up since this IS RPG)
Bhatara: Oh yeah, I need to clean Old Man’s / Ken Arok’s weapon room, I should ask
Panji about it as well.
Later then
Bhatara: Brother, could you lend an extra hand?
Panji: What for?
Bhatara: As you already know, father’s weapon room is starting to get dusty….
Panji: So, you want my help on cleaning father’s weapon room? Fine then, I’ll
accompany you.
Bhatara: Great. Thank you brother.

(While cleaning the room)

Panji: You know, this room brings back memories. We used to play hide n’ seek here
oftenly while we were still puny children.
Bhatara: Ya right.
Panji: While we’re in the room,..
Panji: I remember vividly that he keeps many weapons here, some may say too many.
Panji: Including the one Kebo Ijo used to assassinate the previous ruler of the residence
right there. (While pointing to the weapon)
Panji: Lucky our father had brought that man to justice. (with a cheerful tone)
(Bhatara has been silent for a while)
Panji: Bhatara? You haven’t opened your mouth for a while. Drowned in pool of
Bhatara: Oh. Sorry, I was just thinking of how to clean this shelves real quick.
Panji: Well, I already done my part in cleaning the room.
Panji: I’m leavin’ now.
Some moments have passed, yet Bhatara’s still in the room. But now, he’s right in front
of the weapon Panji had just mentioned, the weapon that killed his real father.
He stands there and stares straight to the weapon with an empty soul and void-like
Bhatara: Is this the one?
Bhatara: Brother already said that this is the weapon he used.
Bhatara: With this, vengeance would be a whole lot sweeter…
Bhatara: To imagine the weapon he used to kill with will be the one that takes his soul.
Bhatara: No…. Killing him will make me no different from him.
Bhatara: But he assassinated my real father, doesn’t it give me the right to kill him as
Bhatara: Yet still, if I done it, there’s a line to be crossed.
Bhatara: Isn’t taking out the root early the better?
Bhatara: What should I do??
Later that night (During this, the mission is to smuggle the weapon without being
noticed by the castle guards)
Right in front of the ruler’s room
Bhatara: It’s time for him to taste his own meds.
(The mission here is to sneak (stealth is your only option) to the target’s bedroom)
Right in front of the bedroom
Bhatara (holding the weapon so he can stab Ken Arok unnoticed): I hope, you’ll lead a
life full of torment there.
Bhatara (Trying to stab him, but his hands stopped): ….!!
Bhatara: DAMMIT!!!
Bhatara (While tears dropped): WHY?!!!
Bhatara: This is not the time to be hesitant!
Bhatara: Why body?!! Why won’t you cooperate with me?!!
Bhatara: I know that everyone who have committed crime deserve second chance, but
what he did is the worst of the worst!!
Bhatara: Moreover, what I am going to do is to cleanse the world for people like him!!
I’m not doing it because of my own desire…
Bhatara: I’m not killing him because of my own ego…
Bhatara: I’m not killing him because of my own ego…
Bhatara: Is…. the…. reason… for me to kill him…. because of my own personal gain?
Ken Arok: What are you trying to do?!!
Bhatara: (shocked)
Ken Arok: Do you want to kill me using that?
Ken Arok: So you already know…
Bhatara: (smirks)
Bhatara: But after seeing you waking up, all that crap just gone from my brain.
Bhatara: After seeing you waking up….
Ken Arok: Is this what you really want to do?
Ken Arok: To exact vengeance, having a shot at redemption, or just to play god and….
Bhatara: Just like what you did to my father, I won’t give you any chance to breath with
(Commencing Boss Battle: Vs. Ken Arok)
(After winning)
Ken Arok: Honestly though, I can see the end of mine will be because of that arsenal….
Ken Arok: But I don’t expect it to come so soon.
Ken Arok: Guess what he said back at the time was a fact after all.
Ken Arok: *Drops dead


Kertanegara, the son of Wisnuwardhana and Jayawardhani. He presented
himself as the reincarnation of Shiva and Buddha. He’s also known with the name Sri
Maharajadiraja Sri Kertanegara Wikrama Dharmatunggadewa. You’ll assume his role
and learn more about Singasari’s golden era and more importantly, its downfall.
While in a royal meeting
Kertanegara: So… I’ve been thinking.
Advisor: What is it, your majesty?
Kertanegara: How long has it been since the last expansion to the Singasari Kingdom
Prime Minister: It’s been a while since that, but the most notable expansion was the one
caused by the first ruler of this kingdom and the Rajasa Dynasty, Ken Arok.
Kertanegara: Guess it’s time. Let’s expand it.
Advisor: But sir, Mahisha Rangkah just formed a rebellion group against you.
Advisor: If you still insisted on expanding the territory, the royal palace will be
threatened because the army are expanding the area.
Kertanegara: Right. Let’s take care of them first. I don’t even want to imagine the
residents of the kingdom cower in fear because of this.
Kertanegara: Hope it’s not as tough as last decade’s though.

Years later (Back at the castle again)

Kertanegara: Finally, it’s officially over.
Kertanegara: How many casualties on this one?
Kertanegara: Would be lovely if there’s none.
Kertanegara: But then again, the condition there was almost a war-like state.
Kertanegara: And it took years to finish as well.
Advisor: Fortunately, we’re experiencing the best outcome of the situation.
Advisor: There are less than 343 casualties.
Advisor: …..
Kertanegara: Got something to say?
Advisor: You truly are…
Advisor: …the reincarnation of Shiva and Buddha.
Kertanegara, holding the throne since 1254 (though he officially succeeded his
father on 1268). Singasari, still a powerhouse kingdom, start getting better and better in
their economy. Other sellers from other lands are starting to do their job there more.

…….It might be a great time to do something for the kingdom.

In another official but now, sudden meeting in the Kingdom.

General #1: What’s with the sudden meeting?
Raden Wijaya: We certainly did not do anything wrong.
Jayakatwang: And the ruler doesn’t seem to be a man easily affected by his mood.
Kertanegara then enters the room, alongside with his advisor and the prime minister.
Kertanegara: Sirs, I apologize for the sudden invite, but there is something I want to talk
Kertanegara: But first, let’s do this like any other meeting. My request can wait until the
end of the meeting.
The meeting continues,
Near the end,
Kertanegara: Now that we have reached this point, I have a request.
Kertanegara: (Choice) A. I want to retire…
B. We need to expand our territory.
C. I want to host a beauty pagent!!
Situation A
Everyone else in the room: Wait WHAT?!!!
Kertanegara: Yes, I have decided that I want to retire.
Kertanegara: I’ve done good enough.
Kertanegara: Taking down the rebels was a lot of work as well.
Advisor: But sir, you don’t have any male descendants to rule the throne.
Kertanegara: I already know who will I give the throne to.
Jayakatwang: Then who will it be?
Kertanegara: It will be you.
Advisor (with a concerned look): Are you sure, Your Highness?
Advisor: You DO still remember that he’s a prince of Kediri, don’t you?
Kertanegara: Yeah, I know that.
The debate continues, but it ended up with Jayakatwang, holding the throne.

The end of the day

Jayakatwang, standing, alone in his room.
Jayakatwang: This is surely unexpected.
Jayakatwang: But, I can commence the plan way sooner.

Situation C
*Everyone in the room look at you with a disgusted face
Advisor: I’m sure you are joking, aren’t you?
Kertanegara: *short chuckle
Then it went to the B situation

Situation B
Kertanegara: And what I mean by this, I mean expanding it out to other lands, not just
The room starting to get lively, with everyone reacting positively to his suggestion.
Kertanegara: With our army’s power, I’m sure we can expand it, maybe even to the
Kertanegara: But sure, every big changes starting with a small, but noticeable move.
Advisor: It’ll be wise if you plan to expand it to the island near us, they’re still Hindu
believers, I’m sure it will go well.
Kertanegara: Exactly

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