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International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386

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Alkaloids: An overview of their antibacterial, antibiotic-enhancing

and antivirulence activities
T.P. Tim Cushnie a,∗ , Benjamart Cushnie b , Andrew J. Lamb c
Faculty of Medicine, Mahasarakham University, Khamriang, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand
Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahasarakham University, Khamriang, Kantarawichai, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand
School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing, Robert Gordon University, Riverside East, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen
AB10 7GJ, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With reports of pandrug-resistant bacteria causing untreatable infections, the need for new antibac-
Received 16 June 2014 terial therapies is more pressing than ever. Alkaloids are a large and structurally diverse group of
Accepted 20 June 2014 compounds that have served as scaffolds for important antibacterial drugs such as metronidazole
and the quinolones. In this review, we highlight other alkaloids with development potential. Natural,
Keywords: semisynthetic and synthetic alkaloids of all classes are considered, looking first at those with direct
antibacterial activity and those with antibiotic-enhancing activity. Potent examples include CJ-13,136, a
novel actinomycete-derived quinolone alkaloid with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.1 ng/mL
Mechanism of action
against Helicobacter pylori, and squalamine, a polyamine alkaloid from the dogfish shark that renders
Synergy Gram-negative pathogens 16- to >32-fold more susceptible to ciprofloxacin. Where available, informa-
Antivirulence tion on toxicity, structure–activity relationships, mechanisms of action and in vivo activity is presented.
The effects of alkaloids on virulence gene regulatory systems such as quorum sensing and virulence
factors such as sortases, adhesins and secretion systems are also described. The synthetic isoquinoline
alkaloid virstatin, for example, inhibits the transcriptional regulator ToxT in Vibrio cholerae, preventing
expression of cholera toxin and fimbriae and conferring in vivo protection against intestinal colonisa-
tion. The review concludes with implications and limitations of the described research and directions for
future research.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of unknown aetiology [5,6]. Small-molecule drugs, for the time

being, remain an essential component of infection treatment and
Antibiotic resistance continues to rise and, with the emergence prevention. Two proven strategies within this paradigm are the
of pan-resistant untreatable Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter development of new drugs with direct antibacterial activity (e.g.
spp., the dawn of the much forewarned post-antibiotic era has daptomycin) and adjuncts with antibiotic-enhancing activity (e.g.
arguably broken [1]. Improved antibiotic stewardship should help tazobactam) [1]. A third, as yet clinically unproven strategy, is
reduce the rate of future losses [2], but antibiotic lifespan is limited the development of drugs that disrupt bacterial pathogenesis
even with careful use [3], so this does not negate the need for by inhibiting adhesins, autoinducers and other virulence factors
new anti-infective medications. Biologicals can reduce our depend- [7].
ence on antibiotics and the selective pressure for resistance, but Historically, natural products have been a rich source of antibac-
several limitations prevent them replacing antibacterial drugs. For terial drugs. Although the 1980s saw a decline in this type of
example, safety and efficacy issues preclude vaccine use in severely research in favour of more readily manipulated synthetic com-
immunocompromised patients [4], whilst narrow-spectrum activ- pound libraries, this trend is reversing. Synthetic chemical libraries,
ity precludes monoclonal antibody and phage therapy in infections it is now recognised, tend to be limited in their structural diversity
and a poor source of antibacterial leads [8]. Other factors driving
renewed interest in natural products include the discovery of new
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +66 43 754 32240x1159. prokaryotic and eukaryotic species in formerly unexplored envi-
E-mail address: t (T.P.T. Cushnie). ronmental niches [9], technological advancements in separation,
0924-8579/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
378 T.P.T. Cushnie et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386

structure elucidation, dereplication, genome mining and combi- up to five. This nitrogen may occur in the form of a primary amine
natorial biosynthesis [10,11], and, in the case of medicinal plants (RNH2 ), a secondary amine (R2 NH) or a tertiary amine (R3 N) [19]. In
and other traditional medicines, concerns that potentially use- addition to carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, most alkaloids contain
ful medical knowledge and materials are being lost due to urban oxygen. Alkaloids can occur as monomers or they may form dimers
expansion and species extinction [12]. Efforts to develop synthetic (also known as bisalkaloids), trimers or tetramers. Such oligomers
antibacterial drugs have not been abandoned but are now more are typically homooligomers, but heterooligomers also occur
focused on derivatization of natural molecules and synthesis of [14].
natural-product-like compounds using well-known natural prod- No single taxonomic principle exists that would allow con-
uct scaffolds [13]. sistent classification of all alkaloids. Where possible, alkaloids
Alkaloids are a large and structurally diverse group of natural are classified according to chemical structure, biochemical ori-
products of microbial, plant and animal origin. Responsible for the gin and/or natural origin [14,18]. In terms of chemical structure,
beneficial effects of traditional medicines such as cinchona bark, there are two broad divisions of alkaloids: the heterocyclic alka-
but also the harmful effects of poisons such as ergot, they have a loids (also known as typical alkaloids) that contain nitrogen in
reputation as both Nature’s curse and blessing [14]. Alkaloids have the heterocycle; and the non-heterocyclic alkaloids (also known
inspired the development of several antibacterial drugs, with syn- as atypical alkaloids or protoalkaloids) that contain nitrogen in
thesis of quinine serendipitously yielding the quinolones, structural a side chain [18]. Heterocyclic alkaloids are typically classified
alteration of azomycin yielding metronidazole, and work with the according to their ring structure (Fig. 1a), although the structural
quinoline scaffold yielding bedaquiline. In other drugs, alkaloids are complexity of these sometimes exceeds the number of subdivisions
present as scaffold substructures, e.g. linezolid and trimethoprim. [37]. Non-heterocyclic alkaloids, by comparison, are often divided
Alkaloids remain the focus of much research, their development according to biosynthetic origin. This is possible because their
as antibacterial drugs pursued within academia, industry and joint amino acid precursors remain largely intact in the alkaloid struc-
ventures [15–17]. This review seeks to integrate knowledge from ture [37]. Classification according to natural origin is also possible,
the extensive and often widely scattered literature on antibac- since specific alkaloids are typically confined to specific sources
terial alkaloids. Naturally occurring, semisynthetic and synthetic [18].
alkaloids are all included provided they are structurally novel Individual alkaloids are assigned names in various ways, but
with chemotherapeutic or chemoprophylactic potential. Studies almost all names end with the letters ‘-ine’ [19]. Most alkaloids
with well-characterised pharmacophores already in clinical trials are named after the organism or part of the organism from which
or clinical use have been excluded, as have studies investigating they were isolated (e.g. atropine from Atropa belladonna) [18,19].
alkaloids as immunomodulators. Structural information on all the When multiple alkaloids are obtained from the same source, a pre-
described alkaloids is presented in Supplementary Table S1. fix or more complicated suffix is used (e.g. quinine, hydroquinine,
quinidine) or alternatively a series of letters (e.g. epicoccarine A,
epicoccarine B) [19,38]. Alkaloids may also be named after the geo-
2. Occurrence, functions, structure, classification and graphic location of their source (e.g. tasmanine was isolated from
nomenclature a Tasmanian plant) [14], their pharmacological activity (e.g. eme-
tine induces vomiting) or, in some cases, after their discoverer (e.g.
Alkaloids are found in bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, pelletierine after Prof. Pelletier) [19].
although their distribution within each kingdom is quite limited.
They occur in ca. 300 plant families, specific compounds typically
confined to certain families (e.g. hyoscyamine in Solanaceae) [18]. 3. Physiochemical, pharmacological and toxicological
Alkaloids can occur in any part of the plant, though specific com- properties
pounds may be limited to a certain part (e.g. quinine in cinchona
tree bark) [19]. In terrestrial animals, alkaloids have been reported Despite their structural diversity, alkaloids share many physical
in insects [20,21], amphibians [22,23], reptiles [24], birds [25] and chemical properties. Because they possess a nitrogen atom with
and mammals [26]. Marine animals producing alkaloids include an unshared pair of electrons, alkaloids are basic (hence their name,
sponges [27], asteroids [28], tunicates [29,30], scleractinians [31] which literally means alkali-like) [18,19]. The degree of this basicity
and the dogfish shark [32]. To date, more than 18,000 alkaloids varies depending on the structure of the molecule and the loca-
have been discovered [29]. tion of other functional groups. Most alkaloids are solids, but those
Multiple roles have been attributed to alkaloids in the above that lack oxygen (e.g. coniine) are liquids. Alkaloids are insoluble
organisms, most related to self-preservation, inhibition of competi- or sparingly soluble in water, unless reacted with an acid to form a
tors, or communication. In micro-organisms, for example, alkaloids salt. Alkaloids are soluble in non-polar solvents such as chloroform,
act as feeding deterrents [33], allelochemicals, autoinducers and but their salts are not [19].
siderophores [34]. In plants, the inhibitory effects of alkaloids on Possessing a proton-accepting nitrogen atom and one or more
glycosidase and trehalose metabolism deter herbivores [35], and proton-donating amine hydrogen atoms, alkaloids readily form
the ability to quench singlet oxygen confers protection against hydrogen bonds with proteins, enzymes and receptors. This, cou-
this toxic photosynthetic byproduct [18]. Alkaloids also act as phy- pled with the frequent presence of proton-accepting and -donating
toanticipins and phytoalexins, protecting plants against infection functional groups such as phenolic hydroxyl and polycyclic moi-
[36]. In the animal kingdom, rove beetles release the surface-active eties, explains the exceptional bioactivity of the alkaloids [39].
alkaloid stenusine to ‘skim’ across water away from danger [20], Pharmacological properties include analgesic (e.g. codeine), cen-
poison dart frogs secrete batrachotoxin as a defence against snake tral nervous stimulant (e.g. brucine), central nervous depressant
predation [22], and arctiid moths use pyrrolizidine alkaloids as a (e.g. morphine), antihypotensive (e.g. ephedrine), antihyperten-
courtship pheromone [21]. In sponges, alkaloids deter feeding and sive (e.g. reserpine), antipyretic (e.g. quinine), anticholinergic (e.g.
protect against infection [27], whilst in scleractinians they act as atropine), antiemetic (e.g. scopolamine) [19], oxytocic and vaso-
allelochemicals [31]. constrictor (e.g. ergometrine) [37], antitumour (e.g. vinblastine)
Alkaloids are characterised by great structural diversity, the and antimalarial (e.g. quinine) [18] activities. These activities are
presence of a basic nitrogen atom being the only unifying feature exploited both in traditional medicine (e.g. quinine-rich cinchona
[18]. Most alkaloids possess just one nitrogen atom, but some have bark in the treatment of malaria) [37] and modern medicine
T.P.T. Cushnie et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386 379

Fig. 1. Skeleton structures of (a) the major heterocyclic alkaloid classes possessing antibacterial activity, and important antibacterial subclasses of the (b) indole and (c)
isoquinoline alkaloids.

(e.g. vinblastine in the treatment of cancer) [18]. Other alkaloids 4. Direct antibacterial activity
have been incorporated into human culture as recreational drugs
and drugs of abuse (e.g. caffeine, nicotine, psilocybin, cocaine) 4.1. Naturally occurring alkaloids
Some alkaloids are highly toxic and there have been many inci- Studies describing naturally occurring antibacterial alkaloids
dents of human poisoning [18]. In studies of 350 plant-derived date back to the 1940s, but much of this early work stopped short
pyrrolizidine alkaloids, approximately one-half were hepatotoxic of determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). Sub-
and several were carcinogenic [40]. This is due to mammalian sequent research has been more thorough, and several potently
liver oxidases transforming the compounds into reactive pyrrole antibacterial alkaloid monomers (MICs ≤10 ␮g/mL) have been
structures that alkylate nucleic acids and proteins [37]. Also, the identified in the aaptamine [46], indole [47–52], indolizidine
furoquinolines are phototoxic and photomutagenic due to the furan [53], isoquinoline [54–59], piperazine [60], quinoline [61,62],
double bond reacting covalently with DNA [41]. Other examples quinolone [63], agelasine [64,65] and polyamine [32] classes. Alka-
include aconitine (cardiotoxic) [42], lycorine (enterotoxic) [43], loid dimers with similar levels of activity have been found in the
nicotine (teratogenic) [44] and strychnine (neurotoxic) [45]. Some aaptamine-indole [66], bisindole [67,68], indole-quinoline [69,70],
of the alkaloids used in medicine, at supratherapeutic doses, can pyridoacridine [71,72], bispyrrole [73–75] and pyrrole-imidazole
also be toxic. Well-known historical examples include belladonna [76] classes. A list of compounds with the lowest recorded MICs is
(containing atropine) used as a poison in Roman times, and ergot presented in Table 1. Toxicity data for these agents are limited, but
(containing ergometrine) responsible for thousands of deaths in the in vitro chelerythrine [59], hapalindole I [52] and prosopilosidine
Middle Ages [19,37]. [53] are antibacterial at concentrations that are non-haemolytic or
380 T.P.T. Cushnie et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386

Table 1
Information on the 10 most potently antibacterial natural alkaloids as identified by PubMed and ScienceDirect searches (no date restrictions).

Alkaloid Alkaloid class (subclass) MIC assaya Cell density (CFU/mL)a MIC (␮g/mL)b Reference

Gram-positive Gram-negative Mycobacteria

CJ-13,136 Quinolone BMAD 1 × 105 NA 0.0001 NT [63] c

Ascididemin Pyridoacridine BMID 2 × 108 0.08 0.06 NT [71] c
Xinghaiamine A Miscellaneous BMID 1 × 105 0.3–4 0.1–2 NT [77]
Eudistomin Y4 Indole (␤-carboline) BMID 5 × 105 0.8–3.1 0.4–50 NT [51] c
Hapalindole I Indole MABA 1 × 105 NA NA 0.7 [52] c
Squalamine Polyamine BMID 1 × 105 1–2 1 to >100 NT [32,78,97]
Prosopilosidine Indolizidine BMID 5 × 105 1.3 NT 2.5 [53] c
Clausenol Indole (carbazole) AD NS 1.3–14 7–14 NT [47]
Chelerythrine Isoquinoline (benzophenanthridine) BMID 1 × 105 1.5 1.5 NT [59] c
8-ADHNd Isoquinoline NS NS 1.6 NA NT [56] c
Agelasine Dd Agelasine MTT 1 × 105 NT NT 1.6–3.1 [65]
Sanguinarined Isoquinoline (benzophenanthridine) BMID 1 × 106 1.6–6.3 NT NT [58]

MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; BMAD, broth macrodilution assay; NA, not active (MIC > 100 ␮g/mL); NT, not tested; BMID, broth microdilution assay; MABA,
microplate alamarBlue® assay; AD, agar dilution assay; NS, not stated; MTT, MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] assay.
Where MIC protocols were not stated or were ambiguous in the journal article, authors were contacted for further details.
MIC ranges listed are for human pathogens.
Studies that identified more than one highly active compound.
8-ADHN (8-acetonyldihydronitidine), agelasine D and sanguinarine have comparable levels of antibacterial activity, so all three have been included.

non-toxic to Vero cells, and in vivo squalamine is effective against Lastly, in the thiazole class, a 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivative (com-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia at 0.15 mg/kg body weight, a pound 6f) has been synthesised with an MIC of 1.56 ␮g/mL against
dose 65-fold lower than known safe levels [15]. Studies with san- M. tuberculosis [88], and a rhodanine derivative (CCR-11) has been
guinarine suggest that a daily oral dose of 5 mg/kg body weight synthesised with an MIC of 1.07 ␮g/mL against Bacillus subtilis [89].
is safe in animals [79] and, used topically, this agent has proven Compound 6f has not been assessed for toxicity, but studies with
clinical safety and efficacy in orthodontic patients [80]. The alkyl HeLa cells suggest that CCR-11 activity is selective.
methyl quinolone alkaloids 1-methyl-2[(Z)-7-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-
quinolone and 1-methyl-2[(Z)-8-tridecenyl]-4-(1H)-quinolone are
also worth mentioning here. In combination, these compounds 4.3. Structure–activity relationships (SARs)
have MICs of 0.02–0.05 ␮g/mL against Helicobacter pylori and
proven in vivo efficacy against H. pylori infection [81]. SARs have been investigated for various subclasses of the
indole (Fig. 1b) and isoquinoline (Fig. 1c) alkaloids. For ␤-carboline
indoles, dimerisation improves antibacterial activity [82], possibly
because the larger molecule is less susceptible to bacterial efflux.
4.2. Semisynthetic and synthetic alkaloids Amidation of ␤-carbolines at C-8 reduces toxicity, and if a hexamido
group is used the reduction in toxicity is accompanied by a >20-fold
Efforts to improve alkaloid activity through synthetic modifica- increase in antibacterial activity [84]. Activity also increases with
tions have been successful when using indole, isoquinoline, pyrrole increasing numbers of bromine atoms [51]. For carbazole indoles,
and thiazole alkaloids as scaffolds. In the indole class, a ␤-carboline hydroxylation at C-1 and isoprenylation at C-4 both improve activ-
dimer (NCD9; Supplementary Table S1) and simple indole dimer ity, whilst methoxylation at C-1 reduces activity [49].
(5,6,6 -tribromo-1H,1 H-2,2 -biindole) have been synthesised, with For simple isoquinoline alkaloids, addition of alkyl substituents
respective MICs of 0.1–4.0 ␮g/mL [82] and 0.5 ␮g/mL [83] against at C-1 improves antibacterial activity, but these improvements
Gram-positive pathogens. Also, a manzamine A derivative has been appear not to be selective [54]. For benzophenanthridine iso-
produced (8-n-hexamidomanzamine A) with an MIC of 0.31 ␮g/mL quinolines, a methylenedioxy functional group at C-2 and C-3 is
against Mycobacterium intracellulare [84]. Toxicity tests with CHO- important for activity [17,59]. Addition of a phenyl or biphenyl
K1 [82], HEK 293 [83] and Vero cells [84] suggest that these indoles substituent at C-1 or C-12 can improve activity, and further
have selective activity. improvements can be achieved by adding a methoxy group at C-7
In the isoquinoline class, a biphenyl-substituted sanguinar- and C-8 [17]. For protoberberine isoquinolines, a methylenedioxy
ine derivative (compound 9) has been produced with an MIC functional group at C-2 and C-3 improves activity [90], as does a
of 0.5 ␮g/mL against Staphylococcus aureus [including meticillin- phenoxyalkyl group at C-9 [91].
resistant S. aureus (MRSA)] [17]. Also, berberine has been
conjugated with a multidrug resistance pump inhibitor to cre-
ate a compound (SS14) with MICs of 1.8–3.7 ␮g/mL against a 4.4. Identification of activity as bacteriostatic or bactericidal
range of Gram-positive pathogens [85]. Toxicity of the sanguinar-
ine derivative has not been tested [17], but the berberine derivative Antibacterial agents that kill bacteria are more versatile than
is non-toxic at >100 ␮g/mL and shows efficacy in an in vivo model those that just inhibit growth as they can be used as short-
of enterococcal infection [85]. term therapies [92], against deep-seated [93,94] and immediately
In the pyrrole class, hybrids of 4,5-dibromopyrrole and 1,3,4- life-threatening infections [94], and in immunocompromised and
oxadiazole have been produced with MICs of 1.6 ␮g/mL against immunosuppressed patients [94,95]. In the absence of confounding
S. aureus and Escherichia coli and MICs of 1.5–1.6 ␮g/mL against factors, bactericidal agents are defined as those causing a ≥99.9%
Mycobacterium tuberculosis [86]. Also, a hybrid of 1-methyl- decrease in bacterial viability at concentrations no more than four
4,5-dibromopyrrole and aroyl hydrazone has been synthesised times the MIC [96]. Most studies indicate that alkaloids are bacteri-
(compound 4 m) with MICs of 0.2–0.8 ␮g/mL against S. aureus cidal [62,97–100], although this can be species-dependent for some
(including MRSA) [87]. Toxicity data for these compounds are not alkaloids (e.g. chelerythrine, prosopilosidine) [53,59]. Squalamine
yet available. has been shown to be rapidly bactericidal, with MIC levels
T.P.T. Cushnie et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386 381

Table 2
Information on the five most potently synergistic alkaloid/antibiotic combinations (natural and synthetic) as identified by PubMed and ScienceDirect searches (no date

Alkaloid Alkaloid class Antibiotic Test bacteria Reduction in antibiotic MIC a Reference

Naturally occurring alkaloids

Squalamine Polyamine Ciprofloxacin Klebsiella pneumoniae b 16- to >32-fold [110] c
Lysergol Ergoline Tetracycline Escherichia coli d 8-fold [118] c
Tetrandrine Bisisoquinoline Cefazolin MRSA 4-fold [107]
Compound 8 Pyridine Ciprofloxacin Staphylococcus aureus e 3-fold [116] c
Tomatidine Steroidal Gentamicin S. aureus f 2- to 32-fold [108] c

Semisynthetic and synthetic alkaloidsg

INF392 Pyrimidine Ciprofloxacin Bacillus subtilis e 8-fold [112]
Amlodipine Piperidine Streptomycin Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium 6.5- to 8-fold [113]
Compound 13 Quinoline Levofloxacin Pseudomonas aeruginosa b 4- to 8-fold [117]
GG918 Acridine-isoquinoline Norfloxacin S. aureus b 4- to 8-fold [119] c
Compound 4e Pyrrole-imidazole Oxacillin MRSA 4-fold [114]

MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; MRSA, meticillin-resistant S. aureus.

All of the studies tested for synergy using the broth microdilution method and/or chequerboard test.
Efflux pump overproducing.
Studies that detected synergy with more than one antibiotic and/or against more than one species.
NorA (efflux pump) expressing.
Both antibiotic-sensitive and multidrug-resistant strains.
Semisynthetic alkaloids that showed no improvement in activity compared with their parent structure have been excluded.

reducing the viability of Gram-positive and Gram-negative causes leakage of cytoplasmic contents [97,106]. The suscepti-
pathogens by ≥99.99% in just 1–2 h [97]. bility of porin-negative, efflux-pump-overproducing bacteria to
squalamine is consistent with this hypothesis [106].
4.5. Mechanisms of action
5. Synergistic and antibiotic resistance-modulating activity
Antibacterial mechanism of action (MOA) has been investigated
for alkaloids in the indolizidine, isoquinoline, quinolone, agelasine 5.1. Naturally occurring alkaloids
and polyamine classes. In the indolizidine class, it has been pro-
posed that the alkaloids pergularinine and tylophorinidine act by Some alkaloids have been reported to increase the antibacterial
inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis, as they inhibit the enzyme dihy- activity of antibiotics, and information on the five most potent com-
drofolate reductase in cell-free assays [101]. binations is presented in Table 2. For tetrandrine and tomatidine,
In the isoquinoline class, two MOAs have been proposed. Studies this activity has been confirmed as synergistic (not additive) by
with the benzophenanthridine and protoberberine isoquinolines determining fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) values
suggest that these act by perturbing the Z-ring and inhibiting cell [107,108]. Although the reductions in antibiotic MICs are modest
division. Supporting evidence includes demonstrations that san- compared with other natural products [109], test alkaloids can
guinarine and berberine (a) bind to FtsZ [102,103], (b) inhibit FtsZ exert this effect at quite low concentrations (e.g. 0.8–1.6 ␮g/mL
GTPase activity [103], (c) inhibit Z-ring formation [102–104] and (d) for squalamine) [110]. It is also worth noting that comparatively
induce cell elongation [102,104] without affecting DNA replication, few alkaloids have been tested to date and, based on hit ratio, it is
nucleoid segregation or membrane structure [102] and without thought many active compounds still await discovery [111].
inducing the SOS response [104]. Overexpression and underex-
pression studies also support this mechanism [104]. Researchers 5.2. Semisynthetic and synthetic alkaloids
working with the phenanthridine isoquinoline ungeremine sug-
gest that this alkaloid acts by inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis after In addition to natural alkaloids, various semisynthetic and syn-
observing inhibition of type I topoisomerases in cell-free assays thetic alkaloids have been reported to increase antibiotic activity
[105]. (Table 2). This activity has been confirmed as synergistic for INF392,
Naturally occurring quinolone alkaloids lack the 3-carboxyl amlodipine and compound 4e [112–114] and occurs at quite low
group that enables synthetic quinolones such as the fluoro- alkaloid concentrations (e.g. 0.4 ␮g/mL for INF392 and 2.5 ␮g/mL
quinolones to inhibit the type II topoisomerase enzymes [34]. for compound 13). For amlodipine, this synergy has been demon-
Research with the alkyl methyl quinolones suggests that these are strated in vivo, with intraperitoneal injection of amlodipine and
respiratory inhibitors, as they reduce O2 consumption in treated streptomycin protecting mice against Salmonella enterica serotype
bacteria but do not affect 3 H uptake [81]. Typhimurium infection [113]. A second beneficial effect noted with
The agelasines are a class of alkaloids from the Agelas marine some of these compounds is that the emergence of antibiotic resis-
sponges [64,65]. Overexpression and binding affinity studies with tance can be inhibited. For example, INF392 reduces the rate at
the antimycobacterial alkaloid agelasine D suggest that this exerts which ciprofloxacin resistance emerges by 100-fold [112].
its antibacterial effect by inhibiting enzyme BCG 3185c, a suspected
dioxygenase, thereby disrupting bacterial homeostasis [65]. 5.3. Structure–activity relationships
Lastly, studies with the polyamine alkaloid squalamine suggest
that it acts by compromising outer membrane and cytoplasmic Various alkaloid classes have been shown to increase antibi-
membrane integrity. Supporting evidence includes demonstration otic activity, including the indole [111], piperidine [111,115],
that squalamine (a) penetrates reconstituted lipopolysaccharide pyridine [116], quinoline [111,117], ergoline [118], polyamine
monolayers [106], (b) causes depolarisation of the cytoplasmic [110] and steroidal [108] classes, as well as acridine–isoquinoline
membrane [97], (c) increases bacterial staining with the cell- dimers [119], isoquinoline dimers [107], pyrrole-imidazole dimers
impermeable nucleic acid dye propidium iodide [106] and (d) [114] and pyridine–pyridine–piperidine trimers [120]. For the
382 T.P.T. Cushnie et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386

Table 3
Alkaloids identified as quorum sensing (QS) inhibitors based on their effects upon QS-regulated virulence factors and processes and/or their interactions with specific QS

Alkaloid (alkaloid class) Virulence factors/processes inhibited QS target(s) Reference

Compound 37 (1,3,4-oxadiazole) Inhibits toxin (pyocyanin) and QS signal precursor (HHQ) production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PqsR [127]
7-Hydroxyindole (indole) Alters virulence gene expression, inhibits toxin (pyocyanin), QS signal (PQS), biosurfactant PQS, PqsR [129]
(rhamnolipid) and siderophore (pyochelin) production, and abolishes swarming motility in
P. aeruginosa
Solenopsin A (piperidine) Inhibits virulence gene transcription, toxin (pyocyanin) and destructive enzyme (elastase B) rhl system [128]
production, and biofilm formation in P. aeruginosa
Tomatidine (steroidal) Inhibits virulence gene expression and haemolytic activity in Staphylococcus aureus agr system [108]

HHQ, 2-heptyl-4-(1H)-quinolone (a precursor of PQS); PQS, Pseudomonas quinolone signal [2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4(1H)-quinolone]; PqsR, PQS transcriptional regulator (also
known as ‘multiple virulence factor regulator’ or ‘MvfR’).

steroidal alkaloid tomatidine, activity is dependent upon the identified in the indole, 1,3,4-oxadiazole, piperidine and steroidal
spiroaminoketal moiety being in the closed configuration [121]. alkaloid classes (Table 3). For the indoles, undesirable effects such
Active compounds in other alkaloid classes lack an identifiable as antibiotic antagonism and biofilm stimulation were initially a
pharmacophore, but are often lipophilic [111], possess an aro- problem [129], but these activities have been eliminated in a new
matic ring [111,122] and have a centrally located nitrogen atom semisynthetic derivative, 7-fluoroindole [130].
[111,122]. The absence of a more rigid SAR for these alkaloids may
be related to their MOA. Most are thought to effect synergy by 6.2. Inhibition of sortase
inhibiting bacterial efflux pumps, pumps that themselves act on
a wide range of structurally unrelated compounds. In Gram-positive bacteria, surface proteins such as adhesins,
internalins and immune evasion proteins are attached to the
5.4. Mechanisms of action cell wall by enzymes called sortases. Recent studies using sub-
cellular assays show that several aaptamine [131], isoquinolone
With the exception of squalamine, which enhances antibiotic [132], pyrrolidine [133] and bisindole-imidazole [134] alkaloids
activity by permeabilising cells [110], and tomatidine, whose MOA inhibit sortase A. Mass spectrometry studies indicate that, for the
is unknown [121], most alkaloids act through efflux pump inhibi- pyrrolidine alkaloids, enzyme inhibition occurs due to covalent
tion. This MOA was established through studies with the model modification of the active site nucleophile Cys184 [133]. The impact
efflux pump substrate ethidium bromide (EtBr). EtBr fluoresces of this sortase inhibition has also been demonstrated at the cellular
when bound to nucleic acid, and active alkaloids reduce the rate level. Whole cells of S. aureus treated with sub-MIC bromodeoxy-
at which EtBr-loaded cells lose fluorescence [112,118–120]. If it topsentin [134] and isoaaptamine [131] exhibit decreased binding
can reach a sufficiently high intracellular concentration, EtBr is also to fibronectin, the host cell receptor that allows bacteria to bind to
antibacterial, and active alkaloids have been shown to reduce EtBr mucous membranes.
MICs [111,112,123]. For the ergoline alkaloid lysergol, efflux inhi-
bition is thought to occur due to downregulation and inhibition 6.3. Disruption of fimbriae and other adhesins
of efflux pump ATPases [118]. Efflux pumps with confirmed sus-
Alkaloids can also disrupt adhesins via non-sortase-mediated
ceptibility to alkaloid inhibition include NorA [112], MexAB–OprM,
mechanisms. Sub-MIC levels of the isoquinoline berberine cause
MexCD–OprJ, MexEF–OprN [117] and ABC transporters [118].
Streptococcus pyogenes cells to release lipoteichoic acid, reducing
their ability to bind fibronectin [135]. Sub-MIC levels of berber-
6. Attenuation of bacterial pathogenicity
ine and 2-pyridone alkaloids disrupt E. coli fimbriae via a different
mechanism. For berberine, the MOA underlying inhibition of fim-
Bacterial pathogenesis is a multistage process typically involv-
brial synthesis is not clearly established [136], but the 2-pyridones
ing bacterial attachment to host skin or mucous membranes,
disrupt the FGS [137,138] and FGL [139] assembly systems by bind-
multiplication, evasion of host defences, then toxin production
ing to periplasmic chaperones. Whole-cell studies confirm that
and/or invasion and inflammation [94]. This process is dependent
this results in inhibition of fimbria-dependent biofilm formation
upon numerous virulence factors, expression of which is tightly
in E. coli [137].
6.4. Inhibition of bacterial defences against the host immune
6.1. Disruption of virulence gene regulation

One mechanism by which bacteria regulate virulence is the use Disruption of sortase-dependent immune evasion proteins (e.g.
of transcriptional regulators sensitive to environmental conditions. protein A) is not the only mechanism by which alkaloids increase
In Vibrio cholerae, the transcriptional regulator ToxT responds to the bacterial susceptibility to the host immune system. The thia-
presence of intestinal fatty acids and bicarbonate by activating the zole alkaloid D157070 (a prodrug for D155931) has been shown
genes encoding cholera toxin and fimbriae [124]. Recent research to inhibit dihydrolipoamide acyltransferase, the enzyme that M.
shows that the isoquinoline alkaloid virstatin inhibits production of tuberculosis uses to detoxify reactive nitrogen intermediates in host
both of these virulence factors, with microarray and mutant studies macrophages. Whole-cell studies with mycobacteria confirm that
identifying ToxT as the likely target [125,126]. Virstatin also has a D157070 increases their sensitivity to nitrite and promotes killing
protective effect in vivo, inhibiting intestinal colonisation of infant of cells in infected bone-marrow-derived mouse macrophages
mice when administered during or after V. cholerae inoculation [140].
Quorum sensing (QS) is another regulatory mechanism. Signal 6.5. Inhibition of secretion systems
molecules (autoinducers) released by bacteria bind to receptors
in neighbouring cells, triggering virulence factor expression when Bacteria use secretion systems to assemble surface structures
a critical population density is reached. QS inhibitors have been such as adhesins and to export toxins and destructive enzymes.
T.P.T. Cushnie et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386 383

High-throughput screening has identified TTS29, a 2-imino-5- needs to be established, as some antibacterial (e.g. manzamine A
arylidene thiazolidinone that inhibits Gram-negative type II and [149]) and antibiotic-enhancing (e.g. reserpine [112,120]) alkaloids
type III secretion systems. The thiazole has broad-spectrum activ- are highly toxic to eukaryotic cells. Because some alkaloids are
ity, inhibiting secretion in multiple bacterial species, and protects immunosuppressive (e.g. gliotoxin [150]), toxicity testing should
macrophages against S. Typhimurium cytotoxicity. Based on its evaluate this parameter too.
activity profile, and molecular studies to rule out interference In addition to direct antibacterial and antibiotic-enhancing
with transcription or translation, the alkaloid is thought to target activities, alkaloid inhibition of bacterial virulence has been
secretin, an outer membrane protein conserved across the type II described. For alkaloids such as berberine that exert both direct
and type III systems [141]. Monomeric [141] and dimeric [142] ana- antibacterial and antivirulence effects, the implication is that these
logues of TTS29 have been produced with enhanced solubility and will, like the QS-inhibiting macrolide antibiotics [151], exert greater
increased activity. in vivo efficacy than their MIC evaluations suggest. For alkaloids
that inhibit bacterial virulence without affecting growth or viabil-
6.6. Inhibition of exotoxin-mediated effects ity, these could potentially be developed as antivirulence drugs. A
common concern with antivirulence drugs is that narrow-spectrum
Toxins are one of the main mechanisms by which bacteria cause activity could preclude empirical use. Until real-time diagnos-
disease. In vivo research with the isoquinoline berberine shows tics are more widely available, efforts should therefore focus on
that this counteracts V. cholerae cholera toxin and E. coli heat-stable alkaloids likely to have broad-spectrum activity, i.e. inhibitors of
enterotoxin. Studies were performed with the toxins not the bacte- secretion systems [141] and other virulence factors conserved
rial cells, so the protective effect cannot be related to inhibition of across bacterial species. A second concern with antivirulence drugs
virulence gene regulation, bacterial attachment or toxin secretion. is that, because they do not kill bacteria, they could not be used
Given that these enterotoxins differ in their MOA, and berberine in immunocompromised patients. It may be possible to over-
neither inhibits adenylate cyclase nor enhances intestinal absorp- come this problem by targeting virulence factors required for
tion, it is thought the alkaloid acts at a biochemical step after cyclase colonisation and maintenance of attachment (e.g. adhesins and
activation [143]. adhesin-synthesising machinery) rather than disease symptoms
(e.g. toxins).
6.7. Inhibition of destructive enzyme-mediated effects Regarding future discovery and development efforts, there are
opportunities to expedite this process. By departing from what,
Another major mechanism by which bacteria cause disease is in academia, is often a monodisciplinary approach and promot-
invasion and inflammation. Bacteria produce destructive proteo- ing greater collaboration between chemists, microbiologists and
lytic and glycolytic enzymes, enabling them to breach host tissue pharmacologists, it should be possible for more groups to isolate
barriers and spread to deeper tissue. Whole-cell studies show that active compounds and generate robust microbiological and toxico-
berberine inhibits bacterial hydrolysis of the connective tissue logical data. Given the risk of toxicity with alkaloids, tests for overt
component collagen [144]. It remains to be established whether toxicity should be performed at the earliest opportunity. Where
this is due to inhibition of collagenase production, secretion or cell culture is available, non-malignant cell lines should be tested.
enzymatic action, or an indirect consequence of the alkaloid’s In more resource-limited settings, tests such as the brine shrimp
antibacterial activity. lethality assay or haemolysis assay could be used. Lastly, greater
use should be made of the many new techniques and technolo-
6.8. Inhibition of biofilm formation gies available, e.g. efflux pump mutants to detect efflux-susceptible
antibacterial agents [152], synergy-directed fractionation to detect
Biofilm formation protects bacteria from antibiotic therapy, natural product components that work synergistically [153],
thereby prolonging infections. Numerous alkaloids inhibit the for- medicinal chemistry techniques to conjugate efflux-susceptible
mation of (and/or disperse) bacterial biofilms, including imidazoles antibacterials with efflux pump inhibitors [85], and genetic tech-
[145], isoquinolines [100], piperidines [146], pyrrolidines [147], niques [104] and reporter strains of bacteria [154] for MOA
pyrrole-imidazoles [114] and cinchona alkaloids [148]. In some elucidation.
cases, this inhibition has been attributed to direct antibacterial
activity [148], in others to QS disruption [146,147] or to unknown
causes [100,114], possibly inhibition of sortase or adhesins. Acknowledgments

7. Concluding remarks We are very grateful to those authors and editors who helped
source the more-difficult-to-find journal articles used in this
Alkaloids have a proven track record as drug scaffolds and review, in particular Profs. Miki Kuftinec, Vincent G. Kokich,
scaffold substructures in modern antibacterial chemotherapy [39]. Rob Verpoorte and Adyary Fallarero. Thanks also to Dr Stephen
This review highlights other antibacterial alkaloids with develop- MacManus for constructive comments during drafting of the
ment potential, e.g. the quinolone CJ-13,136 with MICs as low as manuscript. Our apologies to authors whose work could not be
0.1 ng/mL against H. pylori, and the polyamine alkaloid squalamine included due to space restrictions.
reducing ciprofloxacin MICs ≥16-fold against Klebsiella pneumo-
niae. For many of these compounds, further characterisation is In memoriam
necessary, e.g. determination of spectrum of activity, MIC90 values
(i.e. MIC required to inhibit 90% of strains of a species), FICI values, We dedicate this review to our friend and colleague, the
MOA, toxicity, SAR, solubility and stability, resistance frequency, physician, lecturer and natural products researcher Dr Yash
and serum protein binding. In terms of MOA, it has been proposed, Kumarasamy (1970–2012). His warmth and enthusiasm are
based on assays with purified enzymes, that indolizidine alkaloids greatly missed.
inhibit dihydrofolate reductase and that isoquinoline alkaloids
inhibit type I topoisomerases. Whole-cell studies (e.g. target over- Funding: No funding sources.
expression, underexpression and alteration) would help rule out Competing interests: None declared.
non-specific inhibition and confirm these MOAs. Selectivity also Ethical approval: Not required.
384 T.P.T. Cushnie et al. / International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 44 (2014) 377–386

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