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2/3/21 Faculty Meeting (2 pm)

1st Safety Drill not doing a fire drill at 10:44 am it is too cold!

1. Shout Outs / Gold Stars?

a. Bixler: Counselors with Scheduling
b. Beth: Pictures
c. Murray: Beth made sure the student felt safe to take their mask off
2. Coverage / really short staffed
a. No hall monitors
b. Supposed to have 6 pairs only 3 in the high school
c. 3.5 pairs in the middle school and supposed to have 4.
d. Trying to rotate teachers to avoid overuse
e. Flexible for Coverage
3. Earbud/Headset signups
a. Form on google documents
b. Got a grant
c. Need to approve headset to walk around with education foundation
i. Headset, air pods, ear pods, wrap arounds
d. Signup by noon tomorrow
4. Call off / late to work
a. Email more than 1 person
i. Sally, Megan, Sean
5. WIFI Update
a. Jim agrees with the WIFI issue and has downloaded an app to track it
i. “Looking for a needle in wet hay”
ii. Will take time to trouble shoot the issue
6. Calendar
a. February 17th is an ACT 80 Day
b. Professional Development Day
c. 13 hours of IPDP required
i. Due by June 30th
d. Keystone and PSSA Training will count if it is completed outside of school hours
7. Attendance
a. Continue the great work
b. Magistrate is supportive of truancies issues
c. Some students are in the building but signing in online for a course
i. Catch by Erin
8. Beth: Sophomores and Juniors for Pictures tomorrow
a. Some are there all day
b. Signing into class online
c. Not allowed pictures on Friday
d. Virtual need to schedule pictures for Wednesday 2/24/21 on the website
i. Will be a sign up
e. Have students email to avoid issues
f. Do pledge in the morning if an announcement is forgotten
9. Middle School is doing a song contest
a. 1st period might hear random music!
10. Assessment Information/ Professional Development
a. High depth of knowledge
b. Real world authentic assessment
i. Accurately assess when cheating?
ii. Find trend and figure out the game
iii. Assess at a higher level
1. Chunking assessments
c. Standard Alignment
d. Assessment blueprint
i. Does the assessment reflect the time spent?
ii. Depth of knowledge wheel (Recall)
iii. Bloom’s Progress from low to high
iv. Recall/Reproduce, Skills and concepts, Strategic thinking
1. Less is more
2. What is important to learn?
e. Performance Tasks
i. Calculate optimal design of a can
ii. AP Spanish students can comment on their speaking in real time.
iii. Conversation with content
11. Safety Drill
a. Middle school teachers joined the meeting at 2:42 pm
b. Instead of freezing and snowball fights
c. Soft lock down drill
i. Lockdown in our rooms
ii. Clear hallway and check for stragglers and bring them into your room
iii. Lock doors
iv. Clear Bathrooms
v. NO Barricading
vi. Have a conversation with the students?
1. What should we do? Think? Act?
vii. Start and end will be announced
d. What is the paw print on your door on the window?
i. In an emergency get to the door and pull the paw print off it means you are
ii. If the paw print is still on the door it means you are unsafe because you can’t
get to it.
iii. For this drill keep the decals up
1. If it wasn’t a drill take it off

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