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Sevaux Benjamin 1erSTI2D Bill Gates 

Bill Gates is a computer scientist who in 1975
formed the microprocessor company
William Henry Gates III of his true Microsoft With his friend Paul Allen which
name was born the 28 October later became the largest computer company
in the world.
it has become the richest man in the
Bill Gates designed the world several times thanks to the
Windows operating system. commercial success of Microsoft of the
year where it is the richest man in the
-1996 to 2007
-2014 to 2016

Bill Gates is said to be the second richest man in

Bill Gates will remain one of the greatest men and the world in 2019 with a fortune of $105 billion
inventor of the 20th and 21st century because of the
creation of Microsoft but also thanks to the Windows Only Jeff Bezos boss of Amazon does better in
operating system which is almost alone and has almost 2019 with a fortune estimated at $112 billion
no competitor except Linux its only competitor. as well
as MAC OS Since 2007 Bill Gates is dedicated to his
Humanitarian Foundation which is called Gates
Foundation and which does research and
finances the creation of vaccine in particular
the best known of their foundation that of

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