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DAVID WELDON. London College of Furni-
ture. 41 Commercial Rd London El

French overdotting
While I am grateful to Graham Pont and
David Wulstan for listing their sources

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for overdotting in France {EM. Feb 87.
p. 141), I still fail to see evidence to
support this position. Let us examine
these sources:
In an essay ('The Musicall Gram-
marian , . . 1728) North contrasts the
equal movement of the lower part with
the dotted, detached bowing of the
upper: 'And the hand nicely agrees with
the foot, especially in the most stately
step they call an entry. I fancy it is
originally owing to the genius of the
violin, of which one of the beautys is
the stabb, or stoccata, and the other is
the arcata. which latter hath given way
and the other chiefly prevailes. I have
subjoyned a basso andante to shew how
well that sober style joynes with the
desultory action of the upper part, as of
one pacifying the rage of an angry
person' (see Ex.1).

A characteristic description of the slow

Entree, but evidence for overdotting7 In
Jean Berain: costume design for Mile Verdier as Syrinx in Lully's Isis (Paris. Bibliotheque fact. North makes a point of con-
Nationale)|seep.39l) trasting the two parts, rather than
making them conform to the same
more instruments hidden away than degree of dotting. When played with
Clavichord reseach are on view. the written time values and according
I am undertaking a major survey of I would like to ask any museum or to North's description of bowing style,
historical clavichords as a research person with a historical clavichord to the passage produces the intended
fellow of the Department of Musical contact me. I would also be grateful for effect.
Instrument Technology at the London anyone who knows of the presence of a In his 1696 tutor for musical neo-
College of Furniture, with funds pro- clavichord to bring this study to the phytes, Elements ou principes de musique.
vided by the Leverhulme Trust. The attention of the appropriate person. F.tienne Loulie explains that quavers
object is to create a data base con- Any additional publicity for the project can be performed in different manners:
taining as much information as possible would be especially welcome. 1) Equally in disjunct motion, called
about all extant historical instruments. It is my intention to make this data detacher les Mottes:
While some of this information is in base generally available at the end of 2) The first note of a pair in conjunct
the public domain a great deal of it is the study, but I can assure individuals motion a little longer' than the second,
not. I feel sure that there are many who contact me that their names and called Lourer [the most common des-


cnption of notes megales], to illustrate notes megales)
3) The first note, which must have a On p 36 L'Affilard introduces some
dot, much longer' than the second vocalises that the singer is to Pointez',
The unpublished supplement to only the first two pairs of quavers are UNIVERSITY
Loulie's tutor indicates that a dot after dotted, but it appears that the direction OF
a note ordinarily augments its value by includes the remainder of this exercise SOUTH
half The dot's value can also be (and those following), since it is con- DAKOTA
determined by the length of the fol- structed of sequential scale-like pass-
lowing note(s) Loulie's examples, ages, in contrast to the preceding notes offers the Master of Music
which show that the dot can augment megales examples Here L'Affilard prob- degree with a concentration in
the note's value anywhere from 1/8 to ably does mean standard 3 1 dotting the history of musical
7/8, clarify a simple mechanism for throughout Then on p41 we en- instruments, utilizing the staff,

Downloaded from by guest on 04 March 2021

designating the exact value of the dot counter a vocalise whose instruction, collections, and facilities of The
Shrine to Music Museum 6k
Thus an overdotted quaver would be Pointez fort, has given rise to the
Center for Study of the History of
written as a dotted quaver, followed by modern idea that this must mean Musical Instruments Enrollment
a derm-semiquaver note overdotting But Pointez fort simply limited to 6 students a year, tuition
Michel L'Affilard's Pnnapes tres means strongly dotted—a wise pre- assistance available, fully
faciles pour bien apprendre la musique, caution in this exercise where the accredited
also for beginning students, first ex- natural tendency, especially for be-
ginners, is to perform the two semi- For in/ormation, write
plains (p 15) that a dot after a note adds
quaver notes following the dotted Dr Andre P Larson,
the value of half that note On p 32 he Director
indicates how conjunct quavers [m- crotchets too early and too sluggishly
The Shrine to Music
egales] are performed 'One must dot the The French were casual about their Museum
first and pass quickly over the second ' use of the word pointez, which some- USD Box 194
The text reads 'Pour fair comme ll faut times refers to dotting in a 3 1 ratio, Vermilhon, SD 57069 USA
deux Croches qui suivent une Noire, and other times simply to an unspeci-
on doit pointez la premiere, & passer fied lengthening of the first quaver of a
vite la seconde ' John O'Donnell, in his pair in the note megales convention The
July 1979 Early Music article (vol vn/3, context usually clarifies which is
p 337), adds language not in the French intended And, of course, pointe is a
text 'In order to give the dots their common term for staccato
value, the dotted note must be held and Where is the overdotting instruction QUALITY
the second passed quickly ' He justifies in these sources'' Since the French This advert is
altering the language by saying that tutors were written for rank beginners, about the quality
this is what L'Affilard meant L'Affil- it seems misguided to read a sophisti- of our products, What quality 3
ard's first musical example contains cated concept into language that is The best money can buy 3
both equal quavers and dotted quaver NRI 'Best' gut strings ( and instrument
intended to communicate at the most varnish are clearly the best on the
pairs intermingled His next three elementary level Overdotting did exist, market
musical examples with notes megales, but the French indicated it in one of Good value for high quality 3
however, contain only equal quavers three ways 1) the use of two dots after a Out 'First Quality' strings (as well as
Remembering Louhe's direction that note, 2) variable dotting, determined by our instruments and bows) are up
amongst the leaders, but usually more
notes dotted in a 3 1 ratio require a dot, the value of the note(s) after the dot, historically accurate and better value
I suggest that L'Affilard on p 32 is and 3) the use of tied notes The cheapest that is good enough to
perhaps contrasting the difference Could it be that future generations be worth buying 3
between standard dotted notes and the will look back upon ours in wonder-
Our "Red Packet' strings are the
cheapest that are guaranteed to be
gentler notes megales written with equal ment that so many followed uncritically musically true
quavers Instances of this practice a doctrine that requires radical alter- The first of these attracts the
occur frequently in Francois Coupenn's ation of a composer's notation7 Freder- connoisseur but repels the budget-
Pieces d'orgue, for example, where oc- ick Neumann has written thorough art- stretcher, and the reverse is true of the
casional dotted quavers interrupt a last The middle is for those who
icles on this subject for many years I delicately balance quahtv against cost
passage of conjunct quavers normally urge the reader to consult his Essays in
using inequality (This is not to deny Performance Practice (Ann Arbor, 1982).
that a few writers of elementary tutors, where these articles are collected 6 Needham Avenue
lacking any better notational device, Chorlton-cum-Hardy
BEVERLY SCHEIBERT. 9 Highland Park. Manchester M21 2AA, U.K
did employ dotted notes in an attempt Newton MA 02160, USA Telephone 061-881 8134


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