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LDD: - Load (Direct Store)

ADD: - Add
STO: - Store

Assembly language

* Modes of Addressing

Direct : The address of the data to use

Immediate : The value to use

Word length ----> How much data a processor can process

/take/ use at a time
width of a memory location

{ 8 bit computer } ----> each memory location is 8 bits

* Abstraction

Remove unnesscary data that is not required to solve the problem.

* Decompositon

* Pattern Recognition


Data Type : Push and Pop

First in Last Out (FILO)

Last in First Out (LIFO)

Push :- Add a data item to the stack increment the pointer

Pointer ---> points to the first available location

Pop :- Remove/Return the top most item from stack. Decrement the pointer.

Queue / Buffer / Circular

Buffer underflow = when the queue is empty

buffer overflow = when the queue

Array = Size , data type , Indentifier

Linked Lists

L> Assembly Instructions

Data Movement from LDM too STO batch

Arithmetic from ADD too DEC

Comparison + Jumps from JMP too JPN

I/0 Input and Output

L>Symbolic addressing

A memory location is given a label / symbol

This label can be used to refrence that memory location

relationship between assembly code and binary code

1 assembly instruction is 1 binary instruction

L> Translation is the process of converting instructions code(source code) into

machine code (object code (binary))

compiler and Interpreter

compiler compiles all the insturctions


L> A Control System

An interrupt : A signal sent to the processor

indicating that another task is waiting

Interrupt Register (IR)

Interrupt Request (IRQ)
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

L> The Operating System

1) System software : allows the computer to function

provides a platform for other applications

2) Application software : Allows the user to perform a useful task,

a task that would be completed even if computer
didnt exist.

3) Utility Software : Helps maintain a computer system

L> Managment Tasks

File Management : create , edit , delete , set permissions

Memory Mangement : Loads instructions into memory , provides virtual memory support

Security Management : User accounts , user control + access , Encryption , username

passwords biometrics.
Hardware Management :- Device drivers , software interface to hardware processes
Process Management : Allocates resources for each process that needs to run
L> Scheduling L> Decide which tasks get processor time +
L> Allows for mulitasking
L> Minimize deadlocks

Deadlocks:- Deadlock is a situation where a set of processes

are blocked because each process is holding
a resource and waiting for another
resource acquired by some other process.

L>Interrput Handling

Interrupt : A signal set to the processor indicating that another task is waiting
sources : Hardware
User Input
Power Failure
Harware Failure

File Allocation Table (FAT)

ExFAT (Linux) mainly

block : smallest unit of storage on a disk

Fragmented : file is split across multiple blocks

SSD:- accesses each block directly

HDD:- goes through each block

Linked lists are used to send data across

L> Meta Data

File name
Location on disk (physical)
file size
Logical location on disk(path)



{ Intermediate code }
L> Interpreter

Java Virtual Machine

Input & Output

L> Library Routine

they are Pre-compiled subroutine and functions that can be included
within other programs

Pre-tested --> Reliable

Saves development time
common tasks have already been written
troubleshooting is easier
language written in is irrelevant

examples :- Square root function

Sin , Cos , Tan function
Input / Output ---> Console.Writeline

Dynamic Link Library (DLL)

Collections of library routines

* Ethics

A group of people (society) , agreed behaviours + principles

for a group of people / organistation , what is right or wrong

{ Code of Conduct } - Organization (IEEE , BCS , ACM )

Client + Employer


Coding Theroy

Validation :- is the process to ensure that entered data confirms

conforms to set criteria.

Range Check:- the range validation checks if the values lies between the
lower and upper bound ranges.

Length Check:- ensures the number of charachter is within the upper bound

Type Check :- Ensure the correct data type is entered.

Format / Picture Check:- ensure that entered data is in a particular format.

Presence Check :- to ensure if the data has been entered by the user.

Existence Check:- to ensure the data is available on a list.

Limit Check:- If the data is above or below the Upper Bound.

L>Chapter 6

Verification :- Process to ensure that the transferred data is the same as the
source data


Using Validation + Verification can minimize errors , but does

not guarantee the data is correct.

Data Transfer

Parity Check }--> byte

1) sender + rec. decide on the parity to use,

odd or even

2) Data prepared by the sender

odd: 0110110 1
L______ U
Data Parity

3) Set the parity bit as required


Securing the system (physical)

Why? to prevent it being stolen

To prevent it being damaged

to allow continued access

How? lock the doors + windows

CCTV to monitor
Biometrics to gain access
Security Guards

Securing Data

Why? to prevent unautohrized users to gain access to the computers data

How? firewall

L> Chapter 8 DataBases


A user-defined data type

a composite data type

composite:- contains two or more {data items} ---> variable

, which may be of different data types

limitations of a file based approach ,

searching by criteria , sorting , code for each
sort criteria, code foe each search item.

Key Field
Primary Key
Secondary Key
Candidate key

L> Transeferable skills (consturct statments)


To organize or structure data into a (standard form)--> Advantages to save space

removing (REDUNDANT DATA) remove duplicate
also improves reliablity of data consistency , allows for faster searching +
sorting of data

Disadvantages of standard form

Key processes

- 1NF = 1st Normal Form

Each Record in a table must have a unique identifier (primary key)

e.g Library Number

Each field must store atomic data ( 1 item per field(where reasonable)
- e.g address , Name - Surname Forename

Remove repeated fields ---> make into a new table

e.g kids that belong to a contact

Remove repeated data , where possible --> make into a new table

2nd Normal Form (2NF)

The table must be on 1NF

Each field must be fully dependant on the PRIMARY KET

Compound Key (Composite Key)

Foreign Key used to links two tables

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