News Africa

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President Nelson Mandela made a special concession to pay

the lawyers of an infamous politician more than double the
going rate to prepare for a Truth and Reconciliation
Commission hearing? Who was it?
2.The football coach who didn't last even a year in his job?
3.The name of the premier implicated in defrauding Irish
4.He was close to André Thomashausen, and advisor to which
counter-revolutionary movement in Africa?
5.And the name of the premier who denied his involvement in a
diamond deal while in office?
6.This former truth commissioner could become the government's
new diamond valuer? Who is she?
7.This year, local singer D'Low, who sings in Xhosa, English,
Afrikaans and Chinese, made a splash. Where does he hail
8.The grim reaper called for several gang leaders this year.
Name two.
9.Not many mourned the death of this Cambodian dictator. Who
was he?
10.Who is the first elected United States president to be
11.Who is the big-haired young woman who proved his nemesis?
12.And the woman who tripped her up in a wired bosom?
13.In Zimbabwe, a US doctor had his licence to practice revoked.
He is wanted in the US for the mysterious death of 12 people.
Who is the doctor who was reported on in the Mail &
14.In the Western Cape, the African National Congress elected a
leader who must try and wrest the province from New National
Party control. Who is he?
15.In Texas, Karla Faye Tucker Brown became a bitter statistic.
16.Also in Texas, leading ranchers locked horns with someone
famous who said during a programme on mad cow disease: "It
has stopped me cold from eating another hamburger. Stopped
me cold!" Who was the famous defendant?
17.In Ohio, an animal with human-like organs is being bred for
potential use in human organs. Which animal is it?
18.Many DJs got the chop this year. One of the more well known
retired gracefully from talk radio. Who is it?
19.Musica had an in-store advertising campaign banned by popular
demand this year. Why?
20.The shady Liberian businessman, Emanuel Shaw II, made
news this year. How much was his monthly contract with the
Central Energy Fund worth?
21.Who was the South African business partner benefiting from
his largesse?
22.Shaw sued the M&G for R7-million. What happened to the
23.Still in Liberia, South African shareholders, including the Free
State Rugby Union, lost a fortune in a business venture. What
was the venture?
24.A local songbird won a role in director Steven Spielberg's film,
Deep Impact, this year. Who is she?
25.In France, a veteran actor was named in a judicial investigation
into a famous brothel. Who is the actor?
26.Three has-been acts made it to South African shores this year
What are they?
27.Who won the FNB Vita Award this year?
28.An apartheid death-farm was inhabited by civilians this year.
They plan to turn its "darkness into light" by making it a refuge.
Which farm stands to be so cleansed come 1999?
29.Another dirty cop with a ducktail hairstyle and swagger was
nailed this year. What is his name and the crime for which he
was finally jailed?
30.Who was appointed the new head of the Medicines Control
Council (MCC) in a coup by Minister of Health Nkosazana
31.Another 007 film was released this year. What is it called?
32.The land claims commissioner, Joe Seremane, was fired from
his post in November and promptly defected to another political
party. Which one?
33.In Botswana, the president stepped down ahead of next year's
elections. What is his name?
34.He walked away with a golden handshake. What is it worth?
35.The leader of a neighbouring country is fighting for a third term
in office by trying to force a constitutional change. What is the
country and who is its president?
36.In Zimbabwe, a trade union leader is shaping up as a potential
successor to President Robert Mugabe. Many civilians who are
not trade union members have joined his protests. Who is this
leader of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions?
37.In the meantime, a Zimbabwean woman in December launched
a new political party to oppose Mugabe's Zanu-PF. Who is
38.A singer's career has been catapulted after a public indecency
charge for action in a Los Angeles public toilet. Who is he?
39.The documentary Apartheid Did Not Die skewered many a
South African luminary. It looked at post-apartheid change.
Who produced it?
40.And which luminary local television boss aired it on SABC with
a disclaimer?
41.Who is the heart-throb new station manager of MetroFM?
42.The big Bill Gates launch of the year?
43.This former ANC warlord joined a new political party shortly
after being acquitted of 18 murder charges?
44.The elephant man, Riccardo Ghiazza, sold two baby jumbos to
a very famous star. Who?
45.Who is likely to take over the reins from the man who used to
be called Sam and is now Mbhazima Shilowa when he heads
toward Parliament next year?
46.Which US speaker of the House of Representatives lost his job
this year?
47.His would-be successor will not take office. Why not?
48.Is the Reserve Bank publicly or privately owned?
49.A popular South African poet arrested in connection with an
armed robbery last year will spend another Christmas in jail.
Who is this?
50.A group of movers and shakers party to celebrate major black
appointments like that of Tito Mboweni as Reserve Bank
governor? What is the name of this group and who are five
people associated with it?

51 Which political party took the truth commission to court in a

last-minute bid to stop the release of its final report?

52 That party also expressed concerns about the truth commission's

findings on another party. Which party did it rush to defend?

53 A South African official was detained in a Mozambican prison for

six months this year in connection with gun-running allegations. Who is

54 What was the South African government's response to the


55 Who was the key witness against this official?

56 Who is the grey-shoed policeman who suggested that the official

was guilty while conducting the investigation?

57 KwaZulu-Natal businessman Sateesh Isseri implicated senior

Inkatha Freedom Party officials in a scheme. How did the scheme

58 Who removed that businessman from witness protection without

reading the evidence of a related civil case?

59 A South-East Asian activist was held captive in her car for six
days without food or water when the army surrounded her en route to
a political meeting. Who is the activist?

60 Amid all the fuss about the pharmaceutical industry, one drug
inspired would-be addicts to smuggle in supplies before the MCC had
a chance to vet it. What is the name of the drug and what does it do?

61 What Southern African country's traditional healers claim to

produce a natural alternative to this drug and what is it called?

62 A famous 1950s bootlegger, gangster and philanthropist passed

away this year. What was his name, and where was his stomping

63 One veteran South African politician supported a rethink of global

policies on recreation drugs, especially dagga this year. What is the
politician's name?

64 Which South African judge put Mandela in the witness box this

65 South Africa got its first free-to-air television channel this year.
What is its name?

66 One major South African retail bookstore chain bought its rival this
year. Who bought who?
67 Which Southern African country rejected a plea by women for
their fair share of land redistribution, and why?

68 What is the acronym for the computer bug expected to strike on

January 1 2000?

69 Where is the biggest war on African soil taking place?

70 Which six countries first sent troops into the conflict?

71 Which global financial speculator called for a devaluation of the

rouble and sent the Russian market into a tailspin?

72 Which senior policeman was investigated for the death of Josiah

"Fingers" Rabotabe and three earlier murders?

73 Which national minister's sibling allegedly punched her husband and

put him in hospital the night before the couple was arrested for
misappropriation of funds this year?

74 Which two attorneys general ran into problems this year?

75 What happened to them?

76 What dead colonialist's bones became the subject of a

Zimbabwean campaign to remove foreigners this year?

77 What new newspaper is poised to open in South Africa next year?

78 What loathsome local television series was the SABC forced to

move to a later time slot after viewers revolted amid news that the
commissioning editor's wife stars in the programme?

79 Who was the first Rwandan to be convicted of genocide by the

international war crimes tribunal?

80 What French artist wanted horns inplanted above her eyebrows,

and what does she call her dalliance with cosmetic surgery ?

81 Three trials against a local mafia boss were postponed until next
year due to court backlogs. Who is he? Cape Town's Vito Palazzolo
or Curry mafia king Suresh Maharaj?

82 What new office game is sweeping US workplaces?

83 What group of people are the subject of growing hatred in South

Africa, in spite of the fact, reported in the M&G, that they are
creating jobs?

84 What is this hatred called and what gruesome results has it

produced this year?

85 Who said, "If Einstein had been born Hector Petersen, would the
theory of relativity ever have been discovered"?

86 Nationwide protests in one Asian country forced a dictator out of

office this year. Which country?

87 Who replaced him?

88 At which African university did Congolese rebel leader Ernest

Wamba dia Wamba teach for decades before he emerged as a rebel
leader this August?

89 Which Italian film director had an "orgy" of his films screened in

South Africa this year?

90 Which technikon suspended a journalism student this year for

"bringing the technikon into disrepute" after he reported on the campus
sex trade in the M&G?

91 Delays in setting up a national funding agency had NGOs on

tenterhooks this year. What is the name of the agency?

92 Which Constitutional Court judge authored a report on a

neighbouring country that was allegedly doctored before its release?

93 Which neo-feminist castigated President Bill Clinton for defiling the

"sacred space of the Oval Office" with his Monica Lewinsky antics?

94 Which campus had two buildings burnt down by students

demanding 30 cans of beer for each student at the annual freshers
ball? The University of Durban-Westville or the University of Venda?

95 Which two countries joined the world's list of nuclear powers this
year by conducting underground tests in competition with each other?

96 Which mountain village chain claims to be the world capital of

rooibos tea?

97 What is the name of the government representative who kept the

country's biggest wedding a secret until after the fact?

98 Which two successive heart attacks -- now deemed coincidence --

were too much for a large African nation to believe?

99 Name the two most publicised scalpel sessions this year.

100 From which Shakespearean play did Thabo Mbeki quote at

Mandela's wedding? -- The Mail & Guardian, December 29, 1998.

How clued up were you? Here are the 50 answers

1 PW Botha

2 Philippe Troussier

3 Gauteng's provincial Premier Mathole Motshekga

4 Renamo
5 The Northern Cape's Manne Dipico

6 Hlengiwe Mkhize

7 Mitchells Plain on the Cape Flats

8 Moeneeb "Bowtie" Abrahams and Leonard "Chippie" Archilles of

the Hard Livings gang, Jackie Lonte of the Americans, Ismael April
of the Mongrels, to name a few

9 The Khmer Rouge leader, Pol Pot, who ran a regime which killed
at least one and a half million people

10 Bill Clinton

11 Monica Lewinsky

12 Linda Tripp

13 Michael Swango

14 The medical doctor, Ebrahim Rassool

15 She was the first woman executed by that state since the Civil

16 Talk-show host and one of the world's richest women, Oprah


17 The pig

18 John Berks, whose radio career spanned most stations from

Radio LM to Radio 702 from where he retired

19 Customers objected to the photographs of naked couples which

included a gay pair, an old couple, a mixed-race couple and a pair in
different sizes: she fat and he thin

20 R3-million

21 Then CEF chair Don Mkhwanazi

22 It was thrown out of court after Emanuel Shaw II failed to


23 Amalia Gold Mine

24 Thembi Mtshali

25 Robert de Niro

26 Rodriguez, the Bee Gees and The Temptations

27 Artist Steven Cohen

28 Vlakplaas, which was once under the command of Prime Evil,

Eugene de Kock

29 Ferdi Barnard. He was jailed for the murder of David Webster

30 Dr Helen Rees

31 Tomorrow Never Dies

32 The Democratic Party

33 Ketumile Masire

34 A tax-free pension, or 80% of his annual salary, whichever is


35 Namibia. President Sam Nujoma who is campaigning for a third

term in office

36 Morgan Tsvangirai

37 Margaret Dongo

38 George Michael, who has come out of the closet

39 Australian-born journalist John Pilger

40 The erstwhile head of news at the SABC, Allister Sparks

41 Romeo Khumalo

42 Microsoft's Windows 98

43 Sifiso Nkabinde

44 Michael Jackson

45 Zwelinzima Vavi

46 Newt Gingrich

47 Bob Livingston resigned as speaker-designate as he has had

extramarital affairs which he believed had compromised him

48 Privately

49 People's poet Mzwakhe Mbuli

50 The Network. Saki Macozoma, Wendy Luhabe, Seshi Chonco,

Ruel Khoza, Moss Ngoasheng

51 The African National Congress

52 The Inkatha Freedom Party

53 Foreign affairs official Robert McBride

54 It suspended McBride and declined to interfere in the affairs of

55 Vusi Mbatha, a gun-runner and police spy

56 Suiker Britz

57 It was a plan to crookedly grant state tenders and to get winning

bidders to augment IFP coffers

58 Former KwaZulu-Natal attorney general Tim McNally

59 Aung Suu Kyi

60 Viagra. It helps men keep an erection

61 Zimbabwe; Vuka-Vuka

62 Godfrey Moloi, Soweto

63 Helen Suzman

64 Judge William de Villiers ruled that Mandela could be called to

testify in the Sarfu case


66 Exclusive Books bought Facts & Fiction

67 Zimbabwe said no to a call by a women's land lobby for a third of

the land under
redistribution. The women said the government did not want the men
to turn against it

68 Y2K is the acronym for the millennium computer bug

69 Laurent Kabila's Democratic Republic of Congo

70 Congo, Angola, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Rwanda and Uganda

71 George Soros

72 Superintendent Henry Beukes

73 Minister of Health Nkosazana Zuma's sister Slobisile Nxgongo

punched hubby Sipho before their arrest on charges of
misappropriating R3,5-million from KwaZulu-Natal's health
department coffers

74 Tim McNally and Jan d'Oliveira

75 McNally resigned rather than face a transfer, and D'Oliveira

faced a backlash over his treatment of the Eikenhof Three

76 Cecil John Rhodes

77 The Sunday World

78 Avenues

79 Former Taba commune mayor Jean-Paul Akayesu

80 Performance artist Orlan; "carnal art"

81 Curry mafia king Suresh Maharaj

82 Buzzword Bingo

83 Foreigners

84 Xenophobia; the murder of three foreigners by jobless protesters

and a serial killer in Yeoville targeting foreigners

85 Fidel Castro

86 Indonesia

87 President Bucharuddin Habibie

88 University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania

89 Federico Fellini

90 Peninsula Technikon

91 The National Development Agency

92 Judge Pius Langa

93 Camille Paglia

94 University of Venda

95 India and Pakistan

96 Wupperthal in the Western Cape

97 Parks Mankahlana

98 Nigerian dicatator general Sani Abacha, and imprisoned Nigerian

president-elect Moshood Abiola

99 Felicia Mabuza-Suttle and Janie Allen

100 King Lear

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