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Weekly wages of all American workers since 1973 have declined nearly 20 percent; while at

the same time, wealth has been upwardly distributed. As of 1989, one percent of the
population owned 37 percent of the wealth and 10 percent of the population owned 86% of
the wealth, leaving 14 % of the wealth for 90% of population. About one out of every five
children in this country lives in poverty, including one out of very two African American
children and two out of every five Hispanic children.
Racial violence occurs most frequently in poor or lower-middle-class white urban
neighborhoods, particularly where housing values are declining and manufacturing jobs have
been lost. A sense of helplessness among many whites, combined with confusion over what
to do about and with the under class African Americans, has exploded violently. As whites
denounce African Americans on welfare, they also complain about the supercompetitive
Asian Americans
Although 71 percent of African Americans live in central cities and 66 percent of whites
reside in the suburbs, of those arrested (during the L.A. riots), only 36 percent were African
American. Postmodern culture is more and more a market culture -- focused on acquiring
pleasure, property and power by any means necessary.

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