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Exam Questions

1 Attack problem (Atk) element is a

Cultural readiness is

3 The success of business only has value if it can
4 set parameters, set standards, set benchmarks are used
symbols (sym) are one of the most dynamic tools an entrepreneuer can use
to help build their culture. Symbols can come in ----
6 Soft landing accelerators are
7 The term mission implies
The dimension to customer behavioural targeting are

When faced with uncertain or unknown situations of members of cultures
with highest uncertainty avoidance
The economic shift between Britain and America has parallels with events
happening today. A great example is the current standoff between
11 The best kind of new customer is one who is
12 When it comes to innovation in business , the goal is to
After determining the advertising objectives,the company next step in
developing an advertising program is to ----(budget)
14 Stories is startup
15 MDP is
16 Great entreprenuers with Deo game
17 If you are looking to start business then
18 Under sales campaign A/B testing allows a company
Programs are usually set around ___________________ in a pay-per-click
(PPC) program
20 Explainer video Landing page , raise fund from customer qualify as
21 SWOT analysis is
At the heart of attracting a strategic investment in your company sits the
23 "Staying casual" and Building a partnership in the digitization era
24 A pivot while managing a startup refers to
25 Programs are a set of customer based
26 When it comes to innovation in business , the goal is to
A prime example of transformative entrepreneurship, game changer or
disruptive innovation in early 18th century in US was
28 A marketing strategy gets broken into 2 core pieces
29 Cultural balance can be created in a startup by

Give to Three People Each Day, make a List of Your Needs, Stop Selling are
ways of
31 Customer insight is
32 Qualifier of great entrepreneur are
Sense of ----emotionally affects humans upto 75% more than any other sense
34 Like people brands have
35 A tagline usually comes from ---- of a startup
36 When building a team MVT stands for ----
37 MDP refferred as
38 A fluid and flexible situation
While crafting an equation functions for startups, an entrepreneuer considers
Stories (Sto) in startups are
41 A leader is accountable to
42 Companies across America saw huge profits through
43 Global startup economy there are
44 Grants can come in two flavours. They are
45 At the most basic level, scaling involves
46 startups are especially vulnerable
47 Local economic development incubators are
48 Logo offers the most impactful way to ---brand
Digitilaization era sees

50 A lot of time people don't know what they want until you show
51 Values (Val), Symbols (Sym), Balance (Bal) are all
52 The results of Adobe’s 2012 regarding creativity at the workplace show
53 Merchandising is

1 Liquid Workforce is
Individuals hired on a project basis
2 Resource diversification
Both b and c
3 Mip as a innovation method element provides for
Both b and c
4 A test trial allows for a prospective customer to
Try your company's product or service for a set duration of time
Try the product in development stage
5 ---- focus on seed-funded startups on the cusp of rapid growth
6 Which of the below is untrue when we speak of a Romantic leader
Wants creativity
7 The sharing economy, the era of maker, the anywhere liquid force is
Intermitten economy
8 Much like a family dynamic, business will eventually
None of above

9 A loyalty program of marketing program element is

Structured to encourage brand loyalty through encouraging buying
Structured for loyalty towards certain product channel
The funding clusters are group of individuals that help fund a business at
various stages of its lifecycle. Funds raised through friends and family provide
Seed Capital

When making your team for a start up, A perfect team will comprise of
Both a and b

12 Value proposition (Vap) from the solution (So) Model element is

Value you deliver to the customer by solving a specific problem they have
with certain product or service.
Value of the employees
13 Strategic foresight is the practice of creating
A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities, in such a
way as to take full advantage of
A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities, to prepare
for the future adversity
14 A perfectionist leader
Leads by example

15 Growth Hacking is the program with one absolute focus. That is


16 We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively

In a variety of environments

There are many components to ----- including card sorting, tree testing, eye
tracking focus groups, A/B testing, Surveys, interviews, contextual enquiry
and heuristic evaluations
Usability testing

The ------ can visualize the possibilities and translate the vision into
wireframes for the technical engineer

19 A landing page is
The entire website
A single page on the website dedicated to a specific promotion or deal that
the company is offering
20 Sensory branding includes

Before mechanization, in late 18th century Britain, textiles wer made

At home

Programs like Growth hacking, partners, loyalty programs, events, PR, word of
mouth, sponsorship and PPC are the vehicles used to
Make a business plan

23 In the ecosystem for leadership mentors and universities are


24 Bundling can occur with

Only a company's own product
a company's own products/services, other company's products/services or a
combination of both
Expansions can be partenered with diversification since a company is a scaling
model will expand to

26 pop space is a
permanent space provided in a store

27 Feld covers another framework that he created called the

boulder thesis

28 customer experience insights

are not important for start ups
are forms that a customer is required to fill
29 Frenchises as part of solution (So) approach elements is
Both a and b

30 Brand identity elements are

Logo, name

1 A loyalty program of marketing program elements is

Structured for internal employee loyalty
structured for another partnets loyalty
2 Sensory branding includes

3 Which of the below is untrue when we speak of a Romantic leader

Wants creativity

4 Individuals in the talent cloud are

can be hired as per need and requirement

5 Boulder thesis is defined as follows

Enterpreneures must lead the startup community
The leaders must have long term commitment
6 Brand identity elements are
Logo, name

7 elements of a great idea are


before building a business the foundation has to be laid, this can be best done
through an equation function that following primary functions
None of the above

9 The performer leader

Craves freedom

10 The term open innovation was promoted as

innovation of different products under same roof
none of the above
11 Some are forced to become entrepreneurs, reason being
both a and be

12 customer experience personas are

unhappy customers

13 The phase-I original industrial revolution was between


14 Opportunity is
the transition from an idea to a viable business

the funding clusters are groups of individuals that help fund the business at
various stages of its lifecycle. Funds raised through friends and family provide
funds for marketing

------- are the high networth individuals who invest their own money at early
stages of a start-ups life.

17 Much like a family dynamic, business will eventually

None of above

Before mechanization, in late 18th century Britain, textiles wer made

At home

19 Healthy core culture

Helps only the employers

20 --------- speaks to the totality of the brand

brand identity

21 ---- focus on seed-funded startups on the cusp of rapid growth


22 which of the characteristic holds true for entrepreneur

prefer to follow a template

23 In the ecosystem for leadership mentors and universities are


24 Which of the statements below is true

The business changes only at regular well defined intervals
As you grow and change, so will your business
25 What makes and idea unique
Idea and how you connect the need, the opportunity and eventually the
execution will make your version unique
The usage of the idea
The ------ can visualize the possibilities and translate the vision into
wireframes for the technical engineer

27 Feld covers another framework that he created called the

boulder thesis

Expansions can be partenered with diversification since a company is a scaling

model will expand to

29 solution channels from the solution (so) model elements is

most cost efficient ways to reach out to customers
research for target audience
The solution (So) function of the foundation equation have the following
Business model and the core element
Business model and generation
Exam Answers
Part of generating ideas through brainstorming
All the above (A) About adopting values and a mission that supports an innovation culture
B) Creating new culture for the market, target audience
C) Creating a parallel culture in the work place)

If you can get away from it for a little while and run without
To define respectful boundaries
all of these

newly evolving type of accelerators

Direction and Purpose
Customer Acquisition
Branding reinforcement
Customer retention

China and India

refered by an existing customer

Create valuable intellectual property with financial returns

Both a) and b)
Minimum Delightful Product
Create resilient organizations that value expertise
An idea will suffice
Take two versions of a product, service, entity or promotion and test them.
All the above (Key words, Budgets,Benchmarks)

Market Research Method
Business Plan

Are two ways of building relationship with customers

Reconfiguring business model
Advertisements and activities that help you achieve your marketing goals
to create valuable intellectual property with financial returns

Programs and channels

the effort get the hire right the first time(Complementary Skills,Willing to Disagree)
Building network

Customer is studied in depth about habits

Sense of Smell

A personality,A soul, belief systems,Aspirations, and ambitions

your positioning statement
Minimum Viable team
Minimum Delightful Product
Allows one to play around with elements till you can build an equation that fits you best
All the above (Employers, Employees, Customers)

Are a direct, easy-to-understand form of communication

B) Are to craft a culture
Expansion of mass-produced goods
Hundreds all over the world
Government and Private
Marketing your product at scale and Designing your product for scale
To less enthusiastic team mates
Non-profit in structure
Giving home hobbyists or makers the ability to create solutions to real-world problems and Create a
whole new sector of entrepreneurial opportunities

Steve Jobs
Additive culture elements
Most employees are creative at workplace
when you sell your product or service through retail outlets andBoth online and offline shopping
All of above
All of above
Freelance workers An employee but working remotely Both a and b

extends your reach creates confusion in the market May offer another potential scaling strategy

acclerated use of licensing Creation of joint ventures and spin offs None of the above

Try the product when not out in market yet

both a and c

Grants Incubators Acclerators

Competitive Instant expert Craves freedom

Characteristics of a developing economy Part of the forces of change None of above

Disintigrate face problems between employees Need a set of values

Structured for another buyers loyalty
Structured for internal employee loyalty

None of the above Funds for marketing For the established startups

Developer, Designer and Domain Expert Developer, Designer and business developer

Value of the product Value of the technology

Both a and b

none of above

Only a and c Hates timelines and schedules Feels pride in being needed

Planning Growth Recruiting

Only in an office environment Only with colleagues we trust Only in a strict formal sur

All of above Benchmarking Behavioural targetting

Business developer Creative, designer Domain expert

none of the above The home page

sound touch, taste/smell

at common market place at common community places in village None of the above

all of above market build the product

Policy Markets Human capital

The same prodcut only complimantary products only

Verticals New Markets all of above

permanent store none of the above mobile space

start up study feld thesis New economy thesis

collect, measures and manages customer insights and feedback

Are part of business process that is neglected

Part of your strategy to expand business An existing business privilage that you purchase None of above

color, tagline positioning, tagline all of the above

structured to encourage brand loyalty through encouraging buying behaviour

structured for loyalty towards certain product channel

sound touch, taste/smell

Competitive Instant expert Craves freedom

specialists all of above specialists with varied experience

The start up community must be inclusive of anyone who wants to participate in it

all of above
color, tagline positioning, tagline all of the above

simplicity and vision all of the above Need and opportunity

Entrepreneur both a and b idea, solution

loves the spotlight leads by exmaple great critical power

Way of thinking that "assumes firms can and shoud use external ideas, and in
Innovation of similar product

necessity because everyone else is doing Passion

first time customers potential customers ideal customers

1750-1870 1800-1850 1700-1750

The idea itself the target audience none of the above

for the established startups none of the above seed capital

Family and friends venture capitalists banks

Disintigrate face problems between employees Need a set of values

at common market place at common community places in village None of the above

helps increase the productivity and growth of an organization helps only the employees
advertisement logo tagline

Grants Incubators Acclerators

both a and b take a path where others will not tread ability to take calculated

Policy Markets Human capital

The business remains static at all times

There are no equations with adabtable structures that will fit your business thr

the simplicity of an idea Just one of a kind idea

Business developer Creative, designer Domain expert

start up study feld thesis New economy thesis

Verticals New Markets all of above

solution to problems being faced by customers

research to identify a market

Business model and the approach element

aling strategy
Marketer, Technical engineer, domain expert

Both a and b

none of above

Only in a strict formal surrounding

None of above

ying behaviour

ed experience

to participate in it
use external ideas, and internal and external to markets

y the employees is of no help

ability to take calculated risks

at will fit your business through the ups and down.

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