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` E
````````````````````````````` `````` H A
Fablessss$$$ p. 1

Ailments p. 3

Killers? p. 4

Earnings p. 5

Potions p. 6

Herbs p. 7

Antibodies p. 8

Rituals p. 9

Mary-Jane p. 10

Anonymity p. 11 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers
This text calls for readers to send this writer information, in

confidence, about alternative preventions and cures for lab-

made biowarfare diseases such as HIV, cancer and COVID19.

This offering is
the precursor to
This document contains two main sections. The first
an open-access
segment provides historical context for humanity’s war
against the mass murder money making crime rackets of the

This forthcoming Western Toxic Fake Pharma Industrial Complex (WtFPIC).

directory shall
list alternative The second part outlines five healthcare prevention and
treatments and treatment categories. These classes in order are Potions,
cures for cancer
Herbs, Antibodies, Rituals and Marijuana.
that are not
This document merely lists examples of interventions that
recognized by
certain agents allege are bona fide preventions and
the Western
treatments for two chronic medical conditions: HIV/AIDS
Toxic Fake
and cancers. It does not endorse medical examples cited.
Complex. The final section talks about online privacy. It also offers a

list of references for images shown in this modest booklet.

1 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

According to folk lore, the Deep State do not mind if free agents share top-secret effective

alternative preventions, and treatments for deadly chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS and cancer –

on one proviso. Apparently, We the People may only quietly share super-fast, super-cheap

medical discoveries with a small circle – i.e., only among our most favorite friends and family.

Those who step outside this paradigm may face one or more sanctions. Examples include

incarceration, lawsuits, penalties and ostracization at-large. Some may pay the ultimate price.

This media story is an example that discusses the fate of a medical whistleblower in China.


Vitamins A, B Group, C, D, E, K et al.

Is this famous two-words idiom, above, a form of global mind control?

2 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers


Who was

Alfredo Darrington Bowman?

Did ‘Doctor Sebi’ hold an earned

Doctorate from a recognized health

care training institute?

3 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Killers ?
These e-books are recommended background reading. Both are open-access texts by this writer.

Please consider these research topics,

below, as further background reading.

4 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers


5 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Medicinal compound is a popular product offered to prevent and treat chronic ailments. I offer

an example of concoctions endorsed by Western medicine and alternative medicine below.

The HIV lab made bio-warfare depopulation bug has earned the WtFPIC about 33 trillion dollars.

Excuse me 1980’s

immunology lab research

guy, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Do you think that this cheapy

cheap cure works?

6 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Plant based remedies are a popular product offered to prevent and treat ailments. I offer an

example of medicine endorsed by Western medicine and alternative medicine below.

What claims are made in this book featured below?

How did you draw this conclusion?

7 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Maximizing the efficacy of the immune system is a cornerstone of modern and traditional

medicine. I offer an example of interventions endorsed by Western and alternative medicine.

Organic produce such as garlic, onions, ginger, and turmeric may boost the immune system.

8 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Human behaviors – active and passive – may increase health and wellbeing. Exercise is an

example of an active behavior. Desisting from smoking is an example of a passive response. I

offer an example of interventions endorsed by Western and alternative medicine.



techniques are

popular Western

approaches to so-

called mental health.

Spiritual healing approaches may be the antithesis of so-called psychotherapy.

9 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

The Western money-maximizing mass murder mobster medical racket has gradually, and

begrudgingly acknowledged that Sweet Mary J (minus the THC) may have healing properties.

As the years pass, it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between discourses that classify

‘medicalized cannabis’ in ways that are mutually exclusive to notions of modern medicine.

10 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers


There is no privacy guarantee whatsoever on

the internet and in the realm of digital and
radio communications. Those who
passionately dispute this claim may harbor a
devious agenda-pushing conflict-of-interest.

Thespian detectives who proactively advise

this writer about IT security are the types
who propagate fairy tales about online
privacy. It is easier to capture sensitive data
when a naïve target believes that there are
crafty ways remain under the radar in
cyberspace. The Clowns ran the infamous Silk
Road ‘anonymous’ online drug empire.
J Jericho, February 2021

11 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers


Dr J Jericho

Tel. and Text: + 1 206 774 9920

Online data sharing uploads

All correspondences with this author are in the strictest confidence.

This writer requests correspondences from any individual or collective that may aid him to author

the open-access (free) handbook referred to one page one of this document. This researcher has

an ethical duty to inform all readers that his phone line, email, and other correspondences are

automatically intercepted by multiple government agencies and maybe others, in real-time.

For some, maybe many, this disclosure above would never deter them from corresponding with

this author – anonymously (e.g. via a pseudonym) or via their real identity.

Nowadays, there are a minute number of ways that a non tech savvy person can send information

to another person anonymously via online, digital or radio (e.g., telephone) communications. I

may construct a free handbook that outlines the ever-shrinking menu of possibilities.

I outline two examples overleaf of how people may correspond anonymously.

12 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Non-registered: cell phone / notebook / tablet / WIFI / message service

Kitty bought her cell phone from Walmart. She paid in cash and did not provide verifiable

customer registration details, for example, to obtain a redeemable voucher. Her cell phone

purchase cannot be traced. She was wearing a large mandatory shopper’s face mask inside

Walmart. She was also wearing a floppy winter hat and thick framed spectacles inside

Walmart. Her face is therefore not recognizable by CCTV cameras. She was not carrying a

global tracking device, such as another cell phone on her inside Walmart. Fabulous Kitty did

not connect her cell phone to a phone carrier such as Ultra Mobile. She only uses free public

access WIFI that does not request verifiable/traceable registration details.

Kitty wears her mask, hat, and thick spectacles when she sends a message in a public space

that offers free WIFI. She messages J Jericho at:

This writer bears no joy when he provides this realistic and somewhat extreme example of a

way in which a person may communicate anonymously in the online world. With rare

exception, no method that aims to avoid detection is guaranteed 100% safe. In the fictitious

example above, Kitty sent her message via a public library’s free WIFI service. She drove 177

miles from home to avoid detection. The NSA note that her message was sent at 11:11 am

on February 2, 2020. Only one person was using this WIFI service at that time. Unbeknown

to Kitty, the on-duty librarian recognized Kitty as a former classmate from the 1980s. She

informs the detective she suspects the sender was Miss Kitty Cator from Pink, Oklahoma.

13 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Tech free

Tech free is often the best way to provide information anonymously.

Dropping a hand typed memo into a USPS postal box

is an example that avoids using tech. Such agents

may be detected by other means such as their

signature writing style, fingerprints and CCTV

cameras that capture them accessing the mailbox.

Others who are aware of this person’s contribution

may identify them and squeal like a pink piglet.

© HBO (Left)

This writer may upload the details of a postal box address at the web address shown on page 12.

Such mail will almost certainly be intercepted and read by a third party, before being distributed

in my PO Box. I should still get the package. You should remain anonymous, so long as you don’t

get careless and drop an eyelash inside the envelope, that is traceable to a DNA database.

Not all people who use extreme methods to protect their privacy are criminals. Privacy is a right.

14 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers


Best Doctors (2021), The Best Six Doctors,

Cancer (2021), Understanding Immunotherapy,




Courteney, D. (2017), DIY Pain Relief Remedies: 40 Recipes with Essential Oils and Medicinal

Herbs: (Young Living Essential Oils Guide, Essential Oils Book, Essential Oils for Weight Loss),

CreateSpace Publishing,


Drugs (2021), Triumeq Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs,


DuckDuckGo (2021), Search: Dr Sebi Natural Cures,

Fratkin, J. (2005), ‘Modern Applications for Antiviral Therapy’, Acupuncture Today, 6(3).

15 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Goldstein, B. (2020), Cannabis Is Medicine: How Medical Cannabis and CBD Are Healing

Everything from Anxiety to Chronic Pain, Google Books.


Jericho, J. (2019), Deep State Playbook 101: 101 Ways that Globalists Depopulate and

Enslave Humanity, free book – download at

––––––– (2020), Vaccine$: Mass Murder Revelation?,

Kent Ro Systems (2021), Everyday Foods that Improve your Immune System,

Khan, M. et al. (2016), A Natural Cure to HIV : Nature and Its Cures,

Make a Meme (2021), Doctor’s Orders Meme (Adapted),

Plante, T. (Ed) (2018), Healing with Spiritual Practices: Proven Techniques for Disorders from

Addictions and Anxiety to Cancer and Chronic Pain, Free preview:


16 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

Red Rock Recovery Center (2021), Let’s Talk About Opiates,

Rodgers, T. (2015), Medical Marijuana Horticulture Home Grown Alternative Medicine,

c/- Kindle Unlimited.

Sebi Images (2021), Sebi Publications,

Taher, Qurrot Ulain (2014), Counselling HIV/ AIDS Patient,

The Free Library (2002), Interview with David Jubb,

Further reading – Something about SEVI.

Roan, Nadia R., et al. (2009), ‘The cationic properties of SEVI underlie its ability to enhance

human immunodeficiency virus infection.’, Journal of Virology 83(1), pp.73-80.

Cures for HIV have been known for decades. Those who dare to discuss these publicly are

censored, ridiculed, deregistered, ostracized, jailed, and marginalized by those who control

apex power structures such as the Canadian Medical A$$ociation. Some are …. (see above).

17 CURES? HIV/AIDS and Cancers

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