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My office

(Singular and plural nous/there is/there are/prepositions of place-this-that-these-


Imagina que vas a montar tu propia oficina, visualiza cómo sería, cómo estaría
distribuida, qué tendría, qué máquinas e implementos de oficina habrían.
1. Dibújala a mano.

2. Describe en inglés las máquinas e implementos de oficina con que cuenta.

20 máquinas y elementos-escrito-there is-are-demonstratives adjectives)
1. there is a plant
2. there is a clock
3. there is a boat
4. there is a cup
5. there is a lamp
6. there is a printer
7. there is a drawer
8. there is a computer
9. there are some books
10. there is a small plant
11. there is a window
12. there is a curtain
13. there is a candle
14. there is a light bulb
15. there is an oligraph
16. there is a pre-portrait
17. there is a table
18. there is a mug
19. there is an incense
20. there is a picture
3. Describe en inglés la ubicación de las máquinas e implementos dentro de la oficina.
(Un párrafo con mínimo 10 oraciones-escrito- prepositions of place)
1. Where is the clock? It is on the wall, in the paintings.
2. Where are the books? They are in the big drawer, near the window.
3. Where is the plant? It is on the wall, under the books.
4. Where is the printer? It's in the drawer, near the table.
5. Where is the boat? It is on the wall, near the portrait.
6. Where is the pen? It's on the table, near the plant.
7. Where is the lamp? It is on the table, near the well.
8. Where is the window? It's on the wall, next to the big drawers.
9. Where is the light bulb? It's on the wall, behind the painting.
10. Where is the computer? It is on the table, near the plant.

Para redactar lo anterior debes escribir oraciones completas e incluir there is/there
are/prepositions of place/ this-that-these-those y demás temas vistos en clase.
Debe ser redactado con tus propias palabras, no usar google translator, usar

 Fecha de entrega: 30 de noviembre en plataforma.

 Se debe entregar en medio digital (fotos o documento Word, PPP o PDF) y
subirlo a la carpeta -My office- como en la plataforma Territoriun.
 Se debe presentar en clase (sustentación).

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