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Your siblings are an important part of your life

Many people think that only the role of parents is very important in the family when
in fact siblings also have an important role. Every part of the family has the same role, be it
parent or child. Siblings are important people in life. We grow together and play together and
their presence gives a lot of color to our lives. Without us knowing we have a very strong
bond with our siblings.
Brotherhood is one of the longest relationships we can have.When you have a sibling,
you will not be lonely, because as long as you grow, you are not alone, but you grow with
your brother. Many things will be done together whether it's playing learning until sleeping
together. Your day will be so colorful because in addition to playing you will also experience
a period where you will be at odds with your brother, but that is what can make the
relationship stronger. Friends may come and go but siblings are friends who will never leave,
maybe he looks indifferent but apart from parents there is only him when we fall. That's
because we grow together, with parents, memories, and the same experiences.
You are the only safest place to share stories besides parents.There must be some very
sensitive things that you cannot share with others whether it is a matter of feelings or
problems with your own personality. For example, when we grow into adolescents, we will
experience a period of interest in the opposite sex and sometimes it is very embarrassing
when discussed with parents. When we get or experience something less pleasant at school
then we can pour it out on our siblings, why because you won't drop your siblings and of
course they will try to be good listeners.
You will always support and protect each other. Many things we want sometimes are
inversely proportional to the wishes of family or friends, sometimes it makes us worse off or
give up in achieving these goals. Sometimes you may seem bitchy or indifferent, but that is
only an assumption because in truth you will understand how we feel because we are in the
same position as children in the family, so he will support us while it is good. Since
childhood, brothers used to protect each other from even the smallest accidents. When you
have something that you fear out there, just say it to your brother so he will try his best to
protect you.
     Your relationship with you is unlimited, because it can't be broken.When we have
complaints, then you are a place to share because you may not want to spit the privacy of
your own brother. When we are at the lowest point even though you will always be there to
support us even as much as possible will always protect us. So it is not uncommon for
anyone to depend on his good brother in everything, because he considers if the brother is the
second parent in his life.
So siblings and parents actually have an important part in life.It can not be compared
because it already has a portion of each of them in life. When parents are absent then you
have a big role in your life. We grow together and experience joy and sorrow together,
sometimes we forget if the sibling is part of we have a dispute but in the heart it is definitely
not justified because between us there is a very strong bond. We will not be able to part with
our siblings because in our blood the same blood flows.

Resvita Stevania Br Barus/290425156

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