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Topic: People have various ways of relieving stress. What are some of the
ways that you find most effective in relieving stress? Give reasons and
examples to support yout responses.

INTRODUCTION : my ways of relieving stress

SUPPORTING PARA 1 : get away from the stress

(examples) : read a book, see a movie, visit friends
(reason) : necessary to leave stress to relieve it
(personal story) : a time last month when I was able to finish a
difficult assignment after leaving it for a while and
going to see a movie

SUPPORTING PARA 2 : get moving

(examples) : go for a walk, go dancing, go to the gym
(reason) : helpful in providing an outlet for stress
(personal story) : a time last year when I was finally able to deal
with a problem wih a friend after going on a long,
long walk

CONCLUSION : 1. to relieve stress, get away from it and move

2. problems seem small and solutions seem clear

Choose your topics here:
Name: Cindy Angelica J
NIM: 2201787871
Prodi: Interior Design

Topic: Modern technology is changing our world. This has advantages such
as bringing people closer together through communication. It also has
disadvantages such as destroying the differences between cultures. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement?

INTRODUCTION : Technology has advantages and disadvantages in

our life.

SUPPORTING 1 : Technology has advantages.

(examples) : We can easily communicate with other people
whose far from us.
(reason) : Without technology we can’t communicate with
other people.
(personal story) : My aunt is in Jakarta while my grandmother is in

SUPPORTING 2 : Technology has disadvantages

(examples) : The worst thing about technology is destroying
the differences between cultures.
(reason) : Some people want to know about other people’s
life in different world.
(personal story) : Now, everyone loves to follow korean lifestyle

CONCLUSION : Technology has advantages and disadvantages

Write a 250(at least ) – word paragraph based on the selected topic!

Topic: Modern technology is changing our world. This has advantages such
as bringing people closer together through communication. It also has
disadvantages such as destroying the differences between cultures. Do you
agree or disagree with this statement?

Today, technology is very important because it is used for almost everything and like
everything, technology has advantages and disadvantages. In the world today, people can’t
live without technologies such as televisions, mobile phones, computers and others. These
technologies have slowly taken an essential part in people’s day-to-day lives and being
without them would be unimaginable for some of us. To understand technology, one must
know what it provides in terms of advantages, but also disadvantages.

First, the evolution of technology is beneficial to humans for several reasons. At the
medical level, technology can help treat more sick people and consequently save
many lives and combat very harmful viruses and bacteria.

The invention of the computer was a very important point. Communication is thus
enhanced, and companies can communicate more easily with foreign countries.
Research is also simplified.

For companies, progress is saving in time and therefore in money. Exchanges are
faster especially with the internet. Sales and purchases are now facilitated and
possible worldwide. This allows businesses to buy raw materials with discounts or at
reduced prices. Similarly, global tourism has grown.

Technology has also increased the productivity of almost every industry in the world.
Thanks to technology, we can even pay with bitcoins instead of using banks. The
digital coin has been such a game changing factor, that many realised that this is the
right time to open a bitcoin demo account.

When observed more closely, new things are discovered every day. Let’s take for
instance when radio waves were discovered, radio broadcasts followed suit almost
immediately. The same applies to the television and electricity. If no one had
discovered that electricity could be generated, then the entertainment industry
wouldn’t be at it’s current stage of development.

On the other hand, the evolution of modern technology has disadvantages, for
example, dependence on new technology. Man no longer needs to think. Even if the
calculator is a good invention, man no longer makes mental calculation and no
longer works his memory. The decline of human capital implies an increase in
unemployment. In some areas, devices can replace the human mind.

The use of technology certainly needs rule and new laws. For example internet use
is an individual freedom. However, the invention of the atomic bomb cannot be an
individual freedom. In fact, regulations are difficult to implement when these
technologies are introduced – such as regulation surrounding the impending arrival
of autonomous vehicles.

Finally, as most technological discoveries aim to reduce human effort, it would imply
that more work is done by machines. This equates to less work for people: the
human is becoming ever so obsolete by the day, as processes become automated
and jobs are made redundant.
I me Mine
You you Yours
He him His
She her Hers
It it
We us Ours
You you Yours
They them theirs

A certain student worked very hard on a project. He did all of the work on it by himself, and
his professor was very please with this work.
therefore result follows in addition more information follows
as a result result follows moreover more information follows
thus result follows furthermore more information follows
consequently result follows
in contrast opposite information follows
for example example follows on the other hand opposite information follows
for instance example follows nevertheless unexpected information follows
nonetheless unexpected information follows
in conclusion conclusion follows however opposite or unexpected information
in summary conclusion follows follows

in fact emphasis follows fortunately something lucky follows

indeed emphasis follows surprisingly something unexpected follows
interestingly something unexpected follows
although contrast
even though contrast as cause
though contrast because cause
while contrast inasmuch as cause
whereas contrast now that cause
since cause

A group of students really wanted a certain program to be added to the university curriculum. The students
Presented their request to the university; in addition, they got hundreds of signatures on a petition.
Nonetheless, their request was denied.

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