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Gorgonio Saucedo

Proffesor Khurana

June 11, 2020

Extra credit

How was my experience during Covid-19?

My experience during covid-19 and all thats been happening with the prostest and the

police hurting innocent civilians. Its has been one really overwhelming year and it just started I

hope it gets better in the long run and the people protesting get the justice they so desperately

deserve. I do feel sympathetic for Gorge Floyed watching the video clearly shows that police

officer was using excessive force untimely killing him which was horrible because the officer

had the man under control and handcuffed at which point he should of put him in the patrol car

yet he didn’t. Now, just the one officer isn’t the only one in the wrong the back up he called in

should of intervened because the man was obviously under control and cuffed they should have

stood by and just watched so they are to blame just as much as the man that killed Gorge. So

that’s where I stand with the people protesting. The only thing that I don’t agree with is the

people lootign or destroying small businesses. One because the small businesses are the one’s

most effected by covid-19. For example, a survey done by “​New Report: The Impact of

COVID-19 on Small Businesses” they sent out a survy to small businesses asking them a series

of question on how they are doing many responded saying that many businesses will be closing

permanently,many workers will become unemployed, and most are taking out loans to stay

afloat. This had me concerned because so many people are already unemployed and the economy

is already getting bad now the people that are looting and vandalising the community is just
making thing worse. Now, getting into covid-19 how so many businesses went out of business or

closed down because of the quarantine. And the gender the is going to be most effected are

women as stated in an article by Alisha Hari Dasani Gupta in “Why This Economic Crisis

Differs from the Last One for Women” she stated that women are the ones going to be most

effect by the quentine than men are because men do more manual labor than women and the jobs

that are closing down are women dominatined such restaurant, or a travel sector. This is true and

scary because I have a few friends that work at restaurants and some family that make their

income and help with bills this is scary because they are out of the job they can’t help with bills

as much because they dont make anymore tips because of the quarantine. So now they have to be

smarter with their money and now they are spending less and saving more. This is bad because

remembering how a reseccion starts from the class notes financial crisis a recession starts when

people are buying less and saving more this causes businesses to match demand making them

fire employees causing the unemployment to go up. Me knowing this and watching it happen

scares me so much because we are watching ourselves bring the economy down right in front of

our eyes on the news and in the family.

Overall my experience during this horrible time was frightening. For the reason covid-19

taking so many lives and so many peopel are getting sick especially in my county riverside

which is almost 9 thousand people according to the news. To top it off seeing people destroy

businesses and loot them while the small businesses are barely staying afloat and so many

unemployed people mostly women. Seeing this and knowing whats happening because of this is

terrifying. I’m just hoping that we can pull ourselves together before we hit rock bottom.

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