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physics - part Ca) 7 - an Dates OR-6P- 2n2d Lecture —4 Cremustcee Madam) > Toc A | Gi what is light | Anss Light has aspect of both waves and parcticles. we will frtreoduce three models of WD the wone model of: \aht — the ef this chapter = de sublucl © rtibes how \ighet Wwones spread out and , how -the -superzposikion. of aertaenoz) rnutliphe light woves causes fntercfercente. (Sibae) ) “the ray mode] of lhl. au, whch light Se ag + ctreovels in Strela: lines will explain hew | mirizorS — cond | of chapte rc) lenses wortte. Cw ig the subecd- | the secondarey wove Sreend (ui) “The photon ‘mod el of Wight which wt be disc ussed in parce js am ienporetan parc} of Cuomum Physics Hygens Principle. A wavefront can be delined as [the lecus of all the points of | ahich the medium are Nibreating fn phase and aice also Aisplaced at the sane lyme According. wto hyjens prencigle. ail poids on +he Premarcy — csaveferend are Sourcce ' ot secondarcy | diesturel 7 bONCE « “hese Seconclarcy tones travel thiceug| | “Thizeug c tr | gn Space with the same Neloclly ot the orginal wave and the envelope of all the secon ceirey imerenal of ime aves TSS ts Dear aha YP PPPS PPAF Ze e2aaeae = Date? 14-08-2020 Lecture —2. Cemusteee madam) x | Irherefercence os light s Let xy be a plane res aes pes OT | lacing surface and Amp the insident. phme | fmm? Woesiont « All the Parelicles on AB will be Nibreeting gm ghase- Let T be the angle of inadence. In the -lime the distubeande ad 4 treaches,e | the secondary waves Stem the point B pam have Heavelled “at diskme © equal) sto Ac. with the pont Boas cenipe ard TadliuS — equal to AC construct a sphere. From -the point C, we need +e dreau terrg. ‘ mb cD amd cD”. then BD= Rp’ Ta she 4s pac and ppc BC is Common BD=AC ard < BALE > are, cong | rouen++ Ac = AFAFC Bub, AF= ME FC= EN *. Ac=™ME LEN | Thus all secondary coors Sean didsercent | points on 4is feeach. the corucesponding- Ports lon. cp at the same chime. Therdorme ep | Sorems the reflected plame novelengd la, | wavedrearct amd alsq the male ab inuden@ i gs reeShkebhiar . Date 2 25-08-2026 Lecture -3 C7anus cee ~redam ) x fe caesar cag car eager Ar what is mlercSercence of light 9 Amst rerclercence of light fs @ special Pheromenan reedlecting dhe woe rerlurce of Night DUE -to intercdercente 5 light too woes Interclertcen( — ewrllr eaky there amd where crest cmd creest one treugh and tresugh meet amplitude 94 \ght becomes very large end we Soy, Sheree happens Constructive rthercdercente Crest | Treugty, PR MORRARBTHMARRARRHRRAHARKAAKAKAKRK EEE EEE RR EEeERE enstreuctive interclerence ew, — Cwwone st) a aN ISNT (ume) A Coistruchive intercfercen ce) KARA ee ae Sea) physics (aoe =20) prt—@. Leckme— 4 Tan shee Roy L | , 4 1 | Theony ef -youma’s pouble ail Experiment ob inten femence of Night. eacn aay) Cores tear By) os ~ s Considen a nawnowd monochmomelic source S Dew an —koo Pinohols A and B» equidistant mom SA 22009) and Bact as two cohewent sounle oo ted by a distmce d. Let a screen be placed at a distance p trom -the coherent sounle St | Noley slts, Screen, LL | boightt+, dake Senge, Ia. Ac= Be, pATH 1 and Sz- | Ld Dillenence SoO,c ¥ Bill be bright cp=X L a ) Sources » “The point con she scneen 5 equidictant faom A and 8: snerelone, rhe path diflenence bekoecen the feo wares jo Zewno + thus the por | hag maxrmuM men sity: | (Sse) | Consider a pont p ot a di | woves weoch at -the porn ptrom A and & glance x from CG We! Herve, pO= eh, PR= wet Le cep 4n’= b+ ort] — [Pa G-£) i pp apy x ~ “weptaAp Ger AP=P Cappresimalely ) aad path difference = @P-AP= “z= as plas difderenc-e at Cs) CEPTS VAVYYYyyyprypyyv | ‘he clon gives the distinc: of the bright | doing-es dom the pombe. Adc, the path differ 2 Sse gai 8 wh, Sringe 5 bem Sormed- "ereee odd -mubtiple. ae Jonge 14 the path didfewente 1s of. half wmelength , the point pis dav. 06 = OL23 xd (aa 2- whene = O/U2 . : - ee 5. ae (2nti)AD neo a en = nel m= AP N22, Wee at The distance between amy tao consecutive dork SAD _3AD__ aD Siges: -% = BP 30D | ve distance behacen any too cense tuitive ogre ow dark srring s is Lenoiovl aS Srings eee Seve , atemnalely \rgiet cone lois prrallel fenges aoe Jormel » The Srings ame somd N both sde od C Moree, Sum equation O) and i): 45 clean het athe width of bright sige is equal to the width of the date Fringe: A the Srirges one equal in width ond qe inclependend of endem of she Fringe. ; =the breadth of a bright on a daplk Sovgs ‘ is, Woweven, equal to half the Srmge width « 18 equal to AD The deinge width peAb hevedove the width of the dringe is divechly proportional +to the vravelength od lige, pu lope - — Slept] Aralilical treatment of inlerSercence * Gasiler a monechicomate s soulkcen ef light S emiling Waves of Wane lenghd A and two narcrcouo pinholes and B Crig.@.3)- A and RB arce equidistm+ A virelua] cohercent source drm s and act as wo let a. be the ampltude of Prase difSercence between the two weres aad cthe : wanes - The the potnt (Pp) at any facto is @: Sy, and y, ame the di placements = asinwt De = asin (wt +) ee y= Ay ceswe sin § = asinwl + asinurt-Cosd +4 E'S lh = asinwt G+ cos) + acosut sin f Taina CH cosd)= Reso asinf = RSne® = ReinwobessO4 269, when O d= Rsin L4+ 6) vibreation of amplitude R. Squaring (1) ave (i) and. ald. Rade + REG L tan bil tS die ey R= Oaid | aan, fe wit) SS rts dand 1ate isd atesd SS RS 2a “The intense at @ point is diver by the squane od the amplitude =r 4 4 a 4 4 ‘ 4 4 ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ 4 which represent the i ‘ c =< 2 equation of simple hh, : imp agement Gy ‘ 4 “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' 1 ( ‘ ( \ ' a (eae ats YH special cases \D Se oan 2(en) vv nlan) oF athe path afferzeerXW xr od 2).-..0 {= 4a is a whole brtensitf fs maximan when the phase dedfercenle mumbere mubiple of an ote the path differcent© is 4 beng dr : whole numberc multiple of wave @ when phase differcence (SLM anya ore | the path ddfercente X= My, 2b» shy. Goat) % | Infensyy 1S -winimntan when -the pith dsferrenG 1S amuthple oF halt ee , | an odd viuembere _ pate Freesnel’s biprcis m Fiesnel used a biprism +o shoud inleterente pheno MENON - Ke biprism abe consicls of too acute. “mled — prims placed base +o base . AC- tually H# ts constructed as a single prism of obtuse angle oF about 1x9". The acute angle & on both sides is about 30. The prism is placed oth Hs reedreacchog edge parallel +o +he Ime soutcce) Glite) such that sa fs ~erema) —te the dace be of the ISM. when light Satis Sram S$ om the | “ere poretany of the biprismm it IS beng YPhrards, amd appears te core Srey the Virclual source, 2. similarcly light alligg- Sreem $ | on the uppere portion of the prism is bent downwards appears +o cme’ Spam +he Nitelaal Sourcce A+ Thereforce A and © act as “to coherent Source - Suppose the distmce between A ond B=d. It ascreen is placed) lat c: Indercfercence UCL VV VV yyy yyy yyy Leo ei aeebianbienttee Ae eRe LED | Sogs Bote | at the n hid pe AD Bd aan In equdion C)B and D are bon. (ft d es } also tenor A Com be ealCalafed . | | | Deteremmation of the disknce between lhe two sue steal sources (ds For, {ye purepose » we make use of the dieplacement| Method: A cmver lent, rs placed — helween dhe biprism — and the Nirelal sources. A and fs | ake Seem ty the dield od wiew of dhe eyepiece. Suppose the lens ts dhe position Ly Measure the disdmce between the images od A and B ax seem in the eyepiece. Le+ j4 be ay | Now mae -the \n this’ case ay Nin WI == oH lens towards the

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