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When Mikenna Beattie asked me to write her a recommendation letter for this employment

opportunity, I was delighted to do this for her. Mikenna was one of Saint Francis University’s
exceptional writing center tutors—professional, poised, and, above all, empathetic toward other
students struggling with the writing process. Considering how much Mikenna contributed to our
writing center, I fully and without any reservations recommend her for this position.

Although I have trained over eighty undergraduate tutors since I began directing Saint Francis
University’s writing center nearly ten years ago, Mikenna, who first joined the staff in 2019, is
among the most effective tutors with whom I have ever worked. From her very first tutoring
session, Mikenna exhibited a natural ability to help students express their specific concerns and
determine ways to resolve them. Although she is knowledgeable of the English grammar system, as
well as MLA and APA style guidelines, Mikenna presented herself as an equal rather than a superior
to each student she assists, serving as a mentor and guide rather than directing the session to
ensure the student retained full control and agency over his or her own paper. Moreover, Mikenna
was incredibly kind and patient with students, especially those who appeared frustrated or
intimidated by the writing process. I heard Mikenna on several occasions tell an anxious writer, “I
know how tough writing can be sometimes. Why don’t we see if we can help you brainstorm some
ideas for this part of your paper, and we’ll go from there?” Such simple but reassuring words never
failed to ameliorate students’ nerves, and within a few minutes of friendly conversation, the
student, with Mikenna’s help, would devise a plan for addressing the source of difficulty and
moving forward with the writing process.

Mikenna became such a strong tutor that I soon began requesting her to mentor the center’s newest
hires, particularly those with little to no experience working with unskilled or anxious writers.
Mikenna proved adept in this area as well, modeling for tutors effective techniques for helping such
writers without becoming too directive during tutorial sessions. She also frequently led training
workshops with other experienced tutors and demonstrated for new tutors strategies for
addressing challenging situations such as plagiarism.

Mikenna Beattie is a natural tutor, mentor, and teacher. She remains one of the most conscientious
employees who ever worked at Saint Francis University under my supervision. I therefore
wholeheartedly support her application for this position. If you would like to discuss Mikenna’s
application further, please contact me at (814) 471-1111 or


Dr. Brennan Thomas

Chair of the Department of Literature & Languages
Writing Center Director
Saint Francis University
February 22, 2021

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter on behalf of Mikenna Beattie. Ms. Beattie is interested in a teaching
position in your school district. I met Ms. Beattie this semester. I serve as her student teacher
supervisor at Saint Francis University.
What struck me most about Ms. Beattie’s teaching is her immediate command of the classroom
and connection to her students. She is creative and innovative in her lessons and relate them to
the interests of her student, to help them connect to the content. She is well prepared and
With Covid-19 outbreaks, she often must adapt her daily plan for virtual learning. She can do
that quite effectively, due to knowledge of technology, which she utilizes daily. She is adept
with Google Suite, Nearpod, and Zoom, as well as other software. Ms. Beattie has great
interpersonal skills, which makes her relatable to student and staff alike.
As a former high school principal and Assistant Superintendent, Mikenna Beattie is definitely the
type of teacher of English I would want to join my teaching staff. I highly recommend Mikenna
Beattie. Mikenna is a true educator who will be an asset to your school district. Please feel free
to contact me at or 814-932-0010.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Burlingame (signed electronically due to Covid-19)

February 19, 2021

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing to recommend Ms. Mikenna Beattie for a teaching position in your district. During her time with me as
a student teacher at the Hollidaysburg Area Senior High, Mikenna demonstrated effective teaching techniques,
professionalism, and an enthusiasm for the field of education.

At Hollidaysburg, Mikenna taught English 10, Honors English 10, and Creative Writing II. Her passion for literature
and teaching was apparent from her first day. Her optimistic personality shines through every lesson. Mikenna
motivates students to engage even in the toughest lessons. Her ability to transition between the lowest and highest
level of English class demonstrates her adeptness in the field. She modifies materials to ensure students are
individually challenged at the appropriate level. Furthermore, when a student struggles to understand a topic,
Mikenna skillfully explains complex ideas in a way that a tenth grader can truly grasp it.

Mikenna completed all professional duties during her time at Hollidaysburg. She attended faculty meetings,
instructed all classes, cooperated with a co-teacher, wrote effective and engaging lesson plans, and utilized
technology. Mikenna adapted lessons to meet the needs of IEP students, offered constructive feedback for students,
and conducted formative and summative assessments to ensure students were truly learning. Her knowledge of her
content is obvious in her lessons; from poetry to novels, Mikenna demonstrated an understanding for the essential
skills in the language arts classroom and remained in-touch with modern concepts most crucial to student success.

The 2020-2021 school year involved complex issues and concerns for even the most skilled teacher. .Mikenna
seamlessly adapted to all types of instruction. She transitions between full in-person learning and fully virtual
learning almost daily. She effectively used Google meets and programs like Nearpod to ensure student success no
matter where they were. Her ability to communicate with students and families in a professional manner was crucial
to the success of her classroom and also created a positive learning environment. Mikenna walks the line between
holding her students accountable and showing empathy in a way that typically only experienced educators can.

Overall, Mikenna brings passion, professionalism, and effective techniques to the classroom. I would be honored to
have Mikenna as a fellow teacher in my own department, so I know without a doubt she would be an excellent
addition at your school. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
or 814-937-3121.

Lindsay Detwiler
Hollidaysburg Area Senior High English Teacher

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